



Stefan Riezler,and Annie Zaenen

Palo Alto Research Center

Proceedings of the LFG04Conference

University of Canterbury

Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King(Editors)


CSLI Publications



In this paper,we describe the types of sentence condensation rules used in the sentence condensation of Riezler et al.2003in detail.We show how the distinctions made in LFG f-structures as to gram-matical functions and features make it possible to state simple but accurate rules to create smaller, well-formed f-structures from which the condensed sentence can be generated.


The aim of sentence condensation is to keep only the essential elements of a sentence and the rela-tions among them and to produce a grammatical,condensed output,which can then be used in appli-cations such as text summarization.Keeping the essential elements could conceivably be achieved by selecting key terms;however,keeping the relations and producing grammatical output requires

a structure-based approach.An example of sentence condensation is shown in(1).

(1)The UNIX operating system,with implementations from Apples to Crays,appears to have the

advantage.UNIX appears to have the advantage.

In this paper,we show how the LFG formalism,in particular the f(unctional)-structure,provides the necessary format for manipulating sentences in a condensation system.In particular,LFG f-structures provide the necessary distinctions to alter the structure of the sentence and then allow for the generation of grammatically well-formed output strings.For example,LFG allows the easy statement of rules which delete adjuncts(2a),passivize active sentences(2b),delete conjuncts from coordinate structures(2c),and decleft sentences(2d).

(2) a.They left quickly.They left.

b.They shattered the glass.The glass was shattered.

c.John and Mary left.John left.

d.It is Mary who left.Mary left.

The paper is organized as follows.Section2describes the basic system:the parser,transfer com-ponent,and generator.Section3comprises the bulk of the paper.It describes the sentence conden-sation rules themselves and demonstrates how these apply to the LFG f-structure analyses,focussing on adjunct deletion,passivization/activization,and factive verb deletion.Finally,section4provides a brief conclusion.

2The Basic System

Our basic sentence condensation system(Riezler et al.2003)was developed on and runs in the XLE development environment(Maxwell and Kaplan1993).In this system,to produce a condensed ver-sion of a sentence,the sentence is?rst parsed using a broad-coverage LFG grammar for English.The parser produces a set of f-structures for an ambiguous sentence in a packed format.It presents these to the transfer component in a single packed data structure that represents in one place the substruc-tures shared by several different interpretations.The transfer component operates on these packed representations and modi?es the parser output to produce reduced f-structures.

The reduced f-structures are then?ltered by the generator to determine syntactic well-formedness.

A stochastic disambiguator using a maximum entropy model was trained on parsed and manually disambiguated f-structures for pairs of sentences and their https://www.sodocs.net/doc/178152419.html,ing the disambigua-tor,the string generated from the most probable reduced f-structure produced by the transfer system is chosen.In contrast to many approaches to sentence condensation(e.g.,Knight and Marcu2000, Witbrock and Mittal1999),our system guarantees the grammaticality of generated strings through the use of the XLE constraint-based generator for LFG which uses a slightly tighter version of the grammar than is used by the parser.

This section describes the XLE parser,transfer component,and generator.XLE consists of cutting-edge algorithms for parsing and generating LFG grammars along with a rich graphical user interface for writing and debugging such grammars.

2.1The Parser

One of the main goals of XLE is to ef?ciently parse and generate with LFG grammars.This is dif?cult because the LFG formalism,like most uni?cation-based grammar formalisms,is NP complete.This means that in the worst case the time that it takes to parse or generate with an LFG grammar can be exponential to the length of the input.However,natural languages are mostly context-free equiva-lent,and one should be able to parse them in mostly cubic time.XLE is designed to automatically take advantage of context-freeness in the grammar of a natural language so that it typically parses in cubic time and generates in linear time when the input is fully speci?ed.This allows grammar writers to write grammars in the expressive LFG formalism without necessarily sacri?cing performance.

