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大学英语1 课后填词和翻译答案汇总

大学英语1 课后填词和翻译答案汇总
大学英语1 课后填词和翻译答案汇总


Unit 1 Personal Relationships


1.Directions: Each of the following words can be used either as a noun or a verb. Work in pairs

to fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. Each word can be used more than once.

Change the form if necessary.

1) The stranger made no ________________ to my greeting.

2) After three months in space, the astronauts (宇航员) were glad to see ____________ again.

3) The mother gave her son a ________________ on the head.

4) Each soldier was ________________ with the necessary equipment.

5) The policeman had a knife ________________ in his arm.

6) Jack bent down to ________________ the dog.

7) We asked Jane to help, but she ________________ that she was too busy.

8) He ________________ the waiter to bring him another drink.

9) He was ________________ in the leg during the war.

10) Food ________________ in the refugee camps (难民营) are becoming very low.

11) Make a ________________ when you’re ready and I’ll come up to the stage.

12) She lost her ________________ and fell down.

13) Do you think it’s possible that man could ever ________________ on Mars (火星)?

14) When you learn to ride a bicycle you must learn to ________________.

1. 1) reply 2) land 3) pat 4) supplied 5) wound 6) pat 7) replied 8) signed

9) wounded 10) supplies 11) sign 12) balance 13) land 14) balance

3. Directions:Complete each of the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the

brackets into English.

1) ________________ (塞入) your money and then dial the number.

2) Following poor results, the company’s future is ________________(在风雨飘摇中).

3) The pop star’s wife politely refused any ________________(要求) for interviews (采访).

4) To my ________________(松一口气), he didn’t argue wit h my suggestion at all.

5) A hand touched her shoulder. She ________________ (发出) a sudden scream.

6) They look so funny together. She’s __________ (娇小) and her husband’s about six foot five.

7) There’s a _______________ (持续不断的) decrease in the number of college students taking science courses.

8) My neck was ________________(僵硬的) from driving all day long.

9) The weather was good except for a(n) ________________(偶尔的) shower (阵雨).

10) I __________(误解了) the instructions and answered three questions instead of four.

11) Our time is very ________________(有限的), so we may not get everything finished.

12) It’s time to put our plan into _______________(行动).

3. 1) Insert 2) in the balance 3) requests 4) relief 5) let out 6) tiny 7) steady 8) stiff 9) occasional 10 misunderstood 11) limited 12) action


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1. 我累了。昨晚我不该那么晚睡觉。(should not + 动词完成式)

2. 我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔一起出去喝一杯。(occasional)

3. 我们应该在火车站接她。(be supposed to)

4. 你可以清楚地看到有人快要淹死(drown),而你却没有采取行动救他们。(take action)

5. 包括周末在内,仅仅还有十二天时间可以用来买圣诞(Christmas)礼物。(including)

6. 不立即采取行动,许多种野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。(without, hunger)

1. I’m tired. I shouldn’t have gone to bed so late last night.

2. I don’t/didn’t know Bob very w ell, but we go/went out for an occasional drink together.

3. We’re supposed to meet her at the train station.

4. You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you took no action to save them.

5. Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.

6. Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.

1) No one has ever been able to explain the ____________ (奥秘) of the Bermuda Triangle.

2) Those two people like each other and have a close ________________ (关系).

3) What were the major ________________ (关心的事) of the writers in this period?

4) They don’t eat meat for ________________ (宗教的) reasons.

5) The main road is the ________________ (界线) between the two districts.

6) I have never thought I would ever ______________ (有任何共同点) with George.

7) Did someone ________________ (放火烧) that pile of wood?

8) Please stand ________________ (到一边). You are in the way.

9) Most ________________ (十几岁的青少年) can’t wait to leave home.

10) Big band music is ________________ (不再流行), but I still enjoy it.

11) Have you ever read the German ________________ (译本) of Shakespeare?

12) I had forgotten how powerful this ________________ (渴望) for chocolate could be.

. 1) mystery 2) relationship 3) concerns 4) religious 5) boundary 6) have anything in common 7) set fire to 8) aside 9) teenagers 10) out of style 11) translation 12) longing/desire

2.Translation Practice

Directions: Read the words of a song ―Lean on Me,‖ which was sung at Clinton’s inauguration (总统就职仪式). Then translate the song from English into Chinese.

Lean on Me


Sometimes in our lives we all have pain, we all have sorrow


But if we are wise, we know that there’s always tomorrow.


Lean on me when you’re not strong


And I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on


For it won’t be long, till I’m going to need


Somebody to lean on.


Please swallow your pride if I have faith you need to borrow


For no one can fill those of your needs that you won’t let show.


You just call on me, brother, when you need a hand


We all need somebody to lean on.


I just might have a problem that you’ll understand


We all need somebody to lean on.


1)lean on someone: depend on someone for support or encouragement 依靠

2)carry on: continue moving 继续活动,进行下去

3)swallow your pride: do something even though it is embarrassing for you because you have no choice 克制自尊,屈尊

e.g. I) I swallowed my pride and phoned him.

II) He swallowed his pride and did as he was told.


Directions: Read the words of the song ―Lean on Me‖ again. Then write a composition of about 120 words interpreting the song. You may use any words you like from the song. Begin the paragraph with the sentence:

When you need help, you should not hesitate to ask for it.

When you need help, you should not hesitate to ask for it. There are two reasons for you to do so. First, sometimes in our lives we all have pain and sorrow, so we all need somebody to lean on. For example, when we are angry, we need someone who is willing to listen to our complaints and to comfort us. Sometimes it is very likely that the one whom you have asked for help may need your help some day in the future. By helping each other, we become friends. The other reason is that no one can help you if you are too proud to let others know what you want. So next time if you have trouble, if you need somebody to lean on, don’t hesitate to ask for help. When one day somebody else needs your help, lend him a hand or let him lean on you. (151 words) Unit 2 Remembering and Forgetting

Directions:Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Check the answers with your partner.

1) This is your captain speaking. We are due to take _________ in five minutes.

2) I can hear birds singing, but there are no birds _________ sight.

3) Are you _________ any chance the headmaster?

4) I laid my hands on her shoulders to calm her _________ but she pushed me away.

5) After the English class was over, we all headed _________ the dining hall.

6) That story reminds me _________ an experience I had long ago.

7) Mary is a hard-working student. She turns _________ two compositions every week.

8) Don’t leave your suitcase unguarded. Somebody may walk _________ with it.

9) The children stood _________ line until the teacher said that they could move.

10) I think we’ve met before. We were _________ the same flight to New York last week.

11) Fill _________ one of these forms with all your personal details (详细情况).

12) The garden was hidden _________ view behind a high wall.

1) off 2) in 3) by 4) down 5) for 6) of 7) in 8) off 9) in 10) on 11) out/in 12) from

3. Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form

if necessary. Check the answers with your partner.

1) The parents were _________________ by the child’s dangerous act.

2) After wa iting for an hour they _________________ that he wasn’t coming.

3) During the meal he kept _____ at the door, obviously (明显地) expecting someone to walk in.

4) Rose laughed and then carried her _______________ into the house.

5) ―Oh, no!‖ _________________ Bill in terror (惊恐). ―The house is on fire.‖

6) The store has a large _________________ of Christmas gifts.

7) He always smiled and raised his hat to _________________ came his way.

8) I’ll try to be back at 6 o’clock but I can’t _________________.

9) Our company’s _________________ in Rio will meet you at the airport.

10) There were no other _________________ offering a direct flight to London.

