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Unit 1

To use the machine,first insert the corret coins,then select(挑选) the drink you want and press the button.

Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also,on accasion,from the Polish.

Food chemists will investigate the health food(保健食品) on sale to see if it really does give the benefits claimed(宣称).

In retrospec t(现在回想起来),it was the wrong time to open a new data processing(数据处理) center in this city.

My initial reaction to the news was relief,but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.

A full understanding of mathesmatics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural phenomenon/phenomena.

Make sure the label(标签) is firmly attached(贴在,依附) to the parcel(包裹) before you mail it.

My boyfriend bought me dinner to make up for being late the day before.

The committee awaittable a decision from the head office before it takes any action.

The little girl did not seem to be in the least(一点也不)frightened of being left by herself in the house.

The WTO(=World Trade Organization世界贸易组织) is intended to promote(促进) trade among its member states.

When the moon emerged from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.



It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.


Tom used to be very shiy,but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.


Many educators think it desirable to faster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.


Assuming that this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it is worthwhile to buy

如果这些数据统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。(throw light on,investigate,valid)

If the data is statistically valid,it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.


says that my composition is good except for the ending which seems too abrupt.

Suffering from insomnia(失眠)for several days,Ann went to see her doctor and was told that the problem was more emotional than physical.

The organizer of the charity concert said,”I ask all of you to join me in praying that God will bless those who have given so generously for the poor and needy.”

The insurance policy does not cover damage to the goods caused by normal wear and tear.

The old economic beliefs are widely regarded as too dated to be useful in solving the problems now emerging in our economy.

You are free to say what do you think,but as a responsible individual you should also be prepared to face the consequences of what you say.

Prices are going this seemingly welcome change may bring about other problems in the economy. John’s view on the train crash stands in coutrast to those of almost all of his colleagues.

Curiosity is the most powerful driving force in one’s pursuit of knowledge.

After teaching grade school for a year or so,she felt a genuine love for the pupils.

Donations from alumni(校友) are an important source of the university’s research funds come primarily(基础地) from the government.

Should judges consider popular sentiments(情感) before deciding cases



The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.


Whenever he was angry,he would begin to stammer slightly.


Education is the most cherished tradition in our ’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants,but sent me to the best private school.

手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一个困难阶段。(shortly after,go through) Shortly after he recovered from the surgeny,he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.


In contrast to our affluent neighbors,my parents are rather poor,but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal needs.

Unit 3

The view that you should never spend more than you earn is fairly typical(典型的) of people of their generation.

The artists stood before the paintings almost dumb with astonishment at their beauty.

In 1963,after his junior year in high school,Clinton was elected into a government study program for young people in Washington,.

William Byrd composed many pieces of music,but his Latin church music is considered his most glorious work.

Governments establish welfare systems to provide a safety net to prevent people from suffering the effects of poverty.

You quit that respectable,well-paid job for this unpromising oneWhat came over you

Many animals face extinction(灭绝) as the result of human interference.

Her hope of her husband’s return is fading as years go by.

Having worked for three years,Roger decided to enroll on an MBA program and narrowed down his choice to three famous universities on the East Coast.

A frank reply is much more appreciated than beating about the bush(转弯抹角).

Harold is always coming up with these dumb schemes for making money that just get us into trouble. Call me,write to me;at any rate,let’s keep in touch.



Have scientists found proof of water on Mars

计划委员会已经将建核电厂的可能地点缩小到了两个沿海城镇。(location,narrow down)

The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.


Sam not only lost his jub,but also both legs;he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.

由十二人组成的陪审团(jury)一致表决认为玛丽有罪(guilty)。(consist of,in unison)

A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.


Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.

Unit 4

He would have preferred his wife not to work,but conversely(相反地) he was also proud of what she did.

Things are much cheaper here than in New York,but then,our average salary is much smaller.

His forgetfulness may be a symptom(症状) of brain trouble.

The small boy started spitting up blood and his mother panicked(惊慌失措).

These laws are intended to prevent government officials from abusing their power.

“Go to the bathroom and wash your hands,” the nurse told the children in a commanding tone. Mary,a Harvard Lav Scholol graduate,was a very capable(能干的) lawyer and our firm took her in as a partner.

The article is interesting,but it needs some editing before it can be published.

To my knowledge,they have curranged to meet next Friday morning in the manager’s office.

