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1. Think for a moment about your own life — the activities of your day, the possessions you enjoy, the surroundings in which you live. Is there anything you don’t have at this moment that you would like to have? Anything that you have, but that you would like more of? If your answer is “no,” then congratulations — either you are well advanced on the path of Zen self-denial, or else you are a close relative of Ted Turner . The rest of us, however, would benefit from an increase in our material standard of living. This simple truth is at the very core of economics. It can be restated this way: we all face the problem of scarcity.

2 Almost everything in your daily life is scarce. You would benefit from a larger room or apartment, so you have a scarcity of space. You have only two pairs of shoes and could use a third for hiking; you have a scarcity of shoes. You would love to take a trip to Chicago, but it is difficult for you to find the time or the money to go — trips to Chicago are scarce.

3 Because of scarcity, each of us is forced to make choices. We must allocate our scarce time to different activities: work, play, education, sleep, shopping, and more. We must allocate our scarce spending power among different goods and services: food, furniture, movies, long-distance phone calls, and many others.

4 Economists study the choices we make as individuals and how those choices shape our economy. For example, the goods that each of us decides to buy ultimately determine which goods business firms will produce. This, in turn, explains which firms and industries will hire new workers and which will lay them off.

5. Economists also study the more subtle and indirect effects of individual choice on our society. Will most Americans continue to live in houses, or — like Europeans will most of us end up in apartments? Will we have an educated and well-informed citizenry? Will museums and libraries be forced to close down? Will traffic congestion in our cities continue to worsen, or is there relief in sight? These questions hinge, in large part, on the separate decisions of millions of people. To answer them requires an understanding of how people make choices under conditions of scarcity.

6. Think for a moment about the goals of our society. We want a high standard of living for all citizens: clean air, safe streets, and good schools. What is holding us back from accomplishing all of these goals in a way that would satisfy everyone? You probably already know the answer: scarcity. 1. 想一想你的生活:你每天从事的活动,你所拥有的财产,你所居住的环境。此时此刻,你是否希望拥有一些你所没有的东西?对于那些你已经拥有的,你是否希望拥有更多?如果你的答案是否定的,那么恭喜你:你要么早已看破红尘,要么就是腰缠万贯。然而,我们大多数人的答案却是肯定的,我们都希望拥有更多,从而进一步提高物质生活水平。这一简单的真理就是经济学的核心。我们或许可以重新表述这个问题:我们都面临稀缺。

2 几乎日常生活中的一切都是稀缺不足的。比如说你希望你的房间或公寓能再大点儿,那么对你而言,居住空间就是稀缺的;比如说你只有两双鞋,你还想拥有一双适于徒步旅行,那么鞋子对你来说就是稀缺的;再比如说你很想去趟芝加哥,可是你既没有余钱也没有空闲去,那么芝加哥之行对你而言就是稀缺的。

3 因为稀缺,我们不得不进行选择。我们不得不把稀缺的时间在工作、娱乐休闲、教育、睡眠、购物等不同的活动中进行分配;我们也不得不把稀缺的金钱在食物、家具、电影、长途电话等不同的产品和劳务中进行分配。

4. 经济学家研究社会中个体的选择及这些选择对个体经济状况的影响。例如,个体对产品的选择最终决定了企业生产什么产品,这继而又决定了哪些企业要招工,哪些企业要裁员。

5 经济学家也研究个体的选择对社会所产生的细微的间接的影响。多数美国人的家的归宿是独立的房子还是像欧洲人那样的公寓?国民受教育程度会越来越高吗?博物馆和图书馆以后都得关门歇业吗?城市里的交通堵塞会越来越严重还是会缓解在即呢?这些问题在很大程度上都取决于成千上万个个体的决定。若想回答这些问题必须明白人们如何在稀缺的前提下进行选择。


7 Society’s problem is a scarcity of resources — the things we use to make goods and services. Economists classify resources into three categories: labor, capital, land. Anything produced in the economy comes, ultimately, from some combination of these resources. Think about the last lecture you attended at your college. You were consuming a service — a college lecture. What went into producing that service? Labor was supplied by your instructor. Many types of capital were used as well. The physical capital included desks, chairs, a blackboard or transparency projector, and the classroom building itself. It also included the computer your instructor may have used to write out his or her lecture notes.

In addition, there was human capital —your instructor’s specialized knowledge and lecturing skills. Finally, there was land — the property on which your classroom building sits. These very same resources, however, could instead be used to produce other desirable things, such as primary schools, hospitals. As a result, every society must have some method of allocating its scarce resources — choosing which of our many competing desires will be fulfilled and which will not be.

8. Many of the big questions of our time center on the different ways in which resources can be allocated. The cataclysmic changes taking place in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union arose from a very simple fact: the method these countries used to allocate resources was not working.

