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(120分钟 120分)
二. 单项选择(15分)
( )21. — Do you know that girl?
— _____ one in blue? That’s Tim’s sister.
A. A B. An C. The D. /
( )22. —Would you like to see the film with us?—Sorry. I ___ it.
A. saw B. have seen C. see D. was seeing
( )23. —Where is the post office?
—It’s ___ the corner of the street.
A. with B. out C. on D. to
( )24. —What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?
—Beef, I guess. How nice it __________!
A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. smells
( )25. —Have you done your homework____?
—Yes, I have. I finished it this afternoon.
A. never B. already C. sometimes D. yet
( )26. —____ I come in, Mum? —Yes, you can.
A. May B. Might C. Need D. Must
( )27. — Rita, your Chinese is very good. ______ have you been in China?
— Since I was five.
A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How often
( )28. _____ is very kind of you to help me with my homework.
A. That B. This C. It D. There
( )29. —Did you buy the book yesterday? —No. Lily _______ me.
A. sent it to B. taught it to C. cooked it for D. read it for
( )30. It doesn’t look like rain, so you don’t need to bring your ____ with you.
A. phone B. umbrella C. passport D. radio
( )31. We’ve been to London three times, so we decided _____ there this time.
A. not to go B. to not go C. not go D. don’t go
( )32. — _____ have you stayed here?
— For about three days.
A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How far
( )33. It’s Sunday today, _____ Mike isn’t at school. He is watching TV at home.
A. so B. for C. but D. or
( )34. — Hello. Is that Tony’s family?— Yes. _____. I’ll ask him to answer the phone.
A. He is a boy B. I don’t know C. No idea D. Hang on
( )35. — Anna got the first prize in the English exam.
— _____. She was poor in English before.
A. I’m sorry to hear that B. You must go to see her
C. Get a move on D. You can’t be serious
三. 完形填空(10分)
China is a country with a rich culture in calligraphy (书法). 36 computers are everywhere in our life, Chinese people should not 37 the skill of writing with hands.
Now the computer can help people to write. People are 38 computers more often than before. So many people are forgetting how to 39 Chinese chara

cters (汉字). People often make a lot of mistakes in handwriting.
Today, China is trying to help students and teachers to 40 their handwriting. We 41 that teachers can write well 42 the blackboard and students can write well on their exercise books, too. Teachers should make their teaching plans and students should 43 their homework by writing with their 44 . We are sure our handwriting can become 45 and better in this way.
( )36. A. Though B. If C. And D. But
( )37. A. remember B. forget C. use D. practice
( )38. A. making B. holding C. buying D. using
( )39. A. find B. read C. write D. use
( )40. A. show B. take C. improve D. worry
( )41. A. call B. hope C. dislike D. hate
( )42. A. in B. with C. over D. on
( )43. A. leave B. do C. get D. make
( )44. A. eyes B. ears C. legs D. hands
( )45. A. better B. worse C. faster D. easier
四. 阅读理解(20分)
The grizzly is the star of our little town in the mountains. Many people visit here for this kind of strong large brown bear. When a grizzly grows up, it may become as heavy as 680 kg. But never think this big animal moves slowly. In fact, the grizzly can run as fast as 55 km an hour.
Grizzlies look quite big and dangerous, and they eat not only meat, but also flowers and grass. Fish is their favorite food. On summer nights, they enjoy catching fish in the rivers. That is why people usually come to watch grizzlies in this season(季节).
Now the number of grizzlies is getting smaller. People have been killing them because they can sell their body parts as medicine(药). Many people of our town are worried about this and have asked for help to save our big friends.
( )46. What does grizzlies like to eat best?
A. Flowers. B. Grass. C. Meat. D. Fish.
( )47. Which of the following about grizzlies is TRUE?
A. They are slow in moving. B. They have brown hair.
C. The sleep early in summer. D. They are small and weak.
( )48. When do people like to watch grizzlies?
A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In fall. D. In winter.
( )49. What does the underlined word “this” refer to(指的是)?
A. That people in the town are friendly to others.
B. That the fish in the river are getting less.
C. That people kill grizzlies for medicine.
D. That grizzlies left for other good places.
( )50. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A. The star of our town B. The number of grizzlies
C. Animals in danger D. People in our town
Last summer, Mark be

came a middle school student. He took an English test in the first month. Mark was a good student and he worked hard. He finished the questions easily until he read the last one: “Everyone sees our school’s cleaner every day. What’s her first name?”
Of course, this question is a little special. Mark saw the woman some times. She was tall and her hair was dark. But Mark didn’t talk with her and didn’t know her first name. The test was over. Then one student asked the teacher, “Is the last question very important in this test?”
“Yes,” said the teacher. “In our life, we meet many hard-working people. They are important. You should care about them. You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.”
Mark never forgot that question. He also learned that woman’s first name. It was Kathy.
( )51. What test did Mark have in his first month in the middle school?
A. Maths. B. Chemistry. C. English. D. History.
( )52. What did Mark know about his school’s cleaner?
A. She was a little special. B. She was tall with dark hair.
C. She often talked with the students. D. Mark knew her first name.
( )53. What did Mark’s teacher think of the last question?
A. It was fun. B. It was interesting.
C. It was boring. D. It was important.
( )54. What does the sentence “You should smile at them or say ‘hello’ to them.” mean?
A. We should respect (尊重) the hardworking people.
B. We should believe in the hard-working people.
C. We should help the hard-working people.
D. We should learn from the hard-working people.
( )55. What’s the right order (顺序) about Mark?
a. He saw the cleaner some times. b. He got to know the cleaner’s first name.
c. He became a middle school student. d. He had a test.
A. bacd B. dcab C. cadb D. abdc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 第Ⅱ卷(笔答题,共55分)
五. 词汇运用(10分)
A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。
56. Lin Tao asked Mr Wen for some a_____ on learning maths last night.
57. The old man g_______ some flowers in his garden every spring.
58. It’s n_________ eleven o’clock and Ma Lin hasn’t come back.
59. Are you j________? You will go out on such a freezing day?
60. I like living in the countryside because the air there is very f______.
B. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。
chat feel west noisy poor

