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推断题的题干中经常会出现下列词汇:infer, imply, most likely, probably等。考场上一旦看到这些词汇,就要立刻明确题型为推断题,并在心中默想一遍“适度推理”原则,确保推理的整体思路正确。




The term filibuster has been in use since the mid-nineteenth century to describe thetactic of delaying legislative action in order to prevent the passage of a bill.

It can be inferred from the information in paragraph 1 that around 1800,

(A) the first filibuster took place

(B) legislative action was never delayed

(C) the term filibuster was not in use in the U.S. Congress

(D) the Dutch introduced the term freebooter



One of the most beautiful of the more than 100,000 known species in the orderLepidoptera are the tiger moths, moths known for the striking appeal of their distinctivecoloration.

It is implied in the passage about the order Lepidoptera that

(A) all members of the order are moths

(B) there may be more than 100,000 species in this order

(C) all members of the order are brightly colored

(D) there are likely fewer than 100,000 species in this order





解读新托福阅读中推理题 解读新托福阅读中推理题。今天,天道小编要和同学们介绍的是新托福阅读中推理题解决策略。下面,和天道小编一起来看看吧: 断题就是所需要的信息都包含在文章中,但是没有直接加以说明,需要考生从已知中推出。推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely) 或probably 等词语。根据OG,在IBT 阅读的3篇文章中,每篇会有0-2道这类问题,一次考试总共有3-4道推断题。 一、推理题的两大分类:有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题。 这里所谓的有共性推理题就是说题干中有和原文内容相同的关键词(也叫线索)。根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。一般来说,大多数的推理题都属于这类题目。对于无共性的推理题,也就是题干中无线索,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。返回原文找信息点,采用排除法是解决这两类题型解决的共同策略。 二、推理题的三个具体的解题思路: 1、一般对比推理:根据两个事情的对比特征,问其中一个事物的特征,只要将与之形成对比的另外一个事情的特征否定掉就可以。 2、时间对比推理:在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。 3、集合概念推理:一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少。反之,相同。这个比较抽象,我们来看一个例子:例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution.来源:考试大 What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War? (A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers. (B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined. (C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war. (D) Farmers achieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation.


托福阅读题型解析之这三类错题原 本可以避免 托福阅读题型解析, 这三类错题原本可以避免,今天给大家带来了托福阅读题型解析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读题型解析这三类错题原本可以避免 托福阅读题型解析一简化题 形成原因: 这种题型可能大家最常见的解决方法就是根据翻译来解题,但是你的翻译正确吗?这就是这种题型错误的主要原因了。 分析及解决方法: 这种题型的正确解题方法应该是利用对句子的理解来解题,而不是靠翻译,再说你的翻译也不一定是正确的。这类题型容易出错的主要原因在于考生往往先对原句进行翻译,然后从选项中找出和原句翻译类似的答案。这样的解题方式的弊端在于浪费时间,而且往往选项翻译都和原句出入不大,在选择时常常出错。

句子简化题的正确做法是利用逻辑解题。使用这种方式不容易出错,因为这种解题方法是从题型考察目的得来的。步骤是:首先看到句子之后的第一个反应是找句子内部的逻辑关系。常见的逻辑关系有两种转折或者因果。举例来说,若原句有转折的逻辑关系,第一步需要做的事情是排掉选项中逻辑关系不对的即不是表示转折的,若选项中还有两个以上逻辑关系都相符合,那么采用的原则是逻辑成分的对应。托福阅读*技巧:这是第一步有逻辑关系的时候采用的方法;如果原句中没有明显的逻辑关系需要采用第二步--提取原句中的主干信息,排掉选项中主干信息不符的选项。 托福阅读题型解析二词汇题 形成原因: 这是托福阅读考试当是出场率较高的一类题型,这种题型的易错原因主要是因为词汇量不足、忽略词汇语境的作用导致的。 分析及解决方法: 对于托福阅读考试当中出现频率较高的题型——词汇题,大部分原因是因为考生的词汇的不足,造成词汇不熟悉或者被选项词给难住了。考生需要知道的是,托福阅读考试词汇题一般考察的是英语六级以上的词汇水平,要想这类题型不出错,那么你的词汇基础就一定要打好。