When we say that we see light at the end of the tunnel,we mean that victory is in sight.

He promised to repay me in three the days stretch into months and I never got a cent back from him.

Before we can draw conclusions,we must collect enough data and analyze them scientifically.



Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.


A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.

3) 法律规定,帮助他人自杀是犯罪。(suicide,crime)

As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.

4) 玛丽在她的报告中试图从一个完全不同的角度来解释这些数据。(interpret,angle,data)

In her report,Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.

苏轼一个很有天份的女孩。她那惊人的记忆力使她在同班同学中显得格外突出。(of great talent,set apart)

Sue is a girl of great amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.

Unit 5

He was startled(吓了一跳) by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.

There is nothing serious about the damage;it is a mere(仅仅是) scratch(划痕) on the door of the car. Mom was singing a lullaby to my baby sister while rocking the cradle with a gentle backwards and

forwards motion.

Tense and hot,we were really sweating(流汗) as we waited for them to announce the results.

He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretched out straight in front of him.

She’s one of those habitually(形成习惯) vain(自恋) people who keep glancing at themselves in the mirror when they think no one’s looking.

Mike is an extremely carelss one occasion(=once,有一次).it was not until he got to an ATM that it occurred to him he had left his card at home.

Young children often feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school.

Stan tends to be driven by his emotions——he rarely considers the consequences of his actions. She ought to be thoroughly ashamed of herself for talking to her guests in such a rude way.

In my mind’s eye,she remains a little girl of six although she’s actually a grown woman now.

He had tried to put the unpleasant scene out of his mind,but it kept on recurring(再出现)to him,especially in dreams.


是工人和主管人员的创造力和敬业精神将这个公司变成了一个盈利的企业。(it is …that,dedication)

It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.


The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.


We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.


His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometime coincide.


I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.


Unit 1 lexf Organization

II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.

- 90 - Appendix I III. Usage 1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 1)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. 4)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 5)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. ■ Structure 1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by 30 percent. 2)To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. 3)To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans. 4)We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christmas. 2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile. 2)By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River. 3)Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four. ■ 4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (A) 1. invasion 3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with 2. s tand in the way 4. c atching... off his guard 6. d eclaration 8. d rag on 10. b ringing...to a


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案 UNIT1 WAYS OF LEARNING ---------------------------------------------------------------4 Language Sense Enhancement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Language Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Vocabulary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 III ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Comprehensive Exercises ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 I. cloze ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 II. translation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 UNIT2 VALUES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Language Sense Enhancement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Language Focus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Vocabulary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 III -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 I. cloze -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 III. Translation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 UNIT3 THE GENERATION GAP --------------------------------------------------------- 12 Language Sense Enhancement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Language Focus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Vocabulary --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 II. Collocation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 III. Usage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Comprehensive Exercises --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 I. cloze -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 II. Translation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15


Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investigate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomena 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1. 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 2. 1)principal 2)principal 3)principle 4)principles


《大学英语 2 》复习资料 一、单词或短语英汉互译 1.将下列词语译成中文 (1)economist(2)goods(3 )profit (4)consumer(5)Interest 1. 经济学家; 2. 商品; 3. 利润; 4. 消费者 5.利息 (6)charge(7 )affect(8 )industrious (9)package(10 )machinery 6.收费 7.影响 8.勤劳的 9.包装10. 机械 (11)concern(12 )furniture (13)strong-willed(14 )snowstorm 11. 关心12. 家具 13. 意志坚强14. 暴风雪 (15)cosmetics 15. 化妆品 2.将下列词语译成英文 (16)投资(17)需求(18) 炊具 (19)市场(20)制造商 16.investment17. demand18. cooker

19. Market20.manufacturer (21) 破坏(22) 受益(23) 超过 (24)进口(25)资源 21.spoil22. Benefit23. Exceed 24. Import25.resource (26)条形码(27 )结账 (28)以防万一 26. universal product code27. check out 28. In case (29)气候(30 )免费 29.climate30. Free 二、单项选择题 1. Apparently, it wasn't an accident. Someone must have done it on(B). A. intention B. determination C. purpose D. reason 2. The young doctor could not sleep at night, the worsening condition of a patient(A)him. A. disturbing B. disturbed C. being disturbed D.to disturb 3. (D) Americans have different views on many issues,


