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Unit 1 College Life

Text A

Language in Use


1) overlooking 2) overwhelming 3) enroll 4) keen 5) blend

6) inspiration 7) frequented 8) diversity 9) passion10) incredible


1) The Sept. 4 game between the Seahawks and the Packers kicked off this year’s football season.

2) A big part of a woman’s diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and oily fish.

3) Eleanor Roosevelt, who was a shy young girl, was terrified at the thought of speaking in public.

4) Senior citizens, military veterans and businessmen make up the group of people requesting for government information in the United States.

5) The schedule will make you aware of how you spend your time.

6.reach a decision (达成决定) shape one’s life (塑造生活)

analyze a problem (分析问题) approvea decision (通过决定)

improve one’s life (改善生活) solve a problem (解决问题)

1) making 2) reach 3) changed 4) shape

5) enjoy 6) solve 7) analyze 8) encounter


1) dishonest 2) illegal 3) substandard 4) irregular 5) unlock 6) incorrect 7) outnumber 8) supermarket 9) Undergraduate 10) overestimate


1) 学习小组合作学习对应对哈佛繁重的学习任务起着重要的作用。

2) 哈佛及其周边地区值得称道之处是:一切都相当便利。

3) 我决定先实地考察一下这两所学校再做最后选择,没想到的是,我竟然喜欢上了哈佛。

4) 我申请的是医学预科,但一个学期下来,我发现在下一年确定专业之前,我实际上有无数的方向可以选择。

5) 在哈佛的学业压力会很大,但我就是宁愿呆在这里。


1) As is known to all, the year 2003 saw the successful launching of China’s first manned spaceship.

2) Time has witnessed the long history, free academic atmosphere and energetic students’ life of the university.

3) The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.

4) Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great historic events.

5) A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.

Text B

Language in Use


1) significantly 2) exhausted 3) relaxing 4) concealed 5) intellectual

6) triggers 7) clarified 8) integrate 9) was established 10) fatigue


1) thinking about 2) focus on 3) carry on

4) contribute to 5) conform to/with 6) copes with

4 .

1) 按照轻重缓急安排工作会让你觉得一切必做之事都在自己掌控中,而且感觉一定能做好。

2) 长期的疲劳是诱发抑郁的关键因素。每晚睡七八个小时对(你的)健康很重要。

3) 这些包括:静思,深呼吸,泡热水澡,远足,锻炼——任何你喜欢且可以减轻你的压力和不适感的方法都可以。

4) 关注自己可以让你精力充沛,感到目标明确并觉得自己能掌控自己的生活。

5) 培养能够宽容各种不同类型的人的能力是这项任务的一个重要方面,该任务要求尊重和接受不同背景、信仰、文化、种族、生活方式和外貌的人。

Unit 2 Love and Friendship

Text A

Language in Use


1) pondering 2) tossed 3) slipped 4) stained 5) scrub

6) straightened 7) item 8) residence 9) mysteriously 10) outfits


1) a 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) a


1) at the sight of 2) on the occasion of 3) on rare occasions

4) at the smell of 5) on every occasion 6) on occasion

7) at the thought of 8) at the sound of


1) foresee 2) postwar 3) rebuild 4) transatlantic

5) interact 6) preview; review 7) ex-president 8) subway


Reference translation

1) “哈,连泰莎的东西也忘带走了,”我说道。

2) 似乎每次我们家庭聚会以后,都会留下点什么东西。

3) 我寻思着,有些记忆总是留存在脑海里,美好的记忆对我们来说是多么珍贵。

4) 当然,也有一些记忆是该忘却的。那些曾经的伤害、怨恨、苦痛、愤怒的记


5) 那是因为,除了留下的记忆以外,还有一样东西保留下来了……那就是爱。


Reference translation

1) Watching exciting soccer games is the best way to take my mind off all the problems in my work.

2) Friends sadly watched him drive off, knowing it would be long before they could meet again.

3) It took the community workers a month to wipe off the graffiti, which used to be a notable sight of the city.

4) In high altitude areas, people use lots of ways to keep off ultraviolet rays.

5) This village’s water and power supplies have been cut off because of the


Text B

Language in Use


1) consumption 2) instinct 3) nurture 4) priorities 5) sustain 6) sufficient 7) enhances 8) factor 9) attributes 10) gossip


1) engage in 2) with a view to 3) take the initiative 4) invest in 5) interact with 6) a wide range of 4.

