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Key: 1-5: FTTFT 6-10: TNFFT

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over a passage quickly and read ten statements after it.

For statements1-10, write

T(for True) if the statement agrees with the information given in the above paragraph(s);

F(for False) if the statement contradicts the information given in the above paragraph(s);

N (for Not given) if the statement is not given in the above paragraph(s);

The Kind of Work Daddy Does

It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to “go to work and make a living.” The fact is they cannot visualize what work is in corporate America.

Not long ago, when a parent said he was off to work, the child knew very well what was about to happen. His parent was going to make something or fix something. The parent could take his offspring to his place of business and let him watch while he repaired a car or built a table.

When a child asked, "What kind of work do you do, Daddy? His father could answer in terms that a child could come to grips with.” I fix steam engines.” I make horse collars”

Well, a few fathers still fix engines and build things, but most do not. Nowadays, most fathers sit in glass buildings performing tasks that are absolutely incomprehensible to children. The answers they gave when asked, “What kind of work do you do, Daddy?” are likely to be very puzzling to the child.

“I sell space.”“I do market research.”“I am a data processor.”“I am in public relations.”“I am a system analyst.” Such explanations must seem nonsense to a child. How can he possibly imagine anyone analyzing a system or researching a market? Even grown men who do market research have trouble visualizing what a public relations man does with his day, and it is a safe bet that the average systems analyst is as puzzled about what a space salesman does at the shop as the average space salesman is about the tools needed to analyze a system.

In the common everyday job, nothing is made any more. Things are now made by machines. V ery little is repaired. The machines that make things make them in such a fashion that they will quickly fall apart in such a way that repairs will be too expensive. Thus the buyer is encouraged to throw the thing away and buy a new one. In effect, the machines are making junk.

The handful of people remotely associated with these machines can, of course, tell their inquisitive children “Daddy makes junk.”Most of the work force, however, is too remote from junk production to sense any contribution to the industry. What do these people do?

Consider the typical twelve-story glass building in the typical American city.

Nothing is being made in this building and nothing is being repaired, including the building itself. Constructed as a piece of junk, the building will be discarded when it wears out, and another piece of junk will be set in its place.

Still, the building is filled with people who think of themselves as working. At any given moment during the day, perhaps one-third of them will be talking into telephone. Most of these conversations will be about paper, for paper is what occupies nearly everyone in this building.

Some jobs in the building require men to fill paper with words. There are persons who type neatly on paper and persons who read paper and jot notes in the margins. Some persons make copies of paper and other persons deliver paper. There are persons who file paper and persons who unfile paper.

Some persons mail paper. Some persons telephone other persons and ask that paper be sent to them. Others telephone to ascertain the whereabouts of paper. Some persons confer about paper. In the grandest offices, men approve of some paper and disapprove of other paper.

The elevators are filled throughout the day with young men carrying paper from floor to floor and with vital men carrying paper to be discussed with other vital men. What is a child to make of all this? His father may be so important that he lunches with other men about paper. Suppose he brings his son to work to give the boy some idea of what is all about. What does the boy see happening?

His father calls for paper. He reads paper. Perhaps he makes an angry red mark on paper. He telephones another man and says they had better lunch over paper.

At lunch they talk about paper. Back at the office, the father orders the paper retyped and reproduced in quintuplicate, and then sent to another man for comparison with paper that was reproduced in triplicate last year.

Imagine his poor son afterwards thinking about the mysteries of work with a friend, who asks him, “What does your father do?” What can the boy reply? “It beats me,”perhaps, if he is not very observant. Or if he is, “Something that has to do with making junk, I think. Same as everybody else.”


1. According to the author, modern children feel disheartened when they have to go to work, because they fear the prospect of having to earn their own living.

2. In the past, a child understood his father’s job better because most of the jobs at that time were of a more functional nature.

3. Men engaged in market research know the work of a man in public relations no better than an average systems analyst about the work of an average space salesman.

4. By making the remark that “the machines are making junk”, the author means the machines no longer make things people need.

5. Nowadays, it is cheaper for people to buy new stuff than to repair the old one.

6:Many workers may feel that their work is so abstract that sometimes they doubt if they are contributing to the industry.

7. A paper-centered working environment has been created in most working places for

greater efficiency.

8. In the very last paragraph, when the boy says “It beats me,”he means he was overwhelmed with pride for what his father does.

9. From this passage, we may see the author speaks highly of modern work brought by advanced technology.

10. If a child were to observe his father at work nowadays, he would be puzzled at seeing his father dealing only with paper all the time.


Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1.He was driven out of the house by the landlady since he had failed to pay his

______ for two months.

A) bill B) fee C) fare D) rent

2.Once ______ of doping (using excitant), the long distance runner will face a life


A) sentenced B) accused C) convicted D) condemned

3.On this special occasion, we’d love to have Eight Treasure Pudding for ______

which is a specialty in this Chinese restaurant.

A) dessert B) desert C) deserve D) desertion

4.The insurance company paid the Johnsons $ 20,000 in ______ after their house

was burnt down.

A) pension B) compensation C) commission D) substitution

5.Some vegetables like tomatoes and carrots are more nutritious while eaten cooked

than ______.

A) crude B) originally C) rude D) raw

6.The defending ______ snatched the gold medal by setting a new world record.

A) champagne B) campaign C) companion D) champion

7.More ______ attitudes toward divorce were held responsible for the rise in

divorce rate.

A) liberal B) liberate C) literal D) literate

8.Y ou can claim a refund (退款) provided you keep the ______.

A) recipe B) receipt C) label D) cheque

9.The undoubted ______ of the opening ceremony was a grand display of fireworks.

A) height B) summit C) peak D) highlight

10.The babysitter handed the mother a piece of paper ______ that she was in good


A) certifying B) justifying C) clarifying D) notifying

11. Businesses ______ in those few weeks; but soon an economic crisis crushed them.

A) thrived B) boomed C) prospered D) flourished

(Key:1-5 D C A B D 6-11 D A B D A B)

III. W orld Building

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word forms of the words given in the blankets.

1. The kid’s ______ appetite showed that he had not had a decent meal for days. (wolf)

2. For more professional advice about a healthy weight loss, please consult our ______. (diet)

3. These ______ CD cases are the best seller in this souvenir shop. (hamburger)

4. This ______-brown metal proves to be a good conductor of electricity. (red)

5. With the rise in casualties, another medical team including both ______ and nurses was sent to the earthquake-hit island. (physic)

6. In his latest book, the distinguished British ______ goes back to the 19th century to uncover the origins of such national extremism. (history)

7. By no means could you expect to fool your boss with such a ______ story. (baby)

8. ______ T-shirts and jeans are all the rage among youngsters this season. (big)

9. Hispanic Americans refer to U. S. citizens of ______ descent. (Spain)

10. In the ______ silence, a whisper may run like sirens. (death)












IV. ECT (英译汉两句) (主观题)

Directions:Translate the English sentences into Chinese.


仅容易使福利提供者滥用权利,也很容易使福利救济对象滥用权利。1.There needs to be lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights of welfare clients, because the system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the client.


2.He had helped me lift the veil that grows so quickly over our eyes in this busy world, to see a whole new realm I’d failed to appreciate before.

5. Guided Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Love and Care for the Handicapped according to the Chinese outline, and you must use at least 120 words.

Title: Love and Care for the Handicapped 关爱残疾人




China has an estimated 83 million disabled people, accounting for about 6.3 percent of the country’s population. To ensure a better life for this special group of people, it calls for more love and care from the rest of the society.

However, nowadays some people still harbored some kind of prejudice against the handicapped. Therefore, a change in their attitudes is of top priority. Just as the sign language hostess from the China Disabled Art Performing Troupe, Jiang xintian, often “said”with her hands that “Life is full of ups and downs, and our life is not unlucky but just inconvenient.”, so the best way to show our love and care is to offer them the respect and dignity bestowed with every individual. Only when we treat them as equals would they enjoy the opportunity to become more independent members of this society and fulfill their dreams confidently. In addition, joined efforts should be devoted to creating a more convenient living environment for the handicapped. Among the many other things we can do for them is the construction and installation of barrier-free facilities, such as special lanes for the blind, low chassis (底架,底盘) barrier-free buses, or wheelchair ramps (坡道) in public places, which will not only greatly ease the lives of the handicapped but also benefit any ordinary individual such as a mother with a

baby stroller.

As the saying goes “When God closes a door, He opens a window.”, most physically-challenged people have their own strengths. Either the acute sense of hearing of a blind, or the expressive body language of a deaf and dumb may serve as a perfect example. What impressed us most deeply would be the optimism, courage and perseverance showed by those disabled athletes, and it is they who help us to gain new insights into the true meaning of life. Thus, while we are extending a helping hand to the physically-challenged, we are virtually learning even more from them, learning a more positive attitude towards life and learning to be a more complete human being.


