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B-17 Flying Fortress in detail & scale part 1

B-17 Flying Fortress in detail & scale part 1
B-17 Flying Fortress in detail & scale part 1


美国太阳城养老社区案例研究 1、太阳城选址于阳光明媚的凤凰城郊区 太阳城是美国著名的退休社区。它位于凤凰城西北12英里,那里全年312天能够接收到日照,因住在其中的老年人活跃的生活方式而闻名。太阳城拥有1200亩的高尔夫球场,所以又被称为“高尔夫爱好者的天堂”,在它周边有Lake Pleasant地区公园,White T anks 地区公园以及亚利桑那原始人生活历史博物馆。 太阳城位于Maricopa郡,北纬33.597°,西经112.271°,海拔1142英尺。它处于Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale区域,占地37.8km2(14.6mi2),其中陆地37.6 km2(14.5mi2),水域0.2 km2 (0.1mi2)。

2、太阳城经历了20年的发展历史 20世纪50年代,这里本来是一片半沙漠的棉田。地产建筑商德尔·韦布路过此地,觉得这里气候炎热干燥,土地又非常便宜,决定在这里建些住宅,供美国寒带一些农民在冬季农闲时到这里来度假,结果来这里度假的基本是老年人。受到启发,他干脆把目标定在老年人身上。 60年代之前,他在这里建了些仅供55岁以上退休老人居住的样品房,同时修建了疗养、医疗、商业中心及高尔夫球场等老人娱乐配套设施。 太阳城由Del Webb公司于1960年开始建设,经过20年的发展基本建成。原本太阳城有一个计划好的街道网络,后来被凤凰城的第二次街道规划打破,所以在过去40年中社区变化很少。同时,由于越来越多的退休人员居住到这个区域,在80年代后期,Del Webb 开始建造Sun City West,在90年代后半叶开始建造Sun City Grand,在21世纪00年代前期开始建造Sun City Festival。 1959年,Del Webb公司开始建造社区,首先建起来的是一个商业中心,然后是个高


public void deleteOrderDetail(String orderid) throws SQLException { sql = "delete from orderdetail where orderid=?"; List param = new ArrayList(); param.add(orderid); DBUtil.update(sql, param); } public void insertOrderDetail(OrderDetail orderDetail) throws SQLException { sql = "insert into orderdetail values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; List param = new ArrayList(); param.add(orderDetail.getDetailid()); param.add(orderDetail.getOrderid()); param.add(orderDetail.getProductid()); param.add(orderDetail.getProductname()); param.add(orderDetail.getBaseprice()); param.add(orderDetail.getNum()); DBUtil.update(sql, param); } public List queryDetailByOrderid(String orderid) throws SQLException { sql = "select * from orderdetail where orderid=?"; List param = new ArrayList(); List detailList = new ArrayList(); param.add(orderid); rs = DBUtil.query(sql, param); while(rs.next()) { OrderDetail od = new OrderDetail(); od.setDetailid(rs.getString("detailid")); od.setOrderid(rs.getString("orderid")); od.setProductid(rs.getString("productid")); od.setProductname(rs.getString("productname")); od.setBaseprice(rs.getDouble("baseprice")); od.setNum(rs.getInt("num")); detailList.add(od); } return detailList; }


美国养老社区四大模式 2014-06-19 泰莱-搜建筑网 在美国,养老社区一般分为四类:生活自理型社区(Independent Living)、生活协助型社区(Assisted Living,也译为无障碍社区)、特殊护理社区(SkilledNursing),以及混合型的持续护理退休社区(ContinuingCare RetirementCommunities)。上述几种社区,除生活自理型社区外,其他社区的开发运营需得到州政府授权,并与医院和专业护理机构建立紧密合作。 生活自理型社区,主要面向年龄在70-80岁之间、生活能够自理的老人。这类社区每个单元的月均收入较低,但由于提供的特殊服务较少,所以,毛利润率较高,通常在43-48%水平。 生活协助型社区,主要面向80岁以上、没有重大疾病、但生活需要照顾的老人。社区提供包括餐饮、娱乐、保洁、维修、应急、短途交通、定期体检等基础服务,并可通过付费方式享受其他生活辅助服务、以及用药管理及阿尔茨海默病(老年痴呆症或老年失智症)的特殊护理。此外,生活协助型社区也为出院后恢复期的病人或家人外出的老人提供暂时性居所。这类社区由于提供了附加服务,

