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For Chinese people, CCTV’s Spring Festival gala, or Chun Wan is much more anticipated. Broadcasted live on Chinese New Year’s Eve, the gala is the most-watched TV event in the country.对于中国人来说,中央电视台的春节联欢晚会越来越受到人们的关注与期待。春晚在中国农历新年的除夕之夜现场直播,是中国收视率最高的电视节目。

2013 is the year of snake and the lunar New Year’s Eve falls on Feb 9th. And the gala director is busily preparing.2013年是蛇年,今年的除夕在2月9日,目前导演正在紧张的准备工作中。

(Ha Wen, director of CCTV’s 2013 Spring Festival Gala, said, )"There will be a lot of music. We’ll have big stars of pop music such as Jackie Cheung and girl group SHE from Taiwan. I can’t tell you more and spoil the surprise. But viewers will definitely be entertained on the night!"央视2013春晚总导演哈文说:“今年的音乐类节目很多,我们会请到流行音乐歌星如张学友,台湾组合S.H.E. 等等。我不能给你剧透太多否则就没惊喜了,但我相信观众肯定会得到货真价实的娱乐享受。”

This is Ha Wen and her crew’s second stint at directing the spring festival gala. Last year’s event proved a great success.这是哈文和她的团队第二次接手春节联欢晚会了,去年她们获得了巨大的成功。

(A stint is a period of time which you spend doing a particular job or activity or working in a particular place. 一段时间,一次工作经历等)

Ha Wen says last year they realize their dream for the first time, and this year they will do it again and give an entertainment feast to people across the country.


Ha said, "We watch the news and pay a lot of attention to what’s happening in our country in 2012. They will be reflected in some of the programs in the gala. It will appeal to the public."哈文说:“我们经常看电视新闻,密切关注2012年发生的各种事情。这些事情(或话题)会在今年的春晚上有所反映,我想它们会抓住观众眼球的。”

CCTV’s 2013 spring festival gala will be aired from 8pm on Feb 9th. The nearly five-hour event always features a variety of acts, including dance, music, comedy and magic.中央电视台2013春节联欢晚会将于2月9号晚8点准时开始播出,近5小时的节目将会包括舞蹈、歌曲、小品和魔术等各种表演形式。

The annual event has notched up several world records, such as the largest audience for an annual variety show, most performing artists and longest.



明天早上我们计划去爬长城。We are going to ascend the Great Wall tomorrow morning. 长城绵延约六千公里,穿越了中国的东半部。The Great Wall runs all the way across the eastern half of China with a length of about 6,000 kilometers.

据说万里长城是从外太空可以看到的地球上唯一的建筑。It is said to be the only mankind construction/building on the earth that can be seen from the outer space.



The construction of the Great Wall took altogether over 2000 years. It started in the Zhou Dynasty in the 7th century B.C. and continued until the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century A.D..

现存的城墙都是明朝修建的。All the existing wall was built in the Ming Dynasty.

修建长城是为了抵御来自北方游牧民族的入侵。敌军逼近时,放哨的警卫就会在烽火台上发送烟雾信号作为警报。It was constructed to guard against invasion by nomadic tribes from the north. When enemy troops approached, guards on watch would send smoke signals from the beacon-fire towers as an alarm.

你知道爬长城可不是件简单的事。所以今晚早点休息,好好睡一觉。不到长城非好汉,到时见。You know climbing the Great Wall is not an easy job. So please go to bed early and have a good sleep this evening. He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. See you then.

京剧角色 C-E

京剧是一种集歌剧表演、歌唱、音乐、舞蹈和武术于一体的表演艺术。京剧的角色分成生、旦、净、丑。Peking Opera is a performing art that integrates opera with singing, music, dancing and martial arts. In Beijing Opera, there are four roles: sheng, dan, jing and chou.

一般男子称“生”,又分“老生”和“小生”。中年成熟男子称“老生”,青年男子称“小生”。The male role is called sheng, which is divided into lao sheng and xiao sheng: the former is a mature, middle-aged man, while the latter portrays a young man. 一般妇女称“旦”,又细分为“青衣”,“武旦”和“花旦”。

On the other hand, the female role is called dan, which is divided into qing yi (a respectable and decent lady), wu dan(a military woman capable of martial arts), and hua dan (a lively and clever young girl).

