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图表写作:对比英国本科和PHD毕业生2003年的就业情况有:employment in

UK/unemployment/ further study/ combination of study and work/full-time employment overseas

论文写作:robots的开发,有人说是develop of humans' future有人说有negative effect on society。Discuss both and state your own opinion.


图表写作:比较UK三年的一个major road bridge 的车辆通行比例。Bar charts talking about the information of different types of vehicle used in a major road bridge in 1965, 1985 and 2005

论文写作:Some workplaces are employing an equal number of men and women. DO you think it is positive or negative? 2011.1.22

图表写作:两个柱图,分别是世界六个地区的人口比重和教育花费的对比。The graphs compared the distribution of the world of

population with the spending on education between developing and industrialized countries (new topic & chart) in 2000.

论文写作:What is the causes of anti-social behaves such as committing crimes. Who should take responsibility for dealing with it? 产生的原因和谁应该对此负责. 2011.1.22

图表写作:The chart below gives information about the population, literacy rate(male and female) and infant mortality rate in four different countries (Poland, Brazil, Egypt and Pakistan) in 2002.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

论文写作:Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the internet. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion. 2011.1.27

图表instructi on The chart below gives information about the population, literacy rate(male and female) and infant mortality rate in four different countries (Poland, Brazil, Egypt and Paskistan) in 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


考题文字:Some people think that it is

necessary to travel abroad to

learn about other countries, but

other people think that it is not

necessary to travel abroad

because all the information can

be seen at TV and the internet.

Discuss both opinions and give

your own opinion.


图表instruction The pie charts below give information about the water consumption in terms of agriculture, industry and domestic in four countries. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


考题文字:Tourism is an excellent way to

develop country, but it also can

cause some harm. How can a

country ensure tourism benefit

the development?


TASK 1: pie chart+ table, 讲的是Asia, Europe, US 和其他地方的游客去澳洲

holiday resort 的比例情况以及他们在那stay length,accommodations,main activity 的对比表格

TASK 2: Creative artists should be supported financially by government of their county or creative artists should

find finance support in other sources instead; discuss both views and give your own opinion.


图表The line chart shows the

number of music CDs brought

from different places in an

European country.Summarize

the information by selecting and

reporting the main features, and

make comparisons where



考题文字:Some people think that women

should play an equal role as men

in military force or police force,

others say women are not suited

for such kind of work. Discuss

both side and give your own


图表instructi The graphs below show the development of a village called

on Medway, which is rebuilt for

international sports. The first

graph is about the situation in

Medway in 2000 and the second

one is for the present.

Summarize the information by

selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons

where relevant.


考题文字:Many people believe that

counties should produce food

for all population eats and

import food as little as possible.

To what extent do you agree or


图表instructi The charts show the information of the percentage of people

on holding a driving licence in a

European country between

1976 and 2004.

Summarize the information by

selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons

where relevant.


考题文字:Some people believe

governments should spend

money in saving languages of

few speakers from dying out

completely. Others think this is

a waste of financial resources.

Discuss both views and give

your opinion.

图表instructi The bar charts below compare the contributions of

on employment opportunities

brought by agriculture, industry

and service trade in China, Italy

and the USA in 1980 and 2011.

Summarise the information by

selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons

where relevant.


考题文字:In some countries, children start school at the age of seven, so

they could have more time to

build relationship with their

parents. In other countries,

Some think that children start

school as young as possible.

Discuss both views and give

your own opinion.

图表instructi on The bar chart shows the recycling percentage of household waste including plastics, paper, cans and glass in 1992, 1997 and 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


考题文字:Competitiveness is a positive

quality for people to have

among most societies. How

does this competitiveness affect

individuals? Do you think it is a

positive or negative trend?

图表内容The bar graph gives information about the growth of

population in urban cities in certain countries of the world from 1950 to 2000,and also provides prediction for the future 2030.全世界,非洲,亚洲,拉美加勒比四个区域,1950,2000,和2030城市人口的比例。

议论文----话题类别科技类----考题文字:Computer technologies are more accessible and cheaper,as the result,more adults work at home and children study at home. Is this a positive or negative development?