There are three key ideas that XLE uses to make its parser ef?cient.The?rst idea is to pay care-ful attention to the interface between the phrasal and functional constraints(Maxwell and Kaplan 1993).In particular,XLE processes all of the phrasal constraints?rst using a chart,and then uses the results to decide which functional constraints to process.This is more ef?cient than interleaving phrasal and functional constraints because the phrasal constraints can be processed in cubic time, whereas the functional constraints may take exponential time.Thus,the phrasal constraints make a good polynomial?lter for the functional constraints.

The second key idea is to use contexted uni?cation to merge multiple feature structures together into a single,packed feature structure(Maxwell and Kaplan1991).For instance,(3)is a contexted feature structure for the sentence They saw the girl with the telescope.In this sentence,saw is am-biguous between the present tense of saw(labeled a:1)and the past tense of see(a:2).Also,with the telescope is either an adjunct of saw(b:1)or the girl(b:2).The contexts a:1and a:2are mutually exclusive.Similarly for b:1and b:2.Furthermore,a:1and a:2are independent from b:1and b:2.So this feature structure represents four different solutions.XLE uses a contexted feature structure like this for each edge in a chart to represent all of the possible feature structures that the edge can have.


PRED a:1saw SUBJ,OBJ a:2see SUBJ,OBJ



SPEC PRED the ADJUNCT b:2[1:with]



PRED telescope



TENSE a:1present a:2past

The third key idea is to use lazy contexted copying during uni?cation(Maxwell and Kaplan 1996).Lazy contexted uni?cation only copies up as much of the two daughter feature structures of a subtree as is needed to determine whether the feature structures are uni?able.If the interactions between the daughter feature structures are bounded,then XLE will do a bounded amount of work per subtree.Since there are at most a cubic number of subtrees in the chart,then XLE can parse sentences in cubic time when the interactions between daughter feature structures are bounded.

For more details on the XLE parser,see Maxwell and Kaplan1996.

2.2The Transfer System

The transfer system is a general purpose packed rewriting system.In the sentence condensation application described in this paper,the transfer system takes a packed f-structure produced by the parser,converts it a to a(multi)set of packed input facts,transfers this to a set of packed output facts, and converts this into a packed output f-structure.The generator then produces the condensed strings from the transfer output.1

The transfer rules for sentence condensation consist of an ordered set of rules that rewrite one f-structure into another.Structures are broken down into?at lists of facts,and rules may add,delete, or change individual facts.Rules may be optional or obligatory.In the case of optional rules,transfer of a single input structure may lead to multiple alternate output structures.

Packed transfer rewriting is signi?cant,since an ambiguous sentence gives rise to more than one structure and it is possible for the number of structures to be in the thousands.However,the set of structures for a given sentence is packed into a single representation making it possible for common parts to appear only once(cf.(3)in the previous section).Thanks to the fact that the structures are packed,common parts of alternative structures can often be operated on by the transfer system as a unit,the results being re?ected in each of the alternatives.

The transfer system operates on a source f-structure,represented as a set of(transfer)facts,to transform it,little by little,into a target structure.This operation is controlled by a transfer grammar consisting of a list of rules.The order of these rules is important because each rule has the potential of

changing the situation that following rules will encounter(see section3.1.4).In this respect,the rules are like phonological rules of the Chomsky/Halle variety.In particular,rules can prevent later rules from applying by removing material that they would otherwise have applied to(bleeding)or they can enable the application of later rules by introducing material that they need(feeding).In this respect, this is different from other systems that have been proposed for transfer that build new structures based on observation,but not modi?cation,of existing ones.In this system,as the process continues, the initial source f-structure takes on more and more of the properties of a target f-structure.Source facts that no rule in the sequence applies to simply become part of the target structure.As such,the transfer process never fails.Even if no rules apply,the output would simply be identical to the input. This is crucial for sentence condensation since many shorter sentences will remain unchanged by the rules.

2.2.1Transfer Facts

The?rst thing to consider is the nature of transfer facts,and then how f-structures are converted to transfer facts.Transfer facts typically are encoded as a predicate,an opening parenthesis,a comma separated list of arguments,2and a closing parenthesis,as in(4).Since sentence condensation applies to f-structures,most facts involve two arguments.


Predicates are atomic symbols,while arguments can be either atomic or non-atomic(i.e.embedded predicates).