品貌或性格迥异的男子称“净”,也叫“花脸”。The role of jing is also called the painted-face. It portrays all kinds of paint-faced male characters of distinct personalities or appearances.

诙谐、幽默、机智的男子称“丑”。The last role is called chou, which is the Chinese equivalent of clown in western opera. It often portrays a witty and funny folk of male gender.

中国京剧是中国的“国粹”,已有200年历史。其剧目之丰富、表演艺术家之多、剧团之多、观众之多、影响之深均为全国之冠。自1919年京剧艺术大师梅兰芳先生东渡日本演出后,至今京剧的足迹遍及全球,对中、西文化交流、人民友好往来,增进团结、友谊做出了卓越的贡献。Peking Opera of China is a national treasure with a history of 200 years. Its richness of repertoire, great number of performing artists, troupes and audience, and profound influence are incomparable in China. Since Mei Lanfang, the grand master of Peking Opera, visited Japan in 1919, Peking Opera has become known all over the world, and it has made remarkable contributions to cultural exchanges between China and the West, and to the solidarity as well as friendship of the human kind.


各位外国朋友大家好,我是这个景区的管委会主任,在大家进入景区游览之前,有几个注意事项要提醒一下:Hello everybody, (…hello?...) ok, everyone, allow me to introduce

myself, ok? I am the Director of the Administrative Committee of this scenic spot. Now before you visit this area, I would like to give you several tips or precautions: 首先,我们景区会给大家配一个英文导游,请听从我们导游的安排,遵守时间,以便顺利完成整个行程。First, we will provide you with an English-speaking guide. Please take his advice during the trip and follow the schedule.

Please don't forget his cell phone number and your tour bus's number. And please don't turn off your mobile phone. 我们这个景区比较大,如果与团队走散时,请不要慌张,我们的导游一定会尽快来找你们。This scenic spot is really spacious and expansive/far reaching. So if you get lost, please stay calm, our guide will come to get you as soon as possible (asap).

其次,请注意安全。Second, safety first (安全第一) /safety is the number-one principle. 请不要到危险的地区拍照或攀爬。Please don't venture to take photos in dangerous places or conduct dangerous climbing.

请注意妥善保管个人的贵重物品,照顾好随身物件,遇到紧急情况可以和我们的工作人员联系。Please take good care of your valuables. You can contact our staff in case of emergency.此外,我们景区内的民族风情表演区在上午10:00和下午3:00各有一场表演,大

所以不用另外付钱。And by the way, there will be a performance show respectively at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the Ethnic Performance Section. The cost is included in the entrance fee, so all of you are

(动词短语→名词)Finally, I wish you a happy tour, thank you.


我们这次旅游的目的地是举世闻名的大熊猫故乡,列入世界自然遗产的九寨沟自然保护区。The destination of our trip this time is the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, the natural range of the world-famous giant pandas. It is listed as one of the world natural heritage sites.

九寨沟位于我国四川省阿坝藏族自治州境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。Jiuzhaigou is located in the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, covering a land of natural beauty 35 kilometers long.


1. This land features perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant (青翠的) and lush forests, stretches (一片片的) of serene lakes, and various rare and precious birds and animals, all contributing to the unique views of Jiuzhaigou.

2. This scenic spot features snow mountains, dense forests, placid lakes and rare wildlife, all contributing to its unique charm.


1.When you enter the reserve, you will feel like strolling along in a paradise, no

more troubled by earthly worries.

2.Upon entering the resort, you will find yourself strolling in a haven of peace

leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and vexations.

3.世外桃源 : earthly paradise



1.Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, the clearest in the world .Water brings Jiuzhaigou

its most enchanting views; water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou.

2.Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, the clearest on the earth. Water makes its most

enchanting beauty and becomes its true soul.


Whether you are met with serene lakes or plunging waterfalls, you will enjoy yourself so much among the charming sights as to linger on with no thought of leaving for home. ( reluctant to leave )


A romantic local legend has it that a long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful and kind-hearted goddess in the mountain east of Jiuzhaigou and an industrious and chivalrous god in the mountain west of Jiuzhaigou. They met each other more and more often as time went by, and finally they fell in love.

