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4、给了一个H(z)= , 求冲击响应,若求冲击响应。A,B忘记具体数值,此题属于常规题目,历年多次涉及。







四、|H(jw)|2= 1/(1+w4),求其相应的最小相移函数,求最小相移函数的冲击响应。












A Absolutely integrable 绝对可积Absolutely integrable impulse response 绝对可积冲激响应Absolutely summable 绝对可和Absolutely summable impulse response 绝对可和冲激响应Accumulator 累加器 Acoustic 声学 Adder 加法器 Additivity property 可加性 Aliasing 混叠现象 All-pass systems 全通系统 AM (Amplitude modulation ) 幅度调制 Amplifier 放大器 Amplitude modulation (AM) 幅度调制Amplitude-scaling factor 幅度放大因子Analog-to-digital (A-to-D) converter 模数转换器Analysis equation 分析公式(方程)Angel (phase) of complex number 复数的角度(相位)Angle criterion 角判据 Angle modulation 角度调制Anticausality 反因果

Aperiodic 非周期 Aperiodic convolution 非周期卷积Aperiodic signal 非周期信号Asynchronous 异步的 Audio systems 音频(声音)系统Autocorrelation functions 自相关函数Automobile suspension system 汽车减震系统Averaging system 平滑系统 B Band-limited 带(宽)限的 Band-limited input signals 带限输入信号 Band-limited interpolation 带限内插 Bandpass filters 带通滤波器Bandpass signal 带通信号 Bandpass-sampling techniques 带通采样技术Bandwidth 带宽 Bartlett (triangular) window 巴特利特(三角形)窗Bilateral Laplace transform 双边拉普拉斯变换Bilinear 双线性的 Bilinear transformation 双线性变换 Bit (二进制)位,比特


吴楠电子与通信工程2014309013 Signal processing Signal processing is an area of electrical engineering and applied mathematics that deals with operations on or analysis of signals, in either discrete or continuous time, to perform useful operations on those signals. Signals of interest can include sound, images, time-varying measurement values and sensor data, for example biological data such as electrocardiograms, control system signals, telecommunication transmission signals such as radio signals, and many others. Signals are analog or digital electrical representations of time-varying or spatial-varying physical quantities. In the context of signal processing, arbitrary binary data streams and on-off signalling are not considered as signals, but only analog and digital signals that are representations of analog physical quantities. History According to Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, the principles of signal processing can be found in the classical numerical analysis techniques of the 17th century. They further state that the "digitalization" or digital refinement of these techniques can be found in the digital control systems of the 1940s and 1950s.[2]


《信号与系统》(第3版)习题解析 目录 第1章习题解析 (2)

第2章习题解析 (6) 第3章习题解析 (16) 第4章习题解析 (23) 第5章习题解析 (31) 第6章习题解析 (41) 第7章习题解析 (49) 第8章习题解析 (55)

第1章习题解析 1-1 题1-1图示信号中,哪些是连续信号?哪些是离散信号?哪些是周期信号?哪些是非周期信号?哪些是有始信号? (c) (d) 题1-1图 解 (a)、(c)、(d)为连续信号;(b)为离散信号;(d)为周期信号;其余为非周期信号;(a)、(b)、(c)为有始(因果)信号。 1-2 给定题1-2图示信号f ( t ),试画出下列信号的波形。[提示:f ( 2t )表示将f ( t )波形 压缩,f (2 t )表示将f ( t )波形展宽。] (a) 2 f ( t - 2 ) (b) f ( 2t ) (c) f ( 2t ) (d) f ( -t +1 ) 题1-2图 解 以上各函数的波形如图p1-2所示。

