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汉译英三步骤: 1.理解原文 包括原文逐字逐句的理解、对原文整体思想、观点和态度的理解,也包括对原文句子之 间和各部分之间相互关系的理解。 2.英语表达 在正确理解原文的基础上进行的,不是一对一的死译,而是在理解原文的基础上用相应 的英语结构、词汇和表达习惯准确的表达原文的意思。 3.核对检查 认真阅读自己的译文,要用挑错的眼光来检查译文是否正确表达了原文的意思,是否有 漏译、错译,译文语法如时态、语态、单复数形式和拼写上是否有错误。 汉译英翻译技巧: 1.选择恰当的英语词汇 有些英语词汇不仅有字面意思,还有内含意思。 e.g.“国家”:country, nation, state, land 分别内涵:疆土、人民、政府、感情 有些英语词汇本身含有贬义或一些委婉的意思,运用时要特别注意。 e.g.“宣传”publicize, propaganda (带贬义) 汉译英选词原则: (1)选适合上下文的词汇 e.g.“观众”:audience,viewer, spectator 分别表示:听音乐会或看戏的观众、电视观众、看体育表演的观众 “条件”不同情况下应用不同的英语词表达: 工作条件:working condition 有利的条件:favorable situation 录取条件:admission requirement 付款条件:terms of payment 词汇选择首先要忠于原文的意思。 e.g.近年来由于就业问题日益严重,有些人建议让没有工作的未婚妇女来替换那些 家务繁重的女工。 “就业问题”:employment problem, unemployment problem(找不到工作就业已 成问题,即失业问题) “没有工作的妇女”: women without jobs, women hunting for jobs(没有工作又 需要找工作的妇女,不需找工作的并不包括在内) (2)要注意词的广义、狭义、具体的意思和抽象意思的不同 e.g. ①他讲的笑话逗得我们都笑了。 ②他讲的话使我们大家都笑了。 ①His joke made us laugh. ②What he said make us laugh. We all smile at what he said. (3)选词时不要望文生义,不要死译,要考虑与汉语对应的英语词汇真正的意思。 e.g.①他们的好奇心得到了满足。


一、翻译下列句子,注意选词: 1.人民现在为什么拥护我们?就是这十几年有发展。 2.由于全球气候变暖,海平面在一点点地上升。 3.改革开放也使民族精神获得了解放。 4.我们的企业应着重提高国际竞争力。 5.中国的现代化建设离不开与世界各国的经济合作与贸易往来。 6.湖区水位提高可能要危及竹子的生长。这意味着以竹子为食物的大熊猫也将 受到威胁。 参考译文: 1.Why do people support us? Because our economy has been developing. 2.The sea level is rising little by little in the consequence of global warming. 3.Reforms and the open policy have also emancipated the minds of the people. 4.We need to be enhancing international competitiveness. 5.China’s modernization is inseparable from her economic cooperation and trade ties with other nations. 6.Higher water levels in the lake area may endanger the growing of bamboos, which means giant pandas that feed on these plants will suffer, too. 二、物称与人称(翻译下列句子,注意运用物称表达法) 我想到希望,忽然害怕起来了。 他气得话也说不出来。 我一时想不起他的名字。 我疏忽了这个问题。 我兴奋得什么话都说不出来。 走过草地几步,我们就到了一个华丽的大酒店。 你只消仔细比较一下,就会发现不同。 一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。 恕我孤陋寡闻,对此关系一无所知。 凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。 参考译文: The access of hope made me suddenly afraid. Anger choked his words. His name escaped me for the moment. This point slipped my attention. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel.


1. 主语的确定 ?主语的三种处理方法: ?①以原句主语作译文主语 ?直接法 ?②重新确定主语 ?间接法 ?③增补主语 ?添加法 ?①直接法 ?例句1:我们的房子是一百多年前制造的。 ?Our house was built over a hundred years ago. ?例句2:我是地球人。 ?I come from the earth. ?例句3:如果不恰当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。 ?Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities. ?例句4:如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。 ?If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts” of writing. ?例句5:中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。 ?China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words. ?例句6:人有失错,马有漏蹄。 ?As a horse may tumble, a man may make mistakes. ?非常简单

