当前位置:搜档网 › 3坚持正确的价值取向--单元测试题






A.社会意识对社会存在具有能动的反作用间表 B.社会存在决定社会意识

C.价值观对人们认识世界和改造世界有决定作用 D.社会意识对社会存在的反作用受客观物质条件的制约













A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④


5.“贵和”的伦理道德思想在人与人的关系上,提倡宽和处世,协调人际关系。这种传统观念与集体义A.是一致的,集体主义价值观要求正确处理个人与他人关系 B.是相吻合的,集体主义只讲和睦C.是一脉相承的,集体主义价值观是上述传统观念产生的基础 D.是密切联系不可分的


A.意识对事物的发展有促进作用 B.正确的社会意识对社会存在的发展有积极推动作用C.与传统文化相承接是科学价值观的重要标志 D.社会意识在一定条件下对社会存在具有决定作用7.改革开放以前,人们理解的公平、正义往往是一种平均主义。随着市场经济不断完善,现在人们理解社会公平、正义有两个基本的价值取向,第一个基本价值取向就是让全体人民共享社会发展成果;第二个基本价值取向是为每个社会成员自由充分的发展提供充分的空间,机会平等。这表明



A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.②③④














































A. ①③

B. ①④

C. ②③

D. ②④









A. ①②③

B. ①②③④

C. ①②

D. ①③


第四单元提升练习 时间:90分钟满分:100分得分: 一、给加点字补全音节。(6分) 干燥.(z ) 概.括(g ) 超.过(ch ) 灼.伤(zh ) 周末.(m ) 鱼缸.(g ) 钳.子(q ) 搏.斗(b ) 比较.(j ) 二、读拼音,写词语。(8分) 1.烈日炎炎,一些mòshēng()的建筑工人在通往县城的yán tú()xiūjiàn()凉亭,无论严寒还是酷暑,都不能zǔzhǐ()他们工作。 2.在黎明时分,当人们还没shuìxǐng()时,bāo kuò()好多动物都在熟睡时,一些kūn chóng()已经在fēn fāng()的花丛中翩翩起舞。 三、比一比,再组词。(6分) 跨()挎()垮()辩()辨()瓣() 蜂()峰()锋()组()租()祖() 四、照样子,填词语。(6分) 例:一(位)科学家一( )蜜蜂 一( )缸

例:(辨认)方向( )阻力 ( )蜂窝 例:(紫色)的小喇叭( )的蔷薇 ( )的花蕾 五、写出下列句子中加点词语的反义词。(5分) 1.蜜蜂飞得很低,大概这样可以减少 ..阻力。 ( ) 2.沿途都是一些陌生 ..的景物。( ) 3.这些小虾通体透明 ..。( ) 4.我们在生活中要留心 ..观察。( ) 5.昙花晚上九点左右悄悄绽开 ..。( ) 六、补充词语,再选择恰当的词语填空。(8分) 准确( )( ) 欣然( )( ) 确确( )( ) 争奇( )( ) 芬芳( )( ) ( )( )观察 1.秋天一到,公园里的菊花( ),非常迷人。 2.小红把数学作业忘在家里了,她妈妈给老师打电话说 小红( )做完了。 七、按要求完成句子练习。(5分) 1.我和阿成哥把小虾从河里带回家。(改为“被”字句) 2.我在我家草料棚的蜂窝里捉了一些蜜蜂。(缩句)


