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translation theory
translation theory

Aspirations of Function-Oriented Approach on College S tudents’ Classroom Translation


Abstract:This paper aims to investigate the aspirations on college students’ classroom translation teaching by discussing the function-oriented approach in descriptive translation studies. Through the analysis of the function-oriented translation approach in the process of translation, it is can be found that: 1) Teachers should pay more attention on translation theories teaching to help students be aware of the main points and hard parts in translating process and choose the proper translation strategies; 2) Introducing more social cultural backgrounds of the source language and the target language can make students have a clear mind in choosing right expressions and usages of vocabularies, and also some transfers in adjusting the expressions of the target-language translation versions; 3) Paying much more attention on teaching semantic differences so that students can grasp well of the usages of vocabularies. Teachers should combine the translation theories and the practices of translation to do translation teaching.

Keywords: Function-oriented approach; translation teaching; descriptive translation studies; source language; target language; social culture context.

.1 Introduction

More translations with various purposes are yielded in the trend of informational and economic globalization. In order to communicate with people from different countries, regions and corners for somewhat specific purposes, different language varieties are derived gradually, and in the meantime, translation becomes more and more important. For a same source text, the translating products come different with different translation purposes for various social culture context, such as the translating versions in China have obvious Chinese characteristics by comparing with the versions in Japan or Israel and somewhere else. At that point of view, translation teaching plays a quite significant part in improving the integrated grade of translators. And how to improve their translating skills is a vital subject in today’s l anguage teaching researching.

Indeed, as we all know, translation should be various with the changes of the target language and the recipient cultures. Gideon Toury, an Israel translation theorist who has been highly respected for his great achievements in translation studies, is the founder of descriptive translation studies by advocating and implementing the studying results from James S. Holmes, who first proposed the term: Descriptive Translation Studies. It is Holmes that subordinates descriptive translation studies into three approaches, which are product-oriented approach, process-oriented approach and function-oriented approach (Gideon Toury, 2001). Among them, function-oriented approach, the most functional and important factor in translating process, influences the other two

approaches in different ways.According to this theory, translation has a more clear way to go so that the translation versions are different in the purpose of different use.

Therefore, in this paper, the author tries to discuss the influence of function-oriented approach in translations by analyzingatranslating version translated by Chinese famous translator, and then put forward some suggestions for translation teaching.The paper focuses on make clear: What are the differences o f the choice of words and sentences’ structures? What are the translating styles in the versions? What are the aspirations of function-oriented approach on translation teaching? By analyzing the effects of function-oriented approach in translation, we can benefit in different ways to help us understand the choices of translating strategies, the choices of words and sentences and structures, and clear our mind in mental process to comprehend the forms translation and generate a more adequate and acceptable translation. In another way to speak, the function of a translation decides the process and product of translation. And at the same time, it is useful for us to apply function-oriented approach translation studies to translation teaching.

2 Literature review

2.1Function-oriented approach study

Descriptive translation studies set its aims at describing, explaining and predicting translational behaviors and at constantly maintaining its closest contact with the empirical or viable phenomenon. Target-orientation and translation norms are the two basic assumptions in the theories. The social-cultural features are viewed as the determined factors influencing the product of translation. And also the translation norms are governed by the target-language cultures, translation behaviors situated in time and space within a certain culture context manifest certain regularities of the social cultures.

The convincing notion of division which is a fundamental principle of organization in translation studies is suggested by Holmes, who divides translation studies into “pure” and “applied”branches, and pure translation studies is further subordinated into theoretical and descriptive branches, with descriptive translation studies branching again, according to different focus of research, it is divided into product-, process- and function-oriented translation studies (Toury, 2001). And in term of Toury’s theory, these three aspects are interdependent together but not isolated from each other. Among the three, the most significant one is the function-oriented approach which decides the detailed features of a specific translation and influences the choice of translating styles and versions in the deciding process, and the least important one is the process-oriented approach which deals with the mental process in translation. However, no explanatory hypothesis can be formed without considering all the three aspects. The function of a translation determines its appropriate surface realization which governs the strategies whereby a target text is derived from its original, and hence the relationships which hold them together. Thus, no real point in process-oriented study can be drawn without considering the questions related to the determining force of its intended function and to the strategies governed by the translation norms, and so does the product-oriented study (FengHuijuan& Miao Ju, 2009).

The aim of Toury’s descriptive translation studies is to manifest a series of norms and the laws needed to regulate translation in the research of descriptive translation studies, in order to

manifest and translate the internal relationships of various relative variables. It is certain that the formulations or manifestations of laws need to explain all the influencing factors, that means to at the largest degree to control the parameters related to function-, process- and product-oriented approach so that to make sure the translation norms. For Toury, translation should have a vital prestigious stance in the target-language social-culture context, and that kind of translation stance determines the decision of translating strategies. Actually, it is almost the same time for Tour to propose the similar translation theory with the Skopos Theory come up with by Vermeer, but the apparent difference o f Toury’s functional theory does not lie on applied features but regards translation as “cultural facts”, and the function-oriented approach is to describe and explain the translation behaviors in the target-language cultures to find the theoretical laws. Here come the specific ways(Liu Juping, 2009):

(1)Setting the text into the target-language cultural system to find adequacy and


(2)Comparing the source text and target text through “transfer” to set up the relationship

between them. Deciding whether the source text is a proper text for translating, recognizing the matching relationships among the phrases and sentences, and trying summarizing and concluding the potential concepts in translation.

(3)Having a preliminary summary to offer references for later translation decision-making.

It involves in the primary and secondary sequence, regular methods and units of translation of texts.

2.2 Translation teaching theory

Newmark (1991) pointed out that it is necessary for us to have a clear mind in translation teaching and teaching translation. Translation teaching aims to help students acquire the skills to tackle the real transla tion problem in practical ways to improve students’ communicative capability, while teaching translation is just to make students learning language knowledge like vocabularies, syntax and semantics, and put no attention to the communicative competences. And Yang Lili (1993) came up with the ideas that teaching translation really did lots of problems in helping students learning translation, narrow sense of semantic equivalence, biased peer grammar, inflexible hypotaxis, single style consciousness are the four hazards in translation teaching process.

