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The murderer was caught yesterday, and it is said that he will be hanged. 凶手已于昨天被捕,据说他将会被绞死。


She told me that her master had dismissed her. No reason had been assigned; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress. 她告诉我,她的男主人已解雇了她。男主人没有讲明任何理由,对她的行为没有任何异议,也不许她向女主人申诉。


Her only son was run over by a car. 她的独子被汽车轧了。

4.由于特殊的原因而不要指明施事,如为了使叙述显得圆通、得体,或为了表达某种微妙的情绪(tact or delicacy of sentiment),例如:

Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken. 今晚有人在此讲了些不该讲的话。



Some kinds of plastics can be forced through machines which separate them into long, thin strings, called "fibres", and these fibres can be made into cloth. 有几种塑料可以压入机器并分离成细长的纤维,这种纤维可以用来织布。

2.为了使句子平衡,保持末端中心(end focus)和末端重量(end weight),以符合主语简短、谓语复杂的表达习惯,如:

I was astounded that he was prepared to give a job. 他准备给我一份工作,这使我大吃一惊。三.修辞的考虑。英语修辞学主张不要过分使用被动句,但是适当使用被动句可以使表达方法灵活多变,避免句型单调,达到一定的修辞效果。例如使用被动式可以减少以填补词引导的句式,使句子比较干脆、有力。试比较:

There are many ways to vary the basic English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object. 有许多方法可以变换英语"主-动-宾"基本句型。

The basic English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object can be varied in many ways. 英语"主-动- 宾"基本句型可以用许多方法加以变换。

四.文体的需要。某些文体较多使用被动句,以迎合其表达的需要。这类信息性的文体主要指科技文体、新闻文体、公文文体及论述文体。科技论文注重事理和活动的客观叙述(impersonal activity seen objectively),力戒作者的主观臆断,因而常常避免提及施事。新闻报道注重口气客观、间接,叙事翔实、冷静(calm fact-teller),施事往往难以言明,也不宜言明。公文则注重叙述公正、无私,口气客观、正式。英语有过分使用被动语态的倾向。正式文体尤其如此。英美学者都主张多用主动语态,不要滥用被动语态。许多学者认为被动语态虽有不少用处,单显得罗嗦、间接、无力、隐晦,故弄弦虚而深不可测,使交际者之间隔着




1. She had the mobile face frequent in those whose sight has decayed by stages, has been laboriously striven after, and reluctantly let go, rather than the stagnant mien apparent in persons long sightless or born blind.


2. "Ah, this Strut! But he is hardly so lively today, is he? He is alarmed at being handled by a stranger, I suppose. And Phena too ――yes, they are a little frightened ――aren't you, dears? But they will soon get used to you."


3. The birds that the two girls had brought in were duly returned to the yard, and the process was repeated till all the pet cocks and hens had been submitted to the old woman --- Hamburghs, Bantams, Cochins, Brahmas, Dorkings, and such other sorts as were in fashion just then --- her perception of each visitor being seldom at fault as she received the bird upon her knees.

他们把带来的那四只鸡,都一只一只依次送回鸡场,跟着这种程序重复下去,一直到她们把所有那老太婆心爱的公鸡母鸡-- 有汉布鸡\班屯鸡,老珍鸡,布拉马鸡,道擎鸡和其他当日一般人喜爱的鸡--一个一个都送给她摸过了.鸡到了她膝上,她差不多都认不错.

4. They have been neglected these several days."已经有好几天没人管它们啦."

5. Unrestrained by the young man's presence she threw up her mouth, put her lips near the bars, and piped away in easeful grace to the attentive listeners.


6. She blushed, and said confusedly that the flowers had been given to her. 她脸上一红,含糊地答道,这些花都是别人送的。

7. …but such completeness is not to be prophesied, or even conceived as possible. 不过这样完美的文明,不能预言在先,甚至于不能悬想为可能。

8. She was duly informed that Mrs. D'Urberville was glad of her decision, and that a spring-cart should be sent to meet her and her luggage at the top of the Vale on the day after the morrow, when she must hold herself prepared to start. 跟着就有回信,说德伯太太听说她肯来很高兴。他们后天就打发一辆带弹簧的大车,到谷外的山顶上,连人带行李一齐接过去,她准备在那个时候动身好啦。

9. At the top Tess was going to be met with the spring-cart sent by the Stoke-D'Urbervilles, and her box had already been wheeled ahead towards this summit by a lad with trucks, to be in readiness.


10. Meanwhile the muslined form of Tess could be seen standing still, undecided, beside this turn-out, whose owner was talking to her.


11. No sooner had he done so than she flushed with shame, took out her handkerchief, and wiped the spot on her cheek that had been touched by his lips. His ardour was nettled at the sight, for the act on her part had been unconsciously done. 他刚亲了她,她就立时羞得满脸通红,急忙拿出手绢,往脸上他的嘴唇接触的那块地方擦去。他正象一团热火,见了她这样,不免恼起来。因为她那样做是出于不自觉的。

12. The chimney-corner and once blazing hearth was now filled with inverted beehives, in which the hens laid their eggs; while out of doors the plots that each succeeding householder had carefully shaped with his spade were torn by the cocks in wildest fashion. 壁炉的角落上和曾经有过熊熊火光的壁炉炉床上,现在都摆满了仰着的蜂窝,给母鸡作了下蛋的地方了。从前房外那些小块的空地,叫一辈一辈的住房人用锄锸收拾得整整齐齐,现在也都让公鸡用爪子刨得乱七八糟的了。

13. The garden in which the cottage stood was surrounded by a wall, and could only be entered through a door. 草房所在的那个庭院,四面有墙环绕,只有一个门内外相通。

14. A nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of beauty. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)


15. This work must be finished before Christmas. 这个工作必须在圣诞节前完成。

16. It is generally considered not advisable to act that way. 大家认为这样做是不妥当的。


17. The problem has been solved. 问题解决了。

18. "You had better wait till you're asked!" said this young lady quite at her leisure. "等人家问了你再说不迟!"这位小姐安详地说。