所以,每个单元的月均收入略高,但由于人员成本更高,所以,毛利润率略低,在30-37%之间。 特殊护理型社区,主要面向有慢性疾病的老人、术后恢复期的老人及记忆功能障碍老人。社区内设有专业护士,提供各种护理和医疗服务,医疗衍生收入较高,每个单元的月均收入也较高,但由于服务成本高(在美国,医护人员的劳动力成本尤其高),所以,毛利润率通常只有15%左右。 持续护理退休社区面向那些退休不久、当前生活能够自理、但不想由于未来生活自理能力的下降而被迫频繁更换居所的老人。为了实现对入住老人的持续护理服务,此类社区一般是生活自理单元、生活协助单元与特殊护理单元的混合,因此,毛利润率高于特殊护理社区,但低于生活自理社区和生活协助社区,在30%左右。 此外,CCRC型社区一般需在入住时一次性缴纳10-40万美元的会费(平均在25万美元左右),体检合格后即与社区运营商签定长期合同,享有在指定社区的长期居住权。居住期间,每月仍需缴纳一定比例的服务费(通常会费缴的越多,后续服务费越便宜)。会费一般可在一段时期内退还,退还比例随入住时间的延长而递减。 以上四种模式,生活协助型社区在过去几年发展最快,而持续护理退休社区(CCRC)因混合了多种服务单元,管理难度大,并受到上世纪80年代经济机中多家运营商倒闭事件的负面影响,增速较慢,在金融海啸前以每年新增10-20处养老社区的速度发展。

A356.0 Alloy Detail

ALUMINIUM CASTING ALLOY (7Si-0.3Mg) Specifications AMS. 356.0: 4217, 4260, 4261, 4284, 4285, 4286, A356.0: 4218 Former ASTM. 356.0, SG70A; A356.0, SG70B SAE. 356.0: J452, 323 UNS number. 356.0: A03560. A356.0: A13560 Government. 356.0: QQ-A-601, QQ-A-596. A356.0: MIL-C-21180 (Class 12) Foreign. ISO:AlSi7Mg Chemical Composition Composition limits. 356.0: 0.25 Cu max, 0.20 to 0.45Mg, 0.35 Mn max, 6.5 to 7.5 Si, 0.6 Fe max, 0.35 Zn max, 0.25 Ti max, 0.05 other (each) max, 0.15 others (total) max, bal Al. A356.0: 0.20 Cu max, 0.25 to 0.45 Mg, 0.10 Mn max, 6.5 to 7.5 Si, 0.20 Fe max, 0.10 Zn max, 0.20 Ti max, 0.05 other (each) max, 0.15 others (total) max, bal Al. Consequence of exceeding impurity limits. High copper or nickel decreases ductility and resistance to corrosion. High iron decreases strength and ductility. Applications Typical uses. 356.0 aircraft pump parts, automotive transmission cases, aircraft fittings and control parts, water-cooled cylinder blocks. Other applications where excellent castability and good weldability, pressure tightness, and good resistance to corrosion are required. A356.0: aircraft structures and engine controls, nuclear energy installations, and other applications where high-strength permanent mold or investment castings are required. Mechanical Properties 0.2%. Proof Stress (N/mmo)185 Tensile stress (N/mm_)230 Elongation (%) 2 Impact - Brinell Hardness 75 Endurance Limit 56 Modulus of Elasticity 71 Shear strength120 Properties in excess of those quoted can be obtained with Strontium additions e.g.- Elongation 5%


美国养老社区分类、提供的服务及收费 养老社区按服务类型分,包括活力社区(Active Adult Community)、独立生活(independent living)、 协助生活(assisted living)、记忆护理(memory care)、专业护理(nursing houses)等;此外,喘息 式照护(Respite care)、临终护理(Hospice care)、 家庭护理(Home care)是随着市场需求变化和行业细 分出现的新业态类型。 图1.1 不同类型养老社区产品所涉及行业 医院 专业护理 普通住宅记忆护理 协助生活 独立生活 活力社区 ?房地产?房地产 ?食宿?房地产 ?食宿 ?服务 ?房地产 ?食宿 ?服务 ?ADL护理 ?IADL护理 ?房地产 ?食宿 ?服务 ?ADL护理 ?IADL护理 ?记忆护理 ?房地产 ?食宿 ?服务 ?ADL护理 ?IADL护理 ?专业护理 ?房地产 ?食宿 ?服务 ?ADL护理 ?专业护理 ?专业治疗 ?紧急治疗 投资领域 注:ADL:Activities of daily living日常生活护理 IADL:Instrumental Activities of daily living工具性日常生活护理 各种养老社区产品之间通过灵活组合,形成不同类型养老社区,如活力长者社区(Active Adult Community)、独立生活社区(Independent Living Community)、协助生活社区(Assisted Living Facility/Community)、专业护理社区或护理之家 (Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facility)和持续照 护退休社区(CCRCs,Continuing Care Retirement Community)等。


