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Unit One Flight Information(航班务务) (3)

Lesson One Flight Information(航班务务) (3)

Lesson Two Travel Inquiry(航空旅游务务) (5)

Lesson Three Documents(旅行文件) (6)

Lesson Four Direct and Connecting Flights(直航班务程航班达与) (8)

Unit Two Airline Reservations(务票) (9)

Lesson One Reservations(务票) (9)

Lesson Two Onward Reservations(务务程票) (10)

Lesson Three Reservation Change(务票改务) (12)

Lesson Four Delay and Cancellation(延务取消与) (13)

Lesson Five Standby(候务) (14)

Unit Three Ticketing and Fares(出票票价与) (16)

Lesson One Ticketing(出票) (16)

Lesson Two Fares and Means of Payments(票价支付方式与) (17)

Lesson Three Lost Ticket and Refund(机票务失退票与) (18)

Unit Four Reconfirmation(再务务) (19)

Unit Five Check In(务理登机手务) (20)

Lesson One Normal Check-in(务理登机手务) (20)

Lesson Two Ticket and Passport(机票务照与) (22)

Lesson Three Seat Preference and Baggage(座位务务行李与) (23)

Lesson Four At the Check-in Counter(在行李交台运柜) (24)

Unit Six At the Information Counter(在务务务) (25)

Lesson One Passenger List(旅客务务) (25)

Lesson Two At the Information Counter(在务务务) (26)

Unit Seven Arrivals(到达) (28)

Lesson One Transit Passengers(务境旅客) (28)

Lesson Two Baggage Handling(行李务理) (29)

Unit Eight Hotel and Ground Transportation(旅务地面交通与) (30)

Lesson One Hotel(旅务) (30)

Lesson Two Ground Transportation(地面交通) (31)

Unit Nine A Charter Flight(包机) (33)

Unit One Flight Information

Lesson One

Flight Information


1.How are you doing? 你好务,务是一句务候务。务似的句子务有,How are you getting on ?

How are you keeping?

How are things with you?

2.,’ve had my hands full lately. 最近我忙。很

3.We’re up to our eyes in it. 我务一直忙于务票票。售

4.Most of them are for general information… 大多的务是务务一般情…数来况

5.…passengers with complaints against the airlines…务航空公司不务的旅客

6.identity cards 身务份

7.health certificate 健康务明

8.I really mean it. 我是的。当真

9.Airlines must have a definite time to allow passengers to pick out the flights. 航空公司肯定有一限定的务务~务旅客务务航班。

10.fist class and economy class 务等务普通务。与


,――fist class 务等务

Y――economy class 普通务

C――business class 公务务;价格服务务准介于务等务普通务之务,与与

K――budget class 务务务务;中民航务惠务出留人务~价格比普通务便宜,划国国学

11.That is 也就是务~即;有务略成写i.e.

12.class of service 服务等务

13.The ticket agent is able to figure out the face only after the passenger tells him the exact class

of service he intends to travel. 旅客把自己要求乘坐的切的服务等务告



14.an ever-growing fleet 一支日益大的机务壮

15.These sophisticated aircraft break travel barriers by flying

faster and further non-stop. 务些装靠达离从务精良的务机务得更快、直距更务的务务~而突破了航空旅游上的障碍。16.Aboard our airline you are sure of the safety and comfort and you can enjoy the genuine

warmth and charm that only our airline offers. 乘坐本航空公司~保务



https://www.sodocs.net/doc/124564658.html,e, come, that’s all of your ad. 得了~得了。务做告了。广

come 用表示提醒、不耐务等。来

如,come, John, don’t be so cross. 行了~务翰~务务脾了。气

18.the International Air Transport Association(IATA) 国运会务航空务


19.alteration in schedule 务改务划

20.you can transfer a full-fare ticket issued by an I.A.T.A. member to any other member airline.



Useful Expressions1.It’s time for sb. to do sth. 某人务做某事。

It’s time for passengers to board the plane. 旅客务登机了。

It’s my intention to obtain an airline brochure. 我想要一本航空公司的小子。册

2.You need to do …, otherwise… 你务做… ~否务……

You need to go to buy the tickets; otherwise it would automatically be cancelled. 您必务去务票。否务~务票自务取消。会

We’d better make inquiries about the flight schedule, or we can not decide the date of leaving. 最好了解一下航班的务刻表。否务我务无法定程的日期。决启

3.Peter prefers to go to the airport by limousine rather than by taxi. 彼得愿坐班务去机务~而宁


4.Peter prefers limousine to taxi. 彼得喜务坐班务而不喜务坐出租务。

5.to have one’s hands full 忙碌

6.be up to one’s eyes in works 忙于工作

7.be busy with… 忙于…

8.the peak season for traveling 旅游高峰季务

9.a high time for harvesting 正务收务务刻

10.a rush hour 上下班高峰务务

11.to do sth. by hand 手工操作

12.to make reservation(in advance/before hand) (务)务票

13.to book tickets 务票

14.booking office/airline ticket office 航空公司票务售

15.to deal with/cope with/ handle 务理

16.to figure out 务算出

17.to inform/ advise sb. of sth. 通知某人某事

18.to let sb. know 告知某人

19.fist class/business class/ economy class 务等务/公务务/普通务

20.class of service 服务等务

21.to go (fly, travel) economy 坐普通务 to issue a ticket 务票

Lesson Two

Travel Inquiry


1.Flight MU915 MU915 航班

各航空公司都有各自的二字代务;Airline codes,


CA――Air China 中务航空公司国国

CZ――China Southern Airlines 中南方航空公司国

MU――China Eastern Airlines 中务方航空公司国


2.9,40 a.m. 上午九点四十分

a.m. 上午 p.m. 下午

3.the Shanghai-Osaka one-way fare is …. 上海至大阪的务程票价务…..

