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That song for you before I go

Hope you would still remember me

We just want you keep your rights

Your right cold tell what are you cry That’s what for you before I go Goodbye your song that I can’t sing Get some heads just take for your wise They of your set mess behind

You know that I will be all right Before you worry’s behind

Say your love always from me

Don’t wander

Hold you again

I will make you want to stand

Love will be back someday

That song for you before I go

Hope you would still remember me

We just want you keep your rights

Your right cold tell what are you cry That’s what for you before I go Goodbye your song that I can’t sing

Get some heads just take for your wise They of your set mess behind

You know that I will be all right Before your worry’s behind

Say your love always from me

Don’t wander

Hold you again

I will make you want to stand

Love will be back someday

You know that I will be all right Before your worry’s behind

Say your love always from me

Don’t wander

Hold you again

I will make you want to stand

Love will be back someday


致最爱你的女人诗词 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。 是什么淋湿了 一弯秋水? 让我看不清、你远去的蹒跚。 是什么冻结了 一扇心扉? 让我握不住、你带给我的温馨。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。 是年少的轻狂、 切断了昔日, 我们的大手牵小手。 是成长的叛逆、 阻隔了昨夜, 我们的紧紧相拥。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。 手捧一束、 粉红的康乃馨, 缓缓地走过、 和你结缘的地域。

连着生命的脐带啊! 孕育着你一生最美的微笑。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。 一声哇哇啼哭、 成就你一头沧桑白发。 咿呀学语的那两个字:“妈妈” 让你学会“春蚕到死丝方尽”。 作业本上那朵小红花的章印, 铸就你的骄傲。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。 天好冷、夜好黑。 黯然的光线下, 有个女人在摆弄打毛衣的几根针。那冻疮化脓的双手, 在空中显得那样凄美、 多么想给她点爱的温度啊! 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。 一瞬间、 暴雨倾泻。 一把伞下、 两种心跳。 关切的目光,

恰似你的温柔。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。惨忆留在了校门口: 深情地唤著名字, 我抬头、 从远处狂奔, 一路上叫喊着“妈妈”, 迫切地想和你一同回家。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。儿时的每个清晨, 为我浣衣。 那娴熟的动作, 在空中划过, 成了、 让我最感动的弧度。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。时间的棱角、 被岁月无情地磨平。 你说自己老了, 我摇摇头, 回应了一句: 是我长大了。

她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。如今是多么热切的渴望, 像儿时一般、 在你的面前, 一遍又一遍地唱起, 世上只有妈妈好。 赢得你面容的喜悦。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。稚嫩终将会被成熟, 渐渐埋葬。 唯一的不变, 就是我会一直叫你“妈妈”。你会永远是, 我一个人的母亲。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。望着你、 失去洁白的眼眸, 常常看见 自己映在你眼中的影子 有好几次、 想拥抱着你大哭。 她睡着的时候,记得给个吻。

Lemon Tree中英文歌词

Lemon Tree I'm sitting here in a boring room 我坐在这个无聊的房间里 It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon 周日的午后又下着雨 I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do 除了消磨时间我没什么事情可做 I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you 我徘徊我在等待你的到来 But nothing ever happens and I wonder 但什么也没有发生我很诧异 I'm driving around in my car 我开着车四处闲逛 I'm driving too fast I'm driving too far 我开的太快也开得太远 I'd like to change my point of view 我想换一个角度看待一切 I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you 我觉得好寂寞我在等着你 But nothing ever happens and I wonder 但什么也没有发生我很诧异 I wonder how I wonder why 我想知道怎么了我想知道为什么Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky 昨天你还跟我说天空好蓝好蓝 And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree 但我却只看到一颗黄色的柠檬树 I'm turning my head up and down 我晃着脑袋上下观望 I'm turning turning turning turning turning around 我转来转去转来转去转来转去And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon-tree 看到的只是另一颗黄色的柠檬树 I'm sitting here I miss the power 我坐在这里我浑身乏力 I'd like to go out taking a shower 我想出去淋淋雨 But there's a heavy cloud inside my head 但脑海里萦绕着一片乌云 I feel so tired put myself into bed 我觉得好累只想躺在床上 Well, nothing ever happens and I wonder 什么事也没发生我很诧异 Isolation is not good for me 孤独并不适合我 Isolation, I don't want to sit on a lemon tree 我不想孤独地坐在柠檬树上 I'm stepping around in the desert of joy 我漫步在快乐的沙洲上 Baby anyhow I'll get another toy 宝贝无论如何我会找到另一个乐趣And everything will happen and you wonder 一切皆有可能到时候诧异的是你 I wonder how I wonder why 我想知道怎么了我想知道为什么Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky 昨天你还跟我说天空好蓝好蓝 And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree 但我却只看到一颗黄色的柠檬树 I'm turning my head up and down 我晃着脑袋上下观望 I'm turning turning turning turning turning around 我转来转去转来转去转来转去 And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree 看到的只是另一颗黄色的柠檬树