英语四、六级段落信息匹配题 一、英语四级段落信息匹配题是什么? 长篇阅读理解篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。四级考试需要各位同学做的是,大家需要去看十个左右的段落,然后去匹配十个信息点。但是到六级当中,我们的难度就要增加了,我们见到的情况是六级当中变成了15个段落,去匹配十个信息点。但总体来看,不管题型怎么变,其实学习方法没变,还是仍旧需要大家提高阅读的能力,比如说读文章的时候,是不是直接拿英语读,如果读快速阅读的时候,还是拿中文边翻译边读的话,会发现阅读速度一直会比较慢,所以那么长的文章很难找到细节,所以大家一定要养成拿英语直接阅读的这样一种习惯,这样才能保证我们的阅读速度又快又准。 二、信息匹配题难点分析 1. 考生难以按照阅读题一贯遵循的“顺序原则”解题。由于这一题型要求考生把细节信息与其所在的段落进行匹配,因此细节信息的排列绝对是“乱序的”,这就意味着考生从文章开头到结尾按顺序定位的方法是行不通的。

2. 题干信息复杂,考生难以迅速抓住要领。题干中的细节信息通常是极复杂和繁琐的名词短语或长难句,考生往往在寻找到合适的定位词之前,就已经被题干信息的复杂表述弄得晕头转向了。 3. 考生难以寻找到合适的定位词。即使考生能够读懂题干中晦涩难懂的细节信息,但也会在寻找定位词时遇到很大障碍。因为题干提供的细节信息中往往不会出现非常明显的定位词(如数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体和特殊符号等)。即使考生能够找到一个定位词,这一定位词也

通常和文章主题密切相关,会在文章中多次出现,因而也没有太大的意义。 三、匹配题出题特点及应试技巧 匹配类题型有很多种,常见的种类有:1)人名-观点匹配;2).地名-描述匹配;3)句子-句子匹配;4)分类题(Classification);5)段落-标题匹配;6段落-细节匹配。其中前四种做题方法比较类似,而后两种相对较复杂。这里将阐述前四种题型的做题方法。 1. 扭转做题思维


四六级新题型之段落信息匹配题复习技巧 四六级考试改革后,阅读部分占整张试卷总分值的35%,而我们的考试时间只有40分钟,因此建议大家在段落信息匹配题中花的时间千万不要超过15分钟,所以整体上看做阅读时需要注意一个很重要的问题:严控时间。 每一年考四六级的考生中,都会有很多考生因为时间不够、题做不完而折戟沉沙,而几乎全国考生都会在一个阅读这个模块超时大量的时间,而且由于我们的精度得分确实太大,因为20%的精读只有10道题,一道题占2%乘以710分,一道精读题目的分数就达到了14.2分将近15分。分值太大导致各位同同学容易在这个地方花去大量时间,但是你要明白这个部分的时间花的再久也只有20%,你完全没有理由因为20%去损失另外一个10%,而且你还不能确定你这20%是否可以得到一个非常好的成绩,所以提醒大家:掌控时间非常重要,每一个环节限时来做,而现在做题的时候就必须要控制时间。 对于段落信息匹配题,我们建议广大考生按照以下方法练习: 第一:先题后文 先看题再看文章能够将更多简单的题先做出来,当你发现简单题全部处理完毕之后,剩下的难题可以再重新回到文章当中再去找那些已经被挑剩下的段落。所以不管怎么样一定是先题后文,稍后再文题同步或先文后题。 第二:关键词定位(key words positioning)和同义替换(paraphrasing) 其实阅读只考两件事,一件事情是简单的:看到什么,定位什么,选择什么;而另外一个则是通过定位确定这个位置,然后再进行一个切换之后发现原来这个东西就是另外一个东西。 今年四六级组季会发布的样题中,关于段落信息匹配题是这样表述的:You have to identify the paragraph from which the information is derived“你需要去确认信息是来自于哪一个段落的”。换一个表达方式叫做which paragraph contains the following information(哪一段包含了以下的信息)。接下来我们用样题来分析一下关键词定位(key words positioning)和同义替换(paraphrasing)在段落信息匹配题中如何实践。 1、关键词定位(key words positioning) Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent. 像这道题就属于比较简单的题目。这道题是来自于四级样卷的Q47,当这道题出现的时候,


2019大学英语四级长篇阅读段落信息匹配题及答案解 析(2) Section B Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each smtement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.1ndentify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Creative Book Report Ideas A.Are you at a loss for creative book report ideas for your students?If yes.then this article will help you make reading and reviewing books more creative for your class.In an age of PSPs,Xbox,anime and gaming arcades,reading has lost its foothold in the list of hobbies that children tend to cite. Most of the reading that kids do today,comes in the form of compulsory books that they need to read for school and maybe that is the reason they find reading to be an insurmountable and boring task.If you want to inculcate the love for languages and literary masterpieces in your students and want them to devour books everyone should read,then a good way of going about the same would be to get them to start working on creative book report ideas.While working on creative ideas for book reports,your students will have to understand the book in a way that allows them to come up with new ways to present to the class,the essence of the book.


