当前位置:搜档网 › (完整版)2018年最新初中英语教资考试教学设计题模板



(1)Knowledge objectives

①(all)Students master the key words/ phrases: ...

②(all)Students learn the target languages: ...

③(阅读/听力)Students read/ listen the passage carefully and get specific information.

④(写作)Ss can choose the right structure and right tense to write a composition.

(2)Ability objectives

①Through doing tasks, students practice and consolidate巩固target languages.

②Students improve their listening/speaking/reading/writing abilities and communicative competence.

③(阅读)Students read the passage and know clear about ...

④(阅读)Students discuss in pairs or in groups and do exercises to understand the text.

(3)Emotional objectives

①Students improve listening and speaking skills by joining in the tasks.

②Students can express( what ... are )accurately.

③Students love to share ... with others and build a deeper relationship with ...

④Students cultivate the habit of (joining a English group ) to improve their language skills.

Teaching Contents:

(对话)The dialogue talks about ...

(阅读)The class is to read.../ It is a passage about ...

(听说/听力)It is a listening and speaking lesson talking about...

(口语)This is a speaking lesson whose topic is about “how to...”

(语法)This is a grammar lesson about tag questions.

(读写)This lesson is about reading and writing ...

(写作)It is a guided writing lesson. The topic is ...

Teaching Key points:

(all)Students master the key words and target languages, and can use then correctly.

(阅读)Students read the passage and get specific information from the passage.

(听力)Ss listen to the tape and do exercise 2b and 2c.

(听说)Communicate with others on the topic.

Teaching difficult points:

(all)Students freely talk about ... in real communication. ( logically/ smoothly/ correctly )

(读写/写作)Ss master the skills of writing a proper passage about ...in right way.

Step 1 Lead-in ( 5 minutes)

Activity 1: Review

T: What ... do you learn in school? Can you say it in English?

(Justification: Reviewing what ss have learned can help ss get ready for the new lesson. ) Activity 2: Sing a song/ Play a short film

The teacher guides ss to sing a song .../ plays a short film

(Justification: Sing a song/ play a film clip that is closely related to the topic of the lesson can arouse ss’ learning interest.)

Activity 3: Free talk

(Justification: Through free talk, ss get prepared to listening tasks. / help ss know what they will learn in class. )


Step 1 Pre-listening ( 5 minutes )

Activity : Free talk

T: Good morning! Look at ... So tell me ...

(Justification: Free talk will attract ss’ interest and teaching content would be naturally led in.) Step 2 While-listening ( 25 minutes)

Activity 1: Listen to the tape and finish exercise 2b./ summarize the main idea of the conversation.

Activity 2:Listen again. Make up a dialogue according the content of tape. ( T: Talk about ... ) (Teacher show the tapescript on the PPT. Ss read the conversation and circle the key words and sentences in the conversation. The teacher write these on the blackboard such as “...”) Activity 3: Give a report. ( T: Several groups come to the front to act out your dialogue, and others give some evaluation. )

(Justification: Through listening and speaking activities, ss master the language knowledge and improve language skills.)

Step 3 Post-listening ( 10 minutes)

Activity 1: Discussion. (T: Talk about ...)

(Justification: Ss use the language knowledge in real communication, which can associate the knowledge with real life.联系)

Activity 2: Make a dialogue.

Ss work in groups of four to make up a new dialogue by imitating the conversation, especially by using the key words and sentences in the conversation.

Activity 3: Role play.

Ss act out their dialogue group by group. When one group is acting, the teacher and other ss act as judges. After the performance, the teacher corrects the common language mistakes. At the end, the whole class select one group who performs the best.

(Justification: Ss develop their speaking skills and also apply the key knowledge into practice. )

Step 1 Pre-task ( 3 minutes)

Activity 1: Brainstorm

T: Please brainstorm about...(The teacher writes down on the blackboard the key words that ss have mentioned )

(Justification: Talking about the topic in a real situation can arouse ss’ interest to communicate. ) Step 2 Task-cycle ( 15 minutes)

Activity 1: Listening

Ss listen to the tape for three times, take notes and finish exercise in the textbook. (Justification: The listening task is language input activity, which will help ss output more language information in the next activity. )

Activity 2: Group discussion

Ss discuss in groups of four about ..., the teacher walk around and give guidance. Several minutes later, they share their ideas in the class group by group.

(Justification: Ss improve their listening and speaking abilities and communicative competence.) Step 3 Language focus ( 2 minutes )

The teacher guides ss to notice and conclude the target language they used. Then, the teacher writes them on the blackboard.

Activity 1: Write a short passage

Ss are asked to write a short passage to ...

(Justification: This step draw ss’attention to the language patterns, which is good for their accurate use of language. )

Step 2 Presentation and practice ( 15 minutes)

(Show a picture of ...)

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Activity 2: Pair work

T: Good job. OK, now ask your partner with the sentence “...?” and answer it by “...”.Then tell your reasons.Begin.


