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UNIT ONE Ⅰ. 1. 世界贸易组织2.国际商会3. 联合国贸易和发展会议4. 世界银行5.国际货币基金组织6. 中华人民共和国商务部7. 中国国际贸易促进委员会8. 中华人民共和国海关总署9. 国家质量监督检验检疫总局Ⅱ.(F)(T)(T)(F)(F)

(T)Ⅲ. ( 4 ) A. Gree air conditioner( 6 ) B. Dengcun Green Tea( 3 ) C. soy bean( 2 ) D. mineral (F)

Ⅱ. .(F)



ore ( 5 ) E. paintings( 7 ) F. construction equipment( 8 ) G. medicine( 1 ) H. T-shirt Ⅳ. 1.AC2009 is our newly developed product, it is of superior quality, fashionable design and reasonable price. 2. 500 metric tons is the biggest amount we can supply at present. 3. We have received the sample which you sent to us last Friday and we are satisfied with the sample quality. 4. If the quality of the first consignment is satisfactory,we will place a repeat order in large quantity. 5. The landed quantity instead of the shipping quantity shall govern.




5.用新的单层麻袋包装,每袋净重100公斤。麻袋必须足够结实以适应野蛮装卸和海洋运输。Ⅲ. 1.How will you pack the goods we ordered?2. I’m afraid the carton is not strong enough for ocean transportation.3. We will transfer your suggestions on packing to our supplier.4. According to normal practice, the packing charge shall be borne by the buyer.5. Do your nation’s customs have any special requirement and regulations on wooden packages?Ⅳ. .(F)(T)(F)(T)(T) UNIT FOUR Ⅰ. (T)(F)(T)(T)(F)(F)(F)(T)(T) (F)Ⅱ. 1. 卖方必须提供与合同相符的货物和商业发票或与发票具有同等效力的电子数据。2.买方必须自付费用订立指定装运港运送货物的合同。3.卖方必须在约定的日期或期限内,在指定的装运港,按照该港习惯方式,将货物交至买方指定的船只上。4.买方必须支付任何装运前检验的费用,但出口国有关当局强制进行的检验除外。5.卖方必须支付将货物运至指定的目的所需的运费和费用。但交货后货物灭失或损坏的风险,以及由于各种事件造成的任何额外费用,即由卖方转移到买方。UNIT FIVEⅠ 1. 报价,产于泰国、孟加拉国的新鲜土豆,每公吨750美元FOB吉大港。

2. 我方可提供散装腰果,每公吨800美元FOB美国纽约。3 . 商品目录表中的每件商品都没有最低订货数量,但是每个订单的金额不得少于200美元,不包括运输成本,税费和增值税。4. 我们对于金额超过1 000美元或每个式样、颜色、尺寸的数量都超过30件的订单都给予5%的折扣,不包括运输成本,税费和增值税。5. 以非美元货币所进行的报价,以报价时的汇率为准,除非另有规定,如果发票日的汇率不同则价格应相应上下浮动。

Ⅱ.Calculation1. The buyer from Hong Kong agrees to purchase from the seller in Shanghai 1,000 sets of tool kits at HK$80.00 per set CIF Hong Kong. The insurance is arranged to cover All Risks (Rate=0.5%) at 110% of the invoice value of the purchase. Work out how much it is in HK dollars CFR Hong Kong. FOB = CIF-I-F

I = CIF×(1+10%)×0.5% = 0.44 F = 3 FOB = 79.56

2.Convert US$ 50 per case CIF New York into CFRC5 New York. (The insurance is arranged to cover All Risks

at 0.5% of 110% invoice value)CFR = CIF-I I=CIF×(1+10%)×0.5%= 50×(1+10%)×0.5%= 0.275 CFR = CIF-I=49.725 CFRC5 = CFR×(1-5%)= 52.34

Ⅲ. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0e3821293.html,D 400 per carton CIF NEW YORK 2.6500 Japanese Yen per M/T CIFC3% Osaka 3.80 dollars per dozen FOB Shanghai 4.560 GBP per set CFRC3% London 5.700 Euros per set FCA Shenyang UNIT SIX Ⅰ.