托福阅读推理题如何选出正确答案 一、推理题的标志 推理题的题干中一般含有infer, imply, most likely, least likely, probably等词,分为有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题两大类。 二、推理题的做法 对于无共性的推理题,也就是题干中无线索的,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。 对于有共性的推理题,也就是题干中有线索的,可以先圈定题干中的关键词,根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。推理题主要有下列思路: 1.一般对比推理 ETS设计推理题的手段不多,根据两个事物的对比特征出题是其中之一。问其中一个事物的特征时,只要将与之形成对比的另一个事物的特征否定掉就可以了。例如: It should be obvious that cetaceans–whales, porpoises, and dolphins–are mammals. They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses whose limbs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. 2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about early sea otters? &<61;It is not difficult to imagine what they looked like. &<61;There were great numbers of them. &<61;They lived in the sea only. &<61;They did not leave many fossil remains. 根据关键词sea otters定位第四句:However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds…,由原文的unlike可知sea otters和pinnipeds两种动物与whales形成对比,而且很难想象原始的whales的样子;根据“一般对比推理”思路,可以推出“原始的sea otters的样子不难想象”。第一个选项表达了此意,为正确答案。 2.时间对比推理 这种思路常被考到。在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。 例一: Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth…. …It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution. … It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution


新托福阅读之文本插入题解析 朗阁海外考试研究中心 南昌朗阁英语培训中心 文本插入题(Insert Text Questions)是新托福每次必考题型,每次题量不是很多,通常每篇文章0-1个左右。 问题形式: 在这类问题中,题目中给出一个新的句子,然后要求考生们利用文章的逻辑和句子之间的语法联系(比如代词的指代)来确定此句子在文章中最合适的位置。 注意:在文章中会出现四个黑色的方块,这些方块分布在句首或句末。四个方块有时都出现在一个段落中,有时分布在一段的末尾和下一段的开头。 Look at the four squares (■) that indicate where the following sentences could be added to the passage. (考生会看到一个黑体的句子) Where would the sentence best fit? 考生要做的是点击其中的一个方块,将这个句子插入文章。 解题步骤: 1. 读被插入的句子,找出句首或句尾的关键词或关键意思 2. 阅读可以插入方块前后的信息,寻找与插入句相关的意思 3. 选择与插入句最相关的方块 注意:如果出现以下情况,答案都可能是错误的:

★打乱了相邻句子之间的逻辑性 ★影响了转折语的正确使用 ★打乱了代词与其指代对象之间的逻辑关系 ★隔开了本是相邻的两句话 解题技巧: 1. 利用一些过渡词(如某些逻辑关系词或短语等)帮助确定插入句子的位置,或者帮助确定排除不适合的位置。 Much of the water in a sample of water-saturated sediment or rock will drain from it if the sample is put in a suitable dry place.█But some will remain, clinging to all solid surfaces.█It is held there by the force of surface tension without which water would drain instantly from any wet surface, leaving it totally dry.█ The total volume of water in the saturated sample must therefore be thought of as consisting of water that can, and water that cannot, drain away.█ Look at the four squares [█] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. What, then, determines what proportion of the water stays and what proportion drains away? Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. 技巧分析:首先读被插入的句子,它能给出的线索就是,该句子后面的信息应该是讲述“决定流干的水和不能流干的水的含量的因素”。读文中四个方块前后的信息,第一个方块前面的句子和后面的句子用关系逻辑词“but”连接,形成转折关系,不可插入其他内容;第二个方块后面的句子中出现“it”, 指代方块前面句子中的“some”, 插入其他内容会导致指代混乱,因此不可插入句子;第三个方块前后的信息用逻辑关系词“therefore”衔接,形成因果关系,也不可以插入其他内容,因此我们可以把被插入句子放在第四个方块那儿。如果考生们不确定,可以进一步读下一段中第一句


