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最新黑龙江省大庆市肇州二中高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版

最新黑龙江省大庆市肇州二中高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版
最新黑龙江省大庆市肇州二中高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版





第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. In the same way, children learn to do all the other things without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle…They compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we

thought that he would never notice a mistake. If it is a matter in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time in such routine(日常的)work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can't find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what he does not know.

1. According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by_____.

A. listening to skilled people's advice.

B. asking older people many questions

C. making mistakes and having them corrected

D. Copying what other people do

2. Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?

A. Give children correct answers

B. Allow children to mark mistakes.

C. Point out children's mistakes to them.

D. Let children mark their own work

3. According to the writer, teachers in school should _____

A. allow children to learn from each other

B. point out children's mistakes whenever found

C. correct children's mistakes as soon as possible

D. give children more book knowledge

4. The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are____

A. different from learning other skills

B. the same as learning skills

C. more important than other skills

D. not really important skills


In some science –fiction movies, robots refuse to die no matter how people fight back(反击) .Now, it has turned into a fact. For the first time ,researchers have created a robot that can take a beating (挨打)and keep on working . Developed by scientists from Cornell University and the University of Vermont ,the new robot looks like a spider with four legs.

Until now ,even the most advanced robot was almost certain to break down when damaged. That’s because its computer doesn’t know how to operate the machine after its shape has been changed.

To solve this problem ,the scientists put some sensors(传感器)into the machine .The sensors can read how the machine is working and send signals to the computer.

Using this information ,the system follows a new way to tell the machine’s shape at any given moment .The computer considers a lot of possible next steps ,and it calculates how best to move the robot forward the longest possible distance ,before trying to move it again.

The new technology is a major advance in robotics (机器人技术),scientists say. It may someday help scientists create better artificial arms and legs and give new freedom to people who lose them. The new knowledge might also help scientists understand how people and animals tell their own sense of place in space.

“Designing robots that can fit changing environments has been a difficult problem,” says scientist Olaf Sporns of Indiana University . “This work provides a new way toward solving this important problem.”

5. Why do robots easily break down when they are damaged?

A. They cannot repair themselves .

B. The computer has changed a lot.

C. They have nothing special to protect them.

D. The computer cannot operate a changed robot.

6. How do the sensors in the robot work?

A. They can replace the computer when it’s broken.

B. They can find out where the damage comes from.

C. They help the computer learn the robot’s condition.

D. They can send signals to the person who uses the robot.

7. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 5 refers to “______”.

A. robots

B. arms and legs

C. sensors

D. researchers

8. What does Olaf Sporns think of the new robot?

A. He does not express his opinions clearly.

B. He doubts if it can work well in real life.

C. He thinks it is a great development in robotics.

D. He thinks more experiments are needed to test it.


There isn’t any doubt that positive thinking is valuable after you find out you have cancer. But will positive thoughts help you make the cancer go away?

There have been a number of studies on this subject ,but none of the studies say that positive thinking is a cure for cancer, or that negative feelings can make cancer worse.

So, is there a reason to have a positive attitude ? Of course there is.

While I understand the danger of my illness, I choose not to focus on statistics(统计数据) . I always imagine myself as being among the smaller group of patients who survive . Why do I do that? So I can sleep well; so I have a reason to begin writing another book with the expectation that I’ll finish it; so my husband and I can enjoy lunch out; so I can reach out to someone else who’s having a difficult time and offer them encouragement.

A positive attitude can also help family members feel better so they can contribute to a more loving family environment . Most cancer patients ,as well as their family members ,know all too well how dangerous cancer can be. It’s difficult to carry on when patients receive bad news . But a positive attitude helps me want to do things that I know are beneficial (有益的)to my health, and helps me through the thinning hair, tiredness and low blood counts which are the side effects of my treatment.

So, I prefer to stay happy and positive .I do my best not to think too much about all the hospital visits ,and I try not to panic(惊慌)if I feel any pain .Instead ,I seek joy as much as I can ,and because I am seeking joy, I find joy .Being positive might not save you from cancer ,but I can be sure that if you are positive ,you will find meaning in your life as well as happiness in every day that you live.