第二版新视野大学英语试听说 4 Quiz details Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分 ) Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. The man is sad since he failed to be promoted. B. The man has already been the sales manager for three years. C. The woman is overjoyed at the man's promotion. D. The woman made a mistake. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A.Excited. B.Indifferent. C.Annoyed. D.Joyous. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog. 3. A. The woman speaker.


美国养老产业模式 美国早在20世纪40年代便进入了老龄化社会,截至2013年65岁及以上老年人口4413.16万人,占比为13.96%。相较于日本重度老龄化现象和中国加速的老龄化进程,美国的老龄化处于一种缓慢而稳步推进的状态。 美国婴儿潮时代(1947年以后)出生的人口如今将迈入老年人行业,将在一定程度上加速日本老龄化进程。美国人口局预测,美国老龄化率(65岁及以上人口)将在2030年达到19%。 三支柱体系保障美国养老保障制度 美国的养老保障制度从1935 年《社会保险法》颁布以后开始正式建立,随着《社会保险法》的不断修正和完善,美国的养老保障制度逐渐演变成美国特有的“三支柱”模式。

国家强制的社会养老保险。国家强制的社会养老保险就是老年和遗属保险,是美国建立最早的社会保障制度,也是覆盖被保险人数最多的险种,被覆盖人数大约占全美职工的 95%。目前参保者1.5 亿,约有4600 万人受益。它是由美国社会保障管理局管理与运作的。职工退休后,按以基本保额为基础计算领取养老金。美国老年和遗属保险如今已经成为美国联邦政府最大的财政项目,其税收收入约占联邦政府收入总额的三分之一。 政府及雇主养老金计划。此项养老金计划包括公共部门养老金计划和私人养老金计划。公共部门养老金计划针对的对象主要是联邦政府职工和退伍军人。私人养老金计划包括收益确定型计划(DB计划)、缴费确定型计划(DC计划)以及二者的混合计划。其中缴费确定型计划主要包括了美国《国内收入法》规定的401K计划等,这种计划类似于雇主管理雇员的储蓄账户,向该账户缴纳的资金可以延缓交纳联邦所得税,同时雇主也需要向此账户交纳一定的资金,这部分资金可以投资于各种金融手段,包括股票和证券等。职工到了退休年龄时,所得的养老金就是这个账户中的余额。 个人储蓄养老金计划。人储蓄养老金计划作为国家养老保障的补充也逐渐的得到发展壮大。该计划是完全由个人自愿参加的,主要包括个人退休账户和罗斯个人退休账户等。个人退休账户(IRA)是具有代表性的个人储蓄养老金计划。个人退休账户面向所有具有纳税收入的公民,参加者每年将一部分资金存进该账户。这是一个个人自愿参加的投资性账户,账户里面的资金用于投资升值。个人退休账户相对于普通投资账户来说,具有减税、免税还有盈利

