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"Light, refined, learned and noble, harmonious and orderly, clear and logical, the cooking

of France is, in some strange manner, intimately linked to the genius of her greatest men."

--Marcel Rouff, French journalist and writer


1 What could be more French than an outdoor market on a sunny Sunday morning? The

air is filled with vital scents from the herbs and fruits and vegetables piled high in the

greengrocers' creative geometrics. A whiff of the Atlantic blows off the oysters on the

fishmongers' bed of ice. Wild game--hare, venison, boar--hangs from the butchers'

racks, sausages and cheeses are laid out to savor and smell.




2 This, you think, is the very essence of France, until you read those little signs that tell

you the tomatoes (which are really pretty tasteless) come from Moroccan hothouses,

the grapes from South Africa, kiwis from Chile and the haricot from Kenya. You can't

be sure where that boar bit the dust.



3 The congenial quaintness of the street market, in fact, draws directly on


Emile Zola once called "the belly of Paris", the rich, ripe, smelly center of the wholesale

food business, long since moved out of downtown to a cargo hub near Qrly airport.

Quite literally, that is now where a lot of French cooking begins--and, increasingly, where the era of great French cuisine as something truly unique and exclusive to France is slowly coming to an end.





4 For generations, the French have prided themselves on their distinctiveness. Nothing

has stood for France's sense of exceptionalism more famously than its cooking. Gallic talent, taste and techniques have been exported all over the world. And therein lies part

to the problem. From the Napa Valley to the Thames and Tokyo, non-French cooks have cracked the codes of the best French cuisine. Meanwhile, what was mediocre elsewhere--albeit cheap and popular--has been imported. The result: Many tourists-- as well as the French themselves--no longer see what's so special about French cooking.

4 长久以来,法国人一直为他们的与众不同感到骄傲。而能代表法国超凡特色、最负盛



5 The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high prices--no small concern in a country where tourisme gastronomique earned 18 billion euros in 2002, a quarter of all tourist revenues. More and more restaurateurs say that government tax and economic policies are limiting their profits, and thereby hurting their capacity to invest and hire more staff. They have become ensnarled in the red tape for which France is infamous--not to mention edicts from Brussels that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacteria in the Brie.

5 最近的调查显示越来越多的人抱怨饭莱质量平平,价格昂贵,而法国烹饪的衰落还不


6 Not coincidentally, it was the French who taught the world that water has many very different, very marketable tastes. At the annual agricultural fair in Paris this spring, visitors not only enjoyed sipping wines, but olive oils--one a little nutty, another quite fruity, some of them, one is tempted to say, just a little impudent. Even table salt has its distinctions, with fleur de sel, the thin layer collected on the surface of salt basins in the Bordeaux region, now much appreciated. "France is one of those countries where people can leave the table full and still be talking about food," jokes chef Yannick Alleno, 35, who brought a new star to the restaurant of the Hotel Meurice this year. His favorite specialty: sea bass sewn with golden threads.

6 绝非巧合的是,正是法国人教会全世界,水有多种迥异的口味,这些味道都可以卖个




7 But the real paradox of French cooking--in France, at least--is that artistic success

often spell s business disaster. Starred chefs

try to maintain the high standards that made their names.

7 然而法国烹饪真正令人啼笑皆非的是,至少在法国,烹饪艺术上的成功往往带来生意


8 Consider the value-added taxes that were "harmonized" all over Europe during

the 1990s. They benefit fast-food chains, since the tax on takeaway is only 5.5% percent, while they penalize sit-down restaurants, whether humble bistro s or haute cuisine, which pay 19.6%. When President Jacques Chirac ran for re-election in 2002, he promised to reduce the tax, but such is the nature of the new Europe that

for it to take effect--in 2006. The government is instituting other complicated tax breaks and stopgap measures in the meantime to try to calm the restive restaurateurs and in hopes of creating employment.

But (a starred chef) Daguin is deeply skeptical. "If the French were under the same

fiscal regime as the United States, we'd be able to create twice as many jobs," he says.

8 我们看看上个世纪90年代在整个欧洲被“统一”后的增值税。该税有利于快餐连锁



9 Strict labor laws restricting hiring, firing and temp-work also figure in the equation.

"Our business is a succession of high-stress times and quiet times," says Denis Meliet,

a former rugby player and a passionate restaurateur from Toulouse. When it comes

to employment, "the problem in France is that we have no flexibility whatsoever.

