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the study of corporate culture's role in the

development of SME

ABSTRACT:The corporate culture is an important intangible asset in the development of enterprises,especially in the flourishing of small and medium enterprises(SME) and world economic integration,large enterprises dominate the economic development,so SME can only survive in the cracks and the development prospects are very slim. In order to enable the SME to be able to break through the blockade of the large enterprises, The SME not only should be good at seizing the opportunities of development, but also should cultivate a unique corporate culture that the majority of the employees agree. Corporate culture gather together corporate members and form an unstoppable force. In this paper,I analysis the development status of SME and use the theoretical study of the corporate culture to study the role of corporate culture on the development of SME , as well as how to nurture a corporate culture.

Keywords: Corporate culture; SME; enterprise development


Economic globalization is the trend of economic development. World market are https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1f8166581.html,rge enterprises at home and abroad have seized the main market. In order to maintain market share and seek survival and development, they gave the penetration spearhead to SME survival niche https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1f8166581.html,pared with these multinational enterprises,there are many obvious competitive disadvantage. Under their powerful oppression, survival and development has become difficult. As a major economic power of China's economic development, SME need to conform to the requirements of the market economic development, to cultivate their own corporate culture, to establish a system of modern enterprise management , to improve the competitiveness and internal cohesion of the enterprise development, and seek a cup of soup with the large state-owned enterprises and multinational enterprises.Mr.Yu Guangyuan used to say: "The prosperity of the country rely on the economy and economic prosperity depend on enterprises, businesses rely on management and the

key of management is cultural ."

As a new management model,the management of corporate culture highlights its strong competitive ability and gets much attention of large enterprises, but SME is still relatively lacking the understanding of the corporate culture, not even make it as a resource of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1f8166581.html,petitiveness and cohesion of the corporate culture is infinite and invisible.It can make the employees of the company work hard toward the common goal under the guidance of the total values.The lack of corporate culture will result in a chaotic management of the company, lacking a sense of responsibility,working inefficient,and even contrary to the direction of enterprise development.These will be the main reason for some SME abortive.Corporate culture is now changing from the machine-centric management ideas to the human-centered corporate culture management,from the transaction-centric to business-centric,from the center of hard specification and hard constraints to the center of shaping,from the short-term goals and acts as the center of management thinking to s the idea of long-term goals and acts as the center .

In order to enable SME to better understand the role of corporate culture, you should identify the gaps between successful and failure enterprises,analyze causes of the gap and corporate culture play the role on enterprise development, identify the problems that enterprises encounter in the development,and make relevant recommendations to cultivate corporate culture of SME.

1 the awareness of corporate culture of SME

"The corporate culture is mainly refers to the guiding ideology of the enterprise, business philosophy and style of work, including values,codes of conduct, ethics, cultural traditions, customs, ceremonies, management systems and corporate image." The corporate culture is mainly through the power of the spirit and culture from the management of deep standardize enterprise behavior, for enterprises to achieve strategic objectives.The corporate culture is a management theory to help enterprises solve the problem.If enterprises want to survive and develop in a complex and changing environment,they must use culture processing and good three basic

relationship,that the relationship between business and society, the relationship between the enterprise and the people, the relationship between the businesses and the natural.

Due to smaller,SME generally use simple linear management model.Linear management model is characterized by relatively simple organizational structure,accountable,unified command, supervisor general personally handling the transaction.For SME, the company owner is responsible for solving all problems and the culture of the SME are mainly influenced by the main supervisor.

In a way, SME lack the awareness of the importance of corporate culture. First of all, the corporate culture is an invisible force and cannot bring intuitive benefits to the enterprise funds, the pace of development, the scale.They think that the cultivation of corporate culture is an increase in the cost and reducing the direct benefits of the business owners.In order to maximize short-term net income, they will take casual management based on the reality of the situation and personal characteristics;Second, some small business owners lack management theoretical knowledge learning, lack the long-term development of the strategic vision, cannot think to make enterprises bigger and stronger. They think that enterprises culture is just exist in large enterprises .There is no need to cultivate the corporate culture because of fewer personnel in SME,One person can control the overall situation and deal with all things.Their own words and deeds is the corporate culture; Finally,even if many companies make the cultural construction, mostly is without substance. They do not pay attention to build the cultural connotation, just to implant the concept of corporate culture of other enterprises to their own business.This corporate culture will not be recognized by the staff and thus it is difficult to play the role of the corporate culture. According to related statistics research,the world longevity generally have impregnable corporate culture.The enterprise cultural heritage shared values of the enterprise, for future generations managers accepted. Therefore, if the SME want to grow and develop,corporate culture must be built with the characteristics of the enterprise.

2 development difficulties faced by SME

SME face with many difficulties in the process of the development,the following main points:

(1)survival market shrinks

Large enterprises have a strong force to support and can reach every corner of the world.Whether it is a big market or a small market,it can establish their own marketing team. SME are unable to compete with and only retreat from the big market to a small market,and then become almost deprived of accommodation .They can only survive in the cracks between the major companies.The surviving market is getting smaller and smaller, and the prospects of development is extremely dim. (2)the life shortened

SME generally use simple management model. Business owners often lack a systematic learning .All the basic things need owners to personally handle.With the expansion of business scale, business owners will feel it difficult to cope with it and enterprise management is inefficient.The life of many corporate is not more than one generation.Moreover, in order to expand market share and increase scale,the large enterprises will take mergers and acquisitions approach to business.

