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Revision of Unit 22

Revision of Unit 22
Revision of Unit 22

Revision of Unit 21---Unit 22 (满分100分)

Name ________ Mark______

I. 单词拼写(每小题1分,共20分)

1.In the last few decades, scientists have reached c________(一致意见) and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth’s climate.

2.Scientists found that the temperature of the Earth is controlled by g_________ gases such as

_______ ________which trap heat from the sun in the Earth’s atmosphere.

3. Without these naturally occurring gases, the sun’s rays would _______ _____ _____(反射回) space.

4. Many experts insist the blame for this global warming can mostly be _____ ___ human activities.

5. If we continue to produce other gases in such huge quantities, we are c______ life on Earth and should expect severe c___________.

6. Increased temperatures will also cause the polar ice to m______.

7.After all, there’s no s__________ for our Earth.

8. This is no easy task, and some governments express r _________(保留意见)about whether global warming is really caused by human activities.

9. Reduced rainfall has affected large areas of Africa for years leaving __________ ________(灌溉渠)dry and many other zones are becoming drier.

10. In the last three years, Indonesia has had a r________ time.

11. This __________(大灾难) is still very fresh in the minds of people worldwide who have not yet got over their separation from loved ones lost in the t___________(海啸) .

12.He can’t be here , so his wife will accept the prize _____ _____ _____(代表).

13. An even greater number of people live at risk, to some degree, from earthquakes which have

c_________(夺走) more than 1.6 million lives in the last hundred years.

14. Most disaster experts believe there is the p_______( 潜在的可能性) that things could get worse.

15. The worst e_________ in human history was probably Mt Tambora in 1815, in Indonesia.

16.It was ________in 1990 so that astronomers could observe space without the earth’s atmosphere being a _______(障碍).

17. A __________(永久的) base will be set up on the moon.

18. After this, interest ______(消退) and the number of manned flights dropped off.

19.The International Space Station is being built in the Earth’s _______(轨道)

20.In conclusion, we are only really in the ______(初级的)stages of exploring space.

II. 单项填空(每小题1分,共40分)

21. A lot of volunteers _____ their own lives for the floods in Beijing.

A. devoted

B. sacrificed

C. contributed

D. delivered

22. The workers completed the bridge three months _____ time and were praised by the local people.

A. in accordance with

B. in front of

C. ahead of

D. prior to

23. The thief was caught by the police in the railway station before he was able to _____.

A. purchase

B. flee

C. flock

D. avoid

24. _________ I can see, at the moment there is only one possible solution to the problem.

A. As long as

B. As far as

C. Just as D .Even if

25. She sings quite well. But _____, she is an English teacher, not a music teacher.

A. as a result

B. as a rule

C. as a whole

D. as a matter of fact

26. The bridegroom, together with the bride, went into the hall, with a flower ______ onto his suit.

A. stuck

B. pinned

C. locked

D. hooked

27. At the end of the class, the teacher _______ the main points of the lesson in three sentences.

A. summed up

B. picked up

C. brought up

D. took up

28. In a few years, China will be able to produce camera recorders on a large ______.

A. range

B. extent

C. degree

D. scale

29. The number of _____ species increases every year with their natural habitats disappearing.

A. dangerous

B. endangered

C. serious

D. harmful

30. —You have made great progress in your studies of English, haven’t you?

—Yes, but much _____.

A. remains to do

B. is remained to do

C. remains to be done

D. is remained to be done

31. — Why is the librarian staring at me?— You _____ to read aloud in the reading room.

A. don’t suppose

B. haven’t supposed

C. are not supposed

D. are not supposing

32. He would have come here on time, but he _____ in the heavy traffic on the way.

A. caught

B. had caught

C. was caught

D. had been caught

33. He will never tell lies, and it’s against his _____ for he’s such an hon est man.

A. rules

B. regulations

C. patterns

D. principles

34. When and where to go for our holiday _____ yet.

A. are not decided

B. have not been decided

C. is not being decided

D. has not been decided

35. It’s cloudy outside. Ple ase take an umbrella. _______ it rains.

A. Take it easy

B. Just in case

C. It just depends

D. All right

36. The front row is reserved _____ the family of the bride.

A. of

B. in

C. to

D. for

37.“Run!” Jack shouted, ____ her arm by force.

A. seized

B. seizing

C. caught

D. grasp

38. At the meeting they discussed three different _____ to the study of English.

A. approaches

B. means

C. methods

D. ways

39.I insisted ____ to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing ____ wrong with him.

A. on him to go; should be

B. he went; be

C. he go; was

D. he should; is

40. If your race car isn’t insured, you may ____ losing everything when it hits something.

A. delay

B. deny

C. avoid

D. risk

41. Have you checked all the CDs ____ to the mountainous area next weekend?

A. sent

B. to be sent

C. sending

D. being sent

42.Lily received a letter just now ____ her mother would come to see her soon.

A. said

B. says

C. saying

D. to say

43.The news reported that a woman in Hebei had been rescued___ in a tunnel.