T e s t o f u n i t3, I.听力(20%) 1.请听句子,选择与之相应的图画(5%) 2.请听对话,根据其内容完成下列任务(5%) 请听第一段对话,回答第六和第七小题 ()’ttheboydoathishouse 请听第二段对话,判断第8-10小题的正(T)误(F) (). (). (). 请听短文,选择最佳答案(10%) () II.单词拼写(10%) 1.Doyouhaveadriver’sl____________ 2.Idon’tknowifitisbadformyhealthtohavemyearsp____________. 3.Agroupofv___________willcomeherethisFriday. 4.Itisveryimportanttoc___________majorwhenyougotouniversity. 5.MostofteenagersinAmericahavep____________jobs. 6.Whathesaidsoundsimpossible,soId__________withhim. 7.OnlyEnglish-Englishd____________shouldbeused. 8.Ican’tc____________onmystudieswithallthatnoisegoingon. 9.Followingthenationalnewswehavethel___________newsandweather, 10.Wearep___________hisplaynextweek. III.根据上下文填空,一空一词(10%) A:What’sthe___________,Peter B:Ithink I’mgoingto_________amathtest,Dad. A:YouareWhy B:Well,I_________thebusandIhadtowalktoschool. A:So B:I’mnotallowedtogettoclass_________,andtherewasabigtesttoday. A:Andyou_________allowedtotakethetest. B:That’. A:Well,Peter,theschoolhastohave__________,youknow. IV.B:翻译下列句子(20%) 1.彻底打扫一次房间怎么样 Whatabout__________________theroom 2.约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。 . 3.当喜剧演员出场时,观众变得嘈杂起来。 Whenthecomedyactorscameout,theaudience_____________. 4.我没机会和她谈话。 I___________________________totalkwithher.

高一英语必修3 Unit3单元测试题及答案

福州市第十八中学高一英语必修3 Unit 3单元测验 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note Name:___________ No: ________ Marks: ______________ 第一部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) ( )1. -- What have you done with my new shirt?” -- _________. A. Forget it B. I put it away C. In the washing machine D. It’s my honour. ( )2. -- Can you ______ for every cent you spend in the school? -- Of course, I keep all my ______. You can have a check. A. explain, accounts B. account, accounts C. show, account D. reason, account ( )3. -- May I have your ______now, sir? -- Minutes, please. I’ll have another look at the menu. A. bill B. service C. order D. credit card ( )4. I wonder ____ . A. what’s there to wait for B. who are you waiting for C. how long we have to wait D. how long we have been kept waiting for ( )5. -- Do you remember _____ Mr. Brown’s address is ? -- He may live at No.7 or No.17 of Bridge Street. I’m not sure of ____ . A. where; which B. where; what C. what; where D. what; which ( )6. T he problem is ____ we can deal with _______ rubbish. A. whether; a large amount of B. how; a large number of C. what; a great deal of D. if ; large quantities of ( )7. T he rules of the school don’t _______. A. allow to smoke B. be permitted to smoke C. be allowed smoking D. permit smoking ( )8. D on’t forget to tell their parents they _____ be back late A. are going to B. will C. are to D. are about to ( )9. T he old man just stood there ______ the pickpocket without a word. A. looking B. staring at C. glaring at D. glancing ( )10. H e is very tall and can be _____ in the crowd. A. know easily B. recognize easily C. easily spotted D. easily realized ( )11. The number of students who would take part in the contest _____ fifty, but a number of _____ absent for different reasons. A. was; was B. were; were C. were; was D. was; were ( )12. D o you have any money _____you? A. on B. with C. about D. all above ( )13. _____ at the salary, he refused to sign a contract with the company. A. Disappointing B. Disappointed C. Disappoint D. Disappointment ( )14. A fter the disaster, people’s _____ got thinner. A. patience B. temper C. mind D. anger ( )15. Y ou should _____ your manner in the public A. notice B. mind C. watch D. look after 第二部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments. Maybe it was the strange 16 things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that 17 me so much. There was never total 18 , but a streetlight or passing car lights 19 clothes hung over a chair take on the 20 of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my 21 , I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no 22 . A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My 23 run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would 24 very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me. Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, 25 on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home—that was no 26 . After school, 27 , when all the buses were 28 up along the street, I was afraid that I’d get on the wrong one and be taken to some 29 neighborhood. On school or fami ly trips to a park or a museum, I wouldn’t30 the leaders out of my sight. Perhaps one of the worst fears 31 all I had as a child was that of not being liked or 32 by others. Being popular was so important to me 33 , and the fear of not being liked was a 34 one. One of the processes of growing up is being able to 35 and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life. ( )16. A. way B. time C. place D. reason ( )17. A. wounded B. destroyed C. surprised D. frightened ( )18. A. quietness B. darkness C. emptiness D. loneliness ( )19. A. got B. forced C. made D. caused ( )20. A. spirit B. height C. body D. shape ( )21. A. eye B. window C. mouth D. door ( )22. A. breath B. wind C. air D. sound ( )23. A. belief B. feeling C. doubt D. imagination ( )24. A. lay B. hide C. rest D. lie ( )25. A. especially B. simply C. probably D. directly ( )26. A. discussion B. problem C. joke D. matter ( )27. A. though B. yet C. as if D. still ( )28. A. called B. backed C. lined D. packed ( )29. A. old B. crowed C. poor D. unfamiliar ( )30. A. leave B. let C. order D. send ( )31. A. above B. in C. of D. at ( )32. A. protected B. guided C. believed D. accepted ( )33. A. then B. there C. once D. anyway ( )34. A. strict B. powerful C. heavy D. right ( )35. A. realize B. remember C. recognize D. recover 三、阅读理解:(每题2分,共20分。) A Strange things happen to time when you travel because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones(时区), one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-fours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set your clock back, traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours. If you travel by ship across the Pacific Ocean, you cross the International Date Line (国际日期变更线). By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east today becomes yesterday. Traveling west, it is tomorrow. ( )36. S trange things happen to time when you travel because _____. A. no day really has twenty-four hours B. no one knows where time zones begin C. the earth is divided into time zones D. in some places one day always has twenty-five hours. ( )37. T he difference in time between zones is _____. A. one hour B. more than seven days C. seven days D. twenty-four hours ( )38. T he International Date Line is the name for “_____”. A. the beginning of any new time zone B. any point where time changes by one hour C. the point where a new day begins D. the end of any new time zone B Three men traveling on a train began a conversation about the world’s greatest wonders. “In my opinion,” the first man said, “the Egyptian pyramids are the world’s greatest. Although they were