?文化差异 ?应用有限 ?②间接法 ?中英文表达的习惯不同 ?语言地道,句式多样 ?例句7:世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 ?译法1(直接法):At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities. ?译法2(间接法):The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. ?例句8:1964年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。 ?译法1:In October, 1964, China blasted its first atomic bomb, which shocked the rest of the world significantly. ?译法2:China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world. ?例句9:胎又瘪了。 ?译法1:We’ve got another flat tire. ?译法2:Our tire is flat again. ?例句10:人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 ?译法1:It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints. ?译法2:We cannot judge people from their appearance, just as we cannot measure the ocean by pints. ?回忆:海纳百川,有容乃大。 ?③增补法 ?推敲语境 ?考虑英语语法习惯和行文的需要。


B5M1(句子翻译) 1.It_doesn’t_matter_whether you will attend the party or not. 你来不来参加派对并不重要。 2.Many students are hot on playing computer games, while Wang Chen likes playing Weiqi. 许多学生热衷于电脑游戏,而王琛却喜欢下围棋。 .They have a lot in common and get along well with each other. 3.他们有很多相同之处,相处得很融洽。 .They are twin sisters, yet they have_little_in_common in their hobbies. 4.她们是孪生姐妹,但是她们的业余爱好几乎没有相同之处。 .In_common_with other companies, they advertise widely as well. 5.和其他公司一样,他们也广泛地做广告。 .One false step will make a great difference. 6.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 .The twins look so similar that you can hardly tell_the_difference_between them. 7.这对双胞胎看起来太像了,你简直无法把他们区分开来。 .It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 8.这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。 .It_is_obvious_that the two Englishes have much in common. 9.很显然,这两种英语有很多共同之处。 .Obviously (obvious), American spelling is simpler than British spelling. 10很显然,美式拼写要比英式拼写简单。 .Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news gets around quickly. 11.好事不出门,坏事传千里。 .It’s time I got down to some serious work. 12.我该认真干点正事了。 .I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through. 13.昨天我试着给你打过几次电话,但是没有打通。 .A man in confusion (confuse) cannot focus on the required work. 14.思绪混乱的人不可能集中精力做他被要求做的工作。 ③The confused look on his face suggested that he was confused about the confusing questions asked


汉译英 句子的翻译专题 1. 主语的确定 ?主语的三种处理方法: ?①以原句主语作译文主语 ?直接法 ?②重新确定主语 ?间接法 ?③增补主语 ?添加法 ?①直接法 ?例句1:我们的房子是一百多年前制造的。 ?Our house was built over a hundred years ago. ?例句2:我是地球人。 ?I come from the earth. ?例句3:如果不恰当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。 ?Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities. ?例句4:如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。 ?If vocabulary is the “building materials”for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts”of writing. ?例句5:中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。 ?China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words. ?例句6:人有失错,马有漏蹄。 ?As a horse may tumble, a man may make mistakes. ?非常简单

?文化差异 ?应用有限 ?②间接法 ?中英文表达的习惯不同 ?语言地道,句式多样 ?例句7:世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 ?译法1(直接法):At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities. ?译法2(间接法):The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. ?例句8:1964年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。 ?译法1:In October, 1964, China blasted its first atomic bomb, which shocked the rest of the world significantly. ?译法2:China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world. ?例句9:胎又瘪了。 ?译法1:We’ve got another flat tire. ?译法2:Our tire is flat again. ?例句10:人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 ?译法1:It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints. ?译法2:We cannot judge people from their appearance, just as we cannot measure the ocean by pints. ?回忆:海纳百川,有容乃大。 ?③增补法


