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Employee Recognition Program Handbook

Employee Recognition Program Handbook
Employee Recognition Program Handbook

Employee Recognition Program Handbook

Department of Human Resource Management

August 2008





Key Points to Remember – Elements of Successful Program

Step-by-Step Guidelines –Ideas to help meet your budget

No/Low Cost Recognition Ideas

Moderate / Higher Cost Recognition Ideas


Sample Employee Recognition Program Survey


Sample Group Incentive Plan


The Task Force on Employee Recognition, in conjunction with the Human Resource Department‘s Resource Management Program (HR-RM), revised Policy 1.20, Employee Recognition Programs for all full-time and part-time classified, restricted, ―at will‖ and hourly employees. This policy promotes programs that recognize em ployees‘ contributions to the overall objectives and efficient operation of Funing Property Management Ltd.

Sites & Departments shall develop and implement recognition programs. The Department Head and Site In-charges support programs within the sites & departments and Funing Property Management Ltd to recognize the contributions of their employees.

This handbook serves as a guide to resource management in developing individual Employee Recognition Programs in accordance with HRM Policy 1.20.

The handbook provides: information on the importance of recognition and rewards; program development that links to the organization‘s mission and values; steps to assist sites & departments in developing a successful program; ideas to consider within your budget; and includes an Appendix of various resources and tools.

This handbook also provides an opportunity to:

Stimulate new thinking

Assess your division‘s current rewards/recognition program

Learn innovative approaches

Think differently about current circumstances

Better define and focus on areas that need to be changed

Plan implementation approaches

Select indicators and/or measures for success

Plan internal customer feedback surveys

Set improvement goals through assessment and reassessment

The role of the Human Resource Department is to:

Provide policy review and interpretation

Initiate training for supervisors/managers in the delivery of recognition programs

Work with sites & departments on funding strategies and statewide contracts for recognition items

Serve as a resource and advocate to sites & departments on employee recognition programs Communicate and promote recognition programs to sites & departments. Department Heads and Site In-charges shall ensure availability of funds to support costs incurred by emp loyee recognition programs that acknowledge employees‘ contributions to the effective operation of a department and site or of Funing Property Management Ltd. Sites & Departments should develop procedures for employee recognition awards to enhance good employee relations, develop programs that raise morale for all employees in the Department and site, and improve Department and site and Funing Property Management Ltd operations.

Departments Heads and Site In-charges are encouraged to:

Develop a plan for e mployee recognition programs that links with the department and site‘s mission and goals

Allocate resources to implement the programs and provide internal training for the programs

Promote and serve as an advocate for department and site employee recognition programs RECOGNITION/REWARD

Employees not only want good pay and benefits, they also want to be valued and appreciated for their work, treated fairly, do work that is important, have advancement opportunities, and opportunities to be involved in the department and site. Recognition and rewards play an important role in work unit and department and site programs to attract and retain their employees. It is the day-to-day interactions that make employees feel that their contributions are appreciated and that they are recognized for their own unique qualities. This type of recognition may contribute to high morale in the work environment. So, it‘s extremely important that managers, who communicate the department and site goals to employees, are included in the development of recognition programs.


The organization that can differentiate between, and effectively fulfill, all three levels of concerns (senior management, employees, and managers of the program) may achieve levels of performance they may never have thought possible. In addition, an effective recognition program should meet several essential criteria:

(a) The recognition program does not exclude any employee

(b) The employees know exactly what should be accomplished in order to earn recognition and rewards

(c) The manager's success is tied to the employees' success

Recognition is a leadership tool that sends a message to employees about what is important to the leaders and the behaviors that are valued. Managers can use this tool to help employees understand how their jobs contribute to the department and site‘s overall goals and h ow their performance affects the achievement of those goals. Often people have come to accept the notion that an employee is paid to do their job. So why should they be praised for doing what they‘re paid to do? Praise of an employee reinforces, recognizes and motivates behaviors that you, as the manager, want to see.

Recognition can be delivered in a number of ways. Think about just saying ―Thanks.‖ What does praise cost? Praise is inexpensive. If it only takes a few minutes to reap days worth of increased productivity and morale, isn‘t it worth it? This doesn‘t mean that meaningless ―warm fuzzies‖ are going to work, however. We should also consider to take action in a ―SMART” way! That means that rewards should be:

Sincere. Above all else, a good reward should reflect a genuine expression of appreciation.

Token acknowledgements leave something to be desired.

Meaningful. To endure a motivating influence, rewards should be aligned with the values, goals, and priorities that matter the most.

Adaptable. The diverse workplace demands alternatives. Consider creative options to keep your program fresh. No single reward format works for everyone all the time. Recognition should be adapted and valuable to the receiver.]

Relevant. Some personal dimension is essential to a good reward. No matter how formal or informal, expensive or affordable, the relevance of any recognition will be improved with a personal touch - - it‘s a little thing that makes a big difference.[Recognition should be provided by someone of significance to the receiver.]

Timely. It is important that rewards respond to the behavior they are intending to reinforce.

Don‘t let too much time pass or the reward may be devalued and credibility eroded.

To ensure that employees tie recognition into the work unit or department and site‘s strategic goals, be certain to tell employees what they did right and how it interacts with the goals. Include supervisors and employees in the development of your recognition program to represent the values and goals of a diverse cross-section of the work unit or department and site. Provide the opportunity for recognition to come from a variety of sources. Peer-to-peer recognition usually is highly valued by employees. It can be used to develop a supportive work environment.

For many employees, recognition received through the expression of genuine appreciation for the work they do is a reward. Being involved in a project or receiving special training may be another‘s reward. Make no mistake, however, that most employees wou ld not turn down a monetary, non-monetary or recognition leave reward! We have compiled a list of no, low, moderate, and higher costs options that site & department may consider. (See Section on Ideas to Help Meet Your Budget).

In developing a program incorporating gifts or prizes, cash, and leave, remember that some employees are recipients and some are non-recipients. Pay careful attention to your goals and determine if a particular program works well in your work unit or department and site. It is possible to cause more harm through competitive contests than to provide some form of recognition that rewards a greater number of your employees. Also, consider whether the recognition and reward program focuses employees more on the gift or prize than on the underlying goals of the program. Bear in mind that if your work unit or department and site has problems with trust, you may need to work on improving those relationships prior to implementing a recognition program.

Key Points to Remember - Elements of Successful Program

A.Link behaviors that are to be recognized and awarded to the organizational mission. In

order for a rewards and recognition program to survive and be cost effective, it should contribute to the accomplishment of the organizational mission.

Organizations spend time and money to implement a rewards and recognition program so that it will make a difference in how well the organization performs against its mission—its very reason for existence. Otherwise, if the behaviors rewarded are not linked to the organizational mission, behaviors that are not valuable to the organization could be reinforced, and lead to ineffective programs.

In addition, a successful program that emphasizes the organizational mission should produce a positive effect on the work unit or Department and site. So, when managers see a direct contribution to the "bottom-line", it is more likely to sustain their interest in the effective use of rewards and recognition throughout the organization.

Involve as many employees as possible in the design and development of the program. Although all parts of the program are important, the design and development of the program is probably the most important. Certainly, in the beginning it may take some time to design and develop a recognition and rewards program that meets the work unit, Department and site and employee needs.

In attempting to design and develop an effective program, it is helpful to remember that the wants, desires, needs and values of the entire employee population are not identical. Steer clear of developing and designing a program that assumes that every employee wants the same rewards for a job well done, even though there are significant differences in their jobs, work locations, and work environment.

Several elements constitute a good program.

