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高级口译教程 背诵版之礼仪演讲

高级口译教程 背诵版之礼仪演讲
高级口译教程 背诵版之礼仪演讲







Your Excellency Vice President and Mrs. Williams, Our distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen:


It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Vice

President and Mrs. Williams and other distinguished guests.


I would avail myself this opportunity to extent my warm welcome to you all.


A remark the Analects of Confucius best expressed what I feel now, ”It is such a delight that I have friends visiting from a far.”


Evidently, Vice President Williams’ current visit has demonstrated his

Excellency’s determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative

relations between our two countries.


I am deeply convinced that frequent exchanges of visits between the top

government officials of the two countries are beneficial not only to the

improvement of our relationships, but also to the peace and stability in the Asia- Pacific region and the world as a whole.


Over the years since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between our two countries, we have carried out sincere and rewarding cooperation in political, economic, trade, cultural, educational, scientific and technological, public health and other fields.


In particular, our cooperation in off-shore and automobile industry have been

advancing rapidly ever since the exchange of visit between your Prime Minister and our Premier.


We are very satisfied with the development in these areas, and willing to make

further efforts with your government and people to push these cooperative

relations to a new height.


Currently, China is engaged in a national drive for an unprecedented economic



It would not be possible for this grand reform program to yield successful results if China deprived of domestic socio-political stability, of an international

environment of peace and development, and of economic and technical

cooperation between China and other countries.


It is our common wish to seek sustained world peace and global economic



It is in the spirit of safeguarding world peace and ensuring mutual development and prosperity that we have made our current foreigh policies, as well as

economics and trade policies, and wish to promote our relations with any other countries.


We are very pleased that your country is in persistent pursuit of a world peace

policy and has remained a decade-old trading partner of China.


I am looking forward to holding talks with you on the development of bilateral

relations, as well as on the Asia-Pacific region and other international issues of

common interest.


In closing, I would like you to join me in a toast,


To the health of Vice President and Mrs. Williams,


To the health of all our distinguished guests,


To the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two countries


To the peace and prosperity of the world,





1.our Honor Mr. Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen: 市长阁下先生,中国朋友们,女士们先生们:

2.I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.


3.On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this

opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation

and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.


4.I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good

wishes of the government and people of my country.


5.Although we live with a distance of tens of thousands miles between us, “Long distance separates no bosom friends,” as one of your Tang poets said.


6.The who world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes that a taking place in China particularly in Shanghai .


7.This is a country with the fastest growing economy in the world.


8.China’s rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific

region has attracted a growing number of business and finacial giants in our

country to invest in China, particularly to invest in a number of long-term projects in Shanghai and its surrounding areas.

中国迅速崛起为亚太地区最具有实力的经济强国之一,吸引了我国越来越多的商业和金融巨头来华投资。特别是在上海和周边地区长期项目的投资。 9.Over the last few year, there has never been any place other than Pudong that holds so much attraction for our people in the business community.


10.It is with this awareness that we have come here to seek better ways of

promoting our economic and financial cooperation.


11.One of the objectives of my mission is to sign our Investment Protection



12.I am also seeking possibilities of establishing, through partnership with our Chinese colleagues, consultancy services for transnational corporations in



13.Last but not the least, I would like to extend in person our official invitation

to the mayor of Shanghai.

最后,我此行的又一项重要的任务是向上海市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请。 14.We would like His Honor to visit the city of San Francisco at his earliest

convenience, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and

hospitality we enjoy here.


15.I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.


16.I also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important

trading partners.


17.In spite of the worldwide economic recession in recent years, there has been a steady growth in our economic cooperation and trade volume.


18.It is our sincere wish that we continue to work closely together to enhance our friendly relationship and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic,

financial and trade cooperation.


17.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr. Major and all our Chinese

friends present here tonight good health! Thank you!





1.It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Chinese

Provincial Trade Delegation.


2.I am very happy that you are here to attend the opening ceremony of the

Canadian Industrial Exhibition.


3.I would like to take this opportunity to convey to our Chinese guests the warm greetings from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.


4.This exhibition is a display of recent industrial achievements in Canada, as

well as a showplace of our high-tech advances in such areas as aviation, machine tool, electronics, coal mining, power generation equipment, off-shore oil

exploration, automobiles, covering all sections of Canadian industry.


5.I am very proud that some of the exhibits are the products from some

Canadian-Chinese joint ventures.


6.Although these products are a mere fraction of all our exhibits, they mark the arrival of a new era of the economic and scientific and technological cooperation between our two great nations.