四种思维解决托福阅读推理题 托福阅读推理题是指重要信息隐藏在文章中,不会直接表露出来,需要考生自己从表面内容中推理出。通常看到infer、indicate、imply、suggest这类关键词,就能够判定题目类型是推断题。这类托福阅读题目并不像词汇题或者事实信息题,只需要对文章“肤浅的”理解就能快速解题,有点儿像文章总结题,需要费一番工夫,用一些耐心对文章深层了解才能解题。所以很多学生会觉得题目“难”。其实掌握了方法,稍微有些耐心就能提高这类题目的答对率,题目也就不像想象中的难了。下面文都国际小编就为大家实例讲解四种思维解决托福阅读推理题。 托福阅读推理题做题思维:对比逆推思维 往往可以逆推的题目,定位句有着明显的隐含反意,找到合适的答案就可以直接选。 Paragraph 2: Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islanders began as soon as outsiders encountered them, in the absence of solid linguistic, archaeological, and biological data, many fanciful and mutually exclusive theories were devised. Pacific islanders are variously thought to have come from North America, South America, Egypt, Israel, and India, as well as Southeast Asia. Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders. For example, British anthropologists G. Elliot Smith and


托福阅读题型十大技巧锦囊 “得阅读者,得天下。”托福阅读向来是考生提分必争之地,也是中国考生的传统强项。基本考生考前会采取题海战术,将自己武装成十万个我都知道。 于是,你背完了英文化学周期表;你了解了九大行星排列;你知道了最前沿的科技发展和美国经济新政;你是颗移动的the big bang 云硬盘。你只祈祷考前记住所有的这些信息量,考后再统统delete 。 如果考到一个你事先复习过的知识点,你欣喜若狂。 如果考到一个你似曾相识却扫视而过,你追悔莫及。 如果考到一个全新的知识点,恭喜你,你顿时挂机。 事实上,托福阅读的单词量是浩瀚星尘,无论你猜或不猜它都在哪里,不离不弃。所以,TPO 小站为冒星星眼的考生们编织了以下十个托福阅读答题锦囊,当你埋首题海两眼泪茫茫时,不妨看过来。 Reading Skills Top 10 1 Factual Information 2 Vocabulary 3 Negative Factual Information 4 Inference 5 Organization 6 Paraphrasing 7 Purpose 8 Insertion 9 Main Idea 10 Categorizing

十大技巧锦囊? 之一 小单词,大线索 Factual information【事实信息题】 “真相,永远只有一个!”20分钟一篇托福阅读,平均到800字篇幅的文章中去,再排除那些判断全文的主旨题,这是火眼晶晶的节奏啊。 所以事实信息题不是考你细工出慢活的时候,而是靠你抓Key words paraphrasing and location(关键词替换定位)。 如何最有效的锁定答案,这里小站针对事实信息题给出的第一条锦囊——小单词,大线索。 多年来,被应试题海战术训练的极其有素的考生们,早就学会了巧妙抓关键词了,但往往是我认识这个单词,但我还是选错了。就像你参加一个世界咖啡评选比赛,你觉得认为是白咖啡或巴西咖啡吧,但你未必知道土耳其咖啡才是咖啡之王。分析事实信息题的特点是:范围小,正确率极高。 题型表现最多形式是:因果关系和表比较级关系的长难句。 表因果关系的词: Cause:frontality/since/in that/on account of Effect:so that/therefore/as a result/consequently 表比较级的词: unlike…from /prior to/ more than 所以,在获取key words之后,我们要做的才是重点。你有看过柯南在发现一丝线索后就停止推理吗?不,所谓的大线索,就是将关键词放回原句,让案件重现,理顺关键句的因果关系,让正确选项浮出水面。 纸上谈兵终不靠谱,绝知此事要做真题! 小伙伴们快来小站托福板块,阅读区实践吧。


