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幼儿园英语早教:my family

幼儿园英语早教:my family

my family(我的家)

my family(我的家)









一、my family

1、 look!(show the photos)what are these?(photos)

2、 who is he(she)?



5、 introduce your family to your friends.(幼儿与同伴交流)

二、bear’s family

(出示小熊一家图片)who are they?(bear’s family)

who is she?who is he?(幼儿练习用it’s……作答)

三、now. let’s play a game.

who’d like to be mummy (daddy、grandma、grandpa) bear?


please introduce yourselves to other children.

welcome bear’s family。

小学四年级英语作文范文:My family

小学四年级英语作文范文:My family 导读:本文小学四年级英语作文范文:My family,来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考. 【篇一】 Ilovemyfamily,becauseIhaveahappyfamily. MyfatherisanEnglishteacher.HisnameisJacky.Heisthirty-eight.Helikesplayi ngbasketball.What’smymotherjop?Issheateacher?Yes,you’reright!Mymotherisverykindandnice,sheisthirty-seven.Mymotherisalway slaboriouswork.Ilovemyparents! OnStaurdayandSunday,Ioftengotothelibraryandplaythepiano,Myfatherg otoplaybasketball.Sometimes,wewatchTVandlistentomusicathome. Ilovemyfamily.BecauseI’mveryhappytolivewithmyparentstogether! 【篇二】 Hello,everyone,I’mLiuDongdong.I’mastudent.Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily—myfather,motherandI. Myfatheris40yearsold.Heisaworker.Ithinkheisagoodworker.Becausehewo rksveryhard.Hegetsupveryearlyeverydayandheworksformorethan10hour saday.Soheisalwaysbusy,helooksverytiredwhenhegetshome.Helikesreadi


2018年上海儿童英语绘本阅读教学策略 如何选择绘本,拓展广阔的学习资源?如何将绘本与现行小学英语教材相结合,发展学生实际运用英语的能力?如何丰富学生的阅读经验,提升学生的阅读品味?如何针对各年级段的儿童进行绘本教学,建立有梯度的绘本阅读系统?下面瑞思学科英语集数十年少儿英语培训经验,特来支招~ 英文绘本阅读作为儿童英语学习的一种新形式,在纳入与展开的过程中如要真正获取质量尚须一定的策略。 1.优质:绘本资源的选择策略 一个好的绘本材料是推动儿童英文阅读高质高效的基础。绘本的选取最好是经典的、经过时间检验的故事材料,如白雪公主、七个小矮人、丑小鸭等,考虑到孩子的认知局限,绘本材料还必须尽可能的简易。一个好的绘本材料除了呈现完整绘本故事图片、英语文字外,还可以根据绘本故事内容拟定一些练习题目,可检测儿童对于故事的理解程度,也能锻炼儿童的英语阅读理解能力。 2.分层:绘本阅读的目标设定策略 在英文阅读绘本的过程中,儿童在认知学习、语言发展、人格涵养、美感与创造力的开展等方面都能有所成长,但儿童的年龄特征不同,因此绘本阅读的目标不能统一一个标准,而需分层设定。

3.导读:绘本阅读的教师指导策略 对于刚接触英语的儿童来说,绘本阅读需要教师和家长的一定指导即导读,只有通过有效的导读,儿童的“绘本阅读”才会较好地进入境界。 美国教育心理学家杰洛姆·布鲁纳这样阐述阅读指导,“一开始,教师得先为儿童读故事,慢慢地,用比较戏剧化的方式,来呈现整个作品”。教师在带领儿童阅读英文绘本时,要善于教给学生一定的策略,比如故事的呈现、讲述过程应充分考虑儿童已有的知识水平,寻找新旧知识的交接点,运用饶有趣味的形式,图文互现、启发猜想、设置悬念等,引导儿童在轻松有趣的氛围中感知、发现、收获。同时要注意导读时的态度示范以及互动时的语气和感情,让儿童感受到阅读英文绘本是一件愉快而美好的事。 4.自悟:绘本阅读的学生学习策略 英语绘本具有画面优美、情节简单、句型反复、语言押韵、寓意丰富等优点,这些都是很吸引儿童的特性,能让儿童更乐意去尝试与接受英语的挑战。 但开展绘本阅读最关键的还是需要儿童的自我参与、自行感悟。 都说阅读是个性化的活动,即使同一个阅读材料,每一个孩子也会读出自己不同的感受。因此教师要善于创设让学生独立阅读、独立思考的舞台,比如采取提前阅读、带着问题阅读、小组阅读交流等方式,