4.Please feel free to ask your stewardess for whatever you need. 需要什务~管向乘务务提出尽来。

5.the weight allowance and charges for overweight 免务行李限务及逾重行李务用

6.free baggage allowance 免务行李限务

7.the excess baggage charge 逾重行李务用

8.one percent of applicable first class one-way fare 相务务等务务程票价的百分之一

9.unaccompanied baggage 无人陪伴行李;也非同机务行李~价格务便宜。海务之务分称运称


10.the cargo rate 运价

11. the customs broker 海务服务人务

12.mixed travel 水务空务交通工具相务合的旅游几

13.I suggest that you drop in at one of Shanghai Travel Services 我建务到上海某家旅行社去你


14.It all depends 务情而定。况

Useful Expressions1.I’d like some information about your service to Osaka. 我想了解一下去大阪的航班情。况2.I’d like to know the Shanghai-Osaka one-way fare. 我想知道上海至大阪的务程票价是多少,Would you like some duty-free items 你税想务些免商品务,

Would you like to buy a ticket now? 你想务在务票务,

3.How long does the flight take? 航班务行需要多务务务,

It takes(me) about 3 hours to go from Shanghai to Osaka by air. 从上海坐务机至大阪需要三小务。She spent a few minutes explaining the air rule to the traveler. 她几花了分务的~向旅客解务了航空务务。

It’s an hour’s ride from the city terminal to the airport. 从区市

集散站至机务~坐务需要一小务。4.Please feel free to ask your stewardess for help. 务务地向乘务务务求务助。随随帮

5.Could you tell us something about the weight allowance? 你能和我务务一下有务行李重量的限务~好务,

6.Would you please show me the way to the check-in counter? 务告务我~到交行李台务运柜怎


7.to request special arrangements 务求特殊安排

8.to request a reservation 申务务座

9.to inquire of an agent about the flight 向服务务了解航班情况

10.to inquire for an airline timetable 务务有有航班务刻表没

11.the weight allowance 行李重量限务

12.the free baggage allowance 免务行李限务

13.over the weight limit 超越行李重量限务

14.excess baggage charge / charge for overweight 逾重行李务

15.service charge ;服务,手务务

16.first class fare 务等务票价

17.one-way fare 务程票价 bus fare 公共汽务票价18.half fare 半票 full fare 全票

19.cancellation fee ;退票,手务务 a membership fee 会务20.a tuition fee 学务 cargo rate (务)运价

21.passenger service agent客服务务运cargo agent 务服务人务运

22.traffic agent 运务服务人务 baby necessities 务必务品儿

23.bassinet 务务务儿baby carriage 务务儿disposable diapers 一次性尿布24.the flying time 务行务务 the flight time 航班务务

25.drop in/stop in 务便拜务 to decide the date 决定日期26.Shanghai Travel Services 上海旅行社 A mixed travel 海务空交通工具用的旅游并Lesson Three



1. smallpox vaccination 接务天花疫苗

2. cholera shot 霍乱疫苗注射

3. an onward or return ticket 务程或回程票

4. get inoculated against any diseases 注射疫苗~以务防疾病

5. I recommend that you have that done immediately since it’s not effective until six days after

inoculation. 我建务务上去你注射疫苗。因务注射后六天才能生效。有务务染病毒以及注射疫苗期限的务明,



黄务病;Yellow Fever,






Useful Expressions1.A cholera shot will be necessary if you pass through an infected area on your way to Europe.


It will be necessary for you to have a cholera shot. 你霍乱有必要注

射疫苗。I think it necessary for you to take a vaccination certificate with you. 我务务有必要身务上健康你随;注射,务明。

2.We recommend the vaccinations during your trip. 我务建务在旅你途中做好务染病疫苗的注射。I recommend you to receive a cholera jab immediately. 我务务上去做你霍乱疫苗注射。

3.It’s not effective until s ix days after inoculation. 注射六天后生效。

4.You can stay there up to one month without a visa if you have an onward or return ticket. 如果持有务程和回程票~用不你个着务务务便可在那待上一月。

5.travel documents 旅行务件

6.passport 务照

7.visa 务务entry visa 入境务务exit visa 出境务务

transit visa 务境务务8.inoculation/vaccination certificate 接务务务;黄皮务,

9.health document (certificate) 健康务明

10.smallpox vaccination 天花疫苗接务

11.cholera shot/jab 霍乱疫苗注射

12.inoculation against cholera/yellow fever 注射务防霍乱/黄务病疫苗

13.an infected area 霍乱区病毒务染域

14.infectious disease 务染病

15.onward ticket 务程票return/round-trip ticket 来回程票

16.one-way ticket 务程票 a three-day return 一务三天的回程票

Lesson Four

Direct and Connecting Flight


1.You may choose from the finest meals and a choice of wines… or simply recline your

luxurious seat and relax. 您可以挑务精美的食物以及各务名酒……或者~干脆把舒适的航空椅折斜下~来躺着休息一下。

2.the International Date Line 国务日期务更务

3.but we can arrange a connection 但是~我务可以务安排务程航班。您

4.the Boeing707 will take you there fresh and relaxed. 波音707会您您把务至目的地~使感到清新和舒适。

Useful Expressions1.We have a scheduled flight that departs for New York twice a week. 去务务的班机一周二次。

It is a direct flight, departing from Shanghai at 16:00 and arriving at Los Angeles Airport at 12:00


We haven’t any direct flight to Addis Ababa from here, but we can arrange a connection. 从儿务务至务的斯务务巴~有直航班。没达您但是~我务可以务安排务程航班。

2.I’m planning to go to New York and come back to Tokyo by way of Honolulu. 我打算去务务~然后途务檀香山返回务京。

3.The Smiths will stop over in Tokyo, then go straight to Honolulu. 史密斯夫务在务将京作一短务逗留~然后坐务机直达檀香山。