T: Time is up. Do you know ...?


T: Excellent. Who wants to cat out your dialogue?

(Justification: To present the new words with pictures and to practice sentences in pair game are good for students to learn and master the target language.)

Step 3 Consolidation巩固( 20 minutes)

Activity 1: Listen and Discuss

T: Now, listen to the tape and find out ...(gist).The tape will be played for three times.At the first time you should summarize the main idea. At the second time, you should listen carefully and circle (new words) that you heard on the blackboard.At third time check your answer.OK?

T: Do you understand what the material(材料)is about? Discuss with your partner and find out the right answer.OK?

(Then check the answers with whole class.)

Activity 2: Make a dialogue/ Pair work

T:Make a short conversation by imitating the listening material in pairs.(Five minutes later, the teacher encourages some ss to act out their dialogue.)

(Justification: In this step, the purpose is to train ss’ listening and speaking skills. )

Step 2 Pre-reading ( 5 minutes)

Then ss are encouraged to talk about ... in group of four. Then the teacher asks some volunteers to give a report.

(Justification: Through talking about ... , ss perceive感知the language used to ... )

Step 3 While-reading ( 15 minutes)

Activity 1: Fast reading

Ss are given one minute to read the short passage quickly, and then conclude the main idea.

Activity 2: Careful reading

Ss are given 5 minutes to read the passage again, then do two exercise:

(1)Answer the following questions in order to grasp the detailed information of the passage.

①②answer: ①②

(2)Read the passage and complete the sentences.


(Justification: The two activities will help ss understand the passage and also train their reading skills.)

Step 4 Post-reading ( 15 minutes)

Ss write a short passage about ...by imitating the given passage. Then they peer edit each other’s writing and give reasonable suggestions. Students revise their writing and hand in the final draft. (Justification: Ss apply the knowledge they just learned into practice.)

Step 2 Presentation ( 5 minutes )

The teacher shows the dialogue on the PPT, and asks ss to read the conversation. The teacher instructs them to conclude the usage of ...

(Justification: Learning the grammar in inductive way can arouse ss’ learning interest and deepen their understanding of the grammar.)

Step 3 Practice ( 8 minutes )

Activity 1: Fill in the blanks

The teacher writes down some sentences of ... on the blackboard and asks ss to fill in the blanks with the guidance of the rule they conclude.


After ss finish the exercise, the teacher checks their answer, leads ss to summarize the rule of target language with ss.

Activity 2: True or false

The teacher presents the sentences on the PPT and asks ss to judge which is true and which is false. Such as:


(Justification: The two exercise can check and consolidate ss’ mastery of the grammar. )


Step 2 Pre-writing ( 5 minutes )

The teacher guides ss to read the passage for two times and find out (the key words and target languages).

(Justification: Reading the passage can make ss have a clear understanding of the structure and contents.)

Step 3 While-writing ( 20 minutes )

Firstly, the teacher shows the format格式and the writing standards标准of ... And then ss should write a first draft by imitating the passage.

Secondly, the teacher lets ss revise 修改their letter, especially the spelling and grammar mistakes. At the same time, the teacher walks around the classroom to give them guidance. (Justification: Showing the format and writing standards can help ss polish their own passage. The activity of revising can improve their thinking and writing ability.)

Step 4 Post-writing ( 10 minutes )

The teacher corrects some common mistakes and makes a comment on the writing (Justification: This step can help ss master some useful writing skills.)

Step 1 Pre-writing ( 5 minutes )

Activity 1: Brainstorming

The teacher show some photos of ..., and asks ss ... The teacher lists down ss’ideas on the blackboard.

(Justification: Brainstorming can activate ss’ thinking, enlarge ss’ language output, and help ss get prepared to write a composition. )

Step 2 While-writing ( 10 minutes )

Ss are given 5 minutes to write their first draft. When ss are writing, the teacher should walk around the classroom and give them guidance.

Activity 1: pair work

Ss work in pairs to discuss and edit each other’s competition for about 3 minutes. Then ss repolish the second draft.

Step 3 Post-writing ( 5 minutes )

The teacher corrects the common mistakes and leads the whole class to conclude得出结论the writing essentials必要因素. Ss are asked to hand in their final draft. After the teacher reads over all the composition, he will choose three best ones to exhibit in the class.

(Justification: In this step, ss get more information about how to write a better competition. )

Step N Summary and homework ( 5 minutes)

Students summarize the important points of the lesson, and the teacher gives a further conclusion with the blackboard design.


①Review the words and sentences learned in this class.

②实践类作业Make a survey:ask your friends: ——...? And the reasons. (Justification: Extend the classroom knowledge to ss’real life. It is good for ss to apply the knowledge into practice.)

③Write a short passage to record what they have learned in the class.

(Justification: The summary and homework will help ss review what they have learned in this class.)

④Ss rewrite a passage on the topic and hand in the final draft.

Board Plan:

Words Sentence

aloud,pronunciation What about...? Have you...?