61. Bob _______ very sad because he couldn’t find his favourite storybook.
62. Don’t make so much ________, children. It’s not polite.
63. He Qing’s family is _________ than any other stud

ent’s family in his class.
64. Students prefer _______ with each other online.
65. Some children like eating _________ food very much.
六. 完成句子(15分)
66. If you work hard, your dream will ________ (实现) one day.
67. I had to ________ (依靠) my parents when I was a student.
68. Someone took my umbrella away ________ (错误地) yesterday.
69. It has been snowing ________ (一直) since I got to the station.
70. Mr Li is a good teacher and he ________ (和……相处得好) his students.
71. 李老师已听到了这件事,现在他很生气。
Mr Li _____ _____ _____ this and he is very angry now.
72. 借助词典,我们可以阅读英文报纸了。
____ ____ ____ _____ the dictionary, we can read English newspapers.
73. 许多明星都去大学学习,例如赵薇。
Many stars went to study in universities, ________ _________, Zhao Wei.
74. 我们究竟应该做些什么来挽救濒危动物?
What ________ _________ should we do to protect animals in danger?
75. 蒂姆,你晚饭后能洗一下餐具吗?
Tim, would you like to ________ _________ after supper?
76、 请设法查出谁打破了窗户。
Please who broke the window.
The people in the south of China .
, Chinese meal is healthier.
This is an old teacher .
Vienna is the music.
七. 句型转换。(根据所给提示完成句型转换,共5分)
81. She has studied English for three years. (改为一般疑问句)
she English for three years?
82. To protect the environment is important. (同义句)
It is important the environment.
83. I have been to Shanghai twice. (对划线部分提问)
times have you been to Shanghai?
84. We watch TV once a week.( 就划线部分提问)
do you watch TV?
85. We must put some books in the bag(改为否定句)
We put books in the bag.
八. 任务型阅读(10分)
There is a star called Gliese 581 in space. It’s a red dwarf(矮行星) and about 20 light years away from Earth. There are 116 stars that are closer than Gliese 581. You can’t even see it without a telescope(望远镜).
A team of astronomers(天文学家) found two more planets moving around the star. And one of the planets was named Gliese 581g. It is far away enough from Gliese 581 so it’s not too hot, but close enough to Gliese 581 so it’s not too cold. And that means it might be home to living things. Gliese 581g is a lot like Earth. The most important is that it

’s in the middle of the Goldilocks zone.
But might Gliese 581g have enough water as well? Maybe there is a big ocean. Maybe there’s no life in that ocean. Astronomers haven’t discovered.
Astronomers say it is the first time they have?clearly found a planet for life to exist(生存) beyond our solar system.
86. What colour is Gliese 581 in space?
87. What do the underlined words “the star” refer to?
88. What is Gliese 581g like?
89. Where is Gliese 581g?
90. Is Gliese 581 in our solar system?
九. 书面表达(15分) 假设你是李明,你的美国网友Mike想了解你们学校的志愿者活动(volunteer activities)情况。请根据下列提示给他写封邮件。60词左右。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:1. 时间:上周末;2. 具体内容:学校组织学生去公园进行大扫除;3. 效果:劳动了一下午,公园干净了。
Dear Mike,
I’m happy to tell you something about our volunteer activities.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you think so?
Li Ming
21-25 CBCDD 26-30 ABCAB 31-35 AAADD 36-40 ABDCC 41-45 BDBDA 46-50 DBBCA 51-55 CBDAC
56. advice 57. grows 58. nearly 59. joking 60. fresh
61. felt 62. noise 63. poorer 64. chatting / to chat 65. western
66. come true 67. depend on 68. by mistake 69. all the time 70. gets on well with
71. has heard of 72. With the help of 73. for example 74. on earth 75. wash up 76、try to find out 77、live mainly on rice 78、Compared to western meal 79、with rich teaching experiences 80、centre of European classical
81. Has studied 82. to protect 83. How many 84. How often 85. mustn’t any
86. It’s red. 87. Gliese 581.
88. It’s not too hot or not too cold, just like Earth.
89. It’s in the middle of the Goldilocks zone.
90. No, it’s beyond our solar system.
One possible version:
Dear Mike,
I’m happy to tell you something about our volunteer activities.
Last weekend we went to a park to do some cleaning. All the students took part in it. We cleaned the roads and picked up the litter in the park. We worked in the park all the afternoon and it was v

ery clean at last. We were very tired, but we were very happy. I think everyone should do something to help protect Earth and make it more beautiful.
Do you think so?
Li Ming