19. It might have been said of this wandering maiden who had come and sat down beside him upon a bench that she chattered. 可以说这位走过来挨着他在长凳上坐下的不相识的年轻小姐正在喋喋不休。

20. In this region, through the month of June, American travelers are extremely numerous; it may be said indeed that Vevey assumes at that time some of the characteristics of an American watering-place. 这个地区到了6月,美国旅客特别多;简直可以说这一段时间里的韦维有着某些美国滨水地区的特色。

21. When his enemies spoke of him they said ——but, after all he had no enemies: he was extremely amiable and generally liked. 他的敌人谈到他时——可是,他毕竟并无敌人;他为人非常和蔼可亲,大家都喜欢他。

22.Beauty and artistic effect were only of secondary consideration. Although nothing ugly was allowed t o be included, plainness and simplicity were not at all regarded as objectionable. The

architects armed chiefly at the general effect of the finished building, both outside and inside, and they succeeded well in their task. 美和艺术的效果只能属于次要的考虑。虽则不许包含任何丑恶的东西,但平淡无奇和单纯朴素并不完全是认为不可以的。建筑师主要的企图,是在内外都竣工的落成建筑物的调整的效果,而他们在那种工作上确是有了成就。

23.All these pieces of furniture seemed to have been recently brought in, for an observer, had there been one, would have seen that all were free from dust, whereas everything else in the room was pretty thickly coated with it. 这一些家具好象都是新近购入的,因为一个观察者,如果有的话,就可以看得出来,这些家具上一点灰尘也没有,而房间里其他一切的东西都是厚厚地尘封着。

24.In spite of the short life of the Chin Dynasty, the granite wall it constructed has done its duty well and honorably. Although it fell in the seventeenth century before the onslaught of the Manchus, it must be said that a fortification which has held its own for almost 20 centuries is no more trifle. 尽管秦朝二世即亡,为时极短,秦时所造的花岗石的城墙,却很了不起地尽了它的职责。虽则到十七世纪时因满洲人的猛攻而为之崩溃,而我们必须承认一个防御工事能维持差不多二千年之久,自然非同小可。

25.To overcome disease, famine, poverty, and other misfortunes, mankind had been actually forced by them into thinking out remedies. 人类要克服疾病、饥荒、贫穷和其他的不幸,实际被迫不得不来考虑一些救济的办法出来。

26. Poor Rip was at last reduced almost to despairs…. 到了这一步,可量的瑞普几乎是走投无路了。

27. When anything that was read or related displeased him, he was observed to smoke his pipe vehemently, and sent forth short, frequent, and angry puffs…. 如果所读的和所谈的事情使他不高兴的话,你就会看见他剧烈地抽着烟斗喷出短促的、密密的、愤怒的烟圈。(万紫、雨宁译)

28. Here, then, poor Rip was brought to a stand. 到了这里,可怜的瑞普不得不停下来。(万紫、雨宁译)

29. A large rickety wooden building stood in its place, with great gaping windows, some of them broken, and mended with old hats and petticoats, and over the door was painted, “The Union Hotel, by Jonathan Doolittle.”在那地方却是一东倒西歪的大木屋,开着几扇大窗户,有的已经破了,塞着旧帽子和旧裙子,大门上漆着"江奈生。杜立特尔联合旅馆"几个字。(万紫雨宁译)

30. The opinions of this junto were completely controlled by Nicholas Vedder, a patriarch of the village, and landlord of the inn, at the door of which he took his seat from morning till night, just moving sufficiently to avoid the sun, and keep in the shade of a large tree; so that the neighbours could tell the hour by his movements as accurately as by a sun dial. 这个秘密政治会议里的意见,完全控制在尼古拉斯。维德尔的手里,他既是村长,又是客店的老板。从早到晚坐在客店门口,只有在太阳要晒到身上时才把座位移动一下,始终坐在那一株大树的阴影下面;因此,邻居们凭着他的动作就能够知道是几点种,跟日晷一样准确。

31. From even this strong hold the unlucky Rip was at length routed by his termagant wife, who would suddenly break in upon the tranquility of the assemblage, call the members all to naught, nor was that august personage, Nicholas Vedder himself, sacred from the daring tongue of this terrible virago, who charged him outright with encouraging her husband in habits of idleness. (62 words, passive voice, 2 relative clauses) 即使在这样的堡垒里,不幸的瑞普到底还是要被他那凶悍的老婆赶出来;她常常会突然闯到这里,破坏会议的安宁,把会上的人通通臭骂一顿;


32. It is true, he was rarely heard to speak, but smoked his pipe incessantly. 其实,大家难得听见他讲话,他只是不住地抽烟斗。(万紫、雨宁译)

33. Through bright windows, at every corner, might be seen gay companies in luxuriant restaurants. (Sister Carrie, last chapter) 透过各个路角的豪华的餐厅的玻璃窗,都看得见有不少寻欢作乐的男女。(裘柱常译)

34. Once he paused in an aimless, incoherent sort of way and looked through the windows of an imposing restaurant, before which blazed a fire sign, and through the large, plate windows of which could be seen the red and gold decorations, the palms, the white napery, and shining glassware, and, above all, the comfortable crowd. (Sister Carrie, last chapter) 有一次他漫无目的、漫不经心地停下来,从一家华丽的大餐厅的窗口望进去,窗前闪耀着电灯招牌,透过大块玻璃窗望得见红色和金色的装潢、棕榈树、白餐巾以及闪光的玻璃器皿,特别是那些优游自得的吃客。(裘柱常翻译)

35. And it must be remembered that reason had little part in this. (Sister Carrie, last chapter)

36. Drout abandoned his claim and was seen no more. (Sister Carrie, last chapter)

37. The sky had been a hazy blue, with the clouds below the plane lying so close together that nothing could be seen of the earth. 空中先是雾蒙蒙的蓝色,飞机座舱底下遮着一层厚厚的云,往地下望去什么也看不见。