初中英语备课教案模板 【篇一:初中英语教学设计模板】 初中英语教学设计模板 【篇二:初中英语教案范例】 unit 4 i want to be an actor 教学目标: 1.学会不同工作的英文表达方式。 2.了解同学父母的工作。 3.学会简单的介绍自己将来的理想。教学内容: 重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police 重点句型:1. what does your mother do? she is a teacher. what does your father do? he is an engineer. 2. what do you want to be? i want to be a teacher. what does she want to be? she wants to be a singer. 总体思路: 本单元采用任务型的教学模式,设计了三个任务活动,首先以比赛的形式,让学生通过工作的描述,来猜测工作的名称;然 后由学生自己下座位找与自己父母工作相同的同学,练习所学的句型;其后让学生用所学句型谈论自己的理想。所有任务的设计,由 简到难,每一个任务都为下一个任务的完成奠定了一定的语言基础。语法知识一般现在时 (1)一般现在时主要由动词原形表示,但第三人称单数后要加-s, 另外be有特殊的人格形式,见下表: 一般现在时 (2)一般现在时的否定式见下表 一般现在时的否定式 (3)一般现在时的疑问式及简略回答,见下表。一般现在时的疑问式 (4)一般现在时的基本用法如下。①经常性或习惯性的i get up at six every day. ②客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 the moon moves round the earth.月亮围着地球转。③表示格 言或警句中。 pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。④现在时刻的状态、能力、 性格、个性。i dont want so much.


初中英语教案格式 一、说教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material 1. 说课型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision) 2. 本课在教材中的地位 status and function Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability. 3. 说教学指导思想 teaching guideline (Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills:develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model) 4. 说教学目标和要求Teaching aims and demands (…be intended for Ss in key schools) 1)认知目标 knowledge objects a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:


一、 教材分析 :Analysis of the Teaching material 二、教学目标:Teaching alms and demands: 三、教学重难点 :Teaching keys and difficulties: 四、教学方法 :Teaching methods: 五、教学工具 :Teaching aids : 六、教学过程:Teaching procedures: 七、板书设计 : Blackboard Design. 八 教学评价与反思 一份正规的高中英语教案主要应该包含上面的八个要点,也是作为一份教案应该具有 的基本格式。 课题: 《My name ’s Gina! 》教学设计 科目: 英语 教学对象: 初一( 3)班: 1 课时 提供者:单位: 江 西南 昌经开中学 一、教学内容分析 该 部分学 习内容贴近学生的生活,谈 论 的主题 是 结 交 生在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中熟识新伙。 二、教学目标 采用 Practicing, Listening for specific information 和 Role playing 的学习策略,使学生学会打招呼和介绍自 己、 询问他人姓名的基本句型 What's your/his/her name ?My/His/Her name is ? 。 ”培养学生结交新朋友的 能力。 三、学习者特征分析 1

本单元的主题是熟识新伙伴,同时引导学生采用 Practicing, Listening for specific information 和 Role playing 的学习策略,学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组合作学习的过程中,进一步促进学生 之间的相互了解。 四 、 教 学策与设计 采用 Practicing, Listening for specific information 和 Role playing 的学习策略,使学生学会 打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型 What's your/his/her name ?My/His/Her name is ? 。” 培养学生结交新朋友的能采用 Practicing, Listening for specific information 和 Role playing 的 学习策略,使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型 What's your/his/her name ? My/His/Her name is ? 。”培养学生结交新朋友的能力。 五、教学重点及难点 specific information Role playing 六、教学过程、 教学 找出在预备篇中所学的单词,学习打招 利用插图或实物卡片让学生找出在预备篇 呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型 中所学的单词, 然后教师引导学习打招呼和 介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型 “What ’ s your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is ? "---What's your /his /he name? My/His/Her name is ? ”. 熟练掌握句型 2.让学生听对话,练习对话并模仿对话,结 2.练习对话并模仿对话,结识班级的其他同 识班级的其他同学 学。 一 1、播放 2a 部分的录音让学生听, 引导学生通过 1.通过听对话熟悉人名 "Ton 》Tom 听对话熟悉人名 "Tony TomJenny Bob Bruce Jim" , Jenny Bob Bruce Jim" ,完成 2a, 2b 部分 完成 2a,2b 部分的教学任务。 的教学任务。 2. 引导学生重复他们所听到的, 模仿对话结识班级 的其他同学,完成 2c 部分的


