当前位置:搜档网 › 2018年苏教版五年级下英语易错题资料讲解




1.What’s wrong with Tim?

H e has a fever. He’s sleeping ___________ (in one’s bedroom)

2.What should I do , Mum?

You should __________ and clean your bedroom by yourself. (make the bed)

3.Look! Sam ___________ (eat) an apple under the tree.

4.Bobby is new here. He is ________ (ask) the way to Times Supermarket.

5.Lily ______ (like)growing flowers .Now the ______ (water) her flowers.

6.Where _______ (be) your sisters, Mike?

Look! They _______(play) with the little cat on the grass.

7.They like to _______(play) basketball in the afternoon.

8.She has to _________ (go) home now.

9.How many _______(box) are there?

There ______ (be) only one.

10.He is very a ________ to find his windows broken.(破碎的)

11.The ________(牙医) at this hospital work very hard.

12.Cinderella __________ (try) on the crystal shoe.

13.Why _______ (be) she so happy.

14.They start ___________(fight).

15.Cinderella _____ (不得不)come back before twelve o’clock.

16.The chips(薯片)_____(be)bad for us.

17.December is the _____ (twelve)month of a year

18.My grandpa’s birthday is on the 3rd of May. We always _____(给她买个大蛋糕)

19.Airil Fool’s Day is on _____ (四月一日).

20.How many _____(a small person with magic)help Cinderella?

21._____(为什么不)go home, Mary?

22.I am _____ my watch ,but I can not _____ it.(用find 或look for适当形式补全)

23.What are you doing there?I am _____ my pencil.(用find 或look for适当形式补全)

24.I hope you will soon _____your lost storybook.(用find 或look for适当形式补全)

25.Wang bing wants _____ (see)your new house.

26.How do _____(China)students often go to school?

27.I want a cup of tea(改为同义句) I _____ _____ a cup of tea.

28.The boy sits next to _____(they)and says nothing.

29.He is asking yang ling how _____(get)the train station.

30.There _____ (be)any juice on the table.

31.My aunt _____(not)like _____(eat)_____(mango).

32.The kite _____ (fly)high in the sky now.

33.Grandma,what are you _____(寻找)?

34.This is Helen _____(speak).who’s that?



________ _________ your parents ________?

________ _________ breakfast in the kitchen.


My grandma is ________ in the ________.

3.The little girl is cold and she wants _________ (一些保暖的衣服)


___________ _____________ Bobby eat so much?


This bed is _________ __________.


This new _______ _________ is reading.


He can _____ _____ _____bike.


My uncle _____ _____a big _____.


_____ _____you go to school? _____ _____ _____.


Go _____ this street ,then_____ _____.you can see the bookshop is_____your _____.


He wants to buy some _____ _____ _____are _____favourite.


1.Yang Ling can see a kite in the sky. (对划线部分提问)

_________ __________ Yang Ling see in the sky ?

2. My mother is trying on some clothes in the shop.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _________ ________ mother _______ in the shop?

3.A fairy helps Cinderrella.(对划线部分提问)________ _________ Cinderella?

10.We can’t eat the mushrooms because they are bad for us. (对划线部分提问)

________ ___________ __________ eat the mushrooms?

11.Lisa can’t get on the taxi because it is full.(对划线部分提问)

________ __________Lisa get on the taxi?

12.The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June.(对划线部分提问)

_________ __________ the Dragon Boat Festival.

13.I usually go to school by metro (同义句转换)I usually _____ _____ _____to school.

14.Dose she walk along this road ?(同义句转换)she _____ aiong this road.

15.The meat smells nice (对划线部分提问)_____ _____ the meat _____?

16.Ben is looking for his new pen in the playground.(对划线部分提问)

_____is ben _____ _____in the playgrounds?


( ) 1.A . between B.English C. morning

( ) 2.A . think B.sleeping C.thin

( ) 3.A. dinner B.pink C.sing


()1.Let ________ sing this beautiful song ________ our Music lesson.