大学英语四级段落信息匹配题解题技巧 一.题型介绍 2013年12月大学英语四级改革后,题型有局部变化。原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。四级考试需要各位同学做的是,大家需要去看十个左右的段落,然后去匹配十个信息点。但是到六级当中,我们的难度就要增加了,我们见到的情况是六级当中变成了15个段落,去匹配十个信息点。 阅读题里出现的段落信息匹配题占10%的分值。整个阅读部分占总分值的35%,考试时间只有forty minutes,建议大家在段落信息匹配题当中花去的时间千万不要超过15分钟,所以整体上看做阅读时需要注意一个很重要的问题:严控时间。 但总体来看,不管题型怎么变,其实学习方法没变,还是仍旧需要大家提高阅读的能力,比如说读文章的时候,是不是直接拿英语读,如果读快速阅读的时候,还是拿中文边翻译边读的话,会发现阅读速度一直会比较慢,所以那么长的文章很难找到细节,所以大家一定要养成拿英语直接阅读的这样一种习惯,这样才能保证我们的阅读真正速度又快又准。 每一年考四六级的考生中,都会有很多考生因为时间不够、题做不完而折戟沉沙,而几乎全国考生都会在一个阅读这个模块超时大量的时间,而且由于我们的精度得分确实太大,因为20%的精读只有10道题,一道题占2%乘以710分,一道精读题目的分数就达到了14.2分将近15分。分值太大导致各位同同学容易在这个地方花去大量时间,但是你要明白这个部分的时间花的再久也只有20%,你完全没有理由因为20%去损失另外一个10%,而且你还不能确定你这20%是否可以得到一个非常好的成绩,所以提醒大家:掌控时间非常重要,每一个环节限时来做,而现在做题的时候就必须要控制时间。 从样卷看,此次涉及改革题目的特点是: 1、做题时间10~15分钟(整体阅读包括选词填空、匹配和精度,共计40分钟); 2、四级样卷显示需要将10道题目信息配对到9个段落中; 3、六级样卷显示需要将10道题目信息配对到15个段落中; 4、考试说明提到,某段可能被用到两次,而某段可能完全不被涉及。 5、这类题型的出题形式为:题干给出原文的若干条细节信息,要求考生找出文中分别有这些信息的段落(即题目当中会问道:which paragraph contains the following information?)。难点分析: 1、顺序原则被打破 段落细节信息配对题之所以让无数考生闻之色变,主要在于这种题目打破了解答雅思阅读题目传统的阅读技巧和解题思路。首先,作为匹配题代表,这种题型明显不会遵守其他主流题型的“顺序原则”,考生从文章开头到结尾定位的方法显然行不通; 2、题目均为长句形式 其次,题目当中的表述通常是极其复杂和繁琐的名词短语或者长难句型,在试图寻找合适的定位词之前,考生往往就业已被题干错中复杂的表述搞得云里雾里了; 例如四级样卷第51题: The number of foreign students applying to U.S. universities decreased sharply after September 11 due to changes in the visa process. 3、定位词模糊 即使考生能够排除万难,读懂题目陈述中晦涩难懂的意思,寻找定位词仍然存在很大的障碍,因为这类题目往往不会出现非常明显的可以实践拿来主义的明显定位词(数字、时间、