初中英语备课教案模板 “说课”是教学改革中涌现出来的新生事物,是进行教学研究、教学交流和教学探讨的一种新的教学研究形式,也是集体备课的进一步发展,下面就是小编给大家带来的初中英语备课教案模板,希望能帮助到大家! 一、说教材 1、教材内容及地位 本节课的主要内容是新目标英语八年级上册第2单元第一课时,教材是以What’s the matter ?为中心话题,描述身体不适和提出建议展开,学习和运用“What’s the matter ?”和“What should…do?”让学生学会描述身体的不适和提出建议,本课教材内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引出学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流,在学习活动中,学生通过交换对身体不适的描述及建议,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。 第一课时主要学习的内容是学习有关身体部位的单词,学习“What’s the matter ?”和“What should …do?”句型。 2、说教学目标 1) 知识目标:学习掌握有关身体的词汇以及有关疾病的词汇,并学会描述身体的不适和提出建议。 2) 能力目标:听懂本课学习活动中的问题及回答,能在本课的任务型活动中进行简单的交流,能正确朗读本的对和句型,能写出本课的单词和句型。 3) 情感目标:通过描述自己的身体的不适提出建议,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会关心别人,增进情谊。 4) 文化意识目标:用恰当的方式表达自己的看法,增进人际交往中学会关心别人的能力,了解英美国家询问和表达身体不适的习惯,培养世界意识。 3、说教学重难点 重点:本节课主要学习身体部位的单词和一些疾病的词汇,以及身体不适的表达及建议。 难点:身体不适的表达及建议 二、说学情


[标签:标题] 篇一:2014新人教版七年级英语上册全册教案 新人教版七年级英语上册Starter Unit 1-3教案 Starter Unit 1 Good morning. 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上(上午)/下午/晚上好。答语相同。在熟人或家人之间可省略good。熟人之间的问候可加上称呼语,称呼语放在问候语之后且用逗号隔开。如:Good morning ,class!同学们,早上好!△Good night!晚安(晚间告别用语) 2.Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克。 3.A: How are you? 你(身体)好吗? B: (I‘m) fine/Very well/I‘m OK, Thank you./thanks. How are you? / And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢? A: (I‘m)fine/OK, too.我也很好。 4.thanks = thank you 谢谢 5.HB(铅笔芯)硬黑 CD光盘 BBC英国广播公司 Starter Unit 2 What‘s this in English? 1.What‘s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a/an + 单数物品 (△不说This/That is) 1) What‘s this/that? 这/那是什么? 2) What‘s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺。 It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。 2.What‘s this/that in English? 这/那用英语怎么说? It’s a/an + 单数物品 (△不说This/That is)What‘s this in English? 这用英语怎么说?It’s a jacket. 夹克衫What‘s that in English? 那用英语怎么说? It’s an orange. 橘子。 in + 语言:用某种语言 in Chinese/English/Japanese 用汉/英/日语 英语中还可用What‘s the English for….?表达同样的含义。 What‘s the English for直尺?直尺用英语怎么说? It‘s a ruler.是ruler 3.a 和an是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示― a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前; an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字 母。如:a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔


初中英语笔试教案模板 少儿英语教案模板 一、Teaching Demands and Aims(教学目标) 二、Teaching important and difficult point (教学重点) 1、words 2、sentences 3、grammars 三、Teaching Aids (教具) 四、Teaching procedures(教学过程)Greeting(问候)warm up(热身)Review(复习)New Leon(新课)Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Follow up(叮咛) 五、Homework(作业布置) 作业的布置 一、书面作业 1、每节课后教师可适当选择课后习题(书本或课外参考书)及字母作业。 2、低年纪的孩子适合听磁带读课文、画图、连线、写字母等简单作业; 每学期两次测试:半期考和期末考试。 3、高年纪的孩子要求抄单词、背单词、背课文等书面作业;每节课前可做适当的听写练习; 每个月可做适当的单元测试;

期间两次大考:半期考和期末考。 二、磁带作业 1、适时布置(条件允许可每周一次):将本周学习的内容录进磁带,下周上交。 2、录制要求:首先让学生和老师打招呼,接着报朗诵单元,然后录作业内容,最后与老师说再见。(如:Hello! Amanda.I am Go go.This is Unit 11……… Goodbye! Amanda!) 3、听音修正: (1)书面记录:边听边把学生的错音登记在学生手册上。 (2)修正过程: A:打招呼,先表扬肯定,后提出错误,注意错音的跟读B:说悄悄话,增进师生感情交流C:提出问题。 D:结束Say:“ Good bye! ” 三、电话教学 1、时间安排:每月两次的电话教学,每生教学时间不超过8分钟。 2、教学内容: (1)本周学习单词及课文的朗诵。 (2)词句的翻译。 (3)疑难解答。 (4)家长的经验交流。 英语教研组在工作开展要做到使学生掌握一定的语言基本知识


有关语法的词汇: 并列句(Compound Sentence) 主语(Subject)宾语(Object) 谓语(Predicate)表语(Predicative) 谓语动词(Predicate Verb) 补语(Complement) 状语(Adverbial) 定语(Attribue) 一般现在时(Simple Present Tense) 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense) 过去时(Past Tense) 现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense)将来时(Future tense) 句型(sentence patterns)

