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Identification of the glucosinolates in vegetable and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) samples by using ESI-QTOF-MS and MS/MS analysis蔬菜和中医(TCM)样品中的硫代葡萄糖苷使用ESI- QTOF- MS和MS / MS分析鉴定
Qualitative analysis 定性分析
Determination of the retention times for each intact glucosinolate standard 每个完整的硫代葡萄糖苷的标准保留时间的测定
In the HPLC analysis, the twelve intact glucosinolate standards were baseline separated as shown in Figure 4. The most polar glucosinolate standard, glucoiberin was first eluted out. When the composition of mobile phase B was increased by the gradient program, the relatively non-polar glucosinolates were eluted out in an order of descending the olarities of the glucosinolate standards. The most non-polar glucosinolate standard, luconasturtiin was the last one to be eluted out.在高效液相色谱分析,12个完整的硫代葡萄糖苷的标准,如在图4所示的基线分离。大多数极性苷的标准,glucoiberin首先被洗脱出来。当流动相B组成的梯度程序增加,相对非极性的硫代葡萄糖苷洗脱为了降的硫代葡萄糖苷的标准的olarities。最非极性苷标准,luconasturtiin是最后一个被洗脱出来。
Under the chromatographic conditions described in Chapter 2.7, the average and relative retention times for each glucosinolate standard were determined and shown in Table 6: 在第2.7章所述的色谱条件下,平均每个苷标准和相对保留时间进行了测定,并在表6所示:
Identification of the glucosinolates in vegetable and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) samples by using reversed-phase HPLC analysis 采用反相高效液相色谱法分析蔬菜和中医(TCM)样品中的硫代葡萄糖苷的鉴定
The glucosinolates in three vegetable and ten TCM samples were analyzed. By comparing the retention times of the sample extracts with those of the glucosinolate standards, the presence of the glucosinolates in the sample extracts could be identified. However, the retention times of the glucosinolates in the sample extracts varied a little bit due to the complicated martices in the sample extracts. Therefore, a small volume of 1,000ppm glucosinolate mixture standard solution was spiked into the sample extracts for the identification of the glucosinolates in the sample extracts. By comparing the peak areas of the corresponding retention times in the chromatogram of original sample extract with the spiked one, the peak areas of the spiked one were increased. It identified that the sample extract contained the glucosinolates being spiked.
By repeating the spiked standard method described above, it identified that Root of Isatis indigotica Fort. [北板藍根] contained glucoiberin, glucocheirolin, progoitrin, sinigrin, epiprogoitrin, glucoraphenin, sinalbin, gluconapin, glucotropaeolin, glucoerucin and gluconasturtiin.
The chromatograms of Root of Isatis

indigotica Fort. [北板藍根] extract and Root of Isatis indigotica Fort. [北板藍根] extract with standards spiked were shown in Figures 5a and 5b respectively.
三种蔬菜和10个中药样品中的硫代葡萄糖苷进行了分析。苷标准的样品提取物的保留时间比较,可确定样本中提取的硫代葡萄糖苷的存在。然而,提取不同样品中的硫代葡萄糖苷的保留时间由于样本中提取的复杂martices的一点点。因此,1000 ppm的硫代葡萄糖苷的混合标准溶液的体积小,被添加到的样本中提取的硫代葡萄糖苷的鉴定的样品提取。在与飙升的原始样本中提取相应的保留时间的色谱峰面积比较,加标峰面积均增加。它确定了样品提取中正在飙升的硫代葡萄糖苷。
重复上面介绍的方法加标标准,确定了板蓝根的根。 [北板藍根]所载glucoiberin,glucocheirolin,progoitrin,sinigrin,epiprogoitrin,glucoraphenin,sinalbin,gluconapin,glucotropaeolin,glucoerucin和gluconasturtiin。 菘蓝根的色谱。 [北板藍根]板蓝根提取物和根。 [北板藍根]标准飙升提取物分别在图5a和5b所示。
Identification of the glucosinolates in vegetable and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) samples by using ESI-QTOF-MS and MS/MS analysis蔬菜和中医(TCM)样品中的硫代葡萄糖苷使用ESI- QTOF- MS和MS / MS分析鉴定
By using the spiked standard method described in Chapter 3.1.2, the glucosinolates in the sample extracts can be detected. However, the retention times of the spiked glucosinolate standards might be same as those of the interferences in the sample extracts.
To pinpoint the co-elution problem mentioned above, the electrospray ionzation-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry in negative mode was used for further confirmation of the HPLC fractions of the glucosinolates detected in the sample extracts. The identification was based on the molecular ion mass and the pattern of their corresponding fragment ions. It was a more powerful method than the spiked standard method and capable of providing the information on the elemental compositions and the structures of the molecules.
HPLC fractions of the glucosinolates detected in vegetable and TCM sample extract were collected. The collected fractions were diluted with methanol, followed by negative ESI-QTOF-MS analysis.
The deprotoned molecular ion, [M-H]- of the HPLC fraction in ESI-QTOF-MS spectrum was compared with that of the corresponding glucosinolate standard. For example, the
deprotonated molecular ion, [M-H]- of gluconapin standard was found to be m/z 372.0536 in ESI-QTOF-MS spectrum. By comparing the mass of the deprotonated molecular ion, [M-H]-of the gluconapin standard with that of the Root of Isatis indigotica Fort. [北板藍根] extract at 11.883min, m/z 372.0233 was found. It showed a positive result for the further confirmation of the gluconapin in the HPLC fraction collected

from the Root of Isatis indigotica Fort. [北板藍根] extract at 11.883min. The ESI-QTOF-MS spectrums of gluconapin standard and Root of Isatis indigotica Fort. [北板藍根] extract at 11.883min were shown in Figure 6a and 6b respectively.
蔬菜和中药样本提取物中检测到的硫代葡萄糖苷的高效液相色谱馏分收集。收集馏分,用甲醇稀释,负ESI- QTOF- MS分析。
deprotoned分子离子[MH] - HPLC ESI- QTOF- MS谱分数与相应的硫代葡萄糖苷的标准相比,。例如,去质子化分子离子[MH] - gluconapin标准被发现的m / z372.0536 ESI- QTOF- MS谱。通过比较去质子化的分子离子的质量,[H] gluconapin标准与板蓝根的根。 [北板藍根]11.883min提取物,M/ Z372.0233被发现。它显示为阳性结果进一步证实板蓝根的根从收集到的高效液相色谱分数gluconapin。 [北板藍根]提取11.883min。 gluconapin标准ESI- QTOF- MS谱和板蓝根根。 [北板藍根在11.883min提取物,分别在图6a和6b所示。