Reference translation

1) 在你的生活中,有没有一些人能在你人生起伏时陪你同欢笑同哭泣呢。

2) 负责此项研究的蒂莫西?史密斯教授指出,人际关系对死亡的影响如同吸烟和酗酒等危险因素一样大,甚至比缺乏运动和肥胖产生的影响更大。

3) 到了小孩上幼儿园或者读书之后,你就有机会和你孩子同学的父母交流了。

4) 也许你会搬到一个新社区、新城市甚至是另一个国家,离婚,或者做一份新工作。

5) 我正在车上,这时我的收件箱里弹出一封邮件,告知我已经被梦寐以求的学校录取了,我顿时喜极而泣。

Unit 3 Power of Music

Section A

Language in Use


1) popularity 2) gorgeous 3) distinctive 4) rival 5) is/was revealed

6) professionals 7) was resolved 8) genius 9) icon 10) was adored


1) gives a glimpse of 2) learn a trade 3) deal with 4) pass as/for

5) had jotted down 6) take refuge 7) came to mind 8) fall in love


e) bring forward f) bring back g) bring up h) bring in

1) bring about 2) brought back/brings 3) bring up 4) bring forth


5) bring out 6) bring... down 7) bring in 8) bring forward



Ask students to find common suffixes in words in Text A and list more words with the same suffixes.

Give students more explanations about suffixes of verbs, nouns and adjectives. Ask them to practice the skill by adding suffixes to the words in brackets and complete the sentences in Exercise 7 with newly-formed words.

1) hardship 2) popularized 3) Creative 4) consumption 5) significant

6) admirable 7) simplify 8) musical 9) performance 10) professional



Let students read the first three paragraphs of Text A and find the sentences which use different ways to express superlative meanings.

Ask them to translate the sentences into Chinese.

Reference translation

1) 描述天才时,爱因斯坦是你能找到的最合适的例子,就连小孩都熟悉他。

2) 在学术界,其他人的知名度连爱因斯坦的一半都不及。

3) 世界上没有哪个天才如同阿尔伯特爱因斯坦一样受到人们如此的尊敬和爱戴。他那留着与众不同的发型的照片甚至成为一种流行文化的标志。

4) 全世界都找不到另一个像他那样的学者,其知名度可以与摇滚巨星媲美。

5) 没有谁比父母更爱你。


Reference Translation

1) Country music is one of the most popular forms of music in the United States today.

2) There is no other misfortune that could be compared with the loss of time.

3) There is no friend as loyal as a good book.

4) Nowhere else in the world can you find scenery as attractive as in Switzerland.

5) No cassette tapes could rival CDs in terms of sound quality.

Text B

Language in Use


1) bet 2) preferences 3) distracting 4) be alleviated 5) implies

6) affecting 7) random 8) spatial 9) subjective 10) variations


1) a variety of 2) feel like resorting 3) In general 4) in other words 5) lighten up 6) tune out


Reference translation

1) 之前的研究发现,在完成某一任务之前听音乐有许多好处:可以提高注意力、记忆力,甚至心算能力。

2) 然而,更加现实的情况却是,学生边听背景音乐边学习或者做家庭作业。

3) 令人惊讶的是,实验结果竟然显示,无论受试者听喜欢的、不喜欢的音乐或者持续变化的语言,测试成绩并没有明显区别。

4) 研究者们推测,如果他们用阅读理解测试来重复这次试验程序,可能会得到相似的结果。

5) 所以你是不是应该一边学习或做家庭作业一边听音乐呢,

Unit4 Driving Forces of Sports Text A

Language in Use


1) contract. 2) countered. 3) extraordinary. 4) flap. 5) flipped. 6) quit. 7) stems.

8) relived 9) moderate. 10) shivering


1) compete in. 2) are competing for. 3) in the zone. 4) in the lead. 5) have gained in

6) gaining on. 7) come up with. 8) catch up with. 9) fall off. 10) fell down


break one's heart; break one's promise break the record; break the habit break the law; break the silence break the ice; break new ground 1) the record. 2) the ice. 3) the law. 4) one’s promise.

5) my heart. 6) the habit


tain maintain; attain; obtain

volv evolve; revolver; involvement vis visible; video; visit; visual serv conserve; observe; deserve;

reservation rupt bankrupt; abrupt; disruptive; erupt scrib ascribe; inscribe; scribble mot automotive; promote; demote tact (tag) tactile; contagion; intact viv vivid; revival; survivor

ject inject; project; subject

dict contradict; dictionary; dictator 1) revolutions 2) involved 3) involvement 4) evolved 5) revise

6) supervise

7) visible 8) visual 9) dictators 10) contradicted 11) dictation 12) predict


1) 看她游泳真是太棒了~她转身转得非常好。






1) None of the competitors could catch up with the untiring runner who was in the lead.

2) The football team was not in the zone and lost the game with the score 2 to 3.

3) If you make a great effort to practice your oral English, it will pay off in the long run.

4) In the event of rain, the football match will be postponed.

5) When the day of the finals arrived, she was very nervous. Whether she could win or not was still up in the air.

Text B

Language in Use


1) feats 2) persist 3) literally 4) transition 5) rebounding 6) remarkable

7) peers 8) championship 9) staff 10) dictate


1) wind down 2) take over 3) get over 4) hang out 5) look forward to 6) go about


1) She is not sure whether she will be able to come back to the court after she has had a baby.