男神\白马王子:the man of my dreams/ my dream man /prince charming 如意郎君: Mr.Right 一天男神为了表达自己的爱慕之情,特意送了一面又大又亮的神镜给女神。女神在接过神镜

108块,从此给九寨沟留下了108个形态各异、晶晶闪亮的湖泊。One day the god presented a big and shiny divine mirror to the goddess as a token of love(作为…的标志或象征等). The goddess

slipped from her trembling fingers and dropped to the valleys, breaking into 108 pieces. The 108 mirror pieces turned out to be 108 winkling (闪耀=twinkle) and glittering crystal lakes of different sizes, covering the land of Jiuzhaigou.

中国的敬酒习俗 E-C

Most Chinese people have the tradition of making toasts at banquets.

中国的宴席中一般都有敬酒的习俗。The order on the toast may be based on age from the eldest to the youngest, by social position from high to low, or by guest status from principal to secondary. Only if the individual proposes the toast in a correct and reasonable manner, would the toast be well received and appreciated.敬酒的顺序通常要按照年龄先长后幼、职位由高到低或者先主宾后次宾的顺序。只有充分考虑到敬酒的顺序,才能达到敬酒的效果,使大家皆大欢喜。One may propose a toast at any time throughout the meal, and making several toasts to one person is acceptable as well.


If the guests’ glasses are less than half full, the host will help refill glasses for them. The order in which this takes place is similar to that of proposing toasts, placing those of higher social status first. 当杯中的饮料少于一半时,主人通常会为客人斟满。斟酒的次序同敬酒的次序一样也是有长幼高低之分的。

When people make a toast to a person superior, they usually make sure that rim of their glass clinks at position lower than rim of the other person’s glass, which expresses respect and modesty.在与长辈或地位高的人碰杯时,人们为了表示自己的谦虚和对对方的尊敬,往往会让自己的杯口低于对方的杯口。

中美经贸合作五条原则 C-E


A (historical) review (动→名) of Sino-US trade and economic relations reveals certain important experience and lessons which we should learn from and bear in mind. Now I would like to propose the following five principles for fair trade and economic cooperation between China and the U.S. for our discussion:


First, mutual benefit and win-win strategy. Thinking broadly, one should take account of the other's interests while pursuing its own.


Second, development first. We should resolve existing differences through expanded trade and economic cooperation.


Third, to exert the best utility of the coordinating mechanisms in bilateral trade and economic relations. Disputes should be addressed in a timely manner through communication and consultation to avoid possible escalation.

第四、平等协商。求大同存小异,不动辄设限和制裁。No indiscreet sanctions. Fourth, equal consultation. The two sides should seek consensus on major issues while reserving differences on minor concerns, instead of imposing restrictions or sanctions at every turn (一回合,一次).

第五、不把经贸问题政治化。Fifth, no politicization of trade and economic issues. 这五条原则,是建立在世贸组织框架和国际贸易基本准则基础上的,也是正确认识和妥善处理(动→名)今后一个时期中美贸易可能出现的分歧和摩擦所需要的。这五条原则的核心和精


These five principles are based on the WTO framework and existing norms of international trade. They are esssential for a correct understanding and proper handling of possible (Sino-US) trade disputes or frictions between our two countries in the years ahead.

Development is our driving force, equality the premise, and mutual benefit our goal. This, in my opinion, also serves the need for a constructive and cooperative relationship to which both sides are committed (双方承诺的、致力于发展的).符合/切合……的要求/服务于\满足……的要求 = serves the need of/for



China covers a large territory and has many ethnic groups, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor.

因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around.

当然,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine.

Shandong Cuisine山东菜系

山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness.

因为使用大葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。Shallot (大葱) and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent and hot usually.


Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong.


Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste.


The most famous dish in Shandong is the Sweet and Sour Carp\fish. A truly authentic Sweet and Sour Carp must come from the Yellow River. It is perfect when eaten with Shandong's own famous beer, Qingdao Beer.

Sichuan Cuisine四川菜系

四川菜系,是世界上最著名的中国菜系之一。四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,产生出经典的刺激的味道。Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine is prolific in its tastes, and it emphasizes on the use of red chili pepper.

此外,大蒜,姜和豆豉也被应用于烹饪过程中。Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process.

野菜和野禽常被选用为原料,油炸,无油炸,腌制和文火炖煮是基本的烹饪技术。Wild vegetables and fowls (animals) are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and stewing or braising are applied as basic cooking techniques.

