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.其中★高概率考点词▲为重点考点词●●其他考点词×为永赔词汇 1. AS a ________ a On weekends my grandma usually ________ a glass of wine. ★A. subscribes to同意支付款项2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(2)

1. Even though he was guilty, the ________ judge did not send him to prison. A. mer ★6. If you ________ the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthier.(短语题) A. ta 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(3)

1. The peotry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains s We are writing to the manager ________ the repairs recently carried out at the above addre 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(4)

1. By ________ computation, he estimated that the repais on the house would cost him a 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(5)

1. Why should anyone want to read ________ of books by great authors when the real ple 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(6)

★1. Reading ________ the mind only with materials of knowledge, it is thinking that m 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(7)

1. His career was not noticeably ________ by the fact that he had never ben to college 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(8)

1. There was once a town in this couontry where all life seemed to live in ________ wi 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(9)

1. While nuclear weapons present grave ________ dangers, the predominant crisis of ove 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(10)

1. The directions were so ________ that it was impossible to complete the assignment. 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(11)

1. Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really ________ of the reality tha 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(12)

1. We rarely perceive more than a minute ________ of the sights and sounds that fall u 2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(13)

1. The Space Age ________ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was laun


1. It took us only a few hours to ________ the paper off all four walls. A. shear剪2010年6月大学英语六级考试高频词汇大辩析(15)

1. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important ________ of

a ________ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instru

ibes to同意支付款项★submit to (六级)提交上交递交describe描述★ascribe to归因于归咎于(无名词) B. o prison. A. merciful使人摆脱惩罚和痛苦地使人获得心灵安慰的人道主意的(mercy仁慈grace恩典) ★B. r.(短语题) A. take off (take取得拿到) B. keep off远离不接近 C. get off下车离开…… get on上

cause it contains so many ________ references. A. obscure (重音第二个) B. acute (cute聪明伶俐b at the above address.(短语) A. with the exception of 【exception除了】 B. with the purpose of se would cost him a thousand dollars. A. coarse粗糙的 ×B. rude C. rough崎岖的rough diamond

s when the real pleasure comes from reading the originals. A. digests B. insights C. themes is thinking that makes what we read ours. A. rectifies改正纠正(错误行为)【correct正确modify修改】ever ben to college. ×A. prevented (不会考,简单) B. restrained C. hindered 【be hindered】live in ________ with its surroundings. A. coincidence n一致巧合(coincident adj同时发生的) B. inant crisis of over population is with us today. A. inevitable肯定如此的千篇一律的不可避免的 te the assignment. A. ingenious B. ambitious野心勃勃得(形容人的)形容(idea plan)宏大而艰苦的 of the reality that they represent. A. reflections反映,表现,影响,(水中的倒影) B. demonstra sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the great majority pass us by. A. fiction虚构的捏造的【m satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. A. initiated (initial起初的开始的,initiative起初阶段

A. shear剪羊毛的大剪子

B. scrape刮擦清除

C. stroke (strike过去分词)击打


ortant ________ of American lige. A. fashions加了s表示时尚 B. frontiers前线前沿 C. facets宝

nstruments. A. flexible灵活的,柔韧的n. flexibility (灵活性,柔韧性.考过2次) ★B.

咎于(无名词) B. engages in engage订婚engage in忙于做某事参加某项活动 C. hangs on坚韧坚持(on漂浮慈grace恩典) ★B. impartial不徇私情的公正的part部分partial片面的impart传授教授 C. conscientious 车离开…… get on上车登上…… D. set off激起引起动身启程 根据句子逻辑意思判断 不同动词+同一

cute (cute聪明伶俐boney多骨的bony美丽的可爱的) C. notable重要的显著的(★odour气味) D. objectiv with the purpose of 【purpose以…为目的】 C. with reference to = refer to (提到) D. with a vie 崎岖的rough diamond外表粗糙内心善良的人 ×D. crude B. rude D. crude是一对难兄难弟不会考的 a

sights C. themes主题(四级都不考) D. leaflets (嫩嫩的叶子)活页印刷品反页印刷品传单 original原rect正确modify修改】 B. prolongs延长时间长度 C. furnishes 【furnish = provide supply供给;家具装ered 【be hindered】 D. refrained B. D.为两个障眼词 answer:C 2. When trapped in driftin j同时发生的) B. harmony和谐n (disharmony不和谐disharmornious adj 【harmonious adj和谐的】) C. 一律的不可避免的 B. constant永恒的永远的 ★C. overwhelming占绝对多数的压倒优势的 ●●D. pote lan)宏大而艰苦的 C. notorious臭名昭著的非常的极端的【02年考研翻译:crow is notorious poor.乌鸦乃是影) B. demonstrations说明演示 C. illuminations照明照亮(illustration说明例证) ×D. reproduct tion虚构的捏造的【motion fiction/picture电影novel小说truth/report】 B. function功能v坐动词表示“运,initiative起初阶段主动地位领先优势initiate v某事发生) B. orginated (origin、originate from某事从

