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附录A 3 Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain The principal objective of enhancement is to process an image so that the result is more suitable than the original image for a specific application. The word specific is important, because it establishes at the outset than the techniques discussed in this chapter are very much problem oriented. Thus, for example, a method that is quite useful for enhancing X-ray images may not necessarily be the best approach for enhancing pictures of Mars transmitted by a space probe. Regardless of the method used .However, image enhancement is one of the most interesting and visually appealing areas of image processing. Image enhancement approaches fall into two broad categories: spatial domain methods and frequency domain methods. The term spatial domain refers to the image plane itself, and approaches in this category are based on direct manipulation of pixels in an image. Fourier transform of an image. Spatial methods are covered in this chapter, and frequency domain enhancement is discussed in Chapter 4.Enhancement techniques based on various combinations of methods from these two categories are not unusual. We note also that many of the fundamental techniques introduced in this chapter in the context of enhancement are used in subsequent chapters for a variety of other image processing applications. There is no general theory of image enhancement. When an image is processed for visual interpretation, the viewer is the ultimate judge of how well a particular method works. Visual evaluation of image quality is a highly is highly subjective process, thus making the definition of a “good image” an elusive standard by which to compare algorithm performance. When the problem is one of processing images for machine perception, the evaluation task is somewhat easier. For example, in dealing with a character recognition application, and leaving aside other issues such as computational requirements, the best image processing method would be the one yielding the best machine recognition results. However, even in situations when a


外文翻译 专业机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名刘链柱 班级机制111 学号1110101102 指导教师葛友华

外文资料名称: Design and performance evaluation of vacuum cleaners using cyclone technology 外文资料出处:Korean J. Chem. Eng., 23(6), (用外文写) 925-930 (2006) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文 2.外文原文

应用旋风技术真空吸尘器的设计和性能介绍 吉尔泰金,洪城铱昌,宰瑾李, 刘链柱译 摘要:旋风型分离器技术用于真空吸尘器 - 轴向进流旋风和切向进气道流旋风有效地收集粉尘和降低压力降已被实验研究。优化设计等因素作为集尘效率,压降,并切成尺寸被粒度对应于分级收集的50%的效率进行了研究。颗粒切成大小降低入口面积,体直径,减小涡取景器直径的旋风。切向入口的双流量气旋具有良好的性能考虑的350毫米汞柱的低压降和为1.5μm的质量中位直径在1米3的流量的截止尺寸。一使用切向入口的双流量旋风吸尘器示出了势是一种有效的方法,用于收集在家庭中产生的粉尘。 摘要及关键词:吸尘器; 粉尘; 旋风分离器 引言 我们这个时代的很大一部分都花在了房子,工作场所,或其他建筑,因此,室内空间应该是既舒适情绪和卫生。但室内空气中含有超过室外空气因气密性的二次污染物,毒物,食品气味。这是通过使用产生在建筑中的新材料和设备。真空吸尘器为代表的家电去除有害物质从地板到地毯所用的商用真空吸尘器房子由纸过滤,预过滤器和排气过滤器通过洁净的空气排放到大气中。虽然真空吸尘器是方便在使用中,吸入压力下降说唱空转成比例地清洗的时间,以及纸过滤器也应定期更换,由于压力下降,气味和细菌通过纸过滤器内的残留粉尘。 图1示出了大气气溶胶的粒度分布通常是双峰形,在粗颗粒(>2.0微米)模式为主要的外部来源,如风吹尘,海盐喷雾,火山,从工厂直接排放和车辆废气排放,以及那些在细颗粒模式包括燃烧或光化学反应。表1显示模式,典型的大气航空的直径和质量浓度溶胶被许多研究者测量。精细模式在0.18?0.36 在5.7到25微米尺寸范围微米尺寸范围。质量浓度为2?205微克,可直接在大气气溶胶和 3.85至36.3μg/m3柴油气溶胶。


外文翻译原文--目的地竞争力:可持续发展目标的战略 规划和愿景 Destination Competitiveness Meeting Sustainability Objectives Through Strategic Planning and Visioning Lisa Ruhanen The University of Queensland The School of Tourism and Leisure Management 11 Salisbury Road Ipswich QLD 4305 Australia lruhanencom 1 Introduction Destinations whether national state or local are

increasingly taking their role as tourist destinations very seriously as evidenced by the al- location of considerable funds towards tourism promotion and market- ing Much of this funding is being directed towards the enhancement and development of their touristic image and attractiveness Ritchie Crouch 2000 With so many destinations competing for the tourist dollar both on an international and domestic level competition is erce and destinations are looking to capitalize on all of their assets to dier- entiate themselves from their competitors This increasing level of com-