11) There’s a(n) _________________ high up in the wall—you’ll find a key hidden in it.

12) My car’s been having _________________ problems recently.

1) shocked 2) concluded 3) glancing 4) baggage 5) exclaimed 6) display 7) whoever 8) promise 9) agent 10) airlines 11) opening 12) engine


Directions: Translate the Chinese sentences into English, using the expressions in bracket s.

1. 那首歌总是使她回想起在芝加哥度过的那个夜晚。(remind…of…)

2. 街角处刚巧有一位警察,我便向他问路。(happen to, corner)

3. 由于天气恶劣,今天所有去纽约的航班都延误了。(delay)

4. 谁有责任谁就必须赔偿损失。(whoever, responsible)

5. 我找不到我的支票簿。我准是把它留在家里了。(checkbook, must have)

6. 到足球比赛快开始时,暴风雨已经停了。(by the time)

1. That song always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago.

2. There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I asked him the way.

3. All flights to New York today are/were delayed because of the bad weather.

4. Whoever is responsible will have to pay for the damage.

5. I can’t find my checkbook. I must have left it at home.

6. By the time the football match was going to start, the storm had already stopped

Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English. (Online) 1) Getting a driver’s license ________________ (包含/需要) learning how to drive, studying the

rules of the road, and taking a test.

2) They are examining the engine but the cause of the problem has not yet been _____ (确认).

3) My ________________ (长期的) goal has always been to become a doctor.

4) How can you ________________ (期望) to make progress if you don’t work hard?

5) The money was collected for a ____________ (专门的) purpose.

6) There is one ________________ (细节) in the plan that is unclear to me.

7) The computer has a number of important ________________ (功能).

8) She was chosen for the job on the _____________ (依据) of her skills and ideas.

9) The house was ________________ (位于) in the heart of the city.

10) He cannot ________________ (想起) how he got the car home, but he arrived late on

Sunday night and went straight to bed.

11) He thought it might be useful to take a(n) _________ (初级的) course in English.

1) involves 2)) identified 3) long-term 4) expect 5) specific 6) detail 7) functions 8) basis 9) located/situated 10) recall/remember 11) elementary

Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary.

1) She’s a(n) __________ in many fields, not only in medicine.

2) I do not ___________ my cousin! I will not! I have had more than most men.

3) Tomorrow’s picnic _____________ our having good weather.

4) It is not ___________ to expect people to spend so much money.

5) I had a certain ____________ of difficulty finding the house.

6) Very hot weather ____________ how people feel and act.

7) Some vitamins in excessive amounts (超量) are not ____, for example, the vitamin B group

and vitamin C.

8) It’s worth _______________ that drinks are cheaper before eight o’clock.

9) It had started like any _____________ day. Little did we know what was coming.

10) Students will have chances to visit __________ centers of bee research.

1) expert 2) envy 3) depends on 4) realistic 5) amount 6) affects 7) harmful 8) keeping in mind 9) normal 10) various

1) 做出符合实际的自我评价make a realistic opinion of oneself

2) 在大脑形成图像form mental pictures 3) 从……分心distract from

4) 注意力集中于……concentrate on…5) 作简单的交谈hold a simple conversation

6) 展示……的才能show off one’s ability7) 超出……的能力beyond one’s ability

8) 生命中每个痛苦的瞬间every painful moment of one’s life

9) 把那些不愉快的记忆锁进记忆的角落里lock the bad memories in a back drawer of memory

10) 过正常的生活lead a normal life延误一小时delay for an hour

接机/在机场接人meet a flight/meet … at the airport

观看飞机起降watch planes land and take off 也许by any chance

朝某人身后瞥了一眼glance/look over one’s shoulder消失不见了vanish from sight

送到……地址deliver to one’s address卸(某人的) 车unload one’s car

不能相信自己的眼睛can’t believe one’s eyes午夜后不久shortly/soon after midnight

朝停车场上…的车走去head for one’s car in the parking lot

2. Translation Practice

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1) 一个年轻人来到票务柜台,问是否有人把他的公文包交到了柜台。

2) 他朝我身后的行李传送带瞥了一眼,然后大声喊道,他看到公文包正穿过传送带尽头的那个口子。

3) 不幸的是,已经将他的公文包装到一架班机上了。

4) 我向他保证我们一找到公文包就给他打电话。

5) 让我们吃惊的是,这个年轻人说他已经在自己的车里找到了公文包。

1) A young man came to the check-in counter and asked if his briefcase had been turned in.

2) He looked over my shoulder at the conveyor belt and shouted that he had seen his briefcase

going through the opening at the end of the conveyor belt.

3) Unfortunately, his briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights.

4) I assured him that we would call him as soon as we found his briefcase.

5) To our great surprise, the young man said that he had already found his briefcase in his car.

3. Writing Directions: Read the in-class reading passage again. Suppose you are the ticket agent. Write a report describing what happened between you and the writer. Begin at the time when the writer first told you about the briefcase, and end with a phone call from the airline worker who told the writer about ―his‖ briefcase. Your report should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write neatly.

Yesterday afternoon I was on duty at the check-in counter. A young man came to me and asked if his briefcase had been turned in. I said no. Then he looked over my shoulder at the conveyor belt and shouted that he had seen his briefcase going through the opening at the end of the conveyor belt. I asked him to give me his baggage claim check, but he said he didn’t have one. He was just there to meet a flight. I then asked him to fill out a claim form and called down to the baggage area. Unfortunately, the briefcase had already been loaded on one of the flights and we didn’t know which one. So I took the young man’s phone number and assured him that we would call as soon as we found the briefcase. I promised that we would deliver it to his home address in Sioux City.

The young man left. About two hours later, we learned that the briefcase was found in Denver. One of our workers called the young man to tell him the good news. To our great surprise, the young man said that he had already found his briefcase! It had been in his car! Now we had to look for the owner of the ―second‖ briefcase. (217 words)

Unit 3 More Than Words


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1) 除非你有经验, 否则你得不到这份工作。(unless)

2) 我把大部分时间花在研究中美文化的差异上了。(spend)

3) 这句话意思极清楚, 决不会引起误解。(so…that)

4) 他希望能够给予她比现在更多的帮助。(more than)

5) 穿上外套, 否则你会感冒的。(or)

6) 她的收藏品中增加了一张毕加索(Picasso) 的画。(add…to…)

7) 我没意识到以前曾来过这儿。(be aware of)

8) 如果你继续对每个人这么粗鲁,你很快就会发现自己什么朋友都没有了。(find oneself without)

1) You won’t get the job unless you’ve got the experience.

2) Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American cultures.

3) The statement/sentence is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstandi ng.

4) He wishes he could give her more help than he does.

5) Put on your coat or you’ll catch cold.

6) She has added a Picasso to her collection.

7)I am not aware of ever having been here before.

8)You will soon find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everybody.

1.D irections: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change

the form if necessary. (Online)

2) There were ______ causes of the accident.

3) He pointed out that it’s a ______ judgement.

4) The news _______ at about 5 o’clock on the election (选举) day.

5) Our soldiers _______ a successful attack last night.

6) He’s driven by his ______, not by careful thought.

7) I sat in a corner and ______ what was going on.

8) They ______ that they would never argue over money.

9) We spent the morning ______ around the old part of the city.

10) It’s interesting to see if the investment (投资) ______.

11) We came to the ______ that someone was not telling the truth.

12) It took years to write the book, but it was worth the ______.

13) I wanted to see the movie, but I ______ it.