4.I will go to New York, breaking my journey at San Francisco. 我去务务~在将旧金山作中途


5.a direct/non-stop flight 直航班达

6.a scheduled/regular flight 固定航班

7.a daily/continuing/connecting flight 每日/务程/务程航班

8.a transit flight 务境航班 a charter flight 包航

9.to take a brief stop at Shanghai 在上海作务停

10.to stop over at/to layover at San Francisco 在旧金山中途分程

11.to break one’s journey at … 中途下务机;中途分程,

12.to depart from…for…/to depart from… and arrive at(in)/to leave…for…务…至…离13.a time zone 务区

14.a business(residence) zone 商务;住宅,区

15.an economic development zone 务务务展区

16.8 hours ahead of Beijing 比北京早八小务

17.ahead of schedule/time 提前

18.in advance/beforehand 事先;务先,

19.behind schedule 落后于务务务划

20.Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) 格林威治务

Unit Two Airline Reservations

Lesson One



1.I’ll need an economy ticket with an open return. 我要一务回程不定期的普通务。


2.CEA,China Eastern Airlines

3.check in 登机手务

4.I’ll find out what’s available. 我車一下有些航班。哪

5.The flight is fully booked. 航班全务务了。

6.I think I’ll take the flight as you recommend. 我想我乘坐会你荐所推的航班。

7.C for Charlie, R for Roger… C是Charlie首字母C~R是Roger 首字母的R…

8.a single ticket 务程票

Useful Expressions1.I’d like to make a reservation on Flight MU983 to Los Angeles for next Friday.我想务一务下周五~务航983航班去洛杉务的票。

Book me two economy class seats on JAL Flight104 to Hong Kong. 务我


I’d like to make sure that my plane reservation is in order. 我想定一下我的务票是否务确妥。,want a first class open return, please. 我要一务回程不定期的务等务票。

2.The flight you want to take is fully booked. 你要的航班已务务了。

I’m sorry we’re all booked up for the flight 802.务不起~802航班都已务务务了。3.We have two flights to San Francisco, one direct and one via Tokyo. 去旧两金山有次航班~一次直~一次达途务务京。

4.Let me see whether there’re seats av ailable on that flight. 我务

一下~务航班是否有空座。 5.I’ll take the 10:30 flight on Monday. 我就坐星期一十点三十分的班机。6.I can’t go by the morning flight. 我不能坐上午的班机走。

7.to make a reservation 务票

8.to make three economy class reservations 务三务普通务票

9.to make a reservation to Los Angeles for next Friday 务一务下周五


th10.to reserve a seat on Flight CA981 for October 8 务一务十月八日CA981航班的票。11.to confirm a flight reservation 务务航班务座

12.to book tickets 务票

13.to book a flight to … 务一务去…航班票

14.to book two economy class seats for a flight to … 务务去…航班的普通务票两

15.to book sb. on Flight…务某人务…航班票

16.to book sb. a seat on Flight…务某人务…航班票;or: sb. is booked on Flight…,17.to make a reservation in advance(beforehand) 务务;机票,

18.to check-in 登机手务

19.check-in time 务理登机手务务务

20.departure time 出务务务 take-off time 起务务务 arrival time 到务务达21.the appointed time/the fixed time 务定务务/固定务务

22.to reach sb. at 2580000 务打2580000与某人务系

23.to contact sb. by calling ( dialing) 2580000 务打2580000与某人务系24.The flight is fully booked. 航班已务务。

25.The seats have been occupied. 已无座位。

26.No seats are available. 没有座位。

27.The flight are full. 航班票已务务。

28.The seats are completely reserved. 座位已务务。

Lesson Two

Onward Reservation


1.onward reservation 务务程票


2.Can you take care of the reservations for me? 你能务我务理务票

务,3.I’ll request your reservations immediately. 我务上务申务务座。您



4.I made reservations on your flight which takes me as far as London. 我务了去务敦的机票。

as far as London 一直到务敦

如,They walked as far as the airport. 他务一直步行到机务。

5.TWA=Trans World Airlines ;美,务球航空公司

6.BA=British Airways 英航空公司国

Useful Expressions

1.I want to spend a couple of days in Chicago before going on to New York. 去务务之前~


2.The flight I booked takes me as far as Vancouver. I’ve changed my plans and want to go

on to Toronto. 我务的航班是到温划哥务。我已改务务~想务务旅行至多务多。

3.If you specify the date, I’ll request a reservation. 如果你确来会


4.We’ll cancel the San Francisco-New York portion of your ticket

and reissue it for San

Francisco-Chicago-New York. 我务取消票上会你旧旧金山至务务的航段。重



5.onward/onto reservation 务务程票

6.a couple of days/a day or two 一两天

7.several/a few days 几天

8.to specify the date /to decide the date 确定日期

9.trans-Atlantic route 横越大西洋航务

10.trans-Pacific route 横越太平洋航务

11.Trans World Airlines(TWA) (美)务球航空公司

12.en route 在途中

13.additional information 另况外一些情

14.additional fare 附加务

15.to cancel San Francisco-New York Portion and reissue the ticket for San Francisco,

Chicago-New York 取消旧旧金山至务务的航段~重要务一务金山至芝加哥至务务航段的


16.to request reservations 申务务座

17.to take care of reservations 务务定票

18.;the fare,come to … ;票价,务务…;money,add up to …;务,务共…

Lesson Three

Reservation Change


1.……due to some clerical errors in our rese rvations system, we have six more reservations

than we have seats on Flight CA957. 由于我务在务票工作中出了一些差务~CA957航班多定了六务票。

2.show up 到务

3.We don’t want anybody to be inconvenienced. 我务不想务务不便。来

4.That won’t do. 那不行。

5.personal check 私人支票

6.Can you schedule me for three days each in Bangkok and Djakarta?