When we're busy it would be good if, like in England, we could hire a couple of extra employees to help out." But the law makes that difficult.

9 另外,严格限制雇工、裁员和招临时工的劳动法也拖了后腿。“我们的生意忙一阵闲


10 Even when government regulations appear specially formulated to support the culture

of cuisine, they often "go astray". The EU's Common Agricultural Policy, for instance,

is supposed to benefit small farmers, keep them on the land--and thus, you'd think,

nurture the terroir that gives French cooking its soul, and France much of its national

identity. But activist Brigitte Allain of the Confederation Paysanne, a farmer herself,

says the CAP, in fact, does just the reverse--favors quantity over quality. "In this system," she says, "farmers are merely providers of staples whose sole requirement

(in order to receive generous EU subsidies) is to deliver the goods according to the

rules." "If our cuisine has prestige," says Allain, "it's because we have chefs who are

interested in good products. And we have good products because we still have a type

of agriculture that we call peasant agriculture9 alongside the factory farms.

Notice I say

'still', because this agriculture may not last that long."

10 即便是一些看似专为扶持烹饪文化的政府规定,实施起来也往往事与愿违。例如,欧






1l As France's great chefs worry about staying in the avant-garde~~, with their gold threads

and miraculous meringues, many small farmers and restaurateurs seem to be fighting

a rearguard action just to survive.

11 当法国的大厨们在担心能否凭借金线和蛋白夹心的烹饪手艺来保住法国菜在世界烹饪


12.The problems afflicting French cuisine are emblematic of those that plague the

economy as a whole. Like French cuisine, the French economy still holds the occasional surprise: last week the government announced that economic growth for 2004 should be higher than expected. But the basic problems of bureaucracy, taxes and social reluctance to change remain a burden for everyone. "At all levels--political, social, cultural or biological--cooking is at the forefront of the great choices that we have to make as a society," says Raymond Blanc, born in the Jura region of France and chef of the two-star hotel restaurant Manoir aux Quat'Saisons.

12 造成法式烹饪衰落的原因同样也是造成法国经济整体不振的原因。如同法式烹饪,法


13 Blanc believes France is still ahead of the rest of the world in the richness of its cuisine, but for how long? "It's as if France stopped caring about its regions and what gives them diversity," he says. France's problem isn't the lack of creativity, but rather a political environment that stymies initiative. If you're choked by bureaucracy and taxes, as so much of France is, "there's not much you can do," be adds. "I can open a business in England in five days. In France it would take three months."

13 勃朗相信,就烹饪艺术的丰富性而言,法国仍处于世界领先地位,但还能维持多久呢?



1. Emile Zola was an influential French writer, the most important exemplar of the literary school of naturalism, an important contributor to the development of theatrical naturalism, and a major figure in the political liberalization of France.

2. Napa Valley, located in California, USA, is famous for its wine, featuring more than three hundred wineries and grows many different grape varieties.

3. The phrase "tourisme gastronomique" is an expression in French, equivalent to "gourmet (有美食佳酿的) tourism" in English which relates to holidays focused on a region or country's cuisine.

4. Brussels is where the headquarters of EU (the European Union) is located. Here it is used to refer to EU.

5. The phrase "fleur de sel" means "flower of salt" in English. It is a hand-harvested sea salt collected by workers who scrape only the top layer of salt before it sinks to the bottom of large salt pans.

6. Bordeaux is a port city in southwest France, famous for wines.

7. Value-added tax, also known as Goods and Services T ax (G.S.T), Single Business Tax or Turnover Tax is applied to every operation that creates value in some countries. 8. The phrase "haute cuisine" refers to the cooking of the grand restaurants and hotels of the Western world. It is characterized by elaborate preparation and presentation; meals of small, often very rich

courses; extensive wine cellars; and large, hierarchical and efficiently run service staff.

9. Peasant agriculture is small family run farming different from large commercial farm factories.

It is characterised by distinctiveness and quality while farm factory production is characterised

by mass production due to wide applications of machinery and high tech methods.

10. Here, "staying in the avant-garde" means being or remaining in the forefront of all that is new (in