段落信息匹配题 1.这种题型可以放到最后做。 2.考生难以按照阅读题一贯遵循的“顺序原则”解题。细节信息的排列绝对是“乱序的”,这就意味着从文章开头到结尾按顺序定位的方法是行不通的。 3.快速掌握文章脉络。通过阅读中心句快速掌握文章脉络。中心句一般出现在:1)首句;2)转折词如but ;3)因果关系联接词如as a result 引领的第二句;4)问句后面的答句。在找到 中心句后,读一下末句,可以更精确地掌控段意。若无特别明显的中心句,首尾句的阅读也有助于理解 段意。阅读过程当中,有的信息点明确可直接先去选出答案。这里我们也要明确要多看外文,掌握外文的行文思路。 4.一般而言文章组织有三大类。一是按时间,如货物运输,这是最简单的。二是按观点—原因—发展—瓶颈—措施—目标的布局来分析一件事物。三是偏科普的夹杂很多不同派别的理论,这个相对而言比较难。 5.划出句子中的关键词。由于人的短期记忆能力是有限的,在短时间内无法记 下所有的句子。因此需要寻找选项中的一些在最大程 度上概括整个选项的关键词。带着这些关键词去浏览全篇文章,找到它们所涉及的相关内容后,再研读细节,最终确定此句是否和该段匹配。 6.题干提供的信息表述中通常会出现一些具有特殊意义的指示性词汇,这类词 汇虽然不是通常意义上的定位关键词,但其特殊含义可将考生的注意力指向原文的开头、结尾或是某个具有特殊特征的段落。 这些词通常包括如下三类: ①能够指示开头段的词汇(如overview、introduction、initiation、main idea、definition等); ②能够指示结尾段的词(如overview、future、solution、conclusion、suggestion、summary等);③能够帮助考生回原文定位的特殊词汇(如rate、ratio、proportion、percentage等词往往对应含“%”的段落;number、figure、statistical demographics 等词往往对应数字集中的段落;financial、income、revenue、salary等词往往对 应含诸如“$”“¥”等货币符号的段落)。通过这些指示性词汇缩小回原文定位 的范围,从而快速判定。 7.正确选项一定是原文的同义转换,因此必须识别它们之间的转换关系。如果不能确定某些单句是否与该段落相匹配的8.首在次阅读过程中,最好做个记号,以便第二次阅读时更有针对性。第二次阅读的目的:一是检查已初步确定的段落与单句是否确实匹配;二是完成第一遍阅读中尚未解答的题目。


2019英语四级长篇阅读段落信息匹配题练习题(2) Section B Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each smtement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.1ndentify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Creative Book Report Ideas A.Are you at a loss for creative book report ideas for your students?If yes.then this article will help you make reading and reviewing books more creative for your class.In an age of PSPs,Xbox,anime and gaming arcades,reading has lost its foothold in the list of hobbies that children tend to cite. Most of the reading that kids do today,comes in the form of compulsory books that they need to read for school and maybe that is the reason they find reading to be an insurmountable and boring task.If you want to inculcate the love for languages and literary masterpieces in your students and want them to devour books everyone should read,then a good way of going about the same would be to get them to start working on creative book report ideas.While working on creative ideas for book reports,your students will have to understand the book in a way that allows them to come up with new ways to present to the class,the essence of the book.


英语四级段落信息匹配题做题技巧 阅读部分原来的快速阅读理解在改革后调整为长篇阅读理解。该题型阅读文章的长度和难度较之从前没有太大的改变,文章后面有十个句子,每个句子所含的信息出自文章的某个段落,要求考生分别找出与这十个句子相匹配的段落,所以该题型也可简称为段落信息匹配题。这个题型的难点在于所给的句子与文章的段落不是一一对应的关系:有的段落可能对应其中的两个句子,有的段落则可能不对应任何一个句子。从改革后的四级样题来看,该题型的阅读文章篇幅较长,而考生的做题时间只有十分钟。在这种情况下,考生应利用一些阅读技巧来加快解题速度。我们建议考生从以下两方面来着手。 第一,仔细阅读文章每个段落的首句和尾句。 段落的首句和尾句往往能提供与该段落主题相关的信息,阅读首、尾句能帮助考生大致了解每个段落的主要内容,进而帮助考生快速找到与句子相匹配的段落。以四级考试样题为例,根据E段的首句“Globalization is also reshaping the way research is done”,考生可以很快判断出这个段落与第49题的句子“The way research is carried out in universities has changed as a result of globalization”表达的意思相近,由此考生可以判断出第49题的句子与段落E相匹配。又如,根据I 段的首句“Most Americans recognize that universities contribute to the nation’s well-being through their scientific research, but many fear that foreign students threaten American competitiveness by taking their knowledge and skills back home”,考生大致可以推断出第55题的句子“When foreign students leave America, they will bring American values back to their home countries”所表达的信息在该段可能找到。再细看一下,考生便可在段落中看到这样的信息:“…and second, foreign students who study in the United States become ambassadors for many of its most cherished (珍视) values when they return home.”由此考生可以断定第55题与段落I相匹配。 其次,划出题干定位词,通过回原文寻读的方法查找与题干句子相匹配的段落。 题干句子中出现的专有名词(人名、地名、组织名、报刊杂志名等)、时间、数字以及关键名词(组)等都可以作为定位答案的题干定位词。考生可以回原文找含有定位词的句子,然后对照该句子与题干句子,如果两个句子意思相同或相近,则 “Since 该句子所在的段落便是答案。以样题的第47题为例,该题的题干句子如下: the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent.”考生可以用特征明显的两个数字the mid-1970s和3.9 percent作为题干定位词回原文定位,并可迅速找到与之匹配的C段的第二句:“Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent, from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5 million in 2004.”考生由此确定该题答案为C。


