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The Eagle and the Raven


An eagle was trying to break open anut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him.The raven eyed the nut hopefully,"You'll never break it like that,"he said."If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I could,then drop the nut onto the rocks.It's the only way you'll get at the kernel."


The eagle flew up into the sky,then let the nut fall down,down,down to the ground.The raven hopped quickly from his branch and seized the nut in his beak. By the time the eagle had found his way back to the right place,all that was left was a broken piece of shell.











教 师专业测试试卷——初中英语 考试时间:120分钟 分值:120分 得分: 卷一.学科专业知识和教育学原理运用 I.单项选择(15分) ( )1.--I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over ______ keyboard. ---You shouldn ’t put drinks near ___ computer. A. the, / B. a, a C. the, a D. a, / ( )2. This dress still looks pretty on you, _______ it ’s out of style. A. since B. but C. though D. if ( )3. --- Do we look the same? --- Yes, there is no difference between _______ . A. you and I B. I and you C. me and you D. you and me ( )4. --- Would you like some noodles? --- __________ . I’m full. I can ’t eat any more. A. Yes, please. B. Sure C. No, thanks. D. Yes, I’d like some. ( )5. It’s difficult to live in a foreign country, _______ you don ’t know the language. A. exactly B. particularly C. usually D. especially ( )6. You’ll find it _____ great value in helping you find the lost child. A. of B. to C. for D. in ( )7. Always read the _____ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introduction ( )8. Although all of the apples _____, none of them _____ good. A. have tasted; are tasted B. have been tasted; are tasted C. have tasted; taste D. have been tasted; taste ( )9. It is believed that if a book is _____, it will surly _____ the readers. A. interested; interest B. interesting; interested C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest ( )10. We are all eager to watch the basketball match _____ on television because of Yi Jianlian. A. live B. alive C. living D. lively ( )11. –Wake up, Tom. --I _____ asleep while I was reading. A. should have fallen B. must have fallen C. could fall D. must fall ( )12. ---Do you like tea or coffee? --- , I really don’t mind. A .None B .Both C .Either D .Neither ( )13. If you go to the park tomorrow morning, _______ . A. so will he B. so he will C. so he does D. so does he ( )14. ---Did you have anyone ______ the trees? ---Yes ,I had the trees _______. A. to water ,water B. to water ,watered C. water ,to be watered D. water ,watered ( )15. ---If you have any trouble ,be sure to call me. ---__________. A. I am glad to hear that B. I will. Thank you very much C. I have no trouble D. I will think it over II. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) As my train was delayed for two hours, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some magazines to read on the journey, I gave my wife a long-distance call. Then I 16 my way to the luggage (行李) office to collect my heavy suitcase. I had _ 17 it there three days before. There were quite a few people waiting, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt ( 数据 )_ 18_ my case. The receipt seemed not where I had placed it. No matter how _ 19_ I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found. When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully (悲伤地) 20_ the assistant. The man looked me 21 as if to say that he had heard this kind of story many times _22_ my case was like. I told him it was an old brown-looking object no different _23_ the many cases I could see in his office. The assistant then told me to _24_ a list of what was mainly in the case. If they were _25_, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to remember all the things I had hurriedly_26_ into the case and wrote them down as they came to me. After I had done this, I went to 27 round the office. There were hundreds of 28_ there. For one 29 moment, it came to my mind that if someone had picked the receipt he could have easily taken the case already. This had not happened fortunately, for I found the case 30 in the corner. After examining the things inside, the assistant was satisfied that it was mine, and told me I could take the case away. ( )16. A. traveled B. gave C. had D. made ( )17. A. held B. left C. found D. forgotten ( )18. A. about B. to C. on D. for ( )19. A. often B. hard C. much D. soon ( )20. A. to B. for C. at D. on ( )21. A. now and then B. round and round C. up and down D. here and there ( )22. A. how B. what C. that D. all ( )23. A. from B. with C. to D. among ( )24. A. take B. make C. hold D. put ( )25. A. everything B. wrong C. correct D. all ( )26. A. left B. put C. held D. kept ( )27. A. go B. walk C. run D. look ( )28. A. people B. workers C. cases D. assistants ( )29. A. fearful B. interesting C. sad D. happy ( )30. A. putting B. setting C. placing D. lying III. 阅读理解(10分,每题2分) A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own languages by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents seems to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In the school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. Our mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our mind. Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. ( )31.We usually begin to learn our own language by it. A .teaching B .speaking C .saying D .hearing ( )32.If you have a good , you ’ll have less difficulty in learning something . A .camera B .teacher C .memory D .family ( )33.The children who live abroad with their parents can learn two languages more easily because________ . A .they have more chance to use these languages 学校: 姓名: 准考证号:


2020年最新 教师招聘考试作文范文 请以?教态?为话题,写一篇800字以上的作文。要求:条理清晰,不得抄袭。 1.参考范文 教师应和学生一起成长 教师的职业是特殊的,因为教师工作的对象是学生,是一个个具有鲜活生命和独特个性的生命个体,这就决定了教师是塑造人的事业,应该以人为本。教师在教学中的地位是?平等中的首席?,也就是说教师与学生是平等的,教师的唯一使命便是在与学生的平等交往中促进他们的身心发展,因此学生成长的过程也就体现出教师成长的过程,从学生的发展足以看出教师的发展。在教学和师生交往活动中,专业化的教师可以快速促进学生的发展,而不够专业的教师对学生的发展可能起到的是延缓和阻碍的作用。所以既然选择了教师这一职业,要想胜任它,就必须把精力放在学生身上,走教师专业化之路,让自身不断提高和成长。 第一,要深入研究学生。学生总是千差万别的,不同年龄阶段的学生在身心上有不同的特点,学生的性别、家庭、性格等也影响着学生,就是同一个学生在不同时期也是不同的。因此,作为教师必须深入研究学生的特点,把握学生的不同特征进行针对性的教育教学,才能促进他们发展。 解。 备课要备学生。备课不仅仅是研究教材,设计教案的过程,更要考虑学生,考虑学第二,要关注学生发展。课堂教学的成效应看学生的发展。一节课有没有实效,重点看学生,看学生的参与情。从学生实际出发选择合适的教法,设计教学方案才是有效的。多途径了解学生。可以通过观察、谈话等正面了解,也可以从同学、家长等侧面了程度、思维深度和广度、情感状况和情绪状态,而不在于使用什么样的教学方法,动用了什么样的教学设备。学生的三维目标得以提升,这就是有实效的好课。 要关注学生的全面发展。即要在课堂中实现三维目标的整合,不仅仅是知识的传授和技能的训练,更重要的是体验过程,掌握方法,升华情感及品味价值。教学过程应是精细化的,从细微之处抓住教育契机,引导和教育学生。 要让每个学生都得到发展。学生总有差别,而教育也不是要制造相同的产品。教师应尊重学生的差别,不必苛求学生们都达到同一高度,同一水平。只要他在原有水平上有所提


2009年某市初中教师招聘英语教师考 试试题(上) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ( ) 1.This course is must for students who want to work in the film industry as editor. A. 不填; B. a ; an C. 不填;the D. a ; the ( ) 2.To order tickets for 2008 Olympic Games, just call 952008. It be simpler. A. must B. could C. mustn’t D. couldn’t ( ) 3.As we know, tomatoes can be cooked, juiced, eaten whole, sliced or . A. whatever B. whenever C. however D. wherever ( ) 4.We asked both John and Jerry, but could offer a satisfactory answer. A. either B. neither C. nothing D. none ( ) 5.China is developing a rural health care service system, I am sure more peasants will benefit. A. of which B. from which C. in which D. about which ( ) 6. –What if I do badly at the job interview? – You should have confidence in yourself.


教师招聘考试初中英语教师笔试试题与答案 ××年××县招聘初中英语教师笔试试题全卷分英语专业知识和英语教育理论与实践两部分,满分100分。考试时间120分钟。题号得分一二三四五总分总分人第一部分英语学科专业知识一、基础知识运用第一节单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。( ) 1. ’ , ’t . A. a B. C. a D. a ( ) 2. , . A. B. ( ) 3. . A. ’s C. ’s ( ) 4. , _ A. B. C. B. ’s D. ’s D. C. D. ( ) 5. , , . A. B. D. C. ( ) 6. . A. ; B. ; C. ; D. ; ( ) 7. . A. B. C. D. 初中英语学科试卷第 1 页共31 页( ) 8. —. a .—I’. ’s . A. , ’ C. - , B. - , ’D. , - ( ) 9. — ! I . ? — , ’t . . A. B. C. D. ( ) 10. — . —. . A. B.

