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改革进入深水区 (2)

构建中美新型大国关系 (3)

国家治理体系和治理能力现代化 (4)

改革开放 (5)

共同富裕 (6)

公有制经济和非公有制经济都是社会主义市场经济的组成部分 (7)

改革需要全面考量、协调推进 (8)

关键技术要靠自己 (9)

发挥经济体制改革的牵引作用 (11)

党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一 (12)

邓小平理论 (12)

"大部制" (13)

对非"真、实、亲、诚" (13)

把权力关进制度的笼子里 (14)

和平、发展、合作、共赢成为时代潮流 (15)

和平共处五项原则 (16)

和平发展道路 (16)

坚持公平正义 (17)

简政放权 (18)

交流互鉴的文明观 (19)

基层群众自治制度 (20)

科学发展观 (21)

"两个一百年"奋斗目标 (21)

民族区域自治制度 (22)

命运共同体 (23)

民主集中制 (23)

摸着石头过河是中国智慧 (24)

美丽中国 (25)

全面建成小康社会 (26)

"亲、诚、惠、容"的周边外交理念 (27)

让权力在阳光下运行 (27)

人民代表大会制度 (29)

人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标 (30)

社会主义核心价值观 (31)

"三个代表"重要思想 (31)

丝绸之路精神 (32)

社会主义初级阶段 (32)

"三个自信" (33)

市场在资源配置中起决定性作用 (34)

深化司法体制改革 (35)

社会和谐 (36)

提升中欧全面战略伙伴关系 (36)

土地制度牵一发而动全身 (37)

统一战线 (38)

完善全球经济治理 (39)

维护国家核心利益 (39)

维护和发展开放型世界经济 (40)

协商民主 (40)

新型城镇化建设 (41)

新型亚洲安全观 (42)

行政体制改革 (43)

依宪治国 (43)

应对气候变化的基本立场 (44)

依法治国 (45)

中国梦 (46)

中国特色社会主义 (46)

中国特色社会主义的总依据 (47)

中国(上海)自由贸易试验区 (48)

中国特色社会主义制度 (49)

中国梦是人民的梦 (50)

尊重各国人民自主选择发展道路的权利 (51)

中国力量 (52)

正确的义利观 (52)

中国特色社会主义的总布局 (53)



Reform entering a deep-water zone

At present, China's reform has entered a deep-water zone and has reached a new critical point.

Unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable development remains a big problem; China's capacity for scientific and technological innovation is not strong; its industrial structure is

distorted; its growth model is still too resource intensive; the development gap between urban and rural areas and between regions is still large; income disparities are striking; social problems are increasing significantly; there are many problems affecting people's vital interests in education, employment, social security, medical services, housing, the environment, food and drug safety, workplace safety, public security, law enforcement, and administration of justice; some people still lead a tough life; formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance are all a serious problem; some sectors are prone to corruption and other forms of misconduct; and the fight against corruption remains a serious challenge.

Some of these problems involve an array of departmental interests, for some it will be difficult to reach consensus, and some will encroach on certain people's interests.

So these are tough ones. Greater courage is needed.

The more problems and difficulties China faces, the more courageous it needs to be in grappling with the toughest of problems, braving the most treacherous of waters, overcoming obstacles in its way of thinking and the way it sees things, breaking down the barriers erected by vested interests, overcoming problems, and forging ahead.

China must never pause or falter in pressing ahead with reform and opening up.



Developing a new model of major power relations between China and the United States

In June 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping held meetings with United States President Barack Obama at the Annenberg Retreat in California, where he put forth the proposal of constructing a new model of major power relations between the two countries. Xi summarized the connotations of the new relationship model in three phrases during the meetings: no conflict and no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. "No conflict and no confrontation" is a prerequisite of the new model of major power relations between the two countries; "mutual respect" is the basic principle for this new model; and "win-win cooperation" is the only way to turn this vision into a reality.



Modernizing China's governance system and capacity for governance

A country's governance system and governance capacity are very much reflective of that country's institutions and its ability to implement them.

China's governance system is an institutional system under the leadership of the CPC by which the country is governed.

It is comprised of institutions, mechanisms, laws and regulations regarding economics, politics, culture, society, ecological progress, and Party building. It means a complete set of closely connected and coordinated state institutions.

China's governance capacity is its actual ability to manage all affairs in Chinese society, including reform, development, and stability; internal affairs, foreign relations, and national defense; and Party, state and military affairs, through state institutions.

China's governance system and governance capacity complement each other and form an organic whole.

A good governance system is necessary to improve governance capacity, and improving governance capacity is requisite for a governance system to achieve maximum effectiveness.

To modernize it governance system and governance capacity, China needs to adapt to changing times by reforming institutions, mechanisms, laws and regulations that fail to keep pace with the development of praxis, while at the same time establishing new ones, so that all of our institutions are more rational and robust, and the governance of Party, state, and social affairs is more institutionalized, standardized and procedure-based.

China needs to work harder to improve its governance capacity, be more mindful of the need to act on the basis of institutions and in accordance with the law, and make better use of institutions and

laws in governing the country.

It needs to use all the strength of its system to make its governance more effective, and enhance the Party's capacity to govern scientifically, democratically, and in accordance with the law.





Reform and opening up

Reform and opening up was an awakening the CPC has experienced in its history, a crucial move in making China what it is today and in achieving the Two Centenary Goals and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Reform and opening up are a never-ending process.

In 1978, to cope with the crisis resulting from the ten-year Cultural Revolution, the Eleventh CPC Central Committee held the historically significant third plenary session, which ushered in a new historic period of domestic reform and opening to the outside world.

All this was designed to liberate and develop productive forces, modernize the country and make the Chinese people prosperous.

The most important achievements of China's reform and opening up have been the creation and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the profound changes that have taken place among the Chinese people, in the country, the CPC, and the relations between China and the


China has made the historic shift from a highly centralized planned economy to a vigorous socialist market economy and from a closed or semi-closed society to an entirely open society.

China's economy grew at more than 10 percent per annum for 30 years running, and has become the second biggest in the world. China has solved the food and clothing problem for its 1.3 billion people and is responsible for more than 70 percent of the reduction in the number of people living in poverty worldwide.

The per capita disposable income of China's urban residents has increased from RMB 343 to over RMB 26,900, while the per capita net income of its farmers has risen from RMB 133 to more than RMB 8,800. In general, the Chinese people now enjoy moderate prosperity.

China is adapting itself to and actively participating in changes to the world order and has the image of a responsible big power. It accounts for nearly 30 percent of the world economic growth.

China has transformed its economy and society on its own without getting involved in foreign wars, establishing overseas colonies or causing widespread social unrest.

Indeed, it has maintained political stability and is becoming increasingly law-based. The Chinese people are having more and more freedom in their social life and confidence in government is around 90 percent.

The achievements of China's reform and opening up are widely recognized by the international community, and the unique experiences China has gained in development and transformation are attracting more and more attention from abroad.



Common prosperity

Common prosperity is the fundamental principle of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It refers to a state in which the whole nation enjoys ample food and clothing through hard work and mutual help. China is a vast country with a large population. Achieving common prosperity does not mean that all will become prosperous at the same time, but that, where conditions permit, some areas and some people may develop faster than others, and they will then help those that lag behind to catch up, so that all become prosperous over time. China will adhere to the basic

socialist economic system and income distribution system, adjust the pattern of national income distribution, step up efforts to adjust secondary distribution and work hard to narrow