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Unit 3

Task One: Summary Writing

Activity 1Summarizing a story section by section

Summarize “The Midnight Visitor,” using the above guidelines just given and those stated in the previous units. Here are some questions for you to think about while reading the text.

1.Ausable, an American secret agent. A summary should focus on him because the

story portrays the main character rather than narrates an incident he is involved in.

2.Max, the German spy. He is important and shouldn’t be left out because the

conflict is the struggle between him and Ausable.

3.Fowler, the young American writer. He has no part in the conflict. In the story his

function is to heighten a professional secret agent’s presence of mind against an inexperienced young writer’s fright in a dangerous situation.

Section 1 (Paras. 1 – 4)

Study the three summaries that describe the main character. Explain which of them is the best, and what is wrong with the other two.

Summary 1 is the best of the three. It is objective, complete, and balanced. Second, the length is just right, about one-fourth of the original.

Summary 2 focuses on a minor character although the length is all right.

Summary 3 includes an unimportant detail in the last but one sentence. The second half is a repetition of what is stated in the opening sentence. And an important detail—Fowler’s presence and his impression of Ausable—is left out.

Section 2 (Paras. 5 – 13)

Summarize this section orally, making your summary one-third to one-fourth the length of the original. Before you summarize the passage answer these questions and list the important points you think should be included in the summary.

1.He told Fowler that he would soon witness something exciting—an

important paper was to be delivered to him.

2.It was a German secret agent, Ausable’s old opponent.

3.He had come to get the report that was on its way to Ausable’s place.

4.He remained calm. He behaved as if he had seen an old friend.

5. A balcony outside the window of his room. He said he believed it was where

his enemy had got into the room.

Now list the facts you think should be included in the summary.

1.Ausable told Fowler an important paper would soon be delivered to him.

2.He found in his room a man with a pistol.

3.The man was Max, a German spy, an old opponent.

4.He wanted to get the paper Ausable mentioned.

5.Ausable remained calm.

6.He spoke as if he thought Max had entered his room through a balcony and

talked at length about it.

Work out an outline based on the list.

Thesis: Ausable worked out a plan to deal with his opponent.


-Ausable told Fowler an important paper was to be delivered to him soon.

-In his room, Ausable found his old opponent who had come for the same paper.

-He had a plan to deal with the situation and made the man believe there was a balcony outside the window.

Section 3 (Paras. 14-16)

Summarize this passage orally.

Ausable told the young writer that a very important paper was to be delivered to him that night. When they entered his room, Ausable found an old opponent of his threatening them with a pistol. The man had come for the very same paper. Looking angry, Ausable started complaining about a balcony outside the window of his room. He spoke as if he believed that his enemy had got in through the balcony, but the man said he had used a passkey.

Section 4 (Paras. 17-28)

Now list the facts you think should be included in the summary.

-They heard a knock at the door.

-Ausable said that he had sent for the police for protection.

-Max moved to the window, intending to hide on the balcony.

-The doorknob turned and Max dropped to what he thought was the balcony.

- A waiter walked in with the drink Ausable had ordered.

-Ausable told Fowler there was no police and Max would not return.

Work out an outline based on the list.

Thesis: Ausable defeated his opponent. / Ausable’s plan worked.


-When someone knocked at the door, Ausable made the man believe it was the police.

-The man moved to the window and was ready to hide on the balcony.

-When the doorknob turned, the man dropped to his death as there was no balcony

Summarize the passage orally.

Then they heard a knock at the door. Ausable said it was the police he had sent for to protect the paper. Max became nervous. He moved to the window, intending to hide on the balcony, and he told Ausable to send the police away. When the doorknob turned, he dropped out of the window. A waiter entered with the drink Ausable had

ordered. Ausable then told Fowler that he had not asked the police for protection and said the man with the gun would not return.

Activity 2: Summarizing a story in chronological order

Read the following narrative essay entitled “A Home of a Different Sort” section by section, summarize each section in one sentence and write the sentence in the space below.

Section 1 (Paras. 1-2)

1.Jeff decided to work with a ski patrol while his father demanded he went to

college, and said he would disown/reject him if he didn’t.

2.Father and son had become estranged since then.

Main idea:Jeff was estranged from his father after a bitter argument about his future when he graduated from high school.

Section 2 (Paras. 3-12)

1.He was now doing is for himself, not for his father, after working as a planner for

a big company.

2.It was a trick Jeff’s sister planned and played for the estranged father and son to

have a “chance” meeting.

Main idea: Years later, Jeff was attending college and kept it a secret from his father until the day of his graduation ceremony.

