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一般定从:N +adj.译成adj.+ N; N1+of+N2N2+of+N2; N1+prep.+N2prep.+N2+N1;N+定从

并列结构的定从:①(A ,B,C,and D)+定从定从修饰ABCD几部分

②A ,B ,C+定从,and D定从只修饰C部分

③(A,B ,and C)+定从,and D定从修饰ABC

eg :I have an apple that is red.我有一个红苹果。/ 我有一个苹果,苹果是红的。



2、嵌套定从(定从套定从/后置定语)——如:2003年64题& 2005年47题



e g :2001年71题:There will be television chat shows (翻译时补充上that will be)hosted by……

后置定语翻译法则:将后置定语补充上关系词和be 动词,按照定从的翻译法则来处理。




Step1:使用汉语构思多个简单句并将其译成英文eg :①Fu Dan is located in Shanghai.②Shanghai is/becomes a center on the banking(银行业)③The banking plays a key role in the development of economy in China.④Shanghai is/becomes a center of ad.⑤I graduated from Fu Dan University.

Step2:如果三个简单句之间有两个共同点,可将每个共同点第二次出现时替换为关系词,合成嵌套定从eg:Fu Dan is located in Shanghai that is a center of banking which plays a key role in the development of the economy in China.

Step3:如果三个简单句仅有一个共同点,可以将其后两次出现时变成关系词,两个分句以and连接,形成并列定从。eg :FD University is located in Shanghai that is a center of the banking and that is a center of ad.


Step5:在建构简单句时,尽量体现被动语态,以便形成定从后省略关系词和be 动词形成后置定语。






2002-62题:A because B and because C B&C是A的原因[并列状从] 按顺序翻译(例句见真题)

2004-62题:A because B as C B是A的原因,C是B的原因(C是A的根本原因)[嵌套状从] (例句见真题)嵌套状从的翻译法则:中间部分(即B)翻译两次,第二次使用代词。(并列状从的连词必须一致,嵌套状从的连词尽量不一致。)



Step2:将原因视为B,结果视为A,套用A because B as C句型,其中C为根本原因,即制度问题。


3、一般状从的省略:当状从中,从句的主语和主句的主语一致且从句中含有be 动词,此时可以将从句的主语和

be动词一起省略掉,变成conj. + adj.。eg :The box will bomb, when (it is) heated.



2006-46题:“thanking in Socratic way about moral problems”(“以苏格拉底式的方式思考道德问题”)[prep. +O乱插] 2007-46题:“be viewed in such institutions as the…”(“在这些机构中,…被认为”)[prep. +O乱插]

2008-46题:“think long and intently about”(“长时间而且认真地去思考”) [adv.乱插]

2009-50题:We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process (which we have been so far considering), a more formal kind of education—that of direct tuition or schooling.(prep.+ O型状语乱插再套入定从,要是去掉两个逗号,更不易分解) 状语乱插翻译法则:把插入的状语提到前面来翻译




3、关于语态:标注的被动语态可以按顺序译成被动,可以主宾倒置译成主动;非标准的被动语态译成主动,而且无需主宾倒置(因为英语表达多被动,汉语表达多主动)【tips :万能解决问题法:先教育后法律,配之以被动语态】


(1)非谓语做状语的翻译思维——Step1:找到主句主语,将其放在非谓语动词之前;Step2:根据-ing或-ed 判断主被动语态;step3:根据句意增加逻辑关系词(一般为因果关系)。

(2)独立主格结构:eg.:The dark cloud having dispersed(散去), the sun shone again.


(3)悬垂结构:eg.:Having dispersed, the sun shone again.







Step4:如果两个分句的主语不一致,也可去掉一个主语,将其动词根据主被动态变成-ing/-ed形式,称之为悬垂结构。Step5:也可采取固定句型模式——SVO, thus/thereby + doing O’ .