四六级段落信息匹配题最强解决方案 建昆老师有道学堂考神团队整理 关注我们,获得更多最新四六级备考资讯:微博@建昆老师,微信@有道考神四六级 (youdaoCET)从样卷及13年12月新题来看,此次涉及改革题目的特点是: 1、做题时间10~15分钟(整体阅读包括选词填空、匹配和精度,共计40分钟); 2、四级样卷显示需要将10道题目信息配对到9个段落中; 3、六级样卷显示需要将10道题目信息配对到15个段落中; 4、考试说明提到,某段可能被用到两次,而某段可能完全不被涉及。 5、这类题型的出题形式为:题干给出原文的若干条细节信息,要求考生找出文中分别有这些信息的段落(即题目当中会问道:which paragraph contains the following information?)。 实际考试中,在时间和耐力的双重压迫下,无奈的考生们颇有“可能就在此段中,只因文深不知处”的感慨! 难点分析: 1、顺序原则被打破 段落细节信息配对题之所以让无数考生闻之色变,主要在于这种题目打破了解答雅思阅读题目传统的阅读技巧和解题思路。首先,作为匹配题代表,这种题型明显不会遵守其他主流题型的“顺序原则”,考生从文章开头到结尾定位的方法显然行不通;

2、题目均为长句形式 其次,题目当中的表述通常是极其复杂和繁琐的名词短语或者长难句型,在试图寻找合适的定位词之前,考生往往就业已被题干错中复杂的表述搞得云里雾里了; 例如四级样卷第51题: The number of foreign students applying to U.S. universities decreased sharply after September 11 due to changes in the visa process. 3、定位词模糊 即使考生能够排除万难,读懂题目陈述中晦涩难懂的意思,寻找定位词仍然存在很大的障碍,因为这类题目往往不会出现非常明显的可以实践拿来主义的明显定位词(数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体和特殊符号等等),即使侥幸被我们碰到一个,这个定位词也通常和文章主题联系密切,且出现多次,所以并没有太大实用意义,例如上题中的U.S.; 4、两题对一段的可能性增加干扰性 最后,一般选择题至少是一对一进行对应的,如果能够成功选出一对,那么就至少可以排除一个选项。但是在段落细节信息对应题当中,四六级样卷明确提醒:You may choose a paragraph more than once. 一段可能被用两次。这样最有效的排除法在这里也就再无用武之地了。 所以,从上面四个特点不难看出,如果想从根本上解决这种题型,考试方的思路是希望考生能够从头到尾读完一遍文章,从宏观和微观两个方面全面掌握文章的结构和细节信息之后再进行解题的,但是这种思路对于阅读水平和单词量都有限


英语四六级段落匹配题解题终极技巧: 【了解题型】段落匹配题,样卷显示要求将10道题目信息配对到9-15个段落中;考试题型题目数量允许有变化,某段可能被用到两次,而某段可能完全不被涉及。 【出题形式】这类题型的出题形式为:题干给出原文的若干条细节信息,要求考生找出文中分别有这些信息的段落。 【解题方法】 段落匹配题解题只需要三步: 1、在题目中确认定位词。 2、在各个段落中找到定位词。 3、核对与排除。 这里我们温习一下这类题目的解题方法: ①关键词明显的,先找能够明显定位的题目,为其他题目排除干扰。 ②主要定位专有名词和有特别特点的词。 ③不能完全定位的题目段落,试着翻译题目,理解相关思想后找到部分对应或意思相近的部分进行进一步确认。 ④有两个或两个以上大写字母的人名,将优先作为我们的定位关键词。 ⑤定位关键词选择了恰当答案后,当后面的习题和词选项发生冲突(定位词冲突),再进行进一步的核查(段落含义及更多信息,其他名词、动作发出者、时间、感情色彩) ⑥一道题中,有很多的关键词可以用于定位,但不是很好确定位置,我们一般通过人名及专有名词等定位到指定的段落后,再去寻找其他可能是匹配词的部分,并考虑句子含义,看是否能够对应!