Consider how the f-structure in(5)for the sentence Mary sleeps.can be represented as a set of transfer facts,shown in(6).

(5)PRED sleep SUBJ


TNS-ASP TENSE present MOOD indicative

STMT-TYPE declarative

(6)PRED(var(0),sleep)the outermost f-structure









MOOD(var(2),indicative)the TNS-ASP f-structure


To see how these facts correspond to the f-structure,it is?rst necessary to understand the convention

lying behind the use of var(n)arguments.These are to be interpreted as standing for f-structure

nodes.Thus the outermost node labeled0in the f-structure is represented by var(0),and the value

of the SUBJ attribute labeled as1is represented by var(1).The same holds for f-structures without PRED s,as seen for the value of the TNS-ASP attribute.This is assigned the index var(2)in the transfer facts.

Looking at the facts with var(0)as their?rst argument,most of them correspond directly to

attribute value pairs in the f-structure.The fact that f-structure1is the value of the SUBJ attribute of f-

structure0is represented as SUBJ(var(0),var(1)).The fact that the value of the STMT-TYPE

attribute of f-structure0is declarative is represented as STMT-TYPE(var(0),declar-

ative).The fact that the value of the TNS-ASP attribute of f-structure0is a complex structure is represented as TNS-ASP(var(0),var(2)).

The representation of the semantic forms,i.e.,the PRED s,is described below in section3.1.Ba-

sically,PRED s are decomposed into the predicate name itself,e.g.sleep,the arguments,e.g.,SUBJ,

and an identi?er,e.g.,lex

set predicate.For the structure in

(7),it would be as in(8).




The value of0’s ADJUNCT attribute is a set value,that we have indexed as var(1).There are two items in the set,namely var(2)and var(3).The use of the in

3There are a number of other operations that can be used in transfer rules that are not described in this paper,but are described in the XLE documentation.

4The list of input facts or output facts can be empty,represented by0.This is seen in rule(36)in section3.1.

Rule(12a)rewrites NUM sg as NUM pl;rule(12b)adds a NTYPE count feature to a plural f-structure.If(12a)is ordered before(12b),then all f-structures with a NUM feature will have the value pl for this feature and hence will end up with NTYPE count as well.If(12a)is ordered after(12b), then f-structures with NUM sg will not have NTYPE count inserted,although they will ultimately end up with NUM pl.

To summarize,in sentence condensation,the transfer component takes an f-structure as input, rewrites the f-structure facts according to an ordered set of rules,and produces an output f-structure. This f-structure is then the input to the generator which produces the string(s)corresponding to the f-structure;this string is the condensed sentence.The next section describes how the generator works; the remainder of the paper describes the sentence condensation rules in more detail.

2.3The Generator

The sentence condensation rules manipulate the f-structure to produce new,smaller f-structures.Most of these f-structures are well formed in that the grammar can use them to generate well-formed Eng-lish strings.Those that are not well formed will result in no output.Thus,it is possible to avoid generating ill-formed sentences in the condensation system by using the LFG grammar as a?lter.A generator is the inverse of a parser.A parser takes a string as input and produces f-structures as out-put.A generator takes an f-structure as input and produces all of the strings that,when parsed,could have that f-structure as output.The generator can be useful as a component of translation(Frank 1999),sentence condensation(Riezler et al.2003),computer assisted language learning(Butt et al. 2004),or natural language interfaces.

The XLE generator produces a packed representation of all of its output strings using a regular expression notation.An example of this is shown in(13).

(13)You can’t cannot quickly print documents print documents quickly.

The generator can be set to only produce one output:either the shortest or the longest string.If two strings are of equal length,one of them will be chosen arbitrarily.For sentence condensation,having a single string output is usually desirable,and so the shortest string option is used.

Often it is not desirable for the generator to be the exact inverse of the parser.For instance,al-though the parser eliminates extra spaces between tokens,the generator should not to insert arbitrary spaces between tokens.To handle this,the generation grammar can be minimally different from the parsing grammar by changing the set of optimality marks used(Frank et al.2001),which(dis)prefers that application of certain rules,and by changing the tokenizers or morphology that is used(Kaplan et al.2004).These mechanisms allow minor variations in the generation grammar as needed,while still sharing as much as possible with the parsing grammar.

