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ative documents which include but not limited to “Guarantee for the Upper Limit”, “Mortgage Contract for The Upper Limit”, “Shareholder Meeting Resolution “, “Specimen Signature”, and other relative documents. The range of assurance includes the principal, corresponding interest, default interest, penalty, and other payable expense and so on. The guarantee shall be in form of providing surety ship of joint and several liabilities, collateral mortgage. And the guarantee period will be two years (The secured debt to the date of expiration of the period is two years after the last term for performing.). This letter of authorization is valid for ten years.

Authorized signature:




英文 小四号字,单倍行距,首行缩进2个字符,不能定义文档网格。约3千英文单词。 MCU Description SCM is also known as micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), commonly used letters of the acronym MCU MCU that it was first used in industrial control. Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. INTEL's Z80 is the first designed in accordance with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors have parted ways. 一、SCM history SCM was born in the late 20th century, 70, experienced SCM, MCU, SoC three stages. SCM the single chip microcomputer (Single Chip Microcomputer) stage, mainly seeking the best of the best single form of embedded systems architecture. "Innovation model" success, laying the SCM and general computer completely different path of development. In the open road of independent development of embedded systems, Intel Corporation contributed. MCU the micro-controller (Micro Controller Unit) stage, the main direction of technology development: expanding to meet the embedded applications, the target system requirements for the various peripheral circuits and interface circuits, highlight the object of intelligent control.It involves the areas associated with the object system, therefore,the development of MCU's responsibility inevitably falls on electrical, electronics manufacturers. From this point of view, Intel faded MCU development has its objective factors. In the development of MCU, the most famous manufacturers as the number of Philips Corporation. Philips company in embedded applications, its great advantage, the MCS-51 single-chip micro-computer from the rapid development of the micro-controller. Therefore, when we look back at the path of development of embedded systems, do not forget Intel and Philips in History. 二、Embedded Systems Embedded system microcontroller is an independent development path, the MCU important factor in the development stage, is seeking applications to maximize the solution on the chip; Therefore, the development of dedicated single chip SoC trend of the natural form. As the microelectronics, IC design, EDA tools development, application system based on MCU SoC design have greater development. Therefore, the understanding of the microcontroller chip microcomputer can be, extended to the single-chip micro-controller applications. 三、MCU applications SCM now permeate all areas of our lives, which is almost difficult to find traces of the field without SCM. Missile navigation equipment, aircraft, all types of instrument control, computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation, real-time process control and data processing, extensive use of various smart IC card, civilian luxury car security system, video recorder, camera, fully automatic washing machine control, and program-controlled toys, electronic pet, etc., which are inseparable from the microcontroller. Not to mention the area of robot control, intelligent instruments, medical equipment was. Therefore, the MCU learning, development and application of the large number of computer applications and


学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板 附录:今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学士学位证书英语翻译与毕业证英文翻译模板,为爱大学本科生及研究生提供英文毕业证翻译样本。首先请看《办理中英文成绩单、英文毕业证学位证书的须知》。涉及中文或英文成绩单翻译,含英文毕业证书学位证书的证明。学生学位证书英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law. xxx Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx University June 30, 2000 Certificate No.: 103354003888 本科毕业证书翻译模板DIPLOMA This is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required


下部结构 substructure 桥墩 pier 墩身 pier body 墩帽 pier cap, pier coping 台帽 abutment cap, abutment coping 盖梁 bent cap 又称“帽梁”。 重力式[桥]墩 gravity pier 实体[桥]墩 solid pier 空心[桥]墩 hollow pier 柱式[桥]墩 column pier, shaft pier 单柱式[桥]墩 single-columned pier, single shaft pier 双柱式[桥]墩 two-columned pier, two shaft pier

排架桩墩 pile-bent pier 丫形[桥]墩 Y-shaped pier 柔性墩 flexible pier 制动墩 braking pier, abutment pier 单向推力墩 single direction thrusted pier 抗撞墩 anti-collision pier 锚墩 anchor pier 辅助墩 auxiliary pier 破冰体 ice apron 防震挡块 anti-knock block, restrain block 桥台 abutment

台身 abutment body 前墙 front wall 又称“胸墙”。 翼墙 wing wall 又称“耳墙”。 U形桥台 U-abutment 八字形桥台 flare wing-walled abutment 一字形桥台 head wall abutment T形桥台 T-abutment 箱形桥台 box type abutment 拱形桥台 arched abutment 重力式桥台 gravity abutment