Design the program so employees receive recognition and rewards as soon as possible

Use a variety of rewards: a mix of monetary, non-monetary, and recognition leave provide many opportunities for reinforcement

Find items that are motivating to a wide range of employees in the organization or provide employees with various choices

B. Train all levels of management. Some managers are a natural when it comes to the elements of recognition and rewards. Others need to acquire skil ls related to recognizing employee‘s contributions and giving effective feedback and positive reinforcement. Thus, all managers and supervisors should be trained on:

Stressing the importance of the program and how it can impact the bottom line

Providing employees an understanding on how they can impact the organization's goals and drive the business to success

Discussing the approach for managing and rewarding both individual and team performance Explaining how the program works and how employees can receive recognition

Learning ways to motivate and inspire others

Learning how to communicate needs, expectations, and goals clearly

Ideally, training should begin as high in the hierarchy as possible and produce results that prompt involvement by executive management. The lack of participation by upper management may not prevent others from achieving significant results, but it may take longer to obtain results and they may be harder to maintain.

C. Communicate the program's existence. Deciding how to communicate the the program depends largely upon the culture of the organization and the various types of media readily available--training, staff meetings, policy and procedures, intranet, email, newsletter, fliers. It is also important, on an on-going basis, for managers and supervisors to reconsider the options available to them to recognize various types of employee achievement.

Plan a time to meet with employees and review the program's progress and solicit verbal feedback on how the program is working. It is a rare program that works without some changes in the design or process. Use the meeting to find out if employees truly understand how the program works and whether or not the rewards currently being used are indeed of value to the recipients. Also, a review meeting could serve as an opportunity to discuss means of improvement by identifying supporting behaviors other than those already included in the program.

D. Evaluate the program’s effectiveness. All programs should be evaluated at least on an annual basis in order to ensure that the program's goals and objectives continue to be effective, are fresh and align with the work unit or Department and site objectives. You may want to consider surveying employees about the programs and requirements to determine how well the programs are known and received throughout the organization. (See Step 8, Evaluate the Program, in the Step-by-Step Guidelines Section).

Step-by-Step Guidelines

This section provides step-by-step guidelines to assist managers in the development and assessment of recognition programs that are beneficial and meaningful to your employees.

These steps are elaborated further in this section and may be followed out of order. The steps were obtained from https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0e17791884.html,, which provides a wealth of information.

Below is a list of the steps. Good luck!

Step One – Target Your Audience

Step Two – Choose the Goal

Step Three – Build a Budget

Step Four – Develop Criteria

Step Five – Choose the Awards

Step Six – Communicate the Program

Step Seven – Present the Award(s)

Step Eight – Evaluate the Program


Target your audience! Sometimes when managers and supervisors think about recognition, they may automatically assume that one plan fits all. Although each Department and site has strategic goals to accomplish, each work unit within the Department and site has distinct groups of employees who generally require different motivational strategies. First, you need to determine which part of your work unit or Department and site that needs to be motivated by achieving goals within the work environment. Each work unit should have a specific audience to target. Also, as the manager, ask yourself:

What type(s) of work and jobs are in your audience?

How many employees?

Who are they?

What motivates each person individually?

Do we provide team, individual or both types of recognition?

How are recognition programs communicated?

What are our employees recognized for?

How do our employees receive recognition?

Consider what should be accomplished. Only then can you design an efficient and effective program. Ask yourself, ―What are my objectives and how do they fit within this work unit or Department and site and with these employees?‖


In looking at the specific audience, also target a specific group of behaviors you want to improve. Is your goal to improve employee morale, reduce turnover, increase teamwork, or all of the above? Target behavior that has an impact on your bottom line. It also should be measurable, such as an increase in productivity or decrease in costs.

Make a list of your expectations and hopes for employee recognition efforts.

Focus on the particular challenges and objectives within your work unit or Department and site. What are the most pressing needs? Focus on the exact requirements of the top one or two. With this information, you should be in a better position to develop the program and set the goals. Find out why the goals have not been met in the past , and then determine whether the goals are truly what is needed. Also, consider the nature of the problem and if a recognition program is what you need.

Are your current recognition methods sufficient? Determine if you need to redesign your existing program or design a new one. Include supervisors and employees, or use a focus group, in your determination. Identify the types of rewards (monetary, non-monetary and recognition leave) that employees value.

Be specific in your objectives and state them plainly so that employees understand the “line of sight”. Focus on one or two goals. More than that may make the program cumbersome, difficult to understand, and from the employee‘s standpoint unachievable.

Can the goals be accomplished? What happens if a large number of the participants cannot attain the goals? Are there any other factors, which could hinder the desired outcomes?

Is the proposed program directly related to work unit or Department and site goal? Are the goals difficult or expensive to measure? How do these goals interact with the Department and site‘s vision? Will the program be in conflict or affected by any Department and site policies?

Below are a variety of recognition and reward programs that you may want to consider for your work unit or staffs:

Safety achievement

Honoring separating employees/long-term employment

Exemplary attendance


Creativity in new and innovative methods and procedures

Excellent customer service

Superior performance

Employees of the week, month, quarter, year

Positive attitudes

High levels of skill

Team players

Initiative to get the job done

Volunteering to represent the department and site/work unit in any community funcitions

Once you have completed this step, carefully craft a statement regarding the purpose of the program that can be clearly understood by employees. Determine a suitable name for the program that is compatible with the work unit and/or Department and site culture.


When developing your budget consider the following items in your estimate:

The costs of the promotional materials

The potential number of recipients

The costs of the awards

The presentation type (formal/informal; location)

The number of people expected to attend the award presentation

The costs of food, facilities, decorations, equipment , etc.

The costs for the presentation ceremony

The costs related to administration

The costs of training managers and supervisors


These are the criteria, usually written, that participants need to meet to succeed in the program. Be sure to include specific and straightforward goals that have some stretch, because it is unlikely that all employees will achieve the goals. Sites & departments have the option to set program limits on the number of award recipients and may want to consider different levels and types of awards. Consider surprises, such as two people tying for the reward.

Be specific about the timeframe for which the goal must be completed. However, if you ask your target audience to reach too many benchmarks, the program may ―turn off‖ employees. Also, you may want to create an atmosphere that excites employees so they are having some fun as a participant in the program. Focus on one or two goals. Consider how you will measure progress on an on-going basis.

Create a measurement system that is understood by employees, viewed as fair, and quantifiable. You may consider using a focus group and ask for feedback on how specific jobs are measured. You could use measurements such as the number of customers served, safety, or positive customer service comments.

Consider how often progress is reported (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly). Send reports on a regular basis to keep interest levels high.


Based on completion of the budget step, you may determine whether multiple choices are available to the recipient. Look at a variety of options within a certain price range that provide a good opportunity to meet the individual’s interests. Even a budget with few dollars can still afford a personal thank you for a job well done. (See Section on Ideas to Help Meet Your Budget).

Choosing awards is one of the most important steps in the success of your program. If the reward chosen does not motivate or inspire employees to achieve the stated goal, the program may have less participation and not achieve the level of success expected. By taking into consideration input from the supervisors, employees, and/or the targeted audience, you should be able to determine the rewards that do or do not have meaning. Variety is important because recipients have varying tastes and interests.

There are a wide range of awards that include monetary awards, non-monetary awards, and recognition leave.

Non-monetary items may be purchased through the state contract held by the Division of Purchases and Supply or through other vendors.



Program communication is essential from the start up and should be ongoing. Rationale and results of the new program should be clearly communicated. There should be a clear link between what the target audience is rewarded for and the work unit or Department and site‘s priorities. Ensure that everyone understands the relationship between his or her improvements and rewards. Ask employees to compare old and new programs. Follow up with employees so they know they‘re being listened to. Make sure your front line supervisors understand the program and support it.

By involving employees and supervisors in the development of the program, you already are well on your way! Use input from your target audience to develop a catchy theme for your recognition program and use it on your awards, promotional items, letterhead, labels and envelopes. Make sure the message is relevant and in accordance with your Department and sit e‘s image.

Teasers are a great way to pique the interest of your employees. If you can develop an interactive type of teaser, such as a puzzle, it may make the initial promotion more fun.