一、写作 Teaching Contents(教学内容): Writing a report according to the information collected. Teaching Objectives(教学目标): (1)Knowledge ~ (2)Ability~ (3)Emotional~ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Procedures(教学过程): ·Step1 Warming up and lead-in(time) ·Step2 Pre-writing(time) ·Step3 While-writing(time) (1)Drafting起草 (2)editing校订修改 ·Step4 Post-writing(选两个样例到屏幕进行讲解) (time) ·Step5 Summary and homework(time)


初一英语教案模板范文 【篇一:初中英语教案模板】 teaching plan student: the students of grade 9 teaching content: go for it, students’ book of grade 9. unit 1, the title is how do you study for a test? section b, 3a, 3b, 3c. teaching hour: one class hour teaching plan: i. teaching aims: 1. learn and master new words, phrases and sentence patterns. 2. enable the students to talk in english about how to study english very well. 3. develop the students speaking and writing ability. ii. teaching main points: 1. improve the students’ speaking and writing ability. 2. master some phrases and some sentence patterns. iii. teaching difficult points: 1. phrases: first of all, later on, laugh at, take notes 2. sentence patterns: sb. be afraid to do sth. sb. realize that –clause iv. teaching methods: 1. fast reading to find out the general information about the passage. 2. question-and-answer activities to help the students to go through the whole passage. 3. individual, pair and group work to make every student work in class. v. teaching aids: the blackboard vi. teaching procedures: the blackboard design: 【篇二:初中英语教案模板】 teaching plan student: the students of grade 7学生:七年级



Module 5 Unit 2 It’s too big for you. 教学设计 【目标确定的依据】 1.课程标准相关要求 知道要根据单词的音、义、形来学习词汇。能认读所学词语,能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。能正确朗读所学故事或短文。在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同。 2.学情分析 五年级下册第五模块学习的重点是巩固用形容词说明事物特性的用法。这是形容词的重要用法之一,难度相对不大,但我们要注意引导学生对形容词进行归纳和总结,并给学习有困难的学生更多运用和实践的机会。学生在四年级已经学习了一些表达事物特性的形容词,为本节课奠定了一定基础。 3.教材分析 第2单元课文情境是Amy和Lingling在商场买衣服,Amy和Lingling觉得一件带有熊猫图案的T恤衫很漂亮,不过这件衣服的尺码对Lingling来说太大了。Lingling询问售货员是否有尺码小一些的,售货员拿出一件白色的,Amy觉得这件衣服很漂亮,建议Lingling带这件衣服回中国。本单元的任务要求学生为朋友的生日选择礼物。 【教学目标】 1.通过尝试自然拼读、跟读、个人试读、同桌互助等活动,能正确认读本单元单词:too, try, lovely,提高学生自主学习单词的能力。 2.通过呈现活动、练习活动、交际活动等学习本模块中描述事物特性的句型:It’s too...for...运用这些句型来描述事物的特性。 3.通过对话教学与情境教学等方法学习会话内容,能正确朗读本单元的课 文。 【教学重难点】 重点:能正确认读本单元单词,正确朗读课文。 难点:能够运用所学习的句型:It’s too...for...来描述事物的特性。【课时安排】1课时 【评价任务】 1.借助幻灯片、图片认读本单元新单词。(检测目标1的达成情况) 2.班内汇报、展示目标语言的运用情况。(检测目标2的达成情况) 3.组内分角色朗读课文,班内进行展示表演,检查课文的朗读情况。(检测目标3的达成情况)


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Teaching Plan Student: The students of Grade 9 Teaching Content: Go for it, students’book of grade 9. Unit 1, the title is How do you study for a test Section B, 3a, 3b, 3c. Teaching hour: One class hour Teaching plan: I. Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master new words, phrases and sentence patterns. 2. Enable the students to talk in English about how to study English very well. 3. Develop the students speaking and writing ability. II. Teaching Main Points: 1. Improve the students’ speaking and writing ability. 2. Master some phrases and some sentence patterns. III. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. Phrases: first of all, later on, laugh at, take notes 2. Sentence Patterns: Sb. be afraid to do sth.


九年级英语上学期教学计划范文模板 九年级英语上学期教学计划内容一 126班共有54人,他们聪明活泼、勤奋好学,这些学生虽然初步接触了英语,但仍有少数学生对英语缺乏兴趣。通过上学期的多次诊断性测验,分析出许多同学认为英语在以后的生活中的用处远没老师和书本上说的那么重要,所以积极性不是很高导致学习成绩不理想;有些学生有的因理解力差掌握知识慢所以知识基础较同年段的同学差,有的智力因素与其他学生并没有显著的差异,他们大多表现为不大愿意学,甚至不想学,还面临着来自学校、社会、家庭的沉重的学习压力。针对这一情况,分析他们的知识漏洞及缺陷,及时找他们进行补差补缺,特别是多关心、鼓励后进生,建立一支有进取心、能力较强的学习骨干队伍,让全体同学都能树立明确的英语学习目的,形成良好的英语学习氛围,为初中毕业、升学和终身发展取得好成绩而学习。特制订如下计划: 一、教材分析 我们使用的是《__版英语》,它起点低,三年六册学完后,均可达到《英语课程标准》之要求——五级水平,可以与任何版本的高中课程英语教材衔接使用。具有如下的特点: 1.教材内容体系的安排由浅入深,循序渐进,由简单到复杂逐步过渡;重视新旧知识的结合和语言语言现象的复现。 2.体例体系新,教材创造了国内最新版课标英语教材编写体例、体系,编写思路清晰,符合学生认知发展规律,方便初学者培养英语学习兴趣,从而很快进入英语学习的状态。。单元按语言功能意念项目编排,每一话题四个小节(section)按听说读写的语言技能编排。 3.语言地道,对话之中融入情感态度和文化意识,使学生能在交流中用英语介绍祖国文化,加深对中华民族文化的理解。 4.好教易学,教材充分体现新课标的指导思想,把任务型教学与交际教学法灵活地运用于英语课堂。 二、重难点突破