图表instructi on The chart below gives information about the daily number of visitors entering a museum during summer and winter in 2003.

Summarize the information by

selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons

where relevant.


考题文字:Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged

because it gives ordinary people

freedom to travel further.

However, others think this leads

to environmental problem, so

air travel should be more

expensive in order to discourage

people from having it. Discuss

both views and give your own


图表种类Bar chart

图表instructi on The following bar charts show the percentage of performance of a bus company’s punctuality and the complaint of the passengers.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


考题文字:Every one believes that it is

important to protect the

environment however seldom

do that themselves.

Why is it important to protect

environment by ourselves?

What action should we do?

图表The line graph shows the

instructi on information about the number of enquiries received by telephone, by letter or email, and in person in tourism office in one city. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


考题文字:Too much money has spend on

looking after and repairing old

buildings, therefore, we should

knock down old buildings and

build modern ones instead. To

what extent do you agree or


图表instructi on The chart below shows the information about sales of fair trade concerning five products in the UK between 1998 and 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


考题文字:Foreign tourist abroad should be charged more than local people

when visiting the local historical

and cultural tourist attractions.

To what extent do you agree or


图表写作:The following line chart shows the number of books bought from

different sources in a European country

from 2000 to 2012.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

论文写作:Environmental problems are too

big for individual countries and individual people to address. We have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is to address it at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


图表写作:The charts show the proportion of different types of accommodations that travel makers take in three different years. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

论文写作:Individual greed and selfishness

has been the basis of the modern society. Some people think that we must return to the older and more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



论文写作:The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue? 2011.5.28

图表写作:The table below shows the population sizes and the rates of change

for four different parts from 1950 to 2000 in the world, and predicted population sizes and the rates of change from 2000 to 2050.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 论文写作:Many people believe that teachers should take the responsibility for the students to judge what is right and wrong and behave well, others feel that teachers should only teach academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


图表写作:The chart below shows the production of canned fruit.

Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features. (图表信息:水果罐头的制作工艺:水果熟,采摘--->装车,搬运到工厂,准备加工--->将好的挑出来,


论文写作:People set news as our knowledge of society, but people don’t make sure how far we trust in journalists. What is your opinion on this? And what qualities do you think journalist should have?


图表写作:The pie chart below shows the country of birth living in Australia, and the table tells information about percentage of country of birth living in different areas. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


1-5 科技类同不同意题型 Some people think that people who prefer to read for pleasure will have better imagination and language skills than people who like watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1-10 抽象类同不同意题型 The most important thing of people's life is his or her work. Without satisfying career, the life is meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1-12 教育类利弊分析题型 In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society? 1-19 教育类同不同意题型 Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? 2-2 科技类+教育类双边讨论题型 Some people think watching TV is bad for children, while others think that watching TV has more beneficial effects on children. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion 2-14 工作类双边讨论题型 Some people believe that young people should be free to choose his or her job, while others think that they should be realistic and think about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion


保代考试试题 (二) 单选题 1、根据我国普通家庭财产保险的规定,存放于房屋内的古玩字画属于(B)P175 A、可保财产 B、不可保财产 C、加费特约承保财产 D、不加费特约承保财产 2、人寿保险核保中,以下属于非影响死亡率要素的是(A) A、投保人财务状况 B、种族 C、职业 D、嗜好 3、保险合同中被保险人为了享有保险合同约定的赔偿或给付保险金权利,投保人 必须支付相应的保险费。这一特征说明保险金(B) A、单务合同 B、有偿合同 C、附和合同 D、诚信合同 4、生命表分为国民生命表和经验生命表。其中,编制国民生命表的资料来源是 (D) A、人口普查的调查统计

