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Lesson Five Trifles (Part One )

By Susan Glaspell



George Henderson , county attorney乔治?亨德森,县法官

Henry Peters ,Sheriff亨利?彼得斯,司法官

Lewis Hale, A neighboring farmer路易斯?黑尔,附近的农场主

Mrs. Peters 彼得斯夫人



The kitchen in the now abandoned(閒置的) farmhouse of John Wright, a gloomy kitchen , and left without having been put in order ---unwashed pans under the sink , a loaf of (一條)bread outside the breadbox , a dish towel on the table ---other signs of incompleted work.


At the rear the outer door opens and the sheriff comes in followed by the county attorney and Mr. Hale .


The sheriff and Mr. Hale are men in middle life , the county attorney is a young man , all are much bundled up(臃腫) and go at once to the stove .


They are followed by two women ---the sheriff ‘s wife first ; she is a slight wiry瘦长却很结实 woman , with a thin nervous face .Mrs. Hale is larger and would ordinarily be called more comfortable looking , but she is disturbed now and looks fearfully about as she enters . The women have come in slowly , and stand close together near the door . 琐事(第一部分)


County attorney : ( rubbing his hands . ) This feels good . Come up to the fire , ladies .


Mrs. Peters: ( After taking a step forward . ) I ‘m not --- cold .


Sheriff : ( Unbuttoning his overcoat and stepping away from the stove as if to mark the beginning of official business . ) Now, Mr. Hale , before we move things about , you explain to Mr. Henderson just what you saw when you came here yesterday morning .



County attorney : By the way , has anything been moved ? Are things just as you left them yesterday ?


Sheriff : ( Looking about ) It ‘s just the same . When it dropped below zero last night I thought I ‘d better send Frank out this morning to make a fire for us ----no use getting pneumonia (肺炎)with a big case on , but I told him not to touch anything except the stove ----and you know Frank .


County attorney : Somebody should have been left here yesterday .


Sheriff : Oh ----yesterday . When I had to send Frank to Morris Center for that man who went crazy ----I want you to know I had my hands full yesterday , I knew you could get back from Omaha by today and as long as I went over everything here myself ----


County attorney : Well , Mr. Hale , tell just what happened when you came here yesterday morning .


Mr. Hale : Harry and I had started to town with a load of potatoes . We came along the road from my place and as I got here I said , “ I ‘m going to see if I can’t get John Wright to go in with me on a party telephone (公用電話). “


I spoke to Wright about it once before and he put me off , saying floks talked too much anyway , and all he asked was peace and quiet ---


-I guess you know about how much he talked himself ; but I thought maybe if I went to the house and talked about it before his wife , though I said to Harry that I didn’t know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John----


County attorney : Let’s talk about that later , Mr. Hale . I do want to talk about that , but tell now just what happened when you got to the house .



Mr. Hale : I didn’t hear or see anything ; I knocked at the door , and still it was all quiet inside . I knew they must be up , it was past eight o’clock . So I knocked again , and I thought I heard somebody say , “ Come in . “ I wasn’t sure , I ‘m not sure yet , but I opened the door ---this door ( Indicating 指出the door by which the two women are still standing . ) and there in that rocker搖椅 ---( pointing to it . ) sat Mrs. Wright .


( They all look at the rocker . ) (所有的人都注视那把摇椅)

County attorney : What ----was she doing ? 县法官:她——在干什么?

Mr. Hale : She was rocking back and forth . She had her apron圍裙 in her hand and was kind of ---pleating it .


County attorney : And how did she ---look ? 县法官:她——看上去怎么样?

Mr. Hale :Well, she looked queer . 她看上去挺古怪。

County attorney : How do you mean ----queer ? 县法官:古怪——什么意思?

Mr. Hale: Well , as if she didn’t know what she was going to do next . And kind of done up .


County attorney :How did she seem to feel about your coming ?


Mr. Hale : Why , I don’t think she minded ---one way or other . She didn’t pay much attention . I said , “ How do , Mrs. Wright , it’s cold , ain’t it ?”And she said , “ Is it ?”


---and went on kind of pleating at her apron . Well , I was surprised ; she didn’t ask me to come up to the stove , or to sit down , but just sat there , not even looking at me ,


so I said , “ I want to see John . “ and then she ---laughed . I guess you would call it a laugh . I thought of Harry and the team outside , so I said a little sharp : “ Can’t I see John ?”



“ No, “ she says , kind of dull(遲`疑) like . 她样子有点迟疑地说,“不行。”

“ Ain’t he home ?” says I . “ Yes, “ says she , “ he’s home .”