4、虚拟的写作思维——Step1:使用汉语构思一个条件句,其中的条件部分是指我们没有做好的事情,结果部分是指对前景的美好的展望。Step2:将其译成英文,其中条件部分要推移时态,结果部分的动词之前要加入would/should/could/might。Step3:也可采取It is time…句型,后面加结果。Step:也可去掉if,形成部分倒装。【tips:以虚拟结尾,能升华主旨,这种升华式结尾,将起到意犹未尽的效果。】





3、看见fact / news / idea 等词,如果其前面出现了一个完整句(因为同位语从句成分完整),有可能是同位语从句的倒装结构。【2005-48题】…the television business is not an easy world to survive in a fact underlined by…(号称五大难句之一)










2、上下义词重复:上义词(抽象名词)下义词(具体名词):book English book ,animal fish

3、词形变化重复(词根不变,前后缀变)cooperation cooperative

4、合成词重复:cooperation anti-cooperation

5、代词重复:inflation this situation it that phenomenon














5、and和but 之前(之后的内容比较重要,要读)






刘晓艳英语阅读课堂笔记:1、原句重复出现,200%错。正确的都是有改动的,即同意替换。 2、文章是按顺序出题的。你要觉得不是,就是你做错了。 3、选项中意思完全相反的2个选项,其中之一是对的(要有这个意识)。 4、就一般而言,some people ,表作者不认同的观点。few people ,表作者的观点。 5、用文章里举例的句子来作为选项,直接排除。200%错。(要有能辨别这个选项是不是文章中例子的能力)。 6、某某人说的话,或者是带引号的,一定要高度重视。尤其是在段落的后半部分。很有可能就是某个问题的同意替换。即题眼。 7、有的时候,一句话可以设2 个问题。不过这种情况很少出现了,非常少。 8、文章基本以5 段为主(也有6 段、7 段的),要把握每段之间的关系。一般来说,一段一个题,只是一般来说喔。 9、一篇文章总会有5、6+个长难句,且总会在这里设问题。所以,长难句必须要拿下! 10、每段的第一句很重要。尤其总分结构的段。有的时候第一句话就是题眼。考研英语,总分结构或者总分总的段落很多。 11、若文章首段以why 为开头的,这里若设题的话,选项里有because 的,往往就是正确选项。不过这种类型的题,很少见了。 12、有时候每段的第一句话,仅仅是一个表述。而在第2 或3 句以后,会出现对比或者转折。一般来说,转折后面的是作者的态度。你要注意的是,作者对什么进行了转折。那个关键词你要找出来。 13、在应该出现答案的地方,没有答案,接着往下读。答案可能会在下一段的开头部分。因为文章都是接着说的。要有连贯性。这和7选5的技巧有些相似。不过这种情况并不多见。 14、一个长句看不懂,接着往下看,下一句可能是这个长句的解释说明。是


The human nose is an underrated tool.Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals,1 this is largely because,2 animals,we stand upright.This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air,4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces.In fact5,we are extremely sensitive to smells,6 we do not generally realize it.Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even when these are 8 to far below one part in one million. Strangely,some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another,9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers.This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell receptors in the nose.These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11 to the brain.However,it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13 to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary.This may 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be.We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house but we 18 new smells when we visit someone else's.The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20 the smell of smoke,which might indicate the danger of fire. 1.[A]although [B]as [C]but [D]while 2.[A]above [B]unlike [C]excluding [D]besides 3.[A]limited [B]committed [C]dedicated [D]confined 4.[A]catching [B]ignoring [C]missing [D]tracking 5.[A]anyway [B]though [C]instead [D]therefore 6.[A]even if [B]if only [C]only if [D]as if 7.[A]distinguishing [B]discovering [C]determining [D]detecting 8.[A]diluted [B]dissolved [C]determining [D]diffused 9.[A]when [B]since [C]for [D]whereas 10.[A]unusual [B]particular [C]unique [D]typical 11.[A]signs [B]stimuli [C]messages [D]impulses 12.[A]at first [B]at all [C]at large [D]at times 13.[A]subjected [B]left [C]drawn [D]exposed 14.[A]ineffective [B]incompetent [C]inefficient [D]insufficient 15.[A]introduce [B]summon [C]trigger [D]create 16.[A]still [B]also [C]otherwise [D]nevertheless 17.[A]sure [B]sick [C]aware [D]tired 18.[A]tolerate [B]repel [C]neglect [D]notice 19.[A]available [B]reliable [C]identifiable [D]suitable 20.[A]similar to [B]such as [C]along with [D]aside from