没有品尝过四川菜的人不算来过中国。You can’t say you’ve come to China if you haven’t tried Sichuan Cuisine.

如果你吃四川菜,发现它过于柔和,那么你可能吃的不是正宗的四川菜。If you eat Sichuan cuisine and find it too bland or light in flavor, then you are probably not eating authentic Sichuan cuisine.

四川火锅也许是世界上最出名的火锅,尤其是半辣半清的鸳鸯火锅。Sichuan hot pots are perhaps the most famous hotpots in the world, most notably the Yuan Yang (mandarin duck) Hotpot, with its double flavor, half spicy and half clear.

成都在2010年被联合国教科文组织列为"美食城市",这是亚洲第一个获此殊荣的地方,成都以其麻辣火锅和辛辣菜肴而闻名。四川菜的特点就是用花椒调味,给人一种“麻”的感觉。Crowned as Asia's first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in 2010, Chengdu is best-known for its fiery hot pot and spicy dishes, which are characterized by the use of Sichuan pepper,with a very special taste of numbness.

成都街头至少有上百种特色小吃,比如酸辣粉和 "龙抄手"(水煮馄饨淋上辣椒油、胡椒和葱花)。The streets in Chengdu hold more than 100 varieties of street snacks, from hot and sour jelly noodles to "dragon lifting a hand" (poached wontons drizzled in toasty chili oil, peppercorns and chopped green onions).

Guangdong Cuisine广东菜系

广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。大多数华侨来自广东,因此广东菜也许是国外最广泛的中国地方菜系。Cantonese cuisine originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. The majority of overseas Chinese people are from Guangdong, so Cantonese cuisine is perhaps the most widely available Chinese regional cuisine out of China.

广东人热衷于尝试用各种不同的肉类和蔬菜。事实上,中国北方人常说,广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;地上爬的,除了火车;水里游的,除了船儿。这一陈述很不属实,但是广东菜确实是内容最丰富的中国菜系之一。Cantonese are known to have adventurous palates上颚/味觉. They are willing to try many different kinds of meat and vegetable. In fact, people in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats. This statement is far from the truth, but Cantonese food is definitely one of the most diverse and richest cuisines in China.

广东菜不大使用辣椒,而是带出蔬菜和肉类自身的风味。Cantonese cuisine doesn't use much chili pepper, bringing out the natural flavor of the vegetables and meats.


Steaming and stir-frying are commonly applied by Cantonese chefs, who also pay much attention to the artistic presentation of dishes.

作为粤菜的发源地,广州被认为是中国最好的美食城市之一。The birthplace of Cantonese food, Guangzhou is thought by many as one of the best places to eat in China.

当地人早上喜欢喝粥,最受欢迎的要数如轩砂锅粥。在这里,任何时候都能喝到招牌海鲜粥。Congee is the way Cantonese locals love to start their day, and one of the most popular vendors is Ru Xuan Sha Guo Zhou. Here, one can get a bowl of signature seafood congee any hour of the day。shrimp dumplings虾饺

Turpan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番

吐鲁番小镇出产最美味的维吾尔美食。大型集市边上有许多价格便宜的露天餐馆。The town of Turpan has the best Uyghur food in Xinjiang. Dozens of open-air restaurants serve domestic snacks next to the main bazaar。

烤羊肉串lamb kawop(维吾尔语)馕 nang bread;crusty pancake

馕是新疆各民族人民喜爱的主食之一,已有两千多年的历史了。The 2000-year-old crusty pancake is locally known as nang, one of the popular staple foods in Xinjiang. fresh yoghurt新鲜酸奶Datong, Shanxi Province山西省大同市round / steamed bread and hundreds of varieties of noodles馍馍(馒头)和各种做法的面条

One of the Specialties is the delicate chrysanthemum shao mai (steamed dumplings favored by the Empress Cixi when she last visited).特色菜有可口的菊花烧卖(据说慈禧太后最后一次驾临山西时非常喜欢)。

Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province浙江省绍兴市

huangjiu, an amber-colored rice wine that's ubiquitous in Chinese cooking。


Fried fermented tofu is also a local specialty, which is available all over town at small street.油炸臭豆腐也是当地一大特色,市内大街小巷到处都有臭豆腐摊。(it smells stinky, but tastes good.)
