Something in an unusual shape or bright color also catches attention more than a plain flier. Be creative!

Have a kick-off meeting to provide full details about the program, criteria, awards, and target audience. Plan on having kickoff materials available to build momentum and excitement about the program. Tie the reward into the kickoff meeting. For example, if one of the rewards is a plaque or certificate, have one available.

If your Department and site is scattered throughout the state, be certain to send materials to field offices and help them develop a kick-off meeting for their location. A video of the original kick-off meeting distributed to the various locations would be useful.

Use promotional materials often to remind and reenergize employees participating in the program. Fliers, posters, brochures, bulletins, and your Intranet site are some other considerations.

During the program, provide status updates via mail, E-mail or Intranet to the employees. Be certain to keep senior management up-to-date with reports of the program‘s success or need for fine-tuning.


Generally if something is worth recognizing, it‘s worth publicizing. Make you’re your presentation matches the significance of the recognition. You may choose to use formal or informal means of recognition. However, as a manager, you need to consider the additional financial impact of a formal presentation.

Take the opportunity to let employees know what their individual achievements or team accomplishments are and the type of rewards available. This can be accomplished by verbal, written, E-mail or Intranet communication:

One-on-one with the employee

In the immediate group or work unit

In an Department and site-wide meeting

You can present during potluck lunches (zero cost to department and site), low cost (doughnuts, cake, ice cream), moderate cost events (box lunches), and during higher cost events (catered picnic, restaurant dinners). Remember to factor in the range of costs from tips, deliveries, tents, paper supplies, decorations and utensils to rewards and entertainment.

It is important to consider whether the recipient prefers to participate in a public presentation or in a less formal setting. Why wouldn‘t they want to attend the presentation if it‘s all about recognition? If they are shy or introverted, they may feel uncomfortable with the attention. By having your program fully developed and clearly communicated, it can be easily conveyed that the presentation is part of the program criteria. Consider carefully the potential impact this may have on those exemp lary employees who do not ―like a fuss.‖

Above all, make your presentation to the employee worthy of the reason that you are recognizing the employee!


It’s important to measure the success of your recognition program by c onsidering both tangible and intangible results. Ask for feedback from upper management, and your supervisors and employees (participants and non-participants). Distributing an employee assessment survey prior to and during the program initiative also may be worthwhile. Also, reviewing turnover rates and attendance/tardy records should provide some indication of success of your program as well.

Consider conducting a survey of your customers that may indicate the success of your program. Formal surveys or i nformal customer feedback can provide the basis you‘re your evaluation. Consider developing a survey or informal set of questions using the information listed below. After you have completed your evaluation, you can then begin the process of fine-tuning. Employee Reaction

Did employees clearly understand the program and its objectives?

Was the workgroup excited about the program?

Did employees like the rewards or activities provided?

What did employee participants and non-participants like/dislike about the program?

How well is the program understood?

Did the program clearly explain how and why you should recognize others?

Were the guidelines clear and communicated well?

Was the nomination and award process understood?

What were the results, broken down by work unit, region, department and site-wide?

What was everyone‘s favorite part of the program?

How has behavior changed?

Are recognition tools being used more often?

How frequently do you, as a manager, and your supervisors recognize their employees?

Did we meet our less tangible goals –improving morale, fostering loyalty, and inspiring suggestions?

Is an appropriate level of recognition given for the behavior?

How often and to what extent is recognition a part of the work unit or department and site‘s communication vehicles?


Did the program meet your expectations?

How is the new or modified program better than the previous program or activity?

Are there areas for improvement?

What would the results have been without the incentive program?

What did you like/dislike about the program?

Would you recommend continuing the program next year?

What percentage of employees participated, and what percentage were non-participants?

How did the participants‘ performance measure against the non-participants?

How many and which participants did or did not succeed and why?

Were your budget calculations adequate?


Surveys and studies over time have shown that employees want to be acknowledged for the work they do! Providing timely recognition for a job well-done costs very little, but may reap the manager big rewards. Think of it this way - if it only took five minutes of our time to produce five days of increased productivity, most of us would jump on the bandwagon.

Just a quick thank you to an employee shows that their work is appreciated and recognizes them individually.

Also remember that a blanket ―Thank you‖ – thanks for doing a great job – is too broad for the recipient to attach very much meaning. Tell the employee what you‘re thanking them for –―You really handled that customer well‖ – and why –―Our goal is to provide good customer service and sometimes that‘s not easy with a difficult customer.‖

If someone in the Department and site thinks another employee has done something well, have

him or her send you an E-mail. Then if you personally forward the message to the recipient, include your ―Thank you‖ note. It‘s a great way to let employees know that others think they do a great job and that you, as their manager, appreciate them, as well.

What is important to employees is being appreciated for the work they‘ve done, being kept informed about things that affect them, and having a manager who takes the time to listen to them. Taking the time to provide recognition that is unique to that individual is more meaningful and memorable for the employee.

Managers, if you receive recognition yourself, recognize the contributions and support of your staff, as well. This sends a clear message to your employees that ―We‘re a team.‖No/Low Cost Recognition Ideas

These ideas are limited only by your own imagination and creativity. Here are a few ideas that are low cost to implement.

Personal thank you, thank you notes or emails – good deed awards

Post on ?recognition board,‘ bulletin bo ard, newsletters, web site

Hall of Fame – pictures of your employees

Submit article to Intranet for Department and site viewing

Submit article to local/regional/national newspaper regarding employee‘s achievement

Scrapbook with pictures of achievements throughout the year

Ask a senior manager to attend your staff meeting when you recognize employees for their achievements

No/Low Cost Recognition Ideas (continued)

Recognition lunch

Informal party – coffee/Danish or cookies/drinks or ice cream

Gift certificate to restaurant

Traveling trophy (and how about a photo of the manager congratulating the award recipients)

Certificate or plaque

Mugs, pens, tee shirts, etc. with team or Department and site logo

Inexpensive gift related to employee‘s hobby


Certi ficate for CD‘s or Books

Movie Tickets

Inclusion in special project

Alternate work schedules

Opportunity for cross-training

Recognize outstanding skill or expertise by allowing employee to mentor another

Rotate the responsibility for being the unit representative at meetings

Include employee in goal setting and work planning

Having employee attend ceremony or opening upon the completion of a special project

Moderate/Higher Cost Recognition Ideas

If you are in the fortunate position of having funding to spend on recognition and rewards, only your available budget and creativity limits this category! These suggestions tend to be more expensive and in some situations more time consuming.

Be imaginative when thinking about developing rewards that your employees will value and appreciate!

Savings bonds

Gift Certificates



Cash bonuses

Time off


Enrollment in seminar or additional training

Catered lunch

Annual Picnic

An excursion for the department – night out for dinner, bowling, sports event, etc. APPENDIX A

The following is an example of a survey for distribution to employees to assess your work unit or Department and site‘s current climate concerning employee recognition programs.

Sample Employee Recognition Program Survey

Dear Employee:

The results of this survey will help us to assess current and potential employee recognition programs. This survey should take no longer than ten minutes to fill out. Your individual responses will be used to improve how {Name of Organization Here} recognizes and rewards its employees. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential.

Instructions: Please indicate your response to the following questions by filling in the appropriate square with a dark pen.



Sites & departments have an opportunity to develop Group Incentive Plans based on the revisions made to Policy 1.20, Employee Recognition Programs. These plans are developed to achieve specific goals that support the work unit and/or Department and site‘s mission and goals.

Examples are increasing productivity, new innovations, and improved customer service. The rewards granted link to the levels of performance and improvements achieved by a group/team over a specified period of time.