外研版五上英语Module 4 单元测试题(一)【新版】

Module 4过关检测卷 (40分钟100分) 开始计时: ________ Part 1 Listening 听(30%) 一、听录音,选出你所听句子中含有的单词。(5分) () 1.A.matter B.water C.father () 2.A.watch B.what C.wash () 3.A.shoes B.shorts C.sports () 4.A.took B.make C.take () 5.A.hear B.near C.wear 二、听录音,根据所听内容给下列图片排序。(每空2分,共10分) 三、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听句子是(T)否(F)一致。(10分) () 1.Billy lost his trousers. () 2.Lingling's T-shirt is clean. () 3.Mum bought a new coat for me. () 4.I found this bag on the school bus. () 5.Here is your hat. 四、听录音,选出你所听句子的汉语意思。(10分) () 1.A.你喜欢这双鞋吗?B.你喜欢这条短裤吗? () 2.A.妈妈给萨姆买了新衣服。B.妈妈给萨姆买了新外套。 () 3.A.你的红色T恤衫在绳子上。B.我的红色T恤衫在绳子上。() 4.A.他丢了他的书包。B.他丢了他的帽子。 () 5.A.你怎么了?B.你在哪儿丢的?

Part 2 Reading and Writing 读和写(70%) 五、选出每组单词中画线部分发音与众不同的一项。(5分) () 1.A.argue B.warm C.half () 2.A.shorts B.sports C.doctor () 3.A.wear B.near C.pair () 4.A.matter B.place C.take () 5.A.shoes B.lost C.sock 六、在下列句子中圈出与所给例词同类的单词。(10分) 1.her Look, this is my new kite. 2.shorts Does Tom like this pair of shoes? 3.took Miss Fang found this bag on the school bus. 4.argue Did you wear your blue T-shirt last week? 5.met Mum bought a new skirt for me. 七、单项选择。(18分) () 1.Sam likes this pair________ shorts. A.for B.of C.with () 2.She________ wear the T-shirt yesterday. A.didn't B.wasn't C.doesn't () 3.Let's go________ fly the kite. A.but B.so C.and () 4.—Is this your bag? —________.It's Tom's. A.No B.OK C.Yes () 5.—________ is your cap? —It's yellow. A.Where B.How C.What colour () 6.My T-shirts are ________ the line. A.on B.in C.of 八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.________(we) Chinese teacher is Mr Chen. 2.This is ________(Sam) English book. It is not mine.