Unit 1 Sports Part C Short Conversations You’re going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. a. Basketball. b. Volleyball. c. Table tennis. d. Tennis. 2. a. Boxing is one of his favorite sports. b. Boxing is the only kind of sport he likes. c. He doesn’t like boxing at all. d. He doesn’t like boxing very much. 3. a. He finds it too long. b. He thinks it could be more exciting. c. He doesn’t like it at all. d. He likes it, but not very much. 4. a. H e doesn’t know how to play chess. b. He doesn’t like playing chess very much. c. He can’t play chess well. d. He’s a good chess player. 5. a. He was a good football player in high school. b. He kept track of the football players and games when he was in high school. c. He shows no interest in football now. d. He’s busy playing golf as well as football now. Script: 1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you? M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport. Q: Which sport does the man like? 2. W: You don’t like boxing very much, do you? M: It’s far from being my kind of sport. Q: What does the man mean? 3. W: I think yesterday’s football game was quite exciting. What about you, John? M: You said it. But it was a bit long. Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess? M: I like the game, but I don’t play it often enough. I’m afraid I’m not a very good player. Q: What does the man mean? 5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high school days. But recently I have failed to keep up with football. W: Now you’re busy with your golf games. Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation? Unit 2 Food and Drinks


Key to Exercises of College English Book 2 Unit 1 ★Text A Vocabulary I. insert 2) on occasion 3) investigate 4) In retrospect 5) initial 6) phenomena 7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not…in the least 11) promote 12) emerg ed 2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 【 3) The city’s importance as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1) be picked up, can’t accomplish, am exaggerating 2) somewhat, performance, have neglected, they apply to 3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superior II. 1. 1) continual 2) continuous 3) continual 4) continuous 2. 1) principal 2) principal 3) principle 4) principles 5) principal III. : 1. themselves 2. himself/herself 3. herself/by herself/on her own 4. itself 5. ourselves 6. yourself/ by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercise I. Cloze 1. 1) contrast 2) exaggerating 3) priority 4) on the other hand 5) promoting 6) pick up 7) assist 8) accomplish 9) on occasion 10) neglecting 11) worthwhile 12) superior 2. 1) end 2) perform 3) facing 4) competent 5) equipped 6) designed 7) approach 8) rest 9) definitely 10) quality II. Translation ; 1. 1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it 5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. 2. To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without


summarize not …in the least critical in retrospect make up for in itial phe nomenon await 1) To use the mach ine, first the correct coins, the n select the drink you want and press the butt on. 2) Professor Smith tran slated not only from the French but also, , __________ from the Polish. 3) Food chemists will the health food on sale to see if it really does give the ben efits claimed. 4) ______, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city. 5) My reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I bega n to feel an gry. 6) A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of n atural . ______ 7) Make sue the label is firmly to the parcel before you mail it. 8) My boyfriend bought me dinner to being late the day before. 9) The committee a decision from the head office before it takes any actio n. 10) The little girl did __________ seem to be _____ ed of being left by herself in the house. 11) The WTO (=World Trade Organization) is intended to trade among its member states. 12) When the moon from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the dista nee. bless consequenee curiosity sen time nt dated emoti onal genuine primarily seem in gly abrupt nothing more tha n wear and tear con fusi on deny tickle in con trast to 1) Prof. Williams says that mycomposition is good except for the ending which seems too . ______ 2) Sufferi ng from insomnia for several days, Ann went to see her doctor and was told that the problem was more than physical. 3) The orga ni zer of the charity concert said, “ I ask all of you to join me in praying that God will those who have given so generously for the poor and n eedy. 4) The in sura nee policy does not cover damage to goods caused by no rmal . _____ 1. Vocabulary promote performa nee emerge attach in vestigate on occasi on in sert in due course


Unit3 The Generation Gap Pair Work 1.How many characters are there in this play? Who are they? There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins. 2.Are the children grateful for what their father does for them? Why or why not? No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them. 3.What did Sean plan to do with the money he earned from his first job? To buy a guitar. 4.Why did Father make a point of coming to the restaurant? To check if Sean was going to embarrass him. 5.Why did Sean try to hide himself when he saw his father in the resraurant? He knew his father was going to embarrass him. 6.What did Sean think of his father’s unexpected visit? It was unnecessary and embarrassing. 7.Why did Father invite Dan Lucas to lunch? He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom. 8.What did Dan Lucas promise to do? He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call. 9.How did Diane react to the surprise Father had for her? She felt humiliated. 10.Why did Heidi change school? Because the Thompson had just moved. 11.What did Father try to impress on Mrs. Higgins? He tried to let her know how exceptionally talented a young woman Heidi was. 12.Why was Heidi so eager to go to class? Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.