( ) 2.Sometimes Lucy and I ___________ to school ________the morning.



C.are walking;in

D.is walking ;on

( ) 3.Mike usually makes some ______ and sends them to all his friends.


B. cards C emails


1 五年级数学分数各种经典题型专项训练 班级 姓名 得分 一、 填空 1. 36÷3 4 所表示的意义是( )。 2. 234 小时=( )小时( )分 35平方米=( )平方分米 34 25 吨=( )吨( ) 千克 25分钟=( )时 3. 4÷5 = ( )15 = 28( ) = 12 ÷( )=( )[小数] 4. 一辆小轿车每行6千米耗油 3 5 千克,平均每千克汽油可以行驶( )千米,行1千米要 耗油( )千克。 5. 甲、乙两个正方体的体积和是27立方分米。甲棱长是乙棱长 1 2 。那么,甲、乙两个正方

2 体的体积分别是( )立方分米 和( )立方分米。 6. 8 5的倒数除7 1,商是( ) 7. 把一根 10 9 米长的木材锯成相等的几段,一共锯了4次,每段占这根木材的( ),每段长是( )。 8. 一个三角形的面积是5 7平方分米,底是2 1分米,高是( )厘米。 9. 给一条长5 4 千米的人行道铺地砖,4天完成了任务的一半,平均每天铺( )米。 10. 已知 A × ()03 2 14343≠÷==÷=a d c b ,把a 、b 、c 、d 从小到大排列。 ___________________________________________ 11. 小马虎把一个数乘83错看成除以83,结果得5 4,正确的结果是( )。 12. 一张长方形彩纸长54m ,宽5 2 m ,做幸运星用去了这张纸的83,用去( )平方米,还剩下 这张纸的( )没用。 二、选择正确的答案的序号填在括号里。 1. A 是一个非零的自然数,下列算式中得数最大的是( )。


(五年级PEP英语上册复习资料,主要是易错和难点,非常实用哦!能全对,绝对考试100,能达到90%以上,就属于非常厉害了。我在最后写了一点心得,希望能给大家辅导孩子带来一点帮助!) 五年级上学期容易错题和难题荟萃 能全对,绝对考试100,能达到90以上,就属于非常厉害了。 一、选择 There some rice on the desk. ( is / are ) How mutton do you have ? ( many / much / old) This is a picture your room ( on / in / of ) There are many birds the tree. ( in / on /at ) There is a picture the wall ( in / on /at ) My math teacher is china. ( an / from / like ) There a lot of sweets in the box. ( is / are / have / has ) Sunday is sweet (on / for ) us. It?s time (to / for / on ) dinner。 He can (water / waters / wateres ) the flowers. What can we (do / doing / to do ) There are many apples the tree. ( in / on /at ) It?s time (to / for / on ) get up. I often play (the / a / “/” ) football on mondays. I can play ping-pong (with / for ) you . My mother often (watches / watch / watchs) Tv on Mondays . In Canada Thanksgiving Day is second Monday (at/in/on) October.


五年级上册英语易错题复习 一、听音选择。 ( )1a. houseb. horse( )2a. faltb. flag( )3a. bridgeb. building( )4a. knowb. now( )5a. mountainb. mutton( )6a. lakeb. make( )7a. there’reb. they’re( )8a. missb. mrs( )9a. workb. walk( )10a. onb. no( )11a. closetb. clothes( )a. pathb. math( )13a do houseworkb. do homework( )14a. potatob. tomato( )15a. shirtb. short( )16a. sweetb. sweep( )17a. thursdayb. tuesday( )18a. tellb. tall二.将序号填在相应的括号里。 ( )1.what do you have on wednesdays?a.i’d like some fish, mutton and rice.( )2.can the mokey cook the meals?b.they can do the dishes.( )3.is there a forest in the park?c.there are many books and a schoolbag.( )4.what can they do ? https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0c4948759.html,d.i often play football with my brother.( )5.what do you have for lunch on tuesdays?e.she’s alice. 新课标第一网( )6.who’s that pretty girl?f.yes, there are.( )7.what’s near the window?g.i have math, chinese and science.( )8.what would you like for dinner today?h.no,