38. The air in the cabin was overheated and stale, and Francis' left foot went to sleep. 机舱里的空气闷热恶浊,弗兰西斯的左脚已经麻木。(施咸荣译)

39. The pilot could be heard singing faintly, "I've got sixpence, jolly, jolly sixpence. I've got sixpence to last me all my life…" 只听见驾驶员在轻声哼着歌曲:"我有了六辩士,六个使我快活的辩士。我有了六辩士,可以让我生活一辈子……"(施咸荣译)

40. Trace picked up his newspaper, and Francis was left alone wit his thoughts. 特雷斯拿起了他的报纸,让弗兰西斯独自沉浸在自己的思想里。(施咸荣译)

41. Nothing here was neglected; nothing had not been burnished. 这儿没有一样东西被疏忽,没有一样东西不是擦得闪亮。(施咸荣译)

42. The hearth was swept, the roses on the piano were reflected in the polish of the broad top, and there was an album of Schubert waltzes on the rack. 炉架打扫得很干净;钢琴上放着玫瑰,影子光泽极好的宽阔顶面上;架上有一本照相簿似的唱片套,里面放着舒伯特的华尔兹唱片。(施咸荣译)

43. Nine times out of ten, Francis would be greeted with affection, but tonight the children are absorbed in their own antagonisms. 十有九次,弗兰西斯总会受到热烈的欢迎,可是今天晚上这几个孩子被自己的敌对情绪迷住了心窍。(施咸荣译)

44. It was given to here by her best friend, Bessie Black. 是她最好的朋友蓓西. 勃莱克送给她的。

45. Julia says that Toby is ten pounds underweight and has to be encouraged to eat. 朱莉娅说托比比正常的体重轻了十磅,应该鼓励他吃东西。(施咸荣译)

46. Julia returns with Toby, and they all sit down and are served. 朱莉娅领着托比回来,大家一起坐下吃饭。

47. She paints with lightning strokes that panorama of drudgery in which her youth, her beauty, and her wit have been lost. 她用闪电般的笔触描画了做苦工的图景,形容她怎样在苦役中葬送了她的青春、她的美貌和她的智慧。(施咸荣译)

48. Francis says that he must be understood; he was nearly killed in an airplane crash, and he doesn't like to come home every night to a battlefield. 弗兰西斯说他的苦衷应该有人理解;他飞机失事,差点儿把命送掉;他不愿意每天晚上回家如临战场。(施咸荣译)

49. The delay would give her time to quiet her breathing and calm her face so that his suspicions would not be aroused. 她在那里多待一会儿,也好使喘息平一平,面色静一静,免得引起父亲的疑心。

50. That everyone who met him did discover his kindly heart within five minutes was unknown to him; and his vanity would have suffered tremendously if he had found it out, he liked to think that when he bawled orders at the top of his voice everyone trembled and obeyed. 说是谁要跟他谈了五分钟的话,就能发现他心里的慈悲,那是他无论如何不能相信的,但是假如真有这种事,那他就要认为大失面子了。因为他虽然心软,面子上却硬要装得那么吆五喝六,要人听见他的声音句不能不服从,不能不发抖。

51. Moreover, Scarlett and her father were bound together by a mutual suppression agreement. 而且,思嘉和她父亲无形之中订下了一种互相监督的协约。

52. Scarlett was impressed less than anyone else by his tempers and his roarings. 至于思嘉,对于他平时发脾气,直喉咙,尤其是一点不害怕。

53. Gerald liked his gifts to be received with clapping of hands and kisses. 他原以为,女儿对于这样好的赠品,是会拍着掌亲着吻接受的。

54. Packages and/or Pieces, marked and numbered as under to be conveyed by the above and/or any vessels to which transshipment may be made by the route and/or methods of conveyance and subject to the conditions and exceptions both general and special hereinafter mentioned and to be delivered subject to the like conditions and exceptions at the port of London or so near thereto as she may safely get, unto to order of the Chartered Bank or his or their assigns. 刷有如下标记和号码的货物由上述及/或任何船只载运;由于航线及/或运输手段等原因,并准照下述一般和特别条件及免责事项可以进行转运;并准照同样条件和免责事项在伦敦港或该船所安全到达地点卸货,把货物交给开证行指定的人或其受让人。

55. Carrier's responsibility for description of goods limited as herein provided) Quality, Quantity, Contents, Marks, Gauge, Weight and Value unknown. 托运人提供的货名与细节(乘运人对货名及细节的责任仅限于本栏提供的内容)质量、数量、内容、唛头、尺码、重量及价值乘运人均不知道。

56. In accepting this Bill of Lading the shipper, consignee and/or the owners of the goods and the holder of this Bill of Lading, expressly accept and agree to all its stipulations, conditions and exceptions, whether written , printed, stamped or incorporated on the front or back hereof, as fully as if they were all signed by such shipper, consignee, owner or holder. 接受本提单时,货物的托运人、收货人及/或货主和提单持有人明白表示接受并同意本提单正反面所书写、印刷、打印或混合写成的条款、条件和免责事项,好象它们全部被这些托运人、收货人、货主或提单持有人签字接受。

57. This Bill of Lading shall be construed and governed by the Laws of Singapore, and shall apply from the time the goods are received for shipment until delivery, but always subject to the conditions and exceptions of the carrying conveyance, it shall be given up, duly endorsed, in exchange for delivery order if required. 本提单应按新加坡法律解释并受其约束,应适用于从收货到卸货这段时间,但总是以载货船只的条件和免责事项为准。它经背书并换成提货单后(假如要求这样做的话),则告作废。



58. Goods of a dangerous or damaging nature must not be tendered for shipment unless written notice of their nature and the name and address of the Sender have been previously given to the Carrier, Master or Agent of the vessel and the nature is distinctly marked on the outside of the package or packages as required by statute. A special stowage order giving consent to shipment must also be obtained from the Carrier. Any heavy lift weighing over two tons gross must be declared in writing before shipment and the weight must be stenciled clearly on the package. 危险或易坏物品严禁送来装运,除非关于其特性、名称、托运人地址的书面通知已事先提交给船东、船长或其代理人,并且货物的性质已按法令要求严格地打印在包装物表面。必须从船东获得一个同意装船的特别装载指令。任何毛重超过二吨的沉重载荷必须在装船前作出书面申报,其重量必须清楚地刷在包装物上。