图p1-2 1-3 如图1-3图示,R 、L 、C 元件可以看成以电流为输入,电压为响应的简单线性系统S R 、S L 、S C ,试写出各系统响应电压与激励电流函数关系的表达式。 题1-3图 解 各系统响应与输入的关系可分别表示为 )()(t i R t u R R ?= t t i L t u L L d ) (d )(= ?∞-= t C C i C t u ττd )(1)( 1-4 如题1-4图示系统由加法器、积分器和放大量为-a 的放大器三个子系统组成,系统属于何种联接形式?试写出该系统的微分方程。 S R S L S C


《信号与系统》专业术语中英文对照表第 1 章绪论 信号(signal) 系统(system) 电压(voltage) 电流(current) 信息(information) 电路(circuit) 网络(network) 确定性信号(determinate signal) 随机信号(random signal) 一维信号(one–dimensional signal) 多维信号(multi–dimensional signal) 连续时间信号(continuous time signal) 离散时间信号(discrete time signal) 取样信号(sampling signal) 数字信号(digital signal) 周期信号(periodic signal) 非周期信号(nonperiodic(aperiodic)signal) 能量(energy) 功率(power) 能量信号(energy signal) 功率信号(power signal) 平均功率(average power) 平均能量(average energy) 指数信号(exponential signal) 时间常数(time constant) 正弦信号(sine signal) 余弦信号(cosine signal) 振幅(amplitude) 角频率(angular frequency) 初相位(initial phase) 周期(period) 频率(frequency) 欧拉公式(Euler’s formula) 复指数信号(complex exponential signal) 复频率(complex frequency) 实部(real part) 虚部(imaginary part) 抽样函数Sa(t)(sampling(Sa)function) 偶函数(even function) 奇异函数(singularity function)


数字信号处理 一、导论 数字信号处理(DSP)是由一系列的数字或符号来表示这些信号的处理的过程的。数字信号处理与模拟信号处理属于信号处理领域。DSP包括子域的音频和语音信号处理,雷达和声纳信号处理,传感器阵列处理,谱估计,统计信号处理,数字图像处理,通信信号处理,生物医学信号处理,地震数据处理等。 由于DSP的目标通常是对连续的真实世界的模拟信号进行测量或滤波,第一步通常是通过使用一个模拟到数字的转换器将信号从模拟信号转化到数字信号。通常,所需的输出信号却是一个模拟输出信号,因此这就需要一个数字到模拟的转换器。即使这个过程比模拟处理更复杂的和而且具有离散值,由于数字信号处理的错误检测和校正不易受噪声影响,它的稳定性使得它优于许多模拟信号处理的应用(虽然不是全部)。 DSP算法一直是运行在标准的计算机,被称为数字信号处理器(DSP)的专用处理器或在专用硬件如特殊应用集成电路(ASIC)。目前有用于数字信号处理的附加技术包括更强大的通用微处理器,现场可编程门阵列(FPGA),数字信号控制器(大多为工业应用,如电机控制)和流处理器和其他相关技术。 在数字信号处理过程中,工程师通常研究数字信号的以下领域:时间域(一维信号),空间域(多维信号),频率域,域和小波域的自相关。他们选择在哪个领域过程中的一个信号,做一个明智的猜测(或通过尝试不同的可能性)作为该域的最佳代表的信号的本质特征。从测量装置对样品序列产生一个时间或空间域表示,而离散傅立叶变换产生的频谱的频率域信息。自相关的定义是互相关的信号本身在不同时间间隔的时间或空间的相关情况。 二、信号采样 随着计算机的应用越来越多地使用,数字信号处理的需要也增加了。为了在计算机上使用一个模拟信号的计算机,它上面必须使用模拟到数字的转换器(ADC)使其数字化。采样通常分两阶段进行,离散化和量化。在离散化阶段,信号的空间被划分成等价类和量化是通过一组有限的具有代表性的信号值来代替信号近似值。 奈奎斯特-香农采样定理指出,如果样本的取样频率大于两倍的信号的最高频率,一个信号可以准确地重建它的样本。在实践中,采样频率往往大大超过所需的带宽的两倍。 数字模拟转换器(DAC)用于将数字信号转化到模拟信号。数字计算机的使用是数字控制系统中的一个关键因素。 三、时间域和空间域 在时间或空间域中最常见的处理方法是对输入信号进行一种称为滤波的操作。滤波通常包括对一些周边样本的输入或输出信号电流采样进行一些改造。现在有各种不同的方法来表征的滤波器,例如: 一个线性滤波器的输入样本的线性变换;其他的过滤器都是“非线性”。线性滤波器满足叠加条件,即如果一个输入不同的信号的加权线性组合,输出的是一个同样加权线性组合所对应的输出信号。