2) We will move on to the next phase soon, and you all have to make quick adjustments.

3) In this interview he talked about how he had transitioned from a successful player to a responsible coach.

4) Summer holiday is approaching and children are looking forward to playing soccer every afternoon.

5) Children aspire to hang out with friends or do whatever they want after school.

Unit5 Growing Pains

Text A

Language in Use


1) proclaim 2) scar 3) speculation 4) discharging 5) clarity

6) contacted 7) compromise 8) grieved 9) affirmed 10) prompted


1) end up with something you don’t want.

2) to be crammed with sun-seekers.

3) impose graciousness on/upon you.

4) find it hard to let go of bitterness or anger,

5) other than his lack of experience.


in hand(在手头;在掌控中) along the way(一路上;沿途) by hand(用手) on the way to …(在去……的路上) at hand(在手边) in the way(妨碍人的;挡道的) on hand(现有;在现场) out of the way(偏远的)

by the way(顺便说说)

under way(进行中)

1) in hand 2) by hand 3) on hand 4) at hand 5) along the way 6) out of the way 7) in the way 8) on the way to 9) By the way 10) under way

7.For reference

firm reaffirm; infirm; affirmant

spec; spect suspect; aspect; respect; spectacle; retrospect; perspective

claim; clam declaim; clamor; disclaim

pose dispose; compose; oppose; propose

stru; struct structure; instruct; reconstruct

fac;fic, fact; fect effect; infect; defect; factory; factor

sci scientific; scientist; prescience

port import; portable; support; report

ceed; ced; cess succeed; process; procedure

vert; vers invert; revert; diverse; vertical; extrovert; introvert

tract distract; subtract

1) B 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) C


1) 在哭闹了5分钟之后,我最终妥协了,心想如果明天妈妈一大早就来接我,那我现在就去。

2) 他提醒我们要对上帝心存感激,因为我们终于在一起了。

3) 当我回想过去,令我惊讶的是其实一切都没有改变,尽管看起来我们的生活样样在变。

4) 最值得一提的是我放弃了曾经向妈妈许下的要当医生的诺言。

5) 一路走来,我开始明白唯一能让我开始自己人生的方式便是放下对母亲离去的那份伤感。在这样的人生中,我相信自己不仅仅是一个因表现得不够好而得不到妈妈爱的女儿。


Reference translation

1) Resultantly, the fans had to accept the rescheduling of the concert due to the weather.

2) Luckily, we could cook all these delicious courses by following the steps provided in the recipe book.

3) Notably, the credits earned from Internet open courses have been officially accepted by many universities.

4) More importantly, students understand that they should find a balance between their study and entertainment.

5) Clearly, the media has hidden some important information from the public.

Text B

Language in Use


1) jealous 2) pursue 3) household 4) rejections 5) permanent

6) frustrating 7) switch 8) delicate 9) gambling 10) progressively


1) right now 2) is addicted to 3) No wonder

4) narrow down 5) sign up for 6) What if


Reference translation

1) 那晚回家后,我想了想他对我说的话。

2) 书籍之于全人类正如记忆之于个人。

3) 他对自己未来追求什么已有明确而又专注的想法,而我对该学什么专业还懵懵懂懂,对此我应该妒忌吗,

4) 现在的问题并不是我打算要学什么。

5) 我想我暂时还是要好好享受我剩下的童年时光,马上去看部迪士尼电影。

Unit 6 Pleasure of Reading

Text A

Language in Use


Noun(s) Verb Adjective(s)

accumulation accumulate accumulative;


charm charm charming; charmed

comfort comfort comfortable

delight delight delighted; delightful

expenditure; expend expensive


fame fame famous; famed

imagination imagine imaginable;

imaginary; imaginative

Noun(s) Verb Adjective(s)

marvel marvel mavel(l)ous

philosophy philosophize philosophic; philosophical

reflection reflect reflected; reflective

sorrow sorrow sorrowful

1) charm 2) philosophy 3) accumulated 4) sorrowful 5)


6) imaginative/delightful 7) famous 8) reflect 9) expenses

10) delights

5. 1) a 2) c 3) b 4) b 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) a 9) c 10) b 11) a

6. 1) endow 2) filled 3) supply 4) are provided 5) equipping 6) was


7. 1) The feedback from consumers greatly supports Facebook and its development.

2) If you Google “scenic spots”, you’ll get more than a million results.

3) The newspaper headlined the movie star’s divorce with his wife.

4) While riding home, she relived her moment of glory again and again.

5) The citizens have expressed their desire for peace and order.

6) They present us a picture of the marvels and beauties of nature.

7) He has been the host of the famous TV talk show for three years.