The major advantages to these plans include: encouraging teamwork; linking pay with the level of performance achieved; focusing on a specific goal(s); and sharing the success amongst the group/team. As stated in the Employee Recognition Programs handbook, goal setting and measuring progress is key to the results and outcomes of any recognition program/plan. Sample Plan

Statement of the Problem: The XYZ Unit has significant problems with their internal customers because they are not delivering services in a timely manner. The process for routing forms to Unit XYZ is manual, includes several handoffs, and customers find the forms difficult to complete.

Goal 1: Customer Service Excellence

Measure: Survey internal customers on their satisfaction of services delivered 90% rating of customer satisfaction based on quarterly survey data over a 12 month period

Goal 2: Process Improvement

Measure: Major project management plan for forms design and electronic routing 95% of form design and conversion to electronic routing process is completed and tested within a 12 month period

Employees impact these measures by:

1. Developing project plans for surveying internal customers

2. Developing project plans for designing/converting/testing/routing forms

3. Meeting customer satisfaction through timely/quality delivery of services

4. Meeting customer satisfaction through testing electronic forms

5. Project completion dependent on availability of resources

Available Awards:

Monetary award (bonus based on team‘s overall level of performance/improvement and available funding) and/or

Up to 5 days of Recognition Leave (based on team‘s ove rall level of performance/improvement

Awards granted after the Finish Date

Available Funding: $1,000

Plan Participants: 4

Plan Start and Finish Date: Beginning and end of Fiscal Year

Award Distribution:

Goal 1. – Customer Service Excellence

90% rating - 100%

85% rating - 75%

80% rating - 50%

Below 80% - 0%

Calculations: $1,000/4 = $250 (100%); $750/4 = $187.50 (75%); $500/4 = $125 (50%) And/or Goal 2. – Process Improvement

95% completion – 5 days Recognition Leave

85% completion - 3 days Recognition Leave

75% completion - 1 day Recognition Leave


如何设置电脑开机启动项(2009-10-19 19:40:50) 标签:电脑开机启动项无法进入系 统杀毒软件输入法显卡驱动it 开机速度有点慢,可能是随Windows启动项有点多的缘故,运行msconfig,就可以看到电脑启动时加载的程序。下面是一些常用的系统程序和应用程序。如果你的电脑中有一些来路不明的启动项,就得考虑是否中毒或者中了木马。 启动项中除了杀毒软件和输入法(cftmon不可关闭否则你就不会在任务栏看语言 栏了)外,其它的都可以关闭或者使用者可以根据自己的需要自由地选择取舍。其实关闭并不是删除,只是开机时不运行罢了。你若想运行可以从程序菜单中打开。 1.系统常见的启动项: ctfmon.exe------------是Microsoft Office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序和微软Office XP语言条。这不是纯粹的系统程序,但是如果终止它,可能会导致不可知的问题。输入法会出现在屏幕右下角,建议不删。 NvCpl -------------是显卡桌面管理调节程 序; nvcpl.dll------------是NVIDIA显示卡相关动态链接库文件。可以停用; nvmctray - nvmctray.dll ------- DLL文件信息是显示卡相关文 件。 internat.exe ------------输入法指示器程序 LoadPowerProfile--------- Win98/Me电源管理 PCHealth ------------ WinMe系统自愈功能 ScanRegistry -----------启动时检查并备份注册表 SchedulingAgent ---------系统计划任务程序 Synchronization Manager------ Win2000同步管理 SystemTray-----------系统托盘,管理内存驻留程序 Taskbar Display Controls -----屏幕-属性-设置-高级-在任务栏中显示图标


启动项哪些可以关闭 1、建议你下载金山清理专家,在他的启动项中有程序软件的图标,你可以很方便的将不需要开机启动的程序关闭(还可以随时打开),即方便又安全试试吧。 2、启动项过多也可造成开机慢,点击"开始"/运行/输入msconfig后回车/点击"启动"/只保留"ctfmon/杀毒软件/防火墙,"其它前面的勾都去掉./然后点击"应用"/按"确定"(如果查找到某一选项的名和路径单独关闭更好)。 3、重启电脑,启动到桌面时会出现一个对话框,在对话框中添加对勾,确定即可。 4、怎么去掉自启动项 开始/运行输入regedit回车打开注册表编辑器,依次展开 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]在右侧,看看有没有你要找的选项,和你要找选项的路径一致,如果有删除(备份,如果今后需要自启动再恢复备份),重启电脑即可。 进入系统慢(优化系统) 1、建议你下载Windows清理助手,查杀恶意软件和木马(下载网址:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0e17791884.html,)。 2、每次启动Windows XP,蓝色的滚动条都要走上好多次,其实这里我们也可以把它的滚动时间减少,以加快启动速度。打开注册表编辑器,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters,在右边找到EnablePrefetcher主键,把它的默认值3改为1,这样滚动条滚动的时间就会减少。 3、解决开关机慢和系统结束程序慢的问题。开始/运行输入regedit打开注册表编辑器找到[HKEY-CURRENT-USER\Control Panel\Desktop]键,将WaitToKillAppTimeout改为:1000,即关闭程序时仅等待1秒。另:程序出错和系统自动关闭停止响应的程序如何实现快速关闭。 1、将HungAppTimeout 值改为:200,表示程序出错时等待0.5秒。 2、将AutoEndTasks 值设为:1,让系统自动关闭停止响应的程序。建议你下载超级兔子,让她帮助你优化电脑的开关机速度,自己就不用进行上述设置了,超级兔子就帮助你做了。 4、右击“我的电脑”/属性/硬件/设备管理器/点击“IDE ATA/A TAPI”选项/双击“次要IDE通道”/高级设置/设备类型,将“自动检测”改为“无”,主要要IDE通道也做相同的设置。 5、启动项过多也可造成开机慢,点击"开始"--运行--输入msconfig后回车--点击"启动"--只保留"ctfmon\杀毒软件\防火墙,"其它前面的勾都去掉.--然后点击"应用"--点击"确定"。 6、用系统自带的系统还原,还原到你没有出现这次故障的时候修复(如果正常模式恢复失败,请开机按F8进入到安全模式中使用系统还原)。 按照下面的方法设置,可以对系统性能有明显的提升。


开始--运行--输入msconfig 回车打开的对话框里 “一般”选项里选择:有选择启动,去掉“处理SYSTEM文件”,去掉“处理WIN文件”。 “启动”选项里先选择全部禁用,然后留下CTFMON,如果装有杀毒软件则留下杀毒软件启动项,其他可全关。 然后重起或者注销,会有提示,把对话框打上钩---确定 其他就别乱动了 开机启动项

【启动项目就是开机的时候系统会在前台或者后台运行的程序】 当Windows(操作系统)完成登录过程,进程表中出现了很多的进程!Windows在启动的时候,自动加载了很多程序。 许多程序的自启动,给我们带来了很多方便,这是不争的事实,但不是每个自启动的程序对我们都有用;更甚者,也许有病毒或木马在自启动行列! 其实Windows2000/XP中的自启动文件,除了从以前系统中遗留下来的Autoexec.bat文件中加载外,按照两个文件夹和9个核心注册表子键来自动加载程序的。 【启动项分解】 1)“启动”文件夹──最常见的自启动程序文件夹。 它位于系统分区的“documents and Settings-->User-->〔开始〕菜单-->程序”目录下。这时的User指的是登录的用户名。 2)“All Users”中的自启动程序文件夹──另一个常见的自启动程序文件夹。

它位于系统分区的“documents and Settings-->All User-->〔开始〕菜单-->程序”目录下。前面提到的“启动”文件夹运行的是登录用户的自启动程序,而“All Users”中启动的程序是在所有用户下都有效(不论你用什么用户登录)。 3)“Load”键值── 一个埋藏得较深的注册表键值。 位于〔HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\loa d〕主键下。 4)“Userinit”键值──用户相关 它则位于〔HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogo n\Userinit〕主键下,也是用于系统启动时加载程序的。一般情况下,其默认值为“userinit.exe”,由于该子键的值中可使用逗号分隔开多个程序,因此,在键值的数值中可加入其它程序。 5)“Explorer\Run”键值──与“load”和“Userinit”两个键值不同的是,“Explorer\Run”同时位于〔HK EY_CURRENT_USER〕和〔HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE〕两个根键中。