Word List 1 challenge n.挑战(书);艰巨任务,难题 v.向…挑战 furnish v.供应,提供;装备,布置establish v.建立,设立;安置,使定居intellectual n.知识分子 a.智力的,理智的,有理解力的qualification n.资格,合格;限定,条件;合格证worthy a.(of)值得…的,配得上…的;有 价值的 appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等) 作短暂露面 aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的) 方面 liquid n.液体 a.液体的,液态的 sword n.剑,刀 lad n.男孩;少年;男青年;小伙子apply vi.(以书面形式)申请;请求 vt.应用;实施 exterior a.外部的,外面的 n.外部 preference n.(for,to)偏爱,喜爱;优惠;优先 选择 elbow n.肘,(衣服的)肘部 vt.用肘推,用肘挤discipline n.纪律,学科 terrific a.极好的,非常的,极度的thrill n.一阵激动(恐惧) v.激动;(使)毛骨悚然 flu n.(influenza)流行性感冒replacement n.取代,替换,替换物,代替物edition n.版次, 版本,(出版形式)triumph n.胜利,成功v.得胜,战胜hostage n.人质 loaf n.一个面包 applicable a.可应用(实施)的;适当的,合适的 motion n. 运动,提议 diploma n.毕业文凭,学位证书dragon n.龙 contrast n.对比,对照vi.形成对比


语言学教程笔记 第一章语言学导论 语言的定义特征:从本质上将人类语言与动物语言区分开的人类语言的区别性特点。 1. 任意性:任意性是指语言符号的形式与所表示的意义没有天然的联系,任意性是语言的核 心特征。例如,我们无法解释为什么一本书读作 a /buk/,一支钢笔读作a /pe n/。 任意性具有不同层次:(1)语素音义关系的任意性。(2)句法层面上的任意性。 (3) 任意性和规约性。 2. 二层性:二层性是指拥有两层结构的这种特性,上层结构的单位由底层结构的元素构成, 每层都有自身的组合规则。话语的组成元素是本身不传达意义的语音,语音的唯一作用就是 相互组合构成有意义的单位,比如词。因为底层单位是无意的,而上层单位有明确的意义,所以我们把语音叫做底层单位,与词等上层单位相对。二层性使语言拥有了一种强大的能产 性。 3. 创造性:创造性指语言的能产性,指语言有制造无穷长句的潜力,这来源于语言的二层性 和递归性。利用二重性说话者可以通过组合基本语言单位,无止境地生成句子,大多数都是以前没有过的或没有听过的。 4. 移位性:是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的 物体、时间或观点。因此我们可以提及孔子或北极,虽然前者已经去世两千五百五十多年而 后者位置距我们非常之远。语言使我们能够谈及已不存在或还未出现的事物。移位性赋予人 们的概括与抽象能力使人类受益无穷。词在指称具体物体时,并不总是出现在即时、形象化 的语境中。他们通常为了体现指称含义而被使用。 5. 文化传递性:语言不是靠遗传,而是通过文化传递的。 6. 互换性:指人可以是信息的发出者,也可以是信息的接受者,即人作为说话者和听话者的 角色是可以随意更换的。 元语言功能:我们的语言可以用来讨论语言本身。比如说,我可以用“书”指代一本书,也可以用“书这个词”来指代“书”这个词本身。这使语言具有无限的自我反身性:人类可以谈论“说话”,也可以思考“思考"。所以只有人类才能提问:元语言功能对交际、思考及人类的意义是什么?


