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21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册单词及课后翻译 - Unit 1

Unit 1 Text A fuel n. 燃料; vt. 给(某物)供给燃料 campfire New Words prodigy n. 奇才;天才 child prodigy 神童 n.营火,篝火 radiate bookworm n.极爱读书者;书呆子 vt. 发出(光或热) quicken devotee n.热爱…者;献身于…的人 v.加快 heartbeat adolescence n. 青春期 n. 心跳;心跳声 gulf * compulsory a. 义务的;强制的 n. 海湾;不可逾越的鸿沟;巨大的差距 scheme compel vt. 强迫;强求 v.计划;谋划 n. 1.计划;规划 2.阴谋,诡计 notion n. 想法;观念;信念;概念 passion n. 热情;激情 gaze vi. 注视;凝视 encyclop(a)edia princess n. 1. 理想中的女友;心目中追求的女友 2. (oft, cap.)〔常大写〕公主;王妃 prince n. 1. 少女理想中的未婚者,白马王子 2. 王子;亲王 3. (usu. sing.) 〔常单数〕 (喻)大王;巨头;名家 sharpener n. 卷笔刀;卷笔器 hence ad. 1. 因此,所以 2. 今后,从此 seeker n. 寻找者;探索者;追求者 * henceforth ad. 自此以后 n. 百科全书 volume n. 1(一套书的)一册;一卷 2. (of) 体积;容积 supermarket n. 超级市场 widen erudition n. 博学;学问 amazement * cafeteria n.自助餐厅 * browse sigh n.叹息(声) ;叹气(声) absorb relief n.(焦虑等的)解除;宽慰 rarely ad. 不常;难得 disbelief n. 不相信;怀疑 casually ad.随便地;漫不经心地 casual a.随便的;漫不经心的;非正式的 climate n. 气候 rocky a. 多岩石的 * sturdy a.强壮的 trap n. (捕捉动物等的)陷阱;罗网;夹子 vt. 设陷阱捕捉(动物等) seal n. 1. 海豹 2. 印记,印章 vt. 1. 盖章于 2. 封,密封 romantic a. 1. 有浪漫色彩的 2. 多情的;浪漫的 glorious a.荣耀的;令人愉快的 joyous a.充满欢乐的;令人高兴的 blank n. (文件之类供作答、签名等所留的)空白;空格 vt. 1. 吸收 2. 吸引(某人)的注意;使(某人)全神贯注 crossword n. (= crossword puzzle) 纵横字谜,纵横填字游戏 frown vi. 皱眉头 apparently ad. 显然地 * stump vt. 把…难住;使为难 * oriental a.东方的 female a. 1. 女的;母的;雌性的 2. 妇女的;女性的;女性特有的 v. 浏览 n. 惊奇;惊愕;惊诧 v.加宽;变宽 3.不切实际的 * relish vt. 从…获得乐趣;很喜爱 neighboring a. 相邻的;临近的 * revelation confidence n. 信心 asthma mariner n. 〈废〉水手 invest marine a. 1. 航海的;海事的 2. 海洋的;海生的;海产的 n. 水兵 region n. 地区 equator n. 赤道 wingspread n. 翼幅 shellfish n. 贝壳类动物 shell n. 动物的壳(如贝壳、蛹壳等) ,蛋壳;果壳;荚 2. (房屋的)框架;骨架 appetite n. 1. 食欲,胃口 2. (for) 欲望;爱好 beam vi. 照耀; (面)露喜色;满脸堆笑 n. 1. 微笑;喜色 2. 光束 perceive vt. 注意到;

