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…已经具备了比较良好的条件relatively sound conditions exist for···


平(1) raise its economic and social develpoment to a new level


科技(1) maintain regional peace and stability,develop economy ,science and technolo 扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣expand mutually benificial cooperation, and promote common prosperity ···创造了重要的前提条件provide an important prerequisite

具有相当强的经济实力have built up significant economic strength

踏上···航程join the rank of···

正在步入···的行列have embarked on the road of···

有的···有的···有的···some···others···,and still others···

为···提供广阔的空间provide a broad scope for···

以···为重attach great value to sth

崇尚自尊自强uphold such virtues as self-respct and self-strengthening

为不断发展···提供精神动力···will be further boosted by the spiritual motivations


面看(2) East Asia in today's world is a force that cannot be ignored politically


地力量。(2) econolically,culturally or geographically.

这样才能···only by doing so can we ···

香港社会稳定,人心稳定,(3) Hongkong now enjoys social stability, its residents have

经济保持稳健运行。(3) a sence of security and its economy is developing smoothly.


山、亭,Small and delicate, cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye,the streams, br (4)小巧玲珑,布局精美,尽显

自然美,rockeries and pavilions of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty (4)令人赏心悦目。of their own.


枝起舞,Strolling about these gardens, with the tree shadows swaying on the white w (5)在园中徜徉的游客,也许能

在这and willow reflections dancing in the ponds, tourists may then find themselv (5)世外桃源里真正地享受片刻

安宁。enjoying a moment of peace and relaxation in this paradise beyond the turmo 这是···的第一步Thisis merely the first step toward ···

A 进而

B A prior to B

只有在这种情况下···Only under such circumstances can···

因···不同而有所不同···vary due to the differences of···

我认为···in my view,···


中国人民的20 yeats of reform and opening up have witmnessed great improvement in th (6)物质生活。material life of the Chinese people.

说起···in terms of ···

人们都知道···it is popularly recognized that···

A 孕育了

B B owes itself to A

我愿在这里提出一下几点意见I would like to offer my obervations as follows

本着···的原则in accordance with the principle of ···

把···摆到重要位置give priority to ···

···应该···,而不要······instead of ···

人类将要迎接一个新千年。Mankind is about toembrace a new millennium.

···显得越来越紧迫···take on an even greater urgency

吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。Illicit drug consumption involves about 3 percent of the world's population. 将法网撒向毒品市场的每个环节spread the net of justice over every link of the drug market

致富奔小康get on the road leading to a comfortable life, reach a moderate level of prosp 是···共同的心愿···will reflect the common aspiration of ···

始终have always been···

这是···,也是···This is ···。It also reflects···

随着时间的推移···With the passage of time,

人们越来越清楚地看到···it is even more apparent that···


动作出的,China's disarmament decision is made out of its own will,


被迫作出的。rather than under any external pressure.

是以对···高度负责的精神而采取的···it is an act taken out of a high sense of responsibility for···


裁军的筹码China has no intention whatsoever to use disarmament as a means or prerequ (8)或先决条件to force other countrues to reduce their military troops with China.

以自己的实际行动表达了···show to the world with its initiative in···

有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar!

起到***的桥梁作用serve as a bridge linking


方关系approach and handle our bilateral relations from a

long-range strategic perspective


挥积极作用be in support of a positive rold by ASEAN

in regional and international affairs

取得了长足的进展make considerable headway


好合作,前景将更加美好there lies an even brighter future for the development ,

prosperity,friendship and cooperation between

China and ASEAN


成的主题公园,其规模为远东The Donghai Park ,which is the largest theme park of

同类公园之冠。its kind unparalleled in the Far East, features complete

collection of the well-known world scenic spots.