9 What does it cost you to go to the movies? If you answered seven or eight dollars, because that is the price of a movie ticket, then you are leaving a lot out. Most of us are used to thinking of cost as the money we must pay for something. A Big Mac costs $2.50, a new Toyota Corolla costs $15,000, and so on. Certainly, the money we pay for goods or service is a part of its cost, but it is not necessarily the entire cost or even the largest part of the cost. Economics takes a broader view of costs, recognizing monetary as well as nonmonetary components.

10 The total cost of any action — buying a car, producing a computer, or even reading a book — is what we must give up when we take that action. This cost is called the opportunity cost of the action, because any economic activity uses up scarce resources and therefore requires us to give up the opportunity to enjoy other things for which those resources could have been used.

11 The opportunity cost of any choice is what we give up when we make that choice.

12 Opportunity cost is the concept of cost that should be used in decision making.

13 Virtually every action we take as individuals uses up scarce money or scarce time or both. Hence, every action we choose requires us to sacrifice other enjoyable goods, services, and activities for which we could have used our time and money. 7社会的稀缺主要是资源的稀缺。资源是指我们用于生产产品和劳务的东西。经济学家把资源分为三类:劳动力、资本和土地。经济社会中任何产品和劳务的生产都需要这三种资源。比如你刚听过的一节大学课,你正在消费一种劳务——大学讲课。这种劳务都需要什么资源呢?既需要教师提供劳动力,也需要各种各样的资本,如桌子、椅子、黑板、电脑、投影仪、教室等物质资本。它还需要人力资本,即教师的专业知识和讲课技巧。最后,还需要教室所占用的土地。然而,这些资源亦可用于生产其它人们想要的东西,如新的民宅、医院、汽车厂,或是学校。因此,每一个社会都必须采用一些分配其稀缺资源的方法一选择满足哪些最紧迫的需求。

8 我们这个时代的许多大问题都与资源的分配密切相关。东欧和苏联巨变的根本原因只有一个:这些国家资源分配方式行之无效。

9 看一场电影的成本是多少?如果只因电影票的价钱是7或8美元,你就回答说7或8美元,那么你就大错特错了。的确,我们已经习惯了把支付了多少钱视为购买某物的成本,如买一个巨无霸要付2.5美元,买一辆新的丰田花冠要付l 万5千美元。可是我们为一件产品或一项劳务所支付的钱并不是其全部成本,有的甚至只占其全部成本的极小份额。经济学家赋予成本更广泛的含义,涵概了钱和非钱的因素。

10 任何行为的全部成本一购买汽车、电脑,甚至是读书一都是我们为此所必须放弃的一切。因为任何行为都要耗掉稀缺的资源而迫使我们放弃享受其它事物(其它事物也需要这些资源)的机会,所以这种对其它机会的放弃被称为该行为的机会成本。

11 任何选择的机会成本就是为其所放弃的其它机会。


13 几乎个人的每一个行为都要耗掉稀缺的金钱或时间或二者兼而有之,因此我们的每一次选择都迫使我们牺牲掉其它的产品和劳务,因为那些也需要时间和金钱。

For example, it took a substantial amount of the authors’ time to write this textbook. Suppose that the time devoted to writing the book could instead have been used by one of the authors to either (1) go to law school, (2) write a novel, or (3) start a profitable business.

14 Do all of these alternatives together make up the opportunity cost of writing this book? Not really. The time released from not writing the book would not be sufficient to pursue all of these activities. Only those alternatives that would actually have been chosen should be identified as the opportunity cost of writing the book. But which one would have been chosen? The one that is next most attractive to the decision maker. The opportunity cost of any choice, then, is the next most attractive alternative that must be sacrificed. The other less valuable alternatives would not have been chosen and therefore play no role in making a decision.

15 To explore this notion of opportunity cost further, let’s go back to an earlier question: What does it cost to see a movie? Suppose some friends ask Jessica to a movie located 10 minutes from campus. To see the movie, Jessica will use up scarce funds to buy the movie ticket and scarce time traveling to and from the movie and sitting through it. The money she uses for the movie ticket would otherwise have been spent on a long-distance phone call to a friend in Italy —her next best use of the money — and the time would otherwise have been devoted to studying for her economics exam — her next best use of time. For Jessica, then, the opportunity cost of the movie consists of two things: (1) a phone call to her friend and (2) a higher score on her economics exam. Seeing the movie will cost Jessica to sacrifice both of these valuable alternatives, since the movie will cost Jessica both money and time.

16 Now consider Samantha, a highly paid consultant who lives in New York City, several miles from the theater, and who has a backlog of projects to work on. As in Jessica’s case, seeing the movie wil l use scarce funds and scarce time. But for Samantha, the particulars will be different. First, the money costs are greater. There is not only the price of the movie ticket, but also the round-trip cab fare, which could bring the direct money cost to $20. However, this is only a small part of Samantha’s opportunity cost.