Chapter 13 英汉长句的翻译 Translation of English Long Sentences 1. 何谓长句 所谓长句,主要指语法结构复杂、修饰成分较多、内容层次在两个或两个以上的复合句,亦可指含义较多的简单句。 2、汉英长句比较 英、汉两种语言在句法上存在差异,英语多为形合句,汉语多为意合句。汉语句子多属于紧缩型,英语的句子多属于扩展型.英语修辞语位置相对灵活,前置后置,比较自如,尤其倾向于后置,十分有利于句子的扩展。英语句子较长,且较多使用关联词和从句。多种从句(主语、状语、定语、表语从句)并存的长句比比皆是。因为英语结构复杂,层次变化多样,容易产生误解,所以英语长句翻译成为难点。 3、英语长句的分析 在分析长句时可以采用下面的方法: (1) 找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语(主干/句), 从整体上把握句子的结构。 (2) 找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引导词。 (3) 分析从句和短语的功能, 例如, 是否为主语从句, 宾语从句, 表语从句等,若是状语, 它是表示时间、原因、结果、还是表示条件等等)。 (4) 分析词、短语和从句之间的相互关系, 例如, 定语从句所修饰的先行词是哪一个等。 (5) 注意插入语等其他成分。 例:Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 分析: (1) 该句的主语为behaviorists, 谓语为suggest, 宾语为一个从句, 因此整个句子为Behaviorist suggest that-clause 结构。 (2) 该句共有五个谓语结构, 它们的谓语动词分别为suggest, is raised, are, develop, experience等。 译文:行为主义者认为, 如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素, 这些因素又有利于其适当反应能力的发展, 那么, 儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平 4. 翻译方法 4 . 1 顺译法Synchronizing 有些英语长句叙述的一连串动作按发生的时间先后安排,或按逻辑关系安排,与汉语的表达方式比较一致,可按原文顺序译出。 例(1)In international buying and selling of goods, there are a number of risks, which, if they occur, will involve traders in financial losses. (在)国际贸易货物的买卖(中)存在着各种各样的风险,这些风险的发生将会给(有关的)商人们带来经济损失。 例(2) (1)In Africa I met a boy,(2) who was crying as if his heart would break and said,(3)when I spoke


1)这种力,是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要 显现。 2)凭窗站了一会,微微的觉得凉意侵入。转过身来,忽然眼花缭乱, 屋子里的别的东西,都隐在光云里;…… 3)这架收音机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放区人民的心,载着全 中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。 4)看着信,林震不禁独自笑起来了,他拿起笔把“中于”改成“终 于”,准备在回信时告诉他们下次要避免别字。 5)人无千日好,花无百日红。 6)除了我这间房,大院里还有二十多间房呢。一共住着多少家子, 谁说得清住两间房的就不多,又搭上今儿个搬来,明儿个又搬走。 我没那么好的记性。大家见面,招呼声“吃了吗”透着和气。 7)肝炎是全球关注的健康问题。亚洲是全世界肝炎患者最多的地区。 8)特别是比较偏僻落后的农村,还残存着少数包办买卖婚姻的陋习。 9)于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里,总有我赶路的身影,雨里、雾里、 风里、雪里,只盼着早些回家…… 10)判断我们各方面工作的是非是失,归根到底,要以是否有利于 发展社会主义社会的生产力,是否有利于增强我国的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平为标准。 11)小路两边,是两行小柳树。树枝细细的,柳叶沙沙响。嫩叶上 刷着一层白色的绒毛。 12)密蜂是在酿密,又是在酿造生活;不是为自己,而是为人类酿 造最甜密的生活。 13)几件小摆设,每一件都代表着一个故事,珍藏着它们就象珍藏 着一份份美好的回忆。 14)我听了他的话,试着站直了身子,突然视野开阔了,天地变大 了,只见身前是水,身后是水,水连着天,天连着水。

15)在那里,古树摇曳春秋,山花自谢自开,植被茸茸生烟。 16)我厂生产的地毯图案新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方富丽堂皇。 17)天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。 18)我们要培养出适应社会主义现代化建设需要的一代“四有新 人”。 19)花朵虽然看上去可爱,但风吹不得,日晒不得。 20)她虽是女流,但不受旧思想约束,担任了一家进步杂志的编辑。 21)语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 22)为此我拼命干活,连春节也不例外。 23)他见到你连魂都丢了。 24)我突然发现童稚是一种最机智最完美的智慧,甚至这种智慧隐 寓着深刻的哲理。 25)素以能“吃苦耐劳”而著称的中国人,现在竟自觉不如“西洋 人”或“东洋人”能吃苦了。 26)搞环境保护的同志真马虎,昨晚下那场大雪,竟没有校园巡 视。…… 27)有一位歌手,有一次地唱完了歌,竟没有一个人鼓掌。 28)她双眼无一丝表情,人们简直以为她根本没有看见对方。 29)人们啊,往往如此,有时在一起工作几十年,却依然形同陌路, 有时,才碰头,就好象几辈子之前就相知了。 30)他个子足有二米,每进屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击。 31)唉,和前一辈做父亲的一比,我觉得我们这一辈生命力薄弱得 可怜。 32)节日的高潮是除夕夜,在旧年与新年交替之时,家庭全体成员 要聚在一起吃年饭,菜中有道菜是鱼,而且有人讲究不能把它吃守,图个“年年有余”的吉利。 33)对于爱恋中的情人来说,这不是雾,是晶莹温暖的初雪,是撩