试谈提升大学生就业竞争力的培养体系研究 [摘要]1998年以来,我国高校持续扩招,大学毕业生的就业问题已成为全关注的焦点,我国高等培育机制与社会需求的错位和脱节是造成人才供需矛盾的主要原因。本文剖析了大学生就业竞争力培养体系构建的必要性,基于系统工程和胜任特征理论构建了大学生就业竞争力培养体系的框架模型,以培养大学生化素质为核心,以促进个人职业生涯规划和执行为手段,以提高大学生就业率和就业满意度为目标,从大学生职业能力素质模型、大学生职业能力素质测评系统、大学生就业竞争力培育机制、大学生就业竞争力评价体系等方面构建了四位一体的耦合培养体系,以期提升大学生的就业竞争力。 [关键词]大学生;就业竞争力;培养体系 就业为民生之本。近年来,高校毕业生就业是社会普遍关注的问题,是我国政府面临的重大难题之一,大量的高校毕业生不能及时就业已成为影响社会稳定与的重要因素。国内大多数学者都认为,“就业鸿沟”问题是因为大学生在就业能力方面的缺陷以及用人单位与大学毕业生之间的信息不对称造成的。当前,我国就业体制改革的目标是以市场选择为根本取向,以自主就业为主导模式,以素质能力为竞争之本,形成与经济迥然不同的就业机制。因此,需要让用人单位、学校共同建立新型的大学生就业竞争力培养体系,缓解就业压力、解决培养错位问题。 一、大学生就业竞争力的内涵

就业竞争力包涵着在就业能力和职业发展过程中的多项综合能力,关于其定义有多种解释。国际劳工(ILO)则指出,就业能力是个体获得和保持、在工作中进步以及应对工作生活中出现的变化的能力;英国原教育与就业部(DFEE)把就业能力解释为获得和保持工作的能力,进一步讲,就业能力是在劳动力市场内通过充分的就业机会实现潜能的自信。国外学者Howard认为就业竞争力是指雇员具有劳动力市场和雇主所需要和认为有吸引力的技能的能力;Fuguate认为:就业竞争力是指个体在其职业期间确认和实现在组织内部和外部职业机会的能力。国内学者赵志川认为大学生的就业竞争力是大学生初次进入人力资源市场以及在以后的职业生涯中能够相对于其他竞争对手更加有效地向市场提供自己的智力和服务,从而保证自身持续生存和发展的综合素质和能力;楼锡锦认为大学生就业竞争力是指毕业生在就业市场上,具有战胜竞争对手、找到适合才能发挥和实现自身价值的适当工作岗位的能力,可归结为核心竞争力、基础竞争力和竞争力。 本文所研究的大学生就业竞争力主要是指大学生在校期间通过较为系统的基础知识和专业知识的学习掌握,以及适应社会需要的综合素质的开发培养,在就业竞争和职业发展中所具有的获得和保持工作的职业化能力。 二、构建提升大学生就业竞争力的培养体系的必要性 (一)传统大学生培养模式的错位现象 1.大众化的高等教育与精英就业观的错位


南京航空航天大学金城学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 系部经济系 专业国际经济与贸易 学生姓名陈雅琼学号2011051115 指导教师邓晶职称副教授 2015年5月

Economic policy,tourism trade and productive diversification (Excerpt) Iza Lejárraga,Peter Walkenhorst The broad lesson that can be inferred from the analysis is that promoting tourism linkages with the productive capabilities of a host country is a multi-faceted approach influenced by a variety of country conditions.Among these,fixed or semi-fixed factors of production,such as land,labor,or capital,seem to have a relatively minor influence.Within the domain of natural endowments,only agricultural capital emerged as significant.This is a result that corresponds to expectations,given that foods and beverages are the primary source of demand in the tourism economy.Hence,investments in agricultural technology may foment linkages with the tourism market.It is also worth mentioning that for significant backward linkages to emerge with local agriculture,a larger scale of tourism may be important. According to the regression results,a strong tourism–agriculture nexus will not necessarily develop at a small scale of tourism demand. It appears that variables related to the entrepreneurial capital of the host economy are of notable explanatory significance.The human development index(HDI), which is used to measure a country's general level of development,is significantly and positively associated with tourism linkages.One plausible explanation for this is that international tourists,who often originate in high-income countries,may feel more comfortable and thus be inclined to consume more in a host country that has a life-style to which they can relate easily.Moreover,it is important to remember that the HDI also captures the relative achievements of countries in the level of health and education of the population.Therefore,a higher HDI reflects a healthier and more educated workforce,and thus,the quality of local entrepreneurship.Related to this point,it is important to underscore that the level of participation of women in the host economy also has a significantly positive effect on linkages.In sum, enhancing local entrepreneurial capital may expand the linkages between tourism and other sectors of the host country.