On the contrary, what translation teaching emphasizes is the already-got knowledge and competence of languageand translation teaching requires students to translate within at least two languages and to produce higher quality translation versions. From Anderman’s (1998) research findings that the incorrect usages of words are from the incompetence of the target language, which may blame on the under-qualified lexicon learning and foreign language translation teaching. Therefore, viewing translation teaching as an independent subject to research is a admiring way to improve the quality of translation teaching, which in some degree will accurate the translation sense among students and help students acquire right translating habits and skills to do more translation practices.

3 Application of function-oriented approach

Taking the translations from the famous interpreter----Zhang Lu, for example, she translated a lot of poems for our last Prime Minister Wen Jiabao at a conference. Here go the Chinese version and the English translation version:


The water is clear and the mountain is bright,

the frost comes in at night;

trees are covered with deep scarlet,

leaves mixed with yellow that is light.

(China Daily)

From the above translation, we have to admit it is very clear and easy to understand than the Chinese version. Zhang Lu translated it into a more clear way and also tried to remain the Chinese poetry rhythm in the same way. The function of this translation is to let the foreign people to understand the meaning of what Prime Minister Wen wanted to convey. In consideration of the readers are foreigners who have rare knowledge of Chinese culture, the English version is very frank and apparent both in sentence structure and meaning, which is due to the social culture context in foreign countries where have different cultural context from China. Therefore, form the choice of words and sentence structure, Zhang Lu choose those pellucid to describe the source text as clear as possible. It is the function-oriented approach that decides the choice of translation strategy and the mental process in formulating the product.

Some translation have to reveal the Chinese characteristics, such as 秉承上海精神,acting in the Shanghai Spirit; 丝绸之路经济带,Silk Road Economic Belt; 绿色丝路使者计划,a plan of green Silk Road envoys and so on. These source-language versionsare full with Chinese characteristics which are gradually known to foreign people, so the translation versions are translated according to the source-language culture as adequate as possible, and use more frank way to show Chinese cultures to the world.

And also advertisement translation is an obviously function-oriented approach translation. It is known to us that advertisement is used to attract customers as useful as possible. Foreign commodity should have an appropriate translation version if it wants to enter Chinese market. Here I choose the foreign coffee brand which does a good job in in part.

Good to the last drop. (Maxwell)


For this slogan, it would lead to a terrible situation if it was just translated word by word literally. Here, the translation bases on the Chinese social culture, using four-character structure or idioms which have a comfortable impression in Chinese minds to fully manifest the meaning the slogan wanting to transfer. Besides, the Chinese version is more specific in describing the commodity to a more vivid image for customers so that to attract more attention and curiosity.

The same example like Colgate which is translated to高露洁. From the translation, it can be found that the first word 高is similar to CO in the source word, and 露洁is free translation and transliteration, which reinforces the information that this kind of toothpaste can clean teeth, and give users confidence to disclose teeth. Besides, this translation version has the expression with propitious and wonderful meaning in the target-language culture.

However, there are some failures in translation for less consideration of the effects of

phonetics and culture. The well-known example is dragon which means 龙in Chinese. 龙is an auspicious animal in China, but in foreign countries, especially in western countries, 龙is an evil, and the use dragon to name such animal. So if we just translate 龙literally into “dragon”, it will cause much troubles beyond our expectations. This kind of failure is from the lack of awareness and understanding of the target-language culture. For the purpose to understand Chinese 龙, here has a acceptable translation for people around the world, that is loong which is transliteration. Therefore, in translating a version into another language, we should consider considerably the target-language culture and the function of the translation version in order to make less failure.

Therefore, seeing the applications of function-oriented approach study in translating, the function of translation version in target-language society is the most important element in deciding the choices of vocabularies, sentences’ structures and translation strategies. Besides the cultures and the target-readers play a very important role in the translation process, what’s more, the semantic systems also do some influences in translation.

4 Aspirations of function-oriented approach on college students’ classroom translation teaching

4.1 Teaching more translation theories

“Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards”. Toury (2001) mentioned that there is no practical effectiveness if the translation is without buttressing of theories. Translation theories are some norms or laws used to direct practice with features of practicability and descriptiveness but not prescriptiveness. The relationship between the source-text and target-text can be more easily grasped by students under the comprehension of translation theories. And it is put forwards that the main purpose of translation theory is to help choose a proper method for certain translation by some translation theorists. It is translator who takes the responsibility and obligation for the translation product but not the translation theories. Therefore, translators must have enough knowledge of translation theories or consider necessary translation theories before deciding the choice of translation strategies, in that way, to make the translation products be more acceptable and adequate.

Function-oriented translation approach is a pr evailing method for today’s translation activities including advertisement translations, novel’s translation, technology translation and policy translation and so on, almost all the translation involve in functional method.

4.2 Introducing more cultural background of the target-language and comparing the source language and target language

The process-oriented approach in translation is a mental process of comprehending the two

translating language in translator’s mind. Whendoing a translation, translators should have a large amount of imputing of the knowledge of both the source-language and target-language cultures, comparing the usages of the two languages and the characteristics in respective social-culture context. By comparing the two cultural backgrounds of the two languages, teachers can have a more clear mind in grasping the main points and the difficult parts in the translation teaching process. At the same time, students can comprehend the source text by understanding the differences of the social culture contexts and language norms between the source language and target language, and then they can enforce the awareness of the target language with the merits of removing the negative effects from the source-language text automatically. Besides Newmark (1982) had mentioned that the solutions of all the translation problems depend on how to translate the texts into the target-language texts.

