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The French Influence On English Vocabulary 法语对英语词汇的影响

The French Influence On The English Vocabulary Candy Zhang 2010****** Abstract English, like all languages in the world, has changed through its history. It has been shaped by a number of other languages over the centuries. Foreign influences on English are so great that they have changed English from an almost pure language to a completely mixed one. The language which has had the most penetrating influence on English is French, mainly due to the crown of Britain was ruled by Norman French for two centuries. This essay will illustrate the lexical fields of French loanwords in English during the Middle English and the Early Modern English periods and explore the French influence on the English vocabulary. The sociolinguistic factors that affected the changing language contact situation will also be taken into account. Key Words: French, English, Vocabulary, Influence, Norman Conquest Northwestern Polytechnical University School of Foreign languages

英语作文 英语作文-精品

英语作文 a. 按重要性顺序排列(arrangement in order of importance)if you work as a soda jerker, you will, of course, not need much skill in expressing yourself to be effective. if you work on a machine, your ability to express yourself will be of little importance. but as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word. and the further away your job is from manual work, the larger the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. in the very large business organization, whether it is the government, the large corporation, or the army, this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all the skills a man can possess. 这一段谈的是表达能力,它的重要性与职业,身份有关,从“not need much skill” 或“of little importance”到“more important”,最后是“most important”。b.由一般到特殊排列(general-to-specific arrangement)if a reader is lost, it is generally because the writer has not been careful enough to keep him on the path. this carelessness can take any number of forms. perhaps a sentence is so excessively cluttered that the reader, hacking his way through the verbiage, simply doesn\'t know what it means. perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily constructed that the reader could read it in any of several ways. perhaps the writer has switched tenses, or has switched pronouns in mid-sentence, so the reader loses track of when the action took place or who is talking. perhaps sentence b is not logical sequel to sentence a the writer, in whose head the connection is clear, has not bothered to provide the missing link. perhaps the writer has used an important word incorrectly by not taking the trouble to look it up. he may think that sanguine and sanguinary mean the same thing, but the difference is a bloody big one. the reader can only infer what the writer is trying to imply. 这一段谈的是a writer\'s carelessness,先给出一个general statement作为主题句,然后通过5个 perhaps加以例证。 c. 由特殊 到一般排列(specific-to-general arrangement)i do not understand why people confuse my siamese cat, prissy, with the one i had several years ago, henry. the two cats are only alike in breed. prissy, a quiet, feminine feline, loves me dearly but not possessively. she likes to keep her distance from people, exert her independence and is never so rude as to beg, lick, or sniff unceremoniously. her usual posture is sitting upright, eyes closed, perfectly still. prissy is a very proper cat. henry, on the other hand, loved me dearly but possessively. he was my shadow from morning till


法语与英语词汇中的伪同源词列表(1) ◆ Décevoir vs Deceive Décevoir means to disappoint: Il va te décevoir - He's going to disappoint you. To deceive means to deliberately trick or lead someone astray: I didn't mean to deceive you - Je n'avais pas l'intention de te tromper. ◆ Défaut vs Default Défaut is a flaw, fault, drawback, or lack. Default is un défaut in judiciary proceedings. To default = manquer à ses engagements or prendre une valeur par défaut. ◆ Défi vs Defy Défi is a noun: defiance or challenge. Defy is the verb défier or braver. ◆ Défiler vs Defile Défiler means to march past: les visiteurs défilaient devant le musée - the visitors marched past the museum and it can mean to unthread (a needle): Je dois défiler l'aiguille - I need to unthread the needle. To defile is to dirty or deface something or to ruin someone's name: It's wrong to defile a great man - C'est mal de profaner un grand homme. ◆ Délai/Délayer vs Delay Délai is a time limit or deadline: dans un délai de 15 jours - within two weeks. Délayer means to water down or thin down, as in cooking or mixing paint. Delay has a slightly negative connotation - it indicates that the time was unexpected and is usually translated by "retard" : They arrived with an hour's delay - Ils sont arrivés avec une heure de retard. ◆ Demander vs Demand

常用法语财务词汇 (2)