Let’s suppose that the time it takes Samantha to find out when and where the movie is playing, hail a cab, travel to the movie theater, wait in line, sit through the previews, and travel back home in four hours — not unrealistic for seeing a movie in Manhattan.

Samantha’s next best alternative for using her time would be to work, on her consulting projects, for which she would earn $150 per hour. In this case, We can measure the entire opportunity cost of the movie in monetary terms: first, the direct money costs of the movie and cab fare ($20), and second, the forgone income associated with seeing the movie ($150× 4hours =$600), for a total of $620! 例如,写这本教材需要作者很多时间,而这些时间亦可以用于(1)攻读法律,(2)写一本小说,(3)经商。

14 所有以上被放弃的选择机会都是写这本教材的成本吗?非也。放弃编写教材而空出来的时间并不足以完成以上三项可能的机会。只有那些真的可能被选中去做的才是编写本教材的机会成本。但是到底哪一项会被选中呢?对决策者第二有吸引力的那一项。所以任何选择的机会成本就是第二有吸引力的,但为了该选择而不得不放弃的选择机会。其它的不够有吸引力的机会就被排除掉,在决策时也不必考虑进成本内。

15 为了进一步更好的理解机会成本的概念,让我们回到最初的问题:看一场电影的成本是多少?假设杰西卡的朋友邀请她一起去电影院(距校园路程约为10分钟)看一场电影。为了看电影,杰西卡需要花费稀缺的金钱去买电影票,要花费稀缺的时间去电影院并看电影。她买电影票的钱如果不花的话,就可以给她意大利的一位朋友打个长途电话,此乃该钱的第二最佳用途。她看电影的时间如果不花费的话,她就可以用这些时间来复习功课,为经济学考试做准备,此乃该时间的第二最佳用途。因此,对于杰西卡而言,看一场电影的机会成本由两部分组成:(1)打给朋友的电话;(2)更高的经济学考试成绩。看这场电影需要杰西卡同时放弃二者,因为看电影既要花钱,也要花费时间。

16 现在再让我们看一下瑟曼莎看一场电影的成本是多少。与作为学生的杰西卡不同,瑟曼莎是一位住在纽约的有着较高收入的咨询师,她的住所离电影院有几英里远,她的手头还积压着好多项目要做。对于杰西卡而言,看电影要花费她稀缺的时间和金钱,但对于瑟曼莎而言,具体的花费则有所不同。首先,金钱成本更高:不仅需要花钱买电影票,来去还要花钱打车,二者相加为20美元。然而这仅是她看电影的机会成本的一小部分而已。



17 At such a high price, you might wonder why Samantha would ever decide to see a movie. Indeed, the same reasoning applies to almost everything Samantha does besides work. It is very expensive for Samantha to talk to a friend on the phone, eat dinner or even sleep — all of these activities require her to sacrifice the direct money costs plus another $150 per hour of forgone income. Should Samantha ever choose to pursue any of these activities?

The answer for Samantha is the same as for Jessica or anyone else: yes —if the activity is more highly valued than what is given up. It is not hard to imagine that, after putting in a long day at work, leisure activities would be very important to Samantha — worth the money cost and the forgone income required to enjoy them.

18 With an understanding of the concept of opportunity cost and how it can differ among different individuals, you can understand some behavior that might otherwise appear strange. For example, why do high-income people rarely shop at discount stores like Kmart , preferring full-service stores where the same items carry muc h higher price tags? It’s not that high-income people like to pay more for their purchases, but that discount stores are generally understaffed and crowded with customers, so shopping there takes more time. While discount stores offer a lower money price, they impose a higher time cost. For high-income people, these stores are actually more costly than stores with higher price tags. We can also understand why the most highly paid consultants, entrepreneurs, attorneys, and surgeons often lead such frenetic lives, doing several things at once and packing every spare minute with tasks. Since these people can earn several hundred dollars for an hour of work, every activity they undertake carries a correspondingly high opportunity cost. Brushing one’s teeth can cost $10, and driving to work can cost hundreds! By combining activities — making phone calls while driving to work, thinking about and planning the day while in the shower, or reading the morning paper in the elevator —the opportunity cost of these routine activities can be minimized.

19 From an individual’s point of view, it is useful to think of opportunity cost as arising from the scarcity of time or money; for society as a whole, it arises from the scarcity of society’s resources. Since human wants are unlimited, while society’s resources are not, no society can produce enough of everything to satisfy everyone’s desires simultaneously. Therefore, all production carries an opportunity cost. To produce and enjoy more of one thing, we must shift resources away from producing something else.