足可以以假乱真,令游人叹为观止The tourists will find themselves engrossed in an involuntary admiration of t

dizzling arrays of the exact scenic reproductions that are

unbelievably true to the original


工艺品,历经各个历史时期,Included in the carefully selected exhibits are a sizable

所展示的名作和精品为数甚多。number of fine works of famous artists and authorsfrom various periods of

history dating as far back as 6000 years ago

根据***要求in accordance with the requirement for

在投资环境不断改善的条件下as the environment for investment continues to improve

始于曼谷的对话与合作the dialogue and cooperation initiated in Bangkok



和礼节性The Bangkok conference,like most primary sessions of this type

,seemed to be the more symbolic and ritualistic in its signigicance

人们更强烈希望there are strong hopes that



丰收To invest in that cooperation today suggests a bumper harvest tomorrow


有意义的学习和交流The next 3 weeks will see us engage in intensive and constructive studies an 书法家必中的汉字往往以字形的

夸张缺的艺术效果0 Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters

in the ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty.

音乐保存极为有限。There is a sereve limitationto the extent of music preservation


碑的建立这无疑是科学家们It was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders

of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical communication.


保真。Music transmission has become somethingthat is amazingly convenient,fast 新世纪音乐广播和音乐广播人还

能有所作为吗?What else can be done on the part of the music broadcasting industry and mu 除在我们这样的情况,我们自然会

成为一个大市场。Given our situation, we can't help ut be a large market.

走过了十年的奋斗历程have experienced a decade of hard struggle


是各位默默奉献的十年。It is a decade that has seen our caompany advance to the world market

and a decade of your dedication without any complaint


步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来set forth on the path of developing our economy by relying

on scientific and technological advancements and improving

the quality of our laborers

以适应社会对各类人才的需要satisfy the society's need for all types of qualified personnel


的浦东大地,到处是气魄非凡的One cannot bu see clusters of magnificent high-rise buildings in Pudong

摩天大楼。,which used to be largely a rural area scattered with dilapidated

old houses, fields of weeds, poodles and pools.

但高楼大厦并非浦东的全部But high-rise buildings are not all that Pudong has.


新,出现了六大支柱产业。The last few years have seen a rapid upgrading of Pudong's industrial

sector as a whole, best captured by the emergence of six pillar industries


性和协作关系,最终带动长江流域These enterprises and talents, through production-related association and coo 乃至全国数千家企业,面向国内,


销售,are expected to boost thousands of enterprises in the Yangtze Riover Valley,是浦东成为融中国现代化产业与

使经济主流的龙头和纽带。as well as in other parts of the country ,engaging in integrated production an

both domestic ant international markets.By doing so ,Pudong will function a

a bridge to integrate China's modern industry with the mainstream of the wo


Module 2 Logical analysis I Theory and skills 口译中的逻辑分析指的是对讲话进行纵向和横向的分析,纵向分析是指分清关键信息和辅助信息,即找出逻辑的层次;横向分析则是明确各信息点之间的逻辑关系,如因果关系、对比对照、举例说明等。逻辑分析的目的是为了透彻地理解原语讲话的内容,对信息的点(具体的信息内容)、线(各点之间的联系)和面(即整体概念)进行全面的把握,以便于记忆和表达。信息经过分析加工,便能在记忆中留下更深的印象。 逻辑分析练习可分为纵向分析和横向分析练习。纵向分析的训练方法和第一课介绍的概述练习有些类似,但侧重点不一样。纵向分析要求进行逻辑分层训练,即在听完一篇讲话后首先用一句话概括出讲话的中心内容,这是逻辑的最上层;围绕这一中心问题讲话人谈了哪几个方面的内容,这是第二层关系;而每个方面又具体谈了些什么,这是逻辑的下一个层次。例如第一课的练习1.1介绍了三种错误的饭后习惯,这三种习惯分别是:饭后立即吃水果、喝茶和散步;针对每一种错误习惯,分析了其原因,提出了正确的做法;在原因里又提到几种原因,分别是……。就这样将信息一层一层地剖析下去,形成一个清晰的逻辑线路图,然后按照逻辑线路对原语讲话进行复述,复述时不必拘泥于原语的顺序和结构。 横向分析的练习则要求我们找出信息之间的逻辑关系。一般的信息结构都遵从一定的逻辑关系模式,如:概括(generalization)、分类(classification)、因果(cause-effect)、对比对照(compare & contrast)、按照时间、空间、步骤、重要性的顺序排列(sequencing)、列举(simple listing)、提出问题-解决问题(problem-solution)等。找逻辑关系可以根据线索词汇,如英文里表示概括关系的线索词汇有:to sum up, in summary, in conclusion, in brief, in short, on the whole等;表示顺序的词汇有:first, second, furthermore, before, preceding, during, when, finally, meanwhile等;表示对比的词汇有:likewise, as well as, in common with, both, similarly,compared to等;表示对照的有:on the other hand, on the contrary, otherwise, instead, still, yet, whereas, differently等;表示因果的则有:so, since, because, as a result, consequently, lead to等等。 逻辑分析要求在听取信息时不是被动地接收,而是在全神贯注地收听的同时,结合自己对口译情境和讲话人背景的了解,进行合理的分析和预测,这样才能更好地跟上讲话人的思路,缓解“听”的压力,使口译理解更轻松更准确。 II Skills practice Teaching suggestions: Tell the students to form a mind picture or logic tree while listening, trying to associate main points with the corresponding sub-points, and then do the retelling to check the effectiveness of their logic analysis. Instruction: retell the passage, paying attention to the logic 2.1有偿搭车 “上班族”借助网络发帖联络搭乘“顺风车”,这种出行方式最近在北京、上海、深圳等一些大中型城市开始流行起来。一些网站还专门设立了相关的栏目,北京出现了全国第一家