8) A lot of high-tech components will be sent by ship to Shanghai to be



1) ……我们还能遍访山川海岸,尽享大地之最美,而不觉疲倦,没有不便,更不用破费。

2) 但她说:“我希望他们在园子里打猎的快乐,与我在柏拉图文字里获得的愉悦相比,只不过是影子而已。”

3) 书籍的确赐予我们一座令人神往的思想宫殿。

4) “凡事皆镜像,”乔治?麦克唐纳说。“从镜子里面看,再普通的房子我也觉


5) 无须起身离开火炉,我们就可漫游天涯海角,或是飞到斯宾塞笔下的王国,在那里我们受到成群结队非凡美丽的仙女们的欢迎,或是飞到弥尔顿的天堂,在那里我们欣赏天使们合唱天堂颂歌。


1) Driving is to Americans what flying is to birds. It is almost part of their nature.

2) The outline is to a writer as the blueprint is to an architect.

3) As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind.

4) The sun is as hot as the competition that he was confronted with at the Olympic Games.

5) Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.

Text B

Language in Use

2 . 1) belongings 2) dropouts 3) grand 4) request 5) originally

6) commitment 7) figures 8) surfing 9) soul 10) classics 3. 1) passed down 2) passed away 3) passed by 4) run away 5) take away

6) Stay away 7) reflect upon 8) come upon 9) give you a ride 10) go for a ride

4. 1) 我追寻着我的梦想,日出即行,日落即息。2) “儿子,追寻你的梦想和心中的憧憬是重要的。” 3) 我把行李放在那位慈祥的老人那里,便走进了那座宏伟的知识殿堂。4) “第一是切记不要从封面来判断一本书的好坏,因为外表有时也会蒙你。” 5) 书籍为我们展示大自然的神奇与美丽;艰难时扶持我们,伤痛难过时安抚我们,疲惫厌倦时娱乐我们,用思想充实我们的心智,愉悦我们的心绪,并鼓舞着我们战胜自我、超越自我。

Unit 7 Body Language

Text A

Language in Use


Noun(s) Verb Adjective(s)

appreciation appreciate appreciable; appreciative

association associate associable; associative

calculation calculate calculable; calculating; calculated

embarrassment embarrass embarrassing; embarrassed

engagement engage engaged; engaging

extension; extent extend extensive; extended

equalization; equalize; equal

equality equal

intimacy / intimate

involvement involve involved

symbolization; symbolize symbolic(al)


threat threaten threatened; threatening

1) symbolize 2) involved 3) appreciates 4) extend 5) engaging

6) embarrassed 7) intimate 8) associations 9) equality 10) threatened

5. 1) stretch out 2) vary with 3) associate with

4) drop in 5) comment on 6) fended off


physical distance (身体social space (社交空间) extreme situation (极端情境)


safe distance (安全距personal space (私人空real-life situation (现实生活情离) 间) 境)

long distance (长距离) limited space (有限空间) current situation (现状) walking distance (很近的距离)outer space (外层空间;宇宙空间)difficult situation (困境)

travelling distance (旅境)living space (生存空间) dangerous situation (危险的处行距离)

open space (露天场所) embarrassing situation (尴尬的境地)

parking space (停车位) financial situation (财务状况)

1)physical distance 2) long distance 3) personal space 4) living space

5) current situation 6) walking distance 7) parking space 8) financial situation


A B Compound nouns

1) real road real estate

2) feed quake feedback

3) check heart check-in

4) cross back crossroad

5) soft date software

6) high light highlight

7) earth estate earthquake

8) sweet seeing sweetheart

9) sight in sightseeing

10) up ware update

1) check-in 2) feedback 3) update 4) sweetheart

5) crossroad 6) earthquake 7) highlight 8) real estate

8. Reference translation

1) 人和人之间的身体距离因其关系亲疏和地位高低而不同。

2) 一个极端是“不可接触”,无论按照字面上的意思(如种姓制度里)还是通过保持空间距离,如贵族会觉得接近平民是件令人生厌的事情。

3) 在一些社会当中,人们不太理会个人隐私、互不干扰以及不被人打扰的受保护的私密空间的需要。

4) 人们之间的距离应该是近得可以显示你被吸引和积极参与,但又不至于近得侵入私人空间,让人尴尬。

5) 因此,交友是一种平衡的行为,如同芭蕾或者其他舞蹈。

9. Reference translation

1) He is very rude in private, though in public he is usually very polite.

2) Starvation is at one extreme of the spectrum of food intake; obesity is at the other extreme.

3) It is in the company of a good friend that the heart finds a home. 4) Although her father is in the firm, she got the job on her own. 5) At the start of the project we were all full of passion but unfortunately we’ve lost a

lot of our early enthusiasm.

Text B

Language in Use

2. 1) claiming 2) represent 3) split 4) impressive 5) witness 6) commercials 7) twisted 8) origin 9) resemble 10) slapped

3. 1) is known for 2) are known as 3) is known to 4) caught on

5) catch up with 6) catch at 7) hold out 8) hold on

9) held up 10) pull down 11) pull away 12) pull out


Reference translation

1) The guide told us that you’re meant to take your shoes off when you enter a Hindu temple.