20 Consider a goal on which we can all agree: better health for our citizens. What would be needed to achieve this goal? More medical checkups for more people and greater access to top-flight medicine when necessary. These, in turn, would require more and better trained doctors, more hospital buildings and laboratories, and more high-tech medical equipment such as CAT scanners and surgical lasers. 17 你或许在想为什么瑟曼莎要决定去看一场如此“昂贵”的电影。事实上,此理可推及瑟曼莎工作以外的一切活动:对瑟曼莎而言,和朋友煲电话粥,出席晚宴,甚至睡觉休息都非常“昂贵”,因为所有这些活动都需要她直接花费金钱,而且更为重要的是需要她放弃每小时150美元的收入。既然如此“昂贵”,瑟曼莎是否应该从事这些活动呢?无论对于瑟曼莎,还是杰西卡或其它人答案都是相同的:应该——如果这些活动的价值高于放弃的。不难想象,经过了一整天辛苦的工作,休闲娱乐对瑟曼莎来说是非常重要的——其价值超过机会成本。

18 理解了机会成本的概念及不同人从事同一活动的机会成本不同以后,你就能够理解某些看似奇怪的行为。比如说,收入较高的人很少去Kmart这样的大型连锁超市,而偏爱那些全方位服务的商店。这并不是因为这些人愿意多付钱,而是因为一般来讲,在大超市里服务员人数较少(因为是自选),而顾客人数较多(因为便宜),所以在那里购物需要花费更多的时间。虽然超市的商品价格低,但时间成本高,所以对收入较高的人来说,超市里的东西实际上要比商店里的贵。


19 对于个人而言,机会成本的产生是由于时间和金钱的稀缺,对于社会整体而言,是由于社会资源的稀缺。人的欲望是无止境的,而资源却是有限的,任何一个社会都不可能同时生产足够的产品和劳务来满足所有人的愿望。因此,所有的生产都孕含着机会成本:若生产和享用一种,必须减少或放弃生产和享用另外一种。

20 我们都有一个共同目标:为全体公民提供更好的医疗保健。如何实现该目标?这就需要为更多的人提供更多次数和更全面的医疗检查,更多的在必要时使用好药的机会,这继而需要更多的和更好的医生,更多的医院和实验室,更多的高科技的医疗设备(如CAT扫描仪和外科激光手术)。

In order for us to produce these goods and services, we would have to pull resources —land, labor, machinery, and raw materials —out of producing other goods and services that we also enjoy. The opportunity cost of improved health care, then, consists of these other goods and services we would have to do without.

21Opportunity cost is one of the most important ideas you will encounter in economics. The concept sheds light on virtually every problem that economists consider, whether it be explaining the behavior of consumers or business firms or understanding important social problems like poverty or racial discrimination. In all of these cases, economists apply the principle of opportunity cost.

22 The Principle of Opportunity Cost: All economic decisions made by individuals or society are costly. The correct way to measure the cost of a choice is its opportunity cost — that which is given up to make the choice.


1)If your answer is "no", then congratulations—either you are well advanced on the path of Zen self-denial, or else you are a close relative of Ted Turner. The rest of us, however, would benefit from an increase in our material standard of living. This simple truth is at the very core of economics. It can be restated this way: we all face the problem of scarcity.

2)Economists also study the more subtle and indirect effects of individual choice on our society. Will most Americans continue to live in houses, or—like Europeans will most of us end up in apartments? Will we have an educated and well-informed citizenry? Will museums and libraries be forced to close down?

Will traffic congestion in our cities continue to worsen, or is there relief in sight? These questions hinge, in large part, on the separate decisions of millions of people. To answer them requires an understanding of how people make choices under conditions of scarcity.

3)Opportunity cost is one of the most important ideas you will encounter in economics. The concept sheds light on virtually every problem that economists consider, whether it be explaining the behavior of consumers or business firms or understanding important social problems like poverty or racial discrimination. In all of these cases, economists apply the principle of opportunity cost. 为了生产这些产品和劳务,我们就不得不放弃土地、劳动力、机械、原材料等资源用于生产其它我们也想要的产品和劳务的机会。提高医疗保健的机会成本就是我们所放弃的其它的产品和劳务。

21 机会成本是经济学中的一个重要概念。这一概念有助于理解一切经济问题,包括从消费者或公司的行为选择到贫困或种族歧视等一些重大社会问题。在解释以上这些问题时,经济学家都采用了机会成本的原则。