2015年6月五年级下册各单元易错题 一、单项选择 1、themorning,Igoforawalkmyfriend. A.In;and B.On;with C.In;with 2、Iusuallyontheweekend. A.washclothes B.doeshomework C.cookdinner 3、Therelotsofsnow. A.is B.are C.has 4、SummervacationisinJulyAugust. A.or B.and C.but 5、WhereareEastereggsLet′sthem. A.lookat B.lookfor C.look 6、------I′mdrawingapicrure. A.Whatdoyoudo B.Whatinshedoing C.Whatareyoudoing 7、IoftengoforawalkSaturdays. A.on B.in C./ 8、Areyoutakingadancingclass---. A.Yes,Ido. B.No,Ican′t C.Yes,Ican. 9、Todayismybirthday. A.twenty B.twenty—three C.twenty—third.

二、连词成句。 1、areflonersThereeverywherebeautiful(.) 2、nicetheBecauseweatheris(.) 3、birthdayWhenpartyisthe() 4、havingIsclasssheEnglishan() 5、bikeitisWhose() 6、favouriteisseasonWintermy(.) 7、theirspicturesTheseare(.) 三、选出与所给单词同类的选项。 1、()whichA.seasonB.whyC.snow 2、()pickA.allB.leafC.white 四、英汉互译。 1、goodjob 2、summervacation 五、按要求写单词。 1、five(序数词) 2、eleven(序数词) 3、twentieth(基数词) 4、fourth(基数词) 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、MybirthdaypartyisonDecember(ten). 2、It′s(twelve)o’clock. 3、Thereare(four)peopleinmyfamily. 4、Father′sDayisonthe(there)SundayinJune. 5、Isee(twenty–one)sheep.


易错题练习 1、一个直角三角形的三条边的长度分别是3;4;5厘米;这个三角形的面积是()。斜边上的高是()厘米。 2、两个()三角形能拼成一个平行四边形;两个()三角形能拼成一个长方形。 3、0.15小时=()分24分=()小时20500平方米=()公顷 4.05公顷=()平方米 4、一个长方形木框;拉成一个平行四边形;()不变;()变小。一个平行四边形木框;拉成一个长方形;面积();周长()。 5、一个三位小数四舍五入后是2.56;这个小数最大可能是();最小可能是()。 6、等底等高的三角形是等底等高的平行四边形的面积的()。一个三角形和一个平行四边形的面积相等;底也相等;那么三角形的底是平行四边形的底的();如果三角形的底是10cm;那么平行四边形的底是()。 7、1.373737……是()小数;它的的循环节是();用简便写法记作()。这个数保留两位小数是()。2.235235……的循环节是() 8、1.205×0.35的积有()位小数。14.7里面有()个0.7。 9、13.65扩大到原数的()是1365;6.8缩小到原数的()是0.068。 10、一个数乘大于1的数;积比这个数大;一个数乘小于1的数;积比这个数小。一个数除以大于1的数;商比这个数小;一个数除以小于1的数;商比这个数大。( 0除外)2.6×0.78()2.6 0.24×360()3.6×24 17.3÷1.1()17.3 5.08÷0.22()5.08 3.8÷0.8()3.8 3.8×0.7()38×0.07 0.42()0.4×2 2.6÷1.4()2.6×1.4 11、找准被除数。李师傅4小时做20个零件;平均每小时做()个零件。平均做一个零需要()小时。 12、19.76÷0.26=()÷26=()。 13、一个平行四边形的面积是10dm2;与它等底等高的三角形的面积是()。 14、梯形面积公式用字母表示是()。 15、一个数小数点向右移动2位后;比原数大1237.5;这个数是()。 16、服装厂要加工一批儿童服装;原来每套用布1.5米;可以加工480套。现在每套少用布0.3米;现在可以加工()。 17、3.6×1.9+0.36×81=3.6×(1.9+ ) 18、把0.607 、0.607、 0.607 、 0.607 、 0.607按照从小到大的顺序排列。 19、含有未知数的()叫做方程。 20、把一根木料锯成3段要3.6分钟;锯成8段要()分钟。 21、一件衬衫要用6颗扣子;100颗扣子最多能钉()件衬衫。 22、计算1.68÷0.15;当商是11时;余数是()。


