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Bi-Surface disinfection

Bi-Surface disinfection
Bi-Surface disinfection

表面消毒Surface disinfection

演讲人:伊丽莎白By Elisabeth Schoenfeld

什么是表面What is a surface?

Noun 名词

外面的部分或浅表的一层东西the outside part or uppermost layer of something:

地球的表面the surface of the earth

路况差的路面poor road surfaces

物体的最顶层the level top of something

在面粉的案板上擀面团roll out the dough on a floured surface

(还有表面积)外部面积或是浅表面(also surface area) the area of an outer part or uppermost layer of something

一个正方体的表面积the surface area of a cube

液体上限the upper limit of a body of liquid

鱼浮在水面fish floating on the surface of the water

[单数]某人或某物的外观,特别是有别于不太明显的方面[in singular] the outward appearance of someone or something, especially as distinct from less obvious aspects

汤姆是一个花花公子,但表面上他很体面。Tom was a womanizer, but on the surface he remained respectable

什么是消毒?What is disinfection?


杀灭有害微生物treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms


[with object] [加宾语]使用消毒剂清洁(某物)以消灭细菌clean (something) with a disinfectant in order to destroy bacteria

他的额头消了毒并包扎了伤口he disinfected and dressed the cut on his forehead

表面Kind of Surfaces

表面被认为是非关键物品,因为它们接触完整的皮肤。Surfaces are considered noncritical items because they contact intact skin.

对非关键物品的接触或是对它们的使用会导致患者或员工小的感染风险。他们分为环境表面和医疗设备表面。Contact with noncritical items or the use of them holds little risks in causing infection in patients or staff. They are divided in environmental surfaces and medical equipment surfaces.

用于清洗消毒的消毒剂可以类似。The disinfectants used to clean and disinfect them can be similar.

每个表面都能被传染原污染并传播医疗保健相关感染。Every surface can be contaminated with infectious agents and spread health-care associated infections.

医疗器械可以分为两组Medical equipment can be categorized into two groups

非关键医疗设备1 none critical medical equipment


环境设备2 environmental equipment

非关键医疗设备例如None critical medical equipment is for example:

?X光机X-ray machines

?血压带Blood pressure cuffs

?心电电极ECG electrodes

环境设备例如Environmental equipment is for example:

?床头柜Bedside table

?病床Hospital bed




一个清洁的环境在减少医疗相关感染中起着重要的作用。A clean environment has an important role in reducing healthcare associated infections.

一个洁净的医院可以让患者感受到他们待遇的不同。A clean hospital can make a difference to how patients feel about how they have been treated.

清洁是每个人的责任。Cleaning is everyone's responsibility!

什么是清洁?What is cleaning?

清洁是对外部物质的一种清理,如灰尘、血液、锈、碎片、溢出物等Cleaning is the physical removal of foreign material such as dirt, blood, rust, debris, spillage…

它消除了微生物而不是杀死他们。这可以通过如下方式做到:It removes the micro-organisms rather then killing them. That will be achieved by



?机械作用mechanical action

这三个部分对于一般医院清洁是足够的。清洁是去污过程中最重要的。如果一个物品没有被清理,那么“灰尘”就会阻止消毒剂起效。This three parts are sufficient for general hospital cleaning. Cleaning is important in the process of decontamination. If an item is not cleaned, “dirt” prevents the disinfectant to be effective.

其就会失效=无效。It becomes ineffective=useless.

好的清洁不仅仅是审美的干净而且也是技术上的干净。Good cleaning is not just aesthetical clean but also technically clean.

我们都要能够假设医院是一个可以控制感染危险的环境,在这个环境中能了解到如何预防感染。We all should be able to assume that a hospital is an environment where infection hazards are controlled and where you are informed on how to prevent infection.

净化的三个阶段Three levels of decontamination


?清洁+消毒Cleaning +Disinfecting

?清洁+消毒Cleaning +sterilizing

清洁可以用热水及清洁剂做到。Cleaning is done with hot water and detergent.

热的,如热水,不是温水,不是冷水Hot, like HOT water, not warm, not cold hot water.

颜色编码Color coding

每个表面和用来清洁它的抹布都要有自己的颜色。every surface and the rag used to clean it has it’s own color