B、调查公司的调查资料 C、社保机构的记录资料 D、寿险公司的死亡记录 5、保险销售从业人员在执业活动中,应做到不影响客户的正常生活和工作,言谈 举止文明礼貌,时刻维护职业形象。这所诠释执业道德原则中的(A) A、客户至上原则 B、诚实信用原则 C、勤勉尽责原则 D、公平竞争原则 6、保险客户服务是保险经营的重要环节之一,保险客户服务的目标是(B) A、实现社会效益最大化 B、实现客户满意最大化 C、实现业务结构合理化 D、实现效益增长快速化 7、保险销售从业人员从事保险销售,应当遵守(C) A、法律、法规和经济管理部门规章 B、法律、法规和中国保监会的特殊规定 C、法律、行政法规和中国保监会的相关规定 D、法律、地方法规和中国保监会的一般规定 8、在万能保险中,保险人主要提供两种死亡给付保险方式(习惯上称为A方式和 B方式),即(A)P249 A、均衡给付方式和直接随保单现金价值的变化而改变的方式 B、波动给付方式和间接随保单现金价值的变化而改变的方式 C、递增给付方式和直接随保单账户资产的变化而改变的方式



2011.1.8 图表写作:对比英国本科和PHD毕业生2003年的就业情况有:employment in UK/unemployment/ further study/ combination of study and work/full-time employment overseas 论文写作:robots的开发,有人说是develop of humans' future有人说有negative effect on society。Discuss both and state your own opinion. 2011.1.15 图表写作:比较UK三年的一个major road bridge 的车辆通行比例。Bar charts talking about the information of different types of vehicle used in a major road bridge in 1965, 1985 and 2005 论文写作:Some workplaces are employing an equal number of men and women. DO you think it is positive or negative? 2011.1.22

图表写作:两个柱图,分别是世界六个地区的人口比重和教育花费的对比。The graphs compared the distribution of the world of population with the spending on education between developing and industrialized countries (new topic & chart) in 2000. 论文写作:What is the causes of anti-social behaves such as committing crimes. Who should take responsibility for dealing with it? 产生的原因和谁应该对此负责. 2011.1.22 图表写作:The chart below gives information about the population, literacy rate(male and female) and infant mortality rate in four different countries (Poland, Brazil, Egypt and Pakistan) in 2002.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


0107 国内 A 类小作文流程图大作文:需不需要把艺术课列为高中必修课。 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 Many universities offer online courses to student instead of delivering on campus. 积极还是消极 development 0112 国内小作文柱图大作文 Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 is it neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for 一大批年轻人? 0114 国内 A 类小作文 table 三年的 income output profit 大作文 Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, others think people cannot always enjoy their jobs. So having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 澳洲 A 类小作文饼图,大作文 some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? 0121 国内 A 类小作文饼图留在英国和离开的原因大作文:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. AD? 澳洲 A 类 3 个饼图关于中学生毕业后就业率,失业率和继续读书。大作文:很多年轻人花太多的课余时间在买东西上,这是不好的影响,agree or disagree。 0211 国内 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life ? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图买 food and other goods in three European countries


2015年2月28日雅思机经:写作 2.28小作文柱图,大作文是Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 2015年2月7日雅思写作机经 大作文: Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people?对于很多博物馆和历史遗迹而言,参观者多有游客,而非本地人,原因何在,如何吸引当地人? 小作文: 小作文双图,对比2008年英国男女性平均花在Household Activity和在Leisure Activity的时间,单位分钟每天。 G类: 小作文,写求职信,关于volunteer照顾local community的小孩,为什么感兴趣为什么认为自己适合和details of availibility。G类大作文,computer makes the world a better place.同不同意。 2015年1月31日雅思写作机经 雅思A类小作文柱图,大作文Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protection wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年1月29日雅思写作回忆(小鹏哥提供) 小作文:流程图 大作文:利弊讨论;新题出现 Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as south pole, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 很多科学家和游客喜欢去遥远的有自然美景的地方旅行,是否利大于弊? 2015年1月17日雅思机经(写作) 小作文:线图sales of books 比较四年的趋势 大作文: Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss. 作文考了“有些人认为我们应该控制噪音,有些人认为不应该,讨论两个观点,给出你