The remainder of this section?rst describes how the generator handles minor mismatches be-tween the input f-structures produced by the sentence condensation transfer rules and the f-structures produced by the grammar when parsing.The second part of this section describes how the generator works in more detail since it is a key component in the use of LFG for sentence condensation.

2.3.1Underspeci?ed Input

In the default situation,the generator produces strings that,when parsed,have an f-structure that ex-actly matches the input f-structure.However,sometimes the generator needs to produce strings from an f-structure that matches the input except for a few features.This is true in the case of sentence condensation where the rules often affect the major parts of the f-structure,sometimes ignoring the

minor ones.For example,the passivization/activization rules discussed in section3.1make the sub-ject the oblique agent and the object the subject.However,they do not manipulate the case marking of these arguments,even though case marking changes with grammatical function.If the sentence in(14a)is condensed to that in(14b)the case of glass must change from accusative to nominative.

(14) a.The unruly children broke the glass.

b.The glass was broken.

The XLE generator used in the sentence condensation system can be speci?ed as to which features are deleted from or can be added to an f-structure in order to allow a string to be generated.In the case marking example,CASE would be speci?ed as both deleted and addable since it must be changed from one value to another.The generator will freely add any features that are declared to be addable if they are consistent with the input.5The generator always deletes any features from the input that are speci?ed as to be deleted,while the addition of addable features is optional.

It is also possible to use the generator in a robust mode whereby every input f-structure produces some output string.The basic idea behind robust generation in the XLE generator involves two ap-proaches.The?rst is to allow the generator to relax the relationship between the input f-structure and what is generated through some special optimality theory marks(Frank et al.2001).The second ap-proach is to allow for a fragment grammar for generation whereby strings are generated from parts of the f-structure and then stitched together.These two robustness techniques are not used in sentence condensation because the generator is needed to?lter the output of the transfer rules.Sometimes the sentence condensation rules may delete too many parts of the f-structure,in which case the output string would be uninformative.For example,the sentence condensation rules can delete conjuncts in a coordination.A sentence like(15)could be condensed to any of the possibilities in(16).

(15)Mary,Jane,and Susan arrived.

(16) a.Mary arrived. d.Mary and Jane arrived.

b.Jane arrived. e.Mary and Susan arrived.

c.Susan arrive

d. f.Jane and Susan arrived.

However,these rules might overapply,resulting in all of the conjunts(the f-structures corresponding to Mary,Jane,and Susan)being deleted,leaving only the verb.From such a structure,robust gen-eration might produce an imperative(Arrive.)or put in a pronominal subject(It arrives.).However, for sentence condensation,this is not a desirable result because too much information has been lost. Instead,in such cases it is better to either produce the uncondensed string or a string from some other condensation.

2.3.2How the Generator Works

This section provides a simpli?ed description of how the XLE generator works.A key idea in un-derstanding generation is that it produces different equivalence classes than parsing.For every f-structure,there may be several alternative c-structures that give rise to that f-structure.For instance, parsing the sentence Two didn’t come.and then generating from the resulting f-structure might pro-duce the four strings in(17a)which can be packed as in(17b).This would occur if both two and2and also n’t and not were canonicalized in the f-structure to the same forms.For example,the f-structure in(18)might correspond to all the strings in(17a).

(17) a.Two didn’t come.Two did not come.

2didn’t come.2did not come.

b.Two2didn’t did not come.





TENSE past

The packed string in(17b)corresponds to a c-structure forest roughly like that in(19).





not n’t


Consider the f-structure for Two didn’t come.in(18)with links from each sub-structure to the corresponding nodes in the tree in(19).For instance,the SUBJ would map to the NP,the XCOMP to the VP over come,and so on.This provides a basic idea of how the generator produces alternative generations for a given f-structure.For each f-structure,the generator tries to produce all of the c-structures that are consistent with that f-structure.The result is a generation chart that is similar in spirit to a parsing chart,but with different equivalence classes.