感觉;察觉 the apple of sb.'s eye a person or thing that is the main object of sb.'s beyond one's wildest dreams (in a way that is) better than what one expected or hoped for 超过某人所期望的(地) ;出乎某人意 料的(地) out of focus not sharply defined 焦点没对准;模糊的 alter vt. 改变 Phrases and Expressions * incentive n. 鼓励;刺激 consequence n.〔常复数〕结果;后果 * drastic a. 激烈的;迅猛的 * betray vt. 出卖,背叛 investment n. 1. 投资;投资额 2.(时间、精力等的)投入 vi. 投资 n. 气喘,哮喘 n. 揭示;暴露 love and attention 某人的掌上明珠;宝贝 sweep sb. off his/her feet make sb. feel suddenly and strongly attracted to you in a romantic way 使某人倾心 get sth. in manage to say sth. about a subject 设法说完 play into sb.'s hands do something which gives sb. an advantage 干 对某人有利的事 file into enter in a single line 鱼贯进入 step up (infml) increase the size or speed of 〈口〉加快; 增加 hang on sb.'s words listen very carefully to 倾听;注意地听 feed on eat habitually 以…为食物;靠…为生 go steady with date sb. regularly and exclusively 仅与(同一异 性)经常约会 invest in 1. buy (sth.) with the expectation of profit or some other kind of advantage 投资于 2. (infml) 〈口〉买 in time 1. eventually 经过一段时间后;最终 2. at or before the right or necessary time 及时 pore over study or give close attention to 钻研;专心阅读 A common misconception among youngsters attending school is that their teachers were child prodigies. Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid's tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway? 上学的孩子们中间有一种普遍的错误想法,即认为他们的老师当年都是些神童。不管怎么说, 除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、不愿学习的书呆子之外,还有谁愿意长大后当老师呢? I've tried desperately to explain to my students that the image they have of me as an enthusiastic devotee of books and homework during my adolescence was a bit out of focus. On the contrary, I hated compulsory education with a passion. I could never quite accept the notion of having to go to school while the fish were biting. 我竭力向我的学生们解释我在他们心目中的形象—— 一个在青春期热衷于书本和作业的人— —有一点被扭曲了。相反,我极为憎恨义务教育。我永远都无法接受在鱼儿上钩时不得不去上学的 想法。 1、汤姆去年转来我校。他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成了她最喜欢的学生。 1.Tom (was) transferred to our school last year. He hung on Miss Young's every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye. 2、看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一种难以用语言表达的爱和骄傲。 2.Seeing his daughter graduate from high school, he felt a surge of lo

ve and pride that he couldn't express in words. 3、当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没有想到会变成百万富翁。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7a16115875.html,st year when Mr. Li first began his venture into the stock market, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams. 4、在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。我拍了几张相片,可惜焦点都没对准。 4.On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish. I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus. 5、王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。 5.The prince has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week. 6、 因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。没有教育人们 怎能克服贫穷。 6.It is a complete misconception that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on. Without education, how can poor people ever overcome their poverty? 7、大卫所有的同班同学都困惑不解——没有人想得出他怎么突然变成了优等生。 7.All of David's classmates are completely stumped — no one can work out how he became a top student overnight. 8、很明显,她拒绝他的求婚给了他沉重的打击,但他最终还是从痛苦中恢复了过来。 8.It was obvious that her rejection of his proposal hit him hard, but in time he recovered from his wounds.

21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册单词及课后翻译 - Unit 2

Unit 2 Text A * random a. 胡乱的;任意的 n. 任意行为 invade New Words feminist n. 女权主义者 * feminine a. 女性的;女子气的 vt. 侵入,侵略;进攻 * massacre charm n. 魅力 n. 屠杀 combat * costume n. (一个地区、一个时期流行的)服装;戏装 n. 战斗 aircraft extravagance n. 挥霍,奢侈 n. 航空器,飞机 multi-national * extravagant a. 1. 奢侈的;浪费的 2. 过度的;越轨的 audience n. 听众;观众 maritime a. 海的;海上的;航海的;海事的 boo v. (对…)发出“呸”的声音(表示嫌恶或强烈的不 满) rage n. (一阵)狂怒;盛怒 vi. 大发脾气 raging a. 极端的;痛苦的 self-respecting a. 有自尊心的 usage n. 用法;使用; (词的)惯用法 n. 多国的;跨国(公司)的 corporation n. 法人团体(如贸易公司) ;公司 wince vi. 脸部肌肉抽搐,皱眉蹙眼 routinely ad. 通常地;惯常地;常规地 entitle vt. 1. (to) 给…权利;给…资格 2. 给(书等)题名 consideration n. 1. 考虑 2. (for) 体贴;关心 helplessness n. 无助 innocence n. 无辜;清白;天真纯洁 faculty n. 1. 才能;能力;天赋 2. (高等院校的)全体教师及职工 defenseless a. 无防御的;不能自卫的 incapable a. (of doing sth.) 不