首先,这个文档不同于别的参考书,它是以一句话为单元,给您讲解单词,语法, 译文,适合基础薄弱的同学。 第二,请同学先用这个文档把里面的单词,语法和句子都弄明白了,再听这个视 频。这个视频只是讲解绿色标注的部分内容,还有详细讲解后面的选项。 黄伟英语原创 Section ⅡReading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (40 points) Text 1 第一段 Come on –Everybody’s doing it. [译文] 赶快加入吧——大家都在这样做。 That whispered message, (half invitation and half forcing), is what most of us think of(when we hear the words peer pressure. )

whisper v. 小声说 whispered message 耳语 think of 想起 forcing adj. 强迫的,施加压力的;n. 强制 peer pressure 同辈压力 黄伟英语原创 同辈压力(peer pressure)是指同辈人互相比较中产生的心理压力,一个 同辈人团体对个人施加影响,会促使个人改变其态度、价值观戒行为使其遵守团 体准则。 【语法】 主干:That whispered message….. is what most of us think of….. 从句1:what most of us think of 由what 引导的做is 的表语从句揑入语:half invitation and half forcing 地点状语从句:when we hear the words peer pressure. 【译文】 这一半是邀请一半是强迫的耳语是我们大多数人在听到“同辈压力”这个词 时会想到的 It usually lead s to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex.


新东方考研英语辅导笔记 阅读理解部分 一、阅读文章 1.来源:西方的报刊杂志 2.文体:议论文,说明文,记叙文,应用文 3.历年考题:多为社会科学,自然科学,人文科学 4.大纲 5. 时间分配: 难度系数40%至50%,平均每篇17-18分钟,其中解题用10分钟(每题2分钟),把时间充分用到解题上,文章读出大概,题目仔细推敲 6. key word: ①Close reading, ②阅读四步走③48精读击破法 ① Close reading: 第一、精读要达到:首先,分析文章,对题目中的四个选项要做分析。正确的选项要做分析,错误的选项也要做分析。其次,把文章中的单词要背会、要全部熟悉掌握。长句子要摘取下来背诵,翻译。对于重点文章,有时需要背诵全文。 第二、如何精读48篇文章:首先是单词量;其次是难句;最后是解题思路。 第三、对于文章则可以多角度的读,题目也可以多角度的分析。 ②48精读击破法复习方式:以点代面,切忌题海战术! 第一、精度的角度。首先是单词量;其次是对阅读中的长句、难句进行分析;最后要对题目进行分析。 第二、泛读的目的。第一是增强背景知识;第二是锻炼抓住文章中心的能力。 第三、建议要读以下三本杂志:Time, Newsweek, Economist. 二、阅读四步走:(宏观与微观的结合) 1.扫描题干,划出关键词(不要看选项) 结合题干,可以把握文章的脉络,以便有目的性的阅读文章。 2.通读全文,抓住中心(7、8分钟) 1) 通读全文。要点:①首段②其他各段的段首段尾句和转折处(各个题目往往出现正确答案,英文逻辑性强,重点放开头结尾 2) 抓住中心。阅读后,用一分半中时间思考①文章叙述的主要内容是什么?②文章中有无提到核心概念?③作者大致态度是什么? 3.仔细审题返回原文(审题,题干中蕴含陷阱或不细心,影响答题方向) 定位原则:1) 通常是由题干出发,寻找关键信息。大写字母,地名,时间,数字等。 2) 自然段定位原则:出题顺序与行文的顺序是大体一致的。目的都是缩小范围。4.重叠选项,得出答案。重叠原文à即对照原文。必须要返回原文,对照选项,排除确定。


Chapter 5 Semantics ?Semantics----the study of language meaning. ?Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. However, it is not the only linguistic discipline that studies meaning. ?Semantics answers the question “what does this sentence mean”. In other w ords, it is the analysis of conventional meanings in words and sentences out of context. ?Meaning is central to the study of communication. ?Classification of lexical meanings. Here are G. Leech’s seven types of meaning. ( British linguist) ? 1. Conceptual meaning (also called denotative or cognitive meaning) is the essential and inextricable part of what language is, and is widely regarded as the central factor in verbal communication. It means that the meaning of words may be discussed in terms of what they denote or refer to. ? 2. Connotative meaning – the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, embraces the properties of the referent, peripheral ? 3. Social meaning (stylistic meaning) –what is conveyed about the social circumstances of the use of a linguistic expression ? 4. Affective meaning (affected meaning)– what is communicated of the feeling or attitude of the speaker/writer towards what is referred to ? 5. Reflected meaning – what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression ?Taboos ? 6. Collocative meaning – the associated meaning a word acquires in line with the meaning of words which tend to co-occur with it ?(2, 3, 4, 5, 6 can be together called associative meaning–meaning that hinges on referential meaning, less stable, more culture-specific ) 7. Thematic meaning—what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order ?What is meaning?---- Scholars under different scientific backgrounds have different understandings of language meaning. Some views concerning the study of meaning ?Naming theory (Plato) ?The conceptualist view ?Contextualism (Bloomfield) ?Behaviorism Naming theory (Plato): Words are names or labels for things. The linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for; words are just names or labels for things ?Limitations: 1) Applicable to nouns only. 2) There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix… 3) There are nouns that do not refer to physical objects but abstract notions, e.g. joy, impulse, hatred…