五年级英语上册易错题集(5) ※let’s 1.Let’s _______(go)to school. 2. Let’s _______(play)hide-and-seek. 3. Let’s_______(do)exercise. 4. Let’s ______ (go) and ______ (see) the pandas. ※can/can’t 1. I can________(run) fast. 2. We can’t_______(pass) the ball well. 3. She can______(catch) the ball well. 4. He can______(jump) high. 5. They can’t ______(carry) the desk. 6. Can you _______(help) me? 7. Can he_______(swim) fast? 8. He can’t ________(carry) the desk. ※want 1.I want_________(play)chess. 2. He wants _________(swim). 3. Sam wants________(climb) up the tree. 4. We want to _______(make) a shopping list. 5. They want to ______(watch) TV. ※like 1. I like___________(skip). 2. I like___________(swim). 3. He likes_________(run). 4. She likes ________ (dance). ※祈使句(表示要求或命令) 肯定句:以动原开头。 否定句:Don’t + 动原。 1._______(stand) up. 起立。 2._______( point) to the door. 指向门。


五年级下册英语易错题 Prepared on 22 November 2020

五年级英语下册专项练习及错题汇总 卞桥小学李玉灿 一.判断划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同 1 . ( ) A brown B grown C snow 2. ( ) A choose B look C book 3. ( ) A dinner B winder C April 4. ( ) A sport B work C short 5. ( ) A three B thin C thirteen 6. ( ) A thank B bank C trunk 7. ( ) A cry B cloudy C fly 8. ( ) A who B whose C when 9. ( ) A window B brown C grows 10. ( ) A grass B orange C green 11. ( ) A apple B and C grapes 二.单项选择 1. ( ) We finish class _____11o’clock____the morning. A. in ,in B at, in C at, at 2. ( ) Summer comes before________. A winter B autumn C spring 3.( ) _____is after April in a year . A March B May C June 4.( ) What’s the date today A It’s May 2nd B It’s in May. 5. ( ) It’s warm_____the day and cool_____night. A in,at B on,in C at,in 6.( ) ---Why do you like summer best---Because I can____________. A go skating B swimming C eat ice cream 7.( ) Which season is her birthday in A at B in Cof 8.( ) I like English_________. A best B very good C very best 9.( ) There are some_______in the tree. A leaf B leaves C leafs 10.( ) _______has a birthday in June A Who B Whose C What 11.( ) ---Which month is the third month---__________. A January B February C March 12.( ) August is the ______month of the year. A seven B eighth C ninth 13.( ) ---When is the sports meet---It’s ____April 4th. A in B at C on


五年级数学易错题集锦 一、填空(23分): 1、小数可以分为()和(),其中()小数又分为()和(),请把每种小数分别写出一个()()(). 2、三角形的面积公式()用字母表示是()。在三角形中,知道三角形的高h,和面积S,则三角形的底a= 3、2.51×0.067的积是()位小数,0.25×1.02的积是()位小数。 4、两个因数的积是5.62,一个因数扩大到原来的10倍,另一个因数缩小到原来的1/100,积是()。 5、把7.9645保留一位小数约是(),精确到千分位约是()。 6、等边三角形有()条对称轴,正方形有()条对称轴。 7、一个三位小数四舍五入后是7.50,这个三位小数最大是(),最小是()。 8、旋转和平移都只是改变了图形的(),而不改变图形的()和()。 二、计算(10分): 0.4+1.5= 2.5×4= 5×0.5= 3.2÷4= 0.64÷0.04= 10.8÷5.4= 1.2÷0.02= 解方程(18分): 5x+7=28 x-117=139 6x-x=41 5.4x+ 6.6x=19.2 2(x+x+0.5)=9.8 (200-x)÷5+30