59. Shipped on board the vessel named above in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise indicated) the goods or packages specified herein and to be discharged at the above mentioned port of discharge or as near thereto as the vessel may safely get and be always afloat. (另有说明者除外)已装在上列船上并应在下列卸货港或该船所能安全到达并保持浮泊的附近地点卸货。

60. The weight, measure, marks, numbers, quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the Shipper, are not checked by the Carrier on loading. 重量、尺码、唛头、号数、品质、内容和价值是托运人提供的,乘运人在装船时并未核对。

61. The Shipper, Consignee and the Holder of this Bill of Lading hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Lading, including those on the back hereof. 托运人、收货人和本提单持有人兹明白表示接受并同意本提单及其背面所载的一切印刷、书写或打印的规定、免责事项和条件。

62. Shippers are requested to note particularly the exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Lading with reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods. 请托运人特别注意本提单内与该项货物保险效力有关的免责事项和条件。


In consequence of an agreement between the sisters, Elizabeth wrote the next morning to her mother, to beg that the carriage might be sent for them in the course of the day. But Mrs. Bennet, who had calculated on her daughters remaining at Netherfield till the following Tuesday, which would exactly finish Jane's week, could not bring herself to receive hem with pleasure before. Her answer, therefore, was not propitious, at least not to Elizabeth's wishes, for she was impatient to get home. Mrs. Bennet sent them word that they could not possibly have the carriage before Tuesday; and in her postscript it was added that, if Mr. Bingley and his sister pressed them to stay longer, she could spare them very well. ---- Against staying longer, however, Elizabeth was positively resolved --- nor did she much expect it would be asked; and fearful, on the contrary, as being considered as intruding themselves needlessly long, she urged Jane to borrow Mr. Bingley's carriage immediately, and at length it was settled that their original design of leaving Netherfield that morning should be mentioned, and the request made. (186 words)

译文一:班纳特姐妹俩商量妥了以后,伊丽莎白第二天早上就写信给她母亲,请她当天就派车子来接她们。可是,班纳特太太早就打算让她两个女儿在尼日斐花园待到下星期二,以便让吉英正好住满一个星期,因此不大乐意提前接她们回家,回信也写得使她们不大满意,-- 至少使伊丽莎白不十分满意,因为她急于回家。班纳特太太信上说,非到星期二,家里弄不




翻译的基本技巧 被动语态的翻译

翻译的基本技巧——语态转换译法 语态转换译法 1 顺译法 顺译成被动句 顺译成主动句 2 倒译法 把by后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语 把其他介词后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语 倒译成汉语的无主句 3 分译法 一、顺译法 既保留原文的主语,又要使译文主要成分的顺序和原文大体一致的翻译方法就叫顺译法。 1 顺译法 (Translation in Original Order) 1. 1 顺译成被动句 A.译成“被”字 所谓“被”字句,就是在汉语的动词前面加上一个“被”字来表示被动的句子。主要表示这个动作不利于受事者或这个情况有点特殊,或者出乎意料。加上“被”字以引起读者的注意并表示“被”这一动作动作接受者(受事者)是不乐意或不情愿接受的。 例1:Vitamin C is destroyed when it is overheated. 【译文】维生素C受热过度就会被破坏。 例2:Once the flower has been pollinated and fertilized, the plant provides the newly formed seeds with a reserve of food materials, which will be needed when they themselves germinate. 【译文】花一旦被授了粉并受了精,植株就会对新生种子提供养料贮藏,以备种子未来发芽之需。例3:She thought all was fair and legal, and never dreamt she was going to be entrapped into a feigned union with a defrauded wretched, already bound to a bad, mad, and imbruted partner! (Charlotte Bront?: Jane Eyre) 【译文】她以为一切都是公正合法的,做梦也没想到过自己竟会被诱入欺诈婚姻的圈套,跟一个骗子、疯子、十足的坏蛋缔结姻缘。 B. 译成“挨”字句 “挨”仅用于翻译该动作是对动作接受者(受事者)不利或不好的句子。 例1:The boy was criticized yesterday. 【译文】这孩子昨天挨了一顿批评。 例2:I was caught in the downpour. 【译文】我在大雨中挨浇了。 C. 译成“给”字句


英语被动句的翻译举例 英语被动句翻译为汉语时,应根据具体情况灵活掌握。 1. 用“被”、“由”、“受(到)”、“挨”、“得到”、“给”、“叫……给”、“让……(给)”、 “是……的”、“为……所”、“加以”等译成汉语的被动句。例如: 1)The door was mended by him. 门被他修好了。/ 门叫(让)他给修好了。/ 门是他修的。 2)He was praised(表扬). But we were criticized(批评;责备). 3)The machine is used by many people. 这台机器为(被)许多人所使用。 4)The problem must be studied carefully. 这个问题必须仔细加以研究。 2. 借助句中的状语等做主语,译成汉语的主动句。例如: 1)All kinds of drinks are sold in that supermarket. 在那家超市里卖各种各样的饮料。或:那家超市卖各种各样的饮料。 2)Table tennis is played all over China. 中国各地都打乒乓球。 3.按照英语句子的主谓顺序,译成可省“被”字的汉语句。例如: 1)His homework has just been done. 他的家庭作业刚做完。 2)The food has been eaten up. 食物已吃光了。 4.成汉语的无主句。例如: 1)Soon the news was received. 不久就收到了那个消息。也可译为:不久那个消息就收到了。 2)After a while, many people were seen to run out. 过来一会儿,看到许多人跑了出来。 5. 添加“有人”、“人们”、“大家”、“我们”等泛指的主语译成汉语。或译为“据……”。 例如: 1)He was seen to take the book. 有人看见他拿走了那本书。 2)Air is known to be a mixture of gases. 人们(大家,我们)都知道空气是一种气体的混合物。 3)She is said to know nothing about it. 据说她对这件事什么也不知道。 4)It is said that …. 据说…… It is well known that …. 大家知道……;众所周知…… It is believed that …. 有人相信…… It will be said that…. 有人(将)会说…… It was reported that…据报道…… 6. 改译成主动句。例如: 1)A new dress was made for me by my mother. 我妈妈给我做了一条新裙子。 2)I was given many nice presents on my birthday. 在我的生日那天,我收到了许多漂亮的礼物。