9.According to the first two paragraphs, we know that ______.

A. one’s attitude has an influence on cancer

B. positive thinking can save patients from cancer

C. positive thinking has nothing to do with cancer

D. negative thinking is very likely to make cancer worse

10. After the author found out she had cancer,_______.

A. she was sure she would survive

B. she tried to enjoy her life and help others

C. she refused to go through painful treatment

D. she was quite troubled by the seriousness of her illness

11. What can be concluded about positive thinking from the author’s experiences ?

A. I t makes cancer treatment less painful for patients.

B. It makes it much easier for people to accept bad news.

C. It prepares family members for what may happen next.

D. It helps create a good environment for patients.

12. What is the purpose of the author in writing this article?

A. To tell patients how to fight against illnesses.

B. To explain the danger of cancer to readers.

C. To stress the importance of a positive attitude.

D. To help readers find meaning and happiness in life.


The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is a love story, a sad and beautiful one. If

it didn’t exist, we would easily imagine that the story of its construction was simply a fairy tale. Three hundred years ago, there lived

an Indian emperor called Shah Jahan. His wife was a beautiful and bright

woman whom he loved greatly. Her title was Mumtazl Mahan: its shortened

form Taj Mahan, means “pride of the palace”. In the year 1630 this beloved

wife of the emperor died. He was so brokenhearted that he thought of giving

up his throne. He decided out of his love for his wife, to build her the

most beautiful tomb that had ever been seen.

He summoned the best artists and architects from India, Turkey, Persia

and Arabia and finally, the design was complete. It took more than twenty thousand men working over a period of 18 years to build the Taj Mahan,

one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

The building itself stands on a marble platform 29 meters square and 6-7

meters high. Towers rise from each of the four corners. The Taj itself

soars another 61 meters into the air. It is an eight-sided building made

of white marble.

The emperor planned to build an identical tomb of black marble for himself

on the other side of the river connected by a silver bridge. Howev er

his son put him into a prison in the palace before he could finish, and

for the rest of his life, he could only gaze across river at the tomb

of his beloved wife.

13. The whole passage tells us about ______.

A . a beautiful fairy tale

B. the story of the Taj Mahal

C. white and black marble tombs made for two emperors

D. the love story of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife

14. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Taj Mahal?

A. It was completed quickly owing to the efforts of the best artists and workers.

B. A lot of people took part in the building work

C. It is a magnificent building.

D. It is a tomb for the emperor’s beloved wife.

15. The emperor’s own tomb was designed to be ____________.

A. 61 meters high

B. eight-sided

C. black-coloured

D. white-colored 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Be a green kid

What does it mean to be green ? “Green” is more than just a colour. _16_____ Every day , people make choices that affect the amount of trash and pollution produced in our world. What can we do? Here’s a four-step guide to be green.

Reduce it!

__17____ For instance, a shorter shower means you use less water and less fuel since your house uses fuel to run the water heater that warms up the water.

Reuse it!

Sometimes people call our society a “throwaway society .” That means we’re a little too willing to throw away old stuff and buy new stuff.___18___ For instance, if your little brother outgrows his coat , why not give it to another family who has a little kid?

Recycle it!

Recycling has never been easier. ___19____ Tell your mom and dad you want to become “Chief of Recycling” for your household. That means you’ll organize the recyclable items in bins. Remember to put them outside the door on recycling day, and remind others which items can be recycled.

Enjoy it!

It’s true that trash and pollution are problems ,but the Earth remains a huge and wonderful place for you to explore. __20_____ But before you travel the globe, take a look at your own backyard. Is there a spot where

you can plant a tree or put in some vegetables ? If so, get out there

and get your hands dirty.

A.When you use less of something, you do a good thing for the Earth.

B.You can start by visiting the naturally beautiful spots in your


C.It also means taking special steps to protect the environment.

D.Many communities will pick those items up right in front of your


E.It’s also one less toy that needs to be produced.

F.Even if you no longer need something ,someone else might need.

G.Enjoy outdoor activity in all sorts of weather.

二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)



Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like

a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was proud of the

fact 21 she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished 22 a driving offence (犯规,犯法).