20140625日机考试题 一、下面4个选项中,只有1个答案符合题目要求(每题1分)。 1、在投资连结保险中,投资单位是保险人为了方便计算投资账户的价值而设计的一种()。P228 A、投资主体 B、投资形式 C、投资方法 D、计量单位 2、根据我国反不正当竞争法的规定,违反本法规定,给被侵害的经营者造成损害的,应当承担的法律责任是()。反法第20条 A、连带责任 B、刑事责任 C、行政责任 D、民事损害赔偿责任 3、根据《保险销售从业人员监管办法》的有关规定,以欺骗手段取得保险销售从业人员资格证书的,依法撤销资格证书,由中国保险销售管理委员会给予警告,并处()。销监管第28条 A、0.5万元以下的罚款 B、1万元以下的罚款 C、3万元以上的罚款 D、5万元以上的罚款 4、合同主体双方在自愿诚信的基础上,根据法律规定及合同约定,自行解决争议的方式被称为()。P81 A、调解 B、协商 C、仲裁 D、诉讼 5、在信用保险中,由于债务人本身原因致使不能履行或不能如期偿还的风险属于()。P204 A、政治风险 B、自然风险 C、商业风险 D、社会风险 6、保险合同中被保险人为了享有合同约定的赔偿或给付保险金权利,投保人必须支付相应的保险费,这一特征说明保险合同属于()。P48 A、单务合同 B、有偿合同 C、附和合同 D、诚信合同 7、李先生为本人投保了一年期的人身意外伤害保险及附加意外伤害医疗保险,保险金额分别为100万元、10万元,在保险期限内发生意外伤害致残,经有关部门鉴定,李先生的残疾程度为40%,保险公司应给付的致残保险金是()。P256 A、10万元 B、40万元 C、50万元 D、100万元 8、在健康保险中,保险人对所承保的疾病医疗保险金的给付责任,往往制定很多限制或制约性条款。其主要原因是()。P260 A、健康保险的风险大、不易控制和难以预测 B、健康保险的风险大、不易控制但易于预测 C、健康保险的风险小、易于控制且难以预测 D、健康保险的风险小、易于控制并易于预测 9、在我国,合同约定分期支付保险费,投保人支付首期保险费后,除合同另有约定外,投保人自保险人催告之日起超过三十日未支付当期保险费,或者超过约定期限六十日未支付当期保险费的()。保法第36条 A、合同效力中止 B、合同效力终止 C、合同自动解除 D、合同自然消失 10、根据法律和国务院授权,对保险销售从业人员实行统一监督管理的机构是()。保法第9条 A、中国人民银行 B、中国银监会 C、中国证监会 D、中国保监会 11、根据《保险销售从业人员监管办法》的有关规定,受理保险销售从业人员资格考试报名申请时必须满足的条件之一是()。销监管第7条 A、报考人员隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料,被宣布考试成绩无效刚满3个月 B、报考人员隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料,被宣布考试成绩无效刚满6个月 C、报考人员隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料,被宣布考试成绩无效刚满12个月 D、报考人员隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料,被宣布考试成绩无效已满36个月 12、某一定值保险合同的保险金额为100万元,在发生保险事故导致全损时,该保险标的的市场价值为80万元,对此保险公司的赔付金额是()。P50 A、64万元 B、80万元 C、90万元 D、100万元


Task One: two pie charts describing the percentages of the people staying in and movin g out of UK Task Two: Someone believes that a country should help its local residents, while others b elieve that the help should be given to the most needed. Discuss both of opinions and pr esent your opinion. 2010.01.14 Task One: a table describing the transportations of UK Task Two: Governments are more responsible for scientific research than private compan ies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2010. 01.23 Task One: a map describing the change of towns Task Two: The gap between the poor and rich gets larger. What cause the phenomeno n and how to solve it? 2010.1.30