Section 3 (Paras. 13-16)

1.The father must have had mixed feelings. On the one hand he must have felt proud

of his son and was anxious to welcome him back. On the other hand, he might have felt sorry for those harsh words he said to his son.

The son was moved by the change in his formerly cold and stern father and was anxious to go home.

Main idea:the estranged father and son were reconciled.

?Writing Assignment One

Answers may vary.

Task Two: Paragraph Writing

Activity 3 Learning to create a dominant impression

Read the following paragraph from “Silk Parachute” by John McPhee and respond to the questions that follow it.

1. A

2.The narrator uses action verbs to create a dominant impression of his mother.

Read the following paragraph from “The Men We Carry in Our Minds” by Scott Russell Sanders and respond to the questions that follow it.

1.Men in some occupations labored hard in horrible conditions.

2.The narrator uses action verbs and adjectives to create such a dominant impression

in the first paragraph.

3.In the second paragraph, the narrator uses many specific words and figurative

language to visualize the horrible working conditions and the living standards the men endured.

Activity 4 Reading on the topic

Silk Parachute

1.Strict and protective.

2.Staying up all night playing poker; using four-letter words at the age of 5;

burying the sandwich in a snow bank.

3.To achieve humor.

Mr. Jones

1.He was black-haired and had a pale, lean face with high cheekbones, wearing

gold-rimmed glasses with pitch-black lenses.

2.He was blind and crippled.

3.The man had a lean distinctive face with a red star-shaped birthmark on his left


Hearts and Hands

1.It is the story of a marshal who kindly saves the prisoner in his charge from


2.When he was taking a criminal handcuffed with him to prison, they sat opposite a

former girl friend of the criminal. To save the prisoner from embarrassment, he pretended to be the prisoner.

3.The passenger judged people by their appearance. The prisoner was handsome and

well-dressed while the marshal was glum-faced and roughly dressed.

4.By using dialogue and descriptive words like "The glum-faced man had been

watching the girl’s countenance with veiled glances from his keen, shrewd eyes."

Activity 5 Reading from your peers

1.The first passage highlights the main character's messy hair, rough face, frowning

brows and cold eyes. The second passage focuses on comparing the two men's dress. The third passage uses "plain and ordinary" to describe the main character's look and dress.

2.The thesis in the first two is that judging a person by his appearance often leads

people to wrong conclusions. The thesis of the third is contained in the topic sentence: success, ability, confidence and kindness all could not be seen in one’s appearance.

3.Answers vary.

?Writing Assignment Two Answers may vary.


语文现代文阅读能力训练一:基础辨识能力 参考答案 (一) 1海底“黑烟囱”2.逻辑顺序 3记叙、描写、说明 4比喻 5列数字、举例子、摹状貌、作比较等 (二) 1.老太太 2.明线是杉田卖菜,暗线是老太太生活日益穷困 3.交代故事发生的环境,为人物的塑造、情节的发展作好铺垫 4.“她清瘦……女人”,老太太年老体衰,变得贫穷、孤独,过着无依无靠的生活 5.好,因为“纽扣”既是文章情节发展的线索,又是小说人物命运的写照.以“纽扣”为题简要、含蓄。 (三) 1学问与智慧是相辅为用,缺一不可的 2.事实论据 3.比喻论证、对比论证 4.主运用比喻的修辞手法,使文章的论证生动形象 5.指出学问与智慧的区别,具体分析学问与智慧的关系,总结论点。 (四) 1.指心灵与他人隔膜而变得冷漠、世故。(答案不惟一,意思相近即可) 2.①——⑨⑩;第一层:叙述家人教育孩子的两件事,第二层:发表自己的感慨 3.记叙、议论;对比中外教育观念的差别,为后文作铺垫 4.在竞争中既要争做强者、力争胜利,又要对失败者、弱小者充满同情,可以举学习、生活中的例子进行分析 5.“父亲”:轻视体力劳动者,看不起下层人民;“妻子”:认为天真、善良是要吃亏的;“我”:愿孩子有一颗善良的心。(意思对即可) 6.答案不惟一,言之成理即可。