一.商务职衔 1.总裁/会长/理事长President 2.董事会主席/董事长Chairman (board of directors) 3.董事Director 4.执行董事Executive Director 5.总干事Director-General 6.理事Trustee/Council Member 7.总监/主任Director 8.经理Manager 9.总经理General Manager 99(GM) 10.副总经理Assistant General Manager 11.总经理助理General Manager Assistant 12.公关部经理PR (Public Relations)Manager 13.销售部经理Sales Manager 14.营业经理Business Manager 15.市场部经理Marketing Manager 16.生产部经理Production Manager 17.研发部经理R&D (Research and Development) Manager 18.厂长Factory Managing Director 19.车间主任Workshop Manager 20.高级工程师Senior Engineer 21.工程师Engineer

22.助理工程师Assistant Engineer 23.首席执行官/总裁C.E.O (Chief Executive Officer) 24.首席财务官/财务总监C.F.O (Chief Financial Officer) 25.财务主管Financial Controller 26.高级会计师Senior Accountant 27.会计师Accountant 28.助理会计师Assistant Accountant 29.注册会计师CPA (Certified Public Accountant) 30.会计员Treasurer 31.出纳员Teller 32.首席信息官/咨讯总监C.I.O (Chief Information Officer) 33.首席营运官/运营总监C.O.O (Chief Operation Officer) 34.技术员Technician 35.程序员Programmer 36.设计师Designer 37.机械师Mechanic 38.化验员Chemical Analyst 39.质检员Quality Inspector 40.推销员Salesman/Salesperson 41.采购员Purchaser 42.部长Minister 43.副部长Vice-Minister


福州地铁1号线( Fuzhou Metro Line 1)南段计划今年5月开通试运营(trial operation)。福州市物价局(Fuzhou City Price Bureau)今日消息,福州地铁票价已经市政府批准确定,起步价定为5公里(含)2元(the starting price is set at 5 km (inclusive) 2 yuan),多项收费政策采纳了地铁听证会(Metro Hearing)参加人的意见。 Yu Shaolei, an editor at Southern Metropolis Daily(南方都市报), posted a resignation note online, saying he could no longer follow the Communist Party line.( 共产党路线) 北方持续晴暖(Continuous warm and sunny)、南方暴雨成灾(torrential rains),近期中国天气“两极分化”(polarization)明显。放在全球背景下,这种极端天气现象绝非孤例(isolated cases.)。很可能成为“史上最强”的厄尔尼诺(El Nino)虽然峰值已过,但仍在强有力地搅动全球气候,对其影响必须警惕(maintain sharp vigilance)。 The government is to set up a new task force(设立了一个新的工作组) to investigate allegations of tax-dodging and money laundering (调查逃税和洗钱)in light of the Panama Papers leak.( 巴拿马文件泄漏) 北京时间14日,日本九州地区熊本县发生了推测震级(earthquake of magnitude)为里氏6.5级的强震,该县益城町达到震度7(日本标准)等,以九州中部为主西日本大范围地区出现了强烈摇晃,熊本县持续发生


