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Unit 1 Key to Exercises

Section B

Reading out

1. peace

2. but

3. Even so

4. by

5. taking

6. in

Getting the Message

1. Downey, California; 1953

2. the building was damaged in an earthquake and the restaurant is losing money

3. they have good memories of that old McDonald’s

4. rewrite the history

5. tell the story of the first McDonald’s and show different attitudes of different people towards the restaurant

Using the Right Word

1. location b. denied 3. amount 4. damage 5. claim 6. actually 7. inspecting

8. structures

Working with Expressions

1. in

2. with

3. of

4. from

5. down

6. away

7. with

8. down

Focusing on Sentences Structure


1. There is no room for four people on the back seat of the car.

2. There is room for 50 people in this restaurant.

3. This is an order: there is no room for argument.


1. He raised the radio close to his car. Even so, he could not hear anything at all.

2. The team was defeated again yesterday. Even so, there is still hope to win in the final round.

3. The man had not received any formal education, but even so, he became a famous writer.



1. The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.

2. He cannot afford to buy such a fine house.

3. Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense.

4. John seems (to be )a nice person. Even so, I don’t trust him.


1. 虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成了一种文化象征.

2. 这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆一起被摧毁,感到非常愤怒.

3. 他们在利用那次地震作借口.

4. 有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关.

Basic Writing Skills

1. are

2. go

3. is

4. is

5. needs

6. was

7. were

8. are

Section B

1. B

2. C

3. C

4. D

5. B

Using the Right Word

1. purchasing

2. critical

3. defeat

4. opposed

5. values

6. provide

7. treated

8. uniform

Working with Expressions

1. at

2. out

3. to

4. out

5. against

6. on

7. to

8. in

Section C


1). Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Hua’s 2). dinner 3). Friday 4). 18th 5). January

6). 7:00

7). pm 8). Suite 402, No. 120 Jianguo Road (W)


1) We take pleasure in inviting you to

2) from 12 to 15 October, 2005

3) newly designed samples

4) will be on exhibition

5) please inform us of your date of arrival


1) the honor of your presence

2) a reception in White Cloud guest House

3) the 9th September, 2005,

4) 7:00 to 8:00 pm

Unit 2 Key to Exercises


Reading out

1. lasts

2. important

3. survives

4. culture

5. trend

6. certain

Getting the Message

1. C

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. D

Using the Right Word

1. furniture

2. appear

3. advertisement

4. desire

5. foolish

6. creates

7. economy

8. additional

Working with Expressions

1. in

2. to

3. about

4. towards

5. at

6. in

7. for

8. to

Focusing on Sentence Structure


1. Children like it because it is more than just a simple toy.

2. More than just your life will be affected ; it is the whole group.

3. She can more than just sing well; she is also a good dancer.


1. It appears that you’ll be the only boy at the party.

2. He appears to be friendly, but you still have to be careful.

3. She appeared quite excited to hear that John was coming soon.



1. If he starts talking about the past, you’ll never get away from him.

2. There is a tendency for job losses to rise in the winter.

3. Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.

4. He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money.






Using Topic-related Terms

1. come and go

2. in style

3. out of date

4. teenagers

5. following fads

6. fashion

Basic Writing Skills

1. named

2. told

3. was

4. gave

5. sounded

6. changed

7. got

8. will change


Getting the Message

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. B

Using the Right Word

1. weight

2. rated

3. disorder

4. character

5. control

6. concepts

7. justified

8. false

Working with Expressions

1. on

2. at

3. towards

4. in

5. up

6. off

7. on / upon

8. back Section C

Writing Letters of Acceptance or Declination


1. 林及夫人欣然接受布莱恩·亚当斯夫妇的盛情邀请,出席其5月5日晚上7时在和平饭店举行的晚宴。




January 25th, 2003

Dear Mrs. Marks

Monday evening, February 10th

I am looking forward to the performance

Sincerely yours,

Liu Ying


Mr. foster

an important business negotiation

the Cocktail Party

Friday, December 26th, 2003

Grand Hotel

Unit 3 Key to exercises


Reading out

1. learned

2. fellow

3. tons

4. lacking

5. serving

6. better

Getting the message

1. Preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted

2. he always ate the same thing every day

3. good people with a good dream should have the opportunity to make it come true .