英语翻译技巧第八节 英语被动语态的翻译

第八节英语被动语态的翻译 汉英对比,英语的被动句显然多于汉语,因为英语重视形态(形式),汉语不重视形态,重视语感。如: (1)海水不可斗量。(2)文章总算写好了。说汉语的 人自古以来有一种主体思维方式,认为“成事者必在 人”,施事者“尽在不言之中”。所以很多被动关系不必 一定用“被”字句。 一、被动语态的语义价值 第一、被动语态有强调受事者,将它置于话题(topic)的主位的语用功能。 1).Peter was robbed to pay Paul. Peter was robbed by him to pay Paul. 他偷了彼得的钱去还保尔的债。(他剜肉补疮。) 2).The happy man cannot be harried. 吉人自有天相。 第二、被动语态有承接上句的修辞功能。 3)Many advances in computer technology took place in the twenty years after 1950.They are generally classified into four stages or generations. 第三、被动语态在特定的语境中表达对主语的尊敬或说话者的谦恭。 4)Where can you be reached?

在什么地方可以找到您?(请问您住在什么地方?) 5)When will I be interviewed? 我什么时候来参加面试呢? 第四、被动语态常用以表示说话者对所提出的话题持有某种客观态度,因而比较委婉。 6)He is said to be the most respected teacher in our Department. 7)It is suggested that each speaker is alloted five minutes. 建议每位发言者讲话不要超过五分钟。 二、被动语态的翻译问题 (一)译成汉语主动句 1、原文中的主语在译文中仍作主语 2、原文中的主语在译文中作宾语 3、译成带表语的主动句“…的是…”或“……是……的” 4、常用被动句型的翻译 5、用“在…下”式(主动式动词+介短) (二)译成汉语被动句 1、“被…”或“给…”“让”“叫” 2、“(遭)受…” 3、“为…所” 4、“加以”“予以”“给以”


被动语态翻译 英语中被动语态使用范围很广,凡是在不必或不愿说出或无从说出施动者以及为了便于连贯上下文或者为了强调动作的承受者等场合,往往都用被动语态。英语被动句的翻译主要有以下几种情况: 一、译成汉语主动句。 1.原句中的主语、谓语不变,译文中没有表示被动的标志,如“被、把”字等,形式上是主动句,表达被动意义。例如:Eg. On Practice has been translated into many foreign languages. 《实践论》已译成许多国家的文字。Eg. The whole country was armed in a few days. 几天以内,全国就武装起来了。 2.原句中的主语移到谓语之后,译作宾语。Eg. Another middle school has been set up in our district.我们区又办了一所中学。Eg. 1,200 people had been saved soldiers in the earthquake. 在地震中,战士们已救出1200人。 3.译成带表语的主动句。Eg. The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。Eg. In the old society,women were looked down upon. 在旧社会,妇女们是受歧视的。 4.含主语从句的被动句型译为主动句。以it作形式主语的英语句子,翻译时常要转为主动形式,有时可加上“有人”、“大家”、“我们” 等不确定主语。例如:Eg. It is reported that the enemy has been breeding new strains of killer viruses.据报道敌人正在培育新的杀人病毒。Eg. It is suggested that meeting be put off till next Monday.有人建议会议推迟到下星期一举行。Eg. It is well known that natural light is actually made up of many colours.众所周知,自然光其实是由许多种颜色构成的。 这类句型还有:it is said that... /It is supposed that.../It must be pointed out that.../It is asserted that.../It is generally considered that... 二、译成汉语被动句 为了强调被动动作或突出施动者时,可以将英语被动句译为汉语被动句。 1.汉语句中有“被”、“遭受”等词。Eg. North China was hit by an unexpected heavy rain,which caused severe flooding.华北地区遭受了一场意外的大雨袭击,引起了严重的水灾。Eg. The window pane was broken by the child. 窗上玻璃被这小孩打碎了。 2.译成“为……所”的结构。Eg. Granny Wang was forced by familv circumstances to enter a knitting mill in Shanghai as a child labourer at the age of twelve. 王大妈为家境所迫,十二岁就到上海一家针织厂作童工。Eg. I was so impressed by these words that I used them later for a Christmas card. 我为这些话所深深感动,后来我就把它们写在圣诞卡上了。三、译成“招”、“使”和“由”字句 Eg. The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire. 大火使这家著名的旅馆几乎全部毁坏。Eg. The plan is going to be examined first by the research group. 计划将先由研究小组加以研究。Eg. By evening the occupation was complete,and the people were chased off the streets by an eight o'clock curfew. 至傍晚,占领已告完成八点钟开始的宵禁把人们从街上赶回家。四、译成无主语句 Eg. Some measures must be taken to control the water pollution. 必须采取某些措施来控制水污染。Eg. Methods are found to take these materials out of the rubbish and use them again. 现在已经找到了从垃圾中提取这些材料并加以利用的方法。 综上所述,英语被动句多数情况下译成汉语的主动句,只有在特别强调被动动作或特别突出被动句才译成汉语被动句。我们要选一种既符合汉语习惯,又保持上下文连贯的译法。同时,既要注意语态转换的一般规则,也要注意其例外情况,有的被动语态形式已习语化了,更是不可忽视的。


被动语态练习题 1.我们希望你尽快完成那项工作。 2我们已在会议上讨论了那个重大的问题。 3.学生们经常在课上做那样的练习题。 4.明年他们将在这条河上建一座新大桥。 5.你的家庭作业做完了吗? 6.这家工厂制作这种自行车。 7.上课之前我们必须交上数学练习本。

8.我们把这个房间当作会议室使用。 9.明天他们会完成植树吗? 10.你可以早一点做完它。 11.我看见她从学校出来了。 12.她给了我一件生日礼物。 13.我们还没有担完水。 14.你能在两小时之内干完活吗? 15.我从没听他说过关于这件事.