下面我说的是WIN7的服务.... Adaptive Brightness 监视氛围光传感器,以检测氛围光的变化并调节显示器的亮度。如果此服务停止或被禁用,显示器亮度将不根据照明条件进行调节。该服务的默认运行方式是手动,如果你没有使用触摸屏一类的智能调节屏幕亮度的设备,该功能就可以放心禁用。 Application Experience 在应用程序启动时为应用程序处理应用程序兼容性缓存请求。该服务的默认运行方式是自动,建议手动。 Application Information 使用辅助管理权限便于交互式应用程序的运行。如果停止此服务,用户将无法使用辅助管理权限启动应用程序,而执行所需用户任务可能需要这些权限。该服务的默认运行方式是手动,不建议更改。 Application Layer Gateway Service 为Internet 连接共享提供第三方协议插件的支持

如果装有第三方防火墙且不需要用ICS方式共享上网,完全可以禁用掉。 Application Management 为通过组策略部署的软件处理安装、删除以及枚举请求。如果该服务被禁用,则用户将不能安装、删除或枚举通过组策略部署的软件。如果此服务被禁用,则直接依赖于它的所有服务都将无法启动。该服务默认的运行方式为手动,该功能主要适用于大型企业环境下的集中管理,因此家庭用户可以放心禁用该服务。 Ati External Event Utility 装了ATI显卡驱动的就会有这个进程,建议手动。 Background Intelligent Transfer Service 使用空闲网络带宽在后台传送文件。如果该服务被禁用,则依赖于 BITS 的任何应用程序(如 Windows Update 或 MSN Explorer)将无法自动下载程序和其他信息。这个服务的主要用途还是用于进行WindowsUpdate或者自动更新,如果是采用更新包来更新的话,完全可以禁用。 Base Filtering Engine


手把手教你设置BIOS开机启动项,从此装系统不求人 制作完U盘启动后,不会BIOS设置怎么办?现在我们就聊一聊BIOS开机启动项的设置一般的品牌机,例如联想电脑,无论台式机或笔记本,选择启动项的键都是F12,开机的时候按F12键会出现启动项选择界面,从中我们可以选择电脑从什么介质启动,一般可供选择的有光驱、硬盘、网络、可移动磁盘(U盘)。如果对英文不是很了解无法确定各个选项代表什么,可以通过一个单词来快速选择U盘启动,也就是在出现的启动项列表里找到一项带USB字样的就可以了。 注:根据自己的电脑类型,选择热键,直接启动U盘,(重要提醒:利用按键选择U盘启动前,请先插入U盘)如图1所示, 以上是以联想电脑为例,其余品牌机或者部分组装机也有按键选择启动项的功能,简单列举几种: 惠普笔记本:F9 ,戴尔:F12,有一部分组装机是F8,大体而言也就这么几种按键。有些电脑开机的时候在电脑屏幕下方会显示哪个键可以用来设置启动选项,有些电脑不显示,那就需要进BIOS将F12 的BOOT MENU 功能开启。还有一些电脑是没有热键选择启动项功能的,对于这种电脑只能通过下面的第二种方法来设置了。 一、电脑如何进入BIOS?在BIOS模式下USB的启动热键是什么? 用户可以根据不同的电脑型号,选择相应的热键,直接启动一键U盘装系统工具设置(重要提示:在选择启动热键前,需先插入U盘方可)

二、设置U盘启动,不同的BIOS设置U盘启动方法均不同,以下为常见的三种方法: 1、Phoenix – AwardBIOS(2010年之后的电脑): 2、旧的Award BIOS(2009年电脑主板): 3、2002年电脑主板的一款BIOS: 1、Phoenix – AwardBIOS(2010年之后的电脑设置方法):


一进入BIOS设置程序通常有三种方法 1.开机启动时按热键(最通用也最常用) 在开机时按下特定的热键可以进入BIOS设置程序,不同类型的机器进入BIOS设置程序的按键不同, 有的在屏幕上给出提示,有的不给出提示,几种常见的BIOS设置程序的进入方式我简单列表如下: 笔记本方面,不同的笔记本进入BIOS方法不同,这就造成了许多人进BIOS的时候的烦恼:Thinkpad/IBM(冷开机按F1,部分新型号可以在重新启动时启动按F1) HP(启动和重新启动时按F2) SONY(启动和重新启动时按F2) Dell(启动和重新启动时按F2) Acer(启动和重新启动时按F2) Toshiba(冷开机时按ESC然后按F1) Compaq(开机到右上角出现闪动光标时按F10,或者开机时按F10) Fujitsu(启动和重新启动时按F2) 大多数国产和台湾品牌(启动和重新启动时按F2)台式机进入BIOS开机时候请多按del键, 就可以进入BIO 这些东西和主板厂商有关的,一般都是主板决定的。 二如何通过读取开机画面信息,从而更快更顺利的进入BIOS设置界面 下面用几个实例带图一同给大家解读一下,希望大家都能准确的快速的进入BIOS设置。 举例一 问:“台式电脑是810主板,C3时代的了,CPU是C 1.2G,开机显示IBM,还要等办天才能

跳过IBM那个画面???我看了好多网上的资料,好像IBM只有笔记本吧,我朋友的台式电脑开机画面怎么会出现IBM呢?而且我按Delete 键跟F1键都进不去BIOS,该怎么办” 解题: 可以按tab键查看,最下边会有进bios的方法。 press del to enter setup,找到类似的英文就是了,看del用什么代替了就行。 从上图可以看到,显示了提示信息“Press DEL to enter SETUP”, 即是表示“按下键盘上Delete键,即可进入BIOS设置界面。” 更详细、更全面的资料,有兴趣的朋友可以下载附件“进入BIOS大全.txt”深入了解。 举例二: 现在买电脑的,遇到问题的都不是自己组装机器,一般图方便图维护容易买品牌机、买笔记本的多, 但这样也造成了自己对爱机的了解程度不够,比如不少用户就不知道品牌机如何进入BIOS 设置,看下图


如何设置开机启动项 开机速度有点慢,可能是随Windows启动项有点多的缘故,运行msconfig,就可以看到电脑启动时加载的程序。下面是一些常用的系统程序和应用程序。如果你的电脑中有一些来路不明的启动项,就得考虑是否中毒或者中了木马。 启动项中除了杀毒软件和输入法(cftmon不可关闭否则你就不会在任务栏看语言栏了)外,其它的都可以关闭或者使用者可以根据自己的需要自由地选择取舍。其实关闭并不是删除,只是开机时不运行罢了。你若想运行可以从程序菜单中打开。 1.系统常见的启动项: ctfmon.exe------------是Microsoft Office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序和微软Office XP语言条。这不是纯粹的系统程序,但是如果终止它,可能会导致不可知的问题。输入法会出现在屏幕右下角,建议不删。 NvCpl -------------是显卡桌面管理调节程序; nvcpl.dll------------是NVIDIA显示卡相关动态链接库文件。可以停用; nvmctray - nvmctray.dll -------DLL文件信息是显示卡相关文件。 internat.exe ------------输入法指示器程序 LoadPowerProfile---------Win98/Me电源管理 PCHealth ------------WinMe系统自愈功能 ScanRegistry -----------启动时检查并备份注册表 SchedulingAgent ---------系统计划任务程序 Synchronization Manager------Win2000同步管理 SystemTray-----------系统托盘,管理内存驻留程序 Taskbar Display Controls -----屏幕-属性-设置-高级-在任务栏中显示图标 TaskMonitor -----------任务检测程序,记录使用软件情况 *StateMgr ----------WinMe系统还原 msmsgs Windows Messenger ---是微软公司推出的一个在线聊天和即时通讯客户端。 Rundll32 cmicnfg---------是32位的链接库,使电脑能运行..dll类型的文件,建议不要禁用;