7.Our cooperation is one of great promise.


8.As you know, “A good beginning is half the battle.”


9.In addition, we are staging business and trade discussions with major

Canadian companies.


10.The interested parties may schedule time for business or technical talks with them.


11.The Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation is the largest visiting group to

attend our exhibition and I wish my Chinese friends a most rewarding visit.





Mr. Chairmen, Ladies and Gentlemen:


It is my great honor to declare the commencement of Beijing International

Conference on Intellectual Property Rights.


On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, and in my own name, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all the delegates and guests.


I would also like to express my congratulations on the successful opening of the conference in Beijing.


I wish to thank all the members of the organizing committee for their hard work, which has made this conference possible.


The violation of intellectual property rights has become a serious problem facing the world today.


Every year, for example, the computer software industry throughout the world

suffers a heavy financial loss for world-wide reckless piracy, a loss which

consequently compels the programmers and the manufacturers of published

software to raise the retail prices, thus shifting part of their loss to honest users.


The protection of intellectual property rights has become a growing concern

among all the nations of the international community.


The participating countries at this conference have expressed their hope for joint efforts to fight the violation of the copyrighted property and stop the wicked

spread of piracy.


I am convinced that this conference will reach an agreement of intellectual

property rights.


I wish the conference a complete success!




Respectable Madam Chairperson, Representatives of the Conference, Ladies and Gentlemen:


In this most beautiful autumn season, we welcome in Beijing the opening of the fourth World Conference on Women, the largest and one of the most important

international meetings of its kind in world history.

3.联合国185 个成员国的代表、联合国组织和个区域性国际组织的代表,以及2000 多个非政府组织的代表再次聚会,她们将庄严宣誓,要迅速采取行动,消除歧视妇女的现象,使妇女能够尽快与男子一起创造和分享21 世纪的和平与繁荣。

Representatives from 185 UN member states, from the United Nations and

international organizations of various regions, as well as from over 2000 non-

governmental groups, gather together to make a solemn promise that they will

take rapidly action to eliminate discrimination against women, so that they can

quickly join with men to create and share peace and prosperity of the 21th century. 4.男女平等实属天经地义。

Equality between men and women is fully justified.


Back in the early days of human history, women and men jointly built their

homelands, shared wild fruits and trophies and brought up the younger generation. 6.然而,千百年来妇女被剥夺了与男子平等相待的基本权利,无尊严可言,失去了决定国家和家庭事务的权利。

However, for many centuries women were denied the basic right to equality with men, and deprived of their dignity and the decision-making power over affairs of the state and of the family.


The world has long been under control of men.


Regarded unfortunately as second-class citizens, women are frequently subject to discrimination, violence and humiliation.


However, things will eventually return to their original nature.


Today, equality between men and women is generally recognized as a basic

human right by the international community and has been written into the Charter of the United Nations.


Over the past half century, intuitive men and courageous women across the world have made tremendous efforts and, to a large extent, successfully in enabling

females, who make up half of humanity, to regain equal rights with men.

12.我们寄希望于本届世妇女会,这是因为它将来采取更为有效的步骤来加速提高世界各地妇女地位的进程,使全世界男男女女能作为平等的伙伴共同步入21 世纪。

We place our hope on the current World Conference on Women because it will

take more effective steps to speed up the process of enhancing the status of

women worldwide, so that men and women across the world will enter the 21st

century in equal partnership.


We place the hope on the current World Conference on Women because we are

convinced this conference will promote mutual understanding and friendly

exchanges between various nations, particularly between women, so that countries around world will also share the partnership.



1.1 月17 日中美终于在谈判的最后一刻在北京达成了一项纺织品贸易双边协定,从而避免了一场可能发生的贸易战。

China and United States averted a potential trade war by coming to a last minute agreement on bilateral textile trade in Beijing on January 17th.

2.经过三天共11 个小时的激烈谈判,双方签署了一项谅解备忘录。

After 11 hours of intense negotiations over a three-day period, the memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed.



Jennifer Hillman, chief US trade negotiator, and Wu Yi, Minister of China’s

Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, attended and spoke at the signing


4.Hillman: China is the largest exporter of textile to the United States.


5.The new agreement is a positive sign of our cooperative bilateral relations.


6.I believe this agreement will ensure the steady growth of Chinese textile

exports to my country.




The conclusion of this agreement will create a positive atmosphere for the China tour led by US Treasure Secretary Lloyd Benson and the upcoming meeting

between China Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen and US Secretary of State Warren Christopher in Paris.