14) The doctor said he should ______ in bed for a few days.

15) People ________ to need less sleep as they get older.

2. 1) gesture 2) signal 3) misunderstanding 4) behaved 5) curls 6) meaningful 7) rarely

8) means 9) unfamiliar 10) decreased 11) bowed 12) communication 13) facial 14)

awareness 15) occur

1) 我不知道是去看电影还是留在家里看电视。

1) I don’t know whether to go to the movie s or stay at home and watch TV.

2) 我在考虑什么时候离开。I’m wondering when to leave.

3) 请告诉我们你的信件要寄到哪里。Please let us know where to send your mail.

4) 我还没有决定在哪个城市定居。I haven’t decided which city to settle in.

5) 我不能肯定应该向谁寻求帮助。I’m not sure who m to ask for help.

6) 能不能告诉我从这里到火车站怎么走? Can you tell/show me how to get to the railway station from here?

7) 用这些钱做什么我们应该讨论讨论。We should discuss what to do with the money.

Translation Practice

Directions: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English, you will find them useful in your writing.

1) 首先,你得意识到(be aware that)在一个陌生的环境感觉紧张是很正常的。

2)我们的思维比大部分人的讲话速度要快好几倍(race v.)。


4)其中必不可少的一点是你得尽量扩大视野(broaden one’s horizons)。

5) 幽默感会有所帮助,有时讲个和自己有关的小笑话也会使谈话轻松(lighten)起来。

6)只有当你愿意交谈并认真地听的时候,你才能成功地与周围的人交朋友。(only when…)

1) First, you should be aware that feeling nervous in a new environment is quite normal.

2) Our thoughts race along several times faster than most people speak.

3) In order to get others to pay attention to you, you must first learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener.

4) One of the essential points is that you should try to broaden your horizons.

5) A sense of humor is helpful and you can lighten a conversation by sometimes telling a joke about yourself.

6) Only when you are ready to talk and listen attentively will you succeed in making friends with the people around you.

3. Writing

Directions: Read the following words from a freshman who is talking about a problem. Write

a paragraph giving advice to him. Start with the sentence ―To solve your problem,

you should pay more attention to your communication skills.‖

―When I got to the college, I was nervous. My roommates made me nervous; my classmates made me nervous; the sight of the teachers made me nervous; the classroom discussions made me nervous; everything made me nervous.‖

To solve your problem, you should pay more attention to your communication skills. First, you should be aware of your problem, and tell yourself that it’s very natural for you to feel that way in a new place and among so many people you don’t know. Then you should try to make others understand your position and help you deal with the problem. In order to get others to pay attention to you, you must first learn how to be a good and sympathetic listener. We should concentrate when we listen and do not miss the important points the others say, because our thoughts race much faster than most people speak. Then you should talk more. The ability to talk well is not always easy. But the more you work at it, the easier it will be. You can also use a bit sense of humor to lighten your conversation. Only when you are ready to talk and listen attentively will you succeed in making a connection with the world around you. (172 words)

Unit 4 Fresh Start

1. Directions: The following words have different meanings in different contexts. Complete each

of the following sentences with an appropriate word. Each word can be used more

than once. Change the form if necessary.

lot major rear settle taste tip

1) This soup has no _________ at all.

2) Reports about the costs of _________ children are more than we can understand.

3) The book also contains some ________ on how to take better photos.

4) ―Go on then, _________ it,‖ said my grandfather, pouring a little of his home-made wine into

my glass.

5) After they got married, they _________ in New York.

6) What’s your __________, English or Business?

7) What a _________ of cars there are in the parking __________!

8) The _________ of the car was damaged in the accident.

9) Can we ________ the question of who will replace our leader tomorrow?

10) Computers are a _________ influence (影响) on modern society.

11) He __________ into a very comfortable corner seat to enjoy the view.

12) The service hasn’t been very good -- should we leave a 15% _________ for the waiter?

1) taste 2) rearing 3) tips 4) taste 5) settled 6) major

7) lot, lot 8) rear 9) settle 10) major 11) settled 12) tip

2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box. Change the form if


view clasp completely crash grin grope

hesitation opportunity relax schedule slip tray

1) The waiter brought drinks on a __________.

2) Her parents always _________ her as the cleverest of their children.

3) A baby monkey _________ its mother’s fur (毛) tightly.

4) Why don’t you stop being angry and _________ for a while!

5) The car ________ into a tree and burst into flames (着火).

6) The construction was completed three weeks ahead of _________.

7) He was able to _________ out of the room without disturbing anyone.

8) She _________ for her glasses on the bedside table.

9) She was bored with work and wanted to do something _________ different.

10) Sarah tried several times to catch Philip’s eye, but he just _________ at her.

11) When you’re in school there are lots of _________ for meeting people of the opposite sex.

12) Any _________ on the part of the government will be seen as weakness.

2. 1) tray 2) view 3) clasped/clasps 4) relax 5) crashed 6) schedule

7) slip 8) groped 9) completely 10) grinned 11) opportunities 12) hesitation


1) 房间里热极了,请把窗户打开!(far too)

2) 半夜里那吵杂声把我们弄醒了。(in the middle of)

3) 他不应该对我说的话表示生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。(nothing more than)

4) 我们邀请了所有的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中的五位。(show up)

5) 她视婚姻为严肃的事情。(view… as…)

6) 令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期望的那么好。(live up to somebody’s expectations)

1) It’s far too hot in the room; open the window, please!

2) The noise woke us up in the middle of the night.

3) He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said. It was nothing more than a joke.

4) We invited all our friends to the picnic but it rained and only five of them showed up.

5) She views marriage as a serious matter.

6) To my disappointment, the movie didn’t live up to my expectations.

Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary. Use each phrase only once.

at ease aware of find out make sure set up

speak up take advantage of get along hand in on time

1) I will __________ my business trip to Paris to see the beautiful sights.

2) __________ that your computer is turned off before you leave.

3) They were glad to find her smiling and totally ________.

4) Are you _________ any reason why you failed the exam?

5) She needs to __________ everything she can about Napoleon (拿破仑).

6) A fund has been __________ to receive donations (捐赠) from the public.

7) If you two are going to share a room, you’d better learn how to __________.

8) He’s not afraid to __________ when he thinks someone’s been unfairly treated.

9) Please have the completed form ready to __________ at the reception(接待处)desk.

10) You will have to hurry if you want to get to the wedding __________.

3. 1) take advantage of 2) Make sure 3) at ease 4) aware of 5) find out 6) set up 7) get along 8) speak up 9) hand in

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words given.


1) Fleeing (逃避) the flood water, families here packed their ______ and headed to higher land.


2) Which is your ______ TV program? (favor)

3) We would like to thank them for their patience and ______. (understand)

4) She arrived late on her first day of work – it was not a good ______. (begin)

5) There is a ______ that he will be asked to give a speech. (possible)

6) We made only a few minor _______ to the plan. (adjust)

7) The ______ of the new year was greeted with joy. (arrive)

8) The children are always in a state of ______ before the holidays. (excite)

9) After many ______ she finally won a prize. (disappoint)

10) Have you read the _______ to the third edition (版) of the book? (introduce)

1) belongings 2) favorite 3) understanding 4) beginning 5) possibility 6) adjustments 7) arrival 8) excitement 9) disappointments 10) introduction

3. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Change the form if necessary.

absorb argue colleague intend competitive explosion

melt mess pack recently rewarding splash

1) He makes a terrible _______ when he’s cooking.