能(做某事)的 fend v. (for) 照料 blameless a. 无可指责的;无过错的 protection n. 保护,防护 protective a. 1. 保护的,防护的 2. (towards) (对人)关切保护的 emergency n. 紧急事件;紧急情况 helpless a. 无助的;无依无靠的;不能自立的 wartime n. 战时 immunity n. 1. 受保护;豁免(权) 2. 免疫力 threaten vt. 1. 威胁,恐吓 2. 预示 legal dependence n. 依赖;依靠 era n. 纪元;年代;时代 a. 法律的;依照法律的;法律许可的;法律要求的; 合法的 * constraint n. 约束,限制 variation n. 变化;变更;变异的东西;变化了的形式 * complement vt. 补充,补足 urgent a. 紧迫的,紧要的 deference n. 尊敬,敬重 equality n. 平等 * gender n. 1. (生理上的)性 2. (名词、代词等的)性 womanhood n. (总称)妇女;女子的身份或状态 given prep.考虑到 a. 1. 规定的;特定的 2. 假设的;已知的 * attach vt. (to) 1. 认为有;使与…相关联 2. 系;贴;连接 privilege n. 特权;优惠 male a. & n. 男子(的) ;雄性(的) condition * constrain vt. 1. 强迫 2. 限制,束缚 extensive a. 广阔的;广大的;广泛的 restructure vt. 重建;改组;调整 reduction athletics n. 体育运动;竞技 version status n. 地位;身份;职位 evolutionary a. 进化论的;演变的 instinct n. 本能 perpetuate a. 使永久;保持 * perpetual a. 永久性的;长期的 indispensable a. 必不可少的 child-bearer n. 生儿育女者 repopulate vt. 重新构成…的人口;重新居住于 precious a. 贵重的;珍贵的 biologically ad. 从生物学的角度 parenting n. (父母)对孩子的养育 maternal a. 母亲(般)的 parental a. 父母(似)的 strategic a. 战略(上)的;战略上重要的 strategy n. 策略,计谋 survival n. 生存;幸存 n. 1. 描述,说法 2. 版本;改写本 geneticist n. 遗传学家 egg-layer n. 生育机器 * courtesy n. 1. 谦恭有礼;有礼的举止 2. 好意;恩惠 n. 减少(量) ;削减(数) depress vt. 1. 使抑郁,使沮丧 2. 使不景气,使萧条 logic n. 推理(法) vt. 使习惯;训练 without conscious choice 胡乱地,随便地,任意 breast n. 乳房;胸部;胸膛 gun down * cradle n. 摇篮 v. 轻轻地抱,拥抱 be entitled to cruise n. 海上航游 vt. 航游;巡航;缓慢巡行 fend for oneself scenario n. 电影剧本;剧本提纲 attach sth. to sth. * sheer a. 1. 完全的,十足的 2. (织物)极簿的;透明的 3. 陡峭的;垂直的 hand out stalemate n. 僵局;僵持阶段 go down Phrases and Expressions priority seating (the practice of) certain people being given a place to sit before other people 优先安排座位 at/from a distance from a place that is not very close; a long time after sth. happened 隔开一段距离(或时间) ;从 远处 object to oppose; be against 反对,不赞成 at random sink