The main performance issue with generation is to make sure that everything in the f-structure is generated at least once,and that the semantic forms are generated at most once(e.g.,the red,red dog is not a legal regeneration of the red dog).Kay(1996)proposed that each edge in the generation chart would list the semantic facts that had been generated beneath it.The root edge must list all of the semantic facts in the underlying structure.If a semantic fact is missing from a root edge,then the edge is discarded.

This produces the correct result,but can be exponential in the number of adjuncts.This is because the grammar allows adjuncts to be optionally omitted,and the generator tries all paths through the grammar.If all possible combinations of optional adjuncts are considered,the result is an exponential

number of root edges.For instance,the sentence Black dogs give white cats red socks.might have

a root edge that looks like that in(20).



black dogs give

cats socks

At the top level,the non-adjunct predicates,dog[d],give[g],cat[c],and sock[s],are always repre-sented.However,there could be root edges with S[dgcs],S[bdgcs],S[dgwcs],S[bdgwcs],S[dgcrs], S[bdgcrs],S[dgwcrs],or S[bdgwcrs],depending on which of the adjuncts black,white,or red were present.Only the last of these corresponds correctly to the input f-structure.In addition,in the gram-mar’s phrase structure rules,the OBJ and OBJ2are optional if extraction is allowed(e.g.,for relatives and interrogatives What did the black dogs give white cats?),and the SUBJ can be dropped in an im-perative construction(Give white cats red socks.).Thus,the problem is signi?cant from a computa-tional perspective.

Kay’s1996solution was that in a categorial grammar,it can be locally determined when an“f-structure”becomes inaccessible.Therefore,edges that are incomplete(for instance,NP[c]and NP[s] in(20))can be locally discarded.Unfortunately,this does not work for LFG,because f-structures can always be accessed by functional uncertainties and/or zipper uni?cations.6The XLE solution to this problem is to generate in two passes.The?rst pass determines which f-structures are accessible from outside each edge while ignoring the semantic facts covered.The second pass uses Kay’s algorithm, but determines inaccessibility based on the?rst pass.The result is an ef?cient generator for LFG grammars.

This section has outlined the main components of the sentence condensation system:the XLE parser,transfer system,and generator.The remainder of the paper focuses on how the LFG f-structure analyses of sentences can be manipulated by the transfer rewrite rules to produce well-formed sen-tence condensations.

3Manipulating F-structures

The basic idea behind the sentence condensation system is to delete or rearrange elements of an f-structure and then generate a condensed string from that new f-structure.LFG’s f-structures are well suited for this task because they already encode much of the work for the system.

For example,elements of a sentence that are inessential for condensation purposes often coincide with ADJUNCT s in the f-structure.This contrasts with string or tree representations of sentences in which it can be extremely dif?cult to determine what the adjuncts are.However,in LFG,adjuncts receive a special f-structure function ADJUNCT and hence a simple rule can be written that deletes them,as in(21).(As discussed in section2.2.2,?=indicates an optional rule.)


6Zipper uni?cation occurs during the uni?cation of f-structures when there are sequences of nested sub-structures that must be uni?ed because they have common features.See Maxwell and Kaplan1996for processing details and Bresnan et al.1982for how this applies to cross-serial dependencies in Dutch.

This rule would apply to the f-structure in(22b)for sentence(22a),resulting in the possible outputs in(22c)since the rules apply optionally in the system.(The f-structures which the rule variables can match are shown in italics;these variable names are not part of the f-structure input;cf.(6).)

(22) a.Mary arrived yesterday in her car.

b.PRED arrive SUBJ


ADJUNCT PRED yesterday PRED in OBJ OBJ[her car]

TENSE past

c.No deletions:Mary arrived yesterday in her car.

Both adjuncts deleted:Mary arrived.

First adjunct deleted:Mary arrived in her car.

Second adjunct deleted:Mary arrived yesterday.

The detailed feature space of LFG f-structures is particularly useful in this example because there are some adjuncts that should never be deleted,namely negatives.Because such adjuncts are as-signed a feature ADJUNCT-TYPE negative in the grammar,a restriction can be placed on rule(21) such that it does not apply to adjuncts with this feature.This is shown in(23);the modi?ed rule in (23a)will allow the deletions in(22c),but not that in(23b).