China and United States are economically complementary.


US capital, technology and equipment are conductive to China’s modernization drive, while China’s potentially huge market and abundant source of labor are

important to US economy.


《高级口译教程》核心词汇(1) 第一篇 学位点 degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地 key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站 post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科 national key disciplines 两院院士 academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育 online education 科举制 imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮 brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神 humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕 negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思 extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度 educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想 the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人 graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重 priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后 inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举 strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力 elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港 Manufactured goods 制成品


二年级文明礼仪伴我行演讲稿 坪地小学二年级(1)班文明礼仪伴我行演讲稿 学生:龙宇萱 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我今天演讲的题目是《文明礼仪从我做起》 讲文明,懂礼貌是我国古代的优良传统。它可以让别人知道自己的作风是好是坏,让别人知道自己是否文明,让别人知道自己到底是一个怎样的人。 还记得有一次,妈妈带我出去玩。走着走着,突然,遇到了妈妈的一个朋友,应该对这位阿姨说些什么呢?我想起了以前,老师曾经说过:“做一个人,首先要讲文明,懂礼貌。”于是,我敬了一个礼,“阿姨好!阿姨微笑地看着我,对妈妈说:对阿姨说了一声:” “你的孩子真懂事呀!”阿姨离开后,妈妈夸我有礼貌。我非常高兴。文明礼仪就像一面镜子,会把你做的点点滴滴照到“镜面”上,再反射出来,别人就可以知道你的人品的好与坏。假如一个人走到你“你好!身边,你就对他(她)说了一声:”别人一定认为你是一个文明的人,良好的形象油然而生。 讲文明的人,他将会受到大家的赞扬,受到大家的喜欢,受到大家的关爱,他将会拥有许多朋友,生活就会多姿多彩;不讲文明的人,他将会受到大家的唾弃,生活就会枯燥乏味,黯然失色。所以说,文明礼仪是多么重要啊! 我们作为一名小学生,首先要培养良好习惯。要遵守《小学生守则》和《中小学生一日常规》,言谈举止要符合一个小学生身份,尊敬老师,团结同学,见到领导老师或客人要彬彬有礼,说话讲文明,懂得应有的礼貌,课间不追逐打闹,不冲跑,不大声喧哗,做个文明人。因此,文明礼仪就在平时的点点滴滴之中,就在我们的一言一行之上。 其次,要提高环保意识。我们要使校园绿化、美化、净化。我们、将继续开展“校园是我家、卫生靠大家”“我爱我班”的活动。组建“红领巾保洁小队”,督查校园卫生,提高保洁意识。我们要努力创设整洁、文明、优美的学习环境。 今天我送大家一首文明歌谣: 学做人,讲礼貌,“礼仪之邦”人知晓。有礼节,互尊重,礼貌待人好品行。 “您好”“谢谢” ,文明语言通情理。“对不起” 坐立走,要端庄,举止文明有修养。 常洗澡,勤换衣,仪表文明好风纪。同学间,邻里情,民族习惯要尊重。 见外宾,要大方,彬彬有礼树形象。重礼节,讲礼仪,社会生活铺路基。 同学们,让我们拭目以待,全体行动起来,比一比,谁才是真正的文明礼仪的好学生。相信自己,你一定行! 我们要时时刻刻发扬文明礼仪的作风,让文明礼仪拌随在我们身边吧! 2012年11月13日篇二:一年级文明礼仪伴我行演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好!我是一年级(),今天我为大家演讲的题目是《文明——其实很简单》。文明,对于我们每个人来说,都是一个特别熟悉的词汇。记得第一天上学,和蔼可亲的老师对我们说的第一句话就是:“同学们,从今天开始,你们就是一名文明的小学生了。”“文明”是什么呢?当时的我,并不完全明白。只知道要按照老师说的那样去做,就会看到老师跟阳光一样灿烂的笑脸。于是,上课我认真听讲、积极回答问题;下课我和同学们愉快游戏、有说有笑;间操我认真做好每一个动作,站在第一排给同学们做榜样;放学后,我把自己目力所及的纸屑捡的一干二净……于是,老师抚摸着我的头笑了,夸我真是一个文明的好孩子!老师的笑,照亮了我的世界,也在我的眼前照出了一条通往文明的道路。(长时间停顿)(深情低起)而后的日子里,我渐渐的长大了,看得多了,听得多了,知道的也越来越多。文明——就是在家做个好孩子。文明——就是在校做个好学生。文明——就是在社会做个好公民。文明——其实很简单!它——就在我们身边!文明是一张纸的厚度,文明是一份心的等待,文明是饱含善良的问候,文明是充满温情的双手。一颦一笑总关情,一言一行显品性!在不经意间,我们传播的热情,尊重,友谊和关爱,这——就是“文明”。(达到高潮,长时间停顿) 1 / 4