道路与桥梁专业外文翻译 中英对照 Jenny was compiled in January 2021

本科毕业设计(论文) 专业名称:土木工程专业(道路与桥 梁) 年级班级:道桥08-5班学生姓名: 指导教师: 二○一二年五月十八日 专业外文翻译

Geometric Design of Highways The road is one kind of linear construction used for travel. It is made of the roadbed, the road surface, the bridge, the culvert and the tunnel. In addition, it also has the crossing of lines, the protective project and the traffic engineering and the route facility. The roadbed is the base of road surface, road shoulder, side slope, side ditch foundations. It is stone material structure, which is designed according to route's plane position .The roadbed, as the base of travel, must guarantee that it has the enough intensity and the stability that can prevent the water and other natural disaster from corroding. The road surface is the surface of road. It is single or complex structure built with mixture. The road surface require being smooth, having enough intensity, good stability and anti-slippery function. The quality of road surface directly affects the safe, comfort and the traffic. Highway geometry designs to consider Highway Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Alignment two kinds of linear and cross-sectional composition of coordination, but also pay attention to the smooth flow of the line of sight, etc. Determine the road geometry, consider the topography, surface features, rational use of land and environmental protection factors, to make full use of the highway geometric components of reasonable size and the linear combination. Design The alignment of a road is shown on the plane view and is a series of straight lines called tangents connected by circular. In modern practice it is common to interpose transition or spiral curves between tangents and circular curves.


河北建筑工程学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别:机械工程系 专业:机械电子工程 班级:机电(本)091 姓名:张少强 学号: 2009322110 外文出处:English in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。 指导教师评语: 签字: 年月日 金属热处理 普遍接受的金属和金属合金的热处理定义是“在某种程度上加热和冷却金属或金属合金,以获得特定的条件和属性。”加热的唯一目的是进行热加工,锻造操作是被排除在这个定义之外的。热处理有时候也用产品表示,同样玻璃和塑料也被排除在这个定义之外。 变换曲线 热处理的基础是在一个单一的图表上绘制的包含三个所有的等温转变曲线或TTT曲线。因为曲线的形状,他们有时候也称为c曲线或s曲线。 TTT曲线绘制,特定的钢在给定的条件下和预定的时间间隔内记录以检查的组织结构转换的

数量。众所周知共析钢(T80)在超过723℃形成的是奥氏体,在此温度下形成的是珠光体。为了形成珠光体碳原子应该分散形成渗碳体。扩散是一个过程需要足够的时间来完成奥氏体向珠光体的转变。我们可以注意到在不同的样本内在任何的温度下数量都在发生变化。这些点被绘制在以时间和温度为轴的坐标内。通过这些点共析钢的变换曲线如图1所示。曲线的左极端代表在任何给定的温度下奥氏体向珠光体的转变。同样的右极端代表完成所需要的时间。这两个曲线之间转换的点代表部分转换。水平线条s M和f M发代表开始和完成的马氏体转变。 热处理工艺的分类 在某些情况下,热处理在技术和使用程序上是分开的。而在其他情况下,,描述或简单的解释是不够的,因为相同的技术常常可以获得不同的目标。例如,应力消除和回火需要相同的设备和利用相同时间和温度循环。然而这是两个不同的过程。 图8.1 T80钢在等温间隔下的热处理图 以下对热处理的描述主要是根据他们之间的关系来安排的。正火指加热铁合金到高于它转变温度上的一个合适温度(通常是50°F到100°F或28℃到56℃)。接下来是在精致空气至少是在低于其转变温度范围下冷却。由此产生的结构和性能和通过完全退火是一样的。对大多数铁合金来说正火和退火是不一样的。 正火通常被用作调节处理,尤其是没有经过高温锻造或其他热加工的精炼粒钢。正火的成功通常由另一个热处理来完成如奥氏体化的淬火、退火或回火。 退火是一个通用术语,它表示一个热处理,包括加热和保持在一个合适的温度后以一个合适的冷却速度冷却。它主要用来软化金属材料,但它同时也会产生其他属性或期望的微观结构。