法语财务词汇 资产负债表:bilan 损益表:compte de résultat 附表:annexe 分摊折旧(费):dotation aux amortissement 不可抵扣折旧:amortissement non déductible 分摊:partage 分摊费用:partager les dépenses 分摊税:imp?t de partition 成本:prix de revient 损益账:compte d’exploitation 经营超额利润:bénéfice d’exploitation 营业亏损:déficit d’exploitation 业务利润:profit d’exploitation 经营,开发,操作:exploitation 收益能力/赢利/效益:rentabilité偿债能力:solvabilité 灵活性:flexibilité营业额:chiffre d’affaire (CA) 库存原材料:stock MP(matière première)净利:ETE 现金流量表:tableau des flux de trésorerie 库存产成品:stock PF(produit fini) 费用:charge 产出:produits 营运资金需求量:BFR 人员费用:charges de personnel 现金流出:Décaissement 现金流入:Encaissement 毛利/总经营利润:EBE (excédent brut d'exploitation) 财务状况表:tableau de financement 自有资金能力:CAF 应收账款:clients 应付账款:fournisseur 自有原始资金:Fonds d’origine propre 资本:capital 利息:intérêts 借款:emprunts 商业折旧:réduction à caractère commercial 结转上年余额:rapport à nouveau 偿还:remboursement 投资:investissement 借:débit 贷:crédit 银行借款:dette financières 日记账:journal 固定资产折旧:amortissement de IT 净利:NET 总账:Grand livre 毛利:brut 负债总额:fonds empruntés 借方:doit 贷方:avoir 固定资产原值:immobilisation 资本公积金:réserves 折扣:rééduction(rabais, remise, ristourne, escompte ) 银行进款单:Avis de CRéDIT 资产:ACTIF 增值税:TVA(taxe à la valeur ajoutée)进项税额:TVA déductible


Environmental protection has become a major concern for society. In the modern world, people are confronted with the dual tasks of developing the economy and preserving the environment. Nowadays a vast majority of people are expressing their great concern about environmental protection. In many colleges, teachers and students hold specific meetings to argue about how to preserve the environment. In addition, city planners take environmental problems into consideration in order to minimize the damage to the environment.Although reduction of pollution can be costly, many factories are being modernized to give off less exhaust gas. There are three reasons for this. In the first place, anything polluted is harmful. Polluted air has a negative effect on the lung, and polluted water makes people sick and affects living organisms. In the second place, if pollution is not controlled effectively, people in the cities will not be able to survive. What's more, businesses are unlikely to make a profit. In conclusion, preserving the environment is of crucial importance to mankind today. It is not only preserving our home but also the civilization of human community. As far as my knowledge is concerned, every coin has two sides, the computer also has two effects. On the one hand, the computer makes our life more convenient, on the other hand, the computer also brings many problems. As a matter of fact, there are some views to explain the computer’s negative side. First and foremost, today the computer-controlled machines making many people lose their jobs. Besides, the computer crimes become more and more popular in recent https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0d4793235.html,st but not least, we work on the computer for a long time is the harm to our health. In short, it can be said that we should pay attention to prevent the computer's negative side, let the computer better service in our life. Failure is not necessarily bad We have known that people are fond of success while sick of failure from a young age. Even though a famous writer once said that:”Failure is the mother of success.” we are not convinced by that.However,is failure necessarily bad? I don’t think so. As far as I am concerned, failure can provide plenty of benefits for us. First of all, we can learn from failure. The past experience not only teaches us why we failed, but also reminds us not to make the same mistake again. Besides, failure offers motivation to us. As long as you keep thinking about the bad feeling of failure, you will have the power to fight against the diffi culties. What’s more, failure helps us to cherish the hard-earned success.


常用英语动词短语大全 一、动词be构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名 be known for因……而出名 be known to为……所知 be known by凭……而知 The hill is known for the temple.LuXun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds. 2.be married to与……结婚 She is married to a musician...3.be tired of/with对……厌烦 He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life.4.be terrified at被……吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake. 5.be burdened with负重 He is burdened with a heavy load.6.be crowded with挤满 The shop is crowded with people.7.be dressed in穿着 She is dressed in red. 8.be experienced in对……有经验He is experienced in mending bikes. 9.be equipped with装备 They are equipped with guns and food. 10.be furnished with提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food. 11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing novels. 12.be engaged to与……订婚 My daughter is engaged to a nice