汉译英句子翻译常见问题解析 摘要:在英语学习过程中,句子的翻译一直都是学习者关注的 焦点问题。本文就英语的汉译英句子翻译中常见的、学习者容易犯 错的问题,比如词汇、句子结构、母语负迁移等进行归纳,有针对 性地给出例子,作出详细的分析与讲解。 关键词:汉译英句子翻译常见问题 学习任何一门外语,它的句子翻译总是处于关键的地位。对这 种情况,广大的英语教师都在探寻相对理想的解决途径。笔者根据 自己的教学经验,从考试及练习中抽取大学生英语句子翻译的例子,进行仔细分析,试着以目前学生英语句子翻译中存在的常见问题为 突破口,探索造成这些问题的原因,并且尝试总结解决这些问题的 途径,希望对学生句子翻译水平的提高起到促进作用。 1.词汇问题 词汇是学习及翻译任何一门外语的首要基础,要清楚明白地翻 译出原来句子的意思就必须有足够的词汇量作为基础。词汇量越大,翻译出来的句子就能够更加接近原句的意思。当然,在词汇量充足 的情况下,翻译出来的句子质量更高。我国的考试模式,客观题较多,主观题较少,使得教学侧重点倾向于为考试拿高分服务,在没 有本土语言环境的条件下,很多学生对所学词汇大都只是停留在认 得的阶段,就是看见一个单词能够想起它的意思,但是不能牢固掌 握单词的用法,出现以下问题。 1.1 词性拼写错误及词性误用问题 词性是任何阶段学习英语的重点,辨清词性对正确运用语言大 有帮助。一些学生在翻译句子的过程中,常常不注意分析词性或对 词的用法不明确,表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词 当动词用,等等。 例1:圣诞节期间,人们过得很愉快①。 during chrismas, people are happiness②. 分析:译文中的chrismas很显然是拼写错误,应该改为,christmas,且译文中的happiness明显是名词误用为形容词。当然,译文中还存在介词的不规范使用的问题。译文应该修正为:at christmas, people are happy. 1.2措词问题


一、戒“从一而终” 汉语言简意赅,句子灵活,往往是一个汉语词汇对应N个英语词汇,具体到在本句中应该采用哪个意项,务必抓住精神实质,不可以不变应万变。至于怎么应变,这就是显示译者功力的地方了。 比如:都是“问题”,下面的翻译各不相同,几乎是打一枪换一个地方。 共同关心的问题questions of common interest 解决问题solve a problem 问题的关键the heart of the matter 关键问题a key problem 原则问题a question/matter of principle 没有什么问题without any mishap 摩托车有点问题Something is wrong with the motorcycle. 问题不在这里That is not the point. 译者要掌握这种汉英翻译中的“游击战术”,翻译家应是不同“文化王国”边境线上的“游击战略家”。 沙博里将《水浒传》译为:Outlaws of the Marsh(沼泽地上的亡命之徒),杨宪益译将屈原的《国殇》译为:For Those Fallen forTheir Country,北外出版社将《儒林外史》译为:The Scholars。这些都是译者吃透了原文的原意而译出的佳作。 二、戒望文生义,机械直译 这多半是初学者犯的毛病,他们易于被表面现象所迷惑。 黄牛(yellow cow——ox前误后正,下同) 黄鹂(yellow bird ——oriole) 黄瓜( yellow melon——cucumber) 紫菜(purple vegetable ——laver) 红木(red wood——padauk) 红豆杉(red fir——Chinese yew) 黑社会(black society ——sinister gang) 三、戒“水土不符”,习惯搭配失当