东戴河新区2015-2016学年度第二学期六年级单元检测题 英语(Unit3-Unit4) 题号一二三四五六七八九十总 分 得 分 试卷满分:100分;考试时间:40分钟 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词和短语:(10分) ( ). played sports the floor at home ( ) ( ) weekend Friday C..yesterday ( ) noodles some seafood ( ) 二、听音标号:(10分) ()() () ()()

三、听录音,选择正确的答语:(10分) ( ). I was born in 1981. was born in 1975 . ( ). My animal sign is Dragon. animal sign is Monkey.. ( ). Yes,I did. ,I didn’t. ( ). I cleaned the room. was very happy. ( ). Yes,she was. ,she did 四、听录音填空:(短文读三遍) (10分) L_____ Sunday was Li Ming’s birthday. He w_____ at his grandparents’ and Linda w_____ born in the same year, but in different Ming was b_____ in May, and Linda was born in Ming will give Linda a p_____ for her birthday. 五、按要求填空:(10分) 1. is(过去式)______ (原型)_____ 3.做饭(过去式)_______dinner 4.eat(过去式)_______ 5.看卡通片(过去式)______ cartoons 6、did(原型)________ (过去式)(原型)______ 9..浇花(过去式)_______ the flowers (过去式)_______ 六、选择填空:(10分) ( ) China,everybody has____ animal sign. A. a B. an ( ) were you born A. Do B. What ( ) _____ born in March,2010. A. is B. was


五年级英语下册第三单元英语习题 一、找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。(5分) ()1. A. holiday B. who C. which ( )2. A. birthday B. Children’s Day C. National Day ( )3. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. May Day ( ) 4. A Monday B. June C. March ( ) 5. A. April B. autumn C. August 二、读一读,判断划线部分读音相同写“T”否“F”。(5分) ( )1.A. class B. card C. March ( )2.A.China B. lunch C. child ( )3. A. rain B. April C. May ()4.A.fish B. sheep C. cheap ( )5. A. fly B. why C. July 三、按要求填空。(6分)X k B 1 . c o m 1. November______(缩写) 2. August________(缩写) 3. September______(缩写) 4. 一月____________(汉译英) 5.十二月_______(汉译英) 6.sports meet (英译汉) 四、选择填空。(12分) ()1.-- When is Tree Planting Day? --It’s ___________ March. A. at B. in C. on D. of ()2. ___________ is the first month of a year. A. February B. December C. October D. January ()3. ___________ is Children's Day? A. When B. What C. Which D. Why ( ) 4. ——What's the date? ——__________________.新课标第一网 A. In July B. April 4th C. March D. 9th ()5. ——Is your birthday in June? ——__________________. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn't. C. No, it isn't. D. No, it is. () 6. ——How old are you? ——I'm ______________. A. first B. twelve C. second D. fifth ()7. ——When is your birthday? ——It's in ____________. A. third B. January C. 20th D. 8:30 ()8.When _______ your birthday? 新|课|标|第|一| 网 A. am B. is C. are D. be ()9.My birthday is in July. Aunt Mary's birthday is in July,_________. A. either B. to C. too D. two ()10.——When is National Day? ——____________________. A. It's September 10th. B. It's March 12th.