以 MyFamily为题的高二英语作文

以MyFamily为题的高二英语作文 Everyone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I. We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family. My father is a hard-working man. He works as a doctor. He always tries his best to help every, patient and make patients comfortable. But sonetimes he works so hard that he can’t remember the date. My mother is a woman with a bad memory. She always does a lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness. For example, one day, she washed clothes in the washer, after the washer finished the work, she found she hadn’t filled the washer with water. Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to get up early as usual, buthe wasn’t able to do that, because he hadn’t set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did everything in a hurry. After father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "He will come back soon." "Why?" I was greatly surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday!" Just as mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed again--he was ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


清华幼儿英语课文(1A-1B) kinderPower Kinderpower Kinderpower,happy hour. We are?learning?kinderpower. We?learn?to?sing.?We?learn?to?talk.? We?learn?to?play?together.? Kinderpower,?happy?hour.? We?love?you.?Kinderpower.? Kinderpower.?Lalalala.? Lalalala,?kinderpower.? Kinderpower,happy?hour.? We?are?learning?kinderpower.? We?learn?to?care.?We?learn?to?share.? We?learn?to?help?each?other.? Kinderpower,happy?hour.? We?love?you?kinderpower.?

Kinderpower,?lalalala? Lalalala,?kinderpower.? 1a Unit 1 A Little Bee (I am little bee. I love honey. Yummy! ) Little bee, little bee, round, round, round. Little bee, little bee, sound, sound, sound. bZzzzzz… 2a Unit 1 Sitting on the Carpet Sitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3. Sitting on the Carpet, you and me. Bunny, stand up. Yeah! Bunny, sit down. Oh! Bunny is dancing all around the town. Sitting on the Carpet, 1-2-3. Sitting on the Carpet, you and me. Piggy, stand up. Yeah! Piggy, sit down. Oh! Piggy is dancing all aound the town.


《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》英语绘本导读课教学设计 一、绘本简介: The Very Hungry Caterpillar是一本充满了诗情与创意的儿童绘本。绘本讲述了一只毛毛虫的故事。如果说有一条虫子能一路畅通无阻地从一个国家爬到另一个国家,那么就是它了!三十多年来,这条从艾瑞克?卡尔手里爬出来的红脑壳、绿身子、高高地弓起来走路的毛毛虫,已经“吞噬”了世界上二千多万个孩子的心。 主要内容是在月光下,叶子上躺着一颗小小的蛋。星期天早上,太阳升起来,“砰!”从蛋里爬出来一条又小又饿的毛毛虫。他开始去找吃的。星期一吃了一个苹果,可还是好饿。星期二吃了两个梨子,可还是好饿。星期三吃了三个李子,可还是好饿。星期四吃了四个草莓,可还是好饿。星期五吃了五个橘子,可还是好饿。星期六,他吃了一块巧克力蛋糕、一个冰淇淋、一根黄瓜、一块乳酪、一条火腿、一根棒棒糖、一个樱桃派、一根香肠、一个杯子蛋糕和一片西瓜。那天晚上,毛毛虫肚子痛了。第二天又是星期天。毛毛虫吃了绿叶子,肚子好多了。现在,他不饿了,不是一条小毛毛虫了,是一条又肥又大的毛毛虫了。他造了一个小房子,叫茧,把自己包在了里面。他在里面呆了两个多星期,咬了一个小洞挤了出来。最后毛毛虫变成了一只漂亮的蝴蝶。 教学目标: 1. 欣赏故事,了解蝴蝶生长过程,并且学会周一到周日的单词。 2. 了解各种食物的单词。 3. 激发学生对英语绘本阅读的兴趣。 教学重点:了解蝴蝶生长过程,并且学会周一到周日的单词。 教学难点:学会周一到周日的单词。 教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up


清华幼儿英语课文(3A-3B) kinderPower

Kind erpower Kinderpower,happy hour. We are?learning?kinderpower. We?learn?to?sing.?We?learn?to?talk.? We?learn?to?play?together.? Kinderpower,?happy?hour.? We?love?you.?Kinderpower.? Kinderpower.?Lalalala.? Lalalala,?kinderpower.? Kinderpower,happy?hour.? We?are?learning?kinderpower.? We?learn?to?care.?We?learn?to?share.?