B5M1(句子翻译) 1.It_doesn’t_matter_whether you will attend the party or not. 你来不来参加派对并不重要。 2.Many students are hot on playing computer games, while Wang Chen likes playing Weiqi. 许多学生热衷于电脑游戏,而王琛却喜欢下围棋。 .They have a lot in common and get along well with each other. 3.他们有很多相同之处,相处得很融洽。 .They are twin sisters, yet they have_little_in_common in their hobbies. 4.她们是孪生姐妹,但是她们的业余爱好几乎没有相同之处。 .In_common_with other companies, they advertise widely as well. 5.和其他公司一样,他们也广泛地做广告。 .One false step will make a great difference. 6.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 .The twins look so similar that you can hardly tell_the_difference_between them. 7.这对双胞胎看起来太像了,你简直无法把他们区分开来。 .It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 8.这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。 .It_is_obvious_that the two Englishes have much in common. 9.很显然,这两种英语有很多共同之处。 .Obviously (obvious), American spelling is simpler than British spelling. 10很显然,美式拼写要比英式拼写简单。 .Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news gets around quickly. 11.好事不出门,坏事传千里。 .It’s time I got down to some serious work. 12.我该认真干点正事了。 .I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through. 13.昨天我试着给你打过几次电话,但是没有打通。 .A man in confusion (confuse) cannot focus on the required work. 14.思绪混乱的人不可能集中精力做他被要求做的工作。 ③The confused look on his face suggested that he was confused about the confusing questions asked by his parents.(confuse) 15.他脸上迷惑的表情表明他对父母问的那些令人迷惑的问题感到困惑。 They confused me by asking so many confusing questions. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do.


英语句子乍看错综复杂,千变万化,短句短到只一个字,长句长达几行。例如美国诗人Robert Frost的《The Silken Tent》全诗十四行,仅是一句话。其实仔细分析,英语句子就是如下五种基本句型的扩展与缩小。 (1)S + V (主语+ 谓语) e.g. Good record will help. (2)S + V + P (主语+ 谓语+ 表语) e.g. I am a student. (3)S + V + O (主语+ 谓语+ 宾语) e.g. Practice needs great effort. (4)S + V + O + O(主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语) e.g. She gave me some books. (5)S + V + O + OC(主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾补) e.g. That news made her happy. 我们要牢牢掌握这五个基本句型,这是基本功之基本功。动笔之前,仔细阅读原句,确切理解原句内容,抓住全句中心,搞清楚各个部分之间的关系。然后把句子缩小了再缩小,缩小到只剩下以上五个基本句型中的主要成分。先心译,再笔译。在心译过程中,从基本句型开始,一步步扩大句子,添加修饰成分,直至完整,再笔译。 例1:“就在文戈获释之前,他给妻子写了一封信,问她是否愿意让他回去。” 第一步把句子缩小到只剩主要成分,但句子仍然通顺。 “文戈写了一封信。”Vingo wrote a letter. 第二步增加修饰成分,扩大句子。 “文戈给妻子写了一封信。”Vingo wrote a letter to his wife. 第三步再扩大句子。 “就在文戈获释之前,他给妻子写了一封信。”Just before he was released from jail, Vingo wrote a letter to his wife. 第四步再扩大句子,直至完整,最后笔译。 “就在文戈获释之前,他给妻子写了一封信,问她是否愿意让他回去。”Just before he was released from jail, Vingo wrote a letter to his wife asking if she would have him back. 例2:“体育代表团团长在少先队员向他献上一束鲜花时愉快地笑了。”思维方法同上。(1)The head of the delegation beamed. (2)The head of the sports delegation beamed. (3)The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight. (4)The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers. 例3:“老人读完后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手指把它撕得粉碎。” (1)The old man was disappointed. (2)After reading the letter, the old man was disappointed. (3)After reading the letter, the old man was so disappointed that he tore it into little bits. (4)After reading the letter, the old man was so disappointed that he tore it into little bits with his trembling fingers. 例4:“在讨论这个问题之前,我要给你们读点东西。” (1)I’ll read you something. (2)Before the question is discussed, I’ll read you something.