如何设置U盘启动 设置电脑开机从U盘启动方法

如何设置U盘启动设置电脑开机从U盘启动方法 在今天的上文中,我们为大家介绍了如何制作U盘启动盘,U盘启动盘制作好,并且将系统镜像文件放入到U盘之后,接下来就需要重启电脑,设置电脑开机启动项为从U盘启动了,之后就是最后的系统安装了。由于设置U盘启动,不同主板方法有所不同,因此本文才专文为大家介绍设置电脑开机从U盘启动方法,如果您也还不懂,那么赶紧往下阅读吧。 如果你感觉到设置BIOS比较麻烦困难,根据你的电脑类型,在将制作好的U盘系统插入电脑后,然后使用电脑开启启动项热键快捷键直接启动一键U盘装系统,由于不同品牌主板与品牌笔记本设置方法有所不一样,以下我们汇总了各品牌主板与笔记本热键进入开机启动项设置的方法,如下图: 除了以上快捷方法外,我们还可以通过我们最常见的设置BIOS方式,由于BIOS默认是从硬盘启动,因此我们首先需要设置开机启动项为从U盘启动,同样由于不同品牌主板BIOS内部界面设置有些不相同,以下电脑百事网编辑为大家整理了各品牌主板BIOS设置为U盘启动的方法,详情如下:

1、Phoenix – AwardBIOS主板(适合2010年之后的主流主板): 开机按Del键进入该BIOS设置界面,选择高级BIOS设置Advanced BIOS Features,如下图,之后进入如下图界面: 如上图,在高级BIOS设置(Advanced BIOS Features)界面里,首先点击(硬盘启动优先级)Hard Disk Boot Priority,之后即可进入BIOS开机启动项优先级选择,我们可以通

过键盘上的上下键选择USB-HDD(U盘即可,会自动识别我们插入电脑中的U盘),如下图: 如上图,选择USB设备为第一启动项后,按Entel键即可确认选择,之后我们再按F10键,然后会弹出是否保存,选择YES即可。 另外有的主板还会进入如下界面,我们主要将First Boot Device这只为U盘即可,如下图。


开机启动项怎么设置 开机启动项设置教程如下: 方法一:最简单最原始的方法,使用开机启动命令 在开始--运行--输入:msconfig 命令,进入如下系统配置界面: 启动项中除了杀毒软件和输入法(cftmon不可关闭否则就不会在任务栏看语言栏了)外,其它的都可以关闭或者使用者可以根据自己的需要自由地选择取舍。其实关闭并不是删除,只是开机时不运行罢了。你若想运行可以从程序菜单中打开。 不同电脑可能安装的程序不一样,所以所看到的程序或许不一一样,以下总结了一些系统常见启动项。 ctfmon.exe----是Microsoft Office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序和微软Office XP语言条。这不是纯粹的系统程序,但是如果终止它,可能会导致不可知的问题。输入法会出现在屏幕右下角,建议不删。 Nv Cpl ------是显卡桌面管理调节程序;

nv cpl.dll---------- 是NVIDIA显示卡相关动态链接库文件。可以停用; nvmctray - nvmctray.dll ------- DLL文件信息是显示卡相关文件。 internat.exe ----------输入法指示器程序 LoadPowerProfile------- Win98/Me电源管理 PCHealth ----------- WinMe系统自愈功能 ScanRegistry ---------启动时检查并备份注册表 SchedulingAgent ------- 系统计划任务程序 Synchronization Manager---- Win2000同步管理 SystemTray----------系统托盘,管理内存驻留程序 Taskbar Display Controls ----屏幕-属性-设置-高级-在任务栏中显示图标 TaskMonitor ---------任务检测程序,记录使用软件情况 *StateMgr ---------- WinMe系统还原 msmsgs Windows Messenger -是微软公司推出的一个在线聊天和即时通讯客户端。 Rundll32 cmicnfg-------是32位的链接库,使电脑能运行..dll类型的文件,建议不要禁用; soundman.exe------是Realtek声卡相关程序。该进程在系统托盘驻留,用于进行快速访问和诊断。可关掉. igfxtray.exe ------- 是intel显卡配置和诊断程序,会在安装intel 810芯片组的集成显卡驱动时一起安装。关掉试试. hkcmd.exe-----此进程是主板上集成显卡的一个驱动控制台文件,常和igfxtray.exe 一起出现,如intel865G芯片集成的显卡。但该命令常会被黑客或木马利用,需要注意。可以禁用,不是病毒,但可能被病毒替代。 nwiz.exe--------是NVIDIA nView控制面板在NVIDA显卡驱动中被安装,用于调整和设定。可停用.;


如何设置开机从光驱启动 一:设置方法 当我们刚打开电脑的时候,一般首先出现的就是主板的logo,这时只要你稍微注意一下,就会发现类似下图所示的提示信息 大部分的主板都是按Del键进入bios设置面板(Pres DEL to enter setup),这也不是绝对的,有些品牌的主机有自己的设置,比如按F2或者F12。你需要注意一下提示信息。下图所示即为bios设置面板 可能你看到面板和上图不一样,那是因为你的主板使用的bios类型和我的不一样。上图显示的是最常见的award bios,如果你的不一样,也不用担心,继续往下看,方法都是类似的。你可以通过光标上下左右键来选择不同的菜单项,按Enter(回车)键进入子菜单,按Esc 键返回上级菜单。我们需要做的就是选中”Adranced BIOS Features”(高级bios功能设置),然后按回车键进入Adranced BIOS Features设置面板,如下图所示

这里我们需要理解的就是First Boot Device、Second Boot Device、Third Boot Device、Boot Other Device(第一、第二、第三以及其它启动设备)。我们的电脑就是按照这个顺序启动的,首先尝试从第一启动设备启动,如果不能从第一启动设备,就尝试从第二启动设备启动,如果再不成功就尝试从第三启动设备启动,最后才是从其它设备启动。如果都没有成功的话,那你的电脑就不能启动了。 理解了这一点,我们就可以做一个固定不变的设置。假如你的电脑有软驱的话,你可以把第一启动设备设置为软驱,把第二启动设备设置为光驱,把第三启动设备设置为硬盘,其它启动设置可以不设置也可以随便设置一个。这样一来,以后每你的电脑开机的时候,都会按照这个启动顺序启动,效果是:如果软驱和光驱内都没有启动盘的话,就会从硬盘启动(进入我们的操作系统)。而当我们想重新安装系统的时候,只需要把系统的安装光盘放入光驱,即可从这张光驱启动,进入安装光盘。 现在的电脑基本上都已经没有软驱了,这样的话就可以把第一启动设备设置为光驱,第二启动设备设置为硬盘。以设置第一启动设备为光驱为例,使用键盘上的上下键选择”First Boot Device”,然后按回车 在弹出来的框中选择“CDROM”,再按回车确认,即可把第一启动项设置为光驱。按照同样的方法可以设置其它几个启动项。 设置完毕后按F10,再选择yes保存。这样就设置完毕了。就算你不重装系统,也可以这样设置一下看看,一样可以正常进入你的系统。设置一次,“终身享用”。 如果你的bios界面和本文介绍的界面不一样,也没关系,你只要找到”Boot”这样的选项,基本上就能找到启动顺序了。以下是几个常见的英文单词对比: ?光驱:CDROM、CD-ROM ?硬盘:Hard Disk、Hard Drive、HDD 我再拿Phoenix BIOS的设置举个例子吧,下面是Phoenix BIOS的主界面