信号与系统英文专业词 signal and system 信号与系统 digital signal 数字信号 exponential 指数级数analog signal 模拟信号 generalized 广义级数 exponential signal 指数信号Fourier transform 傅立叶变换 sine signal 正弦信号 (DFT) discrete Fourier transform 离散傅立叶变换 cosine signal 余弦信号 angular frequency 角频率 region of convergence 收敛域 axis (Abscissa )of convergence 收敛轴(坐标) effective value 有效值 discontinous point 间断点(不连续点) rational fraction 有理分式 initial state 初始状态 linear system 线性系统 original state 起始状态 nonlinear system 非线性系统 time-shifting property 时移特性 time –invariant system 时不变系统 odd function 奇函数 time-varying system 时变系统 even function 偶数函 continuous-time system 连续时间系统 odd harmonic function 奇谐函数 discrete-time system 离散时间系统 singularity function 奇异函数 lumped-parameter system 集总参数系统


专业课习题解析课程 第1讲 第一章信号与系统(一)

专业课习题解析课程 第2讲 第一章 信号与系统(二) 1-1画出下列各信号的波形【式中)()(t t t r ε=】为斜升函数。 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)( (3))()sin()(t t t f επ= (4))(sin )(t t f ε= (5))(sin )(t r t f = (7))(2)(k t f k ε= (10))(])1(1[)(k k f k ε-+=

解:各信号波形为 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)( (3))()sin()(t t t f επ= (4))(sin )(t t f ε=

(5)) t f= r ) (sin (t (7)) f kε = t ) ( 2 (k

(10))(])1(1[)(k k f k ε-+= 1-2 画出下列各信号的波形[式中)()(t t t r ε=为斜升函数]。 (1))2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε (2))2()1(2)()(-+--=t r t r t r t f

(5))2()2()(t t r t f -=ε (8))]5()([)(--=k k k k f εε (11) )]7()()[6 sin( )(--=k k k k f εεπ (12))]()3([2)(k k k f k ---=εε 解:各信号波形为 (1))2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε (2) )2()1(2)()(-+--=t r t r t r t f


第一章 信号与系统(二) 1-1画出下列各信号的波形【式中)()(t t t r ε=】为斜升函数。 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)( (3))()sin()(t t t f επ= (4))(sin )(t t f ε= (5))(sin )(t r t f = (7))(2)(k t f k ε= (10))(])1(1[)(k k f k ε-+= 解:各信号波形为 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)(

(3)) ()sin()(t t t f επ= ( 4))(sin )(t t f ε=

(5)) t f= r ) (sin (t (7)) f kε = t ) ( 2 (k

(10))(])1(1[)(k k f k ε-+= 1-2 画出下列各信号的波形[式中)()(t t t r ε=为斜升函数]。 (1))2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε (2) )2()1(2)()(-+--=t r t r t r t f (5))2()2()(t t r t f -=ε (8))]5()([)(--=k k k k f εε

(11))]7()()[6 sin()(--=k k k k f εεπ (12))]()3([2)(k k k f k ---=εε 解:各信号波形为 (1))2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε (2))2()1(2)()(-+--=t r t r t r t f