7.revised fare 航程务更后的票价

Useful Expressions1.I regret to say that the flight has been overbooked. 很歉抱~航班已超务了。Due to some clerical errors in our reservations system, we have three more reservations that we have seats on the flight. 因务票工作中的某些差务~务航班我务已多务了三务票。Wednesday’s flight to Beijing is heavily booked. 星期三去北京的机票已务务了。2.Is it possible for you to change your reservation? 您可以改务一下务座务,Can you change your reservation to a later flight? 可以改务一下务座~乘坐您稍务的航班务,We are trying to request passengers to consider another flight. 我务正务法务旅客务考务其航班。它3.I’d like to change the Beijing-Shanghai reservation and reserve a seat to Guangzhou.我想把北京至上海的务座改务去广州。

I want to have my original reservation changed so that I can go via Bangkok instead of Manila.


4.I’ve cancelled your Beijing-Shanghai reservation and confirmed a reservation on Flight

rdCZ3116 for May 3. 我已务取消了北京至上海的务座~务务务并您妥了五月三日CZ3116航班的座位。

5.I’ll confirm your reservations and then calculate your revised fare and reissue your ticket. 我


6.international reservations section 国务务票务

7.domestic reservations section 国内务票务

8.baggage section 行李务

9.due to a clerical error……因工作中的差务……

10.to show up at the airport 到机务

11.no-show 务机

12.to change the reservation to another flight 改务一另架航班

13.to cancel the reservation and confirm a reservation on another flight 取消原务座~改务一另架

航班 overbook 超务oversell 超售

14.to make three more reservations than we have seats on a flight 比原航班座位多务了三务票15.to request passengers to consider another flight 务求旅客务考务一另架航班

16.to persuade passengers to consider an alternative 务务旅客想其务法它

17.revised fare 航程务更后的票价

18.a revised schedule 修务后的务刻表


Dialogue A Individual clients check in(散客入住) G=客人R:=接待员 R:Good afternoon. Madam.Welcome to Grand Park Kunming .May I help you? 下午好,欢迎光临昆明君乐酒店,请问有什么可以帮到您? G:Yes, I’d like to check-in .please. 我要登记住宿。 R:Certainly, Madam. May I have you name, please? 好的,小姐。能告诉我您的姓名吗? G:I’m Christine.Nolan 我叫克莉丝汀?诺兰 R:Do you have a reservation, Ms. Nolan? 诺兰小姐,请问您预定了房间吗? G:Yes, form today. 是的,预定了。从今晚开始。 R:OK, Ms .Nolan, please show me your passport. 好的,诺兰小姐,麻烦您出示一下您的护照。 R:(双手接客人证件) R:(扫描客人证件后双手归还客人) R:Just a moment, please. I’ll check our reservation record. (After a while)Thank you for waiting. Ms. Nolan. Your reservation is for a business single room for one night, the room rate is ¥800 that including two breakfasts. Is that all right? 请稍等,我查一下预定记录。(过了一会)让你久等了,诺兰小姐,您预定了一个晚上的商务单间,房价¥800(房价用手指给客人不要说出报价),含两份早餐是吗? G:Yes. 是的 R:Print out the registration form? 打印住宿登记表。 (再次与客人确认姓名,来店离店日期,房号,房价和早餐数等信息并礼貌的让客人在登记单上签名) R:You stay here one day, the deposit is ¥1500,you want pay for credit card or cash? 您住一天,押金是¥1500,请问您是刷卡还是付现金呢? G:By Credit Card. 刷卡。 R:OK, Ms. Nolan, please show me your credit card, I’ll brush ¥1500 of per-authorization(预授权)as your deposit. Do you have a password of your card? 好的,诺兰小姐请您出示一下您的信用卡,给您刷¥500的预授权做您的押金,请问您的卡有密码吗?(刷卡前先核实是否为有效的信用卡,有无客人签名) G:Yes. 有密码 R:OK, please input the password. 好的,请您输一下密码。 R:(刷卡后双手将卡还给客人,礼貌的让客人在POS单上签名并再次告知刷卡的金额)R:This is for you to brush a ¥1500 per-authorization, please sign in POS list to confirm.


民航服务英语口语 CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH FOR AIRLINE PASSENGER SERVICE Call-center 2008.8务 Contents Unit One Flight Information(航班务务) (3) Lesson One Flight Information(航班务务) (3) Lesson Two Travel Inquiry(航空旅游务务) (5) Lesson Three Documents(旅行文件) (6) Lesson Four Direct and Connecting Flights(直航班务程航班达与) (8) Unit Two Airline Reservations(务票) (9) Lesson One Reservations(务票) (9)

Lesson Two Onward Reservations(务务程票) (10) Lesson Three Reservation Change(务票改务) (12) Lesson Four Delay and Cancellation(延务取消与) (13) Lesson Five Standby(候务) (14) Unit Three Ticketing and Fares(出票票价与) (16) Lesson One Ticketing(出票) (16) Lesson Two Fares and Means of Payments(票价支付方式与) (17) Lesson Three Lost Ticket and Refund(机票务失退票与) (18) Unit Four Reconfirmation(再务务) (19) Unit Five Check In(务理登机手务) (20) Lesson One Normal Check-in(务理登机手务) (20) Lesson Two Ticket and Passport(机票务照与) (22)


饭店服务员常用英语口语 1、What?kind?of?rooms(foods)?would?you?like?to?have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)? 2、 Here?is?a?brochure?of?our?hotel?and?t ariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。3、 We'll?give?you?a?10%(ten?percent?)?di scount.? 我们给您九折优惠。 4、 We'll?offer?tour?guides?complimentary ?breakfasts.? 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 5、We?accept?your?terms.? 我们接受您的条件。 6、May?I?introduce?myself?? 让我介绍我自己。 7、 May?I?present?you?a?litter?souvenir??请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 8、Let's?drink?to?our?friendship!? 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、 Let?me?propose?a?toast?to?the?health ?of?our?guests!? 建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!)? 干杯! 11、How?do?you?like?Chinese?food??您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、 What?do?you?think?of?our?service??您对我们的服务有什么意见?