发货装箱单Detail Packing list

中华人民共和国 哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司 HARBIN ELECTRIC MACHINERY COMPANY LIMITED THE PEOPL E’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 装箱单 PACKING LIST 箱号BOX No. HEC-B1-WGC-1/ 20 工作号WORK No. WA027-3-1 信用证号L/C No. BBPCI001/12 运单号B/L No. 合同号CONTRACT No. EMC-09-11 包装类型PACKAGE TYPE 共 1 页第 1 页 PAGE 1 OF 1 ;序 号Item No. 代号 Code No. 名称 Name 单位 Unit 数量 Quantity 所属装配或所属部分代号 Related Assembly Or Part Code No. 备注 Remarks 1 Item2 Xxx第一节 The First Section Of xxx 1 PCS 1 GDC-TPO-HVA-1-PF-035 2 Item2 xxx第二节 The Second Section Of xxxx 1 PCS 1 GDC-TPO-HVA-1-PF-035 3 Item2 xxx第三节 The Third Section Of xxxx 1 PCS 1 GDC-TPO-HVA-1-PF-035 4 Item2 xxx第四节 The Fourth Section Of xxxx 1 PCS 1 GDC-TPO-HVA-1-PF-035 长(m)LENGTH 宽(m) WIDT H 高(m) HEIGHT 体积(m3) VOLUME 毛重(kg) GROSS WEIGHT 净重(kg) NET WEIGHT 5.65 1.17 0.58 3.834 3030 2930 编制COMPILE 日期 DATE 审定 APPD 装箱员 PACKER 日期 DATE 校核CHECK 日期 DATE 日期 DA TE 检查员 INSPECTOR 日期 DATE 版次REV 签字SIGNA TURE 日期DATE 页码PAGE


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文章编号:1009-6000(2012)08-0035-10 中图分类号:C913.6 文献标识码:A 作者简介:王承慧,东南大学建筑学院城市规划系副教授。 美国社区养老模式的探索与启示 The Exploration and Inspiration of Community-based Aging Pattern in USA 王承慧 WANG Cheng-hui 摘要: 老龄化作为全球性人口发展趋势,已成为无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都急需应对的重要挑战。社区养老模式根植社区,无论对于政府还是老人及其家庭,都是成本低、效益高的养老模式,因而在发达国家亦是养老事业发展趋势。本文聚焦美国,分析了美国政府对于提升老人住房可支付性和宜居性的政策支持、对于多层次的社区养老服务的政策支持;以及市场特别是非营利机构等非政府机构在社区养老中的重要作用和贡献。最后总结了美国社区养老模式对于我国的启示。 关键词: 社区养老;美国;住房政策;非政府机构 Abstract: Population aging has been a global trend that is shaping the 21st century, which made it a great challenge for developed countries as well as developing countries. The community-based aging is a cost-efficiently pattern for government, the elderly and their families. Focusing on USA, the article introduced different forces and their roles in community-based aging: government policies on the elderly housing and multiple service frameworks, the roles of market forces and especially the contributions of non-profit organizations. In the end, some brief enlightenment was put forward. Key words: community-based aging; USA; housing policy; non-government organization 老龄化作为全球性人口发展趋势,21世纪以来已成为无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都急需应对的重要挑战。各国既有的养老模式在人口持续老龄化的压力之下,都面临如何完善养老服务体系、拓宽财政渠道、整合各类资源、优化老年宜居环境等方面的多重压力。世界卫生组织(W H O)在2007年制定的老年友好城市(age-friendly city)建设指南中,提出了包括城市物质环境(户外环境和建筑、交通、住房)、城市社会环境(社会尊重和包容、社会参与、公民权利、就业)以及养老服务(信息畅通、社区支持和健康服务)等城市层面的硬件和软件建设指南。指南中明确指出养老服务的几个关键问题都和社区有关,包括类型和覆盖范围是否足够、质量是否能够保证、是否能适应老人特定需求和选择、是否方便可达、是否可支付。 社区养老,是相对于机构养老而言的概念,是指围绕家庭和社区能够 得到的养老服务,具体包括居家养老

Detail is the Key to Success

Detail is the Key to Success Everyone wants success but they think success is from big things, but I don not think so. In my view, success comes from details. As the says going, detail determines the success or failure. Country care about details. Take China for example, there are 1.3 million people in our country. The detail multiply by 1.3 million is a huge thing, it may influence the development of the country. So the detail is very important for country and can determines our country’s future. Country care about the detail in foreign affairs. Every detail influences the relationship between two country. So we must pay attention to the detail. For country detail is the key to success, so does the company. As we know, a small mistake will lead to the failure of project even the bankrupt of one company. Every day there are some company fail in their business. Almost all of them ignore the importance of detail. They forget to care about the detail in every project such as the relationship, the data, etc. Detail is significant for company’s success or failure. For us, the ordinary people, detail is also important for every aspects of our life. When we are ready to have an interview, we should consider about the detail. How should we dress when we met the employee? How to behave when we go into the interview house? You can’t expect clean the world without cleaning your room first. So we should not except to be success without pay attention to the detail. Detail is the key to success.