如轩砂锅粥,地址:广州海珠区东晓南路562号,电话:+86 20 84082969,24小时营业。















It's my great pleasure to give you a brief introduction to China's traditional medical science,known as “traditional Chinese Medicine" (TCM).

中医起源于6000年前的神农氏时代,这位著名的中国古代药王所生活的时代被认为是中医史上的萌芽阶段。Traditional Chinese Medicine(医学) originated from the time of Shennong,celebrated herbal medicine master of ancient China who lived about 6000 years ago, and that is a time which is believed to be the embryo stage in the development of traditional Chinese medicine. 中医学During its long process of development, the TCM science has gradually developed a complete set of medical principles and concepts.

首先,中医认为“万物人为贵”。中医将“救死扶伤”视为职业道德规范。First, TCM believes that "nothing compares to a human life". It regards "healing the sick and saving the dying" as its professional code of ethics.

第二,中医注重无病防病,强调以食疗保健来延缓衰老,减少疾病。Second, TCM places emphasis on the early prevention of diseases, advocating the diet therapy (food therapy), that is, efforts should be focused on maintaining good health through the intake of nourishing food to defer senility and reduce the risk of contracting diseases.

第三,中医理论认为,人体是由各种器官和不同功能的系统组成的有机整体。Third, the TCM theory argues that the human body is an organic whole composed of various organs and different systems with various functions.

因此,中医师是通过了解人与自然、人与社会、人体与心理之间的关系,以及人体各部位之间的种种关系来诊断病人的疾病。Therefore, TCM doctors try to diagnose the patients' diseases by finding out the relationships between humans and nature, between humans and society, between the human body and the human psychology, and among the various segments of the human body.

第四,中医学认为,阴与阳共存于人体内,相互作用、互为依存。Fourth, the TCM science maintains that yin and yang, the two opposing and complementary matters of nature, co-exist in the human body, mutually functional and dependent.

根据中医的哲学观,阴阳两者对立制约、互根互用、消长平衡、相互转化。According to the philosophy of TCM, yin and mutually opposing and constraining, interdependent and mutually promoting, proportionally in, or from, the increase of the other, and mutually transformational.


The balance of yin and yang is essential for the maintenance of good health. And if the balance is violated, health will be impaired and illness will develop. Therefore, TCM pays close attention to the effort of regulating yin and yang and maintaining an appropriate balance between the two.

最后,中医认为人体内存在一种系列运动,它贯穿于人的一生,这种系列运动在西医里叫作“新陈代谢”。Last but not least, TCM believes that a series of movements, called the superseding of the old by the new, or metabolism in western medicine, exist within the human body throughout a person’s whole life.


If such movements are obstructed, abnormal circumstances will occur and people will fall ill. This is an important guiding concept of TCM regarding disease prevention and treatment.

在长期的实践和发展中,中医形成了一个以中草药为核心的完整独立的理论体系和一系列疗效独特的临床治疗方法。During its long practice and evolution, TCM has developed a complete and independent theoretical system and a series of uniquely effective methods of clinical treatment centering on Chinese herbal medicines.

除了中草药外还包括针灸疗法、按摩推拿、拔罐、刮痧和气功疗法。Besides, there are treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion, medical massage, therapeutic cupping and scraping, and qigong, that is, deep breathing exercises.

今天,中医以其独特的疗效和科学本质赢得了全世界的广泛赞誉。Today, traditional Chinese

medicine has won worldwide acclaim owing to its unique effectiveness and scientific nature.

我国积极发展中医,鼓励中西医结合诊断和治疗。China has also made energetic efforts to develop TCM, encouraging the combination of Chinese and western medicine s in diagnosing and treatment.

目前,全国各地约有2500家中医医院,拥有一支50多万人的中医专业队伍。Today, China boasts 2,500 TCM hospitals across the country backed up by a team of more than 500, 000 TCM professionals.

在中国100万家综合医院中,大部分都设有中医部。In addition, most of China's one million general hospitals have TCM sections.

此外,全国还有100多家中医机构和研究中心。On top of that, there are more than 100 TCM institutions and research centers in China.

我相信,我国的中医研究前程似锦。I'm convinced that TCM research in China has a promising future.
