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Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

Part 1.

1. __________________________(有机农业已变得更受欢迎) as

people’s awareness of environmental protection rises.

2. Many college students _______________________________(已从

政府大规模的救助获得好处) to complete their studies .

3. College students ______________________________(占了自愿者

总数的百分之八十七) in this rual teaching program.

4. This _________________________________(灌溉系统将提高粮

食产量)even in drought seasons.

5. The stock broker is___________________________(由于被指称的


6. ___________________________________________(数百名着装警

察沿街站立) as the marathon match was going on.

7. In the USA, people who are_________________________ ( 再也无法忍受

压力和紧张) can take part in pillow fight in some cities in April.

8. Natural gas prices are____________________________ (与去年相比降了


9._______________________________________(在一个装饰着熊猫画的大厅里), the teacher was giving a lecture on conservation of the rare animal.

10. The money manager has _______________________(明显死于自

杀)amid a cheating scandal.

Part 1.


1. Organic farming has become more popular

2. have benefited from massive government aid

3. account for 87 percent of the total number of volunteers

4. irrigation system will improve crop yields

5. under investigation for alleged fraud

6. Hundreds of uniformed police lined the streets

7. unable to bear the pressure and tensions any longer

8. down nearly 2 yuan compared to last year

9. In a hall adorned with paintings of pandas

10. died in an apparent suicide

Part 2.

1. Some tourists who kept up their traveling plans this year have turned

to cutting their costs, ________________________ (诸如食宿之


2. After the game, the athlete____________________________(把他的


3. The new chief of the space research center will have to


________________________________________ (恢复太空探索所带来的那种奇迹).

4. Before being promoted to the CEO of this oil giant, he

has___________________ ______________________________(在该公司各个不同的职位上服务过).

5. The scientific research agency pledged


6. According to the results of the study,____________


7.After a lengthy meeting, the committee__________________________________________

_____________________________________ (以45票对32票批准了这一措施).

8.As the hurricane closed in,_____________________________ (城镇和乡


9. No sooner had she seen the beautiful


___________________________________(她就表现出极度的兴奋). 10. Some economists say it’s too soon



Part 2.


1. such as on food and lodging

2. attributed his failure to lack of effort

3. restore that wonder that space exploration brings

4. served in a variety of other positions in the company

5. push the boundaries of science in the new century

6. the newly emerged strain could be fatal to old people

7. approved the measure by a 45—32 vote

8. towns and villages were completely deserted

9. than she showed much excitement

10. determine whether the trends are a signal of recovery

Part 3

1. Their research work ______________________________(导致了新


2. The successful launch of the space telescope---Hubble




3. This corporation ___________________________________(在手机

市场上领先) after introducing its 3 G model .

4. _________________________________________(如果汽油降价的

谣传证明是真的), it will be the third time this year.

5. This solar--powered



6. After she sang the old song in the competition, the elderly


__________________________________________ (立刻在互联网


7. ______________________________________________(那位超速驾驶员

不顾警方的警告) and sped away in haste.

8. Regular exercise can __________________________(减小你患流感的几


9. _________________________________________________(那架飞机安

全地返回了机场) after one of its engine was hit by a flying bird.


验) were going well.

Part 3


1. led to the development of new drugs

2. completely transformed outer space research

3. takes a lead in the cellphone market

4. If the rumors of lowering gasoline prices prove true

5. bears a close resemblance to a minibus

6. was an instant Internet hit

7. The speeding driver defied police warnings

8. reduce your chances of catching a flu

9. The plane returned safely to airport

10. Initial checkouts of the repaired generator

Part 4

1. ________________________________________________(大雨迫

使登山队推迟了其计划) as the roads became muddy.

2. This hybrid car ____________________________________(有望使


3. The teacher ___________________________________________(拒

绝了那家公司的建议) to sell its products directly to her students in

the classroom.

4. ________________________________________________(所有医

疗机构都将禁止吸烟) and hospitals from 2011.

5. People in this


感受到全球变暖的冲击) as a severe drought continues for nearly

one year.

