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My first day at SeniOr high

My name is Li Kang, I IiVe in Shijiazhuang, a City not fa:T from Beijing, It is the CaPitaI City Of Hebei PrOVinCe? TOday is my first day at SeniOr High SChOOI and I' m Writing down my thoughts about it.

My new SChOOI is Very good and I Can See why. The teachers are Very enthusiastic and friendly and the CIaSSrOOmS are amazing? EVery room has a COmPUter With a SPeCiaI SCreenJ almost as big as a Cinema SCreen. The teachers Write On the COmPUterJ and their WOrdS appear On the SCreen behind them ? The SCreenS also ShOW photographs, text and information from WebSiteSJ They' re brilliant! The EngIiSh CIaSS is really interesting? The teacher is a Very enthusiastic WOman CalIed MS Shen.

We, re USing a new textbook and MS Shen' S method Of teaching is nothing Iike that Of the teachers at my JUniOr High SChOol. She thinks that reading COmPrehenSiOn is important, but We SPeak a IOt in CIaSSJ too. And We have fun. I don' t think I WilI be bored in MS Shen' S class!

TOday We introduced OUrSelVeS to each Other ?We did this in groups? SOme StUdentS Were embarrassed at first but everyone WaS Very friendly and it WaS really nice MS Shen gave US instructions and then We WOrked by OUrSeIVeS?

MS Shen WantS to help US improve OUr SPelIing and handwriting? We do this in a fun WayJ With SPelling games and Other activities J I Iike her attitude Very much J and the behaviour Of the Other StUdentS ShOWS that they Iike her, too.

There are SiXty-five StUdentS in my ClaSS- more than my PreViOUS CIaSS in JUniOr High? FOrty-nine Of them are girls? In Other WOrdS J there are three times as many girls as boys ?They Say that girls are USUalIy more hard-working than boys J but in this class, WOrking than boys J but in this class, everyone is hard-working ? FOr OUr homework tonight, We have to Write homework tonight, We have to Write a description

Of the Street Where We IiVe? I' m IOOking forward to doing it!

My NeW TeaCherS

They Say that first impressions are Very important? My first impression Of MrS Li WaS that She WaS nervous and shy. I think PerhaPS She WaS J as it WaS her first IeSSOn With US ?BUt now , after tow WeekS J the CIaSS really IikeS WOrking With her J She' S kind and Patient J and She explains EngliSh grammar SO CIearIy that even I Can UnderStand it! She avoids making you feel stupid! I' Ve always hated making mistakes Or PrOnOUnCing a WOrd incorrectly When I SPeak EngliSh m but MrS Li just SIniIes, SO that you don' t feel COmPIeteIy stupid! I think maybe She goes a bit too SIOWIy for the faster StUdentSJ but for Ineit' s WOnderfUI! I feel I' m going to make PrOgreSS With her?

I' d guess that MrS Cherl is almost SiXty. She' S Very StriCt—We don' t dare to Say a WOrd UnIeSS She asks US to. She' S also Very SeriOUS and doesn, t SmiIe much? When She asks you to do SOmething? YOU do it immediately! There are a few StUdentS in OUr CIaSS WhO keep COming to CIaSS Iate but they' re always On time for MrS Chen t S lessons! SOme Of OUr CIaSS don' t Iike her, but most Of US really appreciate her because her teaching is SO WelI OrganiZed and CIear? And a few StUdentS even admit Iiking her! DUring SCientifiC experiments, She explains exactly What is happening and as a result my WOrk is improving? PhySiCS

WilI never be my favourite lesson, but I think that I' IIdO WelI in the exam With MrS Chen teaching me.

Mr Wu, S OnIy been teaching US for two WeekS and he' S already Very POPUIar? I think this is because he really enjoys teaching ChineSe IiteratUre-he IOVeS it, in fact! He' S got SO much energy, this is One CIaSS you do not fall asleep in! H' S about 28, I think, and is rather good-looking? He talks IOUdIy and fast, and WaVeS his hands about a IOt When he gets excited? He' S really amusing and tells jokes When he thinks We t re getting bored?

EVen things Iike COmPOSitiOnS and SUnImarieS are fun With Mr Wu. I respect him a IOt?