语文现代文阅读能力训练二:基本分析能力训练参考答案 (一) 1.导语部分,标题和导语都是对消息核心事实的概括,只不过导语比标题更具体详细。 2.主体部分为第②段;分两层:①②③④⑤ 3.③、④ 4.介绍三峡工程的重大意义;是消息的结语部分。 (二) 1.冰雹的形成,冰雹的分类,冰雹的预报 2.分两层;第①段为一层。总说降水的两种形态;第②③④为一层,具体解说冰雹的形成、分类以及如何预报。 3.不能颠倒,这三段依次说明冰雹的形成、分类以及预报,符合人们对事物的认识过程,顺序合理。 4.表格略 5.只要所写句子能起到承上启下的作用即可例如:冰雹的危害很大,预报冰雹就很重要 (三) 1.①②段是故事的开端,写兄弟俩偷羊受到村民的惩罚;③④⑤段是故事的发展,写其中一个兄弟尽心弥补自己所犯的错误。⑥⑦⑧段是故事的高潮和结局,写老人成了人们心中的圣徒 2.高潮在文章的最后,老人弥补了自己所犯的错误,成了人们心中的圣徒 3.所有的村民经过老人的身旁,都会停下脚步与老人说上几句话,表达他们的敬意;小孩子也会停止玩耍,给老人一个温暖的拥抱 4.这一生,他似乎是为了他人而活 5.老人是一个知错能改的人 6.人难免会犯错误,关键在于要用自己的行动来改正错误,弥补过失。(意思对即可) (四) 1.①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ 2.文章主体部分采用并列结构,从不同角度对中心论点展开论述,且每一层都用“我现在就付诸行动”开头,构成排比 3.一切的一切毫无意义——除非我们付诸行动 4.文段以议论为主,其中不乏哲理深刻的句子,可以选择自己感受最深的语句来回答 5.这是一个自由表述题,可从语言优美、哲理深刻、结构清晰等角度选一个进行赏析。

现代大学英语第二版精读2 unit 1 课文翻译

Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 Kansas City. Part of the student body was a beanpole with hair on top who came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say "All right, teach me something." Two weeks later we started Hamlet. Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. "Look," he said, "I came here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff" And not having a book of his own to point to, he pointed to mine which was lying on the desk. 给你们讲讲我刚当老师时候的一次失败经历吧。那是1940年的1月,我从研究生院 毕业不久,在堪萨斯城大学开始第一学期的教学工作。一个瘦高,长得就像顶上有毛的豆角架一样的男学生走进我的课堂,坐下,双臂交叉放在胸前,看着我,好像在说:“好吧,教我一些东西。”两周后我们开始学习《哈姆雷特》。三周后他双手叉腰走进我的办公室,“看,”他说,“我来这是学习当药剂师的。我为什么必须读这个?”由于没有随身带着自己的书,他就指着桌子上放着的我的那本。 New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things. I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at the end of his course meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. It would not mankind has generated within its history. That is to say, he had not entered a technical training 虽然我是位新老师,我本来可以告诉这个家伙许多事情的。我本来可以指出,他考 入的不是制药技工培训学校而是大学,而且他在毕业时,应该得到一张写有理学学士而不是“合格的磨药工”的学位证书。这证书会证明他专修过药剂学,但它还能进一步证明他曾经接触过一些人类发展史上产生的思想。换句话说,他上的不是技能培训学校而是大学,在大学里学生既要得到培训又要接受教育。 I could have told him all this, but it was fairly obvious he wasn't going to be around long enough for it to matter. twenty-four hours. They will be a little shorter when you are in love, and a little longer when you are out of love, but the average will tend to hold. For eight of these hours, more or less, you will be asleep." 但是,由于我当时很年轻而且责任感也很强,我尽量把我的意思这样表达出来:“在 你的余生中,”我说,“平均每天24小时左右。谈恋爱时,你会觉得它有点短;失恋时,你会觉得它有点长。但平均每天24小时会保持不变。在其余的大约8个小时的时间里,你会处于睡眠状态。 "Then for about eight hours of each working day you will, I hope, be usefully employed. Assume you have gone through pharmacy school —or engineering, or law school, or client doesn't go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. These are all useful pursuits. They involve skills every man must respect, and they can all bring you basic


我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。我们必须让他们接触各种社会问题,因为不久他们就将作为公民来应对这些问题。 It was wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. We must expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens. 随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多地卷入国际事务。而冲突必然会发生,因为国家之间总有不同的观点和利益。 As time goes on we are inevitably going to get more and more involved in international affairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exists different views and interests among nations 我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。但是我们永远不能变得狂妄,不然我们就会失去我们的朋友。 We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends. 信息现在唾手可得。一个普通的电脑就能储存一个普通图书馆的信息。 Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of a small library. 那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。他们没有任何法律文件能证明他们具备必要的专门技术。我们必须找一个专门建造歌剧院的公司。 That construction company is not qualified to handle the project. They do not have any legal document to certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find a company that specializes in building theatres. 这些智囊团不作决策。他们力图提出一些对决策者十分有用的新主意和深刻的分析。These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideas and penetrating analyses that will be extremely useful for decision makers. 国内生产总值不是一切。如果人民的生活质量没有真正改善的话,我们国家就不能说已经现代化了。 The growth of GDP is not everything. Our country cannot be said to have been modernized unless the quality of our people?s lives is really improved. 虽然那时候我们在很多方面都很困难,但作为孩子我们仍然幸福,因为有干净的空气、水;江河湖泊里有很多鱼、螃蟹,黄鳝;田野里有花,有树,有鸟。 Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes and ponds; and a lot of flowers, trees and birds in the fields.