高级口译教程经典背诵版之科技报告 TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.My topic today is “The Car and Air Pollution”. 我今天的话题是“轿车与空气污染”。 2.In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution; and secondly, how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car. 具体说来,我想先讨论一下轿车引起空气污染的途径,然后我们如何控制和减少由轿车产生的空气污染。 3.First, then, how does the car cause air pollution? 首先,轿车如何导致空气污染? 4.What happens is that the car’s internal combustion engine is a kind of chemical factory on a small scale. 桥车内燃机实际上是一座小型化工厂。 5.It uses a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns, to produce the energy which propels the car. 内燃机所用的燃料是汽油和空气的混合物。汽油夹着空气,燃烧后产生驱车动力。 6.But while this is happening, many complicated chemical reactions are taking place. 但是许多复杂的化学反应也同时发生。 7.In particular, part of the petrol-air mixture is not completely burned up, and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and hydrocarbons. 具体而言,部分汽油空气混合物不能完全燃烧,并且发动机产生的废气包含着一些非常危险的化学物质,比如一氧化碳、氮氧化物、铅和碳氢化合物。8.This is the situation, then, and it’s going to get much worse, unless we do something about it. 这是一种情况,如果我们不对它采取某些措施,这种情况将会变得越来越糟糕。9.So –let’s focus our attention now on ways of controlling or reducing the amount of air pollution caused by the car. 因此,我们现在应把注意力放在控制或者减少由汽车产生的空气污染方法上来。10.I want to mention five possibilities. 我想谈一下可以采用的 5 中措施: 11.First, we can discourage the use of cars. 首先,我们不鼓励使用轿车。 12.For example, we can put higher taxes on petrol and on cars themselves - especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol. 例如,我们可以给汽油和轿车本身价更高的税 - 特别是耗油量高的大型车。


校园文明礼仪演讲稿200字 行动起来,让文明礼仪伴我行,让文明古国的称号长驻你我心中。下面由我向你推荐校园文明礼仪演讲稿200字,希望你满意。 校园文明礼仪演讲稿200字篇【1】 尊敬的领导,敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我是来自三家小学的五年级学生,今天我要演讲的题目是《文明礼仪伴我行》。 文明礼仪是什么?文明礼仪是路上相遇时的微笑;是同学有困难时的热情帮助;是平时与人相处时的亲切;是见到师长时的问早问好;是不小心撞到对方时的一声"对不起";是自觉将垃圾放入垃圾箱的举动;是看到有人随地吐痰时的主动制止......文明礼仪是一种品质,文明是一种修养,文明礼仪是一种受人尊敬并被大家广泛推崇的行为。 校园文明礼仪演讲稿200字篇【2】 文明礼仪随处可见,街上、学校里、医院里、就连在公共汽车上都有文明礼仪的存在。 那天,阳光明媚,万里无云,我坐在去二姨家的客车上,车子一停,上来一位白发苍苍的老奶奶,还抱着一个小男孩,好像是老奶奶的孙子,老奶奶站在车上,还抓不到把手,看到这种情景,人们都不由自主地站了起来,全都拥到老奶奶身边,扶着老奶奶都往自己的座位上让,我看到此情景,心中充满了激动,一股暖流涌上心头。