从二十世纪五十年代开始,国际会议口译迅速增加,越来越多的场合采用了同声传译。口译职业化逐渐成形:既有大学专业教育,又有专门的行业组织和执业规范,围绕口译的研究也随之而生。六十年代中期开始,心理学方面的研究人员开始关注同声传译的心理过程,进行了一系列的实证性研究,包括对译员短期记忆、长期记忆的研究,语言间词汇联想能力等方面。研究的核心问题是处理语言过程中的时间因素,即源语和目标语的时间差。随着口译研究的不断发展,研究逐渐扩展到译员认知,意义单位,质量控制和译者角色等方面。 重要参考文献 Allioni, S. (1989).Towards a grammar of consecutive interpretation. The theoretical and practical aspects of teaching conference interpretation . Udine: Campanotto, 191–197. Anderson, R. B. (2002).Perspectives on the role of the interpreter. The Interpreting Studies Reader . London and New York: Routledge, 209-217. Barik, H. C. (1973).Simultaneous interpretation: temporal and quantitative data. Language and Speech , 16(3), 237-270. Cronin, M. (1996).Translating Ireland: translation, languages, culture . Cork University Press. Cronin, M. (2002).The empire talks back: orality, heteronomy and the cultural turn in interpreting studies. The Interpreting Studies Reader , 393–397. Gile, D. (1991).The processing capacity issue in conference interpretation . Babel (Bonn), 37(1), 15-27. Gile, D. (1997).Conference interpreting as a cognitive management problem. In Cognitive processes in translation and interpreting , 196-214. Kohn, K.& Kalina, S. (1996).The strategic dimension of interpreting. Meta , 41(1), 118-138. Kurz, I. (1993).Conference interpretation: expectations of different user groups. The Interpreters Newsletter , 5, 13–21. Lonsdale, D. (1997).Modeling cognition in SI: methodological issues.


1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己 去查字典了解了解两词的区别【谢谢方雪梅同学的讨论】) 2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit 4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination 5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity 6.新能源观new thinking on energy development 有关先进文化的词汇 1.古为今用、洋为中用 旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译draw from past and foreign achievements 2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field 3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement 4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activities cultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors 5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化 a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented 6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity 7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works 8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal 9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world. What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world. When you are unique, the world comes to you.


口译(又称传译)是一种翻译活动,顾名思义,是指译员以口语的方式,将译入语转换为译出语的方式,做口语翻译,也就是在讲者仍在说话时,同声传译员便“同时”进行翻译。 目录 编辑本