(3)limited market potential

SME financing and technical strength is weak,so it is impossible to support the development of high-tech industries.Many companies are engaged in traditional industries, but some traditional industries have meet consumer's demands and the potential consumption is limited.Because of lower barriers to entry, more competitors can enter the industry. More importantly, the profits of traditional industries is getting smaller and smaller and has reached the basic cost of the bottom line.So it can not bring more flowing cash and then expand the scale and develop new industries.

(4)development and management mode is incompatible

SME generally use simple management model because of the smaller scale.Principal executive officer take responsible for handling all aspects of the work, which requires them to have a comprehensive quality,but this is difficult to make it for SME,

resulting in all aspects of work there is a deviation.With the development of enterprises, managers will feel powerless.This needs to change the management model.The original model and the new model is inevitable conflict, even bringing enterprises to the brink of collapse.

3 the role of corporate culture on the development of SME

(1)increase employee participation in spirit

If fostering human-centered corporate culture and all things considered the interests of the employees, the employees will personally feel that they are masters of enterprise. They will think that making profit for company is for themselves,regard the company's thing as their own things and participate in the governance of the company.

(2)improve cohesion

Shared values will make employees understand the company's future development prospects which kind of business they will be.In order to achieve this common goal, they condense into a powerful force and contribute their maximum efforts.If everyone is working for their own purposes, without putting the goal of the enterprise on the work of the first, there will be various aspects of the conflict and damaging the interests of the enterprise.

(3)to strengthen the capacity of communication between employees

Employees may come from a different cultural circles, with different values and different understanding of the way.The thought of the same thing will be very different. Especially due to the staff's error understanding when the leader make an order,diametrically opposite phenomenon may occur.Corporate culture can narrow the gap,reduce the difficulties of communication,and will improve the efficiency of the work.

(4)promote enterprise development and growth

Competition in the 21st century is a talent competition,who have the talent is equivalent to have competitive advantage. Due to the social nature of the people, they are not just to make money as well as realize personal value.Possessing a good corporate culture, they will take the interests of the employees in the first place, which is conducive to the employees engaged in the enterprise, to accelerate the pace of enterprise reform and development, and to narrow the gap with the modern enterprise.

(5)shape corporate brand and improve corporate image

Due to the limitations of the living conditions,SME have no good corporate image in the history of its development,especially trust.Shaping corporate culture can not only improve the internal culture, also can establish a corporate image, so that only the

corporate culture can take on the important task of improving corporate reputation .

4 SME should take measures and suggestions when cultivate corporate culture

(1)to improve the overall quality of the small business owners

To nurture SME culture, the primary consideration is the small business owners.They are shapers and promoters of corporate culture and on behalf of a corporate image, thus the quality of the business owners play a key role in nurturing a successful corporate culture or not.Only with excellent quality,business owners will consciously set an example and respect and trust employees, rather than simply regard the staff as a tool to make money.the staff regard the development good or bad as their own things and is willing to do things for the enterprise.

(2)to cultivate the values that have enterprise's own characteristics

SME is different from large enterprises.They are usually large number ,small-scale, rapid development, stamina,short of life.This is mainly due to the business owners lacking of the people-oriented business philosophy, especially the cultivation of values.which will result in chaotic and inefficient,therefore, we should pay attention to the shaping of values. Comparing to the enterprise in the past and now, under the co-participation of all employees, refining and sublimation can display the characteristics values of the enterprise and only can it be able to distinguish from other companies that they will have a strong competitive. Especially in the economic market, the company's corporate culture are similar, would not achieve the unconventional role.

(3)building a people-oriented corporate culture

Employees are the main construction of the enterprise development, as well as the recipient of the enterprise culture.For the sake of employees and taking employees in the first place.Wages and reward is the primary way to motivate staff.In addition, we must also strengthen the concern for employees and give them respect that they should get. Such a sense of responsibility and loyalty of employees will improve, and they are willing to work for the enterprise. Otherwise,SME also should get rid of the limitations of family management and expand the range of recruitment,rather than within the family looking for the most appropriate managers, and employees is full of expectations for personal career development , not from the beginning have known the future results.

(4)building a learning organization

As well as a man,corporate should not retreat conservative while should open it's heart to accommodate hundreds of rivers.From the setting up days of the corporate,it should continuously learn the advanced culture,introduce the advanced technology and management mode, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises. In the corporate , not only individuals learn, but also they should leed the entire team learn, which will enable enterprises to become a learning organization. There is no doubt that successful companies are learning organizations.

5 conclusion

This article provides an overview of the status of the development of SME, as well as the understanding of the corporate culture,the analysis of the difficulties faced by the enterprise development, and putting forward countermeasures and suggestions for enterprises to establish the dominant corporate culture. Comprehensive discussion of this paper, the following conclusions can be drawn:

(1)SME have achieved a certain development, but it starts late and the course is short.so there are many defects in the building of enterprise culture, which runs counter to the increasingly fierce competition in the world economy and weakens the competitiveness of enterprises and hinders the development of the enterprise. Therefore, the building of the SME's corporate culture is without delay.

(2)In the development of enterprises,employees forme a set of values, codes of conduct,moral philosophy of management, which is the basis for establishing a corporate culture. Refining the unique values is the core of the corporate culture, good moral philosophy should not be overlooked.

(3)If SME establish a good corporate culture, corporate culture must be consistent with the current development of the enterprise.On the basis of their own cultural, the SME should absorb the fine traditional culture , learn from foreign advanced culture, dare to innovate,form their own cultural brand, and then promote the development of enterprises.