22 机会成本原则:无论是个人还是社会所做的经济决策都是有成本的。衡量其成本的正确方式是衡量该决策的机会成本——为选择该项所放弃的其它选择机会。






The pearl 吉纳,一位穷渔夫,刚发现了一颗非常大而且非常珍贵的珍珠,准备去最近的城镇把它卖掉。他急切需要钱给刚给蝎子螫伤的孩子看病。吉纳发现珍珠前,他---一位可以看病的医生拒绝给孩子治病,因为吉纳付不起治疗费。 一个小镇就像个集群动物,有神经系统头肩膀和肢。它与其他城镇不想连。因此没有两座城镇是相似的。城镇里还有完整的感情。要知道消息是怎样传遍整个小镇的可是个难解之谜。消息传得似乎比小男孩冲出去告诉别人的速度还快,比女人隔着篱笆大声说消息的速度还要快。? 在吉纳胡安纳和其他渔夫回到吉纳的茅草屋前,小镇的神经正随着消息--吉纳发现了世界上最大的珍珠--传播而奔腾,跳动。跑得气喘吁吁的小男孩还没说出这个消息,母亲们早已知晓了。消息席卷而过茅草屋,激起波浪泡沫,然后冲进镇里的石头灰泥瓦房里。消息传到正在花园里散步的牧师,他的眼中露出若有所思的表情,他想起教堂的有些地方该维修了,他纳闷珍珠值多少钱。他想知道是否为吉纳的婴儿施过洗礼,或是否主持过他的结婚仪式。消息传到零售商那儿的时候,他们看着卖的不太好的男式衣服。?? 消息传到医生那儿的时候,他正在给一位妇人看病,这位夫人的疾病其实就是“年龄太老的问题”,尽管他们两人都不承认这点。弄清楚谁是吉纳后,医生变得严肃认真而又明智起来。医生说,“他是我的一个病人,我在给他的孩子治疗被蝎子螫伤的伤口。”眼珠在肿眼泡的眼眶内转来转去,医生想起巴黎,想起那他住过的既宽敞又豪华的房间。越过他的老年病人,医生仿佛看见自己坐在巴黎的一家餐馆,男侍者正在打开酒瓶。 消息早早地传到了教堂前乞讨者,他们咯咯地高兴地笑着,因为他们知道没有比突然


综合英语教程2课后翻译答案汇总 Book Two Unit 1 Someone Waiting 1. I don’t like to see people off at the railway station. 2. The company is giving a farewell party for you on Monday evening. A car will come to your hotel to pick you up at half past seven. 3. She was so excited that she couldn’t help giving me a warm embrace. 4. I never quite succeed in overcoming the sense of being out of place. 5. She glanced round the room to see who was there. 6. His big shoes look like small boats. 7. You should fold the eggs into flour instead of doing it in the opposite way. Unit 2 Football 1. He thinks that the marriage between them is no more than a business deal. 2. He used up all the money he had. 3. The young man saved your daughter from drowning. 4. She had absolutely nowhere to go, so she read some old books at


第六单元文体翻译 第一节新闻报道 一、新闻翻译的特点 1、翻译讲求实效 2、可以适当增减 ?翻译:遵循翻译标准进行全文翻译。 ?编译:紧扣原作主题思想,从原作选取最有价值的内容,遵循篇章构建的一般规律,基本按照原作的时间先后顺序和逻辑关系组织行文,再按照翻译的一般原则,将其译成目的语的过程。(王涛2004) ?摘译:摘取一些认为重要的或者说传达了重要信息的段落和内容。(俞建村2001)(注意:必须完整地翻译抽取的内容。) ?参见教材第十章“翻译的类型” p135. 3、符合写作要求 (1)手法: ?以尽可能有趣的方式将一定事实展现出来。 (2)结构: ?编年史法(chronological method ): 依照事实发生先后按时间顺序叙述。 ?新闻导语法(news lead method ): 依照事实的重要性来铺陈、排列事实。 (3)语言: ?具体、准确、简明、通俗、生动。 4、内容力求准确 二、新闻的翻译 ?标题的翻译 ?电头的翻译 ?导语的翻译 ?正文的翻译 ?了解背景知识 例: US Missile Targets Iraqi Radar Site W ASHINGTON: A United States Air Force F-16 fighter plane fired a missile at an Iraqi radar site after the jet was tracked electronically while in the “no-fly” zone over southern Iraq, the Pentagon said yesterday. But the White House, explaining a long delay in announcing the strike, said it was unclear whether Iraqi radar has “locked on” to the plane on Saturday. A Pentagon spokesman said the F-16 returned safely to its base in Saudi Arabia. It was not immediately known if the Iraqi site was damaged. The spokesman, confirming the strike about 18 hours after it occurred, said an investigation was under way. Iraq denied any such incident had taken place. 美导弹击中伊拉克雷达基地 华盛顿电:五角大楼昨日宣称:一架美空军F-16战斗机在伊拉克南部禁飞区被电子跟踪后,向伊一雷达基地发射了导弹。 但是白宫在解释拖延很久才公布这次打击行动的原因时称:星期六时尚不清楚伊雷达是否已“锁定”了这架飞机。 五角大楼的一位发言人说,该F—16战斗机已安全返回设在沙特阿拉伯的基地,伊雷