千与千寻Spirited Away(英文剧本)

Spirited Away C: I?ll miss you, Chihiro. Your best friends, Rile F: Chihiro, Chihiro, we?re almost there. M: This really is the middle of nowhere. I?ve got to go to the next town to shop. F: We?ll just have to learn to like it. Look, Chihiro, there?s your new school. Looks really good, doesn?t it? M: It doesn?t look so bad. C: It?s gonna stink. I liked my old school. Oh````Mom, my flowers are dying. M: I told you not to smother them like that. We?ll put them in water when we get to our new home. C: I finally get a bouquet, and it?s a good-bye present. That?s depressing. M: Daddy bought you a rose for your birthday. Don?t you remember? C: Yes, one. Just one rose isn?t a bouquet. M: Hold on to your card. I?m opening the window and quit whining. It?s fun to move to a new place. It?s an adventure. F: Wait, did I take the wrong turn? That can?t be right. M: Look, there?s our house. It?s that blue one on the end. F: Oh, you?re right. I must have missed the turn-off. This road should get us there. M: Honey, don?t take a short cut. You always get us lost. F: Trust me, it?s gonna work. C: What are these stones? They look like little houses. M: They?re shines. Some people think little spirits live there. C: Dad, I think we?re lost. F: We?re fine. I?ll get a full wheel drive. M: Sit down please, sweetie. Slow down. You?re gonna kill us. F: What?s that? M: What?s this old building? F: It looks like an entrance. M: Honey, get back in the car. We are going to be late. Oh for heaven?s sake. F: This building is not old. It?s fake. These stones are just made of plaster. C: The wind?s pulling us in. M: What is it? F: Come one. Let?s go in. I want to see what?s on the other side. C: I?m not going. It gives me the creeps. F: Don?t be such a scaredy cat, Hiro. Let?s just take a look. M: The movers will get to our house before we do. F: It?s alright. They?ve got the keys. They can start without us. M: Alright. Just a quick look. C: Forget it. I?m not going. Come on you guys, le t?s get out of here. F: Come on honey. It will be fun. C: I?m not going. M: Chihiro, just wait in the car then. C: But mom….Wait for me. F: Everybody watch your step. M: Chihiro, don?t cling like that. You make me trip. -What is this place? -Oh, do you hear that? - It sounds like a train. - We must be near a train station. - Come on. Let?s go and check it out. - What are those weird buildings? - I knew it. It?s an abandoned theme park. See? They built the everywhere in early 90s, then the economy went bad and they all went bankrupt. This must be one of them. - Where are you going? You said just a quick look. Now let?s go back. Did you hear that building? It was moaning. - It?s just the wind. Oh, what a beautiful place. We should have brought our lunch. Then we could have a picnic. - Look, they were planning to put a river here. En~~~ you smell that? Something smells delicious. - Yeah, I?m starving. - Maybe this theme park is still in business. Let?s go. - Chihiro, hurry it up. - Wait a minute! - Over there….This way. - How strange! They?re all restaurants. - Where?s everybody? - Aaa… There it is! Hey, I found it. Hi, you got to see this. In here. - Aaa… Look at this! - Hello in there. Does anybody work here? - Come in Hiro. It looks delicious. - Anybody? - Don?t worry honey. We can pay the bill when they get back. - Good plan. Hey that looks great. - I wonder what this is called. Oh… It?s delicious. Chihiro, you have to taste this. - I don?t want any. We?re gonna get in trouble. Let?s just get out of here. - Don?t worry. You?ve got daddy here. He?s got credit cards and cash. - Chihiro, you have to try this. It?s so tender. - Mustard? - Thank you. - Come on, you guys. You can?t - That?s weird. It?s a bath house. There?s the train. - You shouldn?t be here. Get out of here, now! - What? - It?s almost night. Leave before it gets dark. They are lighting the lamps. Get out of here. You?ve gotta get across the river. Go! I?ll distract them. - What?s up with him? - Mom, dad, come on, quit eating, let?s get out of here. Ahh~~~~Mom, dad, where are you?.....Water?!! What?... I?m dreaming! I?m dreaming! Come on, wake up! Wake up! This is a dream. Just a dream. Away, away. Disappear! Aaa~~~~~? I?m see-through! It?s just a bad dream. - Don?t be afraid! I just wantta help you. - No…No! - Open your mouth and eat this. You must eat some food from this world or else you?ll disappear. - No. - Don?t worry. It won?t turn you into a pig. Chew it and swallow. There you go. You?re all better. See for yourself. - I?m OK. - You see. Now come with me. - Where are my mom and dad? They didn?t really turn into pigs, did they? - You can?t see them now, but you will. Don?t move. That bird?s looking for you. You?ve gotta get out of here. - My legs, I can?t stand up. Help! What do I do? - Calm down. Take a deep breath. In the name of the wind and water within thee, unbind her. Get up. - You have to hold your breath when we across the bridge. Even the tiniest breath will break the spell and then everyone will see you. - I?m scared. - Just stay calm. I?m back from my mission. - Welcome back Master Haku. - Take a deep breath. Hold it. Hang on, almost there. - Master Haku, where?ve you been? What? A human? - Let?s go. - They know you?re here. - I?m sorry. I took a breath.