2) On her 80th birthday, the building was _______ with friends and relatives.

3) I could hear them ______ in the next room.

4) I’ve only ______ begun to learn French.

5) How will such a small company survive (生存) in the ______ world of business?

6) – How was your first day at work?

– OK, but there was a bit too much to ______ all at once.

7) The dictionary is really ______ for the intermediate (中级的) learners.

8) I’ve just finished the ______, if tirin g, job of painting the kitchen.

9) He always got along well with his ______ in the office.

10) Salesmen report a(n) ______ of interest in family-style vans (有蓬盖的货车).

11) The ice cream was starting to ______ by the time I got it home.

12) She ______ her face with cold water.

1) mess 2) packed 3) arguing 4) recently 5) competitive 6) absorb 7) intended 8)

rewarding 9) colleagues 10) explosion 11) melt 12) splashed

2.Translation Practice

Directions: Read the following paragraphs and then translate them from English into Chinese.

“I would tell anyone who’s thinking about going back to school that it’s not as difficult as you think, ‘says Karen Jonaitis (卡轮?乔纳特斯). Last year, at 47, she earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration, graduating alongside her daughter. “I realized that I could not move up in my career without a degree.‖ An administrative assistant at Endicott College she now is studyi ng for her master’s in organizational management.


A generation ago, Jonaitis would have been a rarity in college. Today, the U. S. Department of Education estimates, about 6 million people aged 25 or older are studying in American institutions of higher learning, and more than 30 centers for adult learning have sprung up at college.



1) bachelor: a first university degree, such as a BA, B.S., or BSc 学士

2) business administration:工商管理

3) spring up: to suddenly appear or start to exist 涌现

e.g. Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over town.

3. Writing

Directions: Write a composition about your impression of college. In your opening sentence include one or two words to describe your feelings about college life. Then give some evidence to support your impression. You can begin your writing in this way:

College life is wonderful/exciting/rewarding/tiring, etc. College life is wonderful. You suddenly find yourself in an exciting place with so many new things waiting for you. When you go to the classes, you are amazed to find the world the teachers bring to you is so different from the one you are familiar with. Wherever you go, you will meet new friends, friends who are always ready to help you and discuss questions with you. What’s more, you don’t have to take as many tests as you did in high school, having more time of your own. The out-of-class activities are so varied and colorful that you sometimes simply do not know what to choose. And

there are so many chances for you to get to know society by doing part-time jobs. (127 words) Sample 2

College life is tiring. People often say college is like a heaven, but to me college is just like a hell. It is even worse than my high school. We have to take many more courses, and do much more homework. And the teachers are never available to help us out when we need them. They seem to care less. Besides study, we have to do the laundry, shopping and cleaning all by ourselves. Students in college are all smart. Competition here is much fiercer. You can never expect to be the best. The worst thing is that in college you don’t have a clear goal. In high school, college entrance exams were what we were working for. But here, there’s too much for us to read and know, and sometimes we feel lost. (134 words)

Unit 5 Animal World


1. Directions: Work in pairs to complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate

word derived from(由……派生出来的)or related to the one in brackets.

1) Do you have a dictionary _________________? (hand)

2) We are all products of the _________________ influences of our societies. (culture)

3) What he said is _________________; he’s lying. (true)

4) His _________________ in God gave him hope during difficult times. (believe)

5) I want to be a _________________ because I like biology and chemistry. (science)

6) A _________________ result brings happiness. (success)

7) The two groups battled because of their _________________ differences. (religion)

8) The wall was once an important part of the city’s _________________. (defend)

9) He pulled with all his _________________ but the rock would not move. (strong)

10) We talked about various _________________ questions, such as homelessness and

education. (society)

2. Directions: Each word in the box can be used both as a noun and as a verb. Complete each

pair of the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. In each pair,

the word is used as a noun in one sentence and verb in the other. Change the form if

necessary. Check the answers with your partner.

1) A. He borrowed the money up to the _________________ that the bank allowed.

B. Having so little money to spend on an apartment does _________________ you in your


2) A. If you’re already in _________________ with the school, it will be easier to discuss any


B. Is there a phone number where I can _________________ you?

3) A. The prisoner was shot while _________________ to escape.

B. He failed to set a new record, but it was a good _________________.

4) A. He _________________ the dog to leave the house.

B. The army is under the king’s direct _________________.

5) A. Swimming is an excellent _________________ of exercise.

B. The leader of the winning party has been invited to _________________ a government.

3. Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change

the form if necessary.

1) She made a(n)

_________________ to the right with her hand to show the direction of the park.

2) His work ________________ enormous interest in England.

3) Professor Brown’s books are very _________________ and are hard to read.

4) Each _________________ animal is weighed and measured before being set free.

5) Books had to be written by hand before the _________________ of printing.

6) The island’s chief _________________ was its beauty.

7) We drove as fast as we could, trying to _________________ lost time.

8) The waiter _________________ our plates from the table.

9) The manager’s _________________ to our plan was encouraging.

10) We can’t _________________ the possi bility that she was murdered by her husband.

4.Directions: Work in pairs to decide which of the italicized words or phrases fits the sentence


1)This detergent will remove/move all stains from your clothes.

2)She has just accepted/received the invitatio n to the film star’s fiftieth birthday party, I don’t

know if she will accept/receive it.

3)Do you allow/agree your children to cross the street by themselves?

4)I have later/lately received a number of letters about this problem.

5)The boat was about a mile off the beach/shore when the engine suddenly died.

6)The math teacher taught/trained algebra in five classes each day.

7)I studied the mysterious object/subject that fell from the sky.

8)These flowers are brightly colored in order to attack/attract butterflies.


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions in brackets. Check your translation with your partner’s.

1. 我过去常去看电影,但现在再也没有时间了。(used to)

2. 两个工人互相合作修理破裂的管子。(cooperate)

3. 这是一种残忍的做法,应该马上停止。(…practice which…)

4. 你的工作的哪一方面最困难,哪一方面最有益(rewarding)?(aspect)

5. 有些人认为他很粗野,但情况并非如此。(the case)

6. 我会尽我所能帮忙, 但我所能做的也有限。(a limit to)

1. I used to go to the cinema/movies a lot, but I never have the time now.

2. The two workers cooperated with each other to fix the broken pipe.

3. This is a cruel practice which should be stopped immediately.

4. What aspect of your job/work is (the)most difficult, and what aspect is (the)most rewarding?

5. Some people think he is rude, but that’s not the case.

6. I’ll help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.

1.Translation Practice

Directions: Read the following Chinese expressions or sentences and then put them into


1) 给人们带来快乐增添生活的乐趣表达感情传递信息背负重物完成不同任务为盲人领路保护人们的财产捕捉害虫作贡献使世界更丰富多彩保持自然界平衡

2) 它们被认为是人类最好的朋友,人们喜欢把它们养作宠物。

3) 它们聪明、可爱而且非常温顺。它们通过做不同的事来逗人们乐。

4) 它们对人类的贡献已经超过它们的破坏。

5) 它们是非常好的伙伴,对人忠诚,又能帮助人们干许多事情。

1) bring pleasure/happiness to people add joy to people’s life

express one’s feelings/emotions deliver messages carry heavy loads

accomplish different tasks guide the blind guard people’s possessions

catch pests make contributions make the world more colorful maintain the balance of nature

2) They are perceived to be humans’ best friends. People like to keep them as pets.

3) They are intelligent, lovely and obedient. They can amuse people by performing different tasks.