英语作文(英一&&英二)超全笔记 题型及注意事项 一、题型(40min) (一)大作文:图画、图表作文25min 150-200 (二)小作文 15min 100 1.Letter (1)公务书信(不熟的人) (2)私人书信(熟悉的人) 2.告示 notice 二、评分原则与方法 (一)书写工整、卷面整洁、字迹清晰 (二)?注意: 1.单词、语法第一位:正确、准确、多变 2.结构第二位 三段论 句子之间多用逻辑关系词 多用代词代替已经出现过的名词 3.内容不重要,用来凑字数(积极向上) 三、考研写作常见问题 (一)语域问题:语言的正式性与非正式性 1.缩写词不正式 2.泛指的不定代词 you 不正式,正式文体常用 one 代替 eg:One(You) never know what measures the president will take. 3.正式文体的引导词 that 不可以省略 4.插入语使句子更正式 状语; 同位语 (二)语法常见问题 1.名词单复数:可数名词不可单独使用,要?冠词或者变复数,分不清就? the 2.主谓一致 3. 时态

以一般现在时为主 描述图画经常用现在进行时 描述图标经常用一般过去时 举例子经常用一般过去时 4.词性误用 5.中文思维 四、注意 图中有文字一定要仔细看 高分亮点 一、高分词句 随着人们生活水平的提高 With people's living standards improving, ….. 随着全球化的深入 With deepening globalization, ….. 提升解决问题的能力 improve their problem-solving skills 提高外语水平 improve their foreign language proficiency 经常锻炼 regularly take exercises / exercise on a regular basis 养成阅读的习惯 develop the habit of reading 勇敢面对并战胜困难 bravely face and conquer their di?iculties 保护环境/提高环保意识 protect the environment /improve their awareness of environmental protection 节约能源 save energy 更好地了解外国文化 have a better understanding of foreign cultures 为自己的传统文化感到骄傲 be proud of/celebrate/embrace traditional culture 对父母孝顺 be filial to their parents 随着经济的繁荣


考研英语完型填空之答 案详解 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

摘选自星火图书《考研英语各个击破系列——完形填空三步突破法》 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) In 1924 American’ National Research Council sent to engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lignting__1__workers productivity. Instead, the studies ended __2___giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect”, the extremely influential idea that the very___3____to being experimented upon changed subject s’ behavior. The idea arose because of the __4____behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to __5____of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6____what was done in the experiment; ___7_someting was changed ,productivity rose. A(n)___8___that they were being experimented upon seemed to be ____9___to alter workers’ behavior ____10____itself. After several decades, the same data were _11__ to econometric the analysis. Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store _12 __the descriptions on record, no systematic _13__ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to__ 14__ interpretation of what 15___ , lighting was always changed on a Sunday .When work started again on Monday, output __16___ rose compared with the previous Saturday and__ 17 __to rise for the next couple of 18__ , a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday, workers__ 19__ to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case , before __20 __a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged” Hawthorne effect “ is hard to pin down. 1. [A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored 2. [A] at [B]up [C] with [D] off 3. [A]truth [B]sight [C] act [D] proof 4. [A] controversial [B] perplexing [C]mischievous [D] ambiguous 5. [A]requirements [B]explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments 6. [A] conclude [B] matter [C] indicate [D] work 7. [A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long as 8. [A] awareness [B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion 9. [A] suitable [B] excessive [C] enough [D] abundant 10. [A] about [B] for [C] on [D] by 11. [A] compared [B]shown [C] subjected [D] conveyed