16.即使问题的确出现了,也可以轻易地得到改正或解决。 17.在全体工作人员的共同努力下,这项生产计划得以顺利实施。 18.人们重新发现了古代文明。 19.教授们因此得到了报酬。 20.人们预计直到2000年那个国家的失业率都会保持稳定。 21.必须立刻处理他频繁的逃课问题。

22.人脑与电脑的区别可以用一个词形容:复杂性。 23.从那以后人们通常认为它是一把双刃剑,就像人的克隆一样,在增加我们的财富以及给我们带来舒适的同时,其潜在的危险又让人们感到恐慌。 24.人们相信核能是我们这个时代最伟大的革新之一,然而人们又担心它会毁灭世界。 25.一种在世界范围内迅速传播的计算机病毒已

经感染了50000多台电脑。 26.大体上来说,人可以分为三种:一种是劳累至死的,一种是忧心至死的,还有一种无聊至死的。 27.总的来说, 得出这种结论是有一定把握的, 然而,必须具备两个条件:能够假定这个孩子与他的竞争能力对手对考试已经有着相同的态度;他也不会因为缺乏对手们已掌握的有关知识而被处罚。


被动语态的翻译 教学内容 ?1、英语中常用被动语态的情况 ?Why passive voice is used in English? ?2、汉语中被动意义的表现方式 ?How the sense of “passiveness” is conveyed in Chinese ?3、英语被动语态的翻译 Memo ?Suppose a little boy broke someone’s window. ?1. Your son broke my window. ?2. The window was broken by your son. ?Notes: If the owner of the house wants to complain to the boy’s parent, he would say “1”; ?But if he just talks about the window and does not want to trace the responsibility of the incident he would simply say “2”. ?When the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refineries to be treated. The commonest form of treatment is heating. When the oil is heated, the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol. Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it soon vaporizes. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin. Last of all the lubricating oils of various grades are produced. What remains is heavy oil that is used as fuel. ?When the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refineries to be treated. The commonest form of treatment is heating. When the oil is heated, the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol. Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it soon vaporizes. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin. Last of all the lubricating oils of various grades are produced. What remains is heavy oil that is used as fuel. ?一、被动语态在英语中的运用 被动语态的广泛使用是英语区别于汉语的一大特点。这一特点在科技英语语体中反映得尤为突出。这不仅是因为被动结构比主动结构更少主观色彩,结构更简单,还因为有不必、不愿或无从说出施动者等情况的存在。 ?1、不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。例如: Such books are written for children. We haven’t been told about it. The English evening has been put off till Saturday. ?2、出于礼貌措辞等方面考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁。例如: You are requested to give a performance. It is said that you were late for class this morning. Why were your late? ?3、无从说出施动者是谁。例如: You’re wanted on the phone. The problem is being studied. Rice is chiefly grown in the south. ?4、为了便于上下衔接。例如: He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.


被动语态翻译练习 I. 请按照课上学到的方法翻译下列句子: 1. However, care needs to be taken to ensure that this feedback is itself not too loud or distracting. 【译】不过,这里也要小心处理声音的大小,要确保反馈声音的音量不能太大或者产生干扰。 2. A lot of attention was paid to Michael Jordan 's retirement from the National Basketball Association. There were endless television replays of his leaping and twisting shots . 【译】迈克尔·乔丹从美国国家篮球协会退役一事引起了人们的极大关注,他的跳跃和转体跳投的镜头在电视上无休无止地回放着。 3. Proper account should be taken of confidential business information. 【译】对于商业机密的信息,须做适当的考虑。 4. Amazon 's warehouses are stocked with 4.4 million yards of ribbon and 7.8 million sq . ft. of wrapping paper . 【译】亚马逊各地的仓库存放着440万码包装袋,780平方英尺包装纸。 5. These old-style cartoons would not apply today--apart from being present at the birth itself , fathers are encouraged to spend time with the mother and baby , and babies are usually kept with the mother as opposed to being placed in a nursery elsewhere. 【译】这些旧式的漫画如今不适用了,且不说分娩时让父亲们在场,还鼓励她们与母亲和婴儿待在一起,婴儿通常也与母亲在一起,而不是放在别处的婴儿。 6. To provide this global Internet research service , panelists are being recruited worldwide to agree to be monitored by the service , and to provide survey results for businesses which want to target consumers through the Internet . 【译】为了提供这项全球因特网研究服务,公司正在全世界招募研究小组成员,他们需同意接受检测并为那些想通过因特网捕捉消费者的商家提供调查结果。 7. Both technologies are being explored now, but both are still in the beginning stages of development. 【译】两种技术现在都在探索中,但都还处于初步开发阶段。 II. 请翻译下列段落: 1. To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: “I will take an interest in this or that.” Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. 【译】要想真正生活得幸福和平安,一个人至少应该有两三种业余爱好,而且必须是真正的爱好。到了晚年才开始说“我要培养这个或那个兴趣”是毫无用处的。这种尝试只会增加精神上的负担。在与自己日常工作无关的领域中,一个人可以获得渊博的知识,但却很难有所收益或得到放松。不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。

5突破英文中被动语态的翻译 二

突破英文中被动语态的翻译二 动词的分配原则 中英文的总分关系 同位语的翻译 “重译法”和“抽象名词”的翻译方法 It is not known how rare this resemblance is, or whether it is most often seen in inclusions of silicates such as garnet, whose crystallography is generally somewhat similar to that of diamond; but when present, the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly to co genetic. 不知道这样的相似究竟有多么的稀少,或者是否最常见于硅酸盐的内含物当中,比如石