Vocabulary 1 Translate the following expressions. Into English 1. distribute wealth 2. drill a hole 3. drive the turbine 4. refine/extract oil 5. invite disaster 6. irrigate land 7. squander money Into Chinese 1. 无法满足的需求 2. 不明智的补救办法 3. 地下水水位 4. 已经断流的河流 5. 饥荒、瘟疫及大规模的移民 6. 供应及需求 7. 大澡盆、电热淋浴及抽水马桶 8. sustain river deltas and wetlands 9. sweep the globe 10. drain/remove the sewage 11. save water 12. conserve soil 13. satisfy the demands: meet the needs 14. harness rivers and lakes 8. 作物品种 9. 灌溉区 10. 物质不灭定律;质量守恒定律 11. 海水谈化 12. 供不应求;供过于求 13. 濒危物种 14. 冷却系统 15. 火电 4 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Statistics show that China has a total amount of 2.8 trillion cubic meters of water resources, second only to Brazil, Russia and Canada, ranking the fourth (to be updated) in the world. But when divided by 1.3 billion, our average per-capita share of water resources only amounts to about one quarter of the world’s average. 2. We have always been heavily burdened with the problem of water shortage. It is said that of the 661 large and medium-sized cities nationwide, about two-thirds are suffering from an acute shortage of water. Beijing is a good example in point. It not only lacks surface water, even its underground water table is dangerously low. It is reported


现代大学英语精读第二册语法点总结 Unit 1: the usages of future times;(将来时态) coordinating conjunctions(并列连词) Unit 2:“the way” in relative clauses (the way在关系从句中的用法)with + noun + preposition phrase/ participle /adjective construction (with结构做伴随状语) Unit 3: noun clauses (introduced by wh-words); (名词性从句) the gerund (动名词) Unit 4: appositive clause (同位语从句) indefinite pronoun: anybody/anyone; somebody / someone; everybody/ everyone; nobody/ no one; anything; something; everything; nothing (不定代词) Unit 5: the gerund; (动名词) the infinitive; (to do 不定式) attributive modifiers (定语) Unit 6:the present perfect continuous tense (现在完成进行时) the usage of the present participle phrase (现在分词) Unit 7:无(test) Unit 8:Comparative Degree (比较级:特别是the more….the more; bette r and better结构) Subject Complement (形容词做主语补足语:S+V+Adj.) Unit 9: with/without + noun phrase + an infinitive phrase (with、without在独立主格结构的应用) the infinitive as the subject (to do 不定式做主语) Unit 10:past participle phrase as adverbial (过去分词做定语的用法) Unit 11:part of speech (词性) Unit 12: ever/ never 的用法 比较级的用法(特别是比较级前面有副词修饰;同级比较) Unit 13:V+O+C宾语补足语 Could / might /should/ must +have done (虚拟语气)


现代基础写作的作用 (一)人生自我实现的助推力 置身于现代竞争大潮中,如果不懂得自我推销,空有满腹经纶,也会泯然众人,淹没红尘。而人们一旦要进行自我推销,又怎么可能离得开写作呢?这里暂且不论求职时写一封自荐书这样明显带有自我推销性质的写作现象,即使已经进入单位工作的人,平时写个人述职、散文随笔、总结报告、专业论文等,质量的高低也会直接影响到人生事业的进退。一份高质量的文稿,很可能就成为人生进步的阶梯。现代生活节奏快,现代人面临的事情复杂多变,写作,往往又成为人们化繁就简、理清思路、培养工作严谨性规范性的必要条件。朱光潜先生就说过“不想就不能写,不写就很难想得周全”。写,是思维明晰化严密化的过程。近年来流行的操作方案的写作,就是我国加入世贸后进入世界统一游戏规则要求工作规范化的明证。提高工作效率,“表现”自我才能,也需要借“写作”这股东风。更不用说那些以写作来奠定自己思想体系的伟人,以写作为终身职业的大作家们了。写作是推动人生事业“卫星”上天的“火箭”。 (二)提高综合素质的基石 在通常的观念里,写作分为文学创作和实用写作,这关系到人的审美情怀与实用理性的价值取向,也关系到人的形象思维与抽象思维的不同思维特征。对这两种写作的素质培养模式,人们形成了两种有分歧的观点:一种是强调文学修养和实用写作修养的共通性,认为有