(23) a.ADJUNCT(%Main,%AdjSet),in

b.The car was pushed off the tracks.They pushed the car off the tracks.

c.Torrential rains?ooded the town.The town was?oode


Rules for all three alternations appear in our system and we discuss them here in detail.

3.1.1Activization of passives with by phrases

The rule for the alternation in(24a)is shown in(25)and would apply to an f-structure like that in (26).This rule takes an oblique agent phrase in a passive and makes it the subject while the subject is demoted to object.This is basically the reverse of the well-know LFG passivization lexical rule.



PTYPE nosem

ADJUNCT PRED torrential


TENSE past

Consider the rule in(25)in detail.Each of the facts before the rewrite symbol(?=)exists in the f-structure in(26):there is a PASSIVE+feature,a SUBJ,and a OBL-AG with the correct PFORM and PTYPE.None of these facts is preceded by a+;this means that each of them will be deleted in the f-structure.In their place,the facts after the rewrite symbol will be inserted into the f-structure.So, there will be a new SUBJ,a new value for PASSIVE,and an OBJ will be created.The resulting f-structure will be as in(27).When this new f-structure is run through the generator,it will produce the active sentence Torrential rains?ooded the town.


SUBJ PRED rain’ADJUNCT PRED torrential



TENSE past

3.1.2Activization of short passives with generic they subject

Next consider the rule in(29)which performs the condensation in(24b),repeated as(28).In this example,a passive sentence becomes an impersonal active sentence with the generic subject they.

(28)The car was pushed off the tracks.They pushed the car off the tracks.






First consider the input facts that appear before the rewrite symbol.They require a passive verb with a subject.In addition,they require that the?rst argument of the predicate be NULL,as opposed to being an OBL-AG.The arguments of a predicate are referenced by the built-in predicate arg which takes three arguments:an f-structure,a number indicating which argument it is,and a value for this argument.In this example,the f-structure is the one containing the verb(%Main),the argument number is1since it is the?rst argument of the verb that we are interested in,and the value of this is NULL.7Looking at the facts after the rewrite symbol,PASSIVE is changed to and an OBJ is created from the original subject.Then a new SUBJ is created.All of the features are provided for this new subject:predicate,number,person,form.To guarantee that this subject appears in the correct argument slot,another mention of arg is used to create this new argument as the?rst argument of the main predicate.8

The f-structure in(30)will be rewritten as that in(31)by rule(29).





(31)PRED push SUBJ,OBJ





TENSE past


Finally consider the passivization example repeated in(32).The active sentence can be rewritten as a passive.This passive can either have the active subject as an oblique agent or have it deleted.The ?rst option,in which the subject becomes an oblique agent,will not result in a condensed sentence. However,we show the rule for this in(33)since it can be used to feed and bleed other rules(see section3.1.4).We then discuss a second rule which deletes oblique agents regardless of their source.

(32)Torrential rains?ooded the town.

The town was?ooded by torrential rains.

The town was?ooded.







9The%%is a variable that matches any value.So,in(36)the rule states that it is unimportant what number the argument was in the predicate.This use of anonymous variables is also seen in rule42in which the feature COMP-FORM is deleted regardless of its value.

Feeding occurs when the application of one rule produces the structure needed for the application of another rule.For example,consider a sentence like(39).

(39)The enemy invaded the town.

Rule(38c)can apply to(39)to create a passive version.This creates(feeds)the environment for rule (38d)which deletes the oblique by phrase.This process is shown in(40).

(40) a.The enemy invaded the town.

b.The town was invaded by the enemy.(Rule38c)

c.The town was invade


Bleeding occurs when the application of one rule destroys the environment for another.Consider the sentence in(40b).If rule(38a)applies creating an active sentence,then rule(38d)which deletes the oblique agent cannot apply.