语种、考试科目、考试大纲和考试命题,研究建立考试题库等有关工作。中国外文局翻译专业资格考评中心负责该考试的具体实施工作。 北京新东方英语学校口译辅导,针对考试内容课堂模拟,授课教师将着重答题技巧的传授;模拟考试常见题材,讲解口译难点,补充常见专业词汇。口译实务技巧,传授实务考试技巧,专业口译笔记训练,大段考证模拟练习。 考试地点 2003年人事部制定下发了《翻译专业资格(水平)考试暂行规定》和《二级、三级翻译专业资格(水平)考试实施办法》,2003年7月成立了翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会,并于2003年12月6日至7日,全国首次二级、三级英语口译、笔译试点考试在北京、上海、广州三个城市举行。经过多方协商、共同协作和精心组织,圆满完成了本次试点考试任务。考试结束后,人事部专技司、外文局、外专局培训中心和人事部人事考试中心还专门召开了座谈会,认真听取考生对试点考试的意见和建议。据统计,本次试点考试共有1682人报名,1629人参加考试,492人经考试合格取得翻译资格证书。试点考试的参考率高、考生范围广,从各方面反映看,试点工作得到了人事部、外文局领导、各位专家及社会各界的充分肯定。外文局常务副局长、翻译专业资格(水平)考试筹备工作领导小组组长郭晓勇称“考试社会反响良好”。根据考试中出现的问题和考生反映的情况,外文局请英语专家委员会调整了英语考试大纲的部分内容。翻译资格(水平)考试报名条件放开,面向社会,得到广大考生的欢迎和社会的认可,符合人才评价的发展方向。由高等院校和翻译一线的专家承担的命题工作是成功的,起到了通过试点检验命题标准、命题方式和试卷结构的作用,这为在全国继续扩大试点提供了宝贵的经验,得到了广大考生的认可。 2004年5月下旬,英语二、三级翻译资格试点考试继续扩大。二、三级口译考试扩大到北京、上海、广州、天津、重庆、武汉等六城市,笔译考试除以上六市外还扩大到西安、南京、郑州、成都、长春、福州等共12个城市。2004年11月13日、14日,英语二、三级翻译资格试点考试笔译考试在全国25个城市、口译考试在全国15个城市进行;法语二、三级考试在北京、上海试点考试;日语二、三级考试在北京、上海、大连试点考试。考试大纲的编写、国家翻译资格考试标准的确定、考试试题的命制等都是由翻译资格考试最高层次的专家组织——日、法语专家委员会的专家们参与完成的。这些专家都是翻译界的资深教授和学者,代表着法语、日语翻译界的最高水平。同时专家委员会对考试制度的建立和完善,对更好地形成一套科学化、社会化、规范化的翻译人才评价制度都发挥了重要作用。人事部专业技术人员管理司司长刘宝英在日法语考试试点成立大会上


口译词汇及所涉及专业知识汇总Floating Dock (a metal Floating Dock ) 浮动港口Maritime Training Academy 海军训练基地 Air Force Training Academy 空军训练基地 Ocean Patrol Vessels( OPV) 海洋巡逻舰 Sea Patrol Vessels 近海巡逻船 Air Craft Carrier 航空母舰 发标to issue bidding documents 采购计划purchasing planning 渔政船fishery administration vessel 军舰Naval vessels 德班Durban 开普敦Cape Town 理查湾港Richard Bay 股权equity/share

煤矿集散地Coal distribution center 军港military harbor 商业港commercial port 武官defense attaché 商务参赞commercial counsellor 大使馆embassy 领事馆consulate 军火arms and ammunition 防务defense 中国人民解放军总装备部Chinese PLA General Armament Department 国际海军防务展IMDEX (International Maritime Defence Exhibition & Conference) 导弹护卫舰missile frigate 海军总司令commander-in-chief of the navy 总统专机president jet


v1.0 可编辑可修改 &Punshiment 罪与罚 盗窃类 Stealing/theftCar theft (偷车), ID Card theft(intelligent crime智能犯罪)Pickpocket 扒手Shoplifter 顺手牵羊者Burglar 入室盗窃,窃贼—burglary Break-in 入室盗窃 攻击类 Attack 攻击Assault 袭击Mugging 背后袭击 Rape 强奸 抢劫类 Robbery 抢劫Hijack 劫持Hostage 人质Kidnapping/Abduction 绑架 Juvenile青少年类 School/Campus violence 校园暴力Bully 欺负Juvenile Delinquency 青少年犯罪Drug addiction/abuse 吸毒Drug trafficking 贩毒Cheating 作弊Academic Plagiarism 学术剽窃Copy 抄袭Corporal Punishment 体罚Spank 打屁股 Slap 抽耳光 经济类 Corruption 腐败Bribery 贿赂 Fraud, Scam 诈骗 公路交通类 Speeding 超速驾驶Drunken driving 醉酒驾车Reckless driving 鲁莽驾车Fine, Ticket 罚款 Parking 停车 罪犯 Delinquent Offender Criminal 商业 Smuggling 走私Smuggled goods 水货Cheap copy/copycat 山寨Piracy 盗版