Verb + à + infinitive Verb + de + infinitive aider àto help accepter de to accept conseiller de to advise s'amuser àto have fun arrêter de to stop convenir de to agree upon apprendre àto learn avoir envie de to feel like craindre de to fear arriver àto manage avoir honte de to be ashamed désespérer de to despair chercher àto look for avoir peur de to be afraid dissuader de to dissuade commencer àto begin avoir raison de to be right entreprendre de to undertake consister àto consist avoir tort de to be wrong envisager de to contemplate continuer àto continue choisir de to choose s'étonner de to astonish donner àto give décider de to decide se garder de to keep oneself encourager àto encourage défendre de to forbid négliger de to neglect enseigner à to teach demander de to ask persuader de to persuade s'exercer àto practice/learn se dépêcher de to hurry up prier de to beg s'habituer à to get used to dire de to say recommander de to recommend hésiter àto hesitate empêcher de to prevent reprocher de to reproach insister àto insist essayer de to try inviter àto invite être heureux de to be happy renoncer àto give up être obligé de to be required réussir àto succeed éviter de to avoid songer àto consider s'excuser de to apologize s'appliquer to apply to finir de to finish


法语五经词汇: 五经les Cinq livres、 诗经Livre des Odes、 书经Livre des Documents、 易经Yijing - Livre des Mutations、 礼记Livre des Rites、 春秋Annales du Printemps et de l'Automne 法语四书词汇: 四书les Quatres classiques、 《论语》Entretiens de Confucius et de ses disciples、《孟子》Livre de Mencius、 《中庸》Invariable Milieu、 《大学》Grande Ecole 法语水果词汇(les fruits): 苹果 la pomme、 梨 la poire、 橙子 l'orange、 柠檬 le citron、 桃la pêche、 香蕉 la banane、 菠萝 l'ananas、 草莓 la fraise、 樱桃 la cerise、 葡萄 les raisins、 西瓜la pastèque、 芒果 la mangue、 木瓜 la papaye、 甜瓜 le melon、 猕猴桃 le kiwi、 荔枝 le litchi 法语文学词汇: 散文 la prose、 诗le poème - la poésie、 小说 la roman - la fiction、 戏剧 le drame、 传记 la biographie、 杂文 l'essai、 回忆录mémoires、 说明文 l'article explicatif、 论文la thèse、 叙事文 la narration、 描写文 la description 寓言 la fable、

初二英语作文A school trip

A school trip Hello! My name is Lucia. Our school has been had a school trip before. Last year, we went to Lanke Mountain. We swam in the river and climbed the mountain. And we ate delicious food and went shopping. Then we took photos of them. In the pond, we can see many fish. Next, we went boating and fishing. We had a great time! I felt happy. This is our interesting experience. 你好!我的名字叫露西亚。我们的学校以前有一个学校旅行。 去年,我们去了烂柯山。我们在河里游泳还爬山。我们吃美味的食物和去购物。然后我们拍他们的照片。在池塘里,我们可以看到许多鱼。 接下来,我们去划船和钓鱼。我们度过了一段美好的时光!我感到高兴。这是我们的有趣的经历。 A school trip Last week there was a trip in our school. Many students and teachers all took part in this trip. We went to the Beijing Zoo. We got there by train. In the Beijing Zoo, we saw lots of animals—tigers, elephants, snakes and pandas. We took photos of them and we gave delicious food to them. The pandas were very lovely I am very happy. I like this trip. It was a fantastic experience. 上周在我们学校旅行。许多学生和教师都参加了这次旅行。我们去了北京动物园。我们搭火车去那儿。在北京动物园,我们看到了很多动物有老虎、大象、蛇和熊猫。我们拍他们的照片,我们把美味的食物给他们。熊猫非常可爱的我很快乐。我喜欢这个旅行。它是一种很奇妙的经历。 A school trip I had an interesting experience in Yellow Mountain. I went there with my teachers and my classmates. We met on the school playground at half past eight. We went to Yellow Mountain by bus. We took lots of food and drinks with us. We climbed Yellow Mountain. And we took lots of photos on the trip of mountain. We saw the cloud sea. It is very beautiful. Finally, we went camping on the top of mountain. This is my school trip. 我在黄山有一次很有趣的经历。我和我的老师同学去那里。我们八点半在学校操场相遇。我们乘公共汽车去黄山。我们带了大量的食物和饮料和我们一起。我们爬黄山。我们在黄山的顶部拍了很多照片。我们看到了云海。它非常漂亮。最后,我们在山顶上露营。这是我的学校旅行。