就让文明礼仪伴我们共同成长吧! 校园文明礼仪演讲稿200字篇【3】 青少年时代是人生美丽的春天。所有事情在青少年时代都是美好的。 我国是文明古国,文明礼仪之花遍地开放。文明礼仪随处可见,街上、学校里、医院里、就连在公共汽车上都有文明礼仪的存在;那天,阳光明媚,万里无云,我坐在去二姨家的客车上,车子一停,上来一位白发苍苍的老奶奶,还抱着一个小男孩,好像是老奶奶的孙子,老奶奶站在车上,还抓不到把手,看到这种情景,人们都不由自主地站了起来,全都拥到老奶奶身边,扶着老奶奶都往自己的座位上让,我看到此情景,心中充满了激动,一股暖流涌上心头。说到礼仪我又情不自禁地想起昨天发生在楼道的事情。中午放学后,看见一位大姐姐在我后面,我下意识地推了一下门,没让门关上,使她直接顺利地通过。大姐姐进来后,说了声:"谢谢"。这声谢谢像温暖的春风一般,迎面扑来,我感觉温暖极了,我只是推了一下门,这种文明的举动也挽回了文明的回报,大家是不是也觉得这样很好呢? 就让文明礼仪伴我们共同成长吧,让文明礼仪伴我行! 校园文明礼仪演讲稿200字篇【4】 中国是一个文明古国,讲文明,懂礼貌是我们每个人应尽的义务,是做一个中国人必备的条件。如果每个人都具备好的文明素质,中国人的整体素质必将提高。 我经常坐一路公交车,车上有一排老弱病残的专用座位,可是


TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.Honorable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: 尊敬的主席先生,女士们先生们: 2.The world today asks for global cooperation to fight a common war against poverty. 当今世界需要全球合作,共同向贫穷宣战。 3.The recent convening of the United Nations World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen bore witness to need for the world community to pool their efforts to fight poverty. 最近在哥本哈根召开的联合国社会发展世界首脑会议,已经认识到国际社会携手起来迎战贫穷的必要性。 4.Poverty remains a major challenge facing the world today. 贫穷是当今世界面临的一个主要问题。 5.United Nations statistics show that 20 percent of the world’s population currently live below the poverty line. 联合国统计数字表明20%的世界人口目前仍生活在贫困线以下。 6.In the past half century, many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have achieved remarkable successes in their economic and social development, especially some newly industrialized nations arising in Asia and Latin America. 在上半个世纪,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的许多发展中国家在经济和社会发展取得了显著的成就,尤其是一些亚洲和拉丁美洲新兴的工业化国家的出现。 7.Developing countries as a whole have reduced their economic disparity against the developed ones, but the gap between the rich and the poor as well as between the extremes of wealth and poverty in some developing countries have not fundamentally improved. 发展中国家总体上缩小了与发达国家的经济差距,但是各国贫富之间差距及发展中国家内部的贫富两极分化的问题还没有从根本上解决。 8.Last year, the per capita of GNP developed countries was US$16,610, whereas that of developing countries was only US$950, of 5.7 percent of the former. 去年,发达国家的人均国民生产总值达到16,610 美元,然而发展中国家的人均国民生产总值只有950 美元,相当于前者的5.7%。 9.Specifically, the per capita GDP of Switzerland reached US$36,410, the highest level in the world, whereas the per capita GNP of Mozambique, the poorest country, was only US$80. 特别的突出的是瑞士的人均国民生产总值达到36,410 美元,居世界之首,而世界上最穷的国家莫桑比克,其人均国民生产总值仅为80 美元。 10.Twenty years ago the United Nations defined 25 least developed countries, and that number has increased to 48 today. 20 年以前联合国确定的最不发达国家的数目是25 个,而今这个数字已经达到48 个。11.A recent survey by the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development shows that in 114 developing countries, 1 billion people among the total 4 billion population live below the poverty line,40 percent more than what was reported in a similar survey conducted 40 years ago. 最近联合国农业发展国际基金组织调查显示在114 个发展中国家里40 亿人口中,有10 亿生活在贫困线以下,比40 年前的一项类似调查所提供的数字多了40%。 12.Major reasons for the sustained poverty in some African and South Asian countries involve the backward economic infrastructure, frequent natural disasters, too rapid population growth,


高级口译教程经典背诵版之国际关系 2011-02-14 TEXT PASSAGE ONE 英译汉: 1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War. 冷战结束后的联合国起着越来越重要的作用。 2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paralysis which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council. 联合国地位的上升部分是因为安理会摆脱了冷战期间因美苏对抗而出现的瘫痪状态,当时两个超级大国各自使用自己的否决权来反对对方,致使安理会无法正常运作。 3.The West, just as the developing world, has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives. 西方世界同发展中国家一样也发现它需要联合国以达到自己的目的。 4.In addition, global problems, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons, rapidly expanding populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entire international community to pool their efforts to find solutions. 此外,包括核武器扩散、人口激增、环境污染、吸毒以及难民在内的全球性问题要求整个国际社会共同努力,携手寻求解决问题的方法。 5.However, the United Nations faces a series of tough issues. 然而,联合国面临着一系列棘手的问题。 6.First of all, how should the UN respect state sovereignty while dealing with an increasing number of internal conflicts? 首先,如何在着手解决日益增多的国家内部冲突的同时,又能尊重那些国家的主权呢? 7. In many cases, regional organizations cannot resolve regional conflicts. 在许多情况下,区域组织不能解决区域冲突。 8.In the Cold War era, UN peace-keeping forces has two missions: to buffer conflicts and to implement agreements already reached between the parties. 在冷战期间,联合国维和部队有两大使命,即缓解冲突和贯彻有关各方之间达成的协议。 9.Now peace-keeping has turned into peace-enforcement. 现在维护和平已经变成了强制和平。 10.The United Nations has turned from handling international disputes