v1.0 可编辑可修改 Swindle 骗财 Law & Order 法制类 Law Enforcement 执法 Law-abiding citizen 守法公民 Punishment惩罚类 Capital punishment 死刑Life imprisonment 终生监禁Jailed / Behind bars 入狱,铁窗生涯Prison/Jail break 越狱Penalty 惩罚Execution 处死Community Service 社区服务Deportation 驱逐出境 Extradition 引渡 Court法庭类 Judge 法官Supreme Court 最高法院Attorney 辩护律师Lawyer 律师Barrister (英)高级律师Defendant 被告Prosecutor 检察官Sue 起诉Lawsuit 诉讼Jury 陪审团Innocent 无罪Guilty 有罪Be sentenced to…被判…Trail 审判,试验Evidence 证据Forensic medicine 法医Investigation 调查Interrogation 审问Police Department 警察局Witness 目击证人Jurisdiction 裁判权,审判权Criminal Justice System 犯罪司法系统 健康类词汇合集 WHO-World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 Epidemic; Pandemic; Endemic 流行病 Plague 瘟疫 Disease; illness 疾病 Ailment 小病Bird flu; Avian flu 禽流感 Influenza (flu) 流感 Foot & Mouth Disease 口蹄疫 Mad Cow Disease 疯牛病SARS 非典Swine flu 猪流感 AIDS 艾滋病 Virus 病毒 Bacteria; Fungus 细菌 饮食健康 Calorie 卡路里,食物热量 Diet 节食Blood sugar 血糖 blood pressure 血压Cholesterol 胆固醇 Fiber 纤维 Calcium 钙 Vitamin 维生素 Fruit sugar; fructose 果糖 Glucose 麦芽糖Nutrition 营养


Interculture Awareness Plays an Important Role in Translation Interculture awareness, a basic talent of an interpreter, is very important. It directly influences the translation’s quality and it can be a measure of a wonderful interpreter. An interpreter with a sensitive interculture awareness can interpret more correctly and be understood more easily. At the press conference held on the March 14, 2010, the Prime Minister Wen quoted the classic Chinese poetries which are in short form but in deep meaning more than ten times in answer to foreign journalists’questions. It was rather hard to interpret those poetries, but Wen’s interpreter, Zhang Lu, translated them into English calmly, quickly and fluently, which reflected her wonderful interculture awareness. Zhang’s translation will be discussed as follows: Case: the Premier Wen said in a opening remark: “今后几年,道路依然不平坦,甚至充满荆棘。但是我们应该记住这样一条古训:行百里者半九十。不可有任何松懈麻痹和动摇。”And then he expressed that he wanted to do his best in the next three years with words quoted from《离骚》:“亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。” Translation by Zhang: The road ahead is not a smooth one, it maybe full of twists and turns. But we should always re-member this important thing: that is half of the people who have embarked on the one hundred miles journey may fall by the way side,this means we must not slacken our efforts in the slightest, and we must not waive r in our resolve … For the ideal I hold dear to my heart,I would not regret a thousand times to die. With this strong commitment, I will continue to devote my-self to my work in the next three years. “亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔”,quoted by the Premier from 《离骚》, is familiar to most Chinese. The “九死”was translated into “a thousand times to die”is very idiomatic because Chinese always use the “三”or “九”to express “a lot of times”and Zhang translated it into a form that is familiar to foreigners. The translation of “行百里者半九十”, by contrast, is not so exact. The phrase quoted from 《战国策·秦策五》means that if one has finished 90 km in 100km-road, it is considered as that one has finished half of the road because the last 10 km is more harder than the former 90km, that is to say, one should work harder or one will fail. That phrase is often used to urge people to start well and end well. The Chinese interpreter can not translate the Chinese poetry into English very exactly in a hurry but if the interculture awareness is made most of in the translation, the interpreter will perform better. For example, the phrase can be translated into “Ninety miles is only half of a hundred miles journey”. In conclusion, interculture awareness plays an important role in translation. It can help the translator to understand the speaker better and interpret more exactly. Therefore, the interpreters should cultivate sensitive intervculture awareness to improve translation quality.