genre 题材(指文学),类型(指影视,如动作片,恐怖片)(现在好象很火的词汇,很多影视明星被采访时常用的词) boulevard/avenue 林荫大道 Debut 初次登场 amateur 初学者,业余爱好者 rendezvous 地点(常指约会的地点,您会发音吗?听听是不是比place浪漫多了) cul-de-sac 死胡同(我在爱尔兰时,在小街道口常见到它,没见到用dead-end的) coup d'etat 军事政变(注意发音,和上面的词还挺对仗呢) deluxe 豪华的(国内的很多商品上常印的词,酒店也常用) salon 沙龙(就是文人墨客,影视名流开的party) scenario 脚本,情节,事态(口语中很常用的,请google一下老外例句,必须掌握) parasol 阳伞(小伙子学会此词,为女友遮风避日) elite 精英分子(电视广告中好像出过此词,我们都是社会栋梁,国家的精英) resume 简历(国内招聘常用,说时注意发音特别;国外都用CV ) mirage 海市蜃楼(和普通以age结尾的英语词发音不同) fiance 未婚夫(未婚妻是fiancee,多个e, 但发音两词是相同的) cuisine 烹饪(老外一般都用cooking,但厨师一般不说cook, 而叫chef ) aperitif 开胃酒(餐前餐后后可以喝的,一般都是甜类酒等不strong 的) avalanche 雪崩(常年积雪的山区能常用,外国公司还有用它的,雪崩company) chic 时髦的(时尚方面很常用) naive 天真的(很常用的词了,会它的名词吗? naivete 会读吗?) blase 厌倦享乐的(这样的人目前还不算多,美女来陪我,我怎能厌倦吗?你能吗? ) nonchalant 冷漠的(比indifferent要显得有学问) bourgeoisie 资产阶级(现在不太火了,也分不清了,好象全世界都是....,怎么读了) connaisseur 行家,鉴赏家(现在电视都在搞鉴宝,行家也常花眼纯胡闹) liaison 联络(最常用词,会读就行了) brochure 小册子(国外学校,单位等做宣传用的,免费提供) cliche 陈词烂调(要是每天用英语能说上两个点,哪怕都是cliche也让敬佩) souvenir 纪念品(常用的词) envoy(envoi) 特使(现在的朝核六方谈判,电视中亮相的美方特使鲍尔森就是envoy) avant-garde 先锋(就是pioneer,但常用在提及文学艺术等高雅的方面) hauteur 傲慢(阅读文章时常见,特别在时代周刊的著名刊物中) entrepreneur 企业家(常用的词汇,和企业enterprise很相像,但发音相差甚远) finale 大结局(要和final最后的区分,意思相近,但发音很不一样) collage 拼贴画(和学院college一起记,但发音相差甚远) regime 政权,政体(注意发音,并和regimen摄生法,regiment军团一同分记忆) detente 缓和(指国际关系) facade 正面(指一些物体的,如建筑物) gendarme 宪兵(即监管士兵的军事警察) 还有象香烟cigarette一类以ette结尾的法语词


目录 基础词汇:........................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。时间: ...............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语时间词汇(l'heure):............................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语时间(letemps)词汇:..........................................................................错误!未指定书签。星期lesjoursdelasemaine:.........................................................................错误!未指定书签。月份l esmoisdel'année:...............................................................................错误!未指定书签。季节lessaisons:...........................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语常用序数词词汇:....................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语分数词汇(lafraction):......................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语方向词汇:................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语常见问候语:............................................................................................错误!未指定书签。pour赞成:.......................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。常见法语反义词(antonymes):....................................................................错误!未指定书签。日常用品:........................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。身体: ...............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语面部词汇(levisage):..........................................................................错误!未指定书签。常见家庭成员词汇:........................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语办公词汇(lebureau):..........................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语颜色词汇(Lescouleurs):....................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语天气词汇:................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。蔬菜水果:........................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语水果词汇(lesfruits):........................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语面包词汇(lespains):..........................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语海鲜词汇:................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。调味品:..............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法国早餐食品词汇:........................................................................................错误!未指定书签。服装: ...............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。鞋帽: ...............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语男装词汇(lesvêtementspourhommes):..............................................错误!未指定书签。珠宝首饰:........................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。化妆品:............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。香水: ...............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。花卉: ...............................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语美发用品词汇(lesaccessoires):......................................................错误!未指定书签。法语机场词汇:................................................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语机场词汇2(l'aéroport):...................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语公寓词汇(l'appartement)..................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语学习活动词汇(lesactivités):..........................................................错误!未指定书签。法语学习用具词汇(l'équipement):..........................................................错误!未指定书签。法语学科专题词汇(lesujet):....................................................................错误!未指定书签。法语情人节相关词汇:....................................................................................错误!未指定书签。