编号: 中国农业大学现代远程教育毕业论文(设计) 论文题目浅谈企业文化建设研究 学生张瑞华 指导教师高级讲师 专业经济管理 层次高起专 批次 102 学号 W11040210214 学习中心北京农林科学院 工作单位北京顺义 2010年 8 月 中国农业大学网络教育学院制

目录 1.前言 (3) 1. 1 本文研究背景 (3) 1.2国内外研究现状 (4) 1.3研究的目的和意义 (4) 2.中国企业文化的特征 (5) 2.1“家”的观念 (5) 2.2“面子”问题 (5) 3.中国式企业文化管理的策略建议 (6) 3.1尊重员工的“家” (6) 3.2引导“小家”成“大家” (6) 3.3既要“明”,更要“暗” (6) 3.4努力“安人” (6) 3.5领导者重视以身作则 (7) 4.结论与建议 (7) 4.1建设企业文化推动经营管理 (7) 4.2完善企业文化优化经营管理 (8) 4.3深化企业文化创新经营管理 (9) 后记 (9) 参考文献: (10)

内容提要:每一次经济危机都会有一些企业倒下去,但也有一些企业反而获得了新生。经营管理学家们考证,原因在于管理水平不同。管理水平高的企业总是能及时规避市场风险、管理困境,走出危机阴霾。并进一步考证出提升经营管理水平所不可缺少的核心环节是建立了独特的企业文化,用企业文化的导向功能、凝聚功能、激励功能和社会功能把企业建设成一个具有战斗力的坚强堡垒,极大地增强了企业抗风险、抗打击的能力。随着我国逐步融入到世界经济的大环境中,企业的经营形势、竞争对手、投资策略等都在发生变化。如何借用企业文化开展管理升级成为了在市场经济条件下企业必须解决的课题。 关键词:企业文化软实力经营管理精神力量企业发展 1.前言 什么是企业文化?按照国际广泛认可的一种说法,企业文化是个体在某个特定企业环境中的行为方式。刘叔铭教授从七个方面来阐述企业文化的定义。一是《辞源》对文化的解释是“文治和教化”,“文”是慢慢积累的意思,所以企业文化是无法一蹴而就的。二是企业文化是企业的个性:团体的共同信仰、价值观和行为。三是企业文化是象征的、整体的、惟一的、稳定的、难于改变的。四是企业文化既有有形的部分,也有无形的部分,是由有意识学习与无意识学习组成的,不是书面的理想、愿景和使命,而是日常的实务、沟通和信仰。五是简单地说,它是在一个企业里事情如何做好。六是企业文化还可以看做一个循环、哲学表达价值,价值体现于行为上、行为说明哲学。七是企业文化也可以看作一个系统。一千个人心中,有一千个哈姆雷特。关于企业文化的概念,由很多不同的认识和表达,但有一点是共同的,就是理念和行为方式。 知名企业贵州开磷集团的《企业文化手册》的序言中有这样一段话:“磷矿资源终会枯竭,只有精神力量生生不息。一个企业,需要一种精神,一种灵魂,一种无声的、无形的力量。而这种精神力量,这种氛围就是这个企业的文化。”这说明企业文化在当今企业建设中不可或缺,是企业管理的核心问题。自八十年代中期企业文化理论传入中国,已经改变了无数企业的命运,像海尔、联想等知名企业都是靠企业文化发展壮大。虽然企业发展离不开技术和管理等“看得见”的硬实力,但企业文化是企业的软实力,直接影响着企业的整体发展。 1.1 本文研究背景 企业文化的产生既是对旧的管理”理性模式”的批判,也是对传统的管理理论和方法的继承和发展。众所周知,旧的管理的致命弱点在于过分迷信组织、制度和机器,忽视了非理性、非组织的东西,特别是忽视了企业的主体——人这个最重要的因素。企业文化的意义在于,它在重视制度、组织等硬件的同时,特别重视人的因素、人的感情因素、文化因素。目前,中国企业在确


国网****市供电公司 企业文化建设情况简介 国网**市供电公司位于一代宗师李叔同故里**市,西瓜之乡,瓜灯之城,有“金**”之美誉,她,人文荟萃、风光旖旎,水源丰富,是一颗镶嵌在杭嘉湖平原上的璀璨明珠。而电让这颗明珠更加五彩缤纷、光彩照人。公司设办公室、人力资源部、发展建设部等7个职能部室;检修建设工区、客户服务中心2个业务支撑和实施机构;当湖供电所等三个供电营业分支机构,现有职工418人(全民217、集体33、农电168)。公司上下高度重视企业文化建设,几年来取得了不错的成绩,下面我从机制建设、价值引领、文化认同、融入中心、基础规范、工作成效等六个方面的企业文化建设工作情况进行介绍,情况如下: 国网**供电公司高度重视企业文化建设,成立了企业文化建设领导小组,下设工作推进小组,通过规划、试点、推进,管控、考评等5个步骤常态推进**公司企业文化示范点建设。**公司围绕文化建设四大难题逐一分析破解(价值引领难——解决办法“”共鸣点切入,中心融入难——“四种形象“一强三优”驱动,行为固化难——主题抓手长久推动,习惯养成难——长效氛围培育、熏陶),围绕价值引领、中心融入当前县供企业文化建设两大核心,以**瓜灯节为灵感,