【实例解析】托福阅读主旨题解题技巧和细节 在托福阅读中,想要快速提升自己的成绩,最为重要的当然就是了解的就是托福阅读的“十大题型”。下面我们就为大家详细分析托福阅读中的一种“主旨题”。托福阅读最后一道大题是六选三,即从六个选项中选取三个,加上给出的句子,合成对全文的概括。正确选项的特征是”the most important ideas in the passage”,是文章的核心信息;错误选项的典型特征是文章细节。 文章题目:MINERALS AND PLANTS 下面分别是没段段首的信息: Paragraph 1 Research has shown that certain minerals are required by plants for normal growth and development. Paragraph 2 Mineral deficiencies can often be detected by specific symptoms such as chlorosis (loss of chlorophyll resulting in yellow or white leaf issue), necrosis (isolated dead patches), anthocyanin formation (development of deep red pigmentation of leaves or stem), stunted growth, and development of woody tissue in an herbaceous plant. Paragraph 3 Much of the research on nutrient deficiencies is based on growing plants hydroponically, that is, in soilless liquid nutrient solutions. Paragraph 4 While mineral deficiencies can limit the growth of plants, an overabundance of certain minerals can be toxic and can also limit growth. Paragraph 5 Scientists have known for some time that certain plants, called hyper accumulators, can concentrate minerals at levels a hundredfold or greater than normal. Paragraph 6 Only recently have investigators considered using these plants to clean up soil and waste sites that have been contaminated by toxic levels of heavy metals - an environmentally friendly approach known as phytoremediation.


新托福阅读题型介绍 一、细节题 特征:没有特征(因为其他题型都有各自的特征) 数量:每篇3-6题 难度:变化很大 策略:随机应变 二、选非题 特征:NOT/EXCEPT 数量:每篇1题 难度:较低 策略:一定要做对 三、推理题 特征:infer、imply 数量:每篇1-2题 难度:很高 策略:可以放 四、修辞题: 特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影 (2)个选项的开头为TO+关键动词(这些动词代表某个修饰手法,这样的动词很少, 所以遇到都要记住)PS:这类题目有可能会变形 五、词汇题 特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影 (2)以the word/phrase开头 数量:每篇3-6题 难度:非常简单 策略:一定要做对 六、指代题 特征:(1)原文与题干被打上阴影 (2)打上阴影的是某个代词 数量:1题 难度:较低(可以直接测试语法能力) 策略:要做对 七、复述题 特征:(1)原文中一个完整的句子被打上阴影 (2)题干为:which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer

choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 数量:1题 难度:很难或者很简单 八、插句题 特征:黑色小方框(■) 数量:1题 难度:较低 策略:要做对 九、归总题 特征:两排六个选项 数量:1题 难度:1分很简单,2分有点难 策略:保1争2 新增题型(参考TPO5):四选二题型:是细节题的变形 全文归纳题:可以去归总题找答案 第二部分各题型解题技巧串讲 阅读的步骤: 第1步:把动滚动条拉到底再拉到顶 (粗略看一遍文章) 第2步:点review键,做完词汇题(不看原文),同时关注一下是否有选非题(因为与原文 对应的东西很多) 第3步:边看边做阅读,要按顺序做(因为托福阅读,题目顺序和题目对应原文的顺序几乎一致。) PS:阅读的流畅性很重要,如果NO1考Para1 NO2考Para3 那么Para2仍然要看。 PPS:永远先看题后看文 第4步(如何处理一道题目?) 找定位词,定位词越多越好 什么是定位词? 定位词就是出现并只出现在这道题的词 定位词包括:a.特殊名词 b.大写名词 c.数字词 d.年代词 注:题目中的定位词也可能是文章中某词的变形 第5步:排除选项(一般只能排除2个)


实例解析托福阅读选非题 简言之,选非题要求考生选一个不符合题干要求的选项。注意看清楚,是“不符合”的选项!下面就和大家分享实例解析托福阅读选非题,希望能够帮助到你们,快来一起学习吧。 实例解析托福阅读选非题 对于这种题型,解题步骤如下: 1. 鉴别题型:大写单词EXCEPT / NOT 2. 审题:寻找题干核心词 3. 定位:确定出题区间,找到列举信息 4. 排除:排除符合原文要求的三个选项 下面我们借官方真题Official例题来看看选非题的解题过程。 官方真题Official34-3 Protection of Plants by Insects 【Paragraph 5】Extrafloralnectaries at the base of each sepal attract several kinds of insects, but 96 percent of them are ants, several different species of them. When buds are still small, less than aquarter of an inch long, the sepal nectaries are already present and producing nectar. They continue to do so as the flower