We?learn?to?help?each?other.? Kinderpower,happy?hour.? We?love?you?kinderpower.? Kinderpower,?lalalala? Lalalala,?kinderpower.? PART 3_a Unit 1-12 3a Unit 1 Three blue pigeons Three blue pigeons, sitting on a wall. Three blue pigeons, sitting on a wall. One flew away. Oh! Two blue pigeons, sitting on a wall. Two blue pigeons, sitting on a wall. Another flew away. Oh! One blue pigeon, sitting on a wall. One blue pigeon, sitting on a wall. And the third flew away! Oh. No blue pigeons, sitting on a wall. No blue pigeons, sitting on a wall. One flew back. Yeah! One blue pigeon, sitting on a wall. One blue pigeon, sitting on a wall. Another flew back! Yeah!


《M y family 》作文教学设计 教学时间: 2017 年 11 月 22 星期三年级:六年级 科目:英语地点:下营中心学校 一、教学内容 用英语简要介绍My family ,并结合生活实际,谈谈自己的感想。字数要求: 5-10 句话. 二、教学目标 1.知识与能力目标 培养学生初步的写作能力、学会叙述自己身边的事。 培养学生基本的造句的能力,掌握一些固定的英语语言表达。 2.学习策略目标 学会小组合作学习,交流信息,提高英语写作能力。掌握英语写作中组织语言的基本方法。 3.情感态度目标 通过这次写作,培养学生基本的英语写作能力,培养学生愿意用英语叙述身 边的人或事物的习惯。 三、教学重点与难点 1.学会用英语表达自己的身边事物,用英语介绍朋友家人的基本情况。 2.使段落和句子前后连贯,相互呼应,有一定的逻辑性。 四、教学准备 1.一两篇与家庭介绍有关例文。 2.准备实物投影仪、多媒体设备 五、教学过程 Step1. Lead-in T:Is it difficult, to write something about you family? S:Yes. T:Is it difficult to say something about you family? S: No . T:Who can tell us something about your family ? S:Me.(Put up their hands.) Step2. Talk about this family with all the students in our Get the students to answer the questions : 1. How many people are there in“my” family? 2.What are they doing? 3.How do they go to work? 4.What do they like to do? Step 3. Decide on the outline of this writing. Talk . 通过这篇小短文讨论小作文的基本架构,一般有几方面Step 4. Use your own words to say these questions of yo 1.Tell us these four questions in your real life. 2.Talk about your family with your partner . 3.Then write them down on your notebooks. Step 5. Avoid writing Chinese-English. Let the students read their writings, and find out some Chine sentences and correct them. Talk with them . Step 6. Practice: I love my family My family There are three people in my family. They are my father, m My father is a teacher. He goes towork by car.He likes swim a worker.She goes to work by bus. She likes singing. I am a school on foot. I like reading books. I love my family. Step 7.Homework: Hand in .交上一篇自己修改好的短文。 六、课后自我反思(self-reflection)

【学习实践】英语绘本课《Brown bear》教案分析

英语绘本课《Brown bear》教案分析英语绘本课《Brownbear》教案分析 小学英语学科教学,不应只停留在教材的有限内容上,而应尽可能的向外辐射。英语课程要力求合理利用和积极开发课程资源,给学生提供丰富的课程资源,拓展学习和运用英语的渠道。英语绘本不仅能增强教学的趣味性,而且能以生动的图片弥补文字描述的不足,是一种有效的教学资源。教师应从英语绘本入手,以绘本的感知、认读和创作作为英语课堂教学重要手段,以促进学生英语的听、说、读、写等基本能力的发展。 本节英语绘本课《Brownbear,brownbear,whatdoyousee?》的教学对象是二年级的学生。之所以选择这一绘本,是因为其内容较简单,而且重点句式反复出现——whatdoyousee?Isee...lookingatme.重点词汇是有关颜色和动物的单词及词组,二年级学生对此话题很熟悉,而且比较感兴趣。本课的设计可以分为三个部分——Pre-reading,while-reading和Post-reading。在读前活动中,通过2个Brainstorm的活动,激活学生关于colours 和animals的旧知,进而过渡到新知的学习。在绘本阅读的环节中,通过丰富的教学活动,例如听一听,猜一猜,看一看,读一读等激发学生的学习兴趣,在感受绘本图片魅力的