In addition,each rule was written as an optional rule(?=)and not an obligatory one(==). Whether or not a rule applies will affect which further rules can apply to the f-structure.For example, suppose that the rules in(38)were in the opposite order.If rule(38d)applies to(40b)deleting the by agent,then rule(38b)can apply to create a they active.If the option is chosen where the rule does not apply and hence the by agent remains,then rule(38a)can apply to create a standard active sentence. As such,it is important to consider the ordering of the rules and which ones should be obligatory and which optional.Almost all the rules in the sentence condensation system are optional.In the case of the activization/passivization rules,this creates signi?cant feeding and bleeding,even with the rule ordering.However,in applications like machine translation,most of the rules are obligatory, although feeding and bleeding issues still arise and can be exploited by the system.

3.2Factive Verb Deletion

Next consider the condensation rules for factive verb deletion.Sentences with factive verbs can be condensed by keeping just the complement of the verb,as in(41a).

(41) a.They realized that Mary left yesterday.Mary left yesterday.

b.They did not realize that Mary left yesterday.Mary left yesterday.

The LFG f-structure analysis,shown in(43)for(41a),in conjunction with lexicalization of the condensation rules allows for the simple formulation of such rules,as in(42).



(43)PRED realize SUBJ,COMP



ADJUNCT PRED yesterday TENSE past


TENSE past

The input facts in(42)match the f-structure in(43).The0after the rewrite symbol states that nothing is added.The desired output f-structure is that in(44)which corresponds to the sentence Mary left.

(44)PRED leave SUBJ


ADJUNCT PRED yesterday

TENSE past

3.2.1Deleting F-structures

Looking more carefully at the rule in(42)there are a number of facts in the input f-structure in(43) that are not explicitly mentioned in the rule and hence will not be explicitly deleted.These facts from the main f-structure%Main are shown in(45).

(45)SUBJ SUBJ(%Main,%Subj)

[PRED pro]PRED(%Subj,pro)

TENSE past TENSE(%Main,past)

These facts will be deleted by the transfer system because they are no longer connected to the top level f-structure.As such,it is unnecessary to mention every feature that might appear in an f-structure that is to be deleted or in the subsidiary f-structures of such an f-structure.This is essential because it is generally impossible to predict what additional information will occur in such structures.For example,the deleted verb realize might have had any number of adjunct modi?ers,as in(46),all of which are to be deleted.

(46)Upon their arrival,they quickly realized that Mary left yesterday.

The rule in(42),however,also leaves the f-structure that was the value COMP(%Comp)discon-nected from the top level f-structure.This is not what was intended.Instead,the intention was to have the f-structure of the COMP become the top level f-structure.This can be done by initially set-ting the original top level f-structure to a special fact called root and then rede?ning root to have the value of the COMP’s f-structure.10

3.2.2Templates for Lexicalized Rules

The factive verb deletion rule is lexicalized in that it only occurs with certain lexical items:not all verbs with that complements presuppose their complement.It would be possible to repeat the rule in(42)as many times are there are factive verbs,replacing the value of the verbal predicate in PRED(%Main,realize).However,this misses a generalization and can result in maintenance dif?culties.Instead,the rule in(42)can be de?ned as a template and each factive verb will call this template.The template version of(42)is shown in(47)with sample calls in(48).The@indicates a call to a template.11


(47)factive deletion(%Verb)::



(48)@factive deletion(realize).

@factive deletion(know).

The template in(47)takes one argument,the value of the PRED of the factive verb.This value is then substituted into the input facts of the template,resulting in a rule application similar to that in rule(42).For example,the two template calls in(48)will result in two versions of the rule,one for realize and one for know,as if the two rules in(49)had been included in the rule https://www.sodocs.net/doc/178152419.html,rge lists of verbs can be added by using templates in this way.

(49) a.PRED(%Main,realize),COMP(%Main,%Comp),COMP-FORM(%Comp,%%)




Using templates for rules that are triggered by particular lexical items can be very valuable.In the sentence condensation system,there are a number of these rules,including ones for deleting group terms(50a),keeping only the complements of certain adjectives(50b),and intransitivization(50c).

(50) a.A set of tools was found.Tools were found.







which the condensed sentence can be generated.In addition,we described the elements of the XLE system that make it possible to parse,transfer,and then generate the structures needed for accurate sentence condensation.


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