develops and while the fruit matures. Observations leave little doubt that ants protect morning glory flowers and fruits from the combined enemy force of grasshoppers, caterpillars,and seed beetles. Bentley compares the seed production of six plants that grew where there were no ants with that of seventeen plants that were occupied by ants. Unprotected plants bore only 45 seeds per plant, but plants occupied byants bore 211 seeds per plant. Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drive them away by nipping at their feet.Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they laytheir eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay. 12. According to paragraph 5, antsdefend morning glory plants from seed beetles in each of the following waysEXCEPT A. driving adult beetles off the plants by nipping at their feet B. catching and eating adult beetles C. eating beetle eggs they find on developing fruits D. making it difficult for beetles to lay eggs on developing fruits EXCEPT选非过程:


托福阅读逻辑推理题3个高效解题思 路实例精讲 托福阅读推理题需要针对性解题技巧来提升答题效率和正确率,那么这种考察思维能力的题型应该如何解答呢?今天给大家带来了托福阅读逻辑推理题3个高效解题思路实例精讲,希望能够帮助到大家在托福考试中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读逻辑推理题3个高效解题思路实例精讲 什么是托福阅读推理题? 推断题就是所需要的信息都包含在*中,但是没有直接加以说明,需要考生从已知中推出。推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely) 或probably 等词语。根据OG,在IBT 阅读的3篇*中,每篇会有0-2道这类问题,一次考试总共有3-4道推理题。 托福阅读推理题如何分类? 这里所谓的有共性推理题就是说题干中有和原文内容相同的关键词(也叫线索)。根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。一般来说,大多数的推理题都属于这类题目。对于无共性的推理

题,也就是题干中无线索,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。返回原文找信息点,采用排除法是解决这两类题型解决的共同策略。 托福阅读推理题高分思路实例讲解 1、一般对比推理:根据两个事情的对比特征,问其中一个事物的特征,只要将与之形成对比的另外一个事情的特征否定掉就可以。 2、时间对比推理:在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。 3、集合概念推理:一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少。反之,相同。这个比较抽象,我们来看一个例子:例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involve d in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution. What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War?


难得分的托福阅读排除题到底怎么做? 托福阅读排除题是学生们常常比较为难的一种题型,题目要求考生选择关于某一话题的不正确,或者未提及的选项。那么从传统做法上来看,应该要在文章中找到并且读完关于该话题的所有内容,然后阅读四个选项,逐一排除。 本种题型给考生的感觉是:1. 阅读量大;2. 缺乏“安全感”。何为缺乏“安全感”?就是没有对应的答案句,困难之处在于考生无法确定:到底读到什么地方才是关于该话题的完结,才能回选项排除。所以该题型既耗时,又难定位。 那么为解这类题型,需要先了解排除题的窍。 首先明确解题步骤: 一、阅读题目,选择定位词 二、回文章扫读粗定位,找到信息起始点 三、阅读选项,选择定位词, 四、回文章信息起始点开始,细定位 五、排除文章提及的真实内容,选出答案 这样的解题步骤我们稍后解释,在解题过程当中,题目选择定位词,回文章扫读定位都是解事实信息题的方法,而在排除题时策略有所调整。

在解题过程当中,同时要注意:寻找选项的方向。第三步读选项时,可额外留心关注四个选项的陈述方向,预先质疑在内容风格上和其他三项不一致的项。 OG例题:“The United States in the 1800’s was full of practical, hardworking people who did not consider the arts—from theater to painting—useful occupations. In addition, the public’s attitude that European art was better than American art both discouraged and infuriated American artists. In the early 1900’s there was a strong feeling among artists that the United States was long overdue in developing art that did not reproduce European traditions Everybody agreed that the heart and soul of the new country should be reflected in its art. But opinions differed about what this art would be like and how it would develop.” According to paragraph 1, all of the following were true of American art in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s EXCEPT: A. Most Americans thought art was unimportant. B. American art generally copied European styles and traditions. C. Most Americans considered American art inferior to European art. D. American art was very popular with European audiences.