My FirSt Ride On a Train

My name is AIiCe ThOmPSOn. I COme from Sydney, AUStraIia and I' m 18 years Old ? ReCentIy I had my first ride On a IOng- distance train. And What a ride! A friend and I traveled on the famous Ghan train. We got On in Sydney and We got Off in AliCe Springs, right in the IniddIe Of Australia, more than four thousand kilometers away. We SPent two days and nights On the train.

The train WaS WOnderfUI and the food WaS great? We ate great meals COOked by experts! FOr the first few hundred kilometers Of the journey the SCenery WaS Very COIOrful? There Were fields and the SOiI WaS dark red? After that, it WaS desert? The SUn shone, there WaS no Wind and there Were no CIOUdS in the sky. Suddenly, it IOOked Iike a PIaCe from another time? We SaW abandoned farms WhiCh Were built more than a hundred years ago.

The train WaS COnIfOrtabIe and the PeOPIe Were nice? DUring the day J I Sat and IOOked OUt Of the WindOWJ and SOmetimeS talked to Other PaSSengerS? I read books and IiStened to my ChineSe CaSSetteS (I t m StUdying ChineSe at SChOO1). One night, at about midnight, I WatChed the night Sky for about an hour? The StarS ShOne Iike diamonds?

Why is the train CalIed the Ghan? A IOng time ago, AUStraIianS needed a Way to travel to the middle Of the COUntry. They tried riding horses, but the horses didn' t Iike the hot Weather and Sand? A hundred and fifty years ago, they brought SOme CameIS from AfghaniStan. Ghan is ShOrt for AfghaniStan?

CameIS Were much better than horses for traveling a IOng distance? FOr many years, trained CameIS Carried food and Other SUPPlieSJ and returned With WOOI and Other PrOdUCtS?

The AfghanS and their CameIS did this UntiI the 1920s? Therl the government built a new railway line, SO they didn' t need the CameIS anymore ? In 1925, they PaSSed a IaW WhiCh allowed PeOPIe to ShOOt the animals if they Were a PrObIem. In 1935, the POliCe in a town ShOtI53 CameIS in One day.

A LiVeIy City

XL: It' S great to See you again, JOhn.

JM: It' S great to See you! It' S been SiX years SinCe We IaSt SaW each other, you know. And this is the first time I' Ve ViSited your hometown?

XL: YeS , I' m so glad you COUId come.

JM: YOU know. I' Ve Seen QUite a IOt Of China and I' Ve ViSited SOme beautiful CitieSJ but this is One Of the most attractive PIaCeS I' Ve been to. It' S SO lively, and everyone SeemS SO friendly.

XL: Yes, it' S One Of the most interesting CitieS On the coast, everyone SayS so. I feel Very fortunate IiVing here? And I IOVe IiVing by the SeaSide?

JM: YOU IiVe in the northwest Of Xiamen, is that right?

XL: Yes, that, S right?

JM: What, S the Climate like?

XL: Pretty hot and Wet in the summer, but it Can be quite COId in the Winter?

JM: SOUndS OK to me. There are a IOt Of tourists around,? Don" t they bother you ?

XL: Yes, they Can be a nuisance in the SUmmer because there are SO many Of them?

JM: Oh, IOOk at that huge apartment block!

XL: Yes, they' Ve just COmPIete it. The rent for an apartment there is Very high?

JM: I believe you! ThiS area' S SO modern!

XL: YeS , this is the business district? They' Ve PUt UP a IOt Of high-rise buildings recently. And there are SOme great ShOPPing malls? See, We t re just PaSSing One now. My wife* S just bought a beautiful dress from One Of the ShOPS there?

JM: Maybe I COUld buy a few PreSents there?

XL: I, 11 take you there tomorrow? NOW we' re IeaVing the business district and approaching the harbour? We t re entering the WeStern district, the most interesting Part Of the City? It' S got SOme

really Pretty parks???

JM: It SeemS IOVeIy? IS that GUIangyU Island, just across the water?

XL: Yes, it is. It' s a gorgeous island With SOme really interesting architecture?