4. a bank to have the money invested for her

5. a stockbroker and was able to open her own firm

6. she paid him back, plus 14-percent annual interest

Using the Right Word

1. achievements

2. serve

3. lend

4. eventually

5. plus

6. annual

7. forever

8. bill

Working with Expressions

1. in

2. to

3. up

4. of

5. for

6. out

7. in

8. In

Focusing on Sentence Structure


1. Friends and family alike were shocked by the news of her failure.

2. It may have similar negative influences on mind and body alike.

3. The new measure will be good for the customers and the business alike.


1. No one in our class is more interested in sports than he.

2. No book in this field is better written than this one.

3. No place can produce more memories of China’s beauty than Guilin. Translating

1. It is important for us to learn a lesson from the failure.

2. He believes that one day his dream of becoming a stockbroker will come true.

3. Many students end up doing jobs that do not make use of what they have learnt.

4. As soon as I mentioned his name, my mother became very unhappy.


1. 海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强——这是我当时真正缺乏的东西。

2. 比如,我在厨房里帮忙的时候,没有什么比完全按照顾客希望的方式做好鸡蛋、给他们端上更让我感到高兴的了。

3. 因为从海伦那里学来了自信,我梦想着有一天能拥有自己的餐馆。

4. 我知道,只要有人相信我,我还能做很多事情。

Using Topic-related Terms

1. dream of

2. experience

3. learn so many lessons

4. come true

5. confidence

6. self-respect

7. Opportunities

Basic Writing Skills

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. c

5. a

6. c

7. d

8. b


Getting the message

1. D

2. D

3. A

4. A

5. B

Using the Right Word

1. shoulder

2. path

3. steal

4. law

5. badly

6. arrested

7. wounded

8. grateful

Working with Expressions

1. on

2. out

3. of

4. with

5. into

6. on

7. off

8. on

Section C

Practical Writing

Understanding and Filling Application Form







7、出生时国籍 8、计划逗留时间 9、称呼;职务 10、全名

Unit 4 Key to exercises


Reading out

1. diary

2. go

3. some

4. out

5. take

6. long

Getting the message

1. what families do when there’s no TV to watch

2. did not like the idea at first

3. rather bored

4. finished a painting; borrowed two books; a yard sale; make a cake

5. there was also something better to do.

Using the Right Word

1. impresses

2. diary

3. project

4. waned

5. cruel

6. neglect

7. handle

8. faithful

Working with Expressions

1. without

2. of

3. in

4. off

5. down

6. out

7. out

8. to

Focusing on Sentence Structure


1. Watch this TV program and it will give you some ideas what it’s like to live and work in California.

2.Born into a rich family, he has no idea of what it’s like to be a poor man 3. Some teenagers like to wear strange clothes, as they want to know what it’s like

to be different from others.


1. There was much pain in his legs and he thought something must be wrong with them.

2. He must have told his mother of my secret , as she seems to have known everything

about it.

3. Whenever something in our house was broken, my mother would look at me and say ,“It

must have been you that broke it .”



1. As long as you get / take regular exercise, you will become healthy again.

2. I have always been thinking of reading a book on space, but I never seem to get

around to it.

3. Since the writer had bought the computer, he no longer wrote his stories with

a pen.

4. The school has set up some new rules that everybody must follow.


1. 我们都要记录下在不看电视的这一周所发生的一切。

2. 我倒想看看只要有电视看,我能在牙医那儿呆上多久。

3. 我非常珍惜我的生命,所以当天放学回家后,我没有碰电视机。

4. 没啥可记。这简直太痛苦了!

Using Topic-related Terms

1. what it’s like

2. what else

3. check out

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2914462263.html,e over

5. get around to

6. cleaning out

Basic Writing Skills

1. their – his

2. you – I

3. one – you

4. it – the bench

5. C

6. C

7. their – her

8. she – Sally (or Susan)


Getting the Message

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. B

Using the Right Word

1. particularly

2. relationship

3. previous

4. convinced

5. delicious



7. delighted 8. confident

Working with Expressions

1. from

2. about

3. out

4. with

5. on

6. on

7. from

8. in

Section C


1. No, he cannot. Because there is no flight to Bangkok that day.

2. Departure time: 7:28 am; Arrival time: 3:35 am. He’ll stay on his flight for

one hour and 7 minutes.