C. D. 第二节:完形填空通读下面的短文,然后从后面各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。. 11 . I a . , , , a . 12 . . 14 , . I . 13 . 15 . , a ’s . 16 , . 17, 3. . 17 . . 18 17, 3. ? ’s ? , , 初中英语学科试卷第 2 页共31 页“ .” 19. a , “, I , I a . 20 a . , .” , . ( )11. A. B. C. D. . ( )12. A. B. C. D. ( )13. A. B. C. D. ( )14. A. B. C. D. ( )15. A. B. C. D. ( )16. A. B. C. D. ( )17. A. B. C. D. ( )18. A. B. C. D. ( )19. A. B. C. D. ( )20. A. B. C. D. 二、阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A , . , . . , .


姓名:班级:专业:______________ 注意事项 1.在作答前,请考生用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在试卷和《学科专业知识答题卡》的相应位置填写本人姓名和准考证号,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上准确填涂准考证号。 2.本试卷满分100分,共分两部分:第一部分为客观题,共50道题,计50分,其中第1~20题每题0.5分,第21~40题每题1分,第41~50题每题2分,试题均为四选一的单项选择题,作答时请用2B铅笔在《学科专业知识答题卡》指定区域填涂,在试卷上作答一律无效。第二部分为主观题,共四道大题,计50分,作答时请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在《学科专业知识答题卡》指定区域作答,在试卷上、草稿纸上或答题卡的非指定区域作答一律无效。 3.考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交监考老师,严禁将试卷和答题卡带出考场。 4.严禁折叠答题卡。 第一部分客观题 I.Vocabulary and Structure(Questions1to20) Directions:In this part,there are20incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in_______. A.the other B.some other C.others D these others 2.—How can I use this washing machine? —Well,just refer to the_______. A.explanations B.expressions C.introductions D.directions 3.—I’d like________information about the management of your hotel,please. —Well,you could have________word with the manager.He might be helpful. A.some;a B.an;some C.some;some D.an;a 4._______girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0616034540.html,lion of B.Many million of C.One million of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0616034540.html,lions of 5.Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his________one. A.better-known B.well-known C.best-known D.most-known 6._______production up by60%,the company has had another excellent year. A.As B.For C.With D.Through 7.________in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A.To wait B.Have waited C.Having waited D.To have waited 8.If only I_______how to operate an electronic computer as you do. A.had known B.would know C.should know D.knew 9.—I’m sorry;I shouldn’t have been so rude to you. —You________your temper but that’s OK. A.have lost B.had lost C.did lose D.were losing 10._______in this room that our first meeting was held. A.Just when B.When C.Where D.It was 11.—Now let’s move on to another topic.Do you follow me? —Yes,_______,professor. A.it is good B.I will C.perfectly D.very good 12.I have been living in the United States for twenty years,but seldom_______lonely as now. A.have I felt B.I had felt C.I have felt D.Had I felt 13.—Your brother often disagrees with you,_______he? —_______.We often have different opinions. A.does;Yes B.doesn't;Yes C.does;No D.doesn't;No 14.—Is John coming by train? —He should,but he_______not.He likes driving his car. A.must B.can C.need D.may 15.The time is not far away________modern communications will become widespread in China’s vast countryside. A.as B.when C.until D.before 16.—Could you tell me_______in your hometown in winter? —Sure. A.whether does it often snow B.whether it often snows C.if it often snow D.if does it snow 17.Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and_______it is rough or smooth. A./ B.whether C.how D.what 18.Nobody believed his reason for being absent form the class_______he had to meet his uncle at the airport. A.why B.that C.where D.because 19.If you are a traveler without a guide leading the way,you need to_______a guide book for details of your journey. A.refer to B.stick to C.lead to D.add to 20.________he thought he was helping us with the work,he was actually in the way. A.Although B.Unless C.Because D.When II.Cloze(Questions21to40) Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and 2021年江西省中小学教师招聘考试初中英语模拟卷(六)