综合学术英语翻译 Unit 1 1. 无论是谁,闯红灯都是对公共安全的极端漠视。 ( complete disregard for ) Whoever run the red light shows a complete disregard for public safety. 2. 他解释说,成功不过是自己对艺术的执着追求和运气罢了。 ( nothing more than ) Success, as he explained, was nothing more than a consistent pursuit of art and good luck. 3. 这个新产品得益于生物学与医学的交叉研究。 (at the crossroads between ) The new product has benefited from research work at the crossroads between biological and medical studies. 4. 他的观点与那位伟大哲学家的思想惊人地相似,但他声称从未听说过其观点。(echo ) It was amazing that this idea well echoed the great philosopher 's belief, which he claimed not to have heard about before. 5. 队员们进行了为期一个月的紧张训练,充分做好准备,以应对可能发生的各种突发情 况。(prepare …well for ) The one-month intense training program prepared the team members well for the possible emergencies. 6. 那位环保人士所做的演讲生动有力,给现场观众留下了深刻的印象。( be impressed with) The audience was deeply impressed with the vigor and power of the speech delivered by the environmentalist. 7. 这次旅行将为你提供一个难得的体验不同生活方式的机会。( sample) This traveling experience will provide you with a rare opportunity to sample a different way of life. 8. 充分利用有限时间是适应快节奏现代生活的必备技能之一。( use time to its fullest potential ) Using the limited time to its fullest potential is one of the must-have/required skills in adapting to the fast-paced modern life.


第10章Division(拆译法) 10.1 复习笔记 In division, we have to determine where to divide, how to divide, what the subject or the predicate of the new clause or sentence should be, and how to rearrange various parts of the original sentence. These may involve such techniques as Conversion, Addition and Inversion. 拆分时要注意以下问题:在哪里拆分,怎样拆分,新的从句或句子的主语、谓语分别是什么,以及如何重新组织这些部分。这里涉及到的技巧有转换法、增补法和倒置法。 一、Picking Out of Words(拆译单词) It is advisable to pick out those words which are hard to reproduce in the original structure and expand them into Chinese word groups, clauses or sentences. There are usually three steps to deal with such words: 翻译过程中,如果一个单词的意义很难用汉语在原有句法框架下表达出来,就可以把该单词抽取出来,并将其扩展为汉语词组、从句或句子。具体操作步骤如下: 1. Determine which word(s) to pick out; 确定需要抽取出来的单词; 2. Apply Conversion or Addition, if necessary, to make the translated version smooth and well-connected; 必要时运用转换法或增补法,使译文流畅、通顺;


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


Beauty 论美 —苏珊·桑塔格 For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons t hen were assumed to be what we now have to call whole person. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person’s “inside” and “outside”, they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates (苏格拉底) found it quite paradoxical (自相矛盾的)that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive ---- and so ugly. One of Socrates’ main pedagogical (教导的)acts was to be ugly ---- and teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. 在古希腊人看来,美是一种德性:一种优秀品质。那个时代的人大概就是我 们如今不得不称之为完人的人,尽管称之为完人仍让我们觉得有些辞不达意,还 带着些许嫉妒。要是古希腊人确实想到过要把一个人的“内在”与“外在”区分 开来,那么他们还是认为内在美应该与外在美相匹配。那些聚集在苏格拉底周围 的雅典富家子弟就发现,实在自相矛盾的是,他们心目中这位英雄如此聪颖、如 此勇敢、如此正直可敬的、如此富有魅力—又是如此丑陋。自身的长相丑陋也是 苏格拉底的现身说法之一:他要教导这些相貌出众却不谙世事的弟子们,生活确 实充满了矛盾。 他们也许充耳不闻苏格拉底的教训。我们则不然。几千年之后,我们更是小 心翼翼地看待美的魅力。我们不仅轻易地把“内在”和“外在”割裂开来,而且 发现一个人既相貌美丽,又德才兼备时,我们会觉得难以置信。 主要是由于基督教的影响,美才被剥夺了它在关于人的优秀品质的古典理想 中的中心位置。基督教把优秀的概念限制于道德上的美德,这样便把美束之高阁—视之为一种异化的、无常的、浅薄的魅力。于是美之声誉不断下降。将近两个 世纪中,人们已经约定俗成把美归之于两性中的一个性别:无论多么美丽,这个 性别总是第二性。把美和妇女相联系,结果使得美在道德上更容易受到批判和攻 击。 我们英语中常说,一个美丽的女子。但是却说一个英俊的男人。“英俊”是“美丽”的阳性等义词,也意味着拒绝“美丽”这个恭维字眼,因为这个字眼已 经由于专用于女子而带上了贬义色彩。在法语和意大利语中,可以说一个男人“美丽”,这表明天主教国家仍然保留着异教徒对美的崇拜的绪余,而不同于演化为 新教的基督教影响下的那些国家。不过要说存在区别的话,那也只是程度问题。 在每个现代国家里,不论是基督教国家还是基督教衰落后的国家,妇女都是美的 性别—这对妇女以及美这个概念都为害不浅。 人们认为,被称为美丽是点明女性性格上和关注问题方面本质的东西。(这