Different nations have various metaphors to describe human beings or creatures on earthto manifest national historical culture due to their different developmental history, which in the end have a apparent national marks on their own respectively. To illustrate, “to meet one’s Waterloo” in western countries comes from the historical event in 19 century the great failure of Napoleon in a small city named Waterloon in the Kingdom of Belguim, and now is taken to describe a great failure a man confronted. But while translating it into Chinese, we can not just translate into 遭遇滑铁卢,because there are lots of Chinese have no idea about the event. At that situation, we should connect it with the events in China which have the same meanings like that. Then, we find in China 败走麦城is a similar historical events to 遭遇滑铁卢,so we can translate to meet one’s Waterloo into 败走麦城. Although they come from different history events, they share the same meanings in describing “failure” with their own national features obviously. The second example is 破釜沉舟which is from Shih Chi, this phrase now is used to show a man makes up his mind to a thing without any hesitation and back-up. So in translating it into English, we have to translate it considering the western countries historical cultures, fortunately, there is a phrase burn one’s boats which is accorded with the Chine se phrase in a degree. Burn one’s boat comes from the history event that ancient Roman Caesar’s Army burnt all the boats after they crossed Rubicon river in order to show soldiers had to fight with their life for no back-up road remained. For another example, in Chinese national culture, rabbit is a kind of animal running fast in human minds so that there is a Chinese phrase read静若处子,动若脱兔, but in western countries, rabbit is the representatives of cowardice, and at a result, as timid as a hare is used to describe a man who is timid and dare not to do something. In terms of this difference, we can not translate as timid as a hare into 胆小如兔,but search for another more proper translation version. Then there is a Chinese phrase 胆小如鼠to show the same meaning as a timid as a hare, therefore胆小如鼠can be the translation version for as timid as a hare. And some other similar examples like that as thin as a shadow was translated to 瘦的像猴子, as poor as a churchmouse to穷得像叫花子,挥金如土to tospend money like water, 水底捞月to finshing in the air. From the above mentioned examples, each nation has its own irreplaceable characteristics that other language cultures can not take place of.

What’s more, the regional cultural varieties also do a very heavy influence in phrase translations. To illustrate, British is a island country surrounded by oceans all the directions, therefore, ocean’s stance in Britain’s minds can not be ignored. There are many words in English embedded with special affections and meaning related with ocean and sailing, like see, boat and water. And the following illustrated phrase show the regional cultural characteristics, too, such as

to feel under the water means 感觉不适,all at the sea to 茫然不知所措,t o keep one’s headabove water to 奋发图强, to trim your sails to 见风使舵. However, people in China live on the land covered by forest like pine trees, bamboos and prune trees and other plants. Then these plants are given some special affections and meanings to express emotions and describe disciplines, for example 松鹤延年, 胸有成竹,etc..

Thus, while translating source-language text into the target-language text, we should be aware of both the cultures of the two languages, comparing with the differences and deciding the appropriate choices of words, sentence’s structure and strategies.

4.3 Rei nforcing students’ comprehension on semantic levels

Translation, in another perspective to say, is to rewrite the meaning of the source text into target text. In the research of linguistics, semantics is an important branch of linguistics, studying the natural features of language and human language competence from the core sector. Translation process is also a process of selecting the proper words to better describe the source text into the target text so as to improve the acceptability and adequacy of the translation versions. Some words’ meanings do not stay at the conceptive level, some connotative meanings have to be grasped and it is these connotative meaning that play a much more functions in manifesting the real meanings of the source texts. The function-oriented translation approach is to guide us to obey the target-language translation norms to reveal the social-cultural contexts.

5 Conclusion

Function-oriented translation approach is a beneficial way for students to clearly and quickly grasp the skills to do translation well. Only being aware of the target-language social cultures and the source-language culture can the translators do a acceptable job in transferring the two language in a proper way. Translation theories can help translators recognize the proper strategies to each text and grasp the main points and the difficult parts. The comparisons of the two language cultures can provide tints for translators to take care of the differences in cultures and pay more attention to translate the text in a more adequate way. And the semantics of different lexicon really have various usages because of its connotative meanings and metaphorical usages. These points all should be highlighted in t ranslation teaching in college students’ classroom, in that way, students can gain the relative comprehensions of translation so as to do better translations.

6 Reference

Anderman,1998.Finding the right word: translation and lan-guage teaching[A]. In Kirsten Malmkjaer(ed.).Translation &Language Teaching-Language Teaching & Translation [C]. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 1998: 39-48.

Gideon Toury, 2001

Newmark Peter, 1982. Approaches to Translation. Oxford: Per-gamon,Ltd.

Newmark Peter, 1991. About Translation [M].Clevedon: Multilingual, Matters Ltd. FengHuijuan& Miao Ju,2009


Yang Lili, 1993


Liu Junping, 2009.



黄衣裳济友 泰州太守田雪龛为官清廉,黄仙裳与他交往的时候,一点也不牟取私人利益。后来田雪龛被免官,没有钱回不了家。黄仙裳正要回家,口袋中只有二十两银子。于是先到了田雪龛的住所,分出一半(银子)送给(田雪龛)。后来黄仙裳对别人说:“那天我如果先回到自己家里,由于我家里急需要钱,就不能把钱分给田雪龛了。”刘氏善举 刘某某是某一个乡里的寡妇,生养有一个孩子。她白天在田间耕作,晚上点着烛火在织机上纺织,一年到头都是这样。邻居中有穷困的,她总是能够拿一升一斗的粮食周济他们。偶尔有没有穿的,她就拿自己的衣服送给他们,乡里的人都说她太好了。然而她的儿子不理解,心里很有怨言。母亲就告戒他,说:“对别人做好事,是人的本分,哪一个人没有急窘的事情遭遇呢?”母亲死后三年,刘家遭遇大火,房屋衣物都被烧毁,乡邻们都主动地给予他们衣物,并且为他们砍树建造房屋,这都是念刘寡妇的情呀。到这时刘寡妇的儿子才明白善举的作用。 李氏之友 黄生,是李氏小时候的朋友。(分别)十年后,二人在路途中相遇。李氏把他邀请到家,杀鸡做饭。晚上10点左右,黄生的肚子就很疼,疼得流下豆子般大小的汗滴。李氏夫妇非常惊恐,打算找医生(赶快)来看看。黄生坚持不让他们去(找医生),说是老毛病又犯了,没有关系。李氏不听从,坚持去请医生。当时正在下暴雨,漫天乌黑,山道崎岖,路滑难走。过了大半夜,带着医生回来了。医生给(黄生)做针灸,一会(病)就好了。黄生(对李氏)说:“你为我吃苦了!我拿什么报答你?”李氏夫妇说:“你是我朋友,应当很仔细耐心的对待你,你为什么要说(报答的)这些话呢?”第二天天晴了,黄生就告辞离去了。 田真兄弟 京城地区,田真与弟弟田庆、田广三人分家,别的财产都已分妥,剩下堂前的一株紫荆树不好处理。夜晚,兄弟三人商量将荆树截为三段,每人分一段。第二天,田真去截树时,发现树已经枯死,好像是被火烧过一样,十分震惊,就对两个弟弟说:“这树本是一条根,听说要把它截成三段就枯死了,人却不如树木,反而要分家。” 兄弟三人都非常悲伤,决定不再分树,荆树立刻复活了。他们大受感动,把已分开的财产又合起来,从此不提分家的事。张用良不杀蜂 太仓人张用良,小时候捣蜂窝,曾经被蜜蜂刺伤,所以十分憎恨蜜蜂。后来看到蜜蜂就千方百计地扑杀。一天快要靠近傍晚时,(张用良)看见一只飞虫被蜘蛛网粘住,用尽全力却不能够离开。蜘蛛急忙缠住虫子,缠得很紧。忽然看见一只蜜蜂飞来刺蜘蛛,蜘蛛避开了。蜜蜂多次含水湿润那只飞虫,很长时间之后飞虫才得以逃脱离开。张用良被这蜜蜂的义气所感动,从这以后不杀蜜蜂了。 赛跑定案 有个老妇人在路上遇到抢劫,呼喊捉强盗,路人追赶上去为老妇人捉住强盗。强盗反而诬陷行人,这时天色已经昏黑,不知道其中哪个是(强盗),于是就把他们都押送到官府。苻融见到他们后笑着说:“这很容易知道,可以让两个人一起跑,先跑出凤阳门的人不是强盗。”不久回来了,苻融严肃地对后跑出(凤阳门)的人说:“你是真的强盗,为什么要诬陷别人呢?”强盗终于低头认罪。原来是因为强盗如果跑得快,必然不会被行路人捉住,苻融正是凭着这样的分析判断,因此知道跑得不快的那个人是强盗。 拷打羊皮露真相 大路上,一个背着盐袋子的和一个挑柴草的结伴进城。中午时,两人在树下歇息,下面铺着背盐人带的一张羊皮,担柴人歇了一会后,准备赶路,扭头一看,发现