文明礼仪伴我行 ——二年级文明礼仪演讲稿 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 今天,我演讲的题目是《文明礼仪伴我行》。 文明礼仪是什么?文明礼仪是路上相遇时的微笑;是同学有困难时的热情帮助;是平时与人相处时的亲切;是见到老师时热情的问候;是不小心撞到对方时的一声“对不起”;是自觉将垃圾放入垃圾箱的举动;是看到有人随地吐痰时的主动制止,是在公共场所不大声的喧哗……文明礼仪是一种品质,文明礼仪是一种修养。 文明礼仪是人类进步的标志,是人类历史长河中的一盏明灯。文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。没有了文明,我们就失去了做人的根本,我们的生活也就失去了光彩! 文明礼仪包括礼貌、礼节、仪表、仪式。不但表现在对人的尊重,还表现在对社会秩序、文化秩序的尊重。文明礼仪既是人们外在的言谈举止的表现,也反映了人们内在的气质。在日常生活之中,文明礼仪随处可见,在深圳这个文明的都市里,更需要文明的礼仪! 中国有五千年灿烂的文化,素称礼仪之邦。我们的祖先也以文明着称于世,在世界文明的长河里,我们是现代文明的使者!! 文明礼仪要从我做起,从现在做起!从身边的每一件小事做起,从身边的每一个动作做起。说文明话,做文明人。我们的一言一行,一举一动都要以文明的行为来规范,自己管理自己,自己教育自己,文明礼貌,诚实守信,学会关心,学会合作,让文明礼仪之花在我们的校园里处处盛开。 我们是祖国的未来,民族的希望,肩负着国家富强,社会

进步的历史使命。育人为本,养成为先。要建设文明的社会,就必须的从我做起,让文明礼仪之花在我们幼小的心灵里生根发芽,开花结果。 我经常看到,有的同学不注意个人卫生,丢三落四,上课不遵守纪律,下课乱跑乱闹……难道这些就是很文明的行为吗?“爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之”,“勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为”。文明的礼仪将会使我们的家园更加的美好,将使我们的社会更加的和谐! 同学们,千里之行,始于足下!让我们携起手来从身边的小事做起吧,让我们的校园成为文明的天堂,让我们的深圳天更蓝,水更清,道路更清洁,环境更优美…… 让文明礼仪伴随着我们一起健康成长吧!我的演讲完了!谢谢大家!


外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb. out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 参观访问 第一篇 学位点degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科national key disciplines 两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育online education 科举制imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸 Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产 Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍 Quintuple 增至5倍 High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店 Ethnic group 少数民族团体 Planetarium 天文馆 Aquarium 水族馆 Skating rink 溜冰场 Botanical garden 植物园 Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树 Sap 树液


小学二年级校园文明礼仪演讲稿 在我们的成长道路上,让文明礼仪会一直陪伴着我们!那么你想知道关于二年级学生对文明礼仪是怎么发言的吗?下面由OK向你推荐小学二年级校园文明礼仪演讲稿,希望你满意。 尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我叫姚憬锋,我演讲的题目是《文明礼仪伴我成长》。 文明礼仪,像一缕阳光,温暖我的心灵;像一泓清泉,滋润我的心田;像一面旗帜,飘扬在我心中,陪伴我成长。 中华民族,是一个文明古国,是一个礼仪之邦。通过学习《礼仪之美》,我深深知道,一个微笑,一句问候,一个动作,都可以体现一个人的修养。见到老师,主动向老师问好;进别人房里前,先敲门;坐公交车时,主动给老人让座,这些都是文明美德。 文明礼仪,时刻在我心中,让我养成了好的习惯。记得小时侯,我有乱丢乱扔垃圾的坏习惯。有一天早上,妈妈送我去幼儿园,我一边走,一边随手把鸡蛋壳扔在了地上。妈妈看到了,就悄悄的把