2011级快班大学英语(II)期末考试A卷答案 Part I. Writing (15%) 略 Part II. Translation (10%) 1.easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth 2.the latest economic proposal put forward by the President 3.there was no point in adjusting the plan 4.simply lose hope, or are becoming increasingly cynical 5.it was hard for him to become conditioned to rural life again Part III. Synomys (5%) 1-5. CCAAD 6-10. DABAD Part IV. Listening Comprehension (25%) 11-15. BDDBD 16-20. CAABB 21-25. BACAA 26-30. CCCD 31-35. DBBCB Part V. Vocabulary and Structure (5%) 36-40. CBBAA 41-45. BCBBC Part VI. R eading Comprehension (30%) 46-50. ADACD 51-55. DCBDB 56-60. ACAAB Part VII. Cloze (10%) 61-66. CADAB 66-70. CCDAA 71-75. CDCBA 76-80. DBAAD


全新版大学英语第二册u n i t2期末考试复习资料(总 3页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

Unit 2Values Pair Work 1. What is the Salvation Army What does a Salvation Army bell ringer do The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who helps it collect donations. 2. What did the boy ask the writer What do you think made him raise such a question The boy asked him: Are you poor He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer. 3. How did the writer answer What does the writer's answer to the boy's question mean He said, "I have more than some people, but not as much as others." This means that he was neither poor nor rich. 4. Why did the boy's mother scold him? The boy's mother scolded him because the question was socially inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor. 5. Is the writer poor or not in terms of material possessions Give facts to support your conclusion. Yes, he's. He’s economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn't even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category And so on. 6. Does the writer feel poor Why or why not No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods. 7. In what situation does the writer feel out of place? He feels out of place among people who ate primarily interested in material things. 8. What did the girl tell him before her visit to his basement apartment And what happened after She told him that she was interested in what's on the inside. But after he Wok her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely. 9. How ought one to understand such "a seemingly abrupt change in her priorities" It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before. 10. Can we infer from the essay what role commercials can play in society? Commercials can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary. 11. Why does the writer say "December is the time of year I feel wealthiest" Because December is the time for him to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in


▆■■■■■■■■■■■■ 福建师范大学网络与继续教育学院 《大学英语( 2)》期末考试A 卷 姓名: 学号: 专业: 学习中心: 一、阅读: 20%(每小题 2 分) 12345678910 A A D D C A A B B C 二、交际用语 20% (每小题 2 分) 12345678910 B C C C A B D D D A 三、语法与词汇: 30% (每小题 2 分) 12345678910 A B C D D B B C C C 1112131415 A B C D D 四.英译汉: 30% (答题请不要超出边框) There is no separation for you between work and home. Even when at home, your work is the top priority. You are totally committed and driven to work, and your happiness is found in your work. Work always seems to take precedence over family and leisure time. You have no social life other than work-related events. (翻译题请在此空白处答题,否则不得分) 你不分工作和家庭 即使在家,你的工作也是最重要的。 你一心扑在工作上,只有在工作中才能找到快乐。 工作似乎总是在家庭和娱乐之上。 除了与工作有关的事情,你就没有社交生活了。 一、阅读: 20% ( 所有答案必须填在答卷 ( 1 ) Cars are important in the United people feel that they are poor. And even feel really poor when he has a car. Henry started making cars in large numbers. He much the car was going to affect America United States a nation on wheels. And it what it is today. There are three main reasons the the United States. First of all, the co Americans like to move around in it. T comfortable and cheapest form of transp can go any place without spending a lot o The second reason cars are popula States never really developed an efficie public transportation. Long-distance tr common in the United States as they are Nowadays there is a good system of air- But it is too expensive to be used frequen The third reason is the most im American spirit of independence is wha Americans don ’t likewaitto for a bus They don’t like to have to follow an them the freedom to schedule their own that Americans want most to have. The gas shortage has caused a big But the answer will not be a bigger syste The real solution will have to be a new ki use so much gas.