⑦在问题中,如果没有人名、专有名词等具有两个或两个以上大写字母、斜体字母的名词时,我们将动作发出者、主人公、主要研究项目等句子中主要描写的对象,作为定位词。大的事变或大型的政策相关话题,那么这个事变应该作为我们要找的定位词。 ⑧题目中,无法确定两个以上大写字母的人名且没有明显的大事变可以作为定位词的时候。如果题目中有强烈的感情色彩的词语(difference、very、essential、vital important )可以将它作为定位词。但确定定位的段落后,还要检查一下,题中这个你选择的感情色彩的词语的对象和段落中出现这个词语前后的对应的对象是否匹配一致。 ⑨英雄主义事件或者影响具有永久性、长远性的改变类的词语或相关表达,那么应该将它作为定位词。在剩余的选项中按照选项的顺序依次逐一排查(记住,出题人不会难为你,一定在最前面或很近的选项即可找到,切记要有耐心) ⑩选项中是否出现了过多的唯一剩下那道题目中没有表达的含义(尤其是人名、时间、数字、项目),排除并永远排除。看剩下那道题目能否找到对应的含义及感情色彩。一般第一步就已经排除了所有剩余的不符合标准的答案。 【找到定位词后的排除原则永远只有两个】: ①一旦题目中出现了新旧这类明显的强调词,那么匹配给他的段落选项就必须对这个强调予以明确对应。如果没有,一定是错误的!——不能选。 ②他过多表达的,我没有;我需要的,他没有! 【特别注意】如果你找到的定位词出现在该段最后一处。要引起警惕,它可能不是答案。通过具体信息细节的匹配,进行谨慎的核查。 【无法定位的解决办法】 ①没有明显的专属名词可以定位的时候,选择短小精悍的名词更好找,但注意,找到之后,要注意匹配其他主要信息,尤其是描述对象是否一致。


2020年大学英语四级阅读段落信息匹配训练(2) Why I Became a Teacher: to Pass on My Love of Literature A) Like lots of people, I never thought I'd be a teacher when I was at school. To be honest l only did my training because my husband was on a four-year course and 1was on a three-year course at Cardiff University so I wanted to do something for one year. I thought doing a teaching qualification would be interesting and might be quite use full I'm convinced that nothing else I might have done would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction, or fitted in so well with family life. B) When I retire, in just a few years time, I can look back on a career which made a positive difference to the lives of thousands of children. Few other career choices can be so rewarding, so if you have a love of your subject and want the opportunity to pass that on then teaching can be a great career. C) Anyone going into teaching now will be used to teaching to formal work schemes and observation. I think it has raised standards in the profession but personally I feel the loss in the classroom. I've got the confidence of 30 years experience. I've seen new approaches come and go (and sometime even identical "new ideas" come and go more than once). D) For me, it's the passion for your subject and interest in the success of your students that matters more than how all the acronyms (首字母缩略词) add up. This is what will make you a good teacher. There's still room for individuals


四级段落信息匹配题最详尽解法说明 2013年8月14日,四六级官网确认自13年12月考次起,四六级试卷将使用“匹配型长篇阅读”代替快速阅读。这就是在托福及雅思阅读题目中经常出现的段落信息匹配题。 从样卷看,此次涉及改革题目的特点是: 1、做题时间10~15分钟(整体阅读包括选词填空、匹配和精度,共计40分钟); 2、四级样卷显示需要将10道题目信息配对到9个段落中; 3、六级样卷显示需要将10道题目信息配对到15个段落中; 4、考试说明提到,某段可能被用到两次,而某段可能完全不被涉及。 5、这类题型的出题形式为:题干给出原文的若干条细节信息,要求考生找出文 中分别有这些信息的段落(即题目当中会问道:which paragraph contains the following information?)。 实际考试中,在时间和耐力的双重压迫下,无奈的考生们颇有“可能就在此段中,只因文深不知处”的感慨! 难点分析: 1、顺序原则被打破 段落细节信息配对题之所以让无数考生闻之色变,主要在于这种题目打破了解答雅思阅读题目传统的阅读技巧和解题思路。首先,作为匹配题代表,这种题型明显不会遵守其他主流题型的“顺序原则”,考生从文章开头到结尾定位的方法显然行不通; 2、题目均为长句形式 其次,题目当中的表述通常是极其复杂和繁琐的名词短语或者长难句型,在试图寻找合适的定位词之前,考生往往就业已被题干错中复杂的表述搞得云里雾里了; 例如四级样卷第51题:

The number of foreign students applying to U.S. universities decreased sharply after September 11 due to changes in the visa process. 3、定位词模糊 即使考生能够排除万难,读懂题目陈述中晦涩难懂的意思,寻找定位词仍然存在很大的障碍,因为这类题目往往不会出现非常明显的可以实践拿来主义的明显定位词(数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体和特殊符号等等),即使侥幸被我们碰到一个,这个定位词也通常和文章主题联系密切,且出现多次,所以并没有太大实用意义,例如上题中的U.S.; 4、两题对一段的可能性增加干扰性 最后,一般选择题至少是一对一进行对应的,如果能够成功选出一对,那么就至少可以排除一个选项。但是在段落细节信息对应题当中,四六级样卷明确提醒:You may choose a paragraph more than once. 一段可能被用两次。这样最有效的排除法在这里也就再无用武之地了。 所以,从上面四个特点不难看出,如果想从根本上解决这种题型,考试方的思路是希望考生能够从头到尾读完一遍文章,从宏观和微观两个方面全面掌握文章的结构和细节信息之后再进行解题的,但是这种思路对于阅读水平和单词量都有限的四六级考生来说有些难 针对四级样题,我们对四级考生提出以下做题建议: 段落信息匹配题的做题攻略 一、先看题再看文章 1、段落细节信息配对题的陈述虽然都是文章细节信息,但是表述基本都是围绕文章标题或者每一段落的主题进行描述的,通过快速阅读题干部分表述,可以迅速了解文章主旨大意。 如四级样卷中Q46~Q48 46 American universities prepare their undergraduates for global careers by giving them chances for international study or internship.


英语四六级段落信息匹配题 一、英语四六级段落信息匹配题是什么? 原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。四级考试需要各位同学做的是,大家需要去看十个左右的段落,然后去匹配十个信息点。但是到六级当中,我们的难度就要增加了,我们见到的情况是六级当中变成了15个段落,去匹配十个信息点。但总体来看,不管题型怎么变,其实学习方法没变,还是仍旧需要大家提高阅读的能力,比如说读文章的时候,是不是直接拿英语读,如果读快速阅读的时候,还是拿中文边翻译边读的话,会发现阅读速度一直会比较慢,所以那么长的文章很难找到细节,所以大家一定要养成拿英语直接阅读的这样一种习惯,这样才能保证我们的阅读真正速度又快又准。 二、样题: Universities Branch Out A) As never before in their long history, universities have become instruments of national competition as well as instruments of peace. They are the place of the scientific discoveries that move economies forward, and the primary means of educating the talent required to obtain and maintain competitive advantage. But at the same time, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and especially people has made universities a powerful force for global integration, mutual understanding and geopolitical stability. B) In response to the same forces that have driven the world economy, universities have become more self-consciously global: seeking students from around the world who represent the entire range of cultures and values, sending their own students abroad to prepare them for global careers, offering courses of study that address the challenges of an interconnected world and collaborative (合作的) research programs to advance science for the benefit of all humanity. C) Of the forces shaping higher education none is more sweeping than the movement across borders. Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent, from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5 million in 2004. Most travel from one developed nation to another, but the flow from developing to developed countries is growing rapidly. The reverse flow, from developed to developing countries, is on the rise, too. Today foreign students earn 30 percent of the doctoral degrees awarded in the United States and 38 percent of those in the United Kingdom. And the number crossing borders for undergraduate study is growing as well, to 8 percent of the undergraduates at America’s best institutions and 10 percent of all undergraduates in the U.K. In the United States, 20 percent of the newly hired professors in science and engineering are foreign-born, and in China many newly hired faculty members at the top research universities received their graduate education abroad. D) Universities are also encouraging students to spend some of their undergraduate years in another country. In Europe, more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of 2,200 participating institutions across the continent. And in the United States, institutions are helping place students in summer internships (实习) abroad to prepare them for global careers. Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least one international study or internship opportunity—and providing the financial resources to make it possible. E) Globalization is also reshaping the way research is done. One new trend involves sourcing portions of a research program to another country. Yale professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Tian Xu directs a research center focused on th e genetics of human disease at Shanghai’s Fudan University, in collaboration with faculty colleagues from both schools. The Shanghai center has 95 employees and graduate students working in a 4,300-square-meter laboratory facility. Yale faculty postdoctors and graduate students visit regularly and attend videoconference seminars with scientists