英译汉翻译练习:文学翻译与长句的处理 翻译下列文学片断,注意长句的分析、理解和翻译。 Not less excellent, except for our less susceptibility in the afternoon, was the charm, last evening, of a January sunset. The western clouds divided and subdivided themselves into pink flakes modulated with tints of unspeakable softness, and the air had so much life and sweetness that it was a pain to come within doors. What was it that nature would say? Was there no meaning in the live repose of the valley behind the mill, and which Homer or Shakespeare could not reform for me in words? The leafless trees become spires of flame in the sunset, with the blue cast for their background, and the stars of the dead calices of flowers, and every withered stem and stubble rimed with frost, contribute something to the mute music. The inhabitants of cities suppose that the country landscape is pleasant only half the year. I please myself with the graces of the winter scenery, and believe that we are as much touched by it as by the genial influences of summer. To the attentive eye, each moment of the year has its own beauty, and in the same field, it beholds, every hour, a picture which was never seen before, and which shall never be seen again. The heavens change every moment, and reflect their glory or gloom on the plains beneath. The state of the crop in the surrounding farms alters the expression of the earth from week to week. (共240字) 不少优秀的,除了下午我们少敏感性,是魅力一月日落,昨晚,。西部云划分和细分自己变成调制有说不出的柔软色调的粉红色薄片,空气中有这么多的生命和甜蜜,这是一个痛苦来内门。是什么样的性质,会说什么?有没有在后面的磨谷的现场养神没有意义,荷马或莎士比亚的话能不能改我吗?光秃秃的树木变成火焰在夕阳的尖顶,与蓝色的演员为他们的背景,和枯死的花盏星星,每茎枯萎和根茬蒙布霜,有助于东西静音音乐。 城市的居民假定国家风景宜人只有半年时间。我乐于与冬季风光青睐,并相信我们是由尽可能多的感动夏季的和煦影响。要细心的眼睛,一年的每一刻都有自己的美丽,并在同一领域,它必见,每隔一小时,这是从来没有见过的,并且永远不得再看到一个画面。天上每时每刻变化,并反映他们对下方的平原荣耀或忧郁。在附近的农场作物的状态改变了地球的表达从一周到一周。(共240字)\\ 不那么优秀的,除了我们下午少敏,是魅力,最后一个晚上,1月日落。西云划分得当自己变成粉红片调制颜色的柔软,空气有那么多的生命和甜蜜在门,这是一个痛苦。自然会说什么来着?没有意义的生活背后的静止谷机,和荷马和莎士比亚不能改革我的话吗?那叶儿落净的树木成为在夕阳中火焰的尖顶,蓝色的背景,和死者的星星花盏,和每一个枯萎的残梗茎、结晶与霜、贡献一些沉默的音乐。 城市的居民认为国家风景宜人的只有一半。我请的装饰音冬天的景色,和相信我们尽可能多的感动它夏天的和蔼的影响。细心的眼睛,每一刻,都有自己的美丽,而在同一领域,它看见,每一小时,这是从未见过的照片,永远不会再次出现。诸天改变每一刻,反映他们的荣耀或忧郁下面的平原。在周围的农场作物的状态改变地球一周比一周的表达。(共240字)


2015年汉译英综合练习 1. 她就是这样风里来,雨里去,成年累月地工作着。 This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round. 2.西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。 The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with emerald hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 3.但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变过来。 But it’s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it. 4.一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地地受到关怀和照顾。 From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 5.袭人道:“一百年还记得呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。” “I’ll remember it if I live to be a hundred!” said Aroma. “I am not like you, letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.” 6.要制造飞机,就必须仔细考虑空气阻力问题。 Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be made. 7.为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我呢? Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed onto me? 8.只有在我过于劳累,在我长时间无间断地工作,在我感到内心空虚,需要补充精神营养 的时候,我才感到寂寞。 I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. 9. 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 The successful explosion of the first atomic bomb in China caused great repercussions all over the world. 10. 我们应该实行国民经济信息化和科研成果产业化。 We should build an information-based national economy and apply scientific research achievements to industrial production. 11. 你说的倒轻巧,你也给我捧个奖杯回来。 You talk as if it were very simple. Why not try yourself and see if you can bring back a trophy, too? 12. 中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治、永不称霸。 China should show the world through actions that she is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. 13. 中国明朝的著名旅行家徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍布全国。 Xu Xiake, a great traveler in China’s Ming Dynasty, visited 16provinces in his lifetime, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. 14. 阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:“这毛虫”! Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!” 15. “三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”,这就是说,群众有伟大的创造力。 The old saying, “Three cobblers wi th their wits combined would equal Zhuge Liang, the master mind,” simply means the masses have great creativity. 16. 其实中年是人生盛华的开始,不应贪婪,不应享受。 In fact, middle age represents the prime of one’s life, allowing no greed or self-indulgence.