Task One: a bar chart Task Two: Many people believe that there is a general increase in anti-social behaviour s and lack of respect for others. What cause the phenomenon and how to solve it? 2010.2.6 Task One: pie chart: the distribution of business time Task Two: Air travel is only beneficial to the richest people. To what extent do you agre e or disagree? 2010.2.20 Task One: three pie charts of course selection Task Two: Social development improves the living standard of the public. However, som e social values may get lost in the process. What are the advantages and disadvantage s of this phenomenon? 2010.2.27 Task One: table of British Population in three years


1/7/2017 流程smoked fish制作过程: 大作文:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important as other subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsory subject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 1/12/2017 小作文:柱状图,四个国家留学申请的人数比例 大作文:Many cities have vehicle-free days, when people are required or encouraged to take a bus, cycle or travel by taxi. Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages? 1/14/2017 Some people think job satisfaction is more important than job security. Others think that people cannot always expect enjoying jobs because working permanently is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. =20111119=20141025

The best solution to traffic congestion in cities is offering free transport 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


保代考试试题 (十) 单选题 一、根据《保险销售从业人员监管办法》的有关规定,保险公司发现保险代理机构及其保险销售从业人员销售其保险产品存在违法违规行为的,应当立即予以纠正。如果保险代理机构及其保险销售从业人员拒不改正,而保险公司不立即终止与保险代理机构的委托代理关系,由中国保险监督管理委员会责令改正,逾期不改正的,给予警告,并处()。 A、1万元以下的罚款 B、2万元以上的罚款 C、3万元以上的罚款 D、5万元以上的罚款 二、发生保险事故后,如果索赔申请人不能亲自到保险公司办理,而是委托他人代为办理,则委托人必须提交的文件是()。 A、申请人填写的《出险通知书》 B、申请人填写的《索赔申请书》 C、申请人签署的《出险通知授权委托书》 D、申请人签署的《理赔授权委托书》 三、根据《保险销售从业人员监管办法》的有关规定,保险销售从业人员管理档案登记的要求是()。

A、合理、合规、合法 B、及时、有效、便利 C、准确、规范、全面 D、及时、准确、完整 四、报名参加保险销售从业人员资格考试所要求的最低学历为()。 A、初中 B、高中 C、大专 D、大学本科 五、保险销售从业人员执业证书持有人的执业地域范围为()。 A、持有人的户籍所在地 B、持有人的工作所在地 C、持有人所在保险公司的经营区域 D、持有人的保险销售从业人员资格证书规定的从业地域范围 六、在风险管理中,以下方式属于财务型风险管理技术的是()。 A、避免 B、预防 C、自留 D、抑制 七、保险合同生效后,保险标的危险程度显著增加时,被保险人未履行危险增加通知的义务,保险人对因危险程度显著增加而导致的保险标的损失,可以采取的正确方式是()。


The leaders directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. What do you think? 2015年1月17日雅思写作真题 Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both view and give your opinion. 2015年1月29日雅思写作真题 Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as south pole, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 2015年1月31日雅思写作真题 Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protection wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年2月7 日雅思写作真题 Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people? 2015年2 月12 日雅思写作真题 Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased in order to make driving safer. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年2月14日雅思写作真题 The use of mobile phone is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking is banned in certain places so mobile should be banned like smoking.To what extend do agree or disagree? 2015年2月28日雅思写作真题 Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 2015年3月12日雅思写作真题 some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree? 2015年3月14日雅思写作真题 Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for their children, others believe that family members like grandparents can do a better job. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 2015年3 月21 日雅思写作真题 Some people believe famous people's support towards international aids organizations draws the attentions to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 2015年3月28 日雅思写作真题 Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people's writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2015年4月11 日雅思写作真题 Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems will be caused? And what are the solutions? 2015年4月18日雅思写作真题 Some people think only best students should be rewarded, others think we should reward students who make progress.