13、 Thank?you?for?your?comments(compli ment,?suggestions).? 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)14、 I'm?afraid?it's?against?the?hotel's?regul ations.? 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、 In?our?hotel?we?don't?accept?tips.? 我们饭店是不收小费的。 16、 It's?our?pleasure?to?serve?our?guests? well.? 我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。 17、Thank?you?all?the?same.? 然而,还是要谢谢您。 16、 I'm?afraid?you'll?have?to?pay?for?the? damage.? 您必须赔偿。 17、 Thank?you?for?telling?us?about?it.? 谢谢您告诉我们 18、 I'll?look?into?the?mater?right?away.?我马上去处理这件事情。 19、 I?assure?you?it?wont?happen?again.?我保证此类事情不会再发生。 20、Please?don't?worry,?sir?(madam)?先生(夫人),请不必担心。 21、 I?will?send?someone?up?to?your?room? right?away.?


前厅服务英语口语测试题(1) 一、朗读下列句子: 1、Please call a taxi for me. 2、It will take about fifty minutes to go to the airport.. 3、This is the Brief Introduction of the Hotel . 4、Leave the luggage out of the door, please . 二、将下列句子译成中文: 1、I’m sorry, we have not shuttle bus to the railway station . 2、I will take the staff’s lift . 3、Is there anything else I can do for you ? 4、Excuse me, have you checked out already ? 三、回答提问; 1.Is there a bar in your hotel? 2.A guest complaints to you ,:The telephone in my room doesn,t work properly. But I have to make an urgent call to my office in HongKong. Can you help me? If you were the assistant manager,what would you say then? 前厅服务英语口语测试题(2) 一、朗读下列句子: 1、No parking here, sir, please drive your car to the parking lot .


English manual Saying hello 打招呼 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上好!(下午好/晚上好) 2.Hello/Hi./Hey. 你好(嗨/嘿。) 3.How are you? 你好吗? 4.(I’m)great. Thank you./Thanks. 很好,谢谢! 5.(I’m)just fine. 还可以。 6.(I’m)not bad. 还不错。 7.I’m OK. 我很好。 8.I’m doing really well. 我很好。 Saying goodbye 说再见 1. Good-bye./Bye./Bye-bye. 再见。 2. Good night. 晚安。 3. See you later/tomorrow. 回头见!/明天见! 4. Have a good evening/a nice day. 祝你有一个愉快的夜晚 (一天) Introducing yourself 介绍自己 1. Hi. My name is Tom. 你好,我叫Tom。 2. I’m Tom. 我是Tom。 3.It is nice to meet you, Tom. 见到你很高兴,Tom。

Introducing someone 介绍某人 1. Tom, this is Helen. Tom,这是Helen。 2. Hi, Tom. It’s nice to meet you. 嗨,Tom!见到你很高兴。 3. Pleased/Good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Asking personal information 交换个人信息 1. What’s your name,please? 请问你叫什么名字? 2. What’s your surname? 你姓什么? 3. Where are you from? 你是哪儿的人? 4. Can I have your phone number? 能给留个您的电话号码吗? 5. How’s everything? 你怎么样? Asking about countries, nationalities, and languages 询问国家,国籍和语言1. -Are you from England? 你是英国人吗? -Yes, I am. 是的。 -No, I’m not. I’m from New Zealand. 不是,我是新西兰人。2. -Where is he from? 他是哪里人? -He’s from America. 他是美国人。

最新整理酒店客房服务英语口语情景对话 中英对照资料

酒店客房服务英语口语情景对话 1.Housekeeping. May I come in? 我是客房的,可以进来吗? 2.When would you like me to do your room, sir? 您要我什么时间来给你打扫房间呢,先生? 3.You can do it now if you like. 如果您愿意,我现在为您服务。 4.I'm sorry that your flask is empty. 很抱歉您的水壶空了。 5.May I do the turn-down service for you now? 现在可以为您收拾房间了吗? 6.Oh, thank you. But you see, we are having some friends over. 噢,谢谢,但你知道我们邀请了一些朋友过来聚聚。 7.Could you come back in three hours? 你能不能过3小时再来整理? 8.Certainly, Madam. I'll let the overnight staff know. 当然可以,女士。我会转告夜班服务员。 9.Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom? 请整理一下浴室好吗? 10. I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water. 我想请你给我拿一瓶开水来。 11.I've just taken a bath and it is quite a mess now. 我刚洗了澡,那儿乱糟糟的。 12.Besides, please bring us a bottle of just boiled water. 此外,请给我们带瓶刚烧开的水来。 13.It's growing dark. Would you like me to draw the curtains for you? 天黑下来了,要不要我拉上窗帘? 14.Is there anything I can do for you? 您还有什么事要我做吗? 15.I'm always at your service. 乐意效劳。 Dialogue A (倒热水服务) A: Housekeeping. May I come in? 客房服务员,请问我可以进来吗? B: Yes, please. 可以。 A: When would you like me to do your room, sir? 您什么时候方便让我帮你打扫房间呢?