A. trapping

B. being trapped

C. having trapped

D.to be trapped

44. As is known to us, eating too much sugar can ____ health problem.

A. run across

B. come to

C. meet with

D. lead to

45. Sorry, Madam, you’d better come tomorrow because it’s ____ the visiting time hours.

A. during

B. at

C. beyond

D. before

46. Fortunately, ____ students passed the exam.

A. a great deal of

B. a good many of

C. a large number of

D. plenty of

47. The bus driver should ____ the safety of the passengers.

A. call for

B. answer for

C. provide for

D. thirst for

48. The local government should learn to ____ resources efficiently.

A. design

B. allocate

C. mean

D. plan

49. There is very little _________ in protesting. It won’t help much.

A. means

B. way

C. good

D. point

50. With a lot of problems _____ , the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.

A. settling

B. to settle

C. being settling

D. settled

51. It can’t be a(n) ___ that four jewelry stores were robbed just in one night.

A. accident

B. incident

C. coincidence

D. chance

52. No sound and no voice ____ for a long while.

A. have heard

B. has heard

C. have been heard

D. has been heard

53. To his parents’ satisfaction, he ____ that l awless group later.

A. took away from

B. broke away from

C. carried away from

D. brought away from

54. It is beyond my belief that he ____ a lot in the past few years.

A. had suffered

B. has suffered

C. suffered

D. has been suffered

55.No one knew that one of the aircraft engines had also failed, ____ the pilot.

A. but for

B. beside

C. except for

D. apart from

56. The professor sometimes makes remarks that are not ____ to the topic.

A. associated

B. relevant

C. dependent

D. connected

57. As they haven’t a child of their own, they are going to ____ a little girl.

A. adapt

B. accept

C. adopt

D. receive

58.I could have been on time for the conference, but I ____ in a traffic jam.

A. have caught

B. have been caught

C. was caught

D. caught

59. ____ fired, your health care and other benefits will be immediately cut off.

A. Would you be

B. Should you be

C. Could you be

D. Might you be

60. We should ___________ to protect wild life for the sake of us human

A. take risks

B. take measures

C. make an attempt

D. make use of

III. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)

I am sure many people have said about me, “He must be the happiest man in the world!” But they were wrong_61_I was famous and had_62_money, I was not really happy. I found myself asking, “_63_ does all this not give me real happiness?”

Newspapers said, “Kriss Akabusi is the European champion. He has also_64_an Olympic bronze medal.” Now before all this happened, I had_65, “If I can become a champion, I will be happy. I will 66 a lot of money and then enjoy 67 .I will have a goo d time.”

When I went to the Edinburgh Games, in my hotel_68 I found a book by my bedside. It was called What’s Real Happiness in Life? I_69 this book up and read some of the stories in it. The book mainly

told about the happiness brought by helping others. But I said to 70_,“All these things are too_71_ for me to do.”

But that night I had a_72_. I found myself standing by a river. I_73 a voice calling to me from the other side of the river. The voice said, “You know helping others is as _74_ as crossing the river, and it’s not as difficult as you imagine.” Then suddenly I awoke. I realized I was 75 now when compared to before. I found I had real_76_of mind.

So I can now tell my friends what I have_77_. Being famous and having a lot of money_78_ gave me happiness. So all I can say to you is this—we are _79_ when we think that to be famous and rich will make us happy. Now I have a children’s TV program called Record Breakers. I have no _80 about what tomorrow will bring.

61. A. So B. Because C. But D. Although

62. A. little B. a little C. no D. much

63. A. What B. Why C. How D. When

64. A. lost B. missed C. won D. caught

65. A. recognized B. wanted C. thought D. whispered

66. A. seek B. obtain C. handle D. produce

67. A. films B. sports C. life D. nature

68. A. yard B. garden C. hall D. bedroom

69. A. picked B. drew C. made D. put

70. A. him B. her C. myself D. it

71. A. sudden B. lucky C. simple D. hard

72. A. rest B. dream C. trip D. sleep

73. A. recognized B. heard C. imitated D. recorded

74. A. interested B. funny C. easy D. nervous

75. A. different B. familiar C. similar D. sensible

76. A. anger B. fear C. peace D. excitement

77. A. created B. found C. copied D. given

78. A. always B. usually C. never D. often

79. A. lucky B. wise C. foolish D. clever

80. A. feelings B. satisfactions C. certainties D. worries

IV. 短文填词(每小题1分,共10分)

With the sharp r___ of the cost of college education, students have ways 1.______

to pay for their tuitions and f _____.Many students just let their parents pay 2.______

the tuition. Some students a______ for a bank loan and others will try to find 3.______

part-time job ____on the campus and out of campus. Besides this, many students 4. ______

will win a ______(奖学金). In this way they can pay at least part of their tuition 5. ______

_____ to me, I will let my parents pay half of my tuition because they are not 6.______

rich enough. A____ from my studies , I will take up a part - time job as a tutor 7. ______

t ______some high school students maths, physics and English, as I am good 8. ______

at these s_____ . Of course I will work very hard at my lessons so that I can 9.______

win a sch olarship .I think that’s e_______ to pay for my college education. 10._____

单选21-25 BCBBD 26-30 BADBC 31-35 CCDDB 36-40 DBACD 41-45 BCBDC 46-50CBBDB 51-55 CDBBD 56-60 BCCBB

完形61-65 DDBCC 66-70 BCDAC 71-75 DBBCA 76-80 CBCCD


1. rise

2. fees

3. apply

4. both


6. As

7. Apart


9. Subjects 10. enough