了文学的底子,学习其他文章就轻而易举。文学写作功底深湛的人,往往显示出他的写作实力,有了这样的实力,掌握别的文体就会事半功倍。由此得出文学基础是一切写作的基础的结论。另一种着眼于文学修养与实用写作修养的差异性,认为文学写作需要人的“个性思维”;○①文学追求的是人作为个体的独立精神,实用写作却要求人作为社会角色而具有沟通协调能力,两种能力要求不同,写作素养的培养模式就不该一样。但作为写作基础、写作素养,却需要一个相互之间的平台,让人能“文”能“质”,能“虚”能“实”,提高综合能力。譬如文学创作光有文学基础而没有社会生活阅历就写不出凝重的作品。实用写作的语言修养,光靠参照实用文本的范本也有局限性,非得在名家名篇的遣词造句中得到滋润不可。所以,文学创作也好,实用写作也好,都应该有更宽广的写作基础。现代基础写作就是为人的不同写作方式、人的综合素质提供一个基础性资源。 (三)传播信息的通道 写作是社会文化信息的传播活动。在这一活动中,写作主体可以独立决定却无法独自实现。这一活动的实现,还有赖于接受者对写作载体的阅读行为,写作的真正实现应该是进入流通之后被接受。因此,写作要为读者充分接受信息提供可能。不过,写作在尊重读者、满足读者的同时,也要引导读者、陶冶读者。写作对读者的影响在相当程度上含有作者的导向。写作应该掌握“读者心理学”,最大限度地满足读者的需要,甚至超越读者的期望值,特别是在文化产业化、出版市场化的今天,更要从读者需求出发。“孤芳自赏”必将埋没在时代


高中语文现代文阅读的能力分析 1.基本分析能力。即分析文章的层次、结构、思路的能力,对文章、文段的结构层次进行分析、划分的能力。能分析小说的开端、 发展、高潮、结局;能分析文中某个部分的层次,能分析文中某个段 落的层次等。 2.整体把握能力。即从整体上理解文章的内容和文章主体部分的大意,从整体上理解文章的寓意,能找出表达全文主要内容的中心句,感受文章的情感倾向,概括文章所表现的对象的主要特征,从 整体上理解文章的基本写法或表达技巧,从整体上理解文中人物的 特点等等。 3.概括提炼能力。即对全文、段落进行整体概括,对文章的要点,文章的写法进行概括的能力。如对全文、段落的中心、大意的概括,对文章思路的提炼,对文章的层意、段意的概括,对文中人物形象 的概括等等。 4.语言品味能力。即词语品味能力,句子品析能力,文段品读能力,也就是品味词义,揣摩句义,品析重要句段。含在具体的语境 中品析词义、体会句义,品味词与句的表达作用,说明词、句、段 的表达作用等等。 5.手法欣赏能力。即初步的文学欣赏能力,包括对文章的各种表达手法与写作技巧的辨识、理解、分析、欣赏。如表现手法中的正 面侧面、对比烘托、详写略写、伏笔照应等等。 6.感受评价能力。如表达阅读感受,评价文章的情感倾向;评价 文中的人物;展开联想或表述感想;探究文章难点,提出看法与建议,就文中内容进行想象等等。 7.联想迁移能力。即由材料中的知识内容联想到相关的知识内容,如联想到所积累的诗词、名言、科学知识、课文人物等等。