2018届高考文言文翻译之典型例题:2016年高考真题 2018届高考文言文翻译之典型例题:2016年高考真题 2018届高考文言文翻译之典型例题:2016年高考真题 一、(2016年高考新课标I卷)阅读下面的文言文,完成4~7题。 曾公亮,字明仲,泉州晋江人。举进士甲科,知会稽县。民田镜湖旁,每患湖溢。公亮立斗门,泄水入曹娥江,民受其利。以端明殿学士知郑州,为政有能声盗悉窜他境至夜户不闭尝有使客亡橐中物移书诘盗公亮报吾境不藏盗殆从之者度耳索之果然 公亮明练文法,更践久,习知朝廷台阁典宪,首相韩琦每咨访焉。仁宗末年,琦请建储,与公亮等共定大议。密州民田产银,或盗取之,大理当以强。公亮日:此禁物也,取之虽强,与盗物民家有间矣。固争之,遂下有司议,比劫禁物法,盗得不死。契丹纵人渔界河,又数通盐舟,吏不敢禁,皆谓:与之校,且生事。公亮言:萌芽不禁,后将奈何?雄州赵滋勇而有谋,可任也。使谕以指意,边害讫息。英宗即位,加中书侍郎兼礼部尚书,寻加户部尚书。帝不豫,辽使至不能见,命公亮宴于馆,使者不肯赴。公亮质之曰:锡宴不赴,是不虔君命也。人主有疾,而必使亲临,处之安乎?使者即就席。熙宁三年,拜司空兼侍中、河阳三城节度使。明年,起判永兴军。居一岁,还京师。旋以太傅致仕。元丰元年卒,年八十。帝临哭,辍朝三日。公亮方厚庄重,沉深周密,平居谨绳墨,蹈规矩;然性吝啬,殖货至巨万。初荐王安石,及同辅政,知上方向之,阴为子孙计,凡更张庶事,一切听顺,而外若不与之者。常遣子孝宽参其谋,至上前略无所异,于是帝益信任安石。安石德其助己,故引擢孝宽至枢密以报之。苏轼尝从容责公亮不能救正,世讥其持禄固宠云。 (节选自《宋史曾公亮传》) 7.把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 (1)锡宴不赴,是不虔君命也。人主有疾,而必使亲临,处之安乎? 译文:________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (2)苏轼尝从容责公亮不能救正,世讥其持禄固宠云。 译文:________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 二、(2016年高考新课标卷)阅读下面的文言文,完成4~7题。 陈登云,字从龙,唐山人。万历五年进士。除鄢陵知县,征授御史。出按辽东,疏陈安攘十策,又请速首功之赏。改巡山西。还朝,会廷臣方争建储。登云谓议不早决,由贵妃家阴沮之。十六年六月遂因灾异抗疏,劾妃父郑承宪,言:承宪怀祸藏奸窥觊储贰且广结术士之流曩陛下重惩科场冒籍承宪妻每扬言事由己发用以恐喝勋贵簧鼓朝绅 不但惠安遭其虐焰,即中宫与太后家亦谨避其锋矣。陛下享国久长,自由敬德所致,而承宪每对人言,以为不立东宫之效。干挠盛典,蓄隐邪谋,他日何所不至?疏入,贵妃、承宪皆怒,同列亦为登云危,帝竟留中不下。久之,疏论吏部尚书陆光祖,又论贬四川提学副使冯时可,论罢应天巡抚李涞、顺天巡抚王致祥,又论礼部侍郎韩世能、尚书罗万化、南京太仆卿徐用检。朝右皆惮之。时方考选科道,登云因疏言:近岁言官,壬午以前怵于威,则摧刚为柔;壬午以后昵于情,则化直为佞。其间岂无刚直之人,而弗胜龃龉,多不能安其身。二十年来,以刚直擢京卿者百止一二耳。背公植党,逐嗜乞怜,如所谓‘七豺’‘八狗’者,言路顾居其半。夫台谏为天下持是非,而使人贱辱至此,安望其抗颜直绳,为国家锄大奸、歼巨蠹哉!与其误用而斥之,不若慎于始进。因条数事以献。出按河南。岁大饥,人相食。


【英语】高三英语翻译试题经典及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3.没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5.虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 【答案】 1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future. 3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 【解析】试题分析: 1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be ac customed to doing“习惯于做……”。 2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。 3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。 4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do. 5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。 考点:考查翻译句子 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.这场因无视规则引发的事故值得我们深思。(ignore) _________________________ 2.梦想还是要有的,但不努力就不可能实现。(unless) _________________________ 3.正是这次经历才让我明白,我不该太过忙碌而错过生活的恩赐。(It) _________________________ 4.当前有一个非常令人费解的现象:一些年轻父母们宁愿把很多钱投资在早教上,也不愿