中国十大养老社区项目案例简介 亲和源·上海康桥 整个社区全部采用无障碍化设计。12幢多层电梯住宅楼,共设838套居室,可供1600位左右的老人居住。 社区内有与曙光医院(三级甲等)对接,并以老年专科为特色的颐养院。配有班车专大病患者送往市区曙光医院治疗。目前上海亲和源有两种盈利模式:即分别通过会员卡费和年费盈利。会员卡分为两种:A卡和B卡。A卡不记名,可继承,可转让,有效期与房屋土地的使用年限相同。B卡是记名卡,不可转让,有效期为15年。恭和苑·海南海口 「恭和苑」直营连锁健康养老服务品牌在海南省的首个示范项目,也是乐成养老投入运营服务的首个旗舰项目。 位于海口市海甸岛,北距白沙门海滩1500米,西邻海南大学,南洋风格围合式私密院落,丰富多元的室内外景观,闹中取静,曲径通幽。 两大内庭花园,鸟语花香,130多种植物生长期间;4,000㎡水系,鸭戏鱼游,亭台楼阁点缀全苑。 海口恭和苑共拥有296套居住单元,融汇国际领先的宜老设计精华,大小餐厅、多功能厅、书画室、球类运动及棋牌室等各类活动空间一应俱全,并配以专业的科学健身、保健理疗、药浴水疗等健康改善设施。绿城乌镇雅园·浙江乌镇

择址江南善水宝地、国家5A级景区--乌镇绿城乌镇雅园所处的综合性健康养生养老园区占地面积约1平方公里,规划养生养老、健康医疗和休闲度假三大主题。 集养生居住区、颐乐学院、养老示范区、医疗公园、特色商业区和度假酒店区六大板块于一体。 绿城乌镇雅园总建筑面积约为50万方,采用新民国建筑风格,以原生态自然景观加以江南园林式造林手法,诗情画意,师法自然。 项目规划有单层别墅、多层公寓、小高层公寓等多种户型。配套有建筑面积逾2万平方米颐乐学院,颐乐学院临摹古代书院布局形制,内有社区商业区、餐饮服务区、老年大学教学区、运动休闲娱乐区等完善功能。新华锦长乐国际颐养中心·青岛 新华锦(青岛)长乐颐养是由新华锦集团与日本长乐控股株式会社合资成立的以高端颐养服务为主业的专业颐养服务 公司。 目前国内首家充分引进日式颐养服务模式和服务理念的高 端老年颐养中心,也是山东省乃至华东地区最高端的老年颐养中心。 总投资3亿余元人民币,已于2012年正式开业。中心全面引进日式温馨服务和科学管理体系,餐厅、健身房、茶室、监控中心、室内游泳池、泡澡间、大型医院特设门诊、KTV、

英美文学detail 赏析

M ACBETH 5. She should have died hereafter. There would have been a ti m e for such a word. Tom orrow, and tom orrow, and tom orrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded tim e. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle. Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no m ore. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. These words are uttered by Macbeth after he hears of Lady Macbeth’s death, in Act 5, scene 5, lines 16–27. Given the great love between them, his response is oddly m uted, but it segues quickly into a speech of such pessim ism and despair—one of the m ost fam ous speeches in all of Shakespeare—that the audience realizes how com pletely his wife’s passing and the ruin of his power have undone Macbeth. His speech insists that there is no m eaning or purpose in life. Rather, life “is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound an d fury, / Signifying nothing.” One can easily understand how, with his wife dead and ar m ies m arching against hi m, Macbeth succum bs to such pessim ism. Yet, there is also a defensive and self-justifying quality to his words. If everything is m eaningless, the n Macbeth’s aw ful cri m es are som ehow m ade less awful, because, like everything else, they too “signify nothing.” Macbeth’s state m ent that “[l]ife’s but a poor player / That struts and frets his hour upon the stage” can be read as Shakespeare’s som ewhat def lating rem inder of the illusionary nature of the theater. After all, Macbeth is only a “player” him self, strutting on an Elizabethan stage. In any play, there is a conspiracy of sorts between the audience and the actors, as both pretend to accept the play’s reality. Macbeth’s comm ent calls attention to this conspiracy and partially explodes it—his nihilism em braces not only his own life but the entire play. If we take his words to heart, the play, too, can be seen as an event “full of sound and fury, / Sign ifying nothing.” Hamlet’s soliloquy The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by sim ply putting an end to them once and for all? Dying, sleeping—that's all dying is—a sleep that ends all the heartache and shocks that life on earth gives us—that's an achievem ent to wish for. To die, to sleep—to sleep, maybe to dream. Ah, but there's the catch: in death's sleep who knows what kind of dreams might com e, after we've put the noise and comm otion of life behind us. That's certainly som ething to worry about. That's the consideration that m akes us stretch out our


