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大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 1 Starting a New journey 课后习题参考答案

大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 1 Starting a New journey 课后习题参考答案
大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 1 Starting a New journey 课后习题参考答案

Text A

Reading Comprehension

2. 1)T 2)F 3)F 4)T 5)T

3. 1)B 2)B 3)A 4)A 5)B

Language Practice

1. 1) volunteer


2) dignity


3) pose


4) emerge


5) core


6) identify


7) devoted


8) productive

译文:开始一天的工作之前,进行规划和安排会让这一天更加富有成效,这是毫无疑问的。9) commitment


10) issue


11) ultimately


12) apply


13) implement


14) enhance

译文:中国和欧盟同意加强合作,以应对诸如空气、水和土壤污染等方面的重要环境问题。15) on average


2. 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) D 6) C 7)B 8) B 9) D 10) A

3. 1) on build on 在原有的基础上增加

2) to apply to 把……应用于

3) on on average 平均来看

4) up bring up 提出

5) with conflict with与……冲突

4. 1) enjoyable 愉快的

2) attractive 吸引人的

3) creative 有创造性的

4) emerging 新兴的

5) remarkable 引人注目的

6) competitive 具有竞争力的

7) countless 无数的

8) respectful 彬彬有礼的

5. 注解:本次语法练习主要关注被动语态的三种形式,即情态动词、完成时和进行时的被动语态。情态动词被动语态的结构为:情态动词+ be done。练习中第4)题和第5)题属于此类别。完成时的被动语态为:have been done。第1)题和第3)题属于此类别。

进行时的被动语态为:be being done。第2)题属于此类别。

1) I realized that the parcel had been sent to a wrong address by the postman.

2) He is being instructed by the examiner to drive out of town.

3) A huge reserve for giant pandas has been built by China.

4) Children should be taught some basic knowledge of the world by their parents.

5) Many visual details must be designed by the director in order to impress the audience.

6. 1) Some foreign funded company directors are against the new rule, saying it

con?icts with free trade.

2) Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in ancient China, is often brought up during the Dragon Boa Festival.

3) So long as we are willing to work hard, each one of us is able to make a difference to our life and the world around us.

4) He capitalized on his opponent’s mistake in a clever way, and won the game easily.

5) In the maj ority of Western cultures, many young people don’t live with their parents.

Text B

Key to Exercises

Reading Comprehension

1. 1) NG 2) NO 3) YES 4) NO 5) YES

2. 1) painful 2) importance 3) communicate 4) lifesaving 5) profound Translation