桥梁结构 桥梁起源 第一座人工桥梁是由横架在河流上的树干或者平石而形成的。毫无疑问,它比基督的诞生还要早几千年建成。甚至在此之前,古人一定惊讶于,在Ardeche 会有跨度为194英尺、高度为111英尺的Pont d’Arc这样的天然拱桥横跨河流。但是随着时间的流逝,一些先驱者将两块石头横跨狭窄的小溪并堵在一起形成倒置的“V”形,从而建成了第一座拱桥。 据degrand所言,有所记载的最早的桥是在大约公元前2650年,由埃及的第一任国王Menes在尼罗河上修建的,但是没有更多的细节描述。Diodorus Siculus提供了另外一座5个世纪后建成的桥梁的详细资料,它是由巴比伦皇后Semiramis在幼发拉底河上建成的。Herodotus将这座桥视为女王统治Nitocris5个世纪的原因。首先,河流在经过城市时转向流入一个人工湖,使桥墩可以修建在干燥的河床上。桥墩的石头采用铁条焊接在一起。甲板是由不低于30英尺宽的木材、雪松、松柏、棕榈修建的,部分甲板是可移动的,每晚拿掉用来防止土匪。当桥建成后,河水再被引回到原来的河道。因此今天还存在一些记录,多少是真实的,多少是随着时间的流逝使我们永远不知道的,但毫无疑问,在4000年前的巴比伦有一座不同寻常的桥。 桥梁类型 我们只能推测这些起源。我们知道古代的吊桥是用扭曲的藤蔓绑在峡谷两侧的树干上形成的,就像一张充满危险的悬挂着的蜘蛛网。但是桥梁型式什么时候得到发展,或者第一座桥是什么型式的,我们都不能肯定。我们只知道三种桥梁类型:板梁桥(在河流上架设一根树干)、拱桥、吊桥,它们在有所记载的早期就开始被建造了。最常见的板梁桥被称为跨桥,如果两个或者更多的梁相连修建在桥墩上就会连在一起形成跨桥,或者是修建成悬臂桥。然而,他们仅是不同类型的板梁桥而已,并不是其他类型的桥梁。改变梁、拱、悬架这三种型式并使其相互结合来共同适应建筑物结构的受力要求,数年来,建筑材料已经越来越普及,涉及到木材、石头,人工材料如砖、水泥、铁和钢材。 板梁桥 一个简单的单跨桥可能是钢结构(可能是板梁),钢筋混凝土或预应力钢筋混凝土。一个钢结构简支桥梁的最大跨度通常约为100英尺(虽然更成长跨度的桥梁已经建成)。然而,当跨度很大时,通常采用连续梁。在德国有一个中央跨度为354英尺、边跨为295英尺的板梁桥。 对于约150英尺的支墩之间的梁,通常采用桁架,并且钢材是必不可少的。1917年,在伊利诺斯州的俄亥俄河上修建了一座跨度为720英尺的简支桥。 无论有没有悬跨,悬臂桥的布置原则就是在桥墩建成后,在桥墩上架设桥梁。两个桥墩之间的部分称为悬跨,通常是先放在一个预制单元,再架在适当位置。因此,这种型式的桥梁是从悬臂的两端用两条锚固的悬臂来支撑桥梁的。桥墩中间的弯矩和剪力最大,在这些位置通常要求桥墩埋设的更深。 当桥的跨度很大时,就要求桥要有更好的强度,悬臂桥通常采用钢桁架结构(桁梁)。这种型式可以使桥墩间的跨度达到约1800英尺。尽管这座桥看起来像是拱桥,事实上它是双悬臂桁架梁。我们会注意到悬臂桥上的最高强度设计在主墩处,因为这些地方可能有最大应力产生。