怎么设置开机启动项?开机启动项设置教 程 身边不少朋友买了电脑都在比拼电脑开机速度,一般新电脑开机启动时间保持在30s左右就已经很不错了,不过不少朋友电脑开机时间需要1分多钟,那么如何优化提升电脑开机速度呢?不少朋友的答案的设置开机启动项目,尽量减少程序开机启动,不过多数朋友都不会设置,这里编辑教大家2招轻松设置开机启动项,提高电脑开机速度。 方法一:最简单最原始的方法,使用开机启动命令 在开始--运行--输入:msconfig 命令,进入如下系统配置界面:

系统配置界面 启动项中除了杀毒软件和输入法(cftmon不可关闭否则你就不会在任务栏看语言栏了)外,其它的都可以关闭或者使用者可以根据自己的需要自由地选择取舍。其实关闭并不是删除,只是开机时不运行罢了。你若想运行可以从程序菜单中打开。 不同电脑可能安装的程序不一样,所以所看到的程序或许不一一样,以下总结了一些系统常见启动项。 ctfmon.exe----是Microsoft Office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序和微软Office XP语言条。这不是纯粹的系统程序,但是如果终止它,可能会导致不可知的问题。输入法会出现在屏幕右下角,建议不删。 NvCpl ------是显卡桌面管理调节程序; nvcpl.dll----------是NVIDIA显示卡相关动态链接库文件。可以停用; nvmctray - nvmctray.dll ------- DLL文件信息是显示卡相关文件。 internat.exe ----------输入法指示器程序LoadPowerProfile------- Win98/Me电源管理 PCHealth ----------- WinMe系统自愈功能ScanRegistry ---------启动时检查并备份注册表SchedulingAgent -------系统计划任务程序Synchronization Manager---- Win2000同步管理


在“开始→运行”中执行“Gpedit.msc”;打开“组策略”,“本地计算机策略”中有两个选项:“计算机配置”与“用户配置”,展开“用户配置→管理模板→系统→登录”,双击“在用户登录时运行这些程序”子项进行属性设置,选定“设置”项中的“已启用”项并单击“显示”按钮弹出“显示内容”窗口,再单击“添加”按钮,在“添加项目”窗口内的文本框中输入要自启动的程序的路径. 引用(忘了是哪个人)这个很不错 Windows启动时通常会有一大堆程序自动启动,不要以为管好了“开始→程序→启动”菜单就万事大吉,实际上,在Windows XP/2K中,让Windows自动启动程序的办法很多,下文告诉你最重要的两个文件夹和八个注册键。 一、当前用户专有的启动文件夹 这是许多应用软件自动启动的常用位置,Windows自动启动放入该文件夹的所有快捷方式。用户启动文件夹一般在:Documents and Settings<用户名字>「开始」菜单程序启动,其中“<用户名字>”是当前登录的用户帐户名称。 二、对所有用户有效的启动文件夹 这是寻找自动启动程序的第二个重要位置,不管用户用什么身份登录系统,放入该文件夹的快捷方式总是自动启动——这是它与用户专有的启动文件夹的区别所在。该文件夹一般在:Documents and SettingsAll Users「开始」菜单程序启动。 三、Load注册键 介绍该注册键的资料不多,实际上它也能够自动启动程序。位置:HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft WindowsNT CurrentVersion Windows load。 四、Userinit注册键 位置:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft WindowsNT CurrentVersion Winlogon Userinit。这里也能够使系统启动时自动初始化程序。通常该注册键下面有一个userinit.exe,如图一,但这个键允许指定用逗号分隔的多个程序,例如“userinit.exe,OSA.exe”(不含引号)。 五、ExplorerRun注册键 和load、Userinit不同,ExplorerRun键在HKEY_CURRENT_USER和HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE下都有,具体位置是:HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies ExplorerRun,和HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies ExplorerRun。 六、RunServicesOnce注册键 RunServicesOnce注册键用来启动服务程序,启动时间在用户登录之前,而且先于其他通过注册键启动的程序。RunServicesOnce注册键的位置是:HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunServicesOnce,和HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunServicesOnce。 七、RunServices注册键 RunServices注册键指定的程序紧接RunServicesOnce指定的程序之后运行,但两者都在用户登录之前。RunServices的位置是:HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunServices,和HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunServices。 八、RunOnceSetup注册键 RunOnceSetup指定了用户登录之后运行的程序,它的位置是:HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunOnceSetup,和HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion RunOnceSetup。 九、RunOnce注册键


怎么设置电脑开机启动项 设置电脑开机启动项的方法:通过msconfig设置开机启动项 首先,通过点击“开始”,“运行”,输入“msconfig”回车,打开“系统配置实用程序”。选择“启动”标签页,在下面的启动信息中,除了ctfmon.exe、rundll32.exe,显卡驱动,声卡驱动必须保留之外,其他的第三方程序都是可以禁用的,可以参照下图进行更改。 不同电脑可能安装的程序不一样,所以所看到的程序或许不一一样,以下总结了一些系统常见启动项。 ctfmon.exe----是microsoft office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序和微软office xp语言条。这不是纯粹的系统程序,但是如果终止它,可能会导致不可知的问题。输入法会出现在屏幕右下角,建议不删。 nvcpl ------是显卡桌面管理调节程序; nvcpl.dll---------- 是nvidia显示卡相关动态链接库文件。可以停用; nvmctray - nvmctray.dll ------- dll文件信息是显示卡相关文件。 internat.exe ----------输入法指示器程序 loadpowerprofile------- win98/me电源管理 pchealth ----------- winme系统自愈功能

scanregistry ---------启动时检查并备份注册表 schedulingagent ------- 系统计划任务程序 synchronization manager---- win2000同步管理 systemtray----------系统托盘,管理内存驻留程序 taskbar display controls ----屏幕-属性-设置-高级-在任务栏中显示图标 taskmonitor ---------任务检测程序,记录使用软件情况 *statemgr ---------- winme系统还原 msmsgs windows messenger -是微软公司推出的一个在线聊天和即时通讯客户端。 rundll32 cmicnfg-------是32位的链接库,使电脑能运行..dll类型的文件,建议不要禁用; soundman.exe------是realtek声卡相关程序。该进程在系统托盘驻留,用于进行快速访问和诊断。可关掉. igfxtray.exe ------- 是intel显卡配置和诊断程序,会在安装intel 810芯片组的集成显卡驱动时一起安装。关掉试试. hkcmd.exe-----此进程是主板上集成显卡的一个驱动控制台文件,常和 igfxtray.exe 一起出现,如intel865g芯片集成的显卡。但该命令常会被黑客或木马利用,需要注意。可以禁用,不是病毒,但可能被病毒替代。 nwiz.exe--------是nvidia nview控制面板在nvida显卡驱动中被安装,用于调整和设定。可停用。 设置电脑开机启动项的方法:通过电脑管家置开机启动项 电脑管家相信大家使用过,功能也比较齐全,首先打开电脑