(船等)下沉 distribute 分发,散发 connect sth. to/with sth. else; associate sth. with sth. else; fasten sth. to sth. else 使相关联; 使连接 在一起 look after oneself 照料自己 be given the right to have or do (sth.) 有权,有 资格 shoot, causing to fall to the ground dead or wounded 枪杀;开枪打伤 地 Children are entitled to special consideration for two reasons: helplessness and innocence. They have not yet acquired either the faculty of reason or the wisdom of experience. Consequently, they are defenseless (incapable of fending for themselves) and blameless (incapable of real sin). That's why we grant them special protection. In an emergency, it is our duty to save them first because they, helpless, have put their lives in our hands. And in wartime, they are supposed to be protected by special immunity because they can have threatened or offended no one. 孩子们之所以有权享受特殊照顾有两个理由:无助和无辜。他们还没有具备推理的能力或来自 经验的智慧。因此,他们不能自卫(不能照顾自己) ,无可指责(不可能真正犯罪) 。这就是我们给 予他们特殊保护的原因。在紧急情况下,我们有责任先救他们,因为孤独无助的他们已将生命交付 于我们手中。在战时,他们应该受到特殊豁免权的保护,因为他们不可能会威胁或冒犯的到任何人。 1、 独立生活的能力对于任何一个成年人来说都是必不可少的, 但真正的成熟远远不只是一整套的生 存策略。 1.The ability to fend for oneself is indispensable to any adult,but real maturity is more than just a set of survival strategies. 2、孩子们在儿童节有资格免费进入每一个城市公园。这是对他们全年长期呆在学校里的一种补偿。 2.On Children's Day,kids are entitled to free entry to all the city parks.It's a way of compensating them for the long hours they spend in school all year. 3、你更注重个人的生活而不是学习,难怪你的成绩下降了。 3.You're giving more priority to your personal life than to your studies.It's no wonder your grades are suffering. 4、鉴于当今社会大多数的妇女在外谋职,很自然她们反对丈夫把她们作为管家来对待。 4.Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home,it's natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers. 5、美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。 5.Quite a number of American millionaires own at least two houses and a private plane. 6、当约翰从癌症中意外地康复时,他的医生把此归功于他坚强的毅力和对未来的信念。 6.When John recovered unexpectedly from cancer,his doctors attributed it to his strong will and faith in the future. 7、没有任何实际理由要保留为女性开门的那种习俗,更不用说保留“妇女和儿童优先”的传统了。 7.There is no practic

al reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women,let alone the tradition of "women and children first". 8、许多女权主义者反对男人养育孩子不如女人的想法。 8.Many feminists object to the notion that men can't nurture children as well as women can.

21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册单词及课后翻译 - Unit 5

Unit 5 Text A leap (leapt or leaped) vi. 跳跃 n. 跳跃;激增 New Words overseas a. (在、向、来自)海外的;国外的 ad. 到海外;在国外 jumble n. 杂乱的一堆 * compile vt. 汇编;编制 outset n. 开始;起始 ambition n. 对(成功、权力、金钱等的)强烈欲望,野 心;雄心 * obsession n. 着迷;困扰 physical fitness 身体健康 amuse vt. 逗乐;给…提供娱乐或消遣 amusing a. 有趣的;逗笑的 orderly a. 有条理的;整齐的 confusion profile n. 1. 传略,人物简介 2. 侧面,侧影;轮廓 vt. 1. 写…的传略 2. 给…画侧面像;描…的轮廓 waitress n. (饭店、旅馆餐厅等的)女服务员 * dealer n. 商人;证券经纪人 journalist n. 新闻记者;报纸撰稿人 journal n. 1. 杂志,期刊 2. 日志;日记 body-conscious a. 注意身体健康的 n. 1. 辨别不清;混淆 2. 骚乱;混乱 confuse vt. 使模糊不清;混淆;使混乱 acquaintance n. 1. 相识的人;熟人 2. 了解;认识 gadget n. (infml) 小巧的机械;精巧的装置 addictive a. (使人)入迷的; (使人)上瘾的 microwave n. 微波;微波炉 oven n. 烤炉,烤箱 1 作者:Higashi Q83831295 microwave oven n. 微波炉 (美)法式炸薯条 immigration delegation n. 代表团 n. 移居;移民 queue delegate n. 代表;会议代表 vt. 1. 委派…为代表 2. 授权;把…委托给(某人) * capitalism n. 资本主义(制度) do-it-yourself n. & a. 自己动手(的) ,自行维修(的) insurance n. 1. 保险 2. 保险业 * supplementary a. 补充的,增补的 remote a. 远的,遥远的 * mortgage n. 抵押;抵押贷款 vt. 抵押 junk food 垃圾食品 ketchup n. (= catchup) 调味番茄酱 fry n. (see French fry) v. 油煎,油炸 n. (排队等候的)一队人 vi. 排队(等候) * renowned a. 有名的;享有声誉的 decay v. (使某物)变坏,腐烂 * mob n. 〔贬〕人群;乌合之众 assumption n. 1. 假定;臆断 2. 夺取;篡夺 dishonest a. (指人)不诚实; (指钱)来路不正的 democracy n. 民主;民主国家;民主政治 traitor n. 卖国贼,叛徒 recklessness n. 不顾后果,鲁莽 * reckless a. 不顾后果的,鲁莽的 * patriot n. 爱国者 patriotic French fries 2 a. 爱国的;有爱国心的 作者:Higashi Q83831295 self-conscious a. 1. 羞怯的;忸怩的,不自然的 2. 有自我意识的;自觉的 terrorist n. 恐怖主义者;恐怖分子 criminal legislation n. l. 法律,法规 2. 立法,法律的制定 a. 犯罪的;犯法的 n. 罪犯 * questionnaire pre