(5))2()2()(t t r t f -=ε (8))]5()([)(--=k k k k f εε


《信号与系统》专业术语中英文对照表 第 1 章绪论 信号(signal)系统(system)电压(voltage)电流(current)信息(information)电路(circuit)网络(network) 确定性信号(determinate signal)随机信号(random signal)一维信号(one –dimensional signal)多维信号(multi–dimensional signal)连续时间信号(continuous time signal)离散时间信号(discrete time signal)取样信号(sampling signal)数字信号(digital signal)周期信号(periodic signal)非周期信号(nonperiodic(aperiodic)signal) 能量(energy)功率(power)能量信号(energy signal)功率信号(power signal)平均功率(average power)平均能量(average energy)指数信号(exponential signal)时间常数(time constant)正弦信号(sine signal)余弦信号(cosine signal)振幅(amplitude)角频率(angular frequency)初相位(initial phase)周期(period)频率(frequency) 欧拉公式(Euler’s formula) 复指数信号(complex exponential signal)复频率(complex frequency)实部(real part) 虚部(imaginary part) 抽样函数Sa(t)(sampling(Sa)function)偶函数(even function) 奇异函数(singularity function)奇异信号(singularity signal)单位斜变信号(unit ramp signal)斜率(slope)


第一章 信号与系统(二) 1-1画出下列各信号的波形【式中)() (t t t r ε=】为斜升函数。 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)( (3))()sin()(t t t f επ= (4))(sin )(t t f ε= (5))(sin )(t r t f = (7))(2)(k t f k ε= (10))(])1(1[)(k k f k ε-+= 解:各信号波形为 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)( (3))()sin()(t t t f επ= (4))(sin )(t t f ε= (5))(sin )(t r t f = (7))(2)(k t f k ε= (10))(])1(1[)(k k f k ε-+= 1-2 画出下列各信号的波形[式中)()(t t t r ε=为斜升函数]。 (1))2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε (2) )2()1(2)()(-+--=t r t r t r t f (5) )2()2()(t t r t f -=ε (8) )]5()([)(--=k k k k f εε (11))]7()()[6 sin( )(--=k k k k f εεπ (12))]()3([2)(k k k f k ---=εε 解:各信号波形为 (1))2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε (2))2()1(2)()(-+--=t r t r t r t f (5) )2()2()(t t r t f -=ε

(8) )]5()([)(--=k k k k f εε (11))]7()()[6sin()(--=k k k k f εεπ (12) )]()3([2)(k k k f k ---=εε 1-3 写出图1-3所示各波形的表达式。 1-4 写出图1-4所示各序列的闭合形式表达式。 1-5 判别下列各序列是否为周期性的。如果是,确定其周期。 (2))6 3cos()443cos()(2 π πππ+++=k k k f (5))sin(2cos 3)(5t t t f π+= 解: 1-6 已知信号 )(t f 的波形如图1-5所示,画出下列各函数的波形。 (1))()1(t t f ε- (2))1()1(--t t f ε (5))21(t f - (6) )25.0(-t f (7)dt t df ) ( (8)dx x f t ?∞-)( 解:各信号波形为 (1))()1(t t f ε- (2))1()1(--t t f ε (5))21(t f - (6) )25.0(-t f (7)dt t df )(

信号与系统signal and system英文版往年考试题1

Test (Chapter 1,2,3,4) 参考答案 I. Blank filling (Total scores 60, each scores 5. ) 1、 )0(1 f a (70%) 2、 2/1-(96%) 3、 )()(t t u e t δ+--(92%) 4、Piecewise function can be comprised by rectangular window functions(可以用矩形窗函数构造分段函数). Consider a signal )]1()([)(--=t u t u t t f ,the even component of )(t f is )(t f e = ,the odd component of )(t f is )(t f o = )]1()1()(2[2 +---t u t u t u t (46%) )]1()1([2 --+t u t u t (92%) 5、Consider a signal )]1()([)(--=t u t u t t e ,and )]1()([)(--=-t u t u e t h t ,so =)(*)(t h t e 。 (Express your answer by rectangular window function like