榴石,它的晶体结构总的来说从某种程度上类似于钻石,但是当存在时,这种相似就被认为是有说服力的证据,钻石和内含物确实是同源的。 It is not known that… How rare this resemblance is Or Eg. He wears a coat, a hat and a scarf. Such as garnet 例如:中国选手在跳水、乒乓球、羽毛球、体操等项目上都获得了金牌。 Whose That of diamond Is regarded as Diamond

现在尚不知这种类似稀少到何种地步,也不知道是否它最常见于像石榴石一类的硅酸盐的内含物中,而这类物质的晶体结构普遍地在某种程度上类似于金刚石的晶体结构。但一旦存在,这种类似就可以视作是极有说服力的证据,证明金刚石与内含物确实是同源的。 而 The resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly to co genetic. Beijing, the capital of China, is a very beautiful city. So, let us, in these next five days, start a long march together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the


英语被动语态的翻译策略 【摘要】英语被动语态的使用非常广泛,汉语却相对较少使用。本文从比较英汉被动语态的表达方式与使用范围差异入手,发现英语显性形式的结构被动句使用普遍;而汉语存在“受事施动化”现象,常以主动形式表达被动意义。借用《名利场》与杨必译本这一对名著名译作为对比材料,归纳被动语态的翻译策略,并揭示翻译实践的启示。 【关键词】被动语态;英汉翻译策略;《名利场》;杨必译本 一、引言 语言的表达丰富多彩不拘一格。这也对翻译工作者提出了挑战,只有熟悉语言之间的差异,才能选择最理想的翻译策略。刘宓庆指出:“翻译实务也好、翻译研究也好、对比分析也好,思维上的选择性和批判性都是至关重要的,目的是择善从优,而这里的‘善’就是真实,‘优’就是‘适应性’(adaptability)――适应于目的、效果,适应于整体的,全局的发展”(x)。因此,翻译思维必须具有高度的选择性和批判性。译者必须丰富自己的语言能力,根据语境选择恰当的翻译策略。

《名利场》杨必译本以其生动流畅的语言被奉为经典译文。文心在《一仆二主》中如此评价:“读《名利场》,如读传统的白话文小说,通俗清新、美丽流畅的译文一下子拉近了读者与原著的距离,让人感到亲切、和蔼,欢欢喜喜地读下去”。杨必的译文之所以能达到这样的效果,不止是译者透彻理解原作,更在于译者能突破英语语法的束缚,采用丰富的翻译手段,从而译出了通达自如富有韵味的译文。因此本文选择这样的佳译,来比较英汉被动语态的差异,探究英语被动语态的翻译策略,希望能对翻译实践有所启示。 二、英汉被动语态的比较与分析 (一)基本特征与结构形式 被动句可以分为结构被动句和意义被动句。“结构被动句(syntactic passive)指可借助形态变化,即用动词的被动语态从结构上标示出来的被动句;意义被动句(notional passive)指不用动词的被动语态,而用主动的形式表达被动的含义”(邵志洪,230)。 英汉被动语态的使用差异很大。就基本特征而言,汉语的语态范畴是词汇化来表现,而英语用动词的屈折形态变化来标定。结构上,汉语的结构被动句基本有两类:①词汇标志,即“被”、“叫”、“给”、“让”;②“为…所”式、“是…的”式、“…的是…”式等特殊句式。英语句子必须主谓结构,若选择受事者作主语,则谓语基本结构固定,为“be + past


被动语态的翻译 英汉两种语言都有被动语态,但由于表达习惯上的差异,英语往往习惯用被动语态来表达,而汉语则和主动语态来表达。如:That young man cannot be relied upon.译成汉语就应该是“那位年轻人不可信赖”或者“我们不能信任那位年轻人”。如果将此句译成汉语的被动句“那位年轻人不可以被信赖”,译文就会显得很别扭,不符合汉语的表达习惯。由此可见,翻译时经常进行语态的转换是十分必要的。英语中被动语态的使用十分广泛,尤其在考研翻译中,这种现象更为多见。相比之下,汉语被动语态使用的范围要小得多。因此,在英译汉时,大量被动语态的句子需要通过种种方法加以处理,以保证译文通顺流畅地表达原意。英语被动语态的汉译一般有以下几种方法。 一、译成汉语主动句 将英语被动语态译成汉语主动语态的方法一般包括以下几种: (一)保存原文主语 当英语被动句中的主语为无生命的名词,而且句中不出现由by引导的行为主体时,翻译时往往将原句中的主语仍然译成主语。 The meeting is scheduled for April 6th. 会议定于四月六日举行。 Water can be changed from a liquid into a solid. 水能从液体变成固体。 When rust is formed , a chemical change has taken place. 当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。 (二)主宾颠倒 英语中很多被动句子在表示行为主体的词前都加上by,翻译时可将这类by结构中的宾语译成主语,而将原来的主语译成宾语。 She was given a new pen by her father. 她爸爸送给她一支新钢笔。 Heat and light can be given off by this chemical change. 这种化学反应能放出热和光。 Only a small portion of solar energy is now being used by us. 现在我们只能利用一小部分太阳能。 有时英语被动句中并未出现by结构,而只是代之以一个由介词短语构成的状语。这时仍可采用主宾颠倒的译法,将介词短语中的名词或名词词组译成句子的主语。Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country. 我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。 The numerical data concerned are provided in the next chapter. 下一章提供了有关的数据资料。 (三)增加主语 有些英语被动句并未在句中出现表示行为主体的词或词组,在翻译这类句子时,可适当增添一些不确定的主语,如“人们”、“有人”、“大家”、“我们”等。 The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored. 人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。 She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. 有人看见她大致在案发时进入了那座建筑物。


被动语态的翻译 时间:2008年07月09日作者:唐静来源:译路英汉两种语言都有被动语态,但由于表达习惯上的差异,英语往往习惯用被动语态来表达,而汉语则和主动语态来表达。如:That young man cannot be relied upon.译成汉语就应该是“那位年轻人不可信赖”或者“我们不能信任那位年轻人”。如果将此句译成汉语的被动句“那位年轻人不可以被信赖”,译文就会显得很别扭,不符合汉语的表达习惯。由此可见,翻译时经常进行语态的转换是十分必要的。英语中被动语态的使用十分广泛,尤其在考研翻译中,这种现象更为多见。相比之下,汉语被动语态使用的范围要小得多。因此,在英译汉时,大量被动语态的句子需要通过种种方法加以处理,以保证译文通顺流畅地表达原意。英语被动语态的汉译一般有以下几种方法。 一、译成汉语主动句 将英语被动语态译成汉语主动语态的方法一般包括以下几种: (一)保存原文主语 当英语被动句中的主语为无生命的名词,而且句中不出现由by 引导的行为主体时,翻译时往往将原句中的主语仍然译成主语。 The meeting is scheduled for April 6th.