托福阅读推理题如何提升正确率 托福阅读中推理题型比较需要考生开动脑筋。比起那些只要成功定位就能找到解题线索的题目,推理题对考生的逻辑思维分析能力有更高要求。今天给大家带来了托福阅读推理题如何提升正确率,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福阅读推理题如何提升正确率 托福阅读推理题解题思路分析 从题型构成上来看,托福阅读10大题型中的推理题其实很像是细节题,似乎都是需要考生返回原文来寻找具体信息并加以解题的。而这两种题型的不同之处在于细节题能够在原文中找到对应选项的细节,最多进行一些简单的表述形式变化,但含义却保持一致,可以说相对简单。 而推理题则需要大家在找到原文的基础上再做进一步的逻辑推理分析,正确选项代表的含义要靠大家自己思索出来,无法在原文中直接找到对应内容。换句话说,大家需要根据文中的相关依据再往前做简单推理才能得出答案。大家不要小看这一步推理的过程,很多同学偏偏就是不知道该怎么去进一步思考推理。 做好推理题需要类比逻辑思维

既然提到了逻辑思维分析推理,接下来就来为大家介绍一下托福推理题中比较常用的类比逻辑思维方式。这种思维模式很简单,也就是*中提到两个事物,互为比较对象,而这两个事物具有一些相同的特点特征,因此可以根据A事物具有的特征来推理出B事物也具备相同的特征。 举个简单的例子,像小刘一样,小王也喜欢养猫。那么从这句话里,我们就可以通过类比思维来推断出,小刘喜欢养猫。大家是不是觉得这也太容易了,不要小看这种推理思维,下面给大家两道来自托福官方真题中的阅读逻辑题做参考分析。 推理题类比思维解题技巧实例讲解 实例1: When it comes to physiology, the leatherback turtle is, in some ways, more like a reptilian whale than a turtle. It swims farther into the cold of the northern and southern oceans than any other sea turtle, and it deals with the chilly waters in a way unique among reptiles. What can be inferred about whales from this paragraph? A . They are considered by some to be reptiles. B. Their bodies are built in a way that helps them manage extremely cold temperatures.


深度解析托福阅读之作者目的题 托福阅读共有十种题型,其中某些题型属于出现频率较高的如细节题、句子简化题和句子插入题等,这些题型需要花费较多的时间去准备,除了需要知道考试的技巧之外还要能够掌握一些考场上的应急方法。今天三立在线就来分析这些题型中的其中一种——作者目的题。 作者目的题也叫做修辞目的题,但其实在TPO 中它的范围更广,除了举例说明概述题外,还有类似段落关系方面的题。既然是作者目的题,此题型首先考察的就是考生是否可以准确的进行换位思考,了解作者的意图。 我们将作者目的进行了归类,这就包括:提供信息(inform),下定义(define),解释(explain),例证(illustrate),比较(compare),对比(contrast),批评(criticize) 等。 下面我们就对此题型的常见出题方法进行解析: 作者目的题常见的出题形式如下 1. Why does the author mention/include/use…? 2. The author…in order to… 3. The author uses the example to…? 4.…for…purpose?

这种题目一般问的是作者举某个例子,说某句话的目的是什么且在考试时一般题目中的例子会标黑以方便考生寻找(也有不标注的情况)。一般来讲,托福阅读的文章框架相对清晰,作者在举例子时一定是为了说明自己的观点。所以,对于考生来说需要先找到例子的所在句,然后往前阅读找到例子支撑的观点句即可。如: The numbers of deer have fluctuated markedly since the entry of Europeans into Puget Sound country. The early explorers and settlers told of abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet almost in the same breath bemoaned the lack of this succulent game animal. Famous explorers of the North American frontier, Lewis and Clarkarrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14,1805 , in nearly starved circumstances. They had experienced great difficulty finding game west of the Rockies and not until the second of December did they kill their first elk. To keep 40 people alive that winter, they consumed approximately 150 elk and 20 deer. The author tells the story of the explorers Lewis and Clark in paragraph 3 in order to illustrate which of the following points? A. The number of deer within the Puget Sound region has varied over time. B. Most of the explorers who came to the Puget Sound area were primarily interested in hunting game. C. There was more game for hunting in the East of the United States than in the West.


2019托福阅读:模拟试题及答案解析(6) 【托福】 Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. "The cities predicted the future," wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, "even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China." Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775. The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it