3. He can have three different choices: 1) departure time: 7:10 am; arrival time: 9:30 am; 2) departure time: 9:00 am; arrival time: 11:10 am; 3) departure time: 11:00 am; arrival time: 1:10 pm.



Unit 5 Key to Exercise


Reading out

1. at

2. drop

3. trip

4. As

5. that

6. board

Getting the Message

1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. D

Using the Right Word

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. D

8. C

Working with Expressions

1. from

2. off

3. at

4. from

5. of

6. To

7. on

8. away

Focusing on Sentence Structure


1. Have you watched the movie about which they are having such a heated discussion?

2. The project with which he was not familiar needed your help.

3. I didn’t know from whom the dictionary was borrowed.


1. He remembered lending her several books two months ago, but he couldn’t remember what they say.

2. Please remember to put your home address on the back of the envelope before you mail the letter.

3. I remember seeing him some years ago, but I can’t recall where.


1. The children cried with delight at the sight of the sea.

2. I didn’t quite catch on to what you said just now. Would you say it again?

3. He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.

4. To this day, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused.


1. 作为医生,他对我们身边的危险特别敏感.

2. 看,这衣服我穿着都太长.而且这料子还这么重,会把你压坏的.

3. 直到现在,当走到离树枝尚有数码之遥时,我仍会停下来,耳边似乎又想起了父亲的声音:“当心戳到眼睛!”

4. 他的子女领会得很快,看见洗涤用品,他们知道摇摇手指说:“那很危险!”

Using Topic-related Terms

1. advice

2. every single meal

3. driving directions

4. left turns

5. watch your eyes

6. fashion

7. trip

Basic Writing Skills

1. I didn’t call you yesterday, nor will I write you next week.

2. Use your money carelessly, and you’ll soon find yourself deep in debt.

3. I didn’t catch what you meant just now, fro it was too noisy outside.

4. Many people believe the author wrote the book in 1977, but he died in 197


5. She might decide to go to medical school to be a teacher, or become a doctor.

6. I shouldn’t have left him alone at home last night, for he is only three years old.

7. The visitors were complaining about the heat yesterday, yet they continue to play football today.

8. His doctor says he will not be well again for several days, so he will be staying

in the hospital on Friday.


Getting the Message

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. B

Using the Right Word

1. purpose

2. impatient

3. beneath

4. external

5. complete

6. satisfied

7. contrary

8. expression

Working with Expressions

1. to

2. of

3. with

4. at

5. on

6. to

7. For

8. to

Section C


Read the following ads and then answer the questions

1. Apollo

2. Alexander

3. Alexander

4. Alexander

5. Apollo

6. Alexander

7. Alexander

8. Helena


Reading the following hotel ad and then fill in the blanks with relevant information

1. Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia.