提出“***”实践主题,引领**公司长效推动国网五统一企业文化落地实践,为国网优秀企业文化基本价值理念深植企业,扎根班组提供工作思路。 国网**市供电公司通过搭建平台、精选载体、组织活动等方式,紧紧围绕“***”主题实践活动,分别规划建设了文化礼堂、道德讲堂等文化传播阵地,文化礼堂以点亮梦想、强基固本等6方面内容,倡导务实、守信、崇学、向善。道德讲堂,以身边的人说身边故事的方式,每季度由各党支部轮流承办,潜移默化提升党员干部的道德素养。开展了“政工师进班组”、“中国梦国网情”等主题活动,精心编写了统一企业文化传播实践手册,打造了三所一工区文化示范点,实现“五统一”企业文化真正入眼、入耳、入脑、入心到行为自觉,为构建“共享心灵阳光、共筑温馨家园”提供典型借鉴。 **公司围绕劳动最美推出了两个劳动模范典型:分别为徐**,以培育新人、传授技能为典型的劳动模范,潘**劳模,以技术创新、立足岗位做榜样为典型劳模,为**公司务实发展,建功立业提供典型榜样。在此基础上建立劳模工作室,让劳模精神大力传承。公司注重人才教育培养,劳模工作室已在公司企业文化宣教、人才梯队建设、课题攻关、履行社会责任、虚拟团队建设等方面发挥示范引领作用,成为“劳模精神传播地、工作技能传授地、优秀成果培育地、企业文化传承地”,是我公司重要工作平台。被评为省公司A级劳模创新工作室,并在**市公司2014年年底考评中排名第一。


企业精神口号标语大全 企业口号 1、不断超越,追求完美。 2、诚信为本,创新为魂。 3、居安思危,自强不息。 4、关爱生命,保护环境,预防为主,持续改进。 5、严守标准,履行合同,工程优质,信誉至上。 6、对工程负责,让用户满意! 7、公司是我家,发展靠大家。 8、大力加强党风廉政建设,促进企业健康持续发展。 9、诚实做人,精心做事。 10、以质量求生存,以信誉促发展。 11、超越自我,敬业创新。 12、找准自己的位置、尽到自己的责任、树立自己的形象。 13、学先进、找差距、抓管理、上水平。 14、以质量求生存,以信誉促发展。 15、带出一流的队伍,创出一流的业绩,展现一流的风貌! 16、向质量要市场,向管理要效益。 17、人人爱岗敬业,公司兴旺发达。 18、质量第一,确保安全,文明施工,艰苦创业! 19、高起点,严要求,抓质量,保安全,促进度,争一流!

20、求生存,敬业爱岗与公司共命运;谋发展,开拓进取创企业新局面! 21、百尽竿头,更进一步。 22、品质合格是尽社会的义务,品质卐越是对社会的贡献。 23、优质产品,是市场竞争必胜的保证。 24、用心血融铸经营理忛,让企业文化生生不息。 25、质量是成功的伙伴,贯标是质量的保障。 26、质量—带给你看得见的未来,说不出的精彩。 27、优质产品,是打开市场大门的厘钥匙。 28、品质—企业致胜的关键。 29、信誉来源二质量,质量来源二素质。 30、顾客信誉是企业发展的源泉。 31、品质的优劣比成本更重要。 32、质量是企业永恒的主题。 33、创新是根本,质量是生命,务实是宗旨,效益是目标。 34、ISO9000—效率,效益之源。 35、今天的付出,明天的回报。 36、关怀、诚信、沟通、创新、价值 37、关怀:关心、关爱、相互支持与扶持、爱护 38、诚信:对客户、合作伙伴、同事、企业均要诚守信誉 39、沟通:以诚实的态度,用心去沟通,达成思想一致和感情的通畅 40、创新:寻求更好的办法解决问题



企业文化标语中英文 【篇一:非常全面的企业宣传标语中英文】 企业宣传标语 corporation propaganda slogan 1. 顾客满意是企业永恒的追求 customer satisfy is the eternal pursue of corporation. 2. 安全 来于警惕,事故出于麻痹 safety is from alert, and accident is from paralysis. 3. 责任是质量的保证、质量是企业的生命 responsibility is the assurence of quality, and quailty is the life of corporation. 4. 有品质才有市场、有改善才有进步 only quality posesses market, and improvement gets progress. 5. 细节决定成败、勤奋成就人生。 details determine success or failure, and diligance creats life. 6. 事故是最大的浪费、安全是最大的节约 accident is largest waste, and safe is the greatest saving. 7. 保护环境是责任、爱护环境是美德 environment potection is our responsibility, and environment cherish is our virtue. 8. 生产绿色产品、节约地球资源 output green products, and save our earth resources. 9.以质量求生存、以信誉求发展、以管理求效益


企业文化标语大全 企业文化标语大全 G01 没有品质,便没有企业的明天。 G02 品质,企业未来的决战场和永恒的主题。 G03 推动全员品质活动,提高全员工作十七。 G04 ISO9000,企业打开全球化市场的金钥匙。 G05 质量认证,企业全球化的通行证,也是企业管理的起点。 G06 全员参与,强化管理,精益求精,铸造品质。 G07 讲究实效、完善管理、提升品质、增创效益。 G08 优秀的职员:忠于公司、终于职业、忠于人格。 G09 成功者找方法,失败者找借口。 G10 团队精神,是企业文化的核心。 G11 技术是基础,管理是动力。 G12 行动是成功的开始,等待是失败的源头。 G13 企业管理成功的秘诀在于对品牌、管理模式和人力资源的三项追求。 G14 沟通与合作,带给你完善紧密的联系和无限的效益。 G15 有品质才有市场,有改善才有进步。 G16 5S:做好了,才算做了。 G17 5S是建立洁净亮丽,整齐舒适,安全高效的法宝。 G18 5S---减少浪费,降低成本,气氛融洽,工作规范,提升品质,安全保证。G19 ISO14000是绿色环保和创建人类和谐环境的基础。 G20 提供优质的产品,是回报客户最好的方法。 企业文化标语大全 ◆企业文化宣传标语(J类): J01 因为有我,所以会更好。 J02 不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 J03 态度决定一切,细节决定成败。 J04 只有勇于承担责任,才能承担更大的责任。 J05 多点沟通,少点抱怨;多点理解,少点争执。 J06 自我提升,良性竞争;相互欣赏,相互支持。 J07 团结一条心,石头变成金。 J08 强化竞争意识,营造团队精神。 J09 您的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。 J10 追求客户满意,是你我的责任。 J11 有一分耕耘,就有一分收获。 J12 只有不完美的产品,没有挑剔的客户。 企业文化标语大全