4) Their contributions to human beings far outweigh what they destruct.

5) They are excellent companions of human beings. They are not only loyal to people but also can help man do a lot of things.

3. Writing

Directions:Write an article entitled ―The Animal I Like Best‖ in no less than 120 words.

The Animal I Like Best

Sample 1

Dogs are the kind of animals I like best. Firstly, they are capable of helping human beings complete different tasks. For instance, dogs are trained to pull sleighs, to guide the blind, to guard people’s possessions and s o on. Sometimes they are even used in medical service to help treat some patients, because of their obedience and great understanding of human beings. Furthermore, dogs can be wonderful companions. They are loyal to their owners, and always act as quiet listeners when people complain and as a source of joy when people are blue. This kind of emotional intimacy between humans and dogs can’t be matched by any other intimacy between humans and animals. No wonder dogs are perceived to be the best friends of human beings, and undoubtedly I consider them my favorite kind of animal. (136 words)

Sample 2

It is a sheer coincidence that my favorite animal and Walt Disney’s are the same. We both like the so-called ―notorious‖ mice, but our reasons vary largely. As Walt Disney’s legend is told, the mouse he met in his garage played such an important role that it helped him survive loneliness and overcome his mental depression at the beginning of his artistic career. My reason is much simpler – I was born in 1984, thus naturally and traditionally began to like mice (rats). It is true that the mouse has been a symbol of dirtiness and ugliness, and everybody seems to bear a deep-rooted hatred against it. Nevertheless, they are cunning and swift, and some are even lovely. This accounts for why there are people who like to keep mice as their pets. Moreover, rats, carrying the plague, had once brought tremendous disaster to human beings. But the interesting thing is that the carriers themselves had not been ruined. This has already opened up new fields of study in biology in the hope of exploring human beings’true physical nature. Nowadays, hundreds of rats die in laboratories every single day in all kinds of experiments operated by scientists. In this sense, mice’s contribution to the human race perhaps has outweighed their destruction to us, which makes me like them still more. (220 words)

Unit 6 A World of Mystery

2. Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate preposition or adverb.

1) Her singing lessons resulted _________ her getting a part in a musical (音乐喜剧).

2) As soon as I was _________ board, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.

3) These magazines are produced _________ vast numbers.

4) He tore the letter _________ small pieces and threw them in the dustbin (垃圾桶).

5) It’s a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly _________ rice and vegetables.

6) I can give you an explanation _________ why I’m late.

7) Her bike has never been used and is _________ perfect condition.

8) What do you think has happened _________ Julie? She should have been here an hour ago.

9) The pilot turned the plane into the wind to take _________.

10) A one-day course for beginners will be held _________ May 14.

2. 1) in 2) on 3) in 4) into 5) of 6) for/of 7) in 8) to 9) off 10) on

3. Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form

if necessary.

1) The ____________ of the soil influence (影响) the growth of the plants.

2) Small ____________ of land were used for keeping animals.

3) The son will follow his father’s example and, ____________, the daughter will model (仿效)

herself on her mother.

4) Sailors use a(n) ____________ to know in which direction their ship is headed.

5) The gas was ____________ from a small hole in the pipe.

6) The appearance of strange circles in fields of corn has ____________ many people.

7) The job ____________ plenty of opportunity for travel.

8) She stayed in the house for a few weeks, but when she went, she left no ____________ of

having been there.

9) This ____________ helps to explain how animals communicate with each other.

10) I ____________ go to bed early, but I stayed up late last night.

1) properties 2) amounts 3) similarly 4) compass 5) escaping

6) puzzled 7) offers 8) trace 9) theory 10) normally


1. 她的努力工作使她得到了一大笔奖金(bonus)。(result in)

2. 孩子们正在观看飞机起飞和着陆。(take off)

3. 我总是一上船就晕船。(on board)

4. 博物馆向公众开放的第一天,总共有20,000人前来参观。(a total of)

5. 委员会(committee) 由科学家和工程师组成。(consist of)

6. 工作没有完成,我不敢回家。(with引导的独立结构)

1. Her hard work resulted in a big bonus for her.

2. Children were watching the planes take off and land.

3. As soon as I’m on board a ship I always feel sick.

4. A total of 20,000 people visited the museum on the first day it was open to the public.

5. The committee consists of scientists and engineers.

6. I wouldn’t dare to go home with the job unfinished.

2. Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using

words or phrases from the passage.

1) These games encourage children’s ability to __________________ (解开) puzzles using

their mathematical (数学的) skills.

2) Thousands of people were waiting beside the __________________ (路线) that the

President’s car would take.

3) Ice __________________ (融化) to water quickly in warm weather.

4) Her personal problems seem to be __________________ (影响) her work.

5) You must take __________________ (极度的) care when driving at night.

6) The tailor showed us __________________ (样品) of silk and cotton.

7) He is buried in a __________________ (坟墓) next to his wife’s.

8) It’s __________________ (难以置信的), but I don’t know how to drive a car.

9) Do you play any other __________________ (乐器) besides the piano?

10) The two men died when they __________________ (被困在) a burning building.

11) The explorers started on a year-long _______________(探险) down the Nile.

12)Don’t put that glass on the ____________ (边缘) of the table; it might fall off.

2. 1) solve 2) route 3) melts 4) affecting 5) extreme/great 6) samples 7) grave/tomb 8) incredible/unbelievable 9) instrument/musical instrument 10) were trapped in 11) expedition 12) edge

2. Translation Practice

1) Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to other road users.

2) Could you give me a quick explanation of how it works?

3) She left the city where she had lived all her life without a backward glance.

4) He has the occasional cigar after dinner.

5) Jane looked at me in genuine surprise ― "Are you really going?" she said.

6) He made a complete and utter mess of it.

7) He had a sudden heart attack while he was on holiday.

8) He was happily married with two young children.

9) He's got a lot of exciting ideas and he's impatient to get started.

10) After careful consideration of your proposal, I regret to say that we are unable to accept it.

11) Society has changed profoundly over the last fifty years.

12) The party was a rather hurriedly arranged affair.













Unit 8 Romantic Stories


Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese expressions given in brackets. Change the form if necessary.

1) It all __________ __________ __________ (合计为)a lot of hard work for all of us.

2) He teaches students how to __________(评论)poetry.

3) They __________ __________ ___________(坠入爱河)at first sight.

4) What time did the accident __________ __________(发生)?

5) It is a __________(奇迹)that she speaks five languages almost equally well.

6) They __________(商定)to meet at the airport at 7 o’clock.

7) I have never met him. I only know him __________ __________(仅仅名字).

8) The purpose of this program is __________(主要的)educational.

9) I’ve talked to him on the telephone but I’ve never actually met him __________

__________ __________(面对面地).

10) __________ __________ _______ _________(到……. 岁)29, he was already a very

successful businessman.

11) ___________ __________ __________(大量)of money has been spent on the new


12) The new graduates received their degrees at a special __________(仪式).

1) adds/added up to 2) criticize 3) fell/fall in love 4) take place 5) miracle

6) arranged 7) by name 8) primarily 9) face to face 10) By the age of

11) A great deal 12) ceremony


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.

1) 第二次世界大战发生于1945年。(take place)

2) 我爷爷喝酒喝得厉害。(a great deal)

3) 到65岁的时候,他仍在工作。(by the age of)

4) 这个老师知道他所有学生的名字。(by name)

5) 警察最终成功破解了这个疑案。(succeed in)

6) 他喜欢各种体育运动,特别是篮球。(most of all)

7) 打电话和面对面说话不一样。(face to face)

8) 他们因为有共同的兴趣爱好而相爱。(fall in love, common)

1) World War II took place in 1945.