2. (03)248 1066

3. 12

4. hairdresser’s

5. swimming

6. in-room movies

7. business services

8. restaurant

9. international airport

10. a standard room

Read the following ad and put the Chinese into English

1. Single room

2. double room

3. Suite

4. Telephone

5. Fax

Unit 6 Key to Exercise


Reading out

1. stayed

2. wealthy

3. made

4. happiness

5. all-too-often

6. goal Getting the message

1. T

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. F

Using the right word

1. consequences

2. mention

3. duty

4. seek

5. abroad

6. practically

7. condition

8. salary

Working with expressions

1. of

2. for

3. into

4. on

5. for

6. up

7. by/over

8. into

Focusing on sentence structure


1. If we had had enough time, we would have carried out the plan.

2. If I had attended the meeting, I would know the decision now.

3. If the ticket had not been the expensive, I could have afforded it.


1. I can’t for a moment agree with you on this point.

2. He did not for a moment want to help you solve the problem.

3. To my surprise, they were not for a moment excited about news.


1. She seems to enjoy speaking poorly of others.

2. He died as a consequence of heavy drinking and smoking.

3. You can never get a straight answer out of him.

4. Our products have become popular little by little over the past few years.


1. 我父亲经常说,多亏了我祖母勤俭持家,他们才得以勉强维持生计。

2. 当然,我一点都没有贬低经商的意思;我的意思只是说经商不适合我。

3. 说真的,“开心”这个词环不足以表达我的心情;我简直是醉了。

4. 我们大多数人习惯性地认为金钱等于成功---这种想法如此根深蒂固,以至于在大多数人看来,为了幸福而放弃高薪的想法似乎是愚蠢的。

Using the Topic-related Terms

1. primary goal

2. go into

3. get…out of

4. give up … for

5. meant to do

6. making a success

Basic Writing Skills


1. They could not decide what to do, nor would they ask for help.

2. Tina sent in her application and waited by the phone for an answer.

3. I wished for a story-book for my birthday, yet (or: but) I got a toy train.

4. I wanted to add more milk by myself, so I went to find a spoon.

5. I ran towards the supermarket, for the manager was ready to lock the door.

6. You may buy a new dictionary, or you can borrow one from the library.

7. The boy didn’t want to talk to his mother, so he pretended to be asleep.

8. I looked all over the place for my new shirt, but all I could find was the empty bag.


Getting the Message

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. D

Using the right word

1. silent

2. microphone

3. advise

4. degree

5. achieve

6. obtain

7. funeral

8. introduced

Working with expressions

1. on / upon

2. about

3. on

4. during / in

5. up

6. in

7. from

8. up Section C



Unit 7 Key to Exercises


Reading out

1. attach

2. where

3. giant

4. applies

5. at least

6. to


Getting the Message

1. C

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

Using the Right word

1. attach

2. exist

3. arrangement

4. chat

5. gap

6. necessarily

7. guilty

8. accustomed

Working with Expressions

1. to

2. with

3. to

4. with

5. with

6. on

7. out of

8. forth Focusing on Sentence Structure


1. When Sarah came dressed in her Sunday best, everyone was surprised.

2. To her surprise, she found that the letter came undated.

3. Just as he was about to reach the ground, the rope came untied and he fell down. B

1. When he heard the story about the poor lady, he felt a wave of sympathy.

2. Knowing that he had been fooled, he felt a wave of anger.

3. When she was asked to make a speech to the public, she felt a wave of embarrassment. Translating


1. We are supposed to start working on that project tomorrow, but you haven’t got things ready.

2. I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I can’t go to the movies with you.

3. John plans / wants to move because he is not accustomed to the new life here.

4. She reached for her telephone and dialed the number of a friend.


1. 这些年来,我们都学会了互相间轻松相处,适应我们这个新的家庭组合。

2. 但我仍一直觉得自己是一个置身于外的旁观者,一个陌生之地的不速之客。

3. 如果收到一条电脑信息,抬头是“爸爸”,我就会觉得自己被遗忘和忽略了。

4. 我又一次想到了他们的家庭圈子,我自以为已经习以为常的那种怅然若失的刺痛感又袭



Using Topic-related Terms

1. gap

2. out of touch

3. chat

4. on a daily basis

5. affection

6. correspond with

7. a giant step

Basic Writing Skills

1. Lucy feels seasick. Like wise, David feels airsick.

2. David dislikes winter with its bare trees. In the same way, Lucy dislikes the pale winter sun.

3. Lucy misses her grandmother’s home cooking. Similarly, David misses his country’s native food.

4. David opened his own store in New York. On the other hand, Lucy worked for a family

as a baby-sitter.