2) Overuse of the exclamation mark could be interpreted as being pushy or trying to make a point.

3) He has been good at drawing since he was a little boy and we’re sure he’ll become well known as an artist.

4) Rules should be based on scientific research and the outcomes of investigations.

5) The report shows that 80% of children are addicted to computer games.

Unit 8 To Be Creative

Text A

Language in Use


1) genuine 2) discipline 3) facilitate 4) talents 5) motivate 6) appetite 7) dynamic 8) acquires 9) flourished 10) ambition


1) admitted to 2) working on 3) pass through 4) thrown out 5) end up 6) do with


a group of a flock of a ray of

a bunch of a heap of a packet of

1) a body of 2) a block of 3) a chain of 4) a ray of 5) a gust of 6) a mountain of 7) a herd of 8) a string of 9) a bunch of 10) a packet of


1) rosy-cheeked, good-tempered, warm-hearted

2) so-called, newly-built, well-known

3) long-standing, high-performing, funny-looking

4) duty-free, snow-white, life-long

5) part-time, first-class, mid-term

6) hand-painted, self-centered, snow-covered

7) time-consuming, world-shaking, English-speaking

8) hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart, three-year-old

1) easy-going 2) heart-broken 3) self-confident 4) poverty-stricken 5) up-to-date 6) narrow-minded 7) long-distance 8) well-educated


1) 我认为创造性是获得有价值的创意的过程。任何行业的创意工作都会经历一系列典型的过程。

2) 在这个动态变化的过程中,会建立新联系,跨越不同专业领域,运用隐喻和类比思维。

3) 创意即立意新颖。创意也意味着权衡判断,判断你所做的的事是否有价值,理论模型是否合乎逻辑,设计方案是否合理,一首诗是否有诗意。

4) 首先,创造力如同普通的学习一样是一个高度因人而异的过程。人都有着不同的天分、资质和理解事物的方式。

5) 其次,创新并非循序渐进的过程,不一定非得学会所有必备的技能方才开始。


1) The trouble is that the battery in the black box can only function for 30 days.

2) The researchs’ suggetion is that people should have more face-to-face

communication and less use of social networks.

3) The question was whether the rumor was true or not.

4) The attraction is that this organization provides college students an oppotunity to

work overseas for two months with salary.

5) The frustration is that I always made up my mind to go to bed on time but I never

did it.

Text B

Language in Use


1) probed 2) extract 3) asset 4) coordinate 5) evaluate 6) financial 7) designated 8) principle 9) advocate 10) routine


1) Allowing for 2) at the cost of 3) figure out 4) sort out 5) transform…into 6) called upon


1) Next, study the ideas and try to work them into something practical. 2) Offer the employees the services of babysitting as a benefit.

3) Encourage employees to take courses in marketing, advertising, public relations and so on in the community college.

4) Have each employee bring in a family photo and put it on the working desk.

5) Provide free services of real estate consultation and lectures on investment for employees so that they might utilize their assets reasonably.


Unit 1 Part Ⅱ Reading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)respectable 2)agony 3)put down 4)sequence 5)hold back 6)distribute 7)off and on 8)vivid 9)associate 10)finally 11)turn in 12)tackle 2. 1)has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4)gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5)buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1)reputation; rigid; to inspire 2)and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3)compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back Ⅱviolating Ⅲ;in upon Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze back; tedious; scanned; recall; vivid; off and on; turn out/in; career ; surprise; pulled; blowing; dressed; scene; extraordinary; image; turn; excitement ⅡTranslation As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2)His girlfriend advised him to get out of /get rid of his bad habits of smoking before it took hold. 3)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2.Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead 2. 1)in the examination was still on his mind. 2)was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game. 3)was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner. 4)has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time. 5)of equipping the new hospital was estimated at﹩2 million. 3. 1)were postponed; the awful; is estimated 2)reference; not available; am kind of 3)not much of a teacher; skips; go ahead Ⅱ;on Ⅲor less of/sort of 4. kind of/sort of 5. more or less 6. or something Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze up; awful; practically; neighborhood; correspondence; available; destination; reunion; Mostly; postponing; absolutely ; savings; embarrassment; phone; interrupted; touch; envelope; signed; message; needed ⅡHalf an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2)Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by


新视野大学英语(第二版)第一册Unit 1 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7.virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunities IV. 1. up 2. into 3. from 4. with 5. to 6. up 7. of 8. in 9. for 10.with V. 1.G 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.H 6.K 7.M 8.O 9.F 10.C Sentence Structure VI. 1. Universities in the east are better equipped, while those in the west are relatively poor. 2. Allan Clark kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down. 3. The husband spent all his money drinking, while his wife saved all hers for the family. 4. Some guests spoke pleasantly and behaved politely, while others wee insulting and impolite. 5. Outwardly Sara was friendly towards all those concerned, while inwardly she was angry. VII. 1. Not only did Mr. Smith learn the Chinese language, but he also bridged the gap between his culture and ours. 2. Not only did we learn the technology through the online course, but we also learned to communicate with friends in English. 3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives. 4. Not only do the workers want a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours. 5. Not only is the house expensive, but it is also too far away from my company. Translation VIII. 1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2. She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless. 3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4. Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5. He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her. 6. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. IX. 1. 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像现在这样好。


综合教程1课后答案 Unit 1 College Life Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action 1. (P.23) 1) deliver 2) polish 3) available 4) latter 5)file 6) thrive 7) undertook 8) practical 9) fulfill 10) perceived 11) accumulated 12) multiplied 2. (P.24) 1)compromise 2) self-induced 3) steered 4) frame 5)demonstrated 6) employ 7) promote 8) impressed 9)contribution 10) deliberately 11) financial 12) economic 3.(P.24) 1)makes a point of 2) refresh my memory 3) lead to 4) at hand 5) working out 6) under pressure 7) Last but not least 8) down 9) In addition to 10) were involved 11) in other words 12) pointed out 13) pay off 4. (P.25) 1) scored 2) scheduled 3) assigned 4) motivated 5) crucial 6) promote 7) perform 8) debate 9) scanned 10) devised 11) advocated 12) clarify 13) priorities 14) compromised 15) context 16) undertook Final sentence: academic excellence Increasing Your Word Power 1.( P.26~27) 1)principal/ major 2) top 3) major 4) top 5)principal 6) major 7) schedule 8)advocate/have advocated 9) top 10) approach 11)blame 12) major/ principal 13) advocate 14) schedule 15)blame 16) approaching 17) pressure 18) pace 19)pressured 20) pace Cloze (P.31) 1)academic 2) priorities 3) conducted 4) principles 5)begin 6) priority 7) compromised 8) addition 9)filling 10) Speaking 11) formula 12)Participation/ Participating 13) based 14) least 15)way 16) pressure


3.Many products for sale seem to scream at us, "Buy me! Buy me!" Advertising is a big busin ess in our world with many products competing for our attention. Think of the last time you boug ht clothes. You probably noticed the variety of colors, patterns, fabrics and brands you could choo se from. Which kind of soft drink would you like to have today or what kind of computer do you want? Advertisers are skilled in the art of making their products look the best to appeal to our se nses. But products aren't always what they seem. Sometimes advertising is deceptive and as cons umers ,we must be careful about what we choose to buy. It is important to learn to compare prod ucts and identify our purpose in purchasing the things we need. But the good thing about advertising is that it helps people to make decisions and refine thei r choices. In the United States, the Ad Council creates timely public service messages to the nation. Th eir purpose is to raise awareness of public problems that citizens can respond to. Inspiring ads ca use individuals to take action and even save lives. Pollution in America, for example has been red uced over the years because of the creative Public Service advertisements that the council provid es" Please, please don't be a litter bug, 'cause every 'litter bit' hurts." Many families have taught t heir children to place litter in the trash can in response to this catchy phrase, which has affected g enerations as each succeeding generation has taught their children not to litter. 4.Nature imposes difficult conditions upon the earth from time to time . The tornado and fo rest fire destroy natural resources ,homes and other structures ,and very often harm or kill peopl e . Technological tragedies happen with little or no warning as we see trains crash and airplanes f all from the sky shortly after take-off. As tragic as calamities are , they seem to bring out the best in human nature . people trained in em ergency care arrive at the scene and begin assisting the inj ured .Others come with equipment to remove debris. Men , women ,and young people willingly c ome to the scene of an accident , hoping to be of help in some way . These selfless acts of kindne ss make our world a better place . compassion eases the wounds of calamities. American Airlines flight number 587 crashed less than three minutes after taking off from JF K Airport in New York in November,2001. Witnesses s aw an engine fire develop on the plane’s nu mber one engine located under the left wing of the aircraft .seconds later ,the airliner crashed int o eight homes ,completely destroying four of them .All 260 people aboard the airplane were kille d along with six people at the crash site ,leaving many people to mourn the loss of their loved on es .the residents (people who live in the area of the crash ) rallied together to comfort those griev ing, while others removed bodies from the wreckage and did the necessary clean-up. 工程实施困难的条件下在地上的时候。龙卷风和森林火灾破坏自然资源,房屋和其他建筑物,和经常伤害或杀死人。技术的悲剧发生在很少或没有预警,因为我们看到火车事故,飞机起飞后不久就从天空坠落。一样悲惨的灾难,他们似乎显示出人性中最好的。在急诊受训的人到达现场并开始帮助受伤的人则跟设备清除残骸。男人,女人,和年轻人自愿来到事故现场,希望能有帮助。这些无私的善举让我们的世界变得更美好。同情减轻灾害的伤口。 美国航空公司587号航班坠毁不到三分钟后从纽约肯尼迪机场起飞,11月2001。目击者看到一个引擎火灾发展在飞机上的1号引擎位于下飞机的左翼,接着后,客机坠毁八家,完全摧毁了四个260名乘客的飞机遇难连同6人在事故现场,造成许多人悼念失去的亲人,居民(住在崩溃的面积)聚集在一起,安慰那些悲伤,而另一些人则从残骸,并把尸体移走必要的清理。 5.Success can be reached in different ways by people in different careers. Bill Gates began at age to program computers,His vision for personal computing has been central to the success of M icrosoft Corporation, the company he founded with his childhood friend in 1975 . The former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, is a business legend. A famous quote by Mr. Welch is,” Chang before you have to. ”He believes in leading by example and encourages his empl oyees to do their best every day. Michael Jordan s aid,”I accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” He is one of the best athl etes to ever play team sports. His great smile, athletic achievements, and pleasant personality ha ve made him one of the most famous athletes in the world. Michael Jordan spent a lot of time pla ying basketball as a child but in senior middle school he was taken off the team . Instead of giving up , he worked through adversity and became the greatest basketball player yet .


Unit 1 Vocabulary 1.F ill in the gaps with words……. 1). Respectable 2).agony 3).put down 4).sequence 5).hold back 6).distribute 7).off and on 8).vivid 9).associate 10).finally 11).turn in/out 12).tackle 2. Rewrite each sentence…… 1)…has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)….was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)….a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4)….gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 3. Complete the sentences… 1).reputation; rigid; to inspire 2).and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3).compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back Ⅱ. Synonyms in Context

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c4723526.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c4723526.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ.Collocation 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to 8.in; in 9.from 10.on/upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ.Cloze Text-related (1).hold back (2).tedious (3).scanned (4).recall (5).vivid (6).off and on (7).turn out/in (8).career Theme-related (1).last (2).surprise (3).pull (4).blowing (5). dressed (6).scene (7).extraordinary (8).image (9).turn (10).excitement Ⅱ.Translation 1.A s it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.H is girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took


《全新版大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译及答案》Unit 1 Growing Up 为自己而写 ——拉塞尔·贝克 从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。在这之前,我对所有跟英文课沾边的事都感到腻味。我觉得英文语法枯燥难懂。我痛恨那些长而乏味的段落写作,老师读着受累,我写着痛苦。弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门最最单调乏味的课上再熬上沉闷的一年。弗利格尔先生在学生中以其说话干巴和激励学生无术而出名。据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。我看他有六七十岁了,古板之极。他戴着古板的毫无装饰的眼镜,微微卷曲的头发剪得笔齐,梳得纹丝不乱。他身穿古板的套装,领带端端正正地顶着白衬衣的领扣。他长着古板的尖下巴,古板的直鼻梁,说起话来一本正经,字斟句酌,彬彬有礼,活脱脱一个滑稽的老古董。 我作好准备,打算在弗利格尔先生的班上一无所获地混上一年,不少日子过去了,还真不出所料。后半学期我们学写随笔小品文。弗利格尔先生发下一张家庭作业纸,出了不少题目供我们选择。像"暑假二三事"那样傻乎乎的题目倒是一个也没有,但绝大多数一样乏味。我把作文题带回家,一直没写,直到要交作业的前一天晚上。我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗粗一看。我的目光落在"吃意大利细面条的艺术"这个题目上。

这个题目在我脑海里唤起了一连串不同寻常的图像。贝尔维尔之夜的清晰的回忆如潮水一般涌来,当时,我们大家一起围坐在晚餐桌旁——艾伦舅舅、我母亲、查理舅舅、多丽丝、哈尔舅舅——帕特舅妈晚饭做的是意大利细面条。那时意大利细面条还是很少听说的异国食品。多丽丝和我都还从来没吃过,在座的大人也是经验不足,没有一个吃起来得心应手的。艾伦舅舅家诙谐有趣的场景全都重现在我的脑海中,我回想起来,当晚我们笑作一团,争论着该如何地把面条从盘子上送到嘴里才算合乎礼仪。 突然我就想描述那一切,描述当时那种温馨美好的气氛,但我把它写下来仅仅是想自得其乐,而不是为弗利格尔先生而写。那是我想重新捕捉并珍藏在心中的一个时刻。我想重温那个夜晚的愉快。然而,照我希望的那样去写,就会违反我在学校里学的正式作文的种种法则,弗利格尔先生也肯定会打它一个不及格。没关系。等我为自己写好了之后,我可以再为弗利格尔先生写点什么别的东西。 等我写完时已是半夜时分,再没时间为弗利格尔先生写一篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章了。第二天上午,我别无选择,只好把我为自己而写的贝尔维尔晚餐的故事交了上去。两天后弗利格尔先生发还批改过的作文,他把别人的都发了,就是没有我的。我正准备着遵命一放学就去弗利格尔先生那儿挨训,却看见他从桌上拿起我的作文,敲了敲桌子让大家注意听。 "好了,孩子们,"他说。"我要给你们念一篇小品文。文章的题目是: 吃意大利细面条的艺术。"