A2C01: Committee on General Structures Chairman: Donald J. Flemming Bridge Engineering R AMANKUTTY K ANNANKUTTY, City of Minneapolis Department of Public Works D ONALD J. F LEMMING, Minnesota Department of Transportation The scope of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRBs) Committee on General Structures includes factors affecting the physical behavior, service life, economy, appearance, and safety of bridges and structures for transportation systems, and accounting for these factors and their interactions in design procedures and criteria. During the 20th century the United States has essentially created the safest, most efficient, and most effective highway and intermodal transportation network in the world. The challenge for the new millennium will be to further enhance this transportation network. In this paper the status of bridge engineering at the end of the 20th century in the area of general transportation structures is summarized. The focus is on bridge structure types, design aspects, new materials, aesthetic concerns, and key policy issues. An attempt is made to forecast the status of bridge engineering 20 to 30 years into the next millennium; the paper is written as though these forecasts will become a reality. BRIDGE STRUCTURE TYPES Structure types have been evolving throughout history. The evolution will continue into the future, perhaps at an accelerated rate. The driving forces behind continued advances in bridge engineering are traffic congestion and costs. In the future, just as now, the public will expect few traffic delays, if any. They will want transportation costs to be as low as possible. Computer technology will enhance traffic management so well that the public will become accustomed to flowing traffic and more aware of congestion locations. Disruptions from construction will be more obvious and even less tolerated. Given these conditions, structural types will be selected primarily on the basis of speed of construction to minimize traffic delays. Low maintenance will be a must, and the ability to widen a structure easily and quickly will be a priority in selecting a structure type. Safety and aesthetics will continue to play major roles in the selection of structure types. Keeping substructures out of the roadway clear zone will dictate longer span lengths and will keep the engineering community striving for optimal spans. Input from the public will grow to such a level that interactive design programs will become a necessity. Computer programs that automatically prepare detailed plans incorporating changes at the touch of a button will allow the public to modify or add aesthetic details right up to the point that construction begins.


汉译英翻译格式规范 I 格式规范 1. 正文标题、机构名称、图表格名称和表头中所有单词(除虚词外)的首字母均大 写;但标题为句子的情况除外; 2. 译文中出现的标准、规范名称,单独出现时每个单词首字母均应大写并斜体,不 加引号;在表格中出现时不用斜体; 3. 摄氏度符号统一从“符号”“Times new roman”中找到“°”(位于最右一列)插 入,然后在后面加上大写“C”,即“°C”; 4. 排比和并列的内容,标点应统一。一般做法是中间采用“;”,最后一个采用“.”, 最后一个与倒数第二个之间用“; and”; 5. 数值范围的表示形式应是:110-220 kV,而不是110 kV~220 kV;注意:数字和 连字符之间没有空格,数字和单位之间有空格数字与单位之间要加一个空格,但“°C”、“°F”和“%”除外; 6. 在英文中,百分号应采用英文半角“%”,而不可采用中文全角“%”; 7. 公式中的符号从“插入公式”中选择; 8. 文本框中第一个单词首字母大写; 9. 1号机组和2号机组、一期和二期的表示方法:Unit 1 & 2;Phase I & II; 10. 第x条(款、项)和第y条(款、项)的表示方法:Article x and Article y,即表 示条(款、项)的词不能省略; 11. 文件中出现公式时,公式后说明性文字的“其中”、“式中”统一译为“Where:”, 注意其后加冒号;对公式中的字母和符号进行解释时,采用“-”,其前后均不空格,“-”后的首字母为小写;公式后的说明要用分号,最后采用句号。例如: Where: F sc-short circuit current force (lb/ft); V-velocity; P-gas density. 12. 冒号后首字母小写; 13. 大于号、小于号、等号两边均有空格; 14. 表格的标题和标题栏字体加粗; 15. 注意上下标与原文一致; 16. 直径符号φ的输入方法:插入,符号,字体选择Symbol,然后选择输入φ,并采用 斜体;


英语专业文献翻译 题目: 基于交通服务感知质量的效用评价方法姓名: 丁贞钰 学院: 工学院 专业: 交通运输 班级: 101班 学号: 30210101 指导教师: 陈青春职称: 副教授 2013年11月25日 南京农业大学教务处制