口译初学者—如何进入口译行业口译,是一个圈子很小的行业。通过老译员介绍,进入圈子,是有效的方式之一。或许许多新人都听到过“老译员不愿意带新手、不愿意和新手合作”的言论。其实不然,任何资深译员都是从新手走来,都是在和其他译员的合作下,不断成长起来的。其实,老译员不是不愿意和新手合作,而是不愿意和不熟悉的新手合作,尤其是同传。如果和一个不熟悉的新人合作,译员不清楚你的能力,译员会感觉到不踏实,会影响他本人的发挥。如果是老译员熟悉的新人,对你知根知底,如果你足够强,有合适的机会,老手自然会推荐你,与你合作。其实,做口译,是一个很讲究partner的工作,一个优秀的口译员都会有一颗助人为乐的包容之心,会去nice的对待那些后起之秀。优秀的译员,不怕带新手,怕的是不按照规则出牌的新人,是素质差、能力不够的新人。将优秀的新人带入行,淘汰掉滥竽充数的人,对口译行业本身是促进,自己也会受益。 对于新人,别人给你推荐的会议,一定要认真准备,全力发挥,确保“首站必胜”。口译,是很残酷的工作,对新人尤其如此。如果首秀演砸了,翻译公司也好,客户也好,可能直接将你拉入黑名单,未来不再考虑和你合作。此外,也会影响到推荐人,他或许会考虑下次是不是要在推荐你去其他的客户。一次做砸,经验不足,可以理解。两次做砸,就是问题。口译,尤其是自由口译的同传市场是残酷的。 除了资深译员介绍,可以先从给翻译公司海投简历开始,翻译公 北鼎教育

司看到你的简历后,会给你备案,有合适的项目会找你合作。简历,是最基本的敲门砖,要会写简历,要在有限的篇幅中,写出最精彩的内容,这才是最好的简历。简历如何写,推荐一篇博文《如何书写翻译类求职简历》。但是,投简历也需要耐心,你发出了简历,不会马上有人找你做口译,需要耐心的等待。翻译公司及其他潜在客户,一般都有自己固定的合作口译,不可能马上上来就用新人。机会合适,难度适当时候,会和新人联系的。 关于翻译公司,或许大家听到过种种关于翻译公司的负面评价。但是,不可否认,翻译公司在口译市场上扮演着重要角色。即便是成熟译员的单子,也有不少会议来自翻译公司。对于渠道相对较少的新人,不必要排斥翻译公司,要学会合理的翻译公司的中介作用,实现双赢。 酒香也怕巷子深。你有能力,需要让其他人知道你可以做口译,让你的亲朋好友知道你在做口译、可以做口译。学会主动出击,不断的积累人脉,做到高筑墙、广积粮、缓称王。 会议没有高低贵贱之分,只有规模大小、技术难度高低之分。新人接到会后,一定要认真、认真、再认真的准备,做好自己的每场会。,开始阶段,对一个新人是极其重要的,要对自己有信心,客户敢给你会,表明他初步认可了你的能力,自己更应对自己有信息。相信自己,用心做好每场会,用同样认真和投入的态度去对待每场会,一点点的积累自己的声誉。 北鼎教育


2003年12月全国英语专业八级口试参考答案 1. We’ve published some very impressive articles, each month somehow surpassing the quality and depth of the previous month’s edition. 2. Our creative and talented staff won five writing awards and seven photographic awards. This year some 119,000 people subscribed to our magazine. 3. About six years ago we had an idea for a nature-oriented magazine, but we all had doubts about the general acceptance of the idea, whether there would be enough interest from people to sustain us. 4. Today, it’s a wonderful feeling to know that we have succeeded, and everyone here shares the credit for making this magazine what it has become. 5. While it is a formidable task for us all, I’m sure that next year at this time we’ll have more awards, and more subscribers, and feel an even greater sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. 1. 会议期间,来自不同国家和地区的专家、学者畅所欲言、各抒己见,积极为搞好老城保护和更新献计献策。(10%) During the meeting, the experts and scholar from different countries and areas speak out their minds and offer suggestions to help the ancient city preserve and renew. 2. 在此,我代表市委、市政府对各位专家的辛勤劳动表示衷心的感谢。(10%) Here, on behalf of Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, I would express my sincere thanks to every hardworking expert. 3.龙城是座古老而美丽的城市,已有2500年的建城史,是国务院公布的首批历史文化名城。(10%) Longcheng, an ancient and beautiful city, has had 2, 500 years’ history, being one of the first batch of historical and cultural cities which the State Council announced. 4. 这座城市最大的特色在于它有丰厚的文化内涵,其中精髓在老城。(10%) The greatest characteristic of this city is its rich cultural connotations, and its essence is in the ancient city. 5、这是前人留给我们的遗产,是一笔宝贵的资源,她属于龙城、属于中国、属于世界。(10%) This is the heritage from our ancestors and precious resources. She belongs to Longcheng, to China, even to all over the world. 2006年度全国英语专业八级口试参考答案及评分标准 English-Chinese: 1. Today, in almost every industry in almost every part of the world there are many examples of enterprises applying information technology to increase their competitiveness. 如今,几乎在世界上每个地方、每个行业,都有许多将信息技术用于提高企业竞争力的例子。 2. I think we’re seeing this technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals. 我认为,这种技术正在到达所有转变性技术都会达到的阶段,一个不再只被一小群专业人士所控制的阶段。 3. Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has already reached the point where we can call it a new mass medium. 虽然网络技术还处于初级阶段,但是它已经达到了一个阶段,可以被称为新的大众媒体。 4. Less than 5 years after the birth of the Internet, some 90 million people are online around the world, and that number will soon be hundreds of millions.