美国最好的七个养老社区 来源:YLYJ养老研究 美国范围内最好的七个养老住宅社区项目调查研究报告 此文件中的所有项目是根据以下标准进行筛选和评估: ?不同的社会经济水平的群体组合 ?迎合特定年龄组 ?提供多样化的服务方式 ?企业在发展过程中的社区参与 ?创新模式的设计以适应当地的老龄化趋势 ?为特定人群提供住房选择 ?对现有的设施进行转换或利用现有的设施进行用途改造 ?以混合的财政资金为基础 ?有明显的可持续发展的环保设计特点

1, 笔架山村退休养老社区,波士顿,美国 Beacon Hill Village, Boston,USA 此项目包括以下特征: ?创新模式的设计以适应当地的老龄化趋势 项目概况: 笔架山波士顿村庄,是由笔架山当地居民在2001 年创建的一个非盈利组织。该项目被认为是日益盛行的“村庄”运动先驱者,其目的是为居民提供一个替代方案和服务,以协助他们解决先从自身住宅搬到独立生活养老区或者协助护理区,然后再到生活护理住宅区的过程。

2,Moldaw 家庭公寓,加州,美国 Moldaw Family Residences, California, USA 此项目包括以下特征: ?迎合特定年龄组 项目概况: Moldaw 家庭住宅在899 查尔斯顿,是位于犹太人生活的加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的Taube Koret 校区的一个老人居住社区。它开放于2009 年,以促进老年人与所有年龄层之间的交流为宗旨,特别是让老年人们参与校园组织的各项目活动。

3, Riderwood 退休养老社区,马里兰,美国 Riderwood, Maryland, USA 此项目包括以下特征: ?创新模式的设计以适应当地的老龄化趋势 项目概况: 埃里克森Riderwood 校园是美国最大的持续照料退休社区(CCRC)。它成立于2001 年并且是分阶段建成的。直至今日,Riderwood 校园拥有2800 户居民,占地为120 亩土地,跨越五个不同的街区。


Editorial Sharp-edged exposed concrete,rough surfaces made of natural stone or rammed earth ,rendered or clad building envelopes,vividly structured brick facades-solid construction materials exist in a multitude of forms.The selection of building examples in this edition reflects this diversity.Concrete in various forms plays a decisive role.Beyond it,a city hall in the Netherlands shows which vivid kind of impression light can cast on a brick facade.A residential house in Munich is characterised by the contrast between its sensually rough exterior and its hard and clear glazed surfaces.And,an indoor pool draws its almost archaic appearance from its brown walls made of rammed earth.At present and in general,solid construction materials such as concrete or masonry brick are typically and in most cases concealed,due to thermal insulation considerations-and often clad in the composite systems with rendered surface that rather lack popularity among architects.However,the fact that these systems can be part of appealing designs of buildings is exemplified by the muti-family building in Zurich or the facades of the BTV Stadtforum in Innsbruck.This bank building features an exterior that was designed with deliberate clarity and restraint and an impressive foyer that surprises its visitors with a sculpturally formed roof-here,concrete surfaces remain exposed and display their intrinsic qualities.T oday,exposed concrete in all its possible variations and structures has once more regained its position as an almost natural design choice of architects.However, this was not always the case.About three decades ago,when this construction material symbolised society’s discomfort with a breed of modernism that had degenerated into monotony,it also fell from grace among https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0916224532.html,pletely unrestrained by such inhibitions,T adao Ando,a master of space that inspire people,appeared in the spotlight and contributed to the renaissance of exposed concrete with his concrete surfaces that were detailed to perfection.In our anniversary series “A second look”,we not only ask the question what happened to his key project,the little Church of Light in Ibaraki,but also how the architect and the trend that he helped launch back then have developed further. Christian Schittich