鸡蛋壳捡了起来。当时,我还没意识到自己的不对,竟然还是边走边扔。妈妈便严肃地对我说:“小锋,还记得我们看过的漫画《文明只差一步》吗?你怎么能乱扔垃圾呢?”听了妈妈的话,我羞愧极了,马上捡起地上的鸡蛋壳,飞快地扔进了垃圾桶。此后,我再也不乱扔垃圾了,每次见到地上“流浪”的垃圾,我都会主动把它们送到垃圾桶里。 文明礼仪,时刻在我心中,让我学会了讲礼貌,懂礼仪。古人说,“不学礼,无以立”。记得小时候,我比较胆小,家里来了客人,我不仅不敢向他们问好,而且连看都不敢看他们。这是很不礼貌的。后来,我们学习了文明礼仪知识,我真为自己深深地感到惭愧。现在,我不仅能主动、大方地向别人打招呼;而且,家里来了客人,我还能主动为他们倒茶,拿水果。大家也都夸我是个讲礼貌、懂事的好孩子。 文明礼仪,就像一面旗帜,指引我们;就像一盏明灯,照亮我前进。我们不仅要懂得在家里的礼仪,还要懂得在学校的礼仪、在社会的礼仪。我们要遵守交通规则,要乐于助人,要尊老爱幼,要勤俭节约,要讲文明、守礼仪,要做一个知法、懂礼的小公民。 最后,让我们把文明礼仪,深深地刻在心中;让文明礼仪,陪伴我们快乐成长吧!

高级口译教程 参观访问

《高级口译教程》(第四版)核心词汇(参观访问)天坛 the Temple of Heaven 午门 Meridian Gate 社稷坛 Altar of Land and Grain 保和殿 Hall of Preserving Harmony 坤宁殿 Palace of Earthly Tranquility 养心殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation 长安寺 Temple of Eternal Peace 灵光寺 Temple of Divine Light 德和殿 Temple of Harmonious Virtue 佛香阁 Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha 宁寿宫 Palace of Peace and Longevity 布达拉宫 Potala Palace 皇穹宇 Imperial Heavenly Vault 仁寿堂 Hall of Benevolence and Longevity 金水桥 Golden Water Bridge 居庸关 Juyongguan Pass 万寿山 Longevity Hill 龙王庙 Temple of the Dragon King 城隍庙 Temple of the Town God 夫子庙 Temple of Confucius 孔府 Manor of Confucius’ Descendants 人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People’s Heroes 颐和园 Summer Palace 拙政园 Humble Administrator’s Garden 圆明园遗址 Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 白塔 White Dagoba 雍和宫 Yonghe Lamasery 雨花台 Terrace of the Raining Flowers 独秀峰 Peak of Unique Beauty 七星岩 Seven Star Crag 九龙壁 Nine Dragon Wall 敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grotto in Dunhuang 玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple 大清真寺 Great Mosque

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记 Unit 1

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记Unit 1 Part One, About Cambridge University 对话,剑桥大学简介 题型:A选择题,B对错判断题(T/F) 难度:★★☆ Notes: 1, a quarter of a mile 注意a quarter of在听力中需要快速反应,比如a quarter million表示25万 2,chapel, King’s College Chapel 见插图 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/368882917.html,/chapel/ 3,don’t walk on the grass在实际场景中的表达方式为“Off the Grass” 4,fellow一词在本篇中的意思为教员,又,research fellow研究员 5,bursar表示大学里掌管财务的人,财务主任,会计。An official in charge of funds, as at a college or university; a treasurer. 助记,bursar---purse(钱包) Middle English burser, from Medieval Latin bursārius, from Late Latin bursa, purse. 6,permanently表示永久性地,=perpetually 7,Trinity College表示“三一学院”,trinity一词来自基督教,tri-,三位一体,Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Ghost,圣父圣子圣灵。 8,be steeped in the past表示沉浸在过去,这里steep做动词,to make thoroughly wet; saturate. 9,Cambridge Science Park,剑桥科学园https://www.sodocs.net/doc/368882917.html,/ 10,choir 唱诗班,注意发音[5kwaiE] 并与chorus家务事区别开。 11,the Bridge of Sighs 叹息桥 见以下网络资料https://www.sodocs.net/doc/368882917.html,/view/619853.htm 如果说到和英国有关的话,那我觉得你应该指的是康河上的叹息桥,也就是剑桥大学所在地