一、教材分析:Analysis Of the TeaChing material 二、教学目标:TeaCh ing alms and dema nds: 三、教学重难点:TeaChing keys and difficulties: 四、教学方法:TeaChing methods: 五、教学工具:TeaChing aids : 六、教学过程:TeaChing procedures: 七、板书设计:BIaCkbOard DeSig n. 八教学评价与反思 一份正规的高中英语教案主要应该包含上面的八个要点,也是作为一份教案应该具有的基本格式。

《Maki ng Apologies》说课稿 关于课文 本篇课文选自中等职业技术学校教材《基础英语》第一册。 教学目标和要求 本课是第2课时,教学目标主要是对课文中的对话进行阅读、巩固和拓展。要求通过学习, 学生能达到以下要求: 1 ?知识目标 能够牢固掌握好课文对话中的重点词汇词组;阅读对话并且根据提示完成对话,运用已经学会知识让学生分角色进行口语练习,特别要求记忆Sarah所说的话并能当堂表演对话。能 够拓展对话,根据图片内容创作一段对话。 2.能力目标

能够独立阅读课文对话,能够正确理解课文对话并根据提示完成对话,能够用英语表达歉意和接受道歉并学会为工作中所犯的错误致歉。能够拓展对话,完成看图说话并把每张图片的对话内容连在一起形成一段对话。 3.情感目标通过小组讨论,培养同学们的交际能力和团队合作精神;不同的教学目标和要求 A. 对于基础相对好的同学,能够阅读对话并且根据提示完成对话,运用已经学会知识让学生分角色进行口语练习,能当堂表演对话,能够拓展对话,根据图片内容创作一段对话。 B. 对于基础中等的同学,能够完成课文对话,分角色进行口语练习,能当堂表演对话。 C. 程度较弱的同学,要求能够熟练掌握课文中的生词和词组,能够正确完成课文对话。教学重点 英语道歉和接受道歉的词汇及表达;学习英语在工作中犯错误的表达;根据提示完成对话;表演对话; 教学难点根据提示完成对话,表演对话,拓展对话,根据图片创作对话。 学情分析 该班部分学生英语基础比较好,部分比较薄弱,学习的主动性参差不齐,性格普遍也比较内向。 教学指导思想鉴于以上情况,本人在教学活动中采用任务型教学,充分调动学生学习的主动性,积极性,自觉性,充分体现课堂上学生为主,教师为辅,师生互动的指导思想,让每一个学生都能“动起来,不同层次的学生都能有一定的提高。 教学活动 热身练习:整堂课的教学活动设计是由易到难的。先复习上节课所学到的表达道歉和接受道歉的句型,要求学生能回顾出英语的表述形式,为之后的教学活动先做一个热身练习。 活动一:work in pairs to discuss how to express your apologies to someone for doing wrong things and how to accept an apology ,write on the board the sentence patterns. 活动二:learning words and expressions, then do words exercises 活动三:Complete the conversation of the text by using the words given as clues Background introduction of the conversation: Sarah : the secretary of Mr. Black Mr.Black: the general manager of the company 在sarah 准备的一份文件中,Mr. Black 发现了打印错误:去年产品的产量应该是28,000 ,而不是 23,000 。因为这份报告要提交董事会,所以Mr.Black 不希望有任何差错Encourage the students to read the text, then try to find their answers. 活动四:Let the students read the text again, then role-play the conversation with their partner 1) 组织学生两人一组练习对话 2) 让各组学生分角色进行练习对话,要求特别记忆Sarah 所说的话 3) 选择几组学生进行当堂表演