acher n. 传道士,牧师 n. 调查表,问题单 * emigrate * preach v. 1. 布道 2. 竭力劝说;说教 unrepeatable a. 不可重复的;仅此一次的 vi. 移居国外 X-rated a. (电影等)X级的,禁止(十六岁以下)儿 童观看的 * motel grown-up n. 成年人 n. 汽车旅馆 all-American sitcom n. (infml) 情景喜剧 a. 全由美国人组成的;全部美国产的 * ambitious contagious a. 1. (情绪等)感染性的 2. (疾病)传染的 ulcer n. 溃疡 * visa n. 签证 document n. 文件 vt. 1. 为…提供文件(或证据等) 2. (在影片、小说中)纪实性地描述 a. 有野心的,有抱负的 zillion n. (sl.) 无限大的数目,无法计算的大数目 Phrases and Expressions the ABCs the most basic facts about a subject (学科 等的)基本知识;入门 at the outset at the beginning 首先,一开始 stand for * overthrow vt. 推翻;打倒 3 represent; mean 代表;意味着 作者:Higashi Q83831295 be after sth. in search of sth.; with a desire for sth. 追求 catch on 1. become popular 流行起来 2. understand 懂得,理解 on (the) ground(s) that because 根据,以…为理由 at the sight of as soon as seeing (sth. or sb.) 一见之下;立 即 leap around jump about 跳来跳去 at first sight when seen or examined for the first time 乍 一看,一见之下 be on a first-name basis [with sb.] call (sb.) by his or her first name (因关系亲 密而)相互直呼其名 tell A from B distinguish A from B 辨别,分辨 be in charge of sth. be responsible for 管理,负责 so far up to the present 迄今为止 put out cause (sth.) to stop burning 熄灭 bring up nurture and educate (a child) 养育;教育 take advantage of make use of; profit from 利用 4 作者:Higashi Q83831295 in agreement with 赞同,同意 by force by fierce or violent means 用武力或强迫手段 think big have ambitious ideas 野心勃勃,好高骛远 America can be a strange experience for a foreigner. My wife and I arrived in the United States in January after seven years overseas — four in France, three in Poland. From the jumble of first impressions, we compiled an A-to-Z explanation of why America can be such a foreign country to those who arrive here from Europe. 对一个外国人来说,身在美国可能是一次奇特的经历。在国外 7 年以后—4 年在法国,3 年在 波兰,我和妻子于一月份到达美国。从杂乱的初步印象中,我们编了一套从 A 到 Z 的解释,来说明 为什么对那些从欧洲到这里的人来说,美国会是这样陌生的一个国家。 I should explain at the outset that I am from Britain, but my Florida-born wife Lisa is as American as apple pie. In our list, however, A doesn't stand for apple pie. It stands for: 我应该一开始就说明我是一个英国人,但在佛罗里达出生的我的妻子莉萨却是个如苹果馅饼般 地道的美国人。不过,在我们列出的清单中,A