Key to Exercises Opener Mary is thinking of getting a tattoo tomorrow afternoon. She asks Mel to join her, but Mel cannot because she has to work tomorrow. And then Mary invites Mel to go to a party tomorrow night. Mel hesitates at first, but finally decides to go with Mary. They will meet at eight o’clock. Abbreviation Meaning 1. TGIF Thank God it’s Friday 2. AMA Ask me anything 3. OMG Oh my God! 4. YOLO You only live once 5. FOMO Fear of missing out 6. FYI For your information 7. LOL Laugh out loud 8. TBH To be honest 9. PPL People 10. ETA Estimated time of arrival Transcript: A: Hey, Mary. B: Hey, Mel. A: TGIF.

B: TGIF. A: Mel, I need some advice on something. B: AMA A: Yeah, thanks. I’m thinking of getting a tattoo. B: OMG! Really Are you serious A: Well, YOLO. B: That’s true. A: Well. B: When are you going to do it A: I’m thinking tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to come B: Oh, I’d love to come, but I’ve got to work tomorrow. Oh, major FOMO. A: What a shame! B: Yeah, A: Well, FYI, there’s a party tomorrow night. And if you are not busy, you can come to that instead. B: I’m not busy, but TBH I really need to take it easy this weekend. A: What That’s so not like you. B: LOL, that’s true. A: Party is in Hackney Wick. It’s gonna be good, good music, good PPL. B: Oh, major FOMO again. Oh, what the hell Yes, why not I’ll go.


Key to Exercises (unit 1) Vocabulary: I. 1). respectable 2) .agony 3). put down 4). sequence 4). rigid 5). hold back 6). distribute 7). off and on 8). vivid 9). associate 10). finally 11). turn in 12). tackle 2. 1) has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office 2) was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not 3) a clear image of how she would look in twenty year s’ time 4) gave the command the soldiers opened fire 5) buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out 3.1) reputation/rigid / to inspire 2) and tedious / what’s more / out of date ideas 3) compose / career / avoid showing / hardly hold back II. 1). composed 2). severe 3) agony 4). extraordinary 5). recall 6). command 7). was violating 8). anticipate III. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as 6. about 7. to 8. in 9. from 10. on/upon Comprehensive Exercises (A) (1) hold back (2) tedious (3) scanned (4) recall (5) vivid (6) off and on (7) turn out/in (8) career (B) (1) last (2) surprise (3) pulled (4) blowing (5) dressed (6) scene (7) extraordinary (8)image (9)turn (11) excitement II. Translation 1 1) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2) His girlfriend advised him to get rid of /get out of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4) It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s


Unit 1 Living in Harmony Enhance Your Language Awareness 1. Text A amaze bunch bundle capacity commerce conquer display drop roast rob style symbol vague figure Text B appreciate participate shift slip 1)My neighbours are a friendly bunch of people. 2)Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world. 3)The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift . 4)The professor came to the classroom with a bundle of newspapers under his arm. 5)A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop me off near the post office? I'd like to post a letter.” 6)The little girl's capacity for learning languages astonished me. 7)How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 8)I like the typically French style of living. It is so romantic. 9)They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce . 10)They threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his possessions.


Teaching Planning College English Integrated Course Book Three Unit Two The Freedom Givers Zhong wen 1.Background Information Teacher: zhong wen Students: 56 sophomores Content of the textbook: unit-2 text A the Freedom Givers Textbook: foreign language teaching and research press Time duration:10 minutes 2.Textbook Analysis The author tells three stories about the Underground Railroad and early Black civil rights movement. The three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement: John Parke r is a freed slave who later turned into a courageous “conductor”; Levi Coffin is a brave white “conductor”; Josiah Henson is a slave who struggled his way to freedom with the help of the Underground Railroad. We learn about the name of Josiah Henson at the beginning of the text, yet his full story is not told until the last part. In this way the author achieves coherence of text. 3.Students Analysis The class is made up of 56 students, with 30 girls and 26 boys ,who have a good knowledge of Basic English, but know very little about the American culture behind the language. So in this introduction part, It is necessary to introduce some background information to the students before reading 4.Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1.understand the main idea(early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the underground Railroad) 2.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text, 3.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit 4.Appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentence followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices,etc.); 5.Teaching Procedures: Greetings Step 1 Lead-in T: Today we are going to talk about the ethic heroes in American history, before the class, I’d like to introduce the slavery to all of you. T: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States, during his term of office; he led the civil war and abolished the slavery. T: In the battle against slavery, not only did the president try his best to abolish this system, but also the people, especially the black people living in the South America try hard to fight for their own feat. Today, we will introduce some freedom givers in the American history. Before