句子的翻译技巧 第三章加、减译 ※加译 1、定义:加译,也称作增译,是指因表达习惯、语法原因、文化背景或原文使用省略手法等原因,如果按照字面意思翻译,会使译文不畅,为使译文通顺、易懂,而增加语言文字等的一种翻译技巧。 例:「わあ、立派なマンションですね。そして、三種の神器もそろっていますね。」「いいえ、それほどでもないです。」 参考译文:“哇,你家真漂亮,而且‘三大件’——电视机、冰箱和吸尘器都配齐了。” “哪儿啊,没你说的那么好。” 分析:加译往往用于翻译原文语境下熟悉或特有的、译文语境下不熟悉或没有的事物。日语中的指是“电视机、冰箱和吸尘器”,中国人数“三大件”时指的是“电视机、洗衣机和冰箱”,所以翻译时要加译。 2、加译练习 ◎加译人称代词(参见第1章第3节“代词的翻译”) ◎加译指示代词(参见第1章第3节“增译指示代词”) ◎加译动词 例:ハイヒールの奥さんも可愛い洋装の女の子もおそらく心臓がどきんどきんするほど走っていたのだが。 参考译文:穿高跟鞋的夫人和穿西服的女孩都跑得心脏咚咚直跳。 例:それから十年。私は母と一度もあわない。 参考译文:从那以后10年过去了,我再也没见母亲。 例:さらに個個の芸術がそのなかの不純な要素を追放し、それぞれ固有の表現領域を求めて努力した。建築は絵画的、彫塑的要素を、絵画は建築的、彫塑的要素を、彫塑は建築的、絵画的要素をそれぞれ追放するという具合にである。 参考译文:进一步说,每一种艺术都要排除其中不纯因素,为追求其各自固有的表现领域而努力。建筑排除了绘画、雕塑的因素,绘画排除了建筑、雕塑的因素,雕塑排除了建筑、绘画的因素。 例:算盤をはじいていた駅員は窓口の鉄格子越に僕の顔を見返した。


100.司马光勤学 【原文】司马温公幼时,患记问不若人,群居讲习,众兄弟既成诵,游息矣;独下帷绝编,迨能倍诵乃止。用力多者收功远,其所精诵,乃终身不忘也。温公尝言:“书不可不成诵,或在马上,或中夜不寝时,咏其文,思其义所得多矣。” 【译文】司马光幼年时,担心自己记诵诗书以备应答的能力不如别人。大家在一起学习讨论,别的兄弟已经会背诵了,去玩耍休息了;(司马光却)独自苦读,像董仲舒和孔子读书时那样专心和刻苦,一直到能够熟练地背诵为止,(由于)读书时下的力气多,收获就长远,他所精读和背诵过的书,就能终身不忘。司马光曾经说:“读书不能不背诵,在骑马走路的时候,在半夜睡不着觉的时候,吟咏读过的文章,想想它的意思,收获就多了!” 101.乘风破浪 【译文】宗悫的字是元干,南阳涅阳人。他的叔父,宗炳学问很高但,但是不肯做官。宗悫小的时候宗炳问他的志向是什么?他回答:“希望凭借大风破万里的巨浪。”宗泌娶妻,妻子刚刚过门,夜里就被抢劫了。宗悫才14岁,却挺身而出与强盗打斗,把十几个强盗都吓得逃跑了,不能够进入房间。

102.天衣无缝 【译文】郭翰在夏天的一个晚上仰望上空,有一位仙女,慢慢地降下来,仙女说:“我是天上的织女。” 郭翰慢慢地看织女的衣服,衣服上竟然没有衣缝。郭翰问她,回答说:“天上的衣服都不是针线织的。” 103《李氏夫妇》 【译文】黄生,是李氏小时候的朋友。(分别)十年后,二人在路途中相遇。李氏把他请到家,杀鸡做饭。但是吃过不久,黄生的肚子就很疼,疼的流下豆子般大小的汗滴。李氏夫妇非常惊恐,打算找医生(赶快)来看看。黄生坚持不让他们去(找医生),说是老毛病又犯了,没有关系。李氏不听从,坚持去请医生。当时正在下暴雨,漫天乌黑,山道崎岖,路滑难行。过了大半夜,带着医生回来了。医生给(黄生)针灸,一会(病)就好了。黄生(对李氏)说:“你为我吃苦了!我拿什么报答你?”李氏夫妇说:你是我朋友,应当很仔细耐心的对待你,你为什么要说(报答的)这些话呢?”第二天天晴了,黄生就告辞离去了。 104.马啮(nie)盗髻(ji)