1.基本分析能力。即分析文章的层次、结构、思路的能力,对文章、文段的结构层次进行分析、划分的能力。能分析小说的开端、 发展、高潮、结局;能分析文中某个部分的层次,能分析文中某个段 落的层次等。 2.整体把握能力。即从整体上理解文章的内容和文章主体部分的大意,从整体上理解文章的寓意,能找出表达全文主要内容的中心句,感受文章的情感倾向,概括文章所表现的对象的主要特征,从 整体上理解文章的基本写法或表达技巧,从整体上理解文中人物的 特点等等。 3.概括提炼能力。即对全文、段落进行整体概括,对文章的要点,文章的写法进行概括的能力。如对全文、段落的中心、大意的概括,对文章思路的提炼,对文章的层意、段意的概括,对文中人物形象 的概括等等。 4.语言品味能力。即词语品味能力,句子品析能力,文段品读能力,也就是品味词义,揣摩句义,品析重要句段。含在具体的语境 中品析词义、体会句义,品味词与句的表达作用,说明词、句、段 的表达作用等等。 5.手法欣赏能力。即初步的文学欣赏能力,包括对文章的各种表达手法与写作技巧的辨识、理解、分析、欣赏。如表现手法中的正 面侧面、对比烘托、详写略写、伏笔照应等等。 6.感受评价能力。如表达阅读感受,评价文章的情感倾向;评价 文中的人物;展开联想或表述感想;探究文章难点,提出看法与建议,就文中内容进行想象等等。 7.联想迁移能力。即由材料中的知识内容联想到相关的知识内容,如联想到所积累的诗词、名言、科学知识、课文人物等等。 一、重点字词 1.给下列加点字注音。 愠yùn三省xǐng吾身论lún语罔wǎng

现代大学英语听力第二册Unit 1 scripts

Task 1 Yesterday morning Gretel went to the city of London. She wanted to see St Paul?s Cathedral. She was surprised to see so many Englishmen who booked alike. They were wearing dark suits and bowler hats. They were all carrying umbrellas and newspapers. When she returned home she asked Mr. Clark about these strange creatures. “They must be typical English gentlemen,” she said. “ I have often read about them and seen photographs of them. They all look as if they are wearing a uniform. Does the typical gentleman still exist?” Mr. Clark laughed. “I?ve never thought about it,”he answered. “It?s true that many of the men who work in the city of London still wear bowler hats and I suppose they are typical Englishmen. But look at this.” Mr. Clark picked up a magazine and pointed to a photo of a young man. “He?s just as typical, perhaps. it seems as if there is no such a thing as a …typica l? Englishman. Do you know the English saying …It takes all kinds to make a world?? That?s true of all countries—including England. “Oh, just like the poem …If All the Seas Were One Sea?,” Gretel began to hum happily. “If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea it would be! And if all the trees were one tree, what a great tree it would be1and if this tree were to fall in the sea, what a great splash there would be!” Task 2 John is British but has worked in Japan.Etsuko is a Japanese student from Osaka and she is studying in Britain. New they are comparing life in the two countries. John: I found that living in Japan, people were much busier. They seem to work the whole day. Etsuko:Yes, that?s right. We work from Monday through Saturday, even in summer. You know, summer in Japan is just horrible. It?s very very humid and hot, and you need to shower three times a day. John: So you find it cooler in England? Etsuko: Yes, that?s right. John: where I was living in Japan in the north, it was much colder than England, especially in winter, minus thirty degrees centigrade. Does the winter in Osaka last longer than the winter in England? Etsuko: No, I don?t think so. December, January, February, Marc h… John: Yes, it?s a bit shorter if anything. Etsuko: Ever since I came here., I noticed that the countryside in England is really beautiful. John: It?s much flatter than in Japan. Etsuko: Yes, Japan is a mountainous country and our cities are full of people. There are lots of people in a limited area. John: Yes, I found Japan much more mountainous than Britain, especially in the north. The mountains are much higher and much more rocky. I found it more beautiful than Britain. Etsuko: Yes, if you like mountains. John: Therefore the towns and villages tend to be more crowded.


Writing Unit 1 (1) 1. Narration (Personal Narratives) (P1-2) (1) 2. Coordination & Subordination (P12) (1) Coordination (1) Subordination (2) Unit 2 (2) 1. Decription (Places)(P21-22) (2) 2. Parallelism (P31-32) (3) Unit 3 (3) 1. Narration (Objective Reports) (P42) (3) 2. Action verbs &Active verbs (P52) (3) Circumstances of using passive voice (3) Unit 4 (4) 1. Description: objects (P64) (4) 2. Variety(多样性)(P76) (4) Unit 5 (5) 1. Narration: chain of action (P82) (5) Showing &telling in narration (5) 2.Task 未教(P93) (6) Unit 6 (6) 1. Description: People (P102) (6) 2. Effective Sentences: Conciseness 简明,简洁(打印) (6) Unit 7 (7) 1. Narration: Historical Narratives (P126) (7) Unit 8 (8) 1. Personal Letters (P150) (8)