公司企业文化宣传用语(中英文) 在线网校: 考试书库: 网校以及考试书库开发及拥有课件范围涉及公务员/ 财会类/学历类/建筑工程类 等 9 大类考试的在线网络培训辅导和全新引进高清 3D 电子书考试用书。 1.欣赏的奇妙之处在于,它能让我们自己也拥有被欣赏 者的优点。 Appreciation is a wonderful thing:It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ——Voltaire 伏尔泰 2.最了不起的天赋,莫过于能估量事物的真正价值。 The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth. ——Rochefoucauld 拉罗什富科 3.欣赏你的同事为工作的付出。没有什么能够替代几 句合时宜的、发自内心的赞美,赞美不花费任何成本却能 带来无比的财富。 Appreciate everything your associates do f o r the business.Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chose,well-timed,sincere words of

praise.They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune. ——Sam Walton 山姆.沃尔顿 4.我每天早上醒来都提醒自己:我自己说的话并不能 帮助自己成长。所以如果我想多学习,就要注意聆听。 I remind myself every morning:Nothing I s a y this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn,I must do it by listening. ——Larry King 拉里.金 5.思考如智者,说话如民众。 Think like a wise man but communicate in t h e language of the people. ——William butler Yeats 叶芝 6.昨日已经消逝,明日还未到来,我们拥有的只是今天。让我们从现在开始吧! Yesterday is gone.Tomorrow has not yet come.We have only today.Let us begin. ——Mother Terese 德兰修女 7.无论走到哪里,无论天气如何,你都要带上自己的 阳光。 Wherever you go,whatever the weather is ,always bring your own sunshine. 8.如果否定了事物的可能性,你就在瞬间失去了生活


标语: 1、人资行政: 耐心对待每一个问题,严肃对待每一项制度,细心对待每一件事情,爱心对待每一位同仁 Every problem needs to be patient, every system be strict, everything be very careful, andevery colleague needs caring with love 敢为正直,勇于正气,坚持正义,倡导廉洁 Dare to integrity, encourage healthy trends, persist in justice, advocate incorruption 弄虚作假,心怀不轨,私利团体,背叛公司 保护环境是每一个公民应尽的义务,请节约每一滴水,每一度电,每一张纸。。。 Protecting the environment is the obligation of every citizen, please save every drop ofwater, each unit of electricity, every piece of paper. . . 2、客服部饮水机两旁 感到困难是能力不足,觉得麻烦是方法不对 Feel difficulty because of i neap ability, Feel trouble because of wrong way 认真做事,能把事做对。用心做事,才能把事做好 Work seriously can do right things,Work diligently can do things well 3、第二接待室墙上: 创新是企业的生命之源,创新就是创造新的价值! Innovation is the sources of an enterprise 's life, Innovation is to create ne value!只有步入国际标准的轨道,才能步入无限延伸的空间!


毕业设计(论文)题目:企业文化建设研究 系别:经济管理学院 专业: 财务管理 班级:ZT0953-1 学生姓名:朱晓倩 学号: 指导教师:陈家润

摘要 改革开放以来,我国企业文化建设理论上与实践上取得了很大成绩,对建设我国特色社会主义建设和促进国民经济发展都起到了积极作用。在知识经济到来的今天,企业要想发展并在竞争中立于不败之地,必须高度重视企业文化建设,充分发挥企业文化在市场竞争中的作用。本文从企业文化建设的基础理论介绍入手,阐述了企业文化建设的重要性及建设途径,文章最后以安彩企业文化建设作实证分析,指出未来企业文化建设的方向。 关键词:企业文化建设途径

Abstract Since the reform and opening up, China's building of enterprise culture in theory and practice has made great achievements in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote the building of national economic development have played an active role. Today the arrival of knowledge economy, enterprises are to develop and remain invincible in the competition, we must attach great importance to corporate culture, corporate culture, give full play to the role of competition in the market. In this paper, the basic theory of corporate culture describes and expounds the importance of enterprise culture and building ways, the article finally safe color for empirical analysis of corporate culture, that the future direction of enterprise culture. Keywords: Enterprise Culture Construction way