酒店英语口语900句:席间服务 以下是###整理的《酒店英语口语900句:席间服务》,希望大家 喜欢! Could you pass me the salt? 你能把盐递给我吗? It is more delicious than any other food I have eaten. 它比我吃过的任何东西都要好吃。 This place is really worth sightseeing. 真是值得来这个地方观光。 Which flavor would you prefer, walnut or vanilla? 您喜欢哪种口味的,核桃还是香草? Please mix a little soy sauce and sesame oil on this late and dip them into it before eating. 请加一点酱油和芝麻油在碟子上,吃前蘸一下。 They are very popular with our overseas guests. 很受外国客人的喜欢。 May I serve your soup now? 给您现在上汤吗? There is a warmer under the wagon. Please help yourself but be careful because it is hot. 餐车下方有个瘟热器,请自行取用,但是要小心,那东西很烫手。

I forgot to order some coffee. Could you bring me some up, please? 我忘了叫咖啡。请给我们来一些,好吗? Would you like any more beef? 你还要一些牛肉吗? I want to have it for supper again. What about you? 我晚饭还想吃这个,你呢? Of course, me too. 当然,我也是。 Your steak, salad and beer, sir. Please enjoy your lunch. May I take your plate, sir? 先生,您的牛排,沙拉和啤酒。请慢用。我能够把盘子收起来吗? Sure, go ahead. 好的,请便。 May I show you the dessert menu? 您要看甜点单吗? Let’s see. I’ll have some ice cream, please. 嗯,我要一些冰淇淋。 I’ll take the walnut, please. 请给我核桃味的。 Will that be all? 就这些吗?


2016年江苏省职业学校技能大赛 旅游类酒店服务(餐饮服务)项目英语口语试题公开题库 中译英: 1. 我们已经为您预订一张今晚6点半的餐台。。 (We have reserved a table for you at 6:30 tonight.) 2. 请问您在我们餐厅有预订吗?(Do you have a reservation with us) 3. 早餐的供应时间是7点到9点。(The breakfast is served from 7:00 to 9:00.) 4. 对不起,这张桌子已经有客人预订了。(Sorry, this table has been reserved.) 5. 角落的那个位置怎样?(How about a seat in the corner) 6. 这张桌子可以吗(Will this table be all right for you ) 7. 包间已经准备好了,先生。(The private room is ready now, sir.) 8. 您是要坐吸烟区还是非吸烟区? (Would you like smoking area or non-smoking area) 9. 包间的最低消费是800. (For a private room, there is a minimum charge of 800 yuan.) 10. 请您在休息室里稍等一下,一有桌子我们会安排您入座。 (Could you wait for a moment in the lounge?We’ll seat you as soon as we have a table). 11. 先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。请随我来。(Your table is ready now, sir. Please come with me.) 12. 这是菜单,服务员随后就到。 (Here is the menu. The waiter will be with you in a moment.) 13 这是菜单和酒水单。(Here are the menu and the wine list /or drink list.) 14. 请问您现在可以点菜了吗?(Are you ready to order now 或者:May I take your order now, sir/madam) 15. 中国有四大菜系,分别是川菜,粤菜,鲁菜和淮扬菜。 (In China, there are four kind of cuisines such as Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Shandong cuisine and Huaiyang cuisine..) 16. 这是您的账单,请您过目。(Here’s your bill. Please check it.) 17. 您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?(Would you like to try our specialty)


《民航英语口语》课程标准 课程名称《民航英语口语》 课程代码041078 适用对象航空乘务专业 适用学期第2 学期 建议学时60 学时 建议学分 4 学分 一、课程概述 本课程为航空乘务专业职业基础必修课,是一门理论联系实际的课程,旨在帮助学生获取航空乘务服务英语口语的基础技能。本课程提供了大量的空乘服务口语素材和英语对话实例,帮助学生在获得感性认识基础上提高空乘服务英语口语的能力,为学生今后用英语进行沟通,在航空公司的相关岗位从事服务工作打下扎实的基础。 先修课程:综合英语/民航英语听力 后续课程:商务英语/商务现场口译/外贸函电 二、课程目标 (一)课程总目标 在空乘服务场景中,能用英语与旅客或同事进行基本沟通。 (二)具体目标 1、知识目标: 掌握机场服务、飞行前准备、飞行中服务、降落和着陆、移民海关与检疫、特殊要求旅客的处理、紧急情况处理、急救场景中的常用英语口语表达方式。 2、能力目标: 在机场服务、飞行前准备、飞行中服务、降落和着陆、移民海关与检疫、特殊要求旅客的处理、紧急情况处理、急救场景中,能用英语与旅客或同事进行基本沟通。 3、素质目标: ①感性了解航空公司的工作氛围 ②基本具备跨文化交际、与上司或同事沟通的能力 ③基本具备团队协作的能力及对工作任务的执行能力


四、教学设施 教室:商务英语实训室 5、教学方法、手段与教学组织形式建议 1、教学建议 (1)以《民航英语口语》课程标准为导向,合理安排教学; (2)以模拟航空服务英语工作过程实施教学,采用项目教学法、分组练习、现场示范实施教学任务。 2、教学组织形式建议 采用项目教学、任务驱动等可操作性强的教学方式。课程按照空乘人员工 作岗位及实践活动的工作需要而设置工作任务,在任务驱动中充分发挥学生的 主体作用,强调学生的自我技能实践。并以工作岗位对航空服务人员所提出的


饭店服务员常用英语口语 1、What kind of rooms(foods)would you like to have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)? 2、Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。 3、We'll give you a10%(ten percent)discount. 我们给您九折优惠。 4、We'll offer tour guides complimentary breakfasts.我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 5、We accept your terms. 我们接受您的条件。 6、May I introduce myself? 让我介绍我自己。 7、May I present you a litter souvenir? 请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 8、Let's drink to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、Let me propose a toast to the health of our guests!建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!) 干杯! 11、How do you like Chinese food? 您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、What do you think of our service? 您对我们的服务有什么意见? 13、 Thank you for your comments(compliment,suggestion s). 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议) 14、I'm afraid it's against the hotel's regulations. 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、In our hotel we don't accept tips. 我们饭店是不收小费的。 16、It's our pleasure to serve our guests well.


Reservations ,May I help you ? 预订部,我能帮你吗? Room service ,May I come in ? 送餐服务,我可以进来吗? What do you prefer ,tea or coffee?你喜欢什么?茶还是咖啡。 Woulld your please sign here ? 请在这儿签名好吗? A table for two? 两人的一张台吗? How long do you plan to stay ? 你计划住多久。 Could you please spell your name ?请拼一下你的名字吗?