Lemon Tree 歌词-精选学习文档

Lemon Tree一歌由Fool's Garden(傻子的花园)于2019年首唱,2019年,一曲“LEMONTREE”(柠檬树)使这支原本寂寂无名的德国5人乐队一下子红遍欧洲、亚洲,同时也有The brothers four演唱的美国乡村版,在被苏慧伦翻唱后也开始为国人熟知。台湾歌手王若琳在2011年9月23日发行的专辑《为爱做的一切》中翻唱此曲。 歌词 I'm sitting here in the boring room. 我呆坐在这了无生趣的房间。 It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon. 又是一个周日的午后,又是阴雨连绵。 I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do. 我无事可做,我空耗着时间。 I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you. 我不安地徘徊,我期待着你的出现。 But nothing ever happens, and I wonder. 但是你终究没有出现,我纳闷。 I'm driving around in my car. 我出去转转,驾着我的车。 I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far. 我开得太快,我开得太远。 I'd like to change my point of view. 我宁愿转移一下我的注意力。

I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you. 我仍感到如此孤单,我期待着你的出现。 But nothing ever happens, and I wonder. 但是你至今没有出现,我纳闷。 I wonder how, I wonder why. 我不知所措,我不明所以。 Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky. 昨天你给我描绘那蓝色的、蓝色的天空。 And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. 但是我所看见的只有一株黄色的柠檬树。 I'm turning my head up and down. I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.我转着我的头,上上下下,我转啊、转啊、转啊、转啊、一遍又一遍 And all that I can see is just another lemon tree. 我所看见的只是另一株柠檬树。 Say,da ,da la da la, de la da,da la da la, de la da,da de le de da I'm sitting here, I miss the power. 我呆坐在这,我精疲力尽。 I'd like to go out taking a shower. 我宁愿出去沐浴一下。 But there's a heavy cloud inside my head. 但是这片阴云总在在我头脑中挥之不去。