并不代表苹果馅饼。它代表的是: Ambition. In the Old World, people are taught to hide it. Here it's quite proper to announce that you're after the boss's job or want to make a million dollars by the age of 30. 雄心(Ambition) 。在旧大陆中,人们受的教育是要掩饰它。在这儿,宣称你在追求老板的职 位或者想在 30 岁以前赚上 100 万美元,并没有什么不合适。 1、为了帮助外国投资者更好地了解上海,他们根据能找到的各种资料来源汇编了这本小小的指南。 1.To help foreign investors get a better understanding of Shanghai, they've compiled this little guide from the various sources they could find. 2、他是那种在计划实现之后才让大家知道的那种人。 2.He's the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans to himself until they're realized. 3、我千里迢迢到纽约来看他,结果却发现他两天前出国了。 3.I came to New York from far away to see him, only to find he had gone abroad two days before. 4、我现在很难想象没有电、没有电视、没有电话,我们是如何生存了如此之久的。 4.It is difficult to imagine now how we've survived for so long without electricity, television or telephone. 5、只要钱是老老实实赚来的,新政策鼓励人们变得富有。 5.The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly. 6、如果我负责这个项目,我会更好地利用现有的资金。 6.If I were in charge of the project, I'd make better use of the money that's available. 7、他们拒绝给他进入这个国家的签证,理由是他是个危险分子。 7.He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that he was a dangerous person. 8、老师没有多久就发现,汤姆总有迟交作业的借口。 8.It didn't take the teacher long to catch on that Tom always had an excuse for turning in late assignments.

21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册单词及课后翻译 - Unit 7

Unit 7 Text A tights n. 〔复〕女用(连)裤袜 New Words so-so a.& ad.(infml) 不好也不坏的(地) mom n. (美口)妈妈 incompetence n. 不胜任,不称职 * competence n. 能力;称职 leisure n. time free from work or other duties; spare time 闲暇 hobby n. 业余爱好;嗜好 gym n. (infml) 体操馆;健身房 gym shoe n. 体操鞋,球鞋 sole n. 鞋底;袜底 a. 唯一的;独占的 enthusiast n. 热衷于…的人 hopeless a. 没有希望的;令人绝望的 squeeze vt. 1. 硬塞,硬挤 2. 挤压,榨 n. 1. 挤压,榨 2. 经济困难;拮据 1 leg warmers n. 〔复〕暖腿套 warm-up n. 准备活动;准备练习 * overhear vt. 偷听到;无意中听到 goal kick n. 球门球 * slaughter vt. 1. 屠宰;屠杀 2. (infml) (口)使惨败 competition n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争 wreck n. 1. (infml) 受到严重损害的人 2. 遇难船只;失事飞机等的残骸 vt. 造成(船舶等)失事; (喻)破

坏 starter n. 起始者;起始物; (尤其指比赛的)参赛人;参赛 马 orchestra n. 管弦乐队 tidy vt. 使整洁,使整齐 a. 整洁的;爱整洁的 tackle vt. 对付,处理(棘手的问题、困难的工作等) * recreation 作者:Higashi Q83831295 n. 消遣,娱乐 * stumble self-improvement n. 自我改进,自我修养 grimly ad. 坚定地;不屈地 left-handed a. (指人)惯用左手的,左撇子的 ad. 用左手 * insane a. 1. 精神病患者的;为疯人而设的 2. (患)精神病的;精神失常的 asylum n. 收容所;精神病院 insane asylum n. 精神病院 tone up sanity n. 神智健全;清醒,明智 opera n. 歌剧 peculiar-looking a. 奇形怪状的 peculiar a. 1. 奇特的,古怪的 2. (to) 独有的,特有的 in good shape clay n. 黏土 be committed to homemade a. 家制的;做得简单粗糙的 discourage vt. 使泄气,使灰心 2 作者:Higashi Q83831295 vi. 1. 跌跌撞撞地走 2. 结结巴巴地说话 gracelessly ad. 不优美地,笨拙地 grace n. 1. 优美;风度 2. 善意;体谅 graceful a. 1. 优美的 2. 优雅的;得体的 * gracious a. 亲切的,和蔼的 Phrases and Expressions make (one's body) stronger, fitter, etc. 使更强壮, 使更健康 pull on put (sth.) on by pulling 穿上,戴上 a big deal sth. important 了不起的事,大事 take up start to learn or practice (a hobby) 开始从事 in good condition 处于良好状况 care a lot about (a cause, one's job. etc.); be loyal to (a particular ideal) 献身于,忠诚于 squeeze into force or press into a narrow or restricted space 硬塞进…,硬挤入… as it happens (used before saying sth. surprising) actually; in fact 碰巧,偶然 blow it (俚)把这事弄得一团糟 keep score (在比赛中)记分 get in the way (of sth./of -ing); get in sb.'s way prevent or interfere with sth.; prevent sb. from doing sth.; block sb.'s progress 妨碍;挡道 kind of (infml) somewhat; to some extent (口)有点儿; 可以这么说 eat up use (sth.) in large quantities 消耗;用完 have a shot at (infml) attempt to do (sth.) (口)尝试;试着去做 (某事) put off delay (doing sth.) 推迟;拖延 tidy up make (sb./oneself/sth.) neat and orderly 整理, 收拾 put a stop to ensure that a process, habit, etc., ends and will not be repeated 制止,使停止 make sth. out of construct, create or prepare sth. by combining materials or putting parts together 用…做出… fool around 3 behave in a manner that isn't serious; waste time; do sth. just for fun (口)闲荡,混日子 out of shape not fit 处于不良的(健康)状况 in no time very quickly 立刻,马上 作者:Higashi Q83831295 Unfortunately, doing things badly has gone out of style. It used to be a mark of class if a lady or a gentleman sang a little, painted a little, played the violin a little. You didn't have to be good at it; the point was to be fortunate enough to have