基于交通服务感知质量的效用评价方法 Hideyuki Kita a Akira Kouchi b a Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Kobe, 1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, 658-8501, Japan b Infrastructural Planning Department, Chodai Co. Ltd., 2-20-6, Shin-machi, Nishi-ku, Osaka, 550-0013, Japan 摘要:本研究旨在开发一个通过宏观交通状态数据评价微观驾驶环境的模型,并且展示一系列基于驾驶员视觉的交通服务质量估算方法的模型。该方法由三部分组成,第一部分通过宏观数据评价行驶速度和时间间隔分配,第二部分评价作为行驶速度和时间间隔联合概率的基点效用。第三部分通过利用经验公式的基点概率分布估计基段效用。通过一个研究案列论证所提出的方法。 关键词:驾驶员感知;交通服务质量;基础效用评价;估计方法;交通调查数据;相关函数 1 引言 交通服务质量直接关系到驾驶员的利益。为了提高交通服务质量,应采取必要措施提高驾驶员对道路规划和交通管理的满意度。采取适当的基于驾驶员感知的方法来评价路用性能是必要的。弄清驾驶员服务质量感知结构对区分驾驶员感知服务质量也是必要的。 从驾驶员感知的角度对服务质量的评价已经有了很大成就,研究人员对评价驾驶员感知结构的感知服务质量做了比以前更多的尝试,但是感知服务质量的层次结构依旧很少被人认识。基于驾驶员的感知结构的层次结构,包括基点服务质量、基段服务质量和基面服务质量。通过参考感知结构的服务质量,Kita(2000)提出了测量服务质量的方法的基本框架。这个框架的基本思想是服务质量的最小单位是微观驾驶环境,比如在每个路段驾驶员的视野范围内相对速度和空间时间间隔。驾驶员对于特定路段的服务质量感知是这些基点服务质量的集合。然而关于感知服务质量的重要因素—微观驾驶环境的数据却很难获得。另一方面,宏观交通状态变量,比如由微观交通状况变量集合的数据—速率,可以很容易的通过车辆检测器。在给定宏观交通状况下,捕捉发生在什么样的微观环境和到什么程度是必要的。但是,没有研究与以上观点相关,直到本文作者对他的认识。 本研究的目的是开发一个通过宏观交通状况变量评价微观驾驶环境的方法,并提出一系列对宏观交通状态变量的基点服务质量的测量和对根据驾驶感知结构和服务质量层次结构基点服务质量的基段服务质量的测量方法。通过使用上面的方法,获得有关驾驶员感知结构的宏观交通状况数据,评价基于驾驶员感知的基段服务质量。 本文组织如下。第2部分,概括评价服务质量领域的相关文献。第3部分,表述包括提出的方法论的一系列方法的概要和基本思想。第4部分,概述运用宏观交通状态变量估计微观驾驶环境的方法。第5部分,开发了一种联系基点感知服务质量和考虑认知倾向的基段感知服务质量的模型,并对概率分布之间的关系效用进行微观分析。第6部分,通过运用从车辆检测器上获得的实际交通状况数据检测本文所表述的理论模型的有效性。第7部分,结论。 2 文献综述 已经做过很多关于驾驶员感知的服务质量评价工作。但由于篇幅有限,只把文献大纲列出如下。更多信息可以从Kita and Kouchi(2010)中获得。有一些研究阐述了交通服务质量应该基于驾驶员的微观驾驶环境的感知评价交通服务质量(Morrall and Werner (1990), Ishibashi et al. (2006))。有一些研究试图找到一个可以展现与感知交通服务质


本科毕业设计(论文) 专业外文翻译 专业名称:土木工程专业(道路与桥梁)年级班级:道桥08-5班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二○一二年五月十八日

Geometric Design of Highways The road is one kind of linear construction used for travel. It is made of the roadbed, the road surface, the bridge, the culvert and the tunnel. In addition, it also has the crossing of lines, the protective project and the traffic engineering and the route facility. The roadbed is the base of road surface, road shoulder, side slope, side ditch foundations. It is stone material structure, which is designed according to route's plane position .The roadbed, as the base of travel, must guarantee that it has the enough intensity and the stability that can prevent the water and other natural disaster from corroding. The road surface is the surface of road. It is single or complex structure built with mixture. The road surface require being smooth, having enough intensity, good stability and anti-slippery function. The quality of road surface directly affects the safe, comfort and the traffic. Highway geometry designs to consider Highway Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Alignment two kinds of linear and cross-sectional composition of coordination, but also pay attention to the smooth flow of the line of sight, etc. Determine the road geometry, consider the topography, surface features, rational use of land and environmental protection factors, to make full use of the highway geometric components of reasonable size and the linear combination. 1.Alignment Design The alignment of a road is shown on the plane view and is a series of straight lines called tangents connected by circular. In modern practice it is common to interpose transition or spiral curves between tangents and circular curves. Alignment must be consistent. Sudden changes from flat to sharp curves and long tangents followed by sharp curves must be avoided; otherwise, accident hazards will be created. Likewise, placing circular curves of different radii end to end (compound curves) or having a short tangent between two curves is poor practice unless suitable transitions between them are provided. Long, flat curves are preferable at all times, as they are pleasing in appearance and decrease possibility of future