2017 年雅思写作真经(1-10 月) 2017年1月7日写作真题 Task 1流程图 Task 2教育类 Art classes,like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what exta nt do you agree or disagree? 卯

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1柱状图 The chart shows the number of international applications from four different countries to a Europea n coun try. Task 2环境类 Vehicle free day means the private cars, trucks and motocycles are banned in city cen tres. Only the bus, bicycles and taxis are permitted in the city cen ter. Do you thi nk the ben efits outweigh the disadva ntages?

2017年1月12日写作真题 Task 1表格题 The Table bekw shows the income 日n亡expenditure of Harckley Hafl r a pubic place fcr hirng over the period of three years. Task 2社会类 Somebody thinks job satisfact ion is more importa nt tha n job security, while others hold the opposite


2020年保荐代表人考试真题及答案解析精选 2011年保荐代表人考试真题及答案解析精选 单选题 第1题A公司为增值税一般纳税人,下列关于A公司相关固定资产说法正确的有() A.购买固定资产时增值税专用发票设备价款为500000元,增值税额为85000元,发生的运输费为1000元,则入账价值为501000元 B.固定资产折旧方法折旧由直线法改为年数总和法为会计估计变更 C.固定资产日常修理费用可以资本化 D.固定资产发生大修理支出50万元,并替换了其中20万元的原有设备,则应于资本化支出为50万元 参考答案:B 参考解析:A,考试时点,运输费1000元,只能按照93%计入固定资产入账价值;C,日常修理费用应费用化直接计入当期损益,一般计入管理费用,企业专设销售机构的,计入销售费用;D,应扣除被替换部分账面价值。 第2题某公司2010年自行研发无形资产,在达到预定用途之前研究阶段发生研发支出120万元,开发阶段符合资本化条件的工资支出为100万元,其他支出为140万元。2010年11月公司将该项无形资产入账,并按5年摊销。以下说法正确的有() A.2010年10月无形资产入账价值为240万元 B.2010年10月无形资产入账价值为360万元 C.2010年计入费用的金额为128万元

D.2010年计入费用的金额为12万元 参考答案:C 参考解析:题中研发费用120万元是研究阶段,应计入当期损益。无形资产的成本应该为240万,当月增加的无形资产当月摊销, 2010年摊销的期限为2个月,摊销金额为240/(5.12)*2=8万元, 摊销金额一般计入当期损益,除非其他会计准则另有规定。计入当 年计入损益的金额为120+8=128万元。 第3题下列关于无形资产说法正确的有() A.某高新技术成果使用年限无法律法规或合同规定,公司聘请专家评估的使用寿命为10年,公司按照10年予以摊销 B.使用寿命不确定的无形资产按不超过10年摊销 C.商誉按10年摊销 D.某高新技术成果使用年限无法律法规或合同规定,应将该无形资产作为使用寿命不确定的无形资产 参考答案:A 参考解析:根据规定,没有明确的合同或法律规定的无形资产,企业应当综合各方面情况,如聘请相关专家进行论证或与同行业的 情况进行比较以及企业的历史经验等,来确定无形资产为企业带来 未来经济利益的期限,如果经过这些努力确实无法合理确定无形资 产为企业带来经济利益期限,再将其作为使用寿命不确定的无形资产。 第4题甲公司按面值发行分期付息、到期一次还本的公司债券 100万张,支付发行手续费25万元,实际取得发行价款9975万元。该债券每张面值为100元,期限为5年,票面年利率为4%。则发行 债券时应付债券的初始确认金额为()万元。 A.10000 B.9975