双控电梯 PLC控制外文翻译 Abstract Microelectronic technology's development, elevator's dragging way and the control method has had the very big change, the exchange velocity modulation is the current elevator dragging main development direction. At present the lift control system mainly has three control modes: Following electric circuit control system (“early installment elevator many black-white control system), PLC control system, microcomputer control system. Because the black-white control system the failure rate is high, the reliability is bad, control mode not nimble as well as consumed power big and so on shortcomings, at present has been eliminated gradually. Although the microcomputer control system has the strong function in the intelligent control aspect, but also has the interference rejection to be bad, the system design is complex, generally the servicemen master flaws with difficulty and so on its service technology. But PLC control system, because moves the reliability to be high, the use service is convenient, anti-jamming, the design and the debugging cycle is short and so on merits, time is taken seriously the people and so on merits, have become present use most control modes in the lift control system, at present also widely use in the tradition black-white control system's technological transformations. The origin and development of the elevator Elevator in the Chinese dictionary explanation: building electricity powered lift, instead of walking up and down the stairs. When it comes to lift from the origin of the 2600 BC Egyptians built in Pyramid using the original lifting system to start, but this kind of crane energy are human. By 1203, two French monastery installed a crane, the difference is just the machine is the use of donkey as power, load by around a large drum rope for hoisting. This method has been used to modern until Watt invented the steam engine, in about1800, mine owners can use the crane to mine in coal transportation. For hundreds of years, people made various types of elevators, they all have a common defect: as long as the lifting rope snaps, lifting ladder he rapidly hit bottom layer. 1854 Otis design a brake: in the lift platform mounted on top of a truck with a spring and a brake lever and Lift Wells Road on both


外文翻译 原文 EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS OF INDIAN TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRY Material Source: Indian Council For Research On International Economic Relations Author:Samar Verma The international trade in textile and clothing sectors has been a egregious exception to the most favoured nation principle of GATT and, since the early 1960s, has been a case of managed trade through forced consensus. However, the WTO Agreement on Textile and Clothing (ATC) marked a significant turnaround. According to the ATC, beginning 1st January 1995, all textiles and clothing products that had been hitherto subjected to MFA-quota, are scheduled to be integrated into WTO over a period of ten years. “The dismantling of the quota regime represents both an opportunity as well as a threat. An opportunity because markets will no longer be restricted; a threat because markets will no longer be guaranteed by quotas, and even the domestic market will be open to competition”. From 1st January 2005, therefore, all textile and clothing products would be traded internationally without quota-restrictions. And this impending reality brings the issue of competitiveness to the fore for all firms in the textile and clothing sectors, including those in India. It is imperative to understand the true competitiveness of Indian textile and clothing firms in order to make an assessment of what lies ahead in 2005 and beyond. Owing to its significant contribution, the Indian textile and clothing industry occupies a unique place in the Indian economy. It contributes about 4% of GDP and 14% of industrial output. Second largest employer after agriculture, the industry provides direct employment to 35 million people including substantial segments of weaker sections of society. With a very low import-intensity of about 1.5% only, it is the largest net foreign exchange earner in India, earning almost 35% of foreign exchange. This is the only industry that is self-sufficient and complete in cotton value chain- producing everything from fibres to the highest value added finished


文献出处:Bedard J C, Hoitash R, et al. The development of the enterprise risk management theory [J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2014, 30(4): 64-95. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 The development of the enterprise risk management theory Bedard J C, Hoitash R Abstract Enterprise risk management as an important field of risk management disciplines, in more than 50 years of development process of the implementation of dispersing from multiple areas of research to the integration of comprehensive risk management framework evolution, the theory of risk management and internal audit and control theory are two major theoretical sources of risk management theory has experienced from the traditional risk management, financial volatility to the development of the enterprise risk management, risk management and internal audit and control theory went through the internal accounting control and internal control integrated framework to the evolution of enterprise risk management, the development of the theory of the above two points to the direction of the enterprise risk management, finally realizes the integration development, enterprise risk management theory to become an important part of enterprise management is indispensable. Keywords: enterprise risk management, internal audit the internal control 1 The first theory source, evolution of the theory of risk management "Risk management" as a kind of operation and management idea, has a long history: thousands of years ago in the west have "don't put all eggs in one basket" the proverb, the ancient Chinese famous "product valley hunger" allusions and "yicang ("