教师招聘考试作文范文 请以“教态”为话题,写一篇800字以上的作文。要求:条理清晰,不得抄袭。 1.参考范文 教师应和学生一起成长 教师的职业是特殊的,因为教师工作的对象是学生,是一个个具有鲜活生命和独特个性的生命个体,这就决定了教师是塑造人的事业,应该以人为本。教师在教学中的地位是“平等中的首席”,也就是说教师与学生是平等的,教师的唯一使命便是在与学生的平等交往中促进他们的身心发展,因此学生成长的过程也就体现出教师成长的过程,从学生的发展足以看出教师的发展。在教学和师生交往活动中,专业化的教师可以快速促进学生的发展,而不够专业的教师对学生的发展可能起到的是延缓和阻碍的作用。所以既然选择了教师这一职业,要想胜任它,就必须把精力放在学生身上,走教师专业化之路,让自身不断提高和成长。 第一,要深入研究学生。 学生总是千差万别的,不同年龄阶段的学生在身心上有不同的特点,学生的性别、家庭、性格等也影响着学生,就是同一个学生在不同时期也是不同的。因此,作为教师必须深入研究学生的特点,把握学生的不同特征进行针对性的教育教学,才能促进他们发展。 多途径了解学生。可以通过观察、谈话等正面了解,也可以从同学、家长等侧面了解。 备课要备学生。备课不仅仅是研究教材,设计教案的过程,更要考虑学生,考虑学情。从学生实际出发选择合适的教法,设计教学方案才是有效的。 第二,要关注学生发展。 课堂教学的成效应看学生的发展。一节课有没有实效,重点看学生,看学生的参与程度、思维深度和广度、情感状况和情绪状态,而不在于使用什么样的教学方法,动用了什么样的教学设备。学生的三维目标得以提升,这就是有实效的好课。 要关注学生的全面发展。即要在课堂中实现三维目标的整合,不仅仅是知识的传授和技能的训练,更重要的是体验过程,掌握方法,升华情感及品味价值。教学过程应是精细化的,从细微之处抓住教育契机,引导和教育学生。 要让每个学生都得到发展。学生总有差别,而教育也不是要制造相同的产品。教师应尊重学生的差别,不必苛求学生们都达到同一高度,同一水平。只要他在原有水平上有所提高,我们就应该大力表扬鼓励他的进步,使之获得成就感,从而产生源源不断的动力。每个学生身上都有可赞赏之处,用欣赏的眼光看待这些闪光点,让每个学生都充满成功的喜悦。 第三,向学生学习。 专业化发展的教师不是躲在象牙塔里的圣者,而应该是参与实践,在教学上炉火纯青的师者:如饥似渴地读书,不耻下问的学者。不仅仅去学理论,更应注重实践。教学的过程是总结经验、提升理论的过程,而得到的理论应再次指导自己的教学,这样就构成了教学的“反刍”。只有不断地反刍,才能使教师自身不断成长,走上专业化之路。 总之,学生是教学理论之源,要想寻求教学的活水,就必须以学生为出发点,学生会告诉我们教学的真谛。研究学生,关注学生,我们才能不脱离教学实践,向学生学习,我


历届江西教师招聘考试初中英语真题及答案 第一部分客观题 Part Ⅰ(每空0.5分,共10分) 1.When I saw Tom, I stopped and smiled, but he ( A ) me and walked on. A.ignored B.refused C. denied D. missed 2.The man’s( A )was described as impatient in contrast to his wife’s. A. character B. personality C. nature D. property 3.His decision to sail B his belief that the world was round. A. counted on B. rested on C. depended on D. rested with 4.The plain occupies the west, south and central parts of the continent, though considerable variations are to be found over so ( C ) an area. A. expensive B. expansive C. extensive D. intensive 5. ( D ) ,I agree with you. Practically speaking, however, I don’t think your idea would work. A. In general B. In public C. In practice D. In principle 6. ( A ) might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed. A.As B. That C. It D. What 7.- ( C ) I sit here by the window? -Yes, of course you . A. May???might B. Might???might C. Could???can D. Could???could 8.As they usually receive the same score in standardized examinations, there is often disagreement as to ( B ) is the better student, Bob or Helen. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 9.-Do you think living in the country has advantages? - ( D ). A. Yes, it is B. Yes, perfectly C. Nothing at all D. Well, that depends 10.It was the training that he had as a young man( A ) made him such a good orator. A. that B. what C. which D. who 11.-How do you know that Mary was angry? -I could tell( D ) her face. A. for B. with C. to D. by 12.Every teacher and pupil at Eton Girl’s college is proud of( B )school. A. his B. her C. their D. one’s 13.Suppose you were given a chance to go abroad, you accept? A. would B. will C. shall D. do 14.Bob, ( B ) Japanese at college, offered to translate the article for me. A. learned B. having learned C. being learned D. to have learned 15.-Have you gone to see the doctor? -No, but( D ). A.I go B. I’m going to see C.I go to see D. I’m going to


培训机构招聘初中英语教师笔试试题 (满分120分,时间90分钟) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Washington, D.C. Bicycle Tours Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration: 3 hours This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, D.C. Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability – and the cherry blossoms – disappear! Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration: 3 hours (4 miles) Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C. Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration: 3 hours Morning or Afternoon, this bike tour is the perfect tour for D.C. newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, D.C. in a healthy way with minimum effort. Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks. Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route (路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour Duration: 3 hours (7 miles) Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington, D.C. Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and