简便计算(27分): 3.89×1.5+7.17×1.5-1.5 23.14×75+2314×0.25 0.025×0.2×1.25×0.04×0.8×0.5 7.6-7.6×0.9 3.35×102 12.5×17.8×0.8 9.9×2.5 9.12+9.12×9-6.02 3.14-(2.15-0.6) 四、应用题: 1、某市的出租车在3公里以内收费5元,超过3公里后,每公里加收1.40元。李师傅乘坐了14公里,要花多少钱? 2、小红的父亲给她25.5元去买书。买书时她发现这些钱还不够,又从自己积蓄的钱中拿出一些才够。她储钱罐里的钱有12.4元,是哪出的钱数的4倍。这次买书花了多少钱? 3、有一批货,计划每小时运22.5吨,7小时可以运完。实际只用了5小时就完成了任务,实际每小时能多运多少吨? 1、某市的出租车在3公里以内收费5元,超过3公里后,每公里加收1.40元。李师傅乘坐了14公里,要花多少钱? 2、小红的父亲给她25.5元去买书。买书时她发现这些钱还不够,又从自己积蓄的钱中拿出一些才够。她储钱罐里的钱有12.4元,是哪出的钱数的4倍。这次买书花了多少钱? 3、有一批货,计划每小时运22.5吨,7小时可以运完。实际只用了5小时就完成了任务,实际每小时能多运多少吨? 7、两个工程队修121千米的路,甲队每天修3.8千米,乙队每天修4.7千米。甲队先工作5天后,两队合修,还需要几天才能修完?


五年级英语下册专项练习及错题汇总 一.判断划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同 1 . ( ) A brown B grown C snow 2.( ) A choose B look C book 3.( ) A dinner B winder C April 4.( ) A sport B work C short 5.( ) A three B thin C thirteen 6.( ) A thank B bank C trunk 7.( ) A cry B cloudy C fly 8.( ) A who B whose C when 9.( ) A window B brown C grows 10.( ) A grass B orange C green 11.( ) A apple B and C grapes 二.单项选择 1.( ) We finish class _____11o’clock____the morning. A.in ,in B at, in C at, at 2.( ) Summer comes before________. A winter B autumn C spring 3.( ) _____is after April in a year . A March B May C June 4.( ) What’s the date today? A It’s May 2nd B It’s in May. 5.( ) It’s warm_____the day and cool_____night. A in,at B on,in C at,in 6.( ) ---Why do you like summer best?---Because I can____________. A go skating B swimming C eat ice cream 7.( ) Which season is her birthday in? A at B in Cof 8.( ) I like English_________. A best B very good C very best 9.( ) There are some_______in the tree. A leaf B leaves C leafs 10.( ) _______has a birthday in June? A Who B Whose C What 11.( ) ---Which month is the third month?---__________. A January B February C March 12.( ) August is the ______month of the year. A seven B eighth C ninth