翻译实习报告总结3000字 一、实习目的: 为了使自己更加深入了解英语在社会和实际工作中的应用,丰富已学过的专业课内容,培养理论联系实际的能力,提高在语言应用中分析问题及解决问题的实际能力。为了更好地为完成毕业论文打下基础,为了以后工作的顺利进行。通过实习,还应了解英语在外贸,及涉外和服务行业中的重要地位,了解和积累更多的实践经验,培养热爱专业,献身国家建设的思想。我们使用相关专业课教材,及实习单位提供的相关材料通过参与一个完整的笔译过程(资料,情报翻译)或口译过程(涉外接待,贸易谈判等),使自己掌握和提高熟练使用英 语的技能。 实习单位的介绍: 翻译公司是本市唯一的一家经工商局审批注册的专为国内外各机构和个人提供专业翻译服务的企业。拥有各行业的专业翻译人员、高级审译顾问、外籍专家、审译人员、留学回国人员等组成的优秀工作团队。本公司坚持“以人为本”的指导思想,本着“团结拼搏,勇创一流”的精神,恪守“追求卓越挑战极限”的原则,积极为焦作地区的经济、文化和对外交流与发展,作出我们应有的贡献。公司长期对外承接的翻译服务有:英、日、法、俄、德、韩、蒙、越南、阿拉伯、西班牙、意大利,等近40种语种与汉语不同形式的笔译,陪同口译,交替传译,同声传译等业务。涉及机械、化工、汽车、金融、文学等各个领域。我们实行的是“翻译―副译审―总译审”的三级质

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南京理工大学 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 教学点:南京信息职业技术学院 专业:电子信息工程 姓名:陈洁 学号: 014910253034 外文出处:《 Pci System Architecture 》 (用外文写) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 该生外文翻译没有基本的语法错误,用词准确,没 有重要误译,忠实原文;译文通顺,条理清楚,数量与 质量上达到了本科水平。 签名: 年月日 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 64位PCI扩展 1.64位数据传送和64位寻址:独立的能力 PCI规范给出了允许64位总线主设备与64位目标实现64位数据传送的机理。在传送的开始,如果回应目标是一个64位或32位设备,64位总线设备会自动识别。如果它是64位设备,达到8个字节(一个4字)可以在每个数据段中传送。假定是一串0等待状态数据段。在33MHz总线速率上可以每秒264兆字节获取(8字节/传送*33百万传送字/秒),在66MHz总线上可以528M字节/秒获取。如果回应目标是32位设备,总线主设备会自动识别并且在下部4位数据通道上(AD[31::00])引导,所以数据指向或来自目标。 规范也定义了64位存储器寻址功能。此功能只用于寻址驻留在4GB地址边界以上的存储器目标。32位和64位总线主设备都可以实现64位寻址。此外,对64位寻址反映的存储器目标(驻留在4GB地址边界上)可以看作32位或64位目标来实现。 注意64位寻址和64位数据传送功能是两种特性,各自独立并且严格区分开来是非常重要的。一个设备可以支持一种、另一种、都支持或都不支持。 2.64位扩展信号 为了支持64位数据传送功能,PCI总线另有39个引脚。 ●REQ64#被64位总线主设备有效表明它想执行64位数据传送操作。REQ64#与FRAME#信号具有相同的时序和间隔。REQ64#信号必须由系统主板上的上拉电阻来支持。当32位总线主设备进行传送时,REQ64#不能又漂移。 ●ACK64#被目标有效以回应被主设备有效的REQ64#(如果目标支持64位数据传送),ACK64#与DEVSEL#具有相同的时序和间隔(但是直到REQ64#被主设备有效,ACK64#才可被有效)。像REQ64#一样,ACK64#信号线也必须由系统主板上的上拉电阻来支持。当32位设备是传送目标时,ACK64#不能漂移。 ●AD[64::32]包含上部4位地址/数据通道。 ●C/BE#[7::4]包含高4位命令/字节使能信号。 ●PAR64是为上部4个AD通道和上部4位C/BE信号线提供偶校验的奇偶校验位。 以下是几小结详细讨论64位数据传送和寻址功能。 3.在32位插入式连接器上的64位卡