高中文言文精短翻译练习100篇 1、范仲淹有志于天下 原文:范仲淹二岁而孤,母贫无靠,再适常山朱氏。既长,知其世家,感泣辞母,去之南都入学舍。昼夜苦学,五年未尝解衣就寝。或夜昏怠,辄以水沃面。往往糜粥不充,日昃始食,遂大通六经之旨,慨然有志于天下。常自诵曰:当先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。 翻译:范仲淹二岁的时候死了父亲。母亲很穷,没有依靠。就改嫁到了常山的朱家。(范仲淹)长大以后,知道了自己的生世,含着眼泪告别母亲,离开去应天府的南都学舍读书。(他)白天、深夜都认真读书。五年中,竟然没有曾经脱去衣服上床睡觉。有时夜里感到昏昏欲睡,往往把水浇在脸上。(范仲淹)常常是白天苦读,什么也不吃,直到日头偏西才吃一点东西。就这样,他领悟了六经的主旨,后来又立下了造福天下的志向。他常常自己讲道:“当先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。” 2、陈蕃愿扫除天下 原文:藩年十五,尝闲处一室,而庭宇芜岁。父友同郡薛勤来候之,谓藩曰:“孺子何不洒扫以待宾客?”藩曰:“大丈夫处世,当扫除天下,安事一室乎?”勤知其有清世志,甚奇之。 译文:陈藩十五岁的时候,曾经独自住在一处,庭院以及屋舍十分杂乱。他父亲同城的朋友薛勤来拜访他,对他说:“小伙子你为什么不整理打扫房间来迎接客人?”陈藩说:“大丈夫处理事情,应当以扫除天下的坏事为己任。不能在乎一间屋子的事情。”薛勤认为他有让世道澄清的志向,与众不同。 3、班超投笔从戎 原文:班超字仲升,扶风平陵人,徐令彪之少子也。为人有大志,不修细节。然内孝谨,居家常执勤苦,不耻劳辱。有口辩,而涉猎书传。永平五年。兄固被召诣校书郎,超与母随至洛阳。家贫,常为官佣书以供养。久劳苦,尝辍业投笔叹曰:“大丈夫无它志略,犹当效傅介子、张骞立功异域,以取封侯,安能久事笔研间乎?”左右皆笑之。超曰:“小子安知壮士志哉!” 翻译:班超为人有远大的志向,不计较一些小事情。然而在家中孝顺勤谨,过日子常常辛苦操劳,不以劳动为耻辱。他能言善辩,粗览了许多历史典籍。公元62年(永平五年),哥哥班固被征召做校书郎,班超和母亲也随同班罟到了洛阳。因为家庭贫穷,班超常为官府抄书挣钱来养家。他长期抄写,劳苦不堪,有一次,他停下的手中的活儿,扔了笔感叹道:“大丈夫如果没有更好的志向谋略,也应像昭帝时期的傅介子、武帝时期的张骞那样,在异地他乡立下大功,以得到封侯,怎么能长期地在笔、砚之间忙忙碌碌呢?”旁边的人都嘲笑他,班超说:“小子怎么能了解壮士的志向呢!” 4、宗悫(què)乘风破浪 原文:宗悫字元干,南阳涅阳人也。叔父炳高尚不仕。悫年少时,炳问其志。悫曰:“愿乘长风破万里浪。”炳曰:“汝若不富贵,必破我门户。”兄泌娶妻,始入门,夜被劫,悫年十四,挺身与拒贼,十余人皆披散,不得入室。时天下无事,士人并以文艺为业,炳素高节,诸子群从皆好学,而悫任气好武,故不为乡曲所称。 翻译:宗悫,字元干,是南阳涅阳人。他的叔父宗炳,学问很好但不肯做官。宗悫小的时候,宗炳问他长大后志向是什么?他回答:“希望驾着大风刮散绵延万里的巨浪。”(宗炳说:“就算你不能大富大贵,也必然会光宗耀祖。”)有一次宗悫的哥哥宗泌结婚,结婚的当晚就遭到强盗打劫。当时宗悫才14岁,却挺身而出与强盗打斗,把十几个强盗打得四下溃散,根本进不了正屋。当时天下太平,有点名望的人都认为习文考取功名是正业。宗炳因为学问高,大家都喜欢跟着他读儒家经典。而宗悫因为任性而且爱好武艺,因此不被同乡称赞。 5、祖逖闻鸡起舞 原文:范阳祖逖,少有大志,与刘琨俱为司州主簿,同寝,中夜闻鸡鸣,蹴琨觉曰:“此非恶声也!”因起舞。及渡江,左丞相睿以为军谘祭酒。逖居京口,纠合骁健,言于睿曰:“晋室之乱,非上无道而下怨叛也,由宗室争权,自相鱼肉,遂使戎狄乘隙,毒流中土。今遗民既遭残贼,人思自奋,大王诚能命将出师,使如逖者统之以复中原,郡国豪杰,必有望风响应者矣!”睿素无北伐之志,以逖为奋威将军、豫州刺史,给千人廪,布三千匹,不给铠仗,使自召募。逖将其部曲百余家渡江,中流,击楫而誓曰:“祖逖不能清中原而复济者,有如大江!”遂屯淮阴,起冶铸兵,募得二千余人而后进。 翻译:当初,范阳人祖逖,年轻时就有大志向,曾与刘琨一起担任司州的主簿,与刘琨同寝,夜半时听到鸡鸣,他踢醒刘琨,说:“这不是令人厌恶的声音。”就起床舞剑。渡江以后,左丞相司马睿让他担任军咨祭酒。祖逖住在京口,聚集起骁勇强健的壮士,对司马睿说:“晋朝的变乱,不是因为君主无道而使臣下怨恨叛乱,而是皇亲宗室之间争夺权力,自相残杀,这样就使戎狄之人钻了空子,祸害遍及中原。现在晋朝的遗民遭到摧残伤害后,大家都想着自强奋发,大王您确实能够派遣将领率兵出师,使像我一样的人统领军队来光复中原,各地的英雄豪杰,一定会有闻风响应的人!”司马睿一直没有北伐的志向,他听了祖逖的话以后,就任命祖逖为奋威将军、豫州刺史,仅仅拨给他千人的口粮,三千匹布,不供给兵器,让祖逖自己想办法募集。祖逖带领自己私家的军队共一百多户人家渡过长江,在江中敲打着船桨说:“祖逖如果不能使中原清明而光复成功,就像大江一样有去无回!”于是到淮阴驻扎,建造熔炉冶炼浇铸兵器,又招募了二千多人然后继续前进。 6、画家赵广不屈 原文:赵广,合肥人。本李伯时家小史,伯时作画,每使侍左右。久之遂善画。尤工画马。几能乱真,建炎中陷贼,贼闻其善画,使图所虏妇人,广毅然辞以实不能画,胁以白刃,不从遂断右手拇指遣去,而广平生适用左手。乱定,惟画观音大士而已。又数年,乃死,今士大夫所藏伯时观音,多广笔也。 翻译:赵广是合肥人,本来是李伯时家里的书童。李伯时作画的时候就侍奉在左右,时间长了就擅长画画了,尤其擅长画马,几乎和李伯时所作的一样。建炎年间,他落在金兵手里。金兵听说他擅长画画,就让他画掳来的妇人。赵广毅然推辞作画,金兵用刀子威胁,没得逞,就将他的右手拇指砍去。而赵广其实是用左手作画的。局势平定以后,赵广只画观音大士。又过了几年,赵广死了,如今有地位的知识分子所藏的李伯时的观音画,大多是赵广的手笔。 7、苏武牧羊北海上