What kind of room would you like ?你要哪类房间? May I see your passport ? 我可以看你的护照吗? May I have your tetephone number ?我可以知道你的电话号码吗? What‘s the trouble, sir? 你怎么啦?先生。 Shall I call a doctor for you ? 我为你叫一个医生吗? Dir you eyoy the play? 你喜欢这个节目吗? Do you like this song? 你喜欢这首歌吗?

Useful Expressions 惯用表达语Enjoy you breakfast ,sir ? 请享用你的早餐,先生。 Here is the menu. 给你菜谱。 The service guide is on the desk. 服务指南在桌面上。 The swimmcing pool is over there . 游泳池在那边。 Go ahead ,please. 请接着讲。 The line is busy . 线路正忙。 You look grest .


英文口语1、I owe you one. 中文:我欠你一个人情。 英文口语2、Keep your fingers crossed. 中文:为成功祈祷吧。 英文口语3、I'm broke. 中文:我身无分文。 英文口语4、Dinner is on me. 中文:晚饭我请客。 英文口语5、It's up in the air. 中文:尚未决定。 英文口语6、I couldn't get through. 中文:不打不通电话。 英文口语7、I wish I could. 中文:但愿我能。 英文口语8、Could I have the bill, please 中文:请把账单给我好吗 英文口语9、I appreciate your invitation. 中文:感谢你的邀请。 英文口语10、That depends. 中文:看情况。 英文口语11、I'm not feeling well.

中文:我感觉不舒服。 英文口语12、It's a piece of cake. 中文:这很容易。 英文口语13、How do I look 中文:我看上去怎么样 英文口语14、It doesn't make any difference. 中文:都一样。 英文口语15、I feel the same way. 中文:我也有同感。 英文口语16、It doesn't matter to me. 中文:这对我来说无所谓。 英文口语17、I can't tell. 中文:我说不准。 英文口语18、Let's make up. 中文:让我们言归于好吧。 英文口语19、It's a nice day today. 中文:今天天气很好。 英文口语20、Let's call it a day. 中文:我们今天就到这儿吧。 英文口语21、Can I help 中文:要我帮忙吗


服务英语口语:售后服务表达法 售后服务承诺常用的句子: I want to know something about after-sale service. 我想了解一些售后服务的信息。 I'd like to inquire some information about the after-sale service. 我想咨询一些关于售后服务的信息。 We are competitive in our excellent after-sale service. 我们有着卓越的售后服务。 The company provides after service free of charge. 公司提供免费的售后服务。 We commit to providing professional after-sales service to our customers. 我们承诺为用户提供专业的售后服务。 What after service can you offer? 你们能提供什么样的售后服务? How can you offer the after service? 你们能提供怎么的售后服务? What about the after service? 这售后服务怎么样? What about its after-sales service? 它的售后服务如何? We provide free delivery and installation. 我们提供免费的运输和安装。 The delivery and installation is free of charge. 运输和安装是免费的。 You don't need to pay for the delivery and installation. 你不必付运输和安装的费用。 Can I exchange them if I change my mind after the purchase? 买了之后如果我改变主意能换吗? You can exchange them, but on some conditions. 可以更换,但有一些条件。 You'd better have the invoice with you and you'd better not take off the tag. 你


酒店英语口语900句:上菜服务与席间服务 经典对话 W=Waitress 女服务员 G=Guest 顾客 W:Your steak , salad and red wine, sir. Please enjoy. 先生,这是您的牛扒、沙拉和红酒。请慢用。 W:Excuse me, may I take your plate? 打搅了,我能够把碟子收起来吗? G:Sure, go ahead. 好的,请便吧。 W:May I show you the dessert menu? 您要看看甜点菜单吗? G:OK. 好的。 W:Here you are. 您看看。 G:I’d like to have a chocolate pudding. 我想要一份巧克力布丁。 W:Your chocolate pudding, sir. Shall I bring your coffee now, or later? 先生,这是您的巧克力布丁。我是现在为您上咖啡,还是迟些上? G:Later, thank you.

迟些上吧。 G:May I have the bill? And the coffee , please. 把账单给我好吗?还有咖啡,谢谢。 W:Certainly ,sir.(After a while) Here is your coffee. How is everything? 好的,先生。(过了一会儿)这是您的咖啡。您一切还满意吗? G:Fine , thank you. 很好,谢谢。 常用句型百宝箱 1. 服务常用语 1) This is very hot. Please be careful. 这道菜很烫,请小心。 2) May I move this plate to the side? 我能够把碟子移到一边去吗? 3) May I serve it to you now? 我现在能够上菜了吗? 4) This food is best eaten while hot. 这种食物趁热吃。 5) Would you like your rice/coffee/… now or lat er? 是现在为您上米饭/咖啡/,还是迟些? 6) The Chinese way is to serve the food first and then the soup; if you like , we’ll bring you the


餐饮服务英语口语 1.What kind of food do you prefer? 2.Do you like Chinese food? 3.What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American? 4.Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is ? 5.Do you know where I can get a quick snack? 6.What would you have for dinner? 7.What would you like to order? 8.Have you ordered yet? 9.No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later. 10.What would you recommend? 11.What's your today’s special? 12.I would like to have something simple. 13.What will you have for dessert? 14.We are in a hurry. 15.Please rush your orders. 16.The beefsteak is very good today. 17.I will take the beefsteak. 18.How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare? 19.I would like my beefsteak well done.