(1)Knowledge objectives ①(all)Students master the key words/ phrases: ... ②(all)Students learn the target languages: ... ③(阅读/听力)Students read/ listen the passage carefully and get specific information. ④(写作)Ss can choose the right structure and right tense to write a composition. (2)Ability objectives ①Through doing tasks, students practice and consolidate巩固target languages. ②Students improve their listening/speaking/reading/writing abilities and communicative competence. ③(阅读)Students read the passage and know clear about ... ④(阅读)Students discuss in pairs or in groups and do exercises to understand the text. (3)Emotional objectives ①Students improve listening and speaking skills by joining in the tasks. ②Students can express( what ... are )accurately. ③Students love to share ... with others and build a deeper relationship with ... ④Students cultivate the habit of (joining a English group ) to improve their language skills. Teaching Contents: (对话)The dialogue talks about ... (阅读)The class is to read.../ It is a passage about ... (听说/听力)It is a listening and speaking lesson talking about... (口语)This is a speaking lesson whose topic is about “how to...” (语法)This is a grammar lesson about tag questions. (读写)This lesson is about reading and writing ... (写作)It is a guided writing lesson. The topic is ... Teaching Key points: (all)Students master the key words and target languages, and can use then correctly. (阅读)Students read the passage and get specific information from the passage. (听力)Ss listen to the tape and do exercise 2b and 2c. (听说)Communicate with others on the topic. Teaching difficult points: (all)Students freely talk about ... in real communication. ( logically/ smoothly/ correctly ) (读写/写作)Ss master the skills of writing a proper passage about ...in right way.


初中英语教案模板范文 【篇一:初中英语教案范例】 初中英语教师面试——初中英语教案范例 unit 6 how do you get to school? 一、教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“transportation”,围绕“how do you get to school”,“how long does it take?”,“how far is it?”层层展开,并采用“任务型语言教学途径”,编排了一系列凸现“交际功能(talk about how to get to school)”运用的听说读写综合语言活动,让 学生学会谈论如何到达某个地方,距离有多远,要花多长时间等等。这些活动紧贴学生的生活实际,极具真实性,从而使学生的个人经 历成为课堂学习的有效图式,有助于学生对所获取的声音和文字英 语信息的理解;有助于调动他们用英语表达自己的经验和感受兴趣 和热情;有助于促进他们语言功能的运用;有助于提高他们为应用 而主动学习和掌握语言知识(词汇和语法结构等)的兴趣。 在教材编排上,section a是基础,是底线,是学生必须掌握的目标语言;而section b是section a的扩展和引申,通过任务型听力来 讨论交通工具及方式的最佳组合方式,并通过任务型阅读帮助学生 了解不同国家学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。 二、教学目标 1.语言目标 词汇:subway, take the subway, train, minute, how far, quick, leave for, half, past, bus station, bus ride, stop, bust stop, north, school bus, by boat, must, car, ill, worry 句式:how do you get to school? i ride my bike. how long does it take? it takes ten minutes. how far is it from your home to school? it’s about 10 kilometers. 2.能力目标 (1) 能够谈论如何到达目的地。 (2) 能够谈论自己的日常生活。 (3)能够有效地获取信息和处理信息。 3.情感目标 (1) 学会关注生命与安全;培养时间观念,学会珍惜时间。


Module 5 Unit 2 It’s too big for you. 教学设计 【目标确定的依据】 1.课程标准相关要求 知道要根据单词的音、义、形来学习词汇。能认读所学词语,能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。能正确朗读所学故事或短文。在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化异同。 2.学情分析 五年级下册第五模块学习的重点是巩固用形容词说明事物特性的用法。这是形容词的重要用法之一,难度相对不大,但我们要注意引导学生对形容词进行归纳和总结,并给学习有困难的学生更多运用和实践的机会。学生在四年级已经学习了一些表达事物特性的形容词,为本节课奠定了一定基础。 3.教材分析 第2单元课文情境是Amy和Lingling在商场买衣服,Amy和Lingling觉得一件带有熊猫图案的T恤衫很漂亮,不过这件衣服的尺码对Lingling来说太大了。Lingling询问售货员是否有尺码小一些的,售货员拿出一件白色的,Amy觉得这件衣服很漂亮,建议Lingling 带这件衣服回中国。本单元的任务要求学生为朋友的生日选择礼物。 【教学目标】 1.通过尝试自然拼读、跟读、个人试读、同桌互助等活动,能正确认读本单元单词:too, try, lovely,提高学生自主学习单词的能力。 2.通过呈现活动、练习活动、交际活动等学习本模块中描述事物特性的句型:It’s too...for...运用这些句型来描述事物的特性。 3.通过对话教学与情境教学等方法学习会话内容,能正确朗读本单元的课文。 【教学重难点】 重点:能正确认读本单元单词,正确朗读课文。 难点:能够运用所学习的句型:It’s too...for...来描述事物的特性。 【课时安排】1课时 【评价任务】 1.借助幻灯片、图片认读本单元新单词。(检测目标1的达成情况) 2.班内汇报、展示目标语言的运用情况。(检测目标2的达成情况) 3.组内分角色朗读课文,班内进行展示表演,检查课文的朗读情况。(检测目标3的达成情况)