同时,促进各项英语能力的发展。在读后环节中,鼓励学生进行绘本故事的表演,并进行大胆的创编,目的是为了训练学生绘本信息的输出能力和提升学生的人文素养。 整节课的设计致力于呈现一个完整的故事情节,让孩子融入这一故事情境去接触英语,进而提升学生的英语阅读能力和英语综合语言运用能力,其向外辐射的统整性主要体现在:1.提供优质的语言学习经验。英文绘本不仅能启发孩子想象,其故事本身更是一个整体的语言应用实例,可以提供给孩子学习英语的真实生活情境和丰富语汇,能协助孩子发展语言能力。2.提供了丰富的知识触角与想象空间。英文绘本中所呈现的完整故事情节,能丰富孩子的学习经验,其所提供的多元文学风格与素材能引导孩子加深对于所处周遭环境和世界的了解,滋养孩子的想象力。3.帮助奠定各方面能力发展的基础。英文绘本可预测的内容和重复的文句可增加儿童阅读的自信心,同时,透过绘本,学生可以有效认识英美文化,有益其英语学习。


幼儿英语绘本分类推荐 家有萌娃的家长们非常关心孩子的英语学习问题,特别幼儿英语初学者们,怎样才能获取更多英语学习的精华呢?瑞思学科英语资深教师集十年教学培训经验,特别推荐各位亲爱粑粑麻麻们从英语绘本入手,培养孩子的语感和语言能力。 引导幼儿学习面对死亡的英语绘本 《爷爷有没有穿西装》 《我的外公》 《我永远爱你》 《獾的礼物》 《一片叶子落下来》 《阿星的婚礼》

《小鲁的池塘》 《再见,爱玛奶奶》 引导幼儿学习面对并抒发脾气与情绪的英语绘本 《生气的亚瑟》 《生气汤》 《啊!烦恼》 《菲菲生气了-非常,非常的生气》 《我变成一只喷火龙了》 引导幼儿学习面对并抒解害怕与恐惧的英语绘本 《雷公糕》 《魔奇魔奇树》 《床底下的怪物》 《洁西卡和大野狼》 《讨厌黑暗的席奶奶》 《我好担心》 引导幼儿面对父母失和与单亲教养的英语绘本 《好事成双》 《保罗的超级大计划》 《妈妈爸爸不住在一起了》 由此可见,通过英语绘本的学习,可谓提升幼儿英语初学者兴趣和热情的一大捷径,在绘本学习中,不但提高了英语学习的乐趣,同时对幼儿英语启蒙也有莫大的帮助,在孩子不断深入学习英语绘本的

同时,还能了解不同国家、不同地域的风土人情和思维文化,以幼小的心灵中播撒下自强、自立、自力更生的向上动力和源泉。 引导幼儿学习面对身心失能者的英文绘本 《我的妹妹听不见》(听障) 《叔公忘记了》(老年痴呆) 《好好爱阿迪》(唐氏症) 《威威找记忆》(失忆老人) 《我的姊姊不一样》(智障) 《祝你生日快乐》(癌症) 《瑞奇的烦恼》(身体缺陷) 《先左脚,再右脚》(中风老人) 《超级哥哥》(智障) 《跟着爷爷看》(视障) 《珊珊》(肢障) 《小纸箱》(流浪汉) 引导幼儿了解笑容可贵的英文绘本 《笑容不见了》 《给姑妈笑一个》 引导幼儿自由创作的英文绘本 《蜡笔盒的故事》 《阿罗有枝彩色笔》


myfamily英语作文150 【篇一:my family(六年级英语作文题)】 my family there are three people in my family . they are my father , my mother and i .my father is a driver . he is very clever . my mother is a teacher . she is very nice . i am a pupil . i’m very cute. i love my family . seasons er is hot . autumn is cool. winter is cold . i like spring . because i can fly a kite in spring . do you like spring ? my day i get up at seven o’clock every morning . i have breakfast at half past seven . i go to school at eight o’clock. i have lunch at twelve o’clock . i go home at five o’clock. i do my homework at six o’clock. i watch tv at seven o’clock i go to bed at half past eight. it’s me i’m twelve years old . i’m 150cm tall. i have big eyes , a small nose and a small red mouth. my hair is long and straight . i’m a clever and happy girl . i like making friends . i want to be a teacher . because the teachers are great . the park in spring it’s spring now .the park is beautiful . look , the trees are green and the flowers are red . one bird is flying in the sky . four geese are swimming in the lake . there are two boys in the boat . one girl is painting near the lake . she wears a yellow dress . there is a rainbow in her picture . how beautiful it is ! i love the park in spring . a small cat there is a small cat in my home . it’s two months old . it has beautiful grey fur , big round eyes and little ears . it is very quiet . it likes eating fish . and it likes sleeping in the sun. it is afraid of dogs . i often walk with it after supper . it is so lovely . i like it . my parents my mother is a teacher . she works in a middle school . she is very nice . my father is a doctor . he is tall and thin . he is 10cm