I.4) 先做微分 ?? ? ??<<-<<+-=--其他,02 1),2(10,1)(1t t e t e t t y t (76%) 6、Necessary and sufficient conditions for stability of the system is its impulse response ) (t h should be 【int(f(x),-inf,inf)=dx x f ?∞ ∞-)(】 ∞


(Partial) Solutions to Assignment 2 pp.73-76 1.16 In each of the following systems, let or be the input and or be the output. Determine whether each systems is (1) linear, (2) time invariant, (3) causal, (4) BIBO stable (g). (i). ans: omitted ---------------------------------------------------- 1.17 A linear time invariant system has impulse response Determine the output sequence for each of the followign input signals: (b) (f) (b) ans: h n is given by The z-transform of [] where ROC1: x n is given by z-transform of [] where ROC2: h n is given by Therefore, the z-transform of the output [] y n Perform inverse z to get []

(f) ans: using the same method as in (b) (details omitted ) ---------------------------------------------------- 1.18. A linear time invariant system is defined by the difference equation b. Determine the output of the system when the intpu is c. Determine the output of the system when the input is ans: omitted ---------------------------------------------------- 1.19 The following expressions define linear time invariant systems. For each one determine the impulse respnose (a) (e) (a) ans: the impulse response is (e) ans: the impulse response is ---------------------------------------------------- 1.20 Each of the following expressions defines a linear time invariant system. For each one determine whether it is BIBO stable or not (g) (k) BIBO: Bounded input and bounded output (g) ans: omitted (k) ans: omitted ---------------------------------------------------- 1.21. Using the geometric series, for each of the following sequence determine the z-transform and its ROC (d)


单位代码01 学号070110105 分类号 密级 文献翻译 数字信号处理的简单论述 院(系)名称信息工程学院 专业名称通信工程 学生姓名徐治明 指导教师赵春雨 2011年 4 月 5 日

英文译文 数字信号处理的简单论述 冈萨雷斯(美国) 一、数字信号处理的概述 数字信号处理是将信号以数字方式表示并处理的理论和技术。数字信号处理与模拟信号处理是信号处理的子集。 数字信号处理的目的是对真实世界的连续模拟信号进行测量或滤波。因此在进行数字信号处理之前需要将信号从模拟域转换到数字域,这通常通过模数转换器实现。而数字信号处理的输出经常也要变换到模拟域,这是通过数模转换器实现的。 数字信号处理的算法需要利用计算机或专用处理设备如数字信号处理器(DSP)和专用集成电路(ASIC)等。数字信号处理技术及设备具有灵活、精确、抗干扰强、设备尺寸小、造价低、速度快等突出优点,这些都是模拟信号处理技术与设备所无法比拟的。 数字信号处理的核心算法是离散傅立叶变换(DFT),是DFT使信号在数字域和频域都实现了离散化,从而可以用通用计算机处理离散信号。而使数字信号处理从理论走向实用的是快速傅立叶变换(FFT),FFT的出现大大减少了DFT的运算量,使实时的数字信号处理成为可能、极大促进了该学科的发展。 世界上三大DSP芯片生产商:1.德克萨斯仪器公司(TI) 2.模拟器件公司(ADI) 3.摩托罗拉公司(Motorola).这三家公司几乎垄断了通用DSP芯片市场。 数字信号处理的经典书籍是麻省理工学院奥本海姆编著的《Discrete Time Signal Processing》,有中译本《离散时间信号处理》由西安交通大学出版。现在是第二版。 二、特征和分类 信号(signal)是一种物理体现,或是传递信息的函数。而信息是信号的具体内容。 模拟信号(analog signal):指时间连续、幅度连续的信号。 数字信号(digital signal):时间和幅度上都是离散(量化)的信号。 数字信号可用一序列的数表示,而每个数又可表示为二制码的形式,适合计算机处理。 一维(1-D)信号: 一个自变量的函数。