Then one day she nearly 23 her record. A police car 24 her, and the policemen in it saw her 25 a red light without stopping. Of course, she was stopped. It seemed 26 that she would

be punished.

27 Mrs. Jones came up to the judge, he looked at her seriously

and said that she was 28 old to drive a car, and that the 29 why she had not stopped at the red 30 was most probably that her

eyes had become weak 31 old age, so that she had simply not seen


When the judge had finished what he was 32 , Mrs. Jones opened

the big handbag she was 33 and took out her sewing. Without saying

a word, she 34 a needle(针) with a very small eye, and threaded

it at her first attempt.

When she had 35 done this, she took the thread out of the needle

again and handed 36 the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, “Now it is your 37 . I suppose you drive a car, and that you are quite

sure about your own eyesight.”

The judge took the 38 and tried to thread it. After half a dozen tries, he had still not succeeded. The case (案例) against Mrs. Jones

was 39 , and her record 40 unbroken.

21. A. which B. when C. that D. this

22. A. about B. on C. to D. for

23. A. kept B. lost C. missed D. won

24. A. watched B. after C. followed D. ran after

25. A. pass B. go C. run D. rush

26. A. sure B. indeed C. certain D. perhaps

27. A. Before B. While C. Until D. When

28. A. so B. very C. too D. quite

29. A. cause B. reason C. matter D. trouble

30. A. light B. lamp C. sign D. one

31. A. with B. because C. for D. of

32. A. speaking B. Saying C. talking D. telling

33. A. holding B. getting C. carrying D. bringing

34. A. took B. brought C. picked D. chose

35. A. almost B. successfully C. hardly D. badly

36. A. both B. all C. neither D. either

37. A. time B. turn C. chance D. job

38. A. thread B. glasses C. needles D. needle

39. A. dismissed B. passed C. settled D. studied

40. A. was B. kept C. seemed D. remained 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共50分)


41.He appeared to be adapted to the life here, but in _________(real) he was not.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0f4719545.html,uthter is one of the most infectious (有感染力的)_____________(express).

43An art movement refers to a style of painting ________(adopt)by a group of people. .

44.He was looking at the moon through his telescope last night ______

he got a big surprise.

45.We all agree that the last one _______(come) will pay the bill.

46.Their ________(culture) backgrounds(背景) gave them a spirit of


47.I’m sorry ,Paul . I didn’t mean ________(hurt) you..

48.Some people attend regularly, others only ________(occasion) .

49.Angel and I _________(marry) to each other for a full year now, and honestly ,our married life has been smooth .

50.It’s no good _________(solve) the issue (问题) between the nations by means of war..


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除、或修改。






2.只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When I was little , I was encouraged by people playing a violin.

When I hear that there was a program in my school how I could learn

an instrument , I signed up immediately. A week later , a letter

sent to my mailbox ,say that I made it. I was extremely happily!

After I rented my first violin, I practiced every day for several

hour. Gradually, I started to play in concerts and became

well-known as my music. I find it is so much interesting that I

will never give it up. So if you have a thing that you like

doing ,turning that hobby into a talent.







要求: 1. 100字左右 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文联贯。


阅读理解:1-4 DCAB 5-8 DCBC 9-12 ABDC 13-15BAC

16-20 CAFDB

完形填空:21-25 CDBCA 26-30 CDCBA 31-35 ABCDB

36-40 ABDAD

单词填空:41reality 42.expressions 43.adopted 44 when

45.to come 46.cultural 47.to hurt


49.have been married 50 .solving

改错:1a—the 2.hear—heard

3how----where 4.was sent

5.say—saying 6happily--happy

7.hour--hours 8 as---for

9.much 去掉 10.turning—turn


One possible version:

Dear Linda,

It has been a week since you came here. We all like you ,but it seems that you are so shy that you don’t like to take part in the activities in our class. Now I am writing to tell you that you can benefit a lot from class activities.

You can make friends while doing the activities and at the same time your Chinese will be improved, which makes it easier for you to get on well with others. If you have any difficulty ,we will be very glad to give you a hand.

Best wishes!