“ then why can’t I see him ?” I asked her , out of patience .(不耐煩)


“ Cause he’s dead , “ says she . “ Dead?” says I . she just nodded her head , not getting a bit excited , but rocking back and forth .


“ Why ---where is he ?”says I , not knowing what to say .


She just pointed upstairs ----like that . ( Himself pointing to the room above . ) I got up , with the idea of going up there . I walked from there to here ----then I says , “ Why , what did he die of ?”


he died of a rope 繩子round his neck ,” says she , and just went on pleating at her apron .


Well , I went out and called Harry . I thought I might ---need help . We went upstairs and there he was lying ----


County attorney : I think I ‘d rather have you go into that upstairs , where you can point it all out . Just go on now with the rest of the story .


Mr. Hale : Well , my first thought was to get that rope off . It looked … ( Stops , his face twitches . ) …but Harry , he went up to him , and he said , “ No, he’s dead all right , and we’d better not touch anything . “ so we went back downstairs .


she was still sitting that way . “ Has anybody been notified ?” I asked . “ No, “ says she , unconcerned .


“ Who did this , Mrs. Wright ?” says Harry . He said it businesslike ----and she stopped pleating of her apron . :” I dunno,” she says .



“ You don’t know ?” says Harry . “ No, “ says she . “ Weren’t you sleeping in the bed with him ?” says Harry . 哈里问,“你没跟他睡在一张床上?”

“ Yes, “ says she , “ but I was on the inside .


“ somebody slipped a rope round his neck and strangled(勒死) him and you didn’t wake up ?”

says Harry .


“ I didn’t wake up , “ she said after him . We must have looked as if we didn’t see how that could be , for after a minute she said , “ I sleep sound . “睡得很死


Harry was going to ask her more questions but I said maybe we ought to let her tell her story first to the coroner 驗屍官or the sheriff ,


so Harry went fast as he could to Rivers ‘s place , where there’s a telephone .


County attorney : And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner ?


Mr. Hale : She moved from that chair to this one over here . ( pointing to a small chair in the corner . ) and just sat there with her hands held together and looking down .


I got a feeling that I ought to make some conversation , so I said I had come in to see if John wanted to put in a telephone , and at that she started to laugh , and then she stopped an looked at me -----scared . ( The county attorney , who has had his notebook out , makes a note . )


I dunno , maybe it wasn’t scared . I wouldn’t like to say it was . Soon Harry got back , and then Dr. Lloyd came , and you , Mr. Peters , and so I guess that’s all I know that you don’t .


County attorney : ( Looking around . ) I guess we’ll go upstairs first ---and then out to the barn (谷倉)and around there . ( To the sheriff. ) You’re convinced that there was nothing important here ---nothing that would point to any motive



Sheriff : Nothing here but kitchen things .


( The county attorney , after again looking around the kitchen , opens the door of a cupboard closet 食品壁橱. He gets up on a chair and looks on a shelf . Pulls his hand away , sticky . 尴尬 )


County attorney : Here’s a nice mess .


( The women draw nearer . )


Mrs Peters (to the other woman . ) Oh , her fruit ; it did freeze . ( to the county attorney . ) She worried about that when it turned so cold . She said the fire’d go out and her jars would break .


Sheriff : Well , can beat the women !真拿女我沒法 Held for murder and worrying about her preserves . 罐頭


County attorney : I guess before we’re through she may have something more serious than preserves to worry about .


Mr. Hale : Well , women are used to worrying over trifles .


( The two women move a little closer together . )


county attorney ( With the gallantry果敢 of a young politician . ) and yet , for all their worries , what would we do without the ladies ?


( The women do not unbend . He goes to the sink , takes a dipperful of water from the pail 水桶and pouring it into a basin , washes his hands .


Starts to wipe them on the roller towel , turns it for a cleaner place . ) Dirty towels !( Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink . ) Not much of a housekeeper , would you say , ladies ?


Mrs. Hale : ( Stiffly . ) There ‘s a great deal of work to be done on a farm .



County attorney : To be sure . And yet ( with a little bow to her . ) I know there are some Dickson county farmhouses which do not have such roller towels .


( He gives it a pull to expose its full length again . )


Mrs. Hale : Those towels get dirty awful quick . Men’s hands aren’t always as clean as they might be .


County attorney : Ah , loyal to your sex , I see . But you and Mrs. Wright were neighbors . I suppose you were friends , too .


Mrs. Hale : ( Shaking her head . ) I ‘ve not seen much of her of late years . I ‘ve not been in this house ----it’s more than a year .


County attorney : And why was that ? You didn’t like her ?