儿童英语绘本阅读的 意义

儿童英语绘本阅读的意义 在母语学习中,大家都有过这样的切身体验,我们最早接触的书本绝对不是一本正经的文本,而是画满了图画的绘本。同样,较之白纸黑字的英文经典文本阅读,儿童更倾向于感官性的绘本阅读材料。这是因为,儿童积累的英语词汇、语法相对较少,类似于教材的纯文本阅读会受到更大的阻碍,兴趣容易泯灭。而英文绘本图画形象生动,语句简洁流畅,更符合儿童的口味,更能激发儿童的情绪,更能满足儿童的心理需求。具体来说,儿童开展英文绘本阅读具有如下现实意义。 1.英文绘本阅读能架起儿童从课堂走向课外的英语阅读通道。 我们的学生学习英语一个最大的问题是课堂学习英语,课外不闻不问。一则是因为我们缺少像母语一样的语言氛围,二是儿童的现状为很多人仅有一本英语书,大量缺乏课外英语阅读材料。而英文绘本阅读恰恰提供了丰富的阅读资料,改变着儿童的阅读方式,打通了儿童的英文学习的课内外通道。 2.英文绘本阅读能够给儿童提供学习英语的完整学习经验。 每一个绘本基本上都是一个相对完整、独立的故事,而故事本身就是一个整体的语言应用实例,儿童阅读一个绘本故事,所收获的不只是故事内容的了解,还包括词汇、句子、语法的认识与运用,语意的辨析以及阅读的良好策略等。 3.英文绘本阅读能让儿童浸润在西方文化中感受语言的本来魅力。 英文绘本虽然也可以自行创编,或者用一些分级读物,但瑞思学科英语中采用的英文绘本是英语国家原创的英文绘本,文学体裁,获奖作品为主。它所展示的大多是这些国家的生活文化,因此儿童阅读英文绘本实际是处在西方文化之中感受原汁原味英语的魅力。 4.英文绘本的多样化题材可以扩展儿童的生活经验。 英文绘本一般作为教材的补充资源,但是绘本来源广泛,种类繁多,每一个绘本都反映着某种生活经验。这种多样化的题材对成长中的儿童来说,不仅是学会一种语言,同时丰富着他们的人生经历。而且优质绘本精美的图画和内蕴丰富的故事情节能够很快地吸引儿童的注意,改变儿童的英语学习习惯,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。 5.英文绘本能够提供儿童学习英语的真实和丰富的词汇,能协助发展儿童的语言能力。 绘本中展示的很多词汇和句子都是鲜活的、是儿童未曾在教材中接触过的,这种潜移默化地学习可以不断丰厚儿童的积累,提升他们的语言运用能力。同时,英文绘本阅读通常还结合多元的教学活动展开,这能极大地促进儿童的英语听说读写能力。 6.优质绘本的深远主旨能激发儿童的情感,涵养儿童的生命。 绘本的价值和魅力在于: 它没有一句教条,却能满足孩子的成长需要; 没有一丝说理,却能启发孩子的深入思考; 没有一点儿喧闹,却能激起孩子的会心大笑。 正如美国诗人惠特曼一首诗中所说: “有一个孩子每天向前走去,他看见最初的东西/他就变成那东西/那东西就变成了他的一部分……”通过英文阅读绘本,儿童不断进行着情感的体验,凭借着阅读,情感得到了提高和升华。


myfamily初中英语作文80字myfamily英 语作文 家,似船只停泊的港湾,似树木踏着的土地,似鸟儿停歇的巢儿,那是无论何时都会依靠的肩膀。我的家的英语作文并不难写。下面是WTT给大家精心挑选的my family初中英语作文80字,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! my family初中英语作文80字篇 1 Today I came to my dream of hope 2 class five, I am here for an aura of unusual there classmates all took a pair of big eyes and a kind of knowledge is difficult to use language to express feelings, the mood was made me feel I'm going to like them each with a frightened face to meet my favorite class.Alas, the mood how? Ah, I suddenly I have a feeling of want to escape, but I only reluctantly because in the face of reading here, say “hello” when the teacher came in the first day I hide in the back with a pair of smelly face, the teacher into me so gently sigh, in his eyes I saw the