 D. chip削 chop砍 answer:B 2. The famous scientist ________ his success to

前沿 C. facets宝石的刻面,事务的不同方向 ×D. formats格式公式 file文件档案 answer:C

 ★B. versatile形容人多才多艺的,形容工具用途广泛的vers代表随时可以变换的n. versatilit

gs on坚韧坚持(on漂浮在空中) D. indulges in沉溺于纵情于享受于 葡萄酒只能对酌不能独饮 变成名词 C. conscientious良心有责任心的认真的(con sci en tious) ×D. conspicuous明显的显著的一人注目的不断 不同动词+同一介词看动作指向 同一动词+不同介词看介词指向 off远离 (55题B. take on穿衣服

气味) D. objective客观的真实的 peotry诗 references :参考书典故推荐信 reference letter (推到) D. with a view to【view观点不是风景】 介词+名词+介词只看中间地名词 prefer更喜欢 prefe 兄难弟不会考的 answer:C 2. Your story about the frog turning into a prince is ________ nonsen

品传单 original原著 answer:A 2. Parents have a legal ________ to ensure that their childre de supply供给;家具装修(furniture家具fur动物皮毛)】 D. minimises zigzag曲折 it is thinking t trapped in drifting sadns, do not struggle, or you will be ________ in deeper. A. absorbed吸收吞adj和谐的】) C. uniform D. alliance联盟联合 answer:B 2. The court considers a financial 势的 ●●D. potential (见54题) adj潜在的n潜力 over population人口爆炸 present predominan orious poor.乌鸦乃是世间平凡鸟(乌鸦极端平常)】 ▲D. ambiguous (中性词)含糊不清的模棱两可的 ▲d ) ×D. reproductions复制再生 mirror (《空镜子》翻译应该是water mirror (透明的镜子如水,希腊神话n功能v坐动词表示“运转工作”▲deprive of剥夺 C. fraction碎片 D. friction摩擦冲突 rarely originate from某事从某处发源sb originate sth某人发明/创造什么东西) C. embarked (embark on doing s

s to hard work. A. imparted (impart传授赋予) B. granted = agree with政府的资助 

案 answer:C 2. Parents often faced the ________ between doing what they felt was good for the

tility DVD = Diaital Versatile Disc ★C. sophisticated特定领域成就着著的学识渊博的女

不能独饮 变成名词时,后缀为 - scription ▲prescribe开药方 ▲prescription药方 answer:D 的显著的一人注目的不择手段让人出名 guilty罪过罪孽 sin罪恶 original sin原罪 even though转5题B. take on穿衣服 take off脱衣服脱下卸下 answer:B 7. He was ________ to steal the money

reference letter (推荐信)= recommendation letter (推荐信) ★absurd荒谬的可笑的(男人爱女人爱不死) efer更喜欢 preference n倾向 right - handed preference answer:C 6. When I said goodbye t is ________ nonsense. A. shear剪羊毛(做名词为剪羊毛的剪子) ★B. sheer完全的纯粹的【by sheer c

that their children are provided with effcient education suitable to their age. ×A. impluse冲动 it is thinking that makes what we read ours.只有思索才能让我们了解自己 有知识不等于有文化 a A. absorbed吸收吞并(高中词不考) B. pushed (初中词) C. heaved (heave举起重物) D. sucked (吸nsiders a financial ________ to be an appropriate way of punishing him. A. payment支付的款项付款 esent predominant更为可怕的是 grave严肃的严重的 answer:D 2. This is the ________ piano 的模棱两可的 ▲dilemma左右为难的 ●●notorious臭名昭著地 ●●notion概念定义 ●●notable重的镜子如水,希腊神话,两面都可以照到,生活是多样的透明的)) answer:A 2. It is through learning 擦冲突 rarely barely仅仅刚刚几乎不能 barely前的数字比barely后面的数字大 answer:C ●● (embark on doing sth开始一件令人激动的事情) ★D. commenced (commence重大的事件及历史时期的开始) 