公司企业文化介绍 xx公司座落在江海之滨的南通市郊,环境优美,处于上海经济区内,水、陆、空交通运输方便快捷。公司多年来生产氯化、胺化、脂化、加氢、合成、复配等系列产品,在蒸馏、精馏工艺上拥有独特的技术及经验。公司先后有五种产品荣获省、市“优质产品”称号及“科技进步”奖,连续八年被评为市“重合同守信用”、“一级信用”及“科技进步先进”企业,九O年获南通市“明星企业”称号。 公司始终贯彻执行'坚持质量第一,满足用户需求”为质量方针,秉承着“工业报国,光明正大,团结一致,奋发向上,礼节谦让,适应形势,感谢报恩”的公司企业精神,依靠科技进步和严格管理,在以董事长佘道才先生为首的各位领导和全体员工的共同努力下,企业得到了飞速的发展,取得了突出的成就。 公司的企业文化属于硬汉型文化。这种文化具有鼓励内部竞争和创新,鼓励拼搏,竞争性较强,产品更新快的企业文化特点。在xx,公司有明确的标准,严格的奖惩制度,组织结构富于灵活性,内部竞争激烈。公司董事长xxx先生的的创业事迹充满着传奇色彩。在这位领头人的拼搏进取,锐意创新,艰苦奋斗的竞争精神的带领下,公司全体员工的身上都充满了一股干劲,拼搏进取,富有创新精神,使得整个公司蓬勃发展,带有年轻与活力。 与此同时,xx公司的企业文化以人为本,尊重人的感情,从而在企业中造成了一种团结友爱、相互信任的和睦气氛,强化了团体意识,使企业职工之间形成强大的凝聚力和向心力。共同的

价值观念形成了共同的目标和理想,公司员工把企业看成是一个命运共同体,把本职工作看成是实现共同目标的重要组成部分,整个企业步调一致,形成统一的整体。“厂兴我荣,厂衰我耻”成为职工发自内心的真挚感情,“爱厂如家”是全体公司员工的实际行动。共同的价值观念——“厂兴我荣,厂衰我耻”使每个职工都感到自己存在和行为的价值,自我价值的实现使得全体公司员工的最高精神需求得到了一种满足,激励大家不断为了公司这个大家庭而奋斗。 除此之外,xx有着他的独特的包容性和特殊性。公司对于外来的优秀文化具有很强的吸收学习能力,能够吸收经济发展、文化进步和社会变革中的积极因素,吸收其他企业在实践中形成的好的思想和经验;同时,对于与企业文化主流相悖的其他思想意识则有着相应的抵御能力。“去粗取精,去伪存真”,公司在这样的企业包容文化的影响下,形成了自己独特的鲜明个性——蓬勃、创新、团结、奋斗。 最后,忠心祝愿我们的xx不断进取,永远兴旺。


企业文化标语口号 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

一、 企业文化标语口号: 1、建一流企业、创百年品牌。 2、效率成就品牌,诚信铸就未来。 3、建设节约型企业从我做起,节约就是效益节约就是增效。 4、态度决定一切,细节决定成败。 5、自我提升,良性竞争。相互欣赏,相互支持。 6、强化竞争意识,营造团队精神。 7、以厂为校,以厂为家,互相学习,互相关怀。 8、培育礼仪员工,创造团队精神。 9、爱护公物,珍惜资源,勤俭节约,共同发展。 10、思路决定出路、态度决定高度。 11、企业的成功来自于每一位员工的付出。 12、减少浪费,降低成本,气氛融洽,工作规范。 二、安全生产标语口号 1、效率生产,安全第一。 2、车间重地,安全第一。 3、树立企业安全形象,促进安全文明生产。 4、以人为本,安全第一。 5、安全生产工作重在求真务实。 6、树立安全观念坚持安全生产。 7、生产管理高效率安全生产排第一。 8、仓库重地、严禁烟火。

三、品质标语口号 1、创造有魅力的质量,造就忠实的客户群体。 2、质量是制造出来的,而不是检验出来的。 3、创新突破稳定品质,落实管理提高效率。 (改革创新追求品质,落实管理提高效率。) 5、做好产品包装工作,保障产品最终质量。 6、质量意识在我心中产品质量在我手中。 7、质量是水企业是舟水能载舟亦能覆舟。 8、塑企业形象,创优质名牌。 (创优质品牌,铸一流企业形象。) 9、品质,企业未来的决战场和永恒的主题。 10、讲究实效、完善管理、提升品质、增创效益。 11、以质量求生存,以质量求发展,向质量要效益。 12、建质量效益之路,创质量效益之业。 13、顾客至上,改革求实,以人为本,团结进取。 14、质量是企业的生命,质量是企业的效益, 质量是企业发展的动力,质量靠全体员工去保证。 15、信誉来源于品质、品质来源于素质。 (质量是信誉的保证,信誉是质量的体现。) 16、追求品质卓越,尽显企业精华。 四、团队、车间及员工精神标语口号 1、全员参与、强化管理、精益求精、铸就品质。


企业文化建设英文 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

R e p o r t Introduction In any companies has its own culture. Some culture is strong, others culture is weak. No matter the culture is strong or weak that will impact on the development of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should also take effective measures to maintain the corporate culture.Wegman is a grocery store.He has a strong corporate culture, but also affect their employees follow the Wegman's culture. 1. Strong and Weak Culture 1.1 Definition of Strong and Weak culture An organization must be composed of both a variety of cultural. So we can divide these into strong and weak culture, according to different attributes of cultures. Strong Culture is the key values are strongly held and widely recognized cultural organizations by the public. Strong Culture will restrict a manager's decision-making related to choice of all management functions. It determines what people should do or not do anything. Organizations have strong cultures have a very clear recognition of the value. Strong cultural impact for the employee's behavior, and reduce staff turnover have more direct contact. On the contrary, (Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong , [M] 2010 ) Weak Culture is the key values that cannot be widely accepted and strongly insist cultural organizations. In a strong culture, the organization's core values are both strongly held and widely shared. The more members who accept the core value and the greater their commitment to those value is, the stronger culture is. Consistent with this definition, a strong culture will have a great influence on the behavior of its employees because the high degree of sharing and intensity creates atmosphere of high behavior control. 1.2 The culture of Wegman Characterize Wegman's culture is a Strong Culture. Strong culture for the greater impact of employee behavior, and reduce staff turnover have a more direct relationship. A special result of a strong culture should be lower employee turnover. (Robbins, . and Coulter, [M], 2007) A strong