如何设置开机自动启动项? 建议:按下操作会加快开关机时间的:1.开机程序越少,系统启动XX越快,开始-运行,键入"msconfig".点击"启动",建议你只留下:rfw main,RAV TMER ,RAV MON此三项是瑞星杀毒软件,应随时启动对系统进行监视,ctfmon.exe是输入法显示,这项不要删掉,不然会遇麻烦的. 2. 另开始-所有程序,找到"启动".点击打开后,把里面全部删掉.有些系统必须用的,你就是设置他不让启动,它 也照起不误. 3.用"休眠"加快开机速度.如果此功能未被开启,可以:开始-控制面板-性能和维护-电源选项,单击"休眠"选项卡,确保选中"启用休眠'复选框,单击确定,以后关机时,请选"休眠"若在关机对话框中出现"待机"按住SHIFT",将其转换成"休眠'即可.下子此此开机时,自动快速恢复到上此关机的状态. 4.如你的系统教稳定很少出现系统失败的故障,可以如下操作:开始-控制面板-性能和维护-系统",打开"系统特征-高级"选项卡,使用期中的"启动和故障恢复"按钮,打开"启动和故障恢复"对话框,将'系统失败下的"将事件写入系统日志"和"发送管理警报"两项去掉,,然后打开"写入调试信息"的下拉列表,选择"无"以后"确定".4,可下载"优化大师'软件,利用其优化功能,也可。仅供参考。 5.减少开机使滚动条滚动次数.开始-运行,确定.键入"regedit",打开找到 "HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE-SYSTEM/Current Contralset/Control/Sessin Manager /Memory Management/Preech Paramentrs的分枝,在右侧窗口找到"EnablePrefecher",子健,把它的值设为:"1",右击我得电脑-属性-硬件-设备管理器-展开'IDE ATA/ATAPZ控制器",双击"次要通道IDE".,在对话框中选中"高级",再"设备0"中,将原设的"自动检测"改为"无",主要通道也如此修改.重启电脑,滚动条减少为3次(原十几次). 6,开始-运行,确定.键入"regedit",打开HKEY-CURRENT-USER/ControlPanel;Desktop/,找到"HungAPPTineout",把它的之改为"5000",另一个"WaitTokillAPPTimeout",把它的值改为"4000".再再HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE-System/CurrnentContralset/Control,把其中的WaitTokillServiceTimeout"的键 值也改为4000". 7,,可下载"优化大师'软件,利用其优化功能,也可。仅供参考。 这样启动时间大大缩短了,也不影响使用.试下吧!


依次点“开始” “运行”输入msconfig 点“确定” 回答者:andylau5445 | 三级 | 2008-3-18 18:17 按开始-运行-输入msconfig回车, 就出来启动项设置了.点启动, 打勾或者去掉勾来设置启动或禁止启动. 回答者:疯不止 | 七级 | 2008-3-18 18:19 开始--运行--启动项--去掉不要的就可以[杀毒软件不要去掉,其他都去掉]--应用--重 新启动--OK 回答者:lixibv | 一级 | 2008-3-18 22:35 设置开机启动项,那就用"MSCONFIG"命令,可以在"开始"-"运行"里输入,确认就好了,选择最后的启动项可设置开启或者关闭. 但如果说要另外填加开机启动项,那就复制一个快捷方式到"开始"-"程序"-"启动"里(也可以用鼠标拖过去),就简单地建立了一个开机启动项了. 回答者:ertok | 六级 | 2008-3-20 15:17 如果是XP 就WINDOWS键+R 输入“MSCONFIG” 如果是2000 就得用第三方软件了 回答者:stackma | 八级 | 2008-3-20 15:17 一般输入msconfig查看启动项看看喽..那只是最表面的,很多开机启动都写到注册表里面了,在那里是看不到的,具体查看方法: Windows自动启动程序的十大藏身之所 Windows启动时通常会有一大堆程序自动启动。不要以为管好了“开始→程序→启动”菜单就万事大吉,实际上,在Windows XP/2K中,让Windows自动启动程序的办法很多,下文告诉你最重要的两个文件夹和八个注册键。 一、当前用户专有的启动文件夹 >>>>这是许多应用软件自动启动的常用位置,Windows自动启动放入该文件夹的所有快捷方式。用户启动文件夹一般在:\Documents and Settings\<用户名字>\「开始」菜单\程序\启动,其中“<用户名字>”是当前登录的用户帐户名称。 二、对所有用户有效的启动文件夹 >>>>这是寻找自动启动程序的第二个重要位置,不管用户用什么身份登录系统,放入该文件夹的快捷方式总是自动启动——这是它与用户专有的启动文件夹的区别所在。该文件夹一般在:\Documents and Settings\All Users\「开始」菜单\程序\启动。 三、Load注册键 >>>>介绍该注册键的资料不多,实际上它也能够自动启动程序。位置: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Windo ws\load。 >>>>四、Userinit注册键 >>>>位置: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\W inlogon\Userinit。这里也能够使系统启动时自动初始化程序。通常该注册键下面有一个userinit.exe,如图一,但这个键允许指定用逗号分隔的多个程序,例如“userinit.exe,OSA.exe”(不含引号)。


你是不是为了开机速度发愁,你是不是为了CPU的使用率而发愁, 你是不是为了你的内存而焦虑,你有没有用过魔方或者WIN7优化大师, 你有没有使用过各种优化方法.......如果你有....那就请继续看.... 如果你没有....那就先用优化大师进行优化...把不是很必须的软件给卸载 掉... 把开机启动的服务,以及程序禁止掉...请严格按照系统的要求来做..许多的服 务是系统必须的服务.. 我也遇到过大家的问题。 从前我的电脑开机在一分钟以上,从前我的电脑CPU的使用率平均在……60%以上........使用过各种优化软化也不见成效... 到目前为止我的开机只用10秒。CPU的使用率平均在10%一下,内存依然无视。 首先.使用各种优化软件优化.或者手工进行优化。都必须对你电脑的数据进行 备份。系统备份,注册表备份...... 相信大家都懂吧....这样至少不会造成无法挽回的地步.... 但是, 我所说的优化绝对不会对大家电脑照常什么危害。只要你严格按照我的 做。。。。。。。 上一次发帖没有成功....这次更正...希望版主支

持............................. 重复上面的话如果你没有使用过魔方或者7优化大师请先使用....如果 怕出现意外请先备份..... 系统的每一个服务都占用着我们的资源....所以,系统要用更多的CPU 来维持你的服务。 但是大部分的服务都不是系统必须的。所以电脑才会很慢.... 下面我说的是WIN7的服务.... Adaptive Brightness 监视氛围光传感器,以检测氛围光的变化并调节显示器的亮度。如果此服务停止或被禁用,显示器亮度将不根据照明条件进行调节。 该服务的默认运行方式是手动,如果你没有使用触摸屏一类的智能调节屏幕亮度的设备,该功能就可以放心禁用。 Application Experience 在应用程序启动时为应用程序处理应用程序兼容性缓存请求。 该服务的默认运行方式是自动,建议手动。 Application Information 使用辅助管理权限便于交互式应用程序的运行。如果停止此服务,用户将无法使用辅助管理权限启动应用程序,而执行所需用户任务可能需要这些权限。 该服务的默认运行方式是手动,不建议更改。 Application Layer Gateway Service 为 Internet 连接共享提供第三方协议插件的支持 如果装有第三方防火墙且不需要用ICS方式共享上网,完全可以禁用掉。


电脑开机启动项如何设置 电脑自启动项的多少是影响电脑启动速度的主要问题,启动项就是在电脑启动时即完成初始化的软件启动,启动项越多开机时间越长,所以减少启动项就可以减少启动时间,电脑开机启动项如何设置呢? 开机启动项设置教程如下: 方法一:最简单最原始的方法,使用开机启动命令 在开始--运行--输入:msconfig 命令,进入系统配置界面; 启动项中除了杀毒软件和输入法(cftmon不可关闭否则就不会在任务栏看语言栏了)外,其它的都可以关闭或者使用者可以根据自己的需要自由地选择取舍。其实关闭并不是删除,只是开机时不运行罢了。你若想运行可以从程序菜单中打开。 不同电脑可能安装的程序不一样,所以所看到的程序或许不一一样,以下总结了一些系统常见启动项。 ctfmon.exe----是Microsoft Office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序和微软Office XP语言条。这不是纯粹的系统程序,但是如果终止它,可能会导致不可知的问题。输入法会出现在屏幕右下角,建议不删。 NvCpl ------是显卡桌面管理调节程序; nvcpl.dll---------- 是NVIDIA显示卡相关动态链接库文件。可以停用; nvmctray - nvmctray.dll ------- DLL文件信息是显示卡相关文件。 internat.exe ----------输入法指示器程序 LoadPowerProfile------- Win98/Me电源管理 PCHealth ----------- WinMe系统自愈功能 ScanRegistry ---------启动时检查并备份注册表 SchedulingAgent ------- 系统计划任务程序