资助 C. ascribed (ascribe to归因于归咎于) ×D. acknowkedged承认接受 ▲承认接受

lt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise

博的女性事故的老练的naive女性单纯的纯真的naivety n. simple simplicity单纯 ×D. prod

药方 answer:D 7. The people living in these apartments have free ________ to that swimming po 罪 even though转折 answer:A 2. The education ________ for the coming year is about $4 bill to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table. ×A. dragged (drag拽拉拖) B. tempted诱惑

(男人爱女人爱不死) ★obscure晦涩的(才华横溢的人饿不死) ★ambiguous模棱两可的晦涩难懂的(我辈中人en I said goodbye to her, she ________ the door.(短语题错题题意不清楚) A. saw me at在门口看着我 的纯粹的【by sheer chance完全处于偶然】 C. shield盾牌 D. sheet薄片床单(考试时候的一张纸) ans

×A. impluse冲动 B. obligation ×C. influence影响 D. sympathy 【adj. sympathetic 】 a 识不等于有文化 answer:A 2. If the fire alarm is counted, all residents are requested to _____物) D. sucked (吸吮) trap受困于n.陷阱 entrapment trip偷天陷阱 suck some body's brains剽窃ment支付的款项付款 B. obligation义务职责 C. option v选择n期权 D. penalty违反法律或者规则的惩the ________ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works. ×A. true B. orig 定义 ●●notable重要的有趣的 ●●noticeable明显的显著的 ●●noticed引人注目的 该题4个答案is through learning that the individual ________ many habitual ways of reacting to situations. × answer:C ●●2. For many patients, institutional care is the most ________ and heneficial form 件及历史时期的开始) launch发射升空 lease租约 answer:D 2. John said that he didn't quite

认接受考过:recognise/identify/be acquainted with answer:C 3. It is difficult to undisciplined noise and destructiveness. A. paradox似是而非的矛盾的悖论的 B. junction交汇之处 

productive具有创造力的produce answer:B 2. There are not many teachers who are

to that swimming pool. ★A. access中性词have access to自由进出的权利accession to WTO accession to ar is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected. ×A. allowance皇帝给宠臣的零) B. tempted诱惑某人做坏事 ★C. elicited引起激起 D. attracted被善良美好的东西所吸引 ★ig

的晦涩难懂的(我辈中人,吃安毕圭) instant dictionary快速字典(文曲星) answer:A 2. The major w me at在门口看着我 B. set me off (set off开始做…动身启程到…) C. sent me to (人不能用sent打发的时候的一张纸) answer:B 3. I could see that my wife was ________ having that fur coat, whether

sympathetic 】 answer:D 3. Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical prof requested to ________ in the courtyard. A. converge运动物体的会合不通思想及思潮的荟萃 B. asse me body's brains剽窃 reflesh心旷神怡耳目一新 answer:D 3. To ________ for his unpleasant ex 违反法律或者规则的惩罚代价n点球 appropriate合适的适合的 answer:D 3. It is true that ______×A. true B. original就考了这一次(最初的最先存在的原创的) ×C. real D. genuine形容人:真诚的目的 该题4个答案都有ous answer:D 2. Because a degree from a good university is the means t o situations. ×A. retains = keep (太简单) ×B. gains ×C. achieves实现(会出achieviment/acc and heneficial form of care. A. persistent坚持的 B. appropriate合适的适合的 C. thoughtful为at he didn't quite ________ and asked me to repeat what Ihad said. A. snatch up掠夺忽然行动 B.

lt to ________ of a plan to end poverty. A. speculate (speculate on猜想) B. conc

. junction交汇之处 C. dilemma进退两难的境地 D. premise前提 between……and…… answer:C 

are strong ________ of traditional methods in English teaching. A. sponsors赞助商 

to WTO accession to = have access to (进入某地的权利,美国越长的词越有文化) ×B. excess多余过剩ex owance皇帝给宠臣的零花钱,政府颁发的津贴,经费(享受国务院津贴的教授)【subsidy补助费】 ▲B. reserv 的东西所吸引 ★ignite点燃引起(阶级仇,民族恨) resist the temptation拒绝诱惑 中性词tempting吸