蔡琴十大经典歌曲点评 上世纪70年代以民歌歌手身份开始涉足歌坛,随后出版了第一张唱片《出塞曲》。30年间,发行唱片近50余张,获奖无数,名曲有《恰似你的温柔》、《》、《最后一夜》、《新不了情》、《》、《》等,同时亦涉及广播、写作、电影、服装设计等多个领域,主持包括“金马奖”在内的多项大型活动,被誉为主持界的“名嘴”,这几年更是演出了多部舞台剧,包括大获好评的《天使不夜城》。 在歌坛,蔡琴有着极好的口碑。论者评价:蔡琴的歌就像一杯岁月的美酒,越是久远,越是香醇。她波澜不惊、低回委婉的歌声,是一种被遗忘了的古老语言,有着一种古典的浪漫,一种优雅的感伤。她影响的深远,甚至可以从一个例证中发现:在“发烧友”圈中,蔡琴的唱片都被作为。他们认为,只有器材能真实传达出她声音的魅力,才足够水准。 天涯歌女(收录于专辑《金片子1 天涯歌女》) 歌词摘读:天涯呀海角,觅呀觅知音,小妹妹唱歌郎奏琴,郎呀咱们俩是一条心。小妹妹想郎直到今,郎呀患难之交恩爱深…… 简评:其实《天涯歌女》是蔡琴早期的一首歌曲,原本是一代歌后周璇的代表作。由于蔡琴小时候特别喜欢听周璇那个年代老上海的歌,她就在自己出道初期翻唱了这首周璇的《天涯歌女》。现在蔡琴演绎的《天涯歌女》则是由著名音乐人伦永亮编曲的,在旧上海的基础上,增添了现代感和西方古典气息,比如出现了多重爵士伴音,以及一小段肖邦的钢琴练习曲。蔡琴过去在香港等地的演唱会,都唱过这首歌,而且改编后的歌曲全长8分钟左右,可以与美国经典歌曲《AmericanPie》的时间长度相比。 被遗忘的时光(收录于专辑《民歌蔡琴》 歌词摘读:是谁,在敲打我窗,是谁,在撩动琴弦,那一段,被遗忘的时光,渐渐地,回升出我心坎……


50首适合一个人静静听的歌分享 1.旅行的意义----------陈绮贞 2.忽然之间-----------莫文蔚 3.过云雨------------张敬轩 4.迟到千年----------苏打绿 5.幸福的路----------刘若英 6.一米阳光----------BOBO 7.各自远扬----------中孝介 8.拥抱-------------五月天 9.有你的快乐---------王若琳 10.第一个清晨----------王力宏 11.不想睡-----------陈晓东 12.同类-------------孙燕姿 13两个下雪的夜---------尚雯婕 14.围城---------------张靓颖 15春风吹---------方大同 16.旋木--------------袁惟仁 17.左边----------苏打绿 18.似曾相识----------陶喆 19.梦游---------孙燕姿 20.飞行中的思念---------刘若英

21.一首简单的歌--------王力宏 22.幸福的距离----------刘畊宏 23.一个人的行李---------戴佩妮 24.夏夕空----------中孝介 25.年华似水--------黄磊 26.似水年华--------黄磊 27.甜蜜蜜-----------黎明 28.南屏晚钟-------------蔡淳佳 29.一样的夏天--------孙燕姿 30.那年夏天宁静的海--------王心凌 31. 光--------刘若英 32.KATRINA ---------------陶喆 33.拥有你的日子--------------许飞 34.外面的世界-----------齐秦 35.寂寞的季节-----------陶喆 36.恰似你的温柔------------蔡琴 37远----------------------李健 38.最好的时光-------------张信哲 39.又见炊烟--------------王菲 40.温柔的种子-------------大道寺知世 41.再见---------------张震岳 42.五月天------------SHE