中学英语教师招聘考试试题及答案(高考卷一) 第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 答案是 B。 21. The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _____ wemeet them again. A. after B. before C. since D. when 22. Little _______ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his ownway i n this business. A. he realized

B. he didn't realize C. didn't he realize D. did he realize 23. The teacher __ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn't have wasted time onhim, I s uppose. A. should B. can C. would D. must 24. -- Was Martin sorry for what he' d done? -- ___________. It was just like him! A. Never mind B. All right C. Not really D. Not surprisingly 25. In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ________.

教师招聘考试 教育写作范文(一)

11、终身学习与教师职业发展 古语云:“学而优则仕”,却未曾道“仕而优则学何为”?古诗文:“少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤”。劝勉年轻人珍惜时光固然有理,但“少壮”果真是“努力”的唯一区间么?“老大”便不能一心向学且学有所成么?法国教育家保罗·朗格朗提出的终身学习观念,使我们获取了对学习的全新认识。 终身教育,是指与人的生命有共同外延,并扩展到社会各个方面的连续性教育,它是指人类可持续发展的必需,更是教师职业成长的必需。 庄子曾言:“吾生也有涯而知也无涯”。一方面,专心求学期间所学习的文化知识仅是人类世代积累文化精华的冰山一角;另一方面,科技发展日新月异的当今时代,不断涌现的新知识快速充实的原有的知识体系。终身学习已成必然。因此,作为身负“传道,授业,解惑”责任的教师,在培养年轻一代的过程中,理应树立终身学习观念,不断提高自身素质,这是对学生负责,对家长和社会负责,更是对教师这一神圣职业的尊重与诠释。 终身学习,必须与时俱进,善于学习。所谓“要给学生一杯水,教师要有一桶水,甚至是长流水。”要有长流水,必然要常学常新。教师应对新的科学知识,尤其是本学科的最新成果保持高度的敏感性,及时整合并不断扩充原有的知识结构。同时,应熟练运用现代教育技术手段,勤学敏思,善于交流,掌握科学有效的学习方法。 终身学习,还应恒于研究,勤于反思。教师应树立教育科学研究的观念,主动研究教育科学工作,研究学生,研究自身的成长与发展。通过研究,把握教育规律和学生身心发展规律,指导自己的教学工作并注入新的活力。同时,还应做到“吾日三省吾身”,及时反思自己的言行举止和工作得失,在反思中求进步,求成长。 另外,教师作为学校最重要的师表,必须用自己的行为和态度感染学生,使其尽早树立终身学习的观念:同时,坚持“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”的教育理念,指导学生掌握正确的学习方法,提高学生的自主学习能力,为适应学习型社会的终身学习打下坚实基础。 “问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”。作为教师,学习不应只是阶段性的任务,而应成为终生的主题。让我们从自身做起,共同努力,使学习贯穿教师成长的全过程,并与每个教师的工作,生活融为一体,真正成为促进教师职业可持续发展的“源头活水”! 2、爱之深,请宽容 俗话说:“爱之深,责之切。”对于这句话的正确性我深表怀疑。所谓人无完人,金无足赤,成人都经常犯错,更何况是身心俱不成熟的孩子?面对孩子所犯的错误,我们应如何处理呢?是声嘶力竭的责骂,还是咄咄不休的数落?其实,爱与宽容可以让教育更有温度。 宽容,应当成为教育的底色,教师更应该有一颗宽容之心,这是一种师长风范,更是一种人文关怀。 宽容,是一种教育的智慧。 我国著名教育家陶行知先生四块糖的故事正体现了宽容的智慧。面对与别人打架的学生,陶行知先生并未出言责备,而是始终怀抱一颗宽容之心,用一块块甘甜的糖果赞赏男生每一个小小的闪光点,在褒奖与赞扬中实现了对男生思想的转化,凸显出宽容的力量和教育的智慧。教育是一门艺术,因为它的对象是具有极大可塑性的鲜活生命。孩子是发展中的人,是与成年人具有极大差异性的个体,因此,在处理学生问题时,应摒弃“恨铁不成钢”的心理,避免简单粗暴的教育方式,转而采取委婉、机智的教育手段,将宽容作为师生之间的润滑剂,只有这样,才能使学生自觉地内化教育影响,取得事半功倍的教育成效。
