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2016年10月电工技术学报Vol.31 No. 20 第31卷第20期TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Oct. 2016



(浙江大学电气工程学院杭州 310027)




Comprehensive Failure Mechanisms in High Voltage P-i-N Diode

During Turn-off Transient

Luo Haoze Li Wuhua He Xiangning

(School of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China)

Abstract In this paper, the turn-off transient failure of commercial high voltage multi-chip P-i-N diode under the rated parameters in clamped circuit is discussed from the circuit layout aspect and semiconductor mechanism aspect. Firstly, through the failure chips and failure waveforms, it is proved that the riskiest chip instead of the modules determines the reliability of power converter system.

Besides, according to the filament current phenomenon of P-i-N diode under the deepest dynamic avalanche, the impact of local over temperature induced by the unbalanced current distribution is discussed. It is concluded that the failure mechanism of P-i-N is the positive feedback of thermoelectric coupling mechanism. Finally, based on the failure results and test conditions, the comprehensive failure mechanisms of power device are proposed. It is shown that the failure mechanisms are not induced by one single factor but the combined effects of all related factors.

Keywords:High power modules, non-uniform current distribution, transient hot runaway, avalanche, comprehensive failure mechanism


以绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)为代表的全控型器件因其开关速度高、导通损耗低以及过电流能力强等优点被广泛应用于机车牵引、风力发电和柔性直流输电等高电压大功率电力变换应用场合[1,2]。据调研表明,工业应用中功率器件的失效率在失效元器件里面占有率最高,占总失效率的31%[3]。因此功率模块的可靠性也成为了制约电力电子装备安全运行的瓶颈之一。在现有的电力电子装备运行中,IGBT的性能发挥往往被其反并联续流二极管性能所限制。高压二极管(1 700V及以上)通常采用P-i-N 结构,该结构与普通低压PN结二极管相比,在反

国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2014CB247400)。收稿日期 2015-09-19 改稿日期 2015-12-21