2) My grandfather drinks a great deal.

3) He was still working by the age of 65.

4) The teacher knows all his students by name.

5) The police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery.

6) He likes all kinds of sports, but most of all, basketball.

7) T alking on the phone is different from talking face to face.

8) They fell in love with each other because they had common interests.

Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese expressions given in

brackets. Change the form if necessary. (Online)

1) Don’t take it too seriously. He is just __________ __________ __________(开玩笑).

2) We have saved a little money, but nothing to _________ ___________(值得一提).

3) This is the __________(正是)book I’ve been looking for.

4) The offices are __________(位于)in the center of town.

5) There is no __________(递送)of letters on Sundays.

6) They __________(抓取)her by the arm and forced her into their car.

7) It’s an informal meeting. Don’t bother to __________ __________(穿上盛装).

8) The time in London is five hours __________ __________ (在……之前)the time in New York.

9) He is very ambitious. He says that he will be a king __________(有朝一日).

10) As the game was coming to an end, the fans of the losing team grew more __________(绝


4. 1) playing a trick 2) speak of 3) very 4) located 5) delivery

6) grabbed 7) dress up 8) ahead of 9) someday 10) desperate Directions:Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary. (Online)

1) I feel very lucky to have a very _____________ boss, who rarely gets annoyed.

2) Molly looks very _____________ in her red dress.

3) The company is run almost _____________ by middle-aged men.

4) I was brought up to be ______________ and speak my mind.

5) If you could get the task finished by Sunday I’d be very _____________.

6) He is suffering from a _____________ illness.

7) He must be about sixty, _____________ his wife looks about thirty.

8) Many more people travel ______________ for their holidays now than before.

9) Even the smallest baby can _______________ its mother by her voice.

10) Of course I don’t mind taki ng you home—I am going that way _______________.

11) I’m _______________ at the way they treat their children.

12) The cushion (靠垫) _____________ open and sent feathers everywhere.

2.1) understanding 2) delicate 3) entirely 4) frank 5) grateful 6) rare

7) whereas 8) overseas 9) identify 10) anyway 11) disgusted 12) split

1.Translation Practice

Part A:English to Chinese

1) But most of all, it is famous because their romance took place primarily by mail.


2) With this letter, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning began a secret correspondence.


3) At first, their letters were formal and impersonal. They discussed poetry and literature. Slowly, the letters became more personal.


4) They were nervous, and even shocked, to see each other face to face at last.


5) If your feeling for me has any honest basis, what I look like won’t matter.


Part B: Chinese to English

1) 尽管可以互相写信给对方,甚至互寄照片,还是无法很好地了解一个人。

Even though you could write to each other and even send each other pictures, it’s still very difficult to know a person very well.

2) 此外,写信很花时间。

Besides, writing letters takes a lot of time.

3) 见面直接交流方便多了。

Meeting face to face is much more convenient.

4) 通过书信往来人们可以更为深刻或彻底地表达自己的情感。

B y writing letters one can express one’s feelings more deeply or thoroughly.

5) 书信比面对面地直接交流更为浪漫和富有诗意。

Letters are more romantic and poetic than face to face talk.

3. Writing

Directions: In A True Love Story, Elizabeth and Robert spent very little time together before they married. They learned about each other primarily through their letters. What do

you think of it? Please write a paragraph about your view on relationships that

develop through letters.

Of course it is better to know someone face to face. In A True Love Story, Elizabeth and Robert spent very little time together before they married because it was very difficult for them to do so. It was not because they thought it was a better way to know each other. Even though you could write to each other and even send each other pictures, it is still difficult to know a person very well. For example, you won’t know exactly what the person looks like no matter how many pictures you have. I am always curious myself about what a person looks like. Besides, writing letters takes a lot of time. Meeting face to face is much more convenient. What’s more, you could see a person’s facial expressions if you meet face to face. In most cases you could tell, according to his facial expressions, whether he is telling the truth or not. Of course, writing letters has its advantages. For example, by writing letters one can express one’s feelings more deeply or thoroughly. Letters are more romantic and poetic than face to face talk. (187 words)

Unit 9 Holidays and Special Days

1. Directions: Choose the right word from the following groups of words to fill in each blank.

Change the form if necessary. Some of the words can be used twice.

1) child childhood childlike childish

A. It was so ____________ of him to stamp out of the restaurant just because people didn’t

agree with what he said.

B. When I was a ____________, I lived in a country village.

C. He was remembering a story heard in his ____________.

D. His most enduring quality is his ____________ innocence (天真无邪).

2) commerce commercial (adj.) commercial (n.) non-commercial commercially

A. ____________, the film was a great success.

B. Whether the project will be a ____________ success in the long term is still uncertain.

C. They have made their fortunes from industry and ____________.

D. The government has launched a campaign (开展运动) of television ____________.

E. This organization is ____________. Its aim is to raise money to help the poor.

3) excite excited exciting excitement

A. She found the atmosphere of the college enormously ____________.

B. I only take on work that ____________ me, even if it means turning down lots of money.

C. Everybody was ____________ by the news of the school t eam’s victory.

D. She’s very ____________ about the possibility of getting the job she’s longed for.

E. This game had its challenges, ____________ and rewards.

4) satisfy satisfied satisfying satisfaction satisfactorily

A. Pat is always asking for more clothes—she’s never ________________ with what she’s got.

B. I offered him $10,000 to keep quiet, but that didn’t _______________ him and he wanted

even more.

C. She looked at the finished painting with _________________.

D. Potatoes are _________________ food—they make you feel full.

E. I’m sure these problems will be __________________ solved.

1. 1) A. childish (having a manner unsuitable for a grown-up 幼稚的,傻气的)

B. child

C. childhood

D. childlike (of or typical of a child, especially having a natural lovable quality 孩子般的,天真


2) A. Commercially B. commercial C. commerce D. commercials E. non-commercial

3) A. exciting B. excites C. excited D. excited E. excitements

4) A. satisfied B. satisfy C. satisfaction D. satisfying E. satisfactorily

3. Directions: The following words are used to describe the different ways foods are cooked. Fill

in each of the blanks with an appropriate word.

1) Fish, chicken, and chips can be ____________.

2) Cabbage, eggs, and potatoes can be ____________.

3) Fish and pudding can be ____________.

4) Duck, beef, and potatoes can be ____________.

5) Bread, cake, and potatoes can be ____________.

6) Cheese sandwiches can be ____________.

3. 1) fried 2) boiled 3) steamed 4) roasted 5) baked 6) toasted

fry: cook food in a pan that contains hot fat or oil 煎,炸

boil: cook food in boiling water 在水中煮沸

steam: cook food in steam 蒸,煮

roast: cook food by dry heat, either in front of an open fire or in a hot oven 烤,烘,炙bake: cook food in an oven (在炉中)烘,烤,焙

toast: make (bread, cheese, etc) brown by holding it close to heat 烤(面包等)


1. 演讲的主题已提早一星期宣布, 而主讲人的名字却没有(宣布)。(in advance)

2. 居然还有学生在考试之前踢足球,这似乎令人难以置信。(incredible)

3. Auden先生是一个快乐的人, 他从帮助别人之中获得乐趣。(derive)


Unit 1 Growing Up Ⅱ. Translation 1.那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。(formal) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.他的女朋友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。(take hold) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。(anticipate) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。(violate) It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. / Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。 (avoid, severe) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 苏珊(Susan)因车祸失去了双腿。有一段时间,她真不知如何面对自己再也不能行走的事实。 一天,苏珊在浏览杂志时,被一个真实故事吸引住了。那个故事生动地描写了一个残疾(disabled)姑娘是如何成为一位作家的。苏珊读后深受鼓舞,开始相信她最终会成为一个有用的人生活下去。 Inspire vivid scan face up with finally Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship II. Translation 1)半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。我们只好走路回家。(go by) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home.