Ⅲ. 1. What is the usual mode of transport for your equipment export?2. We suggest ocean transportation because of the high freight of railway transportation.3. We have to arrange sea-land through transportation due to the absence of direct transport vessel.4. We will send you a copy of the documents as soon as we dispatch the goods.5. We hope that partial shipments are allowed to convenience the preparation of goods.6. The goods we ordered are seasonal goods. You’d better ship them in one lot. 7. The destination port is not a main port, for which we hope that transshipment can be allowed.8. Your letter of credit must reach us one month before the time of shipment. 9. Shipment must be made before October otherwise we will miss the sale season. 10. Please send us the shipment advice immediately after shipment to convenience our effecting insurance.Ⅳ.(F)(T)(T)(T)(T) (F)(F)(T) (T)(F) Ⅴ. Calculation

An exporter in Fuzhou exports 100 cartons of green tea to an importer in Singapore. The basic rate is USD 80/freight ton, bunker adjust factor is 15%, the measurement of a carton is 0.075 cubic meter and the gross weight is 25kg, how much is the total freight?

F= fb +∑S Fb = 100×0.075×80=600Surcharge = 600×15%= 90 F =Fb +Surcharge=(690USD) UNIT SEVEN

Ⅱ. (F)(F)(T)(T)(T)Ⅲ. 1.投保人大多是被保险人,但有时并不是。 2.请尽快告知我们你们希望为货物防范的风险详



5.由卖方根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日颁布的海洋货物运输保险条款按照发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险。Ⅳ. 1.These goods are sold on the basis of FOB. It is your obligation to effect insurance. 2.We will insure the goods against W.P.A. and Risk of

Clash and Breakage. 3.We have goods transported to U.S.A and we’d like to understand the marine transport insurance you provide. 4.The customary clause of “Warehouse to Warehouse Clause” in international transport insurance is employed. 5.In case of any damage during the transport, you may claim against the insurance agency in your place with a survey report. UNITEIGHT

Ⅱ. (T)(F)(F)(T)(F)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)Ⅲ. 1.装运完毕后,卖方应该通过银行寄出以买方为受票人的即期汇票和运输单据。2.我们随附一张金额为1万美元的支票来支付8月5日发运的货物。3.我们今天以你方为受票人开出一张金额为两万欧元,见票后30天付款的汇票,该汇票的收款人为中国银行上海分行,时间为12月20日。4.买方对卖方出具的见票后30天付款的跟单汇票于第一次提示时予以承兑,并在汇票到期日付款。5.中国银行(香港)作为国际保理协会的成员可以为你的应收帐款提供一站式的保理服务。Ⅳ. 1.We hope that you can accept D/P. 2.We hope that you can send us 100% of the proceeds by T/T before October 20th. 3.We want to arrange factoring for this transaction due to the increasing export payment risks resulting from economic crisis. 4.Our normal practice is that the buyer makes a 30% down payment after signing the contract and we will arrange shipment after receiving the down payment. 5.We generally do not

Ⅱ.(F)(T)(F)(T)(T)(F)(F)(F)(T)(F)Ⅲ. 1.已签署的商业发票一式五份显示合同号码、信用证号码和码头。2一式两份的空白背书保险单/保险凭证,保险金额为CIP价格的110%,按照中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日颁布的海洋货物运输保险条款投保一切险和战争险,保险赔偿的地点为目的地,赔偿的货币为汇票货币。3.全套清洁已装船提单和一份不可转让的副本,抬头为凭E. Sun Commercial Bank Ltd.指示,通知信用证申请人,注明“运费已付”。4.对于任意一个不符点,将从货款中扣除50美元不符点费。





9.所有单据必须在装船后10天之内并在信用证有效期内于信用证到期地提交。10.我们根据温哥华ABC公司的要求开出本信用证,其金额不超过50 000美元,该信用证凭受票人为我们的即期汇票付款。Ⅳ. 1.We hope that you can make shipment immediately after receiving our letter of credit. 2.How about 50% of the payment is to be made by L/C and the rest by D/P? 3.The L/C shall remain valid until 15 days after shipment. 4.The L/C must bear “the letter of credit is available by negotiation in China.” 5.We can grant you some discount if you make payment by L/C.