6. Since most drivers rely heavily on fuel for their cars, it


______________________________(不容易推行这一新的规章) to

shift to all-electric cars.

7. As their son is attending a college in another city, the




8. Police used GPS to____________________________________(找

出那些被盗车辆的下落) and detained dozens of suspects.

9. _________________________________________________(假如历

史有任何的指南作用), the auto industry is to undergo drastic


10. They gave up the program to build a



Part 4


1. Heavy rains forced the climbing team to postpone its plan

2. promises higher efficiency in fuel-consumption

3. rejected the company’s proposal

4. Smoking will be banned in all medical facilities

5. are feeling the impact of the global warming

6. not be easy to enforce the new regulation

7. parents deposit 500 yuan into his bank account each month

8. locate those stolen vehicles

9. If history is any guide

10. in exchange for economic aid

Part 5

1. After a lengthy debate, the chairman of the board had




2. ____________________________________________(要过一段时

间才能探测出任何幅射) after the leakage underground.

3. It is essential that

__________________________________________________________ (下列所有的表格都应仔细、完整地填写) .

4. ____________________________________________________(沿

这条河居住的村民面临一场即将到来的危机) as the volume of

water running through the river decreased.

5. ____________________________________________________(北

极熊被列为濒危物种) because of the the shrinking of the ice cap.

6. Donor nations have committed 5 million dollars over three years to

______________ _____________________________(一项旨在拯


7. The students now____________________________________(克制

自已,不在床上吸烟) after a fire broke out in a dormitory last


8. Had he quit video games,




9. As the hurricane is gaining


量的树连根拔起) along its path.

10. The government has



Part 5


1. settled for a decision of wage increase by five percent

2. It will take a while for any radiation to be detected

3. all of the following forms be filled out carefully and completely

4. Villagers living along this river would face an imminent crisis

5. The Polar bear is listed as endangered

6. a program aimed at saving the tiger

7. refrain from smoking in their beds

8. he would have passed the final exams

9. it uprooted a large number of trees

10. eased restrictions for big corporations to acquire foreign firms

Part 6.

1. They should stop any actions that



2. _________________________________________(考虑到对这种疾

病的传播越来越担心), the authorities gave $50 million for vaccinne


3. Some economists worry that a record supply of



4. The teacher told her students that


______________________________(不应急忙做决定) in choosing

a topic of research.

5. _______________________________________(当地政府撤离了五

万人) before the tropical storm hit the area.

6. We must protect forests better because a major part of any carbon



7. Developed nations must take the lead in




8. If all things go well, this



9. Some old people believed that growing


10. The principal of this famous


_____________________________(着重强调了科研工作的重要性). Part 6.


1. cause the situation to deteriorate futher

2. Given growing concerns about the spread of the disease

3. will jeopardize the effort to control inflation

4. should not rush into a decision

5. Local government evacuated 50,000 people

6. will come from trees absorbing carbon

7. the goals of cutting greenhouse gas emissions 60 percent

8. will make the change permanent

9. can slow the pace of life

10. places a heavy emphasis on scientific research work

Part 7

1. That the bank has stopped providing more




2. The computer company will allow its customers to




3. A heavy storm swept across this area last week and




4. ______________________________________(期待很高的100美元

的手提电脑投放市场) disappointed many buyers.

5. This temperature sensor can detect the



6. ____________________________________________(假如他们当

初对这一建议反应积极), the agreement would have been signed last


7. Small shareholders were not allowed to enter the conference room, so

they didn’t know__________________________


8. ____________________________________________(找到了约二

十块坠毁飞机的残片) from the ocean after an intense search.

9. After the shipwreck last month, the shipyard recommeded that




10. Her goal of gaining control of the new


Part 7


1. complicates the general manager’s approach to the new market

2. upgrade their softwares at a discounted price

3. relieved the severe drought there

4. The launch of the much-anticipated $100 laptops

5. before symptoms become apparent

6. Had they responded positively to the proposal

7. what happened behind the scenes

8. Some twenty pieces of the crashed plane were recovered

9. clients replace some major components

10. is experiencing some setbacks