五年级下册典型错例 采集样本 42 错误率 32.8% 采集者 郑国平 采集 学校 鹤池苑小学 错题来源 第四单元 题 型 基本 时 机 课时 √ 课 型 新授课 题目出处 作业本 综合 √ 单元 练习课 √ 相关知识 分数的意义 拓展 总复习 复习课 知识属性 陈述性知识 程序性知识 √ 策略性知识 教学简述 本题是学习了分数的意义后对分数意义的综合性练习题,学生已掌握了分数的意义,但仅局限于对某个分数意义的理解,如 6 5 表示将单位“1”平均分成6份,表示其中的5份,如果是一些具体的实际问题,由于受各方面因素的影响,一些学生就会遇到一些困难。 ◆典型错题 把5米长的铁丝平均截成6段,每段长( )米,每段是这根铁丝的( )。 错解:1/5 、5/6或其他一些答案 正解:1/6、5/6 ◆原因分析 学生方面: 1.学生的思维只停留在求平均数时总数比份数大这一方面上,通过学生访谈,发现如果总数比份数大,在求每份数时是非常快速和准确的,比如把10米长的铁丝平均分成5份,那么每份是10÷5=2米等一些类似的问题,哪怕学困生也比较容易地解答出来,但一旦变成总数比份数小时,比如把5米长的铁丝平均截成6段时,问题马上就出来了,答案五花八门。说明学生对每份数=总数÷份数还是掌握的,问题出在总数和份数的大小上面。 2.遇到问题后学生解决问题的方法单一,此类题目可以通过画图等数形结合的方法比较容易理解。 3.学生对两个问题的理解不够清楚,没有理解它们真正的含意和区别,即份数和数量。 教师方面:平时引导此类题目时不够到位,对两个问题的概念讲解不够清晰。 ◆教学建议 分数是小学数学学习中的一个重点。尤其是刚开始接触到分数时,学生不能准确理解哪是份数,哪是数量,这也是理解分数的难点所在。 1.在教学中,我是这样引领学生区分份数和数量的。像这样“每份占总量的几分之几”、“甲是乙的几分之几”所表示的就是份数。求份数首先要有标准量,如上面的“总量”、“乙”就是标准量,份数是没有单位的。像这样“每段长几分之几米”、“每分是几分之几时” 所表示的就是数量,数量是有单位的。 把5米长的钢管平均截成6段,每段占全长的几分之几,每段长多少米? {分析与解答}问题1“每段长多少米?” 求的是数量。把5米平均分成份,列式就是5÷6=6 5 ,问题2“每段占全长的几分之几”,求的是份数。以钢管的全长为标准,把1个整体平均分成份,每份就是6 1。 2.数形结合理解题意。可以画线段图或示意图等 一些方法来理解意 ◆资源链接 这样区分份数和数量 例1:把1米长的钢管平均截成3段,每段占全长的几分之几,每段长多少米? {分析与解}问题1“每段占全长的几分之几”,求的是份数。以钢管的全长为标准,把1个整体平均分成3份,每份就是 31。 问题2“每段长多少米?” 求的是数量。把1米平均分成份,列式就是1÷3= 3 1米 例2:把3块饼平均分给4个孩子,每个孩子分得几分之几块,是这些饼的几分之几?


Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 一、用所级单词的适当形式填空。 1.There(be)many apples in the basket. 2.My mother is sitting in front of(she). 3.There aren’t(some)sofas in the bedroom. 4.There(be)some soup in the fridge. 5.There isn’t any(coffee) there. 6.I can see the park is between(they). 7.There(be) a pen and two pencils on the desk. 二、请你用所学的句型“There is / are…和This…is too…”来简单介绍一下你的卧室。(至少写10句话) My bedroom Unit2 A new student 一、用is, are , isn’t , aren’t填空 1. There ______ a spoon on the plate. 2. There ______ some milk on the table. And there _______ any coffee here . 3. There ______ some clouds in the sky. There ______ some boats on the river. 4. There ______ any knives in the box. 5. There ______ a sofa in the living room. 6. ______ there any books in the room? Yes, there ______. 7. There ______ a policeman in the kitchen. 8. There ______ 60 minutes in an hour. 9. There ______ a pencil, a ruler and two books on the desk. 10. There ______ two glasses and a cup on the table. 11. What ________ in this box? There is a present in it. 12. What _______ in that box ? There are two clothes in it. 二、用some, any填空 1. There’s ______ water in the cup. There isn’t ______ tea in the cup. 2. Is there ______ bread here ? Yes , there is . There’s ______ on the table. 3. Are there ______ cars in front of the building? No, there aren’t. 4. There isn’t _____ chocolate on the table. 5. Is there ______ soup on the table? 三、用there be的适当形式填空: 1. ____________ a bookcase in the study room . 2. ______ a sofa and two beds in the bedroom 3. ______ two beds and a sofa in the bedroom 4. ______ some milk in the glass .