Unit 1 1.我不愿意告诉你,但是如果三个月内我们不能招揽到更多的顾客的话,归根结蒂的问题是公司将面临倒闭。(go out of business) I hate to tell you this,but if we don’t get more customers the next three months,the bottom line is that we’ll go out of business. 2.当局可能会对户外广告的副作用加以干预,但是,这并不意味着该禁令在法律上的合理性。它阻碍了我们的企划方案。(be concerned with) The authorities might be concerned with the side effects of the outdoor ads,but this does not mean the ban is legally justifiable.It has hindered us from scheduling our projects. 3.复杂的革新金融体系固然容易遭受破坏,但是单一、严格管制的金融体系势必导致经济发展迟缓。(susceptible) A sophisticated and innovative financial system is susceptible to destructive booms;but a simple,tightly regulated one will condemn an economy to grow slowly. 4.布什总统说他了解很多美国人都担心未来经济的发展,持续不稳定的房地产市场存在风险,使更多人面临失业危险。(in jeopardy) President Bush says he knows many Americans are concerned about the future of the economy,with the risk that continued instability in the housing market could put more jobs in jeopardy.

综合英语 1 课后翻译答案精编版

Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we used to. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At the critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天的友好访问。(head) A government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa yesterday, starting a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, for all your lessons as well as all the questions and all the answers can be shown on a screen. 4.张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。(send for) Zhang Li’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday, so he sent for a doctor immediately.

综合英语教程3 翻译 答案 中英

Unit1 1. She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates. 2. I’d been out of touch with Mary for year, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday. 3. The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him. 4. He husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad. 5. As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried. 6. I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets. 7. Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle. 8. I hope the food is to your liking. 9. I told the boys off for making so much noise. Unit2 1. He resolved to work on the complicated project immediately. 2. They saw an old man knocked over by a car coming from the opposite direction. 3. He walked unsteadily / stumbled along in the dark, groping for the light-switch. 4. After three month’s illness, he found it difficult to rise to his feet again. 5. Owing to the staff shortage, the task could not be fulfilled on schedule. 6. During the period of depression, the company was running into financial difficulties. 7. When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her. 8. He at last managed to hold on to the rock on the cliff and stopped himself from slipping. Unit3 1. Mother immediately sent Tom for the doctor. 2. She failed to bake the cake as she had run out of sugar. 3. I know how desperately busy you are now. 4. The whole class roared with laughter at Tom’s slip of the tongue. 5. Such things as needles and scissors should be kept out of the reach of children. 6. The soldiers stood under the burning scorching sun, drenched with sweat. 7. He returned to his own country / motherland in the end. Unit4 1. Obviously I overestimated my sense of direction. Net time, I will remember to bring along a map with me. 2. The mother is not thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish unfilial son. 3. She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time. 4. He and football were meant for each other from the start. 5. My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month. 6. If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternatives to a fire? 7. Being a clumsy person, he often subjects himself to ridicule. Unit5 1. Did James have supper with you on the night in question? 2. The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match. 3. To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the people of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal language. 4. The emergence of joint-venture enterprises has increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners. 5. Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them


Translation Unit1 1、天开始下雨,她走向附近的一个避雨处。 It started raining, she made for the nearest shelter. 2、她挑了一顶帽子,正好配她的衣服。 She picks out a cap which match her clothes perfectly. 3、我等了一个小时,可还是没见他的人影。 I waited for an hour, but he did not show up. 4、他们觉得还是呆在原地好。 They figured it was better to stay where they were. 5、小岛上发生的地震,造成了23人死亡。 The earthquake which struck the island caused 23 deaths. 6、在离开村子20年后,他终于回家了。 He returned home at length after being away from the village for 20 years. 7、她的许多同事已经失去了工作,她总算保住了。 Many of her colleagues have lost their job, while she eventually hold on to it.

Unit 2 1、老师告诉我瓶里的液体可以去除金属和瓷器上的污渍。 The teacher told me that the bottle of liquid could remove stains from the mental and china. 2、坐在我旁边的学生忐忑不安的看着考场的四周。 The students sitting beside me looked around the examination room with apprehension. 3、他现在大学毕业了,自己养活自己。 He is now out of college, and lives on his own. 4、他们轮流睡觉,以免出差错。 They took turns staying awake, in case anything went wrong. 5、大女儿也许会接父亲的班,等她长大后接管家业。 The elder daughter might follow her father’s footsteps, and take over the family business when she’s old enough. 6、他不得不跳下车,推车上山。 He had to get off the bike, and push it up to the hill. 7、这副手套将保护你的手不受冻。 The pair of gloves will protect your hands from the cold.