怎样提高现代文阅读能力8大技巧 在高考语文试卷中,现代文阅读历来是学生失分最多的一个题目,尤 其是近几年现代文阅读偏重于主观表述题,由于答题不得要领,学生 失分颇多。 那么,如何快速提高学生的阅读能力呢? 步骤/方法 1. 首先要养成整体阅读的好习惯。 要迅速而全面地阅读文章,理清文章思路,把握各段要点,掌握文章中心。同时也要注意文章附带的一些注释和附言等,这里面包含的信息往往有助于学生对文章准确而全面地理解。 例如,2002年高考第20 题,“知音的传说已经成为中国传统文化的一部分,根据文意,分两点对此概括说明”。要正确解答这道题,就必须整体阅读全文,根据命题要求,在全文中去搜索 提取信息。放眼全文,文中的第一段就有“两千多年前的关于知音的传说,已经深深地珍藏在无数华夏子孙的心坎里”,“神往和渴求充满崇高友谊的知音,是一种 多么纯洁而神圣的情操”等句子。文章的第三段也有“我偶或在黝黑的深夜里浏览着《吕氏春秋·本味》和《列子·汤问》,思忖着知音这两个字的分量……”, “我曾在《乐府解题》里看到过这样的记载”等句子。这些语句就从两个方面说明“知音”已经成为了中华传统文化的一部分。这样答案为:(1神往和渴求知 音,已成为华夏子孙的一种纯洁而神圣的情操;(2中国古代典籍中多有记载、传诵。

2. 其次,要掌握一定的做题技巧,达到事半功倍的功效。 其一是直接代入法。现在有些学生主观表述题不得分的一个很重要的原因是没有很好地利用文中资源。国家教委考试中 心曾明确表示:现代文阅读题的答案在原文中,不要凭空去想。这给了我们一个重要的答题要领,即直接从原文中找出与问题相对应的词语、句子,直接录入。例 如,解答2002年高考第21题就可以移用原文中的中心句来回答:知音越多越好,俞伯牙应在失去钟子期之后去寻找更多的新知音;千辛万苦学得的技艺不应轻 易放弃,艺术的追求必须不懈地坚持下去。 其二是选摘概括法。有些试题,从原文中难以找出明确的答案。这就需要我们学会从原文中摘录相关的词语加以简化概括,形成自己的答案。 例如:回答2002年北京高考试题第22题第2小题,可以运用原文第九、十段中的关键句、关键词组合,答案可为:(1当你生命将尽,行将回归大地的时候,你应该感到安宁;(2一片树叶的诞生和消亡,正标志着生命在四季里的不停转化。 其三是还原辨析法。这一方法主要针对选择题。主要做法是把选项回 归原文,找出其中的不同点,加以比较、分析、辨别,确定是否与原文的说法保持一致。这里就不再一一举例阐述。 注意事项 ?总之,现代文阅读的解题技巧尽管有很多,但最终都是建立在整体阅读的基础之上的。这就需要我们在平常的课文教学中,紧 密地结合课文的单元学习重点,从根本上提高学生的阅读能力。 怎样提高现代文阅读?


Page 39 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.It seemed impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident. Sth. seems (to be) + adj.(表) + to sb. 2.We looked around. There wasn't a building standing in sight. The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything. Sth. /sb. +(seem + to do)复合谓语3.He seems to be in low spirits these days. Sth./Sb. + seem to be + 表语 wonder why. I think it's because he doesn't seem to be making much progress in his studies. He is afraid of being looked down upon by his classmates. Sb. + seem to do sth There seems to be 4.What are you looking for, Dick? I seem to have lost my key. How annoying! 5.If you find that a word doesn't seem to

make any sense in the sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary. That's the only way to learn to use a word. 6.They went on arguing for hours. Neither of them seem (to be) willing to listen to each other. I suddenly remembered someone saying "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance." 7.The situation there seems to be very complicated. The government has promised to look into it. 8.My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him. 9.Economists have already come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end. W orld economy is looking up. 10.When I got well I looked at my bank account. To my sadness, I found my balance was almost zero. All my savings in