Lemon Tree中英文歌词教学文稿

L e m o n T r e e中英文 歌词

精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 Lemon Tree I'm sitting here in a boring room 我坐在这个无聊的房间里 It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon 周日的午后又下着雨 I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do 除了消磨时间 我没什么事情可做 I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you 我徘徊 我在等待你的到来 But nothing ever happens and I wonder 但什么也没有发生 我很诧异 I'm driving around in my car 我开着车四处闲逛 I'm driving too fast I'm driving too far 我开的太快 也开得太远 I'd like to change my point of view 我想换一个角度看待一切 I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you 我觉得好寂寞 我在等着你 But nothing ever happens and I wonder 但什么也没有发生 我很诧异 I wonder how I wonder why 我想知道怎么了 我想知道为什么 Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky 昨天你还跟我说天空好蓝好蓝 And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree 但我却只看到一颗黄色的柠檬树 I'm turning my head up and down 我晃着脑袋 上下观望 I'm turning turning turning turning turning around 我转来转去 转来转去 转来转去 And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon-tree 看到的只是另一颗黄色的柠檬树 I'm sitting here I miss the power 我坐在这里 我浑身乏力 I'd like to go out taking a shower 我想出去淋淋雨 But there's a heavy cloud inside my head 但脑海里萦绕着一片乌云 I feel so tired put myself into bed 我觉得好累 只想躺在床上 Well, nothing ever happens and I wonder 什么事也没发生 我很诧异 Isolation is not good for me 孤独 并不适合我 Isolation, I don't want to sit on a lemon tree 我不想孤独地坐在柠檬树上 I'm stepping around in the desert of joy 我漫步在快乐的沙洲上 Baby anyhow I'll get another toy 宝贝无论如何我会找到另一个乐趣 And everything will happen and you wonder 一切皆有可能 到时候诧异的是你 I wonder how I wonder why 我想知道怎么了 我想知道为什么 Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky 昨天你还跟我说天空好蓝好蓝 And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree 但我却只看到一颗黄色的柠檬树 I'm turning my head up and down 我晃着脑袋 上下观望 I'm turning turning turning turning turning around 我转来转去 转来转去 转来转去 And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree 看到的只是另一颗黄色的柠檬树


我只在乎你 oh my how i in your hand see the loving until night falls build a magic in a touch when may i just love you so much you can see me as you see all the ways the love can be giving my heart to you show the love you see as usual you kown my heart and how i feel in every way i have aways try to be the best again(best again) there are chances there,you find me for the harmony trying hard to find a way to make it right so i'm there,would you please don't ever go away as i can leave the day without ever you leave me only there would be hard times until we can see the light hold my hand and hold me tight standing believe love me is right it's not a easy road each of us will have alone why didn't we share it now you couldn't have to live so hard you kown my heart and how i feel in every way i have aways try to be the best again(best again) there are chances there,you find me for the harmony trying hard to find a way to make it right so i'm there,would you please don't ever go away as i can leave the day without ever you leave me 《野百合也有春天》英文版的歌词 Like flower in the spring Our love has blosom into life The air is filled with love and everlasting happiness Like the birds up in the sky that pass us by Feeling free and nothing can disturb them Don't you know the love I have for you cannot be measure by the hours Like raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and night And words ain't enough to tell you how much I feel deep down inside No matters what it takes our love will like forever morn. The love I have for you can not be measure by the hours Like raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and night And words ain't enough to tell you how much I feel deep down inside No matters what it takes our love will like forever morn. The love I have for you can not be measure by the hours Like raindrops that had filled the ocean in the day and night And words ain't enough to tell you how much I feel deep down inside No matters what it takes our love will like forever morn 选择英文版 looking in your eyes I see your smile looking in your eyes I see my dream notyhing can stop us we're heart to heart never to be apart I'm so glad to find you I will never lose you I will stay here with you through all good and bad times we will have each other no matter how far we are apart you belong to me and I belong to you I'll love you with my heart forever and ever I will think about you all my days and all nights we will be toghether baause our love will be for ever you belong to me youo will always be my love you belong to me I belong to you you will always be my love 心雨英文版 Sitting alone I keep thinking of you,love Try to get by All of my lonely time I can feel the rain Only now i hope like to Right now I'm feeling so blue Somehow, someday, somewhere,sometimes you're always on my mind It's been so long since I held you just when the time is right you will be mine And you know I will treat you right We have a love so how to find Sitting alone I keep thinking of you,love Trying to get by All of my lonely time I can feel the rain Only now i hope like to I never feeling so blue 恰似你的温柔英文版 That song for you before I go Hope you would still remember me We just want you keep your rights Your right cold tell what are you cry That’s what for you before I go Goodbye your song that I can’t sing Get some heads just take for your wise They of your set mess behind You know that I will be all right Before you worry’s behind Say your love always from me Don’t wander Hold you again I will make you want to stand Love will be back someday That song for you before I go Hope you would still remember me We just want you keep your rights Your right cold tell what are you cry That’s what for you before I go Goodbye your song that I can’t sing Get some heads just take for your wise They of your set mess behind You know that I will be all right Before your worry’s behind Say your love always from me Don’t wander Hold you again I will make you want to stand Love will be back someday You know that I will be all right Before your worry’s behind Say your love always from me Don’t wander Hold you again I will make you want to stand Love will be back someday