2005---2011年雅思写作真题汇总、 05.01.08 Nowadays, people get information through news and papers, but meanwhile are uncertain about the truth of these news. Should we believe the journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have? 05.01.15 Some teachers say students should be organised into groups to study. Others argue students should be made to study alone. Tell the benefits of each study method. Which one do you think is more effective? 05.01.22 Recent years, the number of crimes committed by young people in major cities throughout the world is increasing. Discuss this issue. Give reasons and suggest some solutions. 05.02.05 Food can be produced much more cheaply today because of improved fertilisers and better machinery. However, some of the methods used to do this may be dangerous to human health and may have negative effects on local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 05.02.19 Leisure is a growing industry, but people no longer entertain themselves as much as they used to because the use of modern technology has made them less creative. Do you agree or disagree? 05.02.26 People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individual and society as a whole? 05.03.05 Some people think visitors to others countries should imitate local customers and behaviours. Some people disagree; they think the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. 05.03.12 It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? 05.03.19 Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion. 05.04.02 Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed too hard work when they are young. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 05.04.09 Nowadays education quality is very low. Some people think we should encourage our


2010年雅思写作真题机经之Task2完整题目汇总(更新至2010年5月29日) 颜炜:2010年雅思写作真题机经之Task2完整题目汇总(更新至2010年5月29日) 2010年1月9日 Some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country. But others believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2010年1月14日 In today's world, it is private companies rather than government who pay for and carry out most on scientific research. To what extend do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages. 2010年1月23日 The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. The rich is growing richer and the poor is growing poorer. What are the causes of this? What measures can be taken to reduce this problem? 2010年1月30日


保荐代表人考试习题及答案 以下是为大家收集的保荐代表人习题,希望对大家有帮助! 一、多选题 第1题某中小板上市公司的持续督导,保荐机构应对下列哪些情况发表独立意见() A.风险投资 B.限售股上市流通 C.对合并范围内的子公司提供担保 D.对合并范围内的子公司提供财务资助 参考答案:A,B 参考解析:《深圳证券交易所上市公司保荐工作指引》(2014年修订)第二十八条保 荐机构应当对上市公司应披露的下列事项发表独立意见: (一)募集资金使用情况; (二)限售股份上市流通; (三)关联交易; (四)对外担保(对合并范围内的子公司提供担保除外): (五)委托理财; (六)提供财务资助(对合并范围内的子公司提供财务资助除外); (七)风险投资、套期保值等业务: (八)本所或者保荐机构认为需要发表独立意见的其他事项。 第2题发行人在持续督导期间出现下列情形之一的,中国证监会可根据情节轻重,自确认之日起3个月到12个月内不受理相关保荐代表人具体负责的推荐,情节特别严重的,撤销其保荐代表人资格() A.非公开发行股票并上市当年累计50%以上募集资金的用途与承诺不符;

B.公开发行股票并在创业板上市当年营业利润比上年下滑50%以上: C.上市公司公开发行新股、可转换公司债券之日起12个月内控股股东或者实际控制人发生变更; D.首次公开发行股票并上市之日起12个月内累计30%以上资产或者主营业务发生重组: E.上市公司公开发行新股、可转换公司债券之日起12个月内累计50%以上资产或者主营业务发生重组,且未在证券发行募集文件中披露; F.持续督导期间信息披露文件存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏; 参考答案:A,E 参考解析:根据《保荐办法》第72条 选项A,不管是公开发行还是非公开发行证券,只要证券上市当年累计50%以上募集资金的用途与承诺不符,就应当采取题干所属处罚措施; 选项B,应为公开发行证券并在主板上市当年营业利润比上年下滑50%以上; 选项C,应为首次公开发行股票并上市之日起12个月内控股股东或者实际控制人发生变更; 选项D,应为首次公开发行股票并上市之日起12个月内累计50%以上资产或者主营业务发生重组; 选项F,根据《保荐办法》第71条规定,属于直接撤销相关人员的保荐代表人资格的情形之一。 第3题乙公司2008年1月1日购买三年期债券并准备持有至到期,2008年4月1日,公司因临时资金紧张,出售60%,取得价款720万元。假定4月1日该债券出售前账面余额(成本)为1000万元,不考虑其他因素的影响,则以下说法正确的是() A.乙公司2008年4月1日应确认投资收益200万 B.乙公司2008年4月1日应确认投资收益120万 C.乙公司2008年4月1日应确认资本公积200万 D.乙公司2008年4月1日应确认其他综合收益80万