现代文阅读能力训练方案一:基础辨识能力 学生姓名:时间:年月日【常见考点】 基础辨识能力指的是在现代文阅读中对各文体基础知识的识别能力。具体来说,指能辨识各种文体,能判别各文体的组成要素,能分辨各文体中的表达方式,能指出各文体的结构或顺序,能判断文中的各种修辞手法,等等。 在中考阅读题中,考查“基础辨识能力”的考点主要有: 1.指出记叙文中记叙的人称、顺序、线索和要素等。 2.辨识说明文的说明对象、说明顺序和说明方法等。 3.判别议论文的论点、论据和论证方法。 4.分辨小说的主要人物、情节和环境等。 5.识别特殊体裁(如新闻)的结构。 6.辨别文中的记叙、说明、议论、描写、抒情等表达方式。 7.判断文中的各种修辞手法。 【答题点拨】 解答基础辨识题首先要夯实基础,熟练掌握各种文体的基本知识,然后在阅读训练中掌握答题的技巧。 比如,辨识说明文的说明顺序就是一个难点,我们可以总结出一些规律: 1.看说明的内容。一般来说,说明事物的形态、结构,多用空间顺序;说明事物的发展变化多用时间顺序;其他则多用逻辑顺序。 2.看说明的对象。说明某事物多用时间、空间顺序,说明事理则多用逻辑顺序。 3.看标志词、过渡词。如果文段有表时间、空间的词语,则多为时间、空间顺序;如果文段有“为什么、首先、所以”等推理性的词语,则多为逻辑顺序。辨识议论文的论点是议论文阅读的关键,答题时先要看文题,以得到启发和指引;再看文段,确定提出观点的段落;最后抓住概括性的句子即可。小说的阅读重点是对主要人物的辨识,判断的依据不应该是描写人物的笔墨有多少,而应该看小说的主题、作者的意图靠谁来表达。 【单项训练】 (一)海底“黑烟囱” ①1979年,美国的“阿尔文”号载人深潜器在东太平洋海底熔岩上,发现的350摄氏度的含矿热液以每秒几米的速度喷出。矿液刚喷出时为澄清溶液,与周围海水混合后,很快产生沉淀变为“黑烟”,形成


现代基础写作的特征 一、社会性与个体性的高度统一 人类之所以从事写作活动,是因为人与人之间需要进行信息的传播和思想的交流。从总体上说,写作是一种具有广泛意义的社会行为,因此,写作活动总是在一定的社会环境中,为实现一定的社会目的而展开的;同时,写作活动又受作者自己的认识、意志、情感支配,是作者对客观事物进行个人心理体验的一种活动,是个人头脑加工,个人思维活动的过程。写作活动的全过程,总是以个体活动的方式进行的,是一种个体化的劳动,即使社会、他人给予的促进、影响,都必须通过个体的“我”加以消化,尔后才能实现。臧克家也说:“有了表现能力,缺乏个人的特点也还不够。”乍看起来,社会性与个体性是一对矛盾,而事实上,人是社会的人,即使像日记这样极具隐私意味的个人化写作也不能不显示出社会生活的痕迹。反过来,社会又是个体的人的集合,即使像公文这样最富有集体意志的写作,也必须经过个人的整合。一般来说,文学重个性,应用文重共性,但对普通的写作行为来说,则是社会性与个体性的统一。 那么,社会性与个体性又是如何统一的呢? 是以主体的“人格意识”来统一的。 写作主体是一个精妙的精神产品的“加工厂”,外来的信息经过写作主体的处理,获得了创造性的转化。转化的内在机制是在写作主体的“人格意识”这一指挥中心的驱导下运作的。美国心理学家奥尔

波特在《人格的模式与成长》中给人格下的定义是:人格是个人内在心理结构的统一体,是决定个人独特行为与思想的心理动力系统。按照这一阐释,人格是行为的内动力,那么,写作主体的“人格意识”就应该是写作行为的核心动力。而在“人格意识”中起决定作用的是一个人的“主导性倾向”,这是影响人的一生的重大倾向,又称为显著性特质、支配性情操等,这就是我们所说的理想。英国人类学家弗思说过:“行为都是理想得思想过程。” 理想是一个人“精神的底子”。如果一个人在理想和信念,尽管他长大后会看到生活并不像他想象的那么美,他会因此而分裂,会痛苦和怀疑,但他绝对不会陷入虚无主义,因为他有一个“精神的底子”。写作主体的人格意识里不能没有这种“精神的底子”,有了它,写作主体就不会放弃对真、善、美的追求,就会点燃自己的理想之灯,给人们带来精神的亮色。写作主体的责任心和良心,就在于重建人的“价值信仰体系”。“价值信仰体系”与文坛上常说的“人文精神”属于同一理论内核,虽然“人文精神”在中国有没有它的源头,在西方国家的准确含义是什么,尚无定论,但大家对“人文精神”是“以人的信念为核心的文化精神”这一主要意义指向却“所见略同”。人的理想、信念,意味着人对自身的终结关怀,而人文精神恰恰体现的是这一“终结关怀”。 由此我们可以得出如下结论:第一,理想在写作主体的人格意识中起决定作用。第二,理想关注着“应然”(世界应当怎样)的设定,它总是和人的价值、信仰紧密相连。它是写作主体的“人格之魂”。