英语试讲教案模板 模板: Teaching aims (教学目标) 1 Knowledge objects: Make students read the important words and sentences 2 Ability objects: Make students master the grammar in the text________ 3 Moral objects:Improve the interests in studying English and_________ Teaching important points(教学重点) Words:___________ ___________ ___________ Sentences:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ Teaching difficult points(教学难点) Master the grammar Use the words in their lives ____________________ Teaching aids(教具) Cards、projectors _________ __________ ________ Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step1 leading-in Step 2 __________ ........ Step n homework Blackboard design (板书设计) (一)形式 教案是教学设计的文字体现,有相对的格式与要求。教案的格式主要包括文字叙述式、表格式两种。 1.文字叙述式


优秀初中英语教案模板 【篇一:初中英语教案范例】 unit 4 i want to be an actor 教学目标: 1.学会不同工作的英文表达方式。 2.了解同学父母的工作。 3.学会简单的介绍自己将来的理想。教学内容: 重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police 重点句型:1. what does your mother do? she is a teacher. what does your father do? he is an engineer. 2. what do you want to be? i want to be a teacher. what does she want to be? she wants to be a singer. 总体思路: 本单元采用任务型的教学模式,设计了三个任务活动,首先以比赛的形式,让学生通过工作的描述,来猜测工作的名称;然 后由学生自己下座位找与自己父母工作相同的同学,练习所学的句型;其后让学生用所学句型谈论自己的理想。所有任务的设计,由 简到难,每一个任务都为下一个任务的完成奠定了一定的语言基础。语法知识一般现在时 (1)一般现在时主要由动词原形表示,但第三人称单数后要加-s, 另外be有特殊的人格形式,见下表: 一般现在时 (2)一般现在时的否定式见下表 一般现在时的否定式 (3)一般现在时的疑问式及简略回答,见下表。一般现在时的疑问式 (4)一般现在时的基本用法如下。①经常性或习惯性的i get up at six every day. ②客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 the moon moves round the earth.月亮围着地球转。③表示格 言或警句中。 pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。④现在时刻的状态、能力、 性格、个性。i dont want so much. 教学板块设计: task1:know the names of the different jobs


一、教材分析:Analysis of the Teaching material 二、教学目标:Teaching alms and demands: 三、教学重难点:Teaching keys and difficulties: 四、教学方法:Teaching methods: 五、教学工具:Teaching aids: 六、教学过程:Teaching procedures: 七、板书设计:Blackboard Design. 八教学评价与反思 一份正规的高中英语教案主要应该包含上面的八个要点,也是作为一份教案应该具有的基本格式。

《Making Apologies》说课稿 关于课文 本篇课文选自中等职业技术学校教材《基础英语》第一册。 教学目标和要求 本课是第2课时,教学目标主要是对课文中的对话进行阅读、巩固和拓展。要求通过学习,学生能达到以下要求: 1.知识目标 能够牢固掌握好课文对话中的重点词汇词组;阅读对话并且根据提示完成对话,运用已经学会知识让学生分角色进行口语练习,特别要求记忆Sarah所说的话并能当堂表演对话。能够拓展对话,根据图片内容创作一段对话。

2.能力目标 能够独立阅读课文对话,能够正确理解课文对话并根据提示完成对话,能够用英语表达歉意和接受道歉并学会为工作中所犯的错误致歉。能够拓展对话,完成看图说话并把每张图片的对话内容连在一起形成一段对话。 3.情感目标 通过小组讨论,培养同学们的交际能力和团队合作精神; 不同的教学目标和要求 A. 对于基础相对好的同学,能够阅读对话并且根据提示完成对话,运用已经学会知识让学生分角色进行口语练习,能当堂表演对话,能够拓展对话,根据图片内容创作一段对话。 B. 对于基础中等的同学,能够完成课文对话,分角色进行口语练习,能当堂表演对话。 C. 程度较弱的同学,要求能够熟练掌握课文中的生词和词组,能够正确完成课文对话。 教学重点 英语道歉和接受道歉的词汇及表达;学习英语在工作中犯错误的表达;根据提示完成对话;表演对话; 教学难点 根据提示完成对话,表演对话,拓展对话,根据图片创作对话。 学情分析 该班部分学生英语基础比较好,部分比较薄弱,学习的主动性参差不齐,性格普遍也比较内向。 教学指导思想 鉴于以上情况,本人在教学活动中采用任务型教学,充分调动学生学习的主动性,积极性,自觉性,充分体现课堂上学生为主,教师为辅,师生互动的指导思想,让每一个学生都能“动”起来,不同层次的学生都能有一定的提高。 教学活动 热身练习:整堂课的教学活动设计是由易到难的。先复习上节课所学到的表达道歉和接受道歉的句型,要求学生能回顾出英语的表述形式,为之后的教学活动先做一个热身练习。 活动一:work in pairs to discuss how to express your apologies to someone for doing wrong things and how to accept an apology,write on the board the sentence patterns. 活动二:learning words and expressions, then do words exercises 活动三:Complete the conversation of the text by using the words given as clues Background introduction of the conversation: Sarah : the secretary of Mr. Black