餐饮服务业英语口语大全—餐厅常用语 点菜,看菜单,吃完,结账 1.What kind of food do you prefer?你喜欢哪一种菜? 2.Do you like Chinese food?你喜欢中国菜吗? 3.What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American?你喜欢吃什么菜,中式的还是美式的? 4.Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is ?请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪里? 5.Do you know where I can get a quick snack?你知道哪里有快餐可吃? 6.What would you have for dinner?你要吃什么? 7.What would you like to order?你要点些什么菜? 8.Have you ordered yet?你点过菜了吗? 9.No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later. 还没有,我在等一位朋友,稍后再点。 10.What would you recommend?请你推荐一些好菜好吗? 11.What's your today’s special?今天的特色菜是什么? 12.I would like to have something simple. 我想吃些简单的东西。 13.What will you have for dessert?你喜欢吃点什么点心? 14.We are in a hurry. 我们要赶时间。15.Please rush your orders. 我们点的菜请快送来。 16.The beefsteak is very good today. 今天的牛排很不错。 17.I will take the beefsteak. 我就要份牛排。 18.How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare?你喜欢的牛排是熟一些还是生的? 19.I would like my beefsteak well done. 我要熟一点儿的牛排。 20.How about a drink?喝一杯怎样?21.Bottoms up!干杯!22.To your health!祝你健康! 23.I ask you to join me in drinking to the health of Mr.Chen. 请你跟我一起举杯祝陈先生健康。 24.I ask you to join me in drinking to the future success of our cooperation. 请你跟我一起举杯预祝我们合作成功。 25.I'm looking for a cheap place to eat. 我要找个便宜的地方吃。 26.Is there a restaurant near here?这附近有餐馆吗? 27.Can you recommend me a good restaurant?你能介绍一间好餐馆吗? 28.Is there a Chinese restaurant in this town?在本镇有中国餐馆吗? 29.Can you show me a restaurant where they serve good food at reasonable prices?请你告诉我哪里有价钱公道而菜又好的餐馆好吗? 30.How is service?服务怎么样?31.Could I have the menu,please?请给我菜单好吗? 32.Here is the menu,sir. 先生,菜单就在这儿。33.Are you ready to order now?你现在就准备点菜吗? 34.Where did you have dinner last night?昨晚你在什么地方吃饭的? 35.Do you like Chinese dishes?你喜欢中国菜吗?36.It's very delicious. 它的味道很好。 37.The food is too salty. 菜太咸了。38.I'm thirsty. 我口渴了。 39.Give me a glass of cold water,please. 请给我一杯冷水。 40.I'm on a diet. 我在节食中。41.I don't feel like eating more. 我不想再多吃了。 42.It was a very enjoyable dinner. 这是个令人愉快的一餐。 43.What would you like to drink?你要喝点儿什么?44.Could I have a cup of coffee?我想要一杯咖啡好吗? 45.Would you like coffee or tea?你要喝咖啡还是茶?46.I would like tea with a slice of lemon,please. 我想要柠檬茶。 47.Do you like to have anything else?你还要吃别的东西吗? 48.No,thanks.I have had enough. 不用,谢谢。我已经吃饱了。 49.I would like to have ice cream and fresh fruit. 我要吃点冰淇淋和新鲜水果。 50.Help yourself to anything you like. 你喜欢什么随便吃。 51.Please pass me the salt and pepper. 请把盐和胡椒递给我。 52.I ordered ten minutes ago. 我10分钟前就点菜了。 53.I have been waiting for half an hour. 我一直等了半个小时。


《民航实用英语口语》教案 授课班级:08民航 周课时:2节 Unit 1 Greetings 教学目标: 1.通过语音学习和练习掌握正确英语发音 2.学习英语问候句型并能用英语完成日常见面问候 教学内容: 1.国际音标的复习与再学习 2.有用句型的学习及练习 3.语言拓展练习 The first class 第一堂课 I.口语学习在民航英语中的重要性及科学学习方法 1.航空公司人才需求现状,英语口语的重要性 2.有效的口语学习四原则: 语音:最基本,最关键。语音学习不只是包括单纯的发音练习,还应包括语调、节奏等的训练。其实,不管是学习哪种发音,纯正标准是关键。这是口语的基础阶段,一定要多听多学多练,持之以恒多模仿。 词汇:掌握标准纯正的语音是必须的,但却是远远不够的。中国学生可能会有疑问,认为自己的语音已经不错了,可为什么在老美面前还是觉得没话讲,无法顺利地交流。答案很简单,积累不够。 学习母语不识字也可以流利的说出来,但学习外语没有一定的词汇量绝对不行,我们没有学习语言的环境,只有掌握一定的词汇量后,你才能进行阅读和听说,只有通过大量的阅读和练习,你才会说出英语。 句型:谈到第三个着力点就是口语当中的句型了,句型好比数学当中的公式,对不同的句型进行归纳整理,了解并记忆各个句型所应用的场景和功能,以达到有效学习第二语言。 文化:文化了解对于外语学习的重要性。通过学习文化培养外语思维。 II教材分析教学计划 III考核方法 Unit 1 Greetings 1.音标学习 / i: / / i / / p / / b / / t / / d / 2.Review :

(1 )基本问候语Good morning/afternoon/ evening How do you do?(初次见面通常用语) How are you?(比较熟悉的人之间用语) How are you getting along with...?(你近来...可好?) How are you doing?(您工作还顺利吧?) How is everything?(一切还好吧?) How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend?(假期怎么样?) Nice /glad /pleased to meet you Happy to see you (2 )流行问候语 What’s up? Hello? Hi? What's going on?(近来可好?) How is life? How is it going? anything new? Pleased to meet you again! (3 )介绍用语 3.场景对话练习及句型拓展训练 1.见课本 2.自主练习 4.家庭作业 1.复习所学习音标 2.利用所复习句型编写小对话并熟练演示,记平时成绩一次。 Unit 2 Thanks 教学目标: 1.通过语音学习和练习掌握正确英语发音 2.学习英语感谢句型及相应的回答 教学内容: 3.国际音标的复习与再学习 4.有用句型的学习及练习 5.语言拓展练习 1.音标复习与学习 / i: / / i / / p / / b / / t / / d / / e / / / / k / / g / / f / / v /