企业文化标语(中英文)timeiswhatyoumakeofit.(swatch)天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)makeyourselfheard.(ericss on理解就是沟通。(爱立信)en gi neeredtomovethehuma nspirit.(mercedes-be nz)人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯-奔驰) startahead.(rejoice )成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)adiamondlastsforever.(debierres钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)fresh-upwithseve n-up.(seve n-up提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)in tel in side.(i ntelpe ntium)给电脑一颗奔腾的芯”(英特尔奔腾)conn ect in gpeople.( no kia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)fortheroadahead.(honda)康庄大道。(本田)letusmakethi ngsbetter.(philips)让我们做的更好。(飞利浦)teachinginlife,appreciatingduringteaching.在生活中施教,在施教中提升。asin gleflowerdoes no tmakeaspri ng 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。beautyliveswithk indn ess.美寓于善。ittakesthreege nerati on stomakeage ntlema n.十年树木,百年树人。goodisgood,butbettercarriesit.精益求精,善益求善。seekthetruthfromfacts. 实事求是。 childrenarewhatthemothersare. 耳濡目染,身教言传。thereisnoendingtolearning. 学无止境。 wherethereisawill,thereisaway.有志者事竟成。 agoodbegi nnin gmakesagoode nding善始善终。

XX公司企业文化建设研究 (2)

泰州职业技术学院 成人高等教育 专科生毕业论文题目:某省烟草公司企业文化建设研究 姓名:徐广学号:2017030016 函授站:无锡市北塘职校 班级:18国际经济与贸易 专业:国际经济与贸易 指导教师:陈建生职称:高级讲师 二0一九年五月

某省烟草公司企业文化建设研究 【摘要】企业文化是企业的软实力,对提升企业核心竞争力,实现可持续发展有着至关重要的作用。面对烟草行业内忧外患的严峻挑战,烟草企业纷纷着手开展企业文化建设。某省烟草自开始探索自身的企业文化建设,希望通过企业文化来凝聚人心、汇聚人力,促使企业转“危”为“机”。通过全体干部职工的共同努力,企业文化建设已取得了阶段性成果,但仍存在制约企业文化发展的若干问题。 本文以企业文化相关理论为指导,从企业文化认知层面、精神层面、制度层面、行为层面、物质层面进行调查,找出当前某省烟草企业文化建设精神层面、制度层面、行为层面、物质层面存在的问题和不足。在深度剖析原因的基础上,针对性地从精神、制度、行为和物质四个层面提出健全完善某省烟草企业文化建设的改进方案,并且从组织、制度、人力、资源等方面提供相应的保障措施。该研究在完善企业文化建设方面,有一定的参考价值,起到了部分借鉴作用。 【关键词】企业文化,文化建设,烟草

Research on Enterprise Culture Construction of Tobacco Company in a Province [Abstract] Enterprise culture is the soft power of an enterprise and plays a vital role in improving the core competitiveness of the enterprise and realizing sustainable development. Facing the severe challenges of internal and external troubles in the tobacco industry, tobacco companies have started to develop corporate culture. Tobacco in a province has been exploring its own corporate culture construction since it started. It hopes to gather people's hearts and manpower through the corporate culture, and urge enterprises to turn " danger" into " opportunity". Through the joint efforts of all cadres and workers, the construction of enterprise culture has achieved phased results, but there are still some problems restricting the development of enterprise culture. Under the guidance of relevant theories of enterprise culture, this paper investigates from the cognitive, spiritual, institutional, behavioral and material aspects of enterprise culture to find out the problems and deficiencies in the spiritual, institutional, behavioral and material aspects of the current construction of tobacco enterprise culture in a province. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the causes, this paper puts forward improvement plans to perfect the construction of tobacco enterprise culture in a province from the aspects of spirit, system, behavior and material, and provides corresponding safeguard measures from the aspects of organization, system, manpower and resources. This research has certain reference value and has played a part in perfecting the construction of enterprise culture. [Keywords] corporate culture, cultural construction, tobacco


广西南弓世家网络科技有限公司,是一家以装饰建材家居服务与互联网思维有效结合的一站式电商平台机构。同时是专业从事网络科技研发、商务服务、商务信息、装饰建材销售及家居服务为一体的高新技术企业。公司自成立之初起,一直注重把网络技术研发与家居服务及顾客实际需求相结合,注重市场创新、客户创新和技术创新的统一,用互联网思维与运用颠覆传统装修建材家居行业,在电子商务现代企业信息化建设实践中,积极开拓创新、市场资源整合、网络技术信息共享以铸造家居服务第一平台为己任。 公司旗下品牌“管家工”是一个传统建材与现代家居完美结合的一体化服务平台,从B2B、B2C、C2C网络模式结构中提取经验,创新出符合现代未来消费者需要的家居生活简单化、便捷化的O2O发展模式。 使命:让生活变得简单、便捷、有意义 愿景:做最优秀的一站式家居服务平台 精神:实干、创新、学习、创业、服务 文化:知恩图报,心存感激;人文责任,团结互助 经营理念:诚信为本,力创品牌,打造核心竞争力; 服务第一,品质至上,一心一意为客户。 发展理念:战略联盟,资源整合;竞合共赢,一个支点撬动地球。 服务理念:将心比心,竭诚为顾客服务到家 竞争理念:超越自我,挑战皆有可能;无限努力,突破永恒不息 发展目标:做中国最有竟争力的家居物联电子商务平台; 成为集装饰建材家居服务为一体的第一品牌。 价值观:以给用户及消费者提供健康安全的产品和便捷一体的服务为己任, 以给客户及合作伙伴打造持久的发展平台和提供稳定的后台保障为宗旨; 给客户提供倍增利润的服务,为顾客提供免除后顾之忧的保障; 用真诚的服务感动客户和开拓市场,以持久的信誉赢得顾客和打拼未来。