最新七年级英语上册任务型阅读经典例题(word)1 一、七年级英语上册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 It's June 6. It's Jenny's birthday. She comes home and sees a card on the table. It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom (卧室)." Jenny runs to her bedroom. She sees a red box on her bed. She opens it. There is another (又一)card in it. Jenny takes it out and reads, "Dear Jenny, I'm your present. My first letter is in 'some', but not in 'come'. My second letter is in 'have', but not in 'save'. My third letter is in 'live', but not in 'love'. My fourth letter is in 'for', but not in 'of '. My fifth letter is in 'take', but not in 'cake'. What am I?" Jenny thinks and then she says, "Aha, I know! But where is it?" Jenny finds (找到) it behind the door. (1)When is Jenny's birthday? (2)What does the card on the table say? (3)What does Jenny see on her bed? (4)What is Jenny's birthday present, do you know? (5)Where is the present? 【答案】(1)It's June 6. (2)It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom." (3)A red box. (4)A shirt. (5)It's behind the door. 【解析】【分析】文章大意:六月六日是Jenny的生日,她回到家中找生日礼物的故事。(1)根据It's June 6. It's Jenny's birthday.可知Jenny的生日是June 6六月六日,故答案为It's June 6. (2)根据 She comes home and sees a card on the table. It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom (卧室)." 可知桌子上的卡片上写着的内容,故答案为It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom." (3)根据She sees a red box on her bed. 可知在她的床上有一个红色的盒子。故答案为A red box。 (4)根据 My first letter is in 'some', but not in 'come'. My second letter is in 'have', but not in 'save'. My third letter is in 'live', but not in 'love'. My fourth letter is in 'for', but not in 'of '. My fifth letter is in 'take', but not in 'cake'. 可知谜底是shirt,衬衣,故答案为A shirt。 (5)根据 Jenny finds (找到) it behind the door. 可知Jenny在门后面找到了它,故答案为It's behind the door. 【点评】考查学生的阅读理解能力,在通读全文的基础上,掌握大意,根据问题在文章中找到具体的依据,锁定答案。 2.根据短文内容,完成表格,每空一词。 John is from London. He is 8 years old this year. His father is a waiter and his mother works on a


第9课 人称代词与指示词的翻译 一、翻译下列句子 1.父親が弱病でへっぴり腰だから、子供たちがのさばる、と妻にしかられます。 2. わたしは、人の恋愛感情というものが想像できない。この人たちがどういう感情の元で結びつき、留まっているのか、大きな謎だ。少なくとも、今目の前を通り過ぎていく彼らと、わたしが昔からやっていることは、別だという気はする。 3.「最悪だ」そういい残して、出てきてしまった。恋の終わりは予想以上にあっけなかった。わたしが待っていた自然の流れというのは、こういうことなのだろう。いってはみたが、よく考えてみれば言葉に出すほど最悪でもなかった。 4.雨の日、私はこの家にやってきた。その部屋には、立派な額縁に入れられた猫の写真が鴨居の上に並んでいた。 5.家に帰ると吟子さんはこたつで刺繍をしていた。この家のこたつ布団は異様にぶ厚い。毛玉だらけのベージュの毛布の上にもう一枚茶色い毛布、その上にさらに赤い羽根布団を重ねている。 二、翻译短文 1.「僕、結婚しますから」 と鮮やかに宣言されたのだから、親たちとしては手の出しようがなかった。別に、文句をつけねばならぬ娘ではなかった。料理も下手だと言うが、それはおおかたの娘がそうであろう。短大出だとは言うが、嫁には学者をもらうのではないのだから、それで充分だと依岡は考えていた。先方の家は、父親が五年ほど前に亡くなっていた。暮の忙しい時に、羽田事務所で斃れたのだそうで、一種の殉職とみなされているのかもしれない。会社が遺児の淳子を採用したのも、いくらかそういう背景があったからかもしれなかった。 2. 詳しいことは電話だからわからないが、骨折もしていないし、出血個所もない。歩行にもなんの支障もないという。――そんななんでもない相手を病院に入れるのも、こんなことにかけては万事神経質に振舞う慎重居士の父親のやりそうなことであるし、それからまた、忙しいにも忙しいだろうが、相手を病院に入れておいて、その見舞いの役を娘にやらせようというのも、いかにも父親らしいことである。面倒なことや厄介なことには極めて臆病である。


经典古文英文翻译CLASSIC LITERATURE IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION -- EXTREMELY USEFUL AND HELPFUL 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings distance near. 合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。 A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。 Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects. 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。 This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men. 君子成人之美,不成人之恶。 The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct. 君子独立不惭于影,独寝不愧于魂。 A righteous man never feels ashamed to face his shadow when standing alone and to face his soul when sleeping alone. 君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘如醴。君子淡以亲,小人甘以绝。 The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate; the friendship between men without virtue is sweet like wine, yet easily broken. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。 Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s fa mily to that of other families. 礼尚往来。往而不来,非礼也;来而不往,亦非礼也。 Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.


一.增就是增补,在翻译时增补文言文省略句中的省略成分。 注意:补出省略的成分或语句,要加括号。 1、增补原文省略的主语、谓语或宾语 例1:“一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。”“再”“三”后省略了谓语“鼓”,翻译时要补上。 例2:“见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来。”译句:“(桃源中人)一见渔人,大为惊奇,问他是从哪里来的。” 例3:“君与具来。”“与”后省略了宾语“之”。 2、增补使语义明了的关联词 例:“不治将益深”是一个假设句,译句:“(如果)不治疗就会更加深入”。 二 .删就是删除,凡是古汉语中的发语词、在句子结构上起标志作用的助词和凑足音节的助词等虚词,因在现代汉语中是没有词能代替,故翻译时无须译出,可删去。 例1:“师道之不传也久矣。”译句:“从师学习的风尚已经很久不存在 了。”“也”为句中语气助词,起到舒缓语气的作用,没有实在意义。在翻译时,完全可以去掉。 例2:“孔子云:何陋之有?”译句:“孔子说:有什么简陋的呢?”“之”为宾语前置的标志,删去不译。 例3:“夫战,勇气也。”译句:“战斗,靠的是勇气”。“夫”为发语词,删去不译。 三.调就是调整,在翻译文言文倒装句时,应把古汉语倒装句式调整为现代汉语句式,使之符合现代汉语的表达习惯、译句通顺。这就需要调整语句语序, 大体有三种情况:

1、后置定语前移例:“群臣吏民,能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏。”可调成“能面刺寡人之过群臣吏民,受上赏。” 2、前置谓语后移例:“甚矣!汝之不惠。”可调成“汝之不惠甚矣。” 3、介宾短语前移。例:“还自扬州”可调成“自扬州还”。 4、前置宾语后移例:“何以战?”可调成“以何战?” 四.留就是保留,凡是古今意义相同的词、专有名词、国号、年号、人名、物名、人名、官职、地名等,在翻译时可保留不变。 例:“庆历四年春,滕子京谪守巴陵郡。”译句:“庆历四年的春天,滕子京被贬到巴陵郡做太守。”“庆历四年”为年号,“巴陵郡”是地名,可直接保留。 五.扩就是扩展。 1、言简义丰的句子,根据句义扩展其内容。 例:“怀敌附远,何招而不至?”译句:“使敌人降服,让远方的人归附,招抚谁,谁会不来呢?” 2、单音节词扩为同义的双音节词或多音节词。 例:“更若役,复若赋,则如何?”译句:“变更你的差役,恢复你的赋税,那么怎么样呢?”“役”“赋”扩展为双音节词。 六.缩就是凝缩,文言文中的有些句子,为了增强气势,故意实用繁笔,在翻译时应将其意思凝缩。 例:“有席卷天下,包举宇内,囊括四海之意,并吞八荒之心。”译句:“(秦)有吞并天下,统一四海的雄心。” 七.直即直译,就是指紧扣原文,按原文的词句进行对等翻译的今译方法。对于文言文的实词、大部分虚词、活用词和通假字,一般是要直接翻译的,否则, 在考查过程中是不能算作准取得翻译。 例:“清荣峻茂,良多趣味。”译句:“水清,树茂,山高,草盛,实在是趣味无穷。”


【英语】英语翻译练习题20篇及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3.没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5.虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 【答案】 1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future. 3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 【解析】试题分析: 1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be ac customed to doing“习惯于做……”。 2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。 3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。 4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do. 5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。 考点:考查翻译句子 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy) 2.舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate) 3.经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as...as) 4.演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar) 5.她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner)【答案】


23篇经典文言文翻译练习及答案 1.得道多助,失道寡助 天时不如地利,地利不如人和①。三里之 _______________________________________________________________________________ 城,七里之郭②,环⑨而攻之而不胜。夫环而 _______________________________________________________________________________ 攻之,必有得天时者矣,然而不胜者,是天时 _______________________________________________________________________________ 不如地利也。城非不高也,池③非不深也,兵 _______________________________________________________________________________ 革④非不坚利也,米粟非不多也,委⑤而去之, _______________________________________________________________________________ 是地利不如人和也。故曰:域⑥民不以封疆之 _______________________________________________________________________________ 界,固国不以山溪⑦之险,威天下不以兵革之 _______________________________________________________________________________ 利。得道者多助,失道者寡助。寡助之至⑩, _______________________________________________________________________________ 亲戚畔⑧之。多助之至,天下顺之。以天下之 _______________________________________________________________________________ 所顺,攻亲戚之所畔,故君子有不战,战必胜 _______________________________________________________________________________ 矣。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 【注释】 1[人和]人心所向,内部团结; 2[郭]外城; 3[池]护城河; 4[兵革]泛指武器装备 5[委]放弃; 6[域]这里用作动词,是限制的意思; 7[山溪]地势; 8[畔]通“叛”:背叛; 9[环]包围 10[至]极点 11[天时]指天然的时运,自然形成的时机,机会;一说天气和时令。 12[地利]地理优势。

2019年高三语文一轮总复习(文言文阅读+翻译)第02课 典型例题(含解析)

2019年高三语文一轮总复习(文言文阅读+翻译)第02课典型例题 (含解析) 一、(2016年高考新课标I卷)阅读下面的文言文,完成4~7题。 曾公亮,字明仲,泉州晋江人。举进士甲科,知会稽县。民田镜湖旁,每患湖溢。公亮立斗门,泄水入曹娥江,民受其利。以端明殿学士知郑州,为政有能声盗悉窜他境至夜户不闭尝有使客亡橐中物移书诘盗公亮报吾境不藏盗殆从之者度耳索之果然公亮明练文法,更践 久,习知朝廷台阁典宪,首相 ..,与公亮等共定大议。密 ..韩琦每咨访焉。仁宗末年,琦请建储 州民田产银,或盗取之,大理当以强。公亮日:“此禁物也,取之虽强,与盗物民家有间矣。” 固争之,遂下有司 ..纵人渔界河,又数通盐舟,吏不敢禁,..议,比劫禁物法,盗得不死。契丹 皆谓:与之校,且生事。公亮言:“萌芽不禁,后将奈何?雄州赵滋勇而有谋,可任也。”使谕以指意,边害讫息。英宗即位,加中书侍郎兼礼部尚书,寻加户部尚书。帝不豫,辽使至不能见,命公亮宴于馆,使者不肯赴。公亮质之曰:“锡宴不赴,是不虔君命也。人主有疾,而必使亲临,处之安乎?”使者即就席。熙宁三年,拜司空兼侍中、河阳三城节度使。明年,起判永兴军。居一岁,还京师。旋以太傅致仕。元丰元年卒,年八十。帝临哭,辍朝三日。公亮方厚庄重,沉深周密,平居谨绳墨,蹈规矩;然性吝啬,殖货至巨万。初荐王安石,及同辅政,知上方向之,阴为子孙计,凡更张庶事,一切听顺,而外若不与之者。常遣子孝宽参其谋,至上前略无所异,于是帝益信任安石。安石德其助己,故引擢孝宽至枢密以报之。苏轼尝从容责公亮不能救正,世讥其持禄固宠云。 (节选自《宋史·曾公亮传》) 7.把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 (1)锡宴不赴,是不虔君命也。人主有疾,而必使亲临,处之安乎? 译文:________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (2)苏轼尝从容责公亮不能救正,世讥其持禄固宠云。 译文:________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 【答案】(1)赐宴不到场,这是对君主命令的不敬。君主有病,却一定要他亲临宴会,做这样的事能心安吗?(2)苏轼曾从容地责备公亮不能纠正弊病,世人讥讽他保持禄位加固宠幸。