考研英语的学习心得体会范文 我参加了新东方XX年的考研英语强化培训班,在XX年1月份的考研中取得了75分的成绩。这个分数不算很高,但是相对于我在英语学习上花费的时间精力,我已经对此很满意了,所以非常感谢成都新东方学校的老师对我的指导和帮助。 英语作为一门外语学科,最基础的当然是单词。作为一名理工科的学生,背单词一直是我最头疼的问题,每次看到一本本那么厚的单词书就让我感到很烦躁。但是新东方教会了我最快捷高效的记忆单词的方法,那就是只背真题词汇。没错,就是在历年真题中找出生词,然后抄写下来反复背诵。考研的整个过程中我都没有看过单词书,就是靠着新东方的这种背真题单词的方法进行学习,而且我感觉在正式考试的时候效果非常好。 考研英语和四六级在题型上最大的区别就是没有听力,所以阅读和作文就显得尤为重要。首先是阅读,考研英语阅读题目量不多,但是分值很重。所以一定要保证正确率,不用盲目追求速度。阅读首先还是要有词汇量,就是历年真题中的单词要尽量多掌握。然后就是句子分析,这方面新东方的培训讲得很透彻,只要用心听都没问题,而且还顺便把翻译拿下了。最后就是一些做题的小技巧,新东方的老师都会总结的很细致,记好笔记有空多看两眼就行。 作文也是考研时很重要的项目,不求文采飞扬,也要中规中矩。考研历年来题型就几种,每一种练习几篇就行了。最重要的是背模版,尤其是一些长难句和闪光句子,老师会给你很多,挑几个自己比较喜欢、觉得能用的比较好的记住,然后不论什么题目,都想办法把句子套进去就行了。 至于完形填空,有了以上的大基础,填一填就没有太大问题。有了单词和句子分析的基础,翻译和阅读也不会太离谱。 只要考试的时候放松心态,把自己会的东西发挥出来肯定就能取得满意的结果。 最后祝所有考研学子都能取得满意的成绩!


考研英语词汇复习笔记 翻硕复习的一大重头戏就是词汇,而词汇量是巨大的,必须要有日常的积累和复习,并且掌握科学的记忆方法,才能最有效地积累词予匚量。下面是关于英语词汇的学习笔记,以供大家参考。(1) 1. bereave :使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave Sb Of Sb an accident WhiCh bereaved Him Of his Wife 使他丧失妻子的事古攵the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人 the bereaved丧失亲人的人 bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人 deprive : take Sth away from sb;PreVent Sb from enjoying Or USing Sth剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人 享有或使用Sth deprive sb/sth Of Sth deprive Of OneS CiVil rights剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物WideSPreaCl deprivation 普遍贫困 MiSSing the HOIiday WaS a great deprivatiOrL错失假日是极大的损失。 deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived ChildhOOd 贫苦的童年

2. abdomen : Part Of the body below the CheSt and CliaPhragm,cOntaining the stomach.腹部 abdominal(adj)腹部的an abdominal OPeratiOn 月复咅8手术belly : (口)front Of the HUman body from the WaiSt to the groin;belly 肚子,胃 With an empty belly 空着肚子 in the belly Of a ShiP 在船腹里 belly OUt(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The Wind bellied OUt the SaiIS 3. c onSeCrate : devote sth/sb to Or reserve sth/sb for a SPeCial (esp religious) PUrPOSe 扌巴sth/sb 献给 sth/sb 做某种(尤其宗教)用途COnSeCrate sth/sb to Sth COnSeCrate OneS Iife to the SerViCe Of GOd,to the relief Of SUffering献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业 devote : give OneS time z energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote Oneself/sth to sb/sth devoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的Z全心全意的a devoted SOn