汉译英 Unit1 1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充足的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。(no matter how) No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech ,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关系吉米一样,吉米也关系他们(just as) Just as all his sister ’ s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them 3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。(tell on) If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more. 5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’s own) Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。(reckon with) Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. Unit2 1.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2.总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron . 3正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4.考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并立刻咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible. 6.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem. Unit3 1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional. 2..教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them. 3.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one ’ s study after graduatin g from university instead of going to work directly. 4.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally. 5.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。


1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。 Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter. 2) 我坚信,阅读简写的 (simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。 I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary. 3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染 (pollution) 方面还做得不够。 I don’t think we’re doing enough to protect our environment from pollution. 4) 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。 In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation. 5) 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。 We’ve learned from reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spoken English next term/semester. 6) 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。 Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills. 7) 如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。我将更详细地进行讲解。 If you have any questions about these learning strategies, please feel free to ask me. And I’ll explain them in greater detail. 8) 那个加拿大女孩善于抓住每个机会讲汉语。这就是她为什么三年不到就熟练地掌握了汉语口语的原因。 The Canadian girl is good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. That’s why she has gained a good command of spoken Chinese in less than three years.


1.我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题不大 We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2.父亲去逝的时候我还小,不能独立生活。就在那时,家乡的父老接过了教育我的责任。My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over my upbringing at that point. 3.这些玩具必须得达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童 The toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children. 4.作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。 Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion. 5.至于这本杂志,它刊载了世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要 When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world. 1.虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis. 2.在持续不断的沙尘暴的威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜爱的村庄,搬迁到新的地方。 Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement. 3.根据最近的网上调查,许多消费者说他们也许会有兴趣考虑购买电视广告中播放的产品。According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials. 4.看到卡车司机把受污染的废弃物倒在河边,老人马上向警方报告 Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once. 5.一些科学家坚信人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物的,因为它们能够提高产量,帮助发展 中国家战胜饥荒和疾病 Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world. 1.无论是在城市还是农村,因特网正在改变人们的生活方式。 The Internet is changing the way people live, whether they are in urban or rural areas. 2.和大公司相比,中小公司更容易受到金融危机的威胁。 Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones. 3.关于期末论文,教授要求我们先分析失业图表,然然后对过家的经济发展提供批评性的见解。 With regard to our term paper, the professor asked us to analyze the unemployment chart first, and then provide critical reflections on the nations economic development. 4.他从来也没有想到他们队会大比分赢得那场篮球赛。 It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.


新视野大学第三版book1英语课后翻译答案 Unit1 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域作出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。 Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient “sage”. His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analectshas had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years’traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius’thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community. Unit2 圣诞节是一个被广泛庆祝的文化节日,全世界有许许多多的人在12月25日庆祝这一节日。它是为了纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。该节日最早可追溯到公元336年。渐渐地,这一节日演变为一个既是宗教又是非宗教的节日,越来越多的非基督徒也庆祝圣诞节。如今,圣诞节在全球被作为一个重大的节日和公共假日来庆祝。不同国家的圣诞节风俗也各不相同。现代流行的圣诞接风俗包括交换圣诞贺卡和圣诞礼物、唱圣诞歌曲、参加教堂活动、摆放各种圣诞装饰品和圣诞树、举行家庭聚会以及准备一顿特别的大餐。对小孩子们来说,这个节日充满了幻想和惊喜。据传说,圣诞老人会在圣诞夜从烟囱进入每户人家,给乖巧听话的孩子带来礼物。由于圣诞节送礼物以及许多其他方面推动了基督徒和非基督徒的经济活动,圣诞节也因此成为商家的一个重大活动和主要销售季。 According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival-the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival, all expressing people’s love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.


《全新版大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译及答案》Unit 1 Growing Up 为自己而写 ——拉塞尔·贝克 从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。在这之前,我对所有跟英文课沾边的事都感到腻味。我觉得英文语法枯燥难懂。我痛恨那些长而乏味的段落写作,老师读着受累,我写着痛苦。弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门最最单调乏味的课上再熬上沉闷的一年。弗利格尔先生在学生中以其说话干巴和激励学生无术而出名。据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。我看他有六七十岁了,古板之极。他戴着古板的毫无装饰的眼镜,微微卷曲的头发剪得笔齐,梳得纹丝不乱。他身穿古板的套装,领带端端正正地顶着白衬衣的领扣。他长着古板的尖下巴,古板的直鼻梁,说起话来一本正经,字斟句酌,彬彬有礼,活脱脱一个滑稽的老古董。 我作好准备,打算在弗利格尔先生的班上一无所获地混上一年,不少日子过去了,还真不出所料。后半学期我们学写随笔小品文。弗利格尔先生发下一张家庭作业纸,出了不少题目供我们选择。像"暑假二三事"那样傻乎乎的题目倒是一个也没有,但绝大多数一样乏味。我把作文题带回家,一直没写,直到要交作业的前一天晚上。我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗粗一看。我的目光落在"吃意大利细面条的艺术"这个题目上。

这个题目在我脑海里唤起了一连串不同寻常的图像。贝尔维尔之夜的清晰的回忆如潮水一般涌来,当时,我们大家一起围坐在晚餐桌旁——艾伦舅舅、我母亲、查理舅舅、多丽丝、哈尔舅舅——帕特舅妈晚饭做的是意大利细面条。那时意大利细面条还是很少听说的异国食品。多丽丝和我都还从来没吃过,在座的大人也是经验不足,没有一个吃起来得心应手的。艾伦舅舅家诙谐有趣的场景全都重现在我的脑海中,我回想起来,当晚我们笑作一团,争论着该如何地把面条从盘子上送到嘴里才算合乎礼仪。 突然我就想描述那一切,描述当时那种温馨美好的气氛,但我把它写下来仅仅是想自得其乐,而不是为弗利格尔先生而写。那是我想重新捕捉并珍藏在心中的一个时刻。我想重温那个夜晚的愉快。然而,照我希望的那样去写,就会违反我在学校里学的正式作文的种种法则,弗利格尔先生也肯定会打它一个不及格。没关系。等我为自己写好了之后,我可以再为弗利格尔先生写点什么别的东西。 等我写完时已是半夜时分,再没时间为弗利格尔先生写一篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章了。第二天上午,我别无选择,只好把我为自己而写的贝尔维尔晚餐的故事交了上去。两天后弗利格尔先生发还批改过的作文,他把别人的都发了,就是没有我的。我正准备着遵命一放学就去弗利格尔先生那儿挨训,却看见他从桌上拿起我的作文,敲了敲桌子让大家注意听。 "好了,孩子们,"他说。"我要给你们念一篇小品文。文章的题目是: 吃意大利细面条的艺术。"


新视野大学英语1课后翻译答案 1.对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题之前他们还可以有时间思考答案。 Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2.网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无意义和用处。 She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3.与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们可以学到很多的东西。Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4.如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。 Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5.他要放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分了。 He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6.既然我们已经学完这门课程,就应该多做些复习。 Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.