会议定于四月六日举行。 Water can be changed from a liquid into a solid. 水能从液体变成固体。 When rust is formed , a chemical change has taken place. 当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。 (二)主宾颠倒 英语中很多被动句子在表示行为主体的词前都加上by,翻译时可将这类by结构中的宾语译成主语,而将原来的主语译成宾语。 She was given a new pen by her father. 她爸爸送给她一支新钢笔。 Heat and light can be given off by this chemical change. 这种化学反应能放出热和光。 Only a small portion of solar energy is now being used by us. 现在我们只能利用一小部分太阳能。


被动语态的翻译_高中英语 英汉两种语言都有被动语态,但由于表达习惯上的差异,英语往往习惯用被动语态来表达,而汉语则和主动语态来表达。如:That young man cannot be relied upon。译成汉语就应该是"那位年轻人不可信赖"或者"我们不能信任那位年轻人"。如果将此句译成汉语的被动句"那位年轻人不可以被信赖",译文就会显得很别扭,不符合汉语的表达习惯。由此可见,翻译时经常进行语态的转换是十分必要的。英语中被动语态的使用十分广泛,尤其在考研翻译中,这种现象更为多见。相比之下,汉语被动语态使用的范围要小得多。因此,在英译汉时,大量被动语态的句子需要通过种种方法加以处理,以保证译文通顺流畅地表达原意。英语被动语态的汉译一般有以下几种方法。 一、译成汉语主动句 将英语被动语态译成汉语主动语态的方法一般包括以下几种: (一)保存原文主语 当英语被动句中的主语为无生命的名词,而且句中不出现由by引导的行为主体时,翻译时往往将原句中的主语仍然译成主语。 The meeting is scheduled for April 6th。 会议定于四月六日举行。 Water can be changed from a liquid into a solid。 水能从液体变成固体。 When rust is formed, a chemical change has taken place。 当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。 (二)主宾颠倒 英语中很多被动句子在表示行为主体的词前都加上by,翻译时可将这类by结构中的宾语译成主语,而将原来的主语译成宾语。 She was given a new pen by her father。 她爸爸送给她一支新钢笔。 Heat and light can be given off by this chemical change。 这种化学反应能放出热和光。 Only a small portion of solar energy is now being used by us。 现在我们只能利用一小部分太阳能。 有时英语被动句中并未出现by结构,而只是代之以一个由介词短语构成的状语。这时仍可采用主宾颠倒的译法,将介词短语中的名词或名词词组译成句子的主语。 Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country。 我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。 The numerical data concerned are provided in the next chapter。 下一章提供了有关的数据资料。 (三)增加主语 有些英语被动句并未在句中出现表示行为主体的词或词组,在翻译这类句子时,可适当增添一些不确定的主语,如"人们"、"有人"、"大家"、"我们"等。 The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored。 人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。 She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed。 有人看见她大致在案发时进入了那座建筑物。 What we say here will not be long remembered, but what we do here can change


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/725663169.html, 浅析英汉翻译之被动语态的翻译策略 作者:李娜梁晓明 来源:《大东方》2017年第02期 摘要:翻译实践中,被动语态的使用范围较广泛,而在汉语中被动语态的使用却很少, 因此为了准确将原语文本中的被动语态按照汉语的表达习惯传达出,并且符合目的语读者的表达方式,如何在英译汉中恰当使用翻译策略起到关键性的作用。 关键词:翻译实践;被动语态;翻译策略 一、引言 被动语态的翻译技巧以及策略之前的专家学者已对其进行分析,由于英汉两种语言之间的表达方式不同,本文根据翻译实践中的案例,结合一系列的翻译策略,将被动语态的翻译技巧应用到实践中,并且对其翻译实践中使用的翻译策略进行分析,有利于给译者在处理被动语态时有所借鉴以及帮助。 二、被动语态的翻译策略 1.译成汉语主动句 例1: 原文:When(it is)seen through a telescope,the sun appears darker near the edge.(《英语笔译实务》黄源深) 译文:用望远镜看,太阳接近边缘的部分显得略暗。 分析:英文中为表达事实的客观性,将句子用被动语态的形式表达,避免主观因素的影响。be seen若采取直译的翻译策略即“太阳被看”,但汉语中很少用被动句式,因此译文的表达不符合汉语的表达习惯。若将被动语态翻译为汉语的主动句即“用望远镜看”,更加符合汉语的表达习惯。 2.翻译成汉语无主句 例2: 原文:Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed. 译文:电视是创造和传递这些情感的方式之一。


1. 会议定于四月六日举行。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 她爸爸送给她一支新钢笔。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. 这种化学反应能放出热和光。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. 人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. 有人看见她大致在案发时进入了那座建筑物。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. 已经采取了措施来防止这种流行病迅速蔓延。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. 进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. 他因拒绝接受总公司的命令而被解雇了。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. 那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 12. 他得到了老师的表扬。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 13. 问题应及时加以解决。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 14. 在未来较长的一段时间里,中国的老年人仍旧要由家庭来赡养。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 15. 有人强调说,科学的范畴可以分成两个主要领域:自然科学和社会科学。 _____________________________________________________________________________