历年考研英语完形填空真题(2005) The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals ,we stand upright. This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air, 4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact 5 , we are extremely sensitive to smells, 6 we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even when these are 8 to far below one part in one million. Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, 9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11 to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13 to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary. This may 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house but we 18 new smells when we visit someone else's. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20 the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire. 1. [A]although [B]as [C]but [D]while 2. [A]above [B]unlike [C]excluding [D]besides 3. [A]limited [B]committed [C]dedicated [D]confined ¥ 4. [A]catching [B]ignoring [C]missing [D]tracking 5. [A]anyway [B]though [C]instead [D]therefore 6. [A]even if [B]if only [C]only if [D]as if 7. [A]distinguishing[B]discovering [C]determining[D]detecting 8. [A]diluted [B]dissolved [C]determining[D]diffused 9. [A]when [B]since [C]for [D]whereas 10. [A]unusual [B]particular [C]unique [D]typical 11. [A]signs [B]stimuli [C]messages [D]impulses ( 12. [A]at first [B]at all [C]at large [D]at times 13. [A]subjected [B]left [C]drawn [D]exposed 14. [A]ineffective [B]incompetent [C]inefficient[D]insufficient 15. [A]introduce [B]summon [C]trigger [D]create 16. [A]still [B]also [C]otherwise [D]nevertheless 17. [A]sure [B]sick [C]aware [D]tired 18. [A]tolerate [B]repel [C]neglect [D]notice 19. [A]availabe [B]reliable[C]identifiable[D]suitable 。 20. [A]similar to[B]such as [C]along with [D]aside from


Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep .-- Shakespeare 两大原则,力保四分 第一:红花绿叶原则 每次出现,每次都选的单词为红花词。每次出现,每次都不选的词为绿叶词。 红花词(按排名):however,also,yet,while,because(一定背着,很重要) 绿叶词:是见到后不选的词:排名第一的是:since,而且谁跟since谁倒霉,since家族都不选,同义词:eversince,nowthat一次都没选过。 还有绿叶词:what,它是著名的说和关系词,不选。What不能跟在名词后,就不能引导定语从句和同谓语从句。而定语和同谓语是考试的大热门。所以它是个绿叶词。 还有两拨绿叶词,一个是涉及到虚拟语气的词。而在考研的历年考题中却出现得很少,是因为考研完型填空选材因素,完型填空都选于比较严肃的话题,而虚拟语气不能适应严肃的场景,故出现得很少。 排第一的是:If only;要想了解这个词,还有only if ,only if就是if;但if only却不是only,only if既不是红花也不是绿叶。 If only用英文来解释的话,相当于I wish,相当于要是,只要,要是什么什么多好呀。 If only的用法,它的后面跟从句,从句的时态,如果与过去的情况相反,从句用过去完成时。如果与现在情况相反,从句用一般过去时。如果从句与将来的情况相反,从句用过去将来时,用would/could+动词原形。 If only或者I wish后面跟句子,它后面的句子都是过去时态,这也是是否选此词的依据。如果不是过去时,直接排除! 例44 its economy continues to recover, 44.[A] Even though [B] Now that [C] If only [D] Provided that 所以不选C A variety of activities should be organized 35 participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to 36 else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants 37 . 35. [A] if only [B] now that [C] so that [D] even if 所以不选 还有in case,它等于lest,是唯恐,以免,万一。它也是涉及到虚拟语气的词。表条件关系。通常情况下in case后面加句子,但是在这样的情况下加名词,in case of. The resulting discontent may in 32 lead more youths into criminal behavior. 32. [A] case [B] short [C] turn [D] essence 因为in case后面不是句子,所以不选它。 下面是最后一组绿叶词,几个表关于的词 第二原则:概率原则 研究这么多年,完型填空中a/b/c/d各有多少个。分别是4到6个之间,所以全蒙的话,能得2.5分,四舍五入,就是3分,加红花绿叶,就是4分! 总结: 1、A,B,C,D个数在4到5个之间,5个是主流 2、完型中A最多,B最少,所以蒙的话,最好蒙A,别蒙B 把AS弄懂,选和不选,7比3 3、没有连续三个答案都一样的情况,连续两个都一样的答案是有的,连续两个答案都一样的概率为0到3个,相邻答案彼此都不一样的概率为17个到20个。比如,第6题确定是A,而且第7题我感觉是AC,则选C 4、在连续5个答案中,至少要出现3个不同的字母 4分到7分技巧 一、同义原则 同义原则就是关于同义词辨析的题。同义词辨析是完型填空的重点和难点。