《信号与系统》(第3版)习题解析 高等教育出版社

目录 第1章习题解析 (2) 第2章习题解析 (6) 第3章习题解析 (16) 第4章习题解析 (23) 第5章习题解析 (31) 第6章习题解析 (41) 第7章习题解析 (49) 第8章习题解析 (55)

第1章习题解析 1-1 题1-1图示信号中,哪些是连续信号?哪些是离散信号?哪些是周期信号?哪些是非周期信号?哪些是有始信号? (c) (d) 题1-1图 解 (a)、(c)、(d)为连续信号;(b)为离散信号;(d)为周期信号;其余为非周期信号;(a)、(b)、(c)为有始(因果)信号。 1-2 给定题1-2图示信号f ( t ),试画出下列信号的波形。[提示:f ( 2t )表示将f ( t )波形 压缩,f (2 t )表示将f ( t )波形展宽。] (a) 2 f ( t - 2 ) (b) f ( 2t ) (c) f ( 2t ) (d) f ( -t +1 ) 题1-2图 解 以上各函数的波形如图p1-2所示。

图p1-2 1-3 如图1-3图示,R 、L 、C 元件可以看成以电流为输入,电压为响应的简单线性系统S R 、S L 、S C ,试写出各系统响应电压与激励电流函数关系的表达式。 题1-3图 解 各系统响应与输入的关系可分别表示为 )()(t i R t u R R ?= t t i L t u L L d ) (d )(= ?∞-= t C C i C t u ττd )(1)( 1-4 如题1-4图示系统由加法器、积分器和放大量为-a 的放大器三个子系统组成,系统属于何种联接形式?试写出该系统的微分方程。 S R S L S C


信号与系统习题集 第一部分:时域分析 一、填空题 1. =---)3()()2(t t u e t δ ( )。 2. The unit step response )(t g is the zero-state response when the input signal is ( ). 3. Given two continuous – time signals x(t) and h(t), if their convolution is denoted by y(t), then the convolution of )1(-t x and )1(+t h is ( ). 4. The convolution =+-)(*)(21t t t t x δ( ). 5. The unit impulse response )(t h is the zero-state response when the input signal is ( ). 6. A continuous – time LTI system is stable if its unit impulse response satisfies the condition: ( ) . 7. A continuous – time LTI system can be completely determined by its ( ). 8. =?∞∞-(t)dt 2sin 2 δt t ( ). 9. Given two sequences }1,2,2,1{][=n x and }5,6,3{][=n h , their convolution =][*][n h n x ( ). 10. Given three LTI systems S1, S2 and S3, their unit impulse responses are )(1t h , )(2t h and )(3t h respectively. Now, construct an LTI system S using these three systems: S1 parallel interconnected by S2, then series interconnected by S3. the unit impulse response of the system S is ( ). 11. It is known that the zero-stat response of a system to the input signal x(t) is ?∞-=t d x t y ττ)()(, then th e unit impulse response h(t) is ( ). 12. The complete response o f an LTI system can be expressed as a sum of its zero-state response and its ( ) response. 13. It is known that the unit step response of an LTI system is )(2t u e t -, then the unit impulse response h(t) is ( ). 14. =++-=?∞dt t t t t x ))1()1((2 sin )(0δδπ ( ). 15. We can build a continuous-time LTI system using the following three basic operations: ( ) , ( ), and ( ). 16. The zero-state response of an LTI system to the input signal )1()()(--=t u t u t x


信号与线性系统课后答案 第一章 信号与系统(一) 1-1画出下列各信号的波形【式中)() (t t t r ε=】为斜升函数。 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)( (3))()sin()(t t t f επ= (4))(sin )(t t f ε= (5))(sin )(t r t f = (7))(2)(k t f k ε= (10))(])1(1[)(k k f k ε-+= 解:各信号波形为 (2)∞<<-∞=-t e t f t ,)( (3))()sin()(t t t f επ=