the leisure time for such pursuits. But in today's competitive world we have to be "experts" even in our hobbies. 遗憾的是, “三脚猫”已经过时了。过去如果一位女士或先生会唱一点,画一点,拉一点小提琴, 那就是一种社会等级的标志。你不必很出色;关键是要有幸拥有这一份闲情逸致。但是在今天这个 充满竞争的世界里我们甚至在业余爱好方面也必须是“专家”才行。 1、只要你喜欢你的业余爱好,那么你不必因为自己水平一般而感到羞愧。别人怎么看你无关紧要。 1.As long as you enjoy your hobby, you don't have to feel ashamed of being mediocre at it. It doesn't matter what others think of you. 2、金钱在竞技体育中正显出其重要性,但我们必须确保它不会影响一些重要的东西。 2.Money is becoming a big deal in competitive sports, but we must make sure that it doesn't get in the way of what's important. 3、我们都需要不时地进行某种锻炼来使自己保持身体健康。 3.We all need some form of exercise every now and then to keep ourselves in good shape. 4、我一再说该是你整理自己的房间的时候了,但你老是拖着。 4.I've said over and over it's time you tidied up your room, but you keep putting it off. 5、一两年前他才开始学画画,所以技法还未达到专业水平。你能给他指点指点吗?3 5.He only took up painting a couple of years ago, so his technique isn't up to professional standards. Can you give him some instruction? 6、健康专家正试图通过宣传吸烟的种种害处来使人们戒烟。 6.Health experts are trying to discourage people from smoking by informing them of dangers. 7、敬业当然是好的,但你不能让工作蚕食了你的全部休闲时间。 7.Being committed to your job is fine, of course, but you shouldn't let work eat up all your leisure time. 8、对于我来说,工作和业余爱好都必须严肃认真地对待。 8.As far as I'm concerned, both jobs and hobbies should be seriously considered. its

21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册单词及课后翻译 - Unit 8

Unit 8 Text A * collaboration n. 合作,协作 cancel vt. 取消;废除 representative n. 代表;议员; (美国)众议院议员;州议员 sum n. 金额;款项 rocket n. 火箭 vi. 飞速前进;猛涨 * impetus n. 推动力;刺激 New Words * rivalry n. 竞争;对抗 superiority n. 优越(性) ,优势 unmanned a. 无人的;无人操纵的,无人驾驶的 craft n. 1. 小船;船;飞机;飞行器 2. 工艺;手艺 3. (需要特种手艺的)行业;职业 4. 诡计;手腕 decline vi. 下降;衰弱;减少 n. 下降;衰弱;减少 * shuttle n. 航天飞机 v. 穿梭往返 considerable a. 相当多的;相当大的 controversy n. 争论;争议 merit scale n. 规模;程度;范围;比例 vt. 按比例增加或缩减 n. 长处;价值;优点 vt. 应获