关键词:企业文化、安全生产、品质宣传、ISO宣传标语、环保宣传、5S宣传、质量宣传 一、企业文化标语口号系列 1.效率成就品牌,诚信铸就未来。 2.只要精神不滑坡,办法总比困难多。 3.计划是时间的最好保障,时间是效率的坚实基础,效率是行动的优化大师,行动是成功的唯一途径。 4.建设节约型企业从我做起,节约就是效益节约就是增效。 5.实施三大战略创信誉,培育企业文化树形象。 6.因为有我,所以会更好。 7.不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 8.态度决定一切,细节决定成败。 9.只有勇于承担责任,才能承担更大的责任。 10.多点沟通,少点抱怨。多点理解,少点争执。 11.自我提升,良性竞争。相互欣赏,相互支持。 12.团结一条心,石头变成金。 13.强化竞争意识,营造团队精神。 14.您的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。 15.追求客户满意,是你我的责任。 16.有一分耕耘,就有一分收获。 17.只有不完美的产品,没有不挑剔的客户。 18.爱护公物,珍惜资源,勤俭节约,共同发展 19.会而不议,议而不决,决而不行,这样的会议是属最浪费的行动。 20.我们极度鄙视一切乱丢乱吐等不文明行为。 21.以厂为校,以厂为家,互相学习,互相关怀 22.找方法才能成功,找借口只有失败。 23.争取一个客户不容易,失去一个客户很简单。 24.每个人都是你的客户。 25.今天工作不努力,明天努力找工作! 26.成就团队辉煌,助我人生成长! 27.尽职——是团队合作的基础! 28.今天,你微笑了吗? 29.善待别人就是善待自已! 30.培育礼仪员工,创造团队精神。 二、安全生产标语和挂图 31.效率生产,安全第一。 32.以人为本,重在平安。 33.健康发展,稳抓质量。 34.全力生产,注意安全! 35.车间重地,安全第一。 36.今天工作不安全、明天生活不保障。 37.安全是一种责任、为己为家为他人。 38.父母望您遵章守纪、妻儿盼您毫发无损。 39.领导违章指挥等于犯罪、职工违章操作等于自杀。 40.上有老下有小、出了事故不得了。


1.Corporate Culture企业文化(企业个性,形成于企业生产经营实践之中,为全体员工所认同并且遵守的、带有本组织特点的使命总之精神价值观和经营理念,以及这些理念在生产经营实践、管理制度、员工行为方式和企业对外形象的体现的总和。为企业灵魂,推动其发展动力。有有形与无形之分。) The personality of an organization(warm, aggressive, friendly, open, innovative, conservative, and so on.) Guides how employees think, act and feel is a broad term used to define the unique personality or character of a particular company or organization, and includes such elements as core values(核心价值观)and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. 2.Functions of Corporate Culture企业文化的主要功能 Three key functions are: Provide a sense of identity for members.导向功能:对每个员工价值取向及行为取向的导向功能 Generate commitment to the organization’s mission.凝聚功能:一种价值观被员工所认同后产生巨大的向心力和凝聚力。 Clarify and reinforce standards of behavior. 约束功能:软约束。 产生于企业文化的氛围、群体行为准则和道德规范。


办公室英文标语 【篇一:企业文化标语中英文】 标语: 1、人资行政: 耐心对待每一个问题,严肃对待每一项制度,细心对待每一件事情,爱心对待每一位同仁 every problem needs to be patient, every system be strict, everything be very careful, and every colleague needs caring with love 敢为正直,勇于正气,坚持正义,倡导廉洁 dare to integrity, encourage healthy trends, persist in justice, advocate incorruption 弄虚作假,心怀不轨,私利团体,背叛公司 resort to deceit, cherish evil designs, self-interest groups, betray ones company. 厕所侧墙: 保护环境是每一个公民应尽的义务,请节约每一滴水,每一度电, 每一张纸。。。 protecting the environment is the obligation of every citizen, please save every drop of water, each unit of electricity, every piece of paper. . . 2、客服部饮水机两旁 感到困难是能力不足,觉得麻烦是方法不对 feel difficulty because of incapability ,feel trouble because of wrong way 认真做事,能把事做对。用心做事,才能把事做好 work seriously can do right things,work diligently can do things well 3、第二接待室墙上: 创新是企业的生命之源,创新就是创造新的价值! innovation is the sources of an enterprise’s life, innovation is to create new value! 只有步入国际标准的轨道,才能步入无限延伸的空间! only into the orbit of international standard, there will be infinite space! 考核目的是提升,考核来源是目标。目标导向! the purpose for assessment is to improve, the source is target. target is guidance.