Mrs. Hale : I liked her all well enough . Farmers’ wives have their hands full , Mr. Henderson . And then -----


County attorney : yes ----?


Mrs. Hale : (looking about )It never seemed a very cheerful place .


County attorney : No-----it’s not cheerful . I shouldn’t say she had the homemaking instinct .


Mrs. Hale : Well , I don’t know as Wright had , either .


County attorney : You mean that they didn’t get on very well ?


Mrs Hale : No, I don’t mean anything . But I don’t think a place’d be any cheerfuller for John Wright’s being in it .


County attorney : I ‘d like to talk more of that a little later . I want to get the lay of things upstairs now .


(He goes to the left , where three steps lead to a stair door . )


Sheriff : I suppose anything Mrs. Peters does ‘ll be all right . She was to take in some clothes for her , you know , and a few little things. We left in such a hurry yesterday .



County attorney : Yes , but I would like to see what you take , Mrs Peters ,and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us .


Mrs. Peters : Yes , Mr. Henderson .


( The women listen to the men’s steps on the stairs , then look about the kitchen . )


Mrs. Hale : I ‘d hate men coming into my kitchen , snooping around and criticizing .


( she arranges the pans under sink which the county attorney had shoved out of place . )


Mrs. Peters : Of course it’s no more than their duty .


Mrs. Hale : Duty’s all right , but I guess that deputy sheriff that came out to make fire might have a little of this on .


( Gives the roller towel a pull . ) Wish I ‘d though of that sooner . Seems mean to talk about her for not having things slicked up when she had to come away in such a hurry .


Mrs. Peters : ( Who has gone to a small table in the left rear corner of the room , and lifed one end of a towel that covers a pan . ) She had bread set . ( Stands still . )


Mrs. Hale :(Eyes fixed on a loaf of bread beside the breadbox , which is on a low shelf at the other side of the room . Moves slowly toward it . ) she was going to put this in there .


(Picks up loaf , then abruptly drops it . In a manner of returning to familiar things . )


It’s a shame about her fruit . I wonder if it’s all gone . ( Gets up on the chair and looks . ) I think there’s some here that’s all right , Mrs. Peters .


Yes -----here ; ( Holding it toward the window. ) this is cherries , too . ( Looking again

. ) I declare I believe that’s the only one .


( Gets down , bottle in her hand . Goes to the sink and wipes it off on the outside . ) She’ll feel awful bad after all her hard work in the hot weather .


I remember the afternoon I put up my cherries last summer .


( She puts the bottle on the big kitchen table , center of the room . With a sigh , is about to sit down in the rocking –chair . Before she is seated realizes what chair it is ; with a slow look at it , steps back . The chair which she has touched rocks back and forth . ) (她把瓶子放在厨房中央的大桌子上。叹了一口气,准备在摇椅上坐下。正要坐时,意识到这是什么椅子;慢慢看了它一眼,退回来。她碰过的摇椅前后摆动)

Mrs Perters : Well , I must get those things from the front room closet . ( She goes to the door at the right , but after looking into the other room , steps back . ) You coming with me , mrs . hale ?

You could help me carry them .

( They go in the other room ; reappear , Mrs. Peters carrying a dress and skirt , Mrs. Hale following with a pair of shoes . ) 彼得斯夫人:现在,我得到正屋壁橱里取那些衣物。(她走到右边的门口,往另一个房间里看了看,又走了回来)跟我一起去,好吗?黑尔夫人?你可以帮我拿着它们。(她们走进另一个房间,又走了回来,彼得斯夫人拿着一件衣服和一条裙子,黑尔夫人拿着一双鞋跟在后面)

Mrs. Peters : My, it’s cold in there .


( She puts the clothes on the big table , and hurries to the stove . )

(她将衣服放在大桌子上,快步走到炉火旁) `

Mrs. Hale ? Examing her skirt . ) Wright was close .


I think maybe that’s why she kept so much to herself . she didn’t even belong to the Ladies Aid .


I supposed she felt she couldn’t do her part , and then you don’t enjoy things when you feel shabby破舊的 .


She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively , when she was Minnie Foster , one of the town girls singing in the choir .


But that –oh , that was thirty years ago . This all you was to take in



Mrs. Peters : She said she wanted an apron . Funny thing to want , for there isn’t much to get you dirty in jail , goodness knows .


But I suppose just to make her feel more natural . She said they was in the top drawer in this cupboard .


Yes , here . And then her little shawl(圍巾) that always hung behind the door . ( Opens stair door and looks . ) Yes , here it is . ( Quickly shuts door leading upstairs . )