lemon tree的中文对照歌词 I'm sitting here in a boring room.我坐在这间空屋子里 It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon。这也只不过是另一个下雨的周日下午。I’m wasting my time, I got nothing to do.除了消磨时间我没什模事情可做。 I’m hanging around, I’m waiting for you。我四处张望,我在等待你的到来。 But nothing ever happens, and i wonder.但是好像什莫事情也未曾发生,我不知道。 I’m driving around in my car.我开着车出去兜风。 I’m driving too fast, I’m driving too far。我把车开得很快,开了很远。 I’d like to change my point of view。我想换种方式生活,换个角度看世界。 I feel so lonely, I’m waiting for you.我感觉到如此孤单,我在等你回来。 but nothing ever happens, and i wonder.但是什莫事也未曾发生,我不明白为什莫会这样。 I wonder how, i wonder why。我不知道怎莫办,我不知道为什莫会这样。yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.昨天你还给我讲那蓝蓝的天空会多莫美丽,生活会多莫美好。 and all that i can see is just a yellow lemon tree。但是我看见的只有一株柠檬树。I’m turning my head up and down。我摆动着我的头,上下上下,不停的摆动着我的头。 I’m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.我前后左右的看。(我左看右看上看下看) And all that i can see is just another yellow lemon tree.(不管我怎莫看)它也只是一株黄色的柠檬树。 Sing: da, dadadada didada,dadada didada, dadidada. I’m sitting here, and i miss the power.我坐在这里,身上没有了一丝力气。 I’d like to go out taking a shower。我想出去展示一下我自己。 but there's a heavy cloud inside my head.但有一片阴云在我脑中挥之不去。 I feel so tired, and put myself into bed.我感觉如此的疲惫,回到了家里把自己扔到了床上。 while nothing ever happens, and I wonder。也许什莫也没发生过,谁知道呢?Isolation is not good for me 孤独对我不好 Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon tree 我不想孤独地守着一颗柠檬树。I’m stepping around in a desert of joy.我在快乐的沙漠中踱步。 baby, anyhow I get another toy。宝贝,无论如何我要找到另外一种快乐。 and everything will happen, and you wonder。然后,所有事情都会发生,然而这一切你不会知道。 I’m turning my head up and down。我摆动着我的头,上下上下,不停的摆动着我的头。 I’m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.我前后左右的看。(我左看右看上看下看) And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree.(不管我怎莫看)它也只是一株黄色的柠檬树。 I wonder how, i wonder why。我不知道怎莫办,我不知道为什莫会这样。