内蒙古医学院 2009级英语专业第三学年第五学期 翻译理论与实践(英译汉)模拟试题 2011年12月 (试题册) Section A Multiple Choice Questions (10 points) Section B T ranslation Improvement (10 points) Section C T ranslation of Phrases (10 points) Section D T ranslation of Sentences (10 points) Section E T ranslation of Paragraph (10 points) Section F T ranslation of T ext (20 points)

Section A Multiple Choice Questions (5×2=10 points) I. Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices marked A,B,C or D. 1. The translation process generally includes the following except __________. A. understanding B. revision C. transition D. expression 2. The translation levels generally cover the following except__________. A. text B. clusters of phrases C.word D.sentence 3. The translator should always avoid such two problems in expression as__________. A. over-statement & under-statement B. over-presentation & under- presentation C. over-revision & under-revision D. over-understanding & under-understanding 4. Translation skills include the following except__________. A. expression. B. annotation C. amplification D. adaptation 5. The following words are onomatopoeic words except__________. A.Smile B. giggle C. whiz D. murmur Section B T ranslation Improvement (5×2=10 points) Directions: Each of the following Chinese translations has one or two inadequacies. Improve the given translations by making minor changes Example: 原文:This thesis leaves much to be desired. 译文:这篇文章有很多地方让人喜欢。 改译:这篇文章有很多地方有待完善。 6.原文:With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.. 译文:随着这个信念,我们就能将刺耳、喧闹之声变成美丽的兄弟交响曲。 改译:。 7.原文:Of poetry I don’t read much and when I do I choose the dead lion in preference to the living dog . 译文:诗歌我读得不多,但如果要我选择的话,我喜欢死狮子胜过活狗。 改译:。

综合英语教程6 翻译

1. They can move a nation to fall on its knees and sincerely worship an Emperor who, without the clothes and the title, would drop to the rank of the cobbler and be swallowed up and lost sight of in the massed multitude of the inconsequentials... 衣着与头衔能让一个民族心甘情愿地跪拜在一个君主面前。而这个君主,如果没有衣着和头衔的支撑,会沦为鞋匠之流,消失在芸芸众生之中。 2. Is the human race a joke? Was it devised and patched together in a dull time when there was nothing important to do? 人类是玩笑的结果吗?是上帝感到无聊又无大事可做时草草拼在一起的玩物吗? 3. Mine are able to expand a human cipher into a globe-shadowing portent. 我的衣着能把我从一个无名小卒变成了一个全球耀眼的巨人。 4. And probably at no other point is the sense of shabbiness so keenly felt as it is if we fall short of the standard set by social usage in this matter of dress. 可能最感到寒酸的时刻是我们没按照社会的规范穿着自己。 5. It is true of dress in even a higher degree than of most other items of other consumption, that people will undergo a very considerable degree of privation in the comforts or the necessaries of life in order to afford what is considered a decent amount of wasteful consumption. 人们为了能付得起一定量的、通常被认为是浪费性的消费,会在生活的其他方面尽量节俭。这在穿衣方面表现得尤其明显。 6. The commercial value of the goods used for clothing in any modern community is made up to a much larger extent of the fashionableness, the reputability of the goods than of the mechanical service, which they render in clothing the person of the wearer. 在任何一个现代社会,用作穿着的商品的商业价值在很大程度上不取决于它的商业服务功能,而是该商品本身和在包装穿戴者时所产生的时髦效益及声誉。 7. This would require a loss of wholeness and self, a dishonest constraint. 这会使人们失去自我,是一种虚伪的限制。 1. Today, thanks to the democratization of technology, all sorts of countries have the opportunity to assemble the technologies, raw materials and funding to be producers, or subcontractors, of highly complex finished products or services, and this becomes another subtle factor knitting the world more tightly together. 今天,由于技术的普及,每个国家都有机会聚集各种技术、原材料和资金,成为制造商或转包商,生产或者销售高度复杂的终端产品或者服务,这成为另一种把世界更紧密地联系在一起的无形的因素。 2. The creation of this corporate bond market introduced some pluralism into the world of finance and took away the monopoly of the banks. 企业债券市场的出现,将多元化引入金融界,打破了银行的垄断。 3. Investment banks started approaching banks and home mortgage companies, buying up their whole portfolio of mortgage… 投资银行开始去找银行和房屋按揭公司,将它们的按揭债务全部买下 4. You could take your choice, and people did. 人们可以有多种选择,而且也确实这样做了。 5. By shrinking a world to a size smal l, globalization brings home to everyone just how ahead or behind they are. 全球化把世界缩小,全球化让每个人都可以看清楚,自己的日子是过得比人好还是比人差