外文翻译 原文 The Core Competence of the Corporation Material Source:Harvard Business Review,May-June,1990 P79-93 Author:C.K.Prahalad and Gary Hamel C. K. Prahalad is professor of corporate strategy and international business at the University of Michigan. Gary Hamel is lecturer in business policy and management at the London Business School. Their most recent HBR article "Strategic Intent" (May June 1989), won the 1989 McKinsey Award for excellence. This article is based on research funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. The Roots of Competitive Advantage The distinction we observed in the way NEC and GTE conceived of themselves a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses was repeated across many industries. From 1980 to 1988, Canon grew by 264%, Honda by 200%. Compare that with Xerox and Chrysler. And if Western managers were once anxious about the low cost and high quality of Japanese imports, they are now overwhelmed by the pace at which Japanese rivals are inventing new markets, creating new products, and enhancing them. Canon has given us personal copiers; Honda has moved from motorcycles to four wheel off road buggies. Sony developed the 8mm camcorder, Yamaha, the digital piano. Komatsu developed an underwater remote controlled bulldozer, while Casio's latest gambit is a small screen color LCD television. Who would have anticipated the evolution of these vanguard markets? In more established markets, the Japanese challenge has been just as disquieting. Japanese companies are generating a blizzard of features and functional enhancements that bring technological sophistication to everyday products. Japanese car producers have been pioneering four wheel steering, four valve-per cylinder engines, in car navigation systems, and sophisticated electronic engine management systems. On the strength of its product features, Canon is now a player in facsimile transmission machines, desktop laser printers, even semiconductor manufacturing equipment.


摘要:高职院校大学生的就业问题关系到高职院校的可持续发展。应从提高大学生的就业竞争力入手提升学生的整体就业水平。大学生的就业竞争力可归纳为基本素质、基本工作能力、专业技能、求职技能四个要素。高职院校应分析当前制约毕业生就业竞争力提升的内部因素与外部因素,有针对性地提出提升大学生就业竞争力的有效途径。 关键词:高职院校;学生;就业竞争力 近年来,大学生就业形势日趋严峻,妥善解决好大学生的就业问题,不仅关系到我国高等教育的可持续发展,也直接关系到社会的稳定与和谐,同时还决定着高等院校尤其是高职院校的生存与发展。要做好毕业生就业工作,必须对毕业生的就业竞争力作系统、全面、客观的分析,从提高就业竞争力入手提升大学生的整体就业水平。 就业竞争力的内涵与构成要素 大学生就业竞争力本质上是一种表现力,是大学生综合素质的集中反映和显著标志,是毕业生把握并获取就业机会、赢得欣赏的实际能力和比较优势。概括说来,大学生就业竞争力是指毕业生在就业市场上战胜竞争对手、找到自身才能发挥和实

现自身价值的适当的工作岗位的能力,即满足社会和用人单位对人才需求的能力。从社会对人才的需求来看,笔者认为大学生就业竞争力包含以下四个要素。 (一)基本素质 诚信意识人无信不立,国无信不强。诚信是一个合格公民所必须具备的最基本的思想道德素质,也是市场经济最可靠、最坚实的基石,是维护市场秩序、调整人们社会关系的准则。大学生的诚信状况直接关系到我国市场经济体制建设的成败。社会上的信用缺失,使德才兼备的人才受到用人单位的青睐,有才无德的人是不会受欢迎的。大学生作为未来社会生活的新生力量,应当认真经营好个人信誉这个无形资产。 强烈的责任心责任心是我们这个社会为人处事的基本要求,是一个人能否立足于社会,获得事业发展的至关重要的人格品质,是做人的基本素质。一个人工作能力的大小与他掌握知识的程度和工作方法有很大关系,而一个人的工作态度,即责任心问题则是影响一个人事业成败的关键。从某种意义上说,责任心往往比能力更为重要。大学生一定要树立对自己和他人、对家庭和集体、对国家和社会的责任心,这样才能得到用人单位的青睐。 扎实的科学文化素质科学文化素质主要体现在学生的知识结构、专业水平以及科学精神等方面。一切职业都要求从业者具有相应的知识,因此,在人才竞争日趋激烈的情况下,大学生必须掌握系统的科学知识、扎实的专业知识、广博的社会知识,具有完善而全面的知识结构,才能适应未来工作的需要。 (二)基本工作能力