一、把不同类别的单词编写在相应提示词后的横线上。(只填字母) A.tiger B.beef C.mine D.cow E.pork F.foggy G.ours H.chicken I.wet J.tooth-ache K.elephant L.theirs M.hot N.headache O.cloudy P.fever Q.stomachache R.dog S.dry T.have a cold cold____________________________________________________________ duck___________________________________________________________ headache______________________________________________________ yours__________________________________________________________ 二.选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次。 (lunch,day,new,trees,river,flower,It’s,air, water,to,from, for ) Amy is my ____________ classmate . She’s 10 . She often has __________ at school . She’s __________ USA. Her favourite __________ is Sunday . Because sometimes Amy and I can go __________ the nature park on Sunday . There are many ______ and a ___________ in it . The ____________ is clean . The ___________ is fresh . We like the nature park . __________ pretty . 三、按要求完成下列句子。(10分) 1、now writing you What Miss White i s for (连词成句) __________________________________________ 2、food your What’s favourite friend(?)(连词成句 __________________________________________ 3、We have art and music at Mondays.(改错句) _______________________________________ 4、What do you do on Sundays?(根据实际情况回答) _______________________________________ 5、Is your English teacher strict?(做否定回答) ________________________________________


五年级英语下册专项练习及错题汇总 卞桥小学李玉灿 一.判断划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同 1 . ( ) A brown B grown C snow 2.( ) A choose B look C book 3.( ) A dinner B winder C April 4.( ) A sport B work C short 5.( ) A three B thin C thirteen 6.( ) A thank B bank C trunk 7.( ) A cry B cloudy C fly 8.( ) A who B whose C when 9.( ) A window B brown C grows 10.( ) A grass B orange C green 11.( ) A apple B and C grapes 二.单项选择 1. ( ) We finish class _____11o’clock____the morning. A.in ,in B at, in C at, at 2. ( ) Summer comes before________. A winter B autumn C spring 3.( ) _____is after April in a year . A March B May C June 4.( ) What’s the date today? A It’s May 2nd B It’s in May. 5. ( ) It’s warm_____the day and cool_____night. A in,at B on,in C at,in 6.( ) ---Why do you like summer best?---Because I can____________. A go skating B swimming C eat ice cream 7.( ) Which season is her birthday in? A at B in Cof 8.( ) I like English_________. A best B very good C very best 9.( ) There are some_______in the tree. A leaf B leaves C leafs 10.( ) _______has a birthday in June? A Who B Whose C What 11.( ) ---Which month is the third month?---__________. A January B February C March 12.( ) August is the ______month of the year. A seven B eighth C ninth 13.( ) ---When is the sports meet?---It’s ____April 4th.


【文库独家】 小学五年级数学考试经典型题 1、在一个棱长为5分米的正方体上放一个棱长为4分米的小正方体(右图),求这个立体图形的表面积。 2、甲、乙两船在相距90千米的河中航行,若相向而行则3小时相遇,若同向而行则15小时甲船追上乙船。则在静水中甲船的速度是多少? 3、甲乙两车同时从AB两地相对开出。甲行驶了全程的,如果甲每小时行驶4.5千米,乙行了5小时。求AB两地相距多少千米? 4、用边长相同的正六边形白色皮块、正五边形黑色皮块总计32块,缝制成一个足球,每个黑色皮块邻接的都是白色皮块;每个白色皮块相间地与3个黑色皮块及3个白色皮块相邻接。问:这个足球上共有多少块白色皮块? 5、用一根既细又直的竹竿测量游泳池的水深,把竹竿的一端插入水中(碰到池底)后,没浸湿的部分长120厘米,把竹竿掉过头来,再插入水中(也碰到池底),此时没浸湿的部分长30厘米,问游泳池有多深?