得,应受;值得 immediate extraterrestrial a. 地球(或其大气圈)外的;行星际的;宇宙的 a. 立即的,即刻的;目前的;直接的 worthwhile military a. 军事的 n. (the ~ ) 军人;军队;武装部队 aeronautics n. 航空学 a. 值得做的;值得花费时间(精力)的 orbit n. 〔天〕轨道 v. 环绕(天体的)轨道运行 substantial space exploration n. 外层空间探索 a. 大量的,可观的,相当多的 long-term 1 作者:Higashi Q83831295 a. 长期的 manned a. 载人的;由人操纵的 blow up explode; be destroyed by an explosion 爆炸;炸 毁 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) planetary a. 行星的 gross a. 总的;毛的 exceed vt. 超过 shortage n. 缺少;不足;短缺 proportion n. 部分;份儿;比例,比 voter n. 投票人;选举人;有投票(或选举)权者 warp n. 1. 变形;翘曲 2. 反常心理;乖戾 Phrases and Expressions press ahead (with sth.) continue doing a task or pursuing an aim despite difficulties, objections, etc. (不顾困难 地)继续进行 coupled with together with 与…一起;连同 scale back reduce in size 按比例缩减,相应缩减 put sth. in doubt make sth. uncertain 使某事物不确定 the annual total value of goods produced, and services provided, in a country 国内生产总值 be on good terms have a good relationship 关系好 be caught in be involved in 陷入,卷入 2 作者:Higashi Q83831295 The race to the moon, which was won by the Americans in 1969, was driven almost entirely by politics. The rivalry between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union meant that the two countries were determined to be the first to put a man on the moon. President John F. Kennedy promised that America would win this race and, as one of the most popular presidents in American history, he inspired a nation to think of space exploration as the ultimate test of America's superiority over her Soviet enemy. 1969 年由美国人获胜的登月竞赛几乎完全是受政治驱动的。美国和前苏联之间的竞争意味着这两个国家 都决心首先将人送到月球上。约翰?F?肯尼迪总统保证美国将赢得这场竞赛,作为美国历史上最得民心的总统 之一,他激励国民将外层空间探索视为美国对其敌人苏联的优越性的终极考验。 America's success as the first nation to reach the moon, coupled with continuing Cold War rivalry, created much public support for the space programme and Washington was able to fund many more missions. During the 1970s, the moon was visited again, unmanned missions were sent to Mars and, for the first time, man-made craft were put on paths that would take them out of the solar system. 美国作为第一个到达月球的国家的成功, 以及持续不断的冷战竞赛, 赢得了公众对于太空计划的大力支持, 所以华盛顿能够为更多航天任务提供资金。在 20 世纪 70 年代,月球被再次访问,不载人的

飞船被送往火星, 而且人造飞船也首次被送上将带领它们脱离太阳系的轨道。 1、美国国家航空和航天局宣布,这次飞行任务长达九天,其明确目的之一将是研究太空飞行对衰老过程的影 响。 1.NASA announced that one of the tangible objectives of this nine-day mission was to do research into the effects of space flight on the aging process. 2、在冷战期间,苏美两国在外层空间的开发活动方面投入了大量的资金。 2.During the Cold War era, the Soviet Union and the United States both spent substantial funds on space exploration. 3、总统关于削减政府社会福利支出的提议已经在公众中引起了很大的争议。 3.The President's proposal to scale down/back the government's social welfare spending has caused a great deal of controversy. 4、美国“发现”号航天飞机回到肯尼迪航天中心之前,佛罗里达恶劣的天气,加上舱门的故障,曾使安全着 陆难以保证。 4.Before the American space shuttle Discovery returned to Kennedy Space Center,the bad weather in Florida,coupled with the door trouble,put its safe landing in doubt. 5、迄今为止还没有充分证据表明火星上有生命,但这并不是说外层空间的研究没有科学价值。 5.So far there is little evidence of life on Mars,but this doesn't justify the conclusion that space research has no scientific value. 6、国际空间站是费用最为昂贵的太空探索项目,是有十六个国家参与的合作项目。 6.The International Space Station,a collaboration in which sixteen countries are taking part,is the most expensive space-exploration project ever undertaken. 7、这本书讲的是在五十年代末,中国航天探索的先驱者在没有外国专家帮助的情况下,执着地进行研究的情 况。 7.This book describes the period at the end of the 1950s when the pioneers of Chinese space exploration pressed ahead with their research without the help of foreign experts. 8、今年制造业创利已超过二千亿美元,占我国国内生产总值的一半。 8.This year the profits made in manufacturing industries have exceeded $200 billion,making up one half of our country's GDP.