翻译练习一(英译汉)小组讨论情况记录 小组成员:赵一,钱二,孙三,李四 本次讨论记录、执笔人:赵一 1.本次翻译文本的目标读者是? 2.本次翻译任务需要达成的目的是? 3.请用注释的形式写出“翻译根据”。翻译根据包括(但不限于)根据翻译目的 对翻译方法(策略)的选择;术语的出处或论证过程;译文选词、造句、结构、篇章等方面的考虑; 原文:在国内众多的历史课本或辅导爱国读本中,讲到北宋的社会经济,往往说这时期出现了中国第一个商标。这枚传说中的白兔商标现存于中国历史博物馆,中间一个白兔图,寓“玉兔捣药”之意. 译文:In various Chinese history textbooks and patriotic readings[i], one thing is always covered in the economic development[ii] of the Northern Song Dynasty—the emergence[iii] of China’s first trademark, which is now kept in the National Museum of Chinese History[iv]. This legendary trademark was designed with a white rabbit image in the middle, implying the message of the Jade Rabbit pounding medicine[v] [i]辅导爱国读本 第一步,理解中文。 所谓“辅导爱国读本”一般指供学生课下阅读的旨在培养爱国情操的材料(当然也可以面向社会读者),内容可以涵盖从古至今国家经济政治文化等各方面情况:讲成就可以培养人们的民族自尊心、自信心、自豪感等等;也可以讲失败、讲教训,激励人们奋发图强,建设祖国。…这些在中国都属于“爱国主义教育”的内容。文中要讲的是北宋出现了中国历史上第一枚商标,这是经济发展的标志之一,算是“成就”,同时此商标设计上又体现了浓郁的中国传统文化特色(玉兔捣药),因此自然会被写入爱国读本让大家了解。 第二步,理解基础上做出一个译文。


桥用英语怎么说 桥是一种用来跨越障碍的大型构造物。目的是允许人、车辆、火车或船舶穿过障碍。桥可以打横搭着谷河或者海峡两边,又或者起在地上升高,槛过下面的河或者路,让下面交通畅通无阻。那么你知道桥用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 桥英语说法: bridge 桥的相关短语: 桥接Bridge;bridging;WDS;BTL 魔鬼桥Devil'sBridge;Pontedeldiavolo;PontdelDiable 关门桥 KanmonkyoBridge;Kanmonkyo;KanmonBridge;Turnsofftheboatraft 长青桥CheungTsingBridge;RamblerChannelBridge 布朗桥Brownianbridge 桥的英语例句: 1.IthappenedatStamfordBridgeonemurkyNovemberafternoon. 这发生在11月一个阴沉的下午,斯坦福德桥上。 2.Ihearyouhadaverynarrowescapeonthebridge. 我听说你在桥上险些出事。 3.TheLyricTheatreispresentinganewproductionof"OvertheBri dge". 利里克剧院正在上演新排的《桥对面》。

4.Theyrequestedsapperstomendbridgesorremovemines. 他们要求坑道工兵修桥或拆雷。 5.Someofthehousesnearestthebridgewereonfire. 离桥最近的一些房屋着火了。 6.Twomenwereonthebridge-deck,steadyingaladder. 两名男子在船桥甲板上扶着一架梯子不让它摇晃。 7.JimPartridgechuckedhimselfoffsomebridgeorother. 吉姆·帕特里奇从某座桥上跳了下去。 8.Thebridgewashigh,jackeduponwoodenpiers. 桥很高,被几个大木墩托起。 9.AdaredevilparachutistjumpedfromthetopofTowerBridgetoda y. 一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。 10.Thebridgeisnowopentotwo-waytraffic. 这座桥现已双向通车了。 11.Thewatersloshedaroundthebridge. 河水在桥的周围荡漾。 12.Thereisnothingaestheti-callypleasingaboutthisbridge. 这座桥无法给人以美的享受。 13.Thebridgeisusedinfrequently. 那座桥少有人过。 14.WecrossedthebridgeovertheriverWindrush. 我们穿过了温德拉什河上的桥。