5. Women usually make suggestions, while men often give direct commands.

6. Many people believe that women talk more than men. However, research shows that men talk longer than women do.

7. Arizona has about four million people living in it, whereas Rohde Island has less than one million.

8. This area has warm winters. In contrast, the northern part of the country becomes very cold in winter.


Getting the Message

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. C

Using the Right Word

1. alarm

2. recommend

3. major

4. loose

5. spoil

6. benefit

7. illegal

8. pretend

Working with Expressions

1. out

2. of

3. to

4. down

5. out

6. into

7. on

8. off

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing Memos



The Complaint from Mr. Liu / The handling of the complaint from Mr. Liu



U4 A Heroes among us 我们身边的英雄 Who's a hero these days?In an era of heightened heroism, the word hero has become more common.We use hero to describe both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies.Who are the heroes among us? 谁是当今的英雄?在一个英雄主义发扬光大的时代,“英雄”一词已经变得更加常见。我们把各种困难和悲剧的受害者和幸存者都称为“英雄”。那么,我们身边哪些人是英雄呢?In the days subsequent to a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, many described20-year-old political associate Daniel Hernandez as a hero.During the horrible shooting, he courageously ran through the danger to save the life of one of the victims,his boss and friend,congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Daniel held her head up so she could breathe and applied pressure to her wounds.He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her


新视野英语教程(读写教程第二版)第二册 课后练习参考答案 前言 郑树棠编著的《新视野英语教程》(第二版)是一套专供全国高职高专院校使用的英语教材,根据高职高专英语教学的发展在第一版基础上进行了修订与完善。本套教材贯彻应用为本的设计理念,体现新时期高职英语的教学要求,涵盖基本的实用英语语言知识和交际技能,培养学生应用英语进行日常交流及从事相关职业活动的能力,同时提高他们的自主学习能力与综合文化素养,以适应不同工作岗位的需要。《新视野英语教程》(第二版)包含《读写教程》与《听说教程》两条主线,1-4级由浅入深,满足不同起点学生的需要。除课本外,提供学习光盘、助教课件与试题库等立体化教学资源,全方位支持英语教学。 新视野英语教程(读写教程第二版)图书在淘宝网发售,欢迎购买.

Unit 1 Key to Exercises Section B Reading out 1. peace 2. but 3. Even so 4. by 5. taking 6. in Getting the Message 1. Downey, California; 1953 2. the building was damaged in an earthquake and the restaurant is losing money 3. they have good memories of that old McDonald’s 4. rewrite the history 5. tell the story of the first McDonald’s and show different attitudes of different people towards the restaurant Using the Right Word 1. location b. denied 3. amount 4. damage 5. claim 6. actually 7. inspecting 8. structures Working with Expressions 1. in 2. with 3. of 4. from 5. down 6. away 7. with 8. down Focusing on Sentences Structure A 1. There is no room for four people on the back seat of the car. 2. There is room for 50 people in this restaurant. 3. This is an order: there is no room for argument. B 1. He raised the radio close to his car. Even so, he could not hear anything at all. 2. The team was defeated again yesterday. Even so, there is still hope to win in the final round. 3. The man had not received any formal education, but even so, he became a famous writer. Translating A


新视野大学英语1读写教程 Unite 1 一、Words in use 选词填空 Explore(v. 勘探,探测)transmit(v. 传送,传递,传播)resource(n. 资源)emerge(v. 岀现,为? ??所公认)yield(v. 产生,岀产,屈从,让步)pose(v. 摆姿势,导致)assume(v. 认为,假定,假设)confiden ce( n. 信任信赖,自信心)in herit(v. 沿袭,秉承,继承)c omprehe nsive(a. 综合的,多方面的) 1. Give n the cha nee to show his ability, he rega ined con fide nee and bega n to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocea n because some part s are very deep. 3. It was about 30 sec onds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We ofte n assume that whe n other people do the same thi ngs as we do, the y do them for the same reas ons; but this assumpti on is not always

reas on able. 5. There is widespread concern that the risi ng un employme nt may pose a ______ threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich n atural resources an _____________ d a very big populati on. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enou gh food to support at least twice its present population.