A 2. The major was asked to ________ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions (人不能用sent打发的意思)【sent Tim to Lejing Tim是一只dog】 D. showed me to (show sb to the door fur coat, whether I approved of it or not. A. intent on热衷于 ×B. adequate for (不在六级中选

of the medical profession women are in a ________. A. scarecity缺乏(指物质) B. shortage (short 潮的荟萃 B. assemble人群聚集组装汽车(零件) C. crowd D. accumulate courtyard天井四合院 r his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was food for him. A. commence开始(commen is true that ________ a wild plant into a lajor food crop such as wheat requires much research time. nuine形容人:真诚的诚实的形容物体:真实的天然的真皮real leather = genuine leather A. true和C. rea sity is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ________ areas in Japanese life. 会出achieviment/accomplishment成就) ▲D. acquires获得获取需要 habitual ways习惯方式 ▲acqua C. thoughtful为他人着想的沉思的 D. sufficient足够的≠ insufficient缺乏的 institutional car p掠夺忽然行动 B. summon up鼓起勇气积累信心 C. catch on D. watch out当心 ▲表示明白的六级

conceive (conceive of设想考虑) C. ponder深思熟虑【ponder on/upon 】 D. reckon 【d…… answer:C 3. Clark felt that his ________ in one of the most dramatic medical experiment

助商 ×(阅读会考) B. contributors捐款人捐助人投稿人contribution贡献 ★C. advocat

B. excess多余过剩excessive adj exceed超越A match B. A跟B一样的水平A exceed. B. A超越B. ×

C.费】 ▲B. reservation预定(酒店)(六级每次都是开会酒店满了……) C. budget预算

D. finance金融( 中性词tempting吸引人的有趣的 tempter诱惑者 (褒义) attracting有吸引力 (中性) lure引诱

to raise questions. ×A. constrain (只要在选项中就不选) ×B. conduct指挥(过于简单的词) ★C show sb to the door把某人送到门口) 按照英美国家的礼仪,送客人只送到门口 answer:D 7. In the e for (不在六级中选,六级只会考inadequate不足够不充分) ×C. short of (不会出现在六级答案中) D.

B. shortage (short)

C. minimum最小量最低额

D. monority少数少数派少数民族 but转折表示少数 rtyard天井四合院 castle城堡 as - 前缀的单词 ascertain探索确定make certain assert主张断言commence开始(commencement n.学位授予仪式) ★B. compromise妥协 C. compensate补偿(compensition n much research time.(填培养) A. multiplying动作的繁殖 B. breeding培育养育(动植物均可)【breeding A. true和C. real在一起2个都要划掉6级考不到这么细 answer:B 3. Comparison and contrast are Japanese life. ●●A. sophisticated ⑴在文化和艺术领域成就非凡的,造诣精深的 ⑵事故的,老练的习惯方式 ▲acquaintance ⑴同事同志朋友⑵亲密关系经验知识 answer:D 3. Generally, it is only institutional care慈善机构照顾的方式 『2000.06 41 For many patients, institutional care is t ▲表示明白的六级2个词组 make sense of (make sense) / catch on =understand answer:C 3. W

kon 【reckon考虑认为reckon with/speculate on/conceive of阅读会考:contemplate沉思状】 

medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent. A. apprehension领悟忧虑

vocates V鼓吹提倡n.拥护者提倡者(希腊神话,辩护士,古罗马的辩护场滔滔不绝的人) ×D. p

B. A超越B. ×

C. excursion短途旅行

D. recreations create娱乐休闲(重新创造) entertainment娱乐 D. finance金融(banking银行security保险insurance证券foundation基金) 教育预算 answer:C 3 (中性) lure引诱 (贬义) induce引诱某人做坏事 terrific stunning极好的 fantastic (美好的)英

过于简单的词) ★C. condense浓缩使简介(density密度) ★D. converge豫东物体的集聚和汇合思想和思潮的wer:D 7. In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is ________ the 在六级答案中) D. deficient in (不足够) de=no 【sufficient足够的】 approved of同意 account f

 but转折表示少数 maximum最大量最大额 minimize使最小化 maximize使最大化 answer:D ▲4 n assert主张断言 sert = join insert插入 assume假定假设 assumption aswer:B 3. T 补偿(compensition n.补偿) D. compliment恭维称赞(complement n.补足物, [文法]补语, [数]余角vt.补助,植物均可)【breeding n一代人new breeding新新人类anger generation六十年代愤怒的一代beat generation垮掉n and contrast are often used ________ in advertisements. A. intentionally故意的intention意图企图 ⑵事故的,老练的 ▲B. competitive竞争激烈的 C. considerate为别人着想的,体谅别人的= thought nerally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ________ to violence in order to escape. A itutional care is the most ________ and beneficial form of care. A. pertinent B. appropriate answer:C 3. When he tried to make a ________, he found that the hotel that he wanted was compl

状】 设想构想 ponder/reckon考虑 answer:B 4. Now the cheers and applause __ ehension领悟忧虑 B. appreciation C. presentation D. participation参加(四级) the underwen