(4)) fε t = (sin ) (t (5)) t r f= (sin ) (t

(7)) t (k f kε = ) ( 2 (10)) f kε k - = (k + ( ] )1 ( 1[ )

1-2 画出下列各信号的波形[式中)()(t t t r ε=为斜升函数]。 (1))2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε (2))2()1(2)()(-+--=t r t r t r t f (5) )2()2()(t t r t f -=ε (8))]5()([)(--=k k k k f εε (11))]7()()[6 sin()(--=k k k k f εεπ (12) )]()3([2)(k k k f k ---=εε 解:各信号波形为 (1) )2()1(3)1(2)(-+--+=t t t t f εεε

(2) )2 ( )1 ( 2 )( )(- + - - =t r t r t r t f (5) ) 2( ) 2( )(t t r t f- =ε


1.Consider an LTI system with input x[n] and output y[n] that satisfies the difference equation ]1[2 1][]2[81]1[43][--=-+-+n x n x n y n y n y a. Find the system function H(z). How many ROCs are associated with H(z)? For each case ,determine what type of the corresponding impulse response h[n]? b. If this system is causal, then is it stable ? Justify your answer .And whether )(jw e H exists or not ? If it exists , determine )(jw e H . 2.Consider the finite-length sequence x[n]={1,0,2,1},0≤n ≤3 , with an 4-point DFT given by x[k] . a. If the 4-point DFT y[k] of length-4 sequence y[n] is given by y(k)=][2k x w k , determine y[n]. b.If the 4-point DFT w[k] of length-4 sequence w[n] is denoted by w(k)=x 2[k],determine w[n]. c. If N-point DFTs are used in the two-step procedure , how should we choose N so that w[n]=x[n]*x[n] for 0≦n ≦N-1 ? Determine w[n] in the case also . Note: using the DFT properties without computing x[k]. 3.Given x[n]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6} be a length-7 sequence defined for 0≦n ≦6 , with X )(jw e denoting its DTFT a) Evaluate the following function without computing the transform itself : X(0j e ) ; w jw d e x 2|)(|?-ππ; b) Define Y[k] =X(e k j 52π), 0≦n ≦4, with y[n] denoting its 5-point IDFT.Determine y[n] without computing Y[k] and its IDFT .Can you recover X[n] from y[n]. 4. An IIR filter is described by the following system function : H(z)==-++++ z z z z ) 4.0)( 5.08.0(02.0362.044.022-++++z z z z z Determine and draw the following structures: (a) Direct from II (b) Cascade form. 5.Verify the identity equation


英文原文 The simulation and the realization of the digital filter With the information age and the advent of the digital world, digital signal processing has become one of today's most important disciplines and door technology. Digital signal processing in communications, voice, images, automatic control, radar, military, aerospace, medical and household appliances, and many other fields widely applied. In the digital signal processing applications, the digital filter is important and has been widely applied. 1、figures Unit on : Analog and digital filters In signal processing, the function of a filter is to remove unwanted parts of the signal, such as random noise, or to extract useful parts of the signal, such as the components lying within a certain frequency range. The following block diagram illustrates the basic idea. There are two main kinds of filter, analog and digital. They are quite different in their physical makeup and in how they work. An analog filter uses analog electronic circuits made up from components such as resistors, capacitors and op amps to produce the required filtering effect. Such filter circuits are widely used in such applications as noise reduction, video signal enhancement, graphic equalisers in hi-fi systems, and many other areas. There are well-established standard techniques for designing an analog filter circuit for a given requirement. At all stages, the signal being filtered is an electrical voltage or current which is the direct analogue of the physical quantity (e.g. a sound or video signal or transducer output) involved. A digital filter uses a digital processor to perform numerical calculations on sampled values of the signal. The processor may be a general-purpose computer such as a PC, or a specialised DSP (Digital Signal Processor) chip. The analog input signal must first be sampled and digitised using an ADC (analog to digital converter). The resulting binary numbers, representing successive sampled values of the input signal, are transferred to the processor,