Unit1 Listening skills BBDCA Listening in Task1 FTFTF Listening in Task2 BBDAC Listening in Task3 classical,peaceful,relaxing,Jazz,sadness,heavy metal,energy,sporting events,physical labor,road accidents Let's talk Task 1 Good Morning to All,success,musical talents,without,second part,replaced,legal action,real owners Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 special,joke,talent,proud,loud,joy,honesty,dancer,talk,wondered,capture,fan Task2 BAADC Task 3 TFTTT Unit 1 test 1-5 CCDCB 1.favorite band , 2.Not anymore , 3.no longer , 4.a big fan , 5.collected , 6.the ones , 7.Going crazy , 8.Maybe to you , 9.pressure ,10.fall in love ,11.get it ,12.from time to time ,13.Go on ,14.music video 1-5 BCDDA 1-5 CDABA 6-10 CDCBC Unit2 Listening skills: Making inferences ADBCB


新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案 新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案Unit 1 Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa!” without any any specific comment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it’s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “road map”and “car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here,“road map”is considered as grammar and “car”as vocabulary. 8、Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, tho ugh in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2914462263.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy : consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly Ex.5 Word building 1.editorial 2.recovery 3.accuracy 4.substance 5.managerial 6.margin 7.assembly 8.Ministry 9.survival 10.tradition 11.consistency 12.efficient Ex.6 Banked cloze 1-5: L C J A I 6-10: O N E H F Ex.7 Expressions in use 1.feel obliged to 2.be serious about 3.run into 4.distinguish between 5.thrust upon 6.was allergic to 7.get lost 8.be attracted to 9.make sense 10.looked upon as Ex.8 Structured writing Some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their “Bible”, Practical English Grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book , but I don’t care about it at all. My assumption is since I have never learned Chinese grammar, what’s the sense of l earning English grammar? In fact, English grammar has always been a big headache to me. English grammar is very complicated because, unlike Chinese, there are many verb tenses. Even


新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案 (1) 新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 2答案 (2) 新视野大学英语(第二版)第1册Unit 3答案 (3) 新视野大学英语(第二版)第1册Unit 4答案 (4) 新视野大学英语(第二版)第1册Unit 5答案 (5) 新视野大学英语(第二版)第1册Unit 6答案 (7) 新视野大学英语(第二版)第1册Unit 7答案 (8) 新视野大学英语(第二版)第1册Unit 8答案 (9) 新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 9答案 (10) 新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 10答案 (11) 新视野大学英语(第2版)第1册Unit 1答案 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives. 4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours. 5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company. Translation VIII. 1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. IX. 1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像现在这样好。 2 没有任何其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅。 3. 写作不仅仅要写老师布置的话题,而且要写自己感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。 4. 远程教学课程是指授课者与学生通过计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。 5. 英语不但是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界上最易学、易用的语言之一。 6远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,但与其他课程比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律能力。Cloze 1. B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6,C 7.B 8.A 9.a 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.B Structured Writing XII. I am proud to say that I succeeded in learning a foreign language. It was a real challenge and, needless to say, it took a lot of practice. I carried a small dictionary with me everywhere I went as well as a notebook in which I listed new words I


新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册课后练习答案 新视野大学英语(第二版)第二册Unit 1答案 Unit 1 Section A I Comprehension of The Text 1. The attitude is that if one is not moving ahead heis falling behind. 2. Time is treated as if it were something almostreal. (People budget it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it;they also charge for it.) They do this because time is a precious resource. 3. Everyone is in a rush —often under pressure. City people always appear to be hurrying to get wherethey are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store or elbowing others asthey try to complete their shopping. 4. Don’t take it personally. This isbecause people value time highly and they resent someone else “wasting” it beyond a certain appropriatepoint. 5. New arrivals in America will miss opening exchanges,the ritual interaction that goes with a cup of coffee or tea and leisurelychats. 6. Americans produce a steady flow of labor-savingdevices. They communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails ratherthan through personal contacts. 7. The impersonality of electronic communication haslittle or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. 8. It is taken as a sign of skillfulness or beingcompetent to solve a problem or fulfill a job with speed in the U.S. Vocabulary III 1. charge 2. convention 3. efficient 4. obtain 5. competent 6. assessing 7.fulfill 8. conducting consequently 10. significance IV. 1.behind 2. at 3. in 4. out 5. to 6.to 7. in 8. with 9. but 10.for V. 1. L 2. C 3. D 4. N 5. O 6.A 7.E 8.G 9.I 10.K Word Building VI 1. commitment 2. attraction 3. appointment 4.impression 5. civilization 6. composition 7. confusion 8.congratulation 9. consideration 10. explanation 11. acquisition 12.depression VII. desirable favorable considerable acceptable drinkable advisable remarkable preferable 1. advisable 2.desirable 3. favorable 4. considerable 5. remarkable 6. preferable 7. drinkable 8. acceptable Structure VIII 1. much less can he write English articles 2. much less can he manage a big company 3. much less could he carry it upstairs