新视野大学英语1课文翻译 1下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺将使你们学有所成。 2在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。”“等一等,”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。”在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。 3让我来告诉你们一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过去扎实的基础上的。 4对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 5有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇,她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 6在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成


U1 1对于网络课程,学生不仅可以选择何时何地学习,在回答问题之前他们还有时间思考答案。 Not only can students choose when and there to learn for an online course, nut they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply 2网上学习的想法使她非常兴奋,而他认为网上学习毫无意义和用处 She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless. 3以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们学到很多东西。 Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lost. 4如今,越来越多的人可以利用互联网查找他们需要的信息。 Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分了。 He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6既然我们已经学完了这门课程,就应该多做些复习。 Not that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. U3 即使报酬并不优厚, 我还是决定接受那个新职位。 I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid. 这项工作在实际开始干之前,一直被认为是十分简单的。 The job has been taken to be very simple until (it is) actually started. 既然你计划移居加拿大,你就必须努力适应冬季的严寒天气。 Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter. 他承诺帮助我们买下那幢房子,但有点勉强. He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance. 这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。 This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it. 他是个有经验的商人,做国际贸易已有好几年了。 He is an experienced businessman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years. U4 她如此专心地读那本书,以至于有人进来她也没意识到。 he was so absorbed in reading the book that she was not conscious of someone coming in. 他第一次会议就差不多迟到了一小时,给大家留下了一个很糟糕的印象。 He was late for almost an hour for the first meeting, leaving a bad impression on everyone. 不管是有意识还是无意识,我们往往会根据对方的眼神、面部表情、形体动作和态度对他们作出判断。Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes. 周教授一生都致力于语言教学事业。 Professor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life. 许多指导性的书籍都会建议:要想给人留下好印象,其诀窍在于始终如一地保持最佳自我 Many how-to books advise that if you want to make a good impression,the trick is to be consistently you at your best. 媒体有时会传递含混不清的信息,但大多数人相信亲眼所见胜于耳闻。 The media sometimes sends mixed messages, but most people believe what they see over what they hear. U5 我希望我们的努力对预防艾滋病有所帮助。 I hope that the effort that we've made will be of some use to the battle against AIDS. 尽管地方性组织在同艾滋病作斗争方面做了很大的努力,农村地区艾滋病患者数量还在增长 Despite all the efforts from the local organizations in the battle against AIDS, the number of people in rural areas diagnosed with AIDS has been increasing. 请把电视关掉,因为噪音会使她,无法专心做作业。


南京艺术学院第二册英语课文翻译(1~10) 第一单元 你去过古玩店吗?如果你能像买家那样博学,你就有可能买到不同凡响但又很便宜的东西。 幸运的发现 古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。高档一点的古玩店为了防尘,把文物漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。而对不太装腔作势的古玩店,无论是谁都不用壮着胆子才敢往里进。人们还常常有希望在发霉,阴暗,杂乱无章,迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在地面上的,一堆堆各式各样的破烂货里找到一件稀世珍品。 无论是谁都不会一下子就发现一件珍品。一个到处找便宜货买的人必须具有耐心,而且最重要的是看到珍品时要有鉴别珍品的能力。要做到这一点,他至少要像古董商一样懂行。他必须像一个专心致志进行探索的科学家一样抱有这样的希望,即终有一天,他的努力会取得丰硕的成果。 我的老朋友弗兰克哈利戴正是这样一个人。他多次向我详细讲他如何只花50英镑便买到一位名家的杰作。一个星期六的上午,弗兰克去了我家附近的一家古玩店。由于他从未去过那儿,结果他发现了许多有趣的东西。上午很快过去了,弗兰克正准备离去,突然看见地板上放着一只体积很大的货箱。古董商告诉他那只货箱刚到不久,但他嫌麻烦不想把它打开。经弗兰克恳求,古董商才勉强把货箱撬开了。箱内东西令人失望。除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外,货箱内装满了陶器,而且大部分都已破碎。弗兰克轻轻地把陶器拿出箱子,突然发现在箱底有一幅微型画,画面构图与线条使他想起了一幅他所熟悉的意大利画,于是他决定将画买下来。古董商漫不经心看了一眼那幅画,告诉弗兰克那画值50英镑。弗兰克几乎无法掩饰自己兴奋的心情,因为他明白自己发现了一件珍品。那幅不大的画原来是柯勒乔的一幅未被发现的杰作,价值几十万英镑。 第二单元 无论是男人、女人还是儿童,都可以从他们的衣着和外表的其他方面感受到时尚的影响。 时装流行的原理 时尚一直在变化和发展。时尚的五条基本原理是识别时尚及其流行趋势的基础。这些时尚原理保持不变。尽管时尚在变,但是这些原理却不变。他们是识别和预测时尚流行趋势的坚实基础。时尚流行的基本原理包括以下几条: 1.时尚的流行一般采取渐进的方式,很少采取突变的方式。时尚通常从一种风格逐渐地向另一种风格进化,是进化式的,而不是快速地变化。这一点经常可以从女裙长度的变化中得到体现。在一个季节中人们不希望裙子的长度有较大的变化。一般裙长要在几个季节甚至几年时间里缓慢地增加或减少。在20世纪50年代后期以及以后的10年里,裙子的长度开始以每年约1英寸的速度缩短,直至变成20世纪60年代后期的超短式样。在整个70年代,裙子的长度又逐渐增加。 2.消费者创造时尚。是消费者通过接受一种款式而抛弃另一种款式来决定流行的时尚,而不是设计师或制造商。尽管设计师、制造商、销售商可以促进或减缓新时尚的流行,但最终对时尚的接受与否还要取决于消费者。 3.价格不会影响时尚的流行。时尚的流行与否并不取决于价格。尽管一个新款式推出的价格会很高,但很快会有各种价格变化。一件向设计师定做的服装售价可能会高达几千美元,但是一旦此款式被仿制并以成衣批量生产,就会出现不同的价格以适合不同层次消费者的要


新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释? How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week? 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her .


大学英语课文翻译及习 题答案 标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]

Unit 1 1. A very curious boy, Tom, is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. 汤姆是个非常好奇的男孩,他不仅对“是什么”感兴趣,而且也对“为什么”和“怎么会”感兴趣。 2. Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. 据史密斯教授说,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。 3. You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on. 你最好把这本书放在你15岁的儿子找不到的地方。 4. The story was very funny and Bill kept laughing while reading it. 这故事非常滑稽,比尔一边读一边不停地笑。 5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. 成绩优秀的学生未必比他们得分较低的同学在学习上花费更多的时间。 6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course 你是怎样设法说服这些学生修读快速阅读课的 7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one's abilities counts for much more. 用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要得多。 8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. 她要求学生独立思考,而不是告诉他们该思考什么。 Unit 2 1. Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are, after all, two different countries.” 在谈及美国英语和英国英语的差别时,他说:“美国和英国毕竟是两个不同的国家。” 2. Prof. Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. “I am just as happy,” he often says, “even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.” 史密斯教授鼓励他的学生独立思考。他常说:“即使你们对我提出质疑或者完全不同意我的看法,我也同样高兴。” 3. We called on him to take part in our conversation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week. 我们请他参加我们关于流行音乐的谈话,但他一参加进来就引入一个新的话题,谈起了上周的NBA决赛。 4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike. 司机应对这次事故负责。他的车撞倒了一棵树和一个骑车的人。