myfamily英语作文 ?第一篇:my family(英语作文) my family there are six people in my family. my father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my brother and me. my name is houjuan. i am tall and a little fat. i like reading books and listening to music. i can ride a bike, but i can not cook. i wear glasses, and i am fourteen. my father is a driver. he is tall and strong. he likes cooking and listening to music. he is thirty-eight years old. he can ride a horse and sing, but he can not speak english. my mother is a manager. she likes reading books and singing. she can drive a car, but she can not ride a horse. my brother is fours old. he is very strong. he has two big eyes and small nose. he is very cute. i love him very much. my grandparents are farmers. they are sixty-nine years old. my grandma is short and strong. she has short hair. she likes doing sports and listening to music. my grandpa is very tall. he likes doing sports too. he can sing. i am a happy girl, because i have a happy family. i have my family very much. look! what a happy girl i am! ?第二篇:my family英语作文我的家庭 my family


清华幼儿英语课文新编 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022

清华幼儿英语课文(1A-1B) kinderPower Kinderpower Kinderpower,happy hour. We are?learning?kinderpower. We?learn?to?sing.?We?learn?to?talk.? We?learn?to?play?together.? Kinderpower,?happy?hour.? We?love?you.?Kinderpower.? Kinderpower.?Lalalala.? Lalalala,?kinderpower.? Kinderpower,happy?hour.? We?are?learning?kinderpower.? We?learn?to?care.?We?learn?to?share.? We?learn?to?help?each?other.? Kinderpower,happy?hour.? We?love?you?kinderpower.? Kinderpower,?lalalala? Lalalala,?kinderpower.? 1a Unit 1 ALittle Bee (I am little bee. I love honey. Yummy! ) Little bee, little bee, round, round, round.

Little bee, little bee, sound, sound, sound. bZzzzzz… 1a Unit 2 Peek-a-Boo Peek, peek, peek-a-Boo Peek, peek, I see you. Peek, peek, peek-a-Moo Peek, peek, I see you. 1a Unit 3 Gobble, gobble (Gobble, gobble, gobble. I’m turkey. Quack, quack, quack. I’m duck.) Gobble, gobble, gobble. Quack, quack, quack. A turkey says gobble. A duck says quack. 1a Unit 4 Now Tall, Now Small I’m streaching very tall. Now I’m very small. Now tall, now small. Now I’m tiny ball. 1a Unit 5 Four Little baby ducks (One little, two little, three little, four. Four little baby ducks.)


英文绘本Dinosaurs教案 教学目标: 1.让学生了解恐龙,认识恐龙,学会“恐龙”的英文单词 2.能听、说、读出恐龙的身体部位如tail, neck, 还有dinosaurs, horn, big, small 3.自制我的恐龙小书。 4.改变恐龙以往的凶残形象让学生认为恐龙也是容易接近的。 教学重点: 1.教学单词:tail, neck, dinosaurs, horn, big, small 2.自制恐龙书 教学准备: 水彩笔、ppt、音频、视频、卡纸 教学方法: 游戏教学法、老师引导与示范法 教学步骤: (一)教学引入 师:今天我们将要上一堂有趣的课,叫英文绘本。英文也就是说,在课堂中,我会使用一定的英语,算半堂英语课,请大家做好准备。那绘本则等于讲故事。大家之前上过吗?现在,刚才已经把大家分成两组了对吧,那之后谁回答一个问题,那组就会加一分,哪对分多,哪对就有奖励哟。 师:Class begin上课! 生:老师好! 师:同学们好,请坐sit down,please。 师:今天我们学Dinosaurs, dinosaurs,恐龙,恐龙。你们一定听说过恐龙吧,虽然恐龙已经在地球上消失多年了,但是我们人类一直对它很有兴趣。大家认为恐龙是什么样的呢? 生:学生自由回答…… 师:Okay好的,大家都说的非常好。也许你们描绘的或许以前真的存在哦。那我也稍微和大家说说恐龙。目前发现最大的恐龙叫地震龙。身长39——52米,身高18米,体重130吨。他们一走,脚踩地面,大地就会颤动,所以叫地震龙。最小的龙叫细鳄龙,身长60——90厘米,体重3千克,相当于一只小狗。(二)教学展示 师:恐龙除了大和小的特征,还有哪些呢?大家来看些图片……因为是全英文,大家可能没全懂,但有学生,看出恐龙的几个特征了吗? 生:很长/很小/很大 师:Good很好,接下来,我们再看一遍,我给大家翻译成中文,方便大家理解。(先要学生猜,再解答意思) 师:大家意思领悟的差不多了,我们来主要学习其中的一些单词。Neck,tail, horn, roar。Okay, stand up! 我们一起来做个恐龙操吧(音乐) A long time ago, A long time ago(手作波浪状的动作2遍。) Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, long long neck (脖子手势) Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, long long tail (尾巴挥动) Some with horns, roar! Roar! Roar!(角,摇头) Some are big, roar! Roar! Roar!(大的手势)