Unit 3 单元测试题 Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )16. You can walk to ______ subway station. It’s not far. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填 ( )17. It’s easy for me ______ English. A. speak B. speaks C. to speak D. speaking ( )18. I ______ my bike to school every day. A. ride B. show C. drive D. stop ( )19. This hat is too old. I want a ______ one. A. clean B. long C. big D. new ( )20. It takes me 25 minutes ______ to the club by bus. A. to go B. going C. go D. goes ( )21. —______ is it from your home to the clothes store —Three kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How old ( )22. There are no ______ now, so we can’t cross the river. A. boats B. cars C. trains D. subways ( )23. My brother and I ______ sports every day. I love ______ tennis, but he doesn’t. A. do; play B. do; to play C. does; play D. does; to play ( )24. —Does Mike always drive a car to the radio station —______. He goes there by bike. A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he is C. No, he isn’t D. No, he doesn’t ( )25. —Have a good time on the weekend. —______. A. You, too B. Yes, please C. Sounds good D. I’m not sure Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Mike is 6 years old. 26 parents work in Beijing. They are very 27 and don’t have t ime to look after (照顾) him. Mike 28 with his grandparents in a small village. Mike’s parents work 29 a factory (工厂). They live far from the factory. 30 about 11 kilometers from their home to the factory. So they have to 31 early in the morning. They usually 32 home at half past six in the morning. They walk to the bus station and 33 the No. 10 bus to the subway station. Then they go to the factory by 34 . It takes them about an hour to go to work. The trip to their factory is really tiring (累人的), 35 they like their jobs very much. ( )26. A. His B. Her C. My D. Your ( )27. A. free B. busy C. interesting D. boring ( )28. A. helps B. plays C. lives D. talks ( )29. A. to B. with C. in D. from ( )30. A. It’s B. He’s C. She’s D. I’m ( )31. A. brush teeth B. eat C. get up D. exercise ( )32. A. lose B. leave C. get D. find ( )33. A. drive B. on C. take D. by ( )34. A. bus B. train C. car D. subway ( )35. A. because B. so C. but D. and Ⅵ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A 易读度★☆☆☆☆ Bill is a teacher. He goes to work from Monday to Friday every week. Usually he gets up at six in the morning. After breakfast, he takes a bus to work. He is a . teacher, so he often plays sports with his students. He has classes every day. Two are in the morning and two are in the afternoon. In the evening he usually eats dinner at home and then he watches TV. He thinks he has a happy life. 根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。


外研社七年级下英语Module 4 Life in the future 单元测试题 Ⅰ. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分) A) 根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。 1. I am busy this week, but I will be ________(空闲的) next week. 2. ________(也许) I will be a manager in the future. 3. How many ________(直尺) have you got, Lisa? 4. Wang Na ________(需要) a bottle of cola. 5. The sun is ________(升起). B) 根据句意从方框中选择适当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。 6. This kind of computer is not expensive. It’s very ________. 7. Peter has two red ________. 8. Becky will go to Shanghai in three ________ time. 9. There is little ________ in this room. 10. Mary wants two ________ to help her with housework. Ⅱ. 单项选择(共10分,每小题1分) 从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( )11. —Have you got ______ computer? —Yes, I have. I often send photos to my friends by ______ email. A. a; an B. 不填; an C. a; 不填 D. 不填; 不填( )12. —What is Mr Smith doing? —He is writing ______ the blackboard ______ chalk. A. on; on B. on; with C. with; with D. with; on ( )13. The weather ______ warm tomorrow. A. gets B. get C. are going to get D. will get ( )14. Tom wants to be a doctor, and he thinks it is a good ______. A. work B. job C. subject D. life ( )15. We’ll use machines ______ heavy work for us. A. do B. doing C. does D. to do ( )16. —______ a small plane in the future? —Yes, I think so. A. Will everyone have B. Does everyone have C. Has everyone got D. Is everyone having ( )17. —Will your aunt go to work next year? —______. A. Yes, she will B. Yes, she can C. Yes, she does D. Yes, she is