6、有一牧场,已知养牛27头,6天把草吃尽;养牛23头,9天把草吃尽。如果养牛21头,那么几天能把牧场上的草吃尽呢?并且牧场上的草是不断生长的。 7、甜甜的爸爸今年28岁,妈妈今年26岁。再过多少年,她的爸爸和妈妈的年龄和为80岁? 8、甲、乙、丙、丁四人今年分别是16、12、11、9岁。问:多少年前,甲、乙的年龄和是丙、丁年龄和的2倍? 9、某一项工程需要100天完成,开始由10个人用30天完成了全部工程的1/5,随后再增加10个人来完成这项工程,那么能提前多少天完成任务? 10、41.23+34.12+23.41+12.34 参考答案: 1、这个立体图形的表面积为214平方分米。 分析:我们把上面的小正方体想象成是可以向下“压缩”的,“压缩”后我们发现:小正方体的上面与大正方体上面中的阴影部分合在一起,正好是大正方体的上面.这样这个立体图形的表面积就可以分成这样两部分: 上下方向: 大正方体的两个底面: 5×5×2=50(平方分米)

【免费下载】 五年级英语上册易错题及答案分析

五年级易错题及答案分析 一.根据汉语意思写单词。 强壮的严格的聪明的积极的文静的 _________________________________________________________________星期二星期四星期三星期五星期六 _________________________________________________________________可口的酸的甜的咸的新鲜的衣橱 _________________________________________________________________拖地洗衣服摆餐具洗碗碟 _________________________________________________________________厨房花草森林照片桥 _________________________________________________________________公路小路建筑物在后面在下面在旁边 ___________________________________________________________________ 二.单项选择 1. ()Is she young?________ A. No, she is old. B. Yes, she is old. 2. ()Who’s your principal? ________ A. She’s kind. B. Miss Lin. 3. ( ) _______ your art teacher? Whose B. Who’s C. Who 4. ( ) _______ your P.E. teacher like? A. What’s B. What C. Do 5. ()______ is it today? It’s Monday. A. How many B. What day C. What’s day 6. ()I like ______ . A. Thursday B. Thursdays 7. ()What do you have ________ Wednesdays? A. at B. on C. in 8. ()询问星期五的课时安排时说 A. What do you do on Fridays? B. What do you have on Fridays? 9. ( ) 告诉别人自己的周末活动时说 A.I like weekends. B. I often do housework. 10. ( ) What do you _____ on Mondays? I often play ping-pong.


五年级英语复习易错题知识点1 1、有助动词do, does, don't, doesn't,后加动词原形 案例 1: ________ your grandfather ________ with your family now? A. Do, live B. Does, live C. Does, lives 2、有连词 and 的情况,注意前后时态一致 案例 2: My brother plays football every Saturday, and ________ some books every Sunday. A. read B. reads C. reading 3、 everyone, everybody, everything作主语时,作三单主语,后接动词三单案例 3: Everything ________ (look) great. 案例 4: Everyone in our classroom ________ (not like) playing computer games. 二、考到现在进行时的情况 有 be 必动词 ing 注意:尤其是疑问句的情况 案例 5: Is he ________ (have) breakfast in the dining room? 三、考到选择疑问句的情况 选择疑问句是指提出两个或两个以上的答案供对方选择的句子 注意:回答一定记得不能用Yes,NO 回答,而是要作出选择。 案例 6 :按实际情况回答问题:

Do you like eating rice or noodles? _________________________________ 案例 7: Is it sunny day or cloudy day? _________________________________ 四、考到时间介词的情况 1.年和月都 in ,日用 on ,时用 at 。 注意:最常犯错的是月和日的情况 案例 8 :用 in, on, at填空 We will have a big party ________ his birthday. 案例 9: My favourite season is summer, and I like to go swimming ________ August. 注意:如果是时间段,就得用from 案例 10: I like autumn best. Autumn is ________ September ________ November in Guangzhou. A. in, in B. from, to C. from, in 2. 固定搭配: at the weekend在周末, on weekdays在工作日 案例 11: Tom never plays computer games________ weekdays. He often does it ________ the weekend.