Ⅱ. (F)(T)(F)(F)(T)Ⅲ. 1.我们非常遗憾地通知你们我们收到的货物中有15箱货物受到损坏,很显然这是因为你们包装不良造成的。 2.我们已经收到了号码为****的信用证项下的货物,但是我们遗憾地通知你们货物的质量与样品质量不符合。 3.我们通过检查质量控制和包装部门的记录确认该批货物在发运时状态完好,因此我们认为损害是在运输途中发生的。 4.由于你们延误了号码为No.83/176的订单项下货物的运输,给我们造成了巨大损失,我方希望你们尽快通知我们解决方案。 5.检验证书上必须显示检验在装船之前进行。6.装船前检验报告必须由我方的进口代理Fred Qiu出具和签署。7.卖方对于由于公认的不可抗力原因造成的延迟交货或无法交货不负责任。8.仲裁结果是终局性的而且对双方均有约束力。9.任何因本合同或与本合同相关的争议应该通过仲裁解决而不得诉诸法律。10.我们已经收到你方关于包装的投诉,我们将给予你方10%的折扣作为赔偿。

Ⅳ. 1.There is a 30 M/T difference between the landed weight and the invoiced weight. 2.This inspection report was issued by a very famous notary party in London. 3.We are not liable to any loss caused during transportation.

4.The color of the goods delivered is a little different from that of the sample.

5.We hope the arbitration place can be in the importing country. UNIT ELEVEN

Ⅱ. (F)F)(F)(T)(T)(F)(T)(T)(T)(F)Ⅲ. 1.我们从中国国际贸易促进委员会获悉你们是一个生产塑料水管的领先企业。2.我们上个月在东京的计算机展览会上参观了你们的展位,我们对你们的高清电脑显示器非常感兴趣。3.如果你们能够给我们寄一些原材料的样品来让我们了解材料的质地和质量,我们将不胜感激。4.如果你们能够提供这种型号的产品而且品质达到我们的要求,我们将长期大量采购。5.如果你们的报价有利而且能够保证在收到订单四个星期内交货,我们将向你们长期订购。6..非常感谢你方11月12日的询盘中对我们的塑料瓶表示的兴趣。7.如果你们的订购的数量超过5 000件的话,我们可以给予你们26美元的特别低价。8.你方的报价高于其他报价,如果你们不降价我们将不会下订单。9.因为原材料成本的不稳定,我们报价的有效期不可能超过一个月。10.尽管我们很欣赏你们产品的质量,但是你们的价格似乎有点高。Ⅳ. 1.The quantity we order depends on your price to a large extent.2.Our price is reasonable compared with the international market price. 3.Which type do you want to order?4.We hope to establish long term cooperation with you.5.We have to adjust the price due to the increased price of fuel. UNIT TWELVE

Ⅱ(T)(F)(T)(F)T)Ⅲ. 1.我们特此通知你们我们已经安排好以下货物的装运,请办理相关的保险。



4.请在12月15日之前将余款3 000美元通过电汇支付给我们。

5.这笔款项已经逾期超过50天了,尽管我们希望你们尽快付款,但我们还是希望如果有什么问题的话你们能尽快写信给我们。Ⅳ. 1.It is advisable for you to apply for a GSP Form A to save the cost of import duty.2.You must provide consular invoice instead of commercial invoice for customs clearance.3.We will fax you the shipping advice soon after we ship the goods.4.You shall make and prepare the documents according to the L/C otherwise they will be easily refused by the issuing bank. 5.The latest date of customs declaration for these goods is December 23.










C.俟其欣悦,则又请焉 D.乃重修岳阳楼,增其旧制
