myfamily英语作文初一 篇一:MyFamily初一英语作文 I have a happy family. My dad and mom love me so much. there are six people in my family, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister and me. My dad is a boss. He is 39 years old. He’s tall and strong. He is very strict, too. He likes cars. I always goes to car show when he has time. My mom is my dad’s assistant. She is in charge of the company. She is 34 years old. She is tall, thin and very kind. She likes going shopping and reading books. My grandfather live with us. He’s old, short,and a little bit fat. He loves us very much. He likes listening to the Yue-Opra. My grandmother lives with us, too. She is old, short, thin and very kind, too. She likes planting trees and flowers. My younger sister is only three years old. She isn’t a student. She is very lovely. She is in Media Kindergarten. She likes

中班绘本英语《My body》教案

活动名称:中班绘本英语《My body》教案 执教教师:马丽 活动目标: 1.会用英语说出自己的身体部位。 2.在游戏与互动中熟练掌握并区分这四个身体部位。 3.通过多种语言组织孩子练习,培养应用能力。 活动重点: 能正确的发音并区分运用这四个单词,达到脱口而出的效果。 活动难点: 跟随音乐结合相应的动作进行律动。 活动准备: 课件、单词卡、身体部位图片等。 活动过程: 一、Greeting and warming up Say hello to everyone,和小朋友打招呼。 二、Words 1、出示道具——礼物盒子,吸引幼儿的注意力。There is a gift box,Do you want to know what in the box? 2、请幼儿亲自用手摸进行尝试 Who want to try?。 3、出示图片,引出新授内容。 4、learn new words :head 、shoulder、knee、toe。 三、Games 1、Touch the words ,say “hello”to it. 2、opposite tune . 3、I say you do.(show me your head touch your shoulder) and so on. 四、TPR and song (一)听歌“Head shoulder knee toe ”,先熟悉律动音乐。 Listen to this song ,which words did you hear?你听到了哪几个词,用手指一指相应的身体部位。 (二)听音乐,跟我一起做律动。Everybody stand up ,let's dance together. 活动延伸:教师带领幼儿讨论自己身体的各个部位都有什么作用,该如何保护它们。


英语作文大全my,family,英语作文(5篇)myfamily的英语 作文 my name is steven . i'm 10 years old, today my topic is my family . i have a happy family . there are three members:my father , my mother and me . my parents love mevery much . my mother is chinese teacher . she is very tall and thin . her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . my mother is very warm and friendly to others , but she is very strict with me . my father is a professional aountant . he works hard every day . he likes playing football . i usually play with him . we enjoy ourselves every time . my dream is to be a police officer when i grow up . everyboy , please cheer me on ! thanks ! thanks you very much !

I have a happy and small family.There are three people in my family in all:my mother,my father and I.My mother often does the housework for our family,and my father works hard in a pany.When my father is out of work,our family will go for a trip for fun. My father loves me very much and often buys me many books.My mother cook the meals for us.So I love my parents,I love my family. There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my brother and I.My mother is very beautiful.She is an engineer.She is very kind to me.My father is a worker.He works hard.He is strict with me.My brother is a 12-year-old boy.He is very naughty.He likes playing puter best.I am a middle school student.I like singing best.My dream is to be a singer. This is my family.It is warm.I like it very much. I have a very lucky family. There are five people in my family, my dad, mom, sister and brother. My dad is a host of the family. He is tall and strong. He is a boss. He works very hard. He likes singing and doing sports.