口译常用词汇及表达 一、欢迎光临 (一)商务职衔 1.总裁/会长/理事长President 2.董事会主席/董事长 Chairman (board of directors) 3.董事Director 4.执行董事Executive Director 5.总干事Director-General 6.理事Trustee/Council Member 7.总监/主任Director 8.经理Manager 9.总经理General Manager(GM) 10.副总经理Assistant General Manager 11.总经理助理General Manager Assistant 12.公关部经理PR (Public Relations) Manager 13.销售部经理Sales Manager 14.市场部经理Marketing Manager 15.生产部经理Production Manager 16.研发部经理 R & D (Research and Development) Manager 17.厂长Factory Managing Director 18.车间主任Workshop Manager 19.高级工程师Senior Engineer 20.助理工程师Assistant Engineer 21.首席执行官/总裁 C.E.O (Chief Executive Officer) 22.首席财务官/财务总监 C.F.O (Chief Financial Officer) 23.财务主管Financial Controller 24.高级会计师Senior Accountant 25.会计师Accountant 26.助理会计师Assistant Accountant 27.注册会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 28.会计员Treasurer 29.出纳员Teller 30.首席信息官/ 咨讯总监 C.I.O (Chief Information Officer) 31.首席营运官/ 运营总监 C.O.O (Chief Operation Officer) 32.技术员Technician 33.程序员Programmer 34.设计师Designer 35.机械师Mechanic 36.推销员Salesman / Salesperson 37.采购员Purchaser 38.部长Minister 39.副部长Vice-Minister 40.部长助理Assistant Manager 41.省长Governor 42.市长Mayor 43.副(省长/市长)Vice- / Deputy 44.常务副(省长/市长) Senior (Vice-Governor / Vice-Mayor) 45.厅长/司长Director-General, … Department 46.局长Director-General, … Bureau 47.处长Director, ... Division 48.科长Section Chief 49.副(厅长/司长/局长/处长)deputy (二)机场词汇 1.国际航班International Flight 2.国内航班Domestic Flight 3.航班号码Flight Number 4.起飞/抵达时间Departure/arrival time 5.机场大楼Terminal Building 6.航班/飞机资料显示牌Flight Information Board 7.候机室Departure Lounge 8.贵宾室VIP Room 9.登记柜台Check-in Counter 10.问讯处Information Desk 11.办理出境/入境/海关手续 to go through / complete the (exit/ entry/ customs) formalities 12.出境登记卡Departure Card 13.入境登记卡Landing Card 14.安全检查Security Check 15.护照检查处Passport Control 16.签证种类Type of visa 17.一次性/多次性入境签 Single-entry/Multiple entry visa 18.再入境签证Re-entry visa 19.旅行/居留签证Travel/Residence visa 20.出境/入境/过境/访问签证 Exit/Entry/Transit/V isitor’s visa 21.签证有效期validity of visa 22.入境日期及口岸date and port of entry