上海高级口译教程高频词汇汇总 第一单元外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co.Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make https://www.sodocs.net/doc/368882917.html,fortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb.out 第二篇 Stanford University斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office总部 magical power神奇的魅力 Oriental东方的 Confucianism儒家思想 Taoism道家学说 inexplicable难以言表的 set foot on踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city国际大都市 maximize充分利用 in no time不久 rewarding有成效的 第二单元礼仪祝辞 第一篇 阁下your excellency... 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson 中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China 不懈努力make unremitting efforts 与时具近keep pace with the times


小学生关于文明礼仪演讲稿范文 小学生关于文明礼仪演讲稿范文篇1 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我叫刘芷秀,来自四年三班。今天我演讲的题目是《文明礼仪伴我行》。 礼仪是中华民族的传统美德,从古至今,源远流长。中华古人向来重视礼仪,把礼仪视为做人、做事、治国的基础。 文明礼仪就像一面镜子,折射出一个人、一个民族、一个社会、一个国家的文明程度。一个人如果不遵守社会文明,小则会影响自身形象,大则会影响国家声誉。不久前,曾看到这样一则报道,说的是新加坡,新加坡是一个通用英语的国家,这个国家的公共场所的各种标语大多是用英语书写。但其中的一些文明礼貌的标语,如不准随地吐痰、禁止吸烟、不准进入草坪等却用中文书写。为什么呢?人家回答:因为有这些不文明行为的大多数是中国大陆的游客。为此,到新加坡考察的一位中学校长语重心长地说:不文明行为也是国耻。 不知大家是否记得,中央电视台曾经报道,国庆节后的天安门广场,随处可见口香糖残迹,40万平方米的天安门广场上竟有60万块口香糖残渣,有的地方不到一平方米的地面上,竟有9块口香糖污迹,密密麻麻的斑痕与天安门广场的神圣和庄严形成了强烈反差。

以上的两个事例表明,文明其实是由细节构成的,反思我们的所作所为可见文明离我们其实还有一段距离。 在我们身边,在一部分同学身上,还存在着一些不文明的行为。例如,有的同学给人起外号,打骂同学,随地吐痰,乱扔垃圾,排路队推挤,追逐打闹,见到老师不打招呼,坐车不给老人让座,不尊老爱幼,在家骂爷爷奶奶等等,这些都是不讲文明、不懂礼仪的表现,这些现象,不仅影响了学校和我们每一个人的形象,而且还能影响着我们自己今后的成长。 梁启超曾说过,少年智则国智,少年强则国强。我们是未来的接班人,文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。养成文明礼仪需要从我做起,从现在做起!从身边的每一件小事做起,从身边的每一个动作做起。让我们捡起地上的纸屑、塑料袋,向老师问声好,说文明话,做文明人。让我们积极行动起来,让文明礼仪成为我们每个人的自觉言行,让文明礼仪不再是外加的约束,而是内化的自律。让我们同心携手,争当社会文明礼仪先锋。 老师们,同学们,文明礼仪连着你、我、他,创造和谐社会靠大家。让文明礼仪永驻人间,让文明礼仪之花在我们的校园里处处盛开。 小学生关于文明礼仪演讲稿范文篇2 敬爱的领导、老师、亲爱的同学们: 早上好! 我叫谭瑄,来自蒸湘区立新小学。今天,我演讲的题目


高级口译教程(第四版)口译课文配套核心词汇第一单元外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co.Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆住宿费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make https://www.sodocs.net/doc/368882917.html,fortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb.out 第二篇 Stanford University斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office总部 magical power神奇的魅力 Oriental东方的 Confucianism儒家思想 Taoism道家学说 inexplicable难以言表的 set foot on踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city国际大都市 maximize充分利用 in no time不久 rewarding有成效的

第二单元礼仪祝辞 第一篇 建交the establishment of diplomatic relations 近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration 积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment,long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries 落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks 刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson 中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China 不懈努力make unremitting efforts 与时俱近keep pace with the times 第一要务the primary task 发展是硬道理development is of overriding importance 全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects 高举......伟大旗帜uphold the great banner of 科学发展观scientific outlook 政策的连续性continuity of policy 经济发展方式转变the transformation of the economic development pattern 自主创新independent innovation 包容性增长inclusive growth 改善民生improve people’s well-being 生态文明建设win-win result to everyone’s benefit 互利共赢win-win 本着……的精神it is in the spirit of 一贯奉行in the persistent pursuit of 双边关系bilateral relations 祝酒join sb in a toast 第二篇 mission代表团 gracious hospitality友好款待 convey转达