JM: SO they tell me. DO you think We COUld StOP and WaIk around for a while?

XL: Yes, I WaS just going to do that? We Can Park OVer there? A friend* S told me about a nice IittIe fish restaurant near here? ShalI We go there for lunch?

JM: That SOUndS great? I' m StarVing!

A LeSSOn in a Lab

PaSSage A

It is hard to think Of a WOrId WithOUt metals? Different metals have different uses, for example, SteeI is USed in cars, and iron is USed in electrical equipment? When We USe metals, it is important to know how they react With different substances, for example, Water and OXygen. The reaction Of metals With these SUbStanCeS Can be PUt in order. Here is a table With the metals that react most at the top, and the metals that react IeaSt at the bottom?

PaSSage B

A SimPIe SCientifiC EXPeriment

BeIOW is a description Of a SimPIe SCientifiC experiment? It ShOWS

US how iron reacts With air and With Water?

Aim: TO find OUt if iron rusts (a) in dry air; (b) in Water that

has no air in it(air-free Water):(C) in Ordinary Water?

APParatUS: 3 CIean iron nails: test tubes; test tube holder; COttOn

WOOI: OiI; BUnSen burner?

IrOrl in dry air


(1)PUt SOme iron nails at the bottom Of a test tube?

(2)PUSh SOme COtton WOOI down the tube?

(3)LeaVe the tube for One Week?


After One week, the nails have not rusted.


IrOrl does not rust in dry air?

IrOn in air-free Water


(1)HaIf-fill a test tube With Water?

(2)BOiI the Water for three minutes (ThiS makes SUre there is no air in the Water ?)

(3)PUt two Or three CIean nails in the Water?

(4)Add SOme OiI to the Water? ThiS WilI keep air OUt Of the Water?

(5)LeaVe the tube for One Week?


The nails do not rust in the tube With air-free Water?


IrOrl does not rust in air-free Water?

IrOrl in Ordinary Water


(I)Half-fill a test tube With Water and add two Or three CIean


(2)LeaVe the tube for One Week?


The nails rust in the tube With Ordinary Water?


IrOrl rusts in Ordinary Water?

The Internet and TeIeCOmmUniCatiOnS

The Internet is the biggest SOUrCe Of information in the world, and it, S accessible through a COmPUter? It COnSiStS Of millions Of PageS Of data.

Irl 1969, DARPA, a US defence OrganiZation, developed a Way for all their COmPUterS to U taIk n to each Other through the telephone? They Created a network Of COmPUterS CalIed DARPANET? FOr fifteen years, OnIy the US army COUId USe this SyStem Of COmmUniCatiOn. Then in 1984, the US NatiOnaI SCienCe FOUndatiOn (NSF) Started the NSFNET network? It then became POSSibIe for UniVerSitieS to USe the SyStem as WeI1. NSFNET became known S the Inter-Network, Or U Internet n? The WOrId Wide Web (the Web) is a COmPUter network that allows COmPUter USerS to access information from millions Of WebSiteS Via the Internet? At he moment, about 80 PerCent Of Web traffic is in EngIiShJ but this PerCentage is going down?By2020, much Web traffic COUId be in ChineSe?

The WOrld Wide Web WaS invented in 1991 by an EngIiSh scientist, Tim BernerS-Lee? BernerS-Lee built his first COmPUter WhiIe he WaS at UniVerSity USing an Old television! He Came UP With the idea Of the WOrId Wide Web in 1989 WhiIe he WaS WOrking in SWiZerIand?

BUrnerS-Lee made it POSSible for everyone to USe the Irlternet, IlOt just UniVerSitieS and the army. He designed the first U Web browser v J WhiCh allowed COmPUter USerS to access documents from Other COmPUter? FrOnl that moment on, the Web and the Internet grew. Within five years, the number Of Internet USerS rose from 600, OOO to 40 InilIion.

The Internet has Created thousands Of millionaires, but BernerS-Lee is not One Of them. EVeryOne in the WOrId Can access the Internet USing his WOrld Wide Web SyStem. He now WOrkS as a IeCtUrer at MaSSaChUSettS InStitUte Of TeChnOIOgy in BOStOn.