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front


Unit 1 III 1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV 1 tell …on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V G O D I K L B F A N VI 1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7 solution 8 value 9 tool 10 manner VII 1 air-conditioned(装空调的;有冷气的) 2 handmade(手工制作的) 3 thunderstruck(非常吃惊的)4heartfelt(衷心的;诚挚的)5data-based(基于数据的)6self-employed(自主经营的)7 custom-built(定制的;定做的)8 weather-beaten(饱经风霜的) VIII 1. well-informed(对……非常熟悉的)2 new-found(新获得的)3 hard-earned(辛苦挣得的)4 soft-spoken(说话温柔的)5 newly-married(新婚的)6 widely-held(普遍认为的)7 well-meant(出于好意的)8 well-educated(受过良好教育的) IX


新视野Book3 汉译英翻译 Unit 1 Translate the following paragraph into English 如今,很多年轻人不再选择“稳定”的工作,他们更愿意自主创业,依靠自己的智慧和奋斗去实现自我价值。青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正式让中国经济升级换代的力量。尤其是在当前,国家鼓励大众创业、万众创新,在政策上给予中小企业支持,这更加激发了年轻人的创业热情。 Nowadays, many young people no longer choose“stable” jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people’s life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China’s economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people’s enthusiasm to start their own businesses. Unit 2 Translate the following paragraph into English 实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation)是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我称之为“中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。中国梦,是让每一个积极进取的中国人形成世世代代的信念:只要经过不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活。人们必须通过自己的勤奋、勇气、创意和决心迈向繁荣,而不是依赖于社会和他人的援助。每个中国人都是中国梦的参与者和创造者。中国梦是民族的梦,也是每个中国人的梦。 Realizing the great national rejuvenation, which we define as the Chinese Dream, has been the greatest Chinese expectation since modern times. It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve their prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese. Unit 3 Translate the following paragraph into English 水墨画(ink and wash painting)是中国独具特色的传统艺术形式之一,是中国国画的代表。它大约始于唐代,兴盛于宋代和元代,距今已有一千多年的历史,其间经历了不断的发展、提高和完善。水墨画的创作工具和材料是具有浓厚中国特色的毛笔、宣纸和墨,其作品特点也与此紧密相关。例如,水和墨相互调和,使作品具有干湿浓淡的层次。水墨和宣纸的交融渗透也使画作善于表现丰富的意向,从而达到独特的审美效果。水墨画在中国绘画史上具有很高的地位,甚至被认为是衡量东方绘画艺术水平的标准。 Ink and wash painting, one of the unique traditional art forms of China, is representative of Chinese painting. It began around the time of the Tang Dynasty, and then prospered in the Song and Yuan dynasties. With a history of over one thousand years, it has experienced constant development, improvement and perfection. The tools and materials used to create ink and wash painting, i.e. brushes, rice paper, and ink, are characteristic of Chinese culture and closely related to the features of the paintings. For example, the mixing of water and ink creates different shades of dryness, wetness, thickness and thinness. The integration and infiltration of water, ink, and rice paper enables such paintings to convey rich images, and hence to achieve unique aesthetic effects.


新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册读写教程课后答案Unit 1 Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa!” without any any specific com ment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it’s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “road map”and “car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here,“road map”is considered as grammar and “car”as vocabulary. 8、Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, though in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.sodocs.net/doc/2914462263.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy : consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly Ex.5 Word building 1.editorial 2.recovery 3.accuracy 4.substance 5.managerial 6.margin 7.assembly 8.Ministry 9.survival 10.tradition 11.consistency 12.efficient