一年级数学下册第三四单元综合测试题 以下是WTT为大家整理的关于一年级数学下册第三四单元综合测试题的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 口算。 15-8= 30-7= 5+36= 20+14= 36-20= 97-6= 7+68= 74-9= 21-7= 70+30= 87-8= 69-19= 85-50= 14-9= 7+34= 填一填。 1、92里面有( )个一和( )个十, ( )个一和( )个十组成32 2、74是( )位数,74里有( )个十和( )个一。 3、一个数,个位上3,十位上8,这个数是( ),读作( )。 4、57里,5在( )位上,表示( )个( ),7在( )位上,表示( )个( )。 5、69前面的一个数是( ),后面的一个数是( )。 和99相邻的两个数是( )和( )。 6、的两位数是( ),最小的两位数是( ), 它们的差是( )。 7、比89大1的数是( ),比它小1的数是( )。 8、60比( )大1,比( )小1。 9、从大到小排列下面各数。 47 28 55 45 69 76 58 79 67 ( )>( )>( )>( )>( )>( )>( )>( )>( ) 三、填表。 四、数学趣味题。 黑兔、灰兔和白兔三只兔子在赛跑。黑免说:“我跑得不是最快的,但比白兔快。”请你说说,谁跑得最快?谁跑得最慢? ( )跑得最快, ( )跑得最慢。

口算。 34-6= 73-5= 75+7= 56-36= 79+4= 16-8= 15-8= 40+27= 11-9= 39+2= 58+30= 78-20= 62-3= 41-4= 25-20= 填一填。 1、20里面有( )个十。100里面有( )个十。 十位是1,个位是9,这个数是( )。 3个十和( )个一合起来是38。 2、和79相邻的两个数是( )和( )。 3、在5、10、40、80、90中,最接近50的数是( ),最小的整十数是( );的整十数是( )。 4、比68大比72小的数有( ) 5、估一估,下面每题得数各是几十多? 88-30 (得数是______十多) 37-6(得数是______十多) 33+30 (得数是______十多) 41+6(得数是______十多) 6、34比20多( ) 7比55少( ) 7、王老师带着25个同学一起去看电影,他要买( )张票。 三、( )里能填几? 10+5>( ) 20+( )60 50-( )( ) 81+( )79 90+( )40 四、按要求分一分。 18 81 63 70 30 76 47 54 28 48 83 21 小于40的数大于40的数 比40大比50小的数个位是8的数 四、趣味数学。 妈妈买回一些鸭蛋和12个鸡蛋,吃了8个鸡蛋后,剩下的鸡蛋和鸭蛋同样多,问妈妈一共买回几个蛋? 一、口算。 56+20= 39-10= 43+4= 73-8= 11-5= 64-6= 100-70= 5+50= 46+7= 23-7=

人教版三年级英语下册 Unit 3 第三单元测试卷及答案

小学英语人教三下Unit 3测试卷 听力部分 一、听录音,在相应的图片下打“√”。每小题听一遍。(10分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. ()()()() 3. A. B. 4. A. B. ()()()() 5. A. B. ()() 二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4.

()5. 三、听录音,给下列句子标序号。每个句子听两遍。(10分)()It has a big body and a small head. ()And it has long legs. ()Come here, children! Look at the bird. ()It has a short tail. ()Wow! It’s so tall. 笔试部分 四、选出下列单词的对应词,只填序号。(8分) A. thin B. short C. tall D. small 1. big______ 2. short______ 3. long______ 4. fat______ 五、单项选择。(15分) ()1. Look ______ me! A. on B. at C. so ()2. I ______ big eyes and small ears. A. has B. with C. have ()3. The elephant ______ two big ears. A. have B. has C. is

()4. It has ______ long nose. A. a B. / C. an ()5. You ______ tall. I ______ short. A. are;is B. are;am C. is;am 六、根据句意,选择相应的图片。(15分) ()1. It has big ears and a long nose. A. B. ()2. It’s big and fat. A. B. ()3. It has a long tail and small ears. A. B. ()4. It’s tall and thin. A. B. ()5. It’s small. A. B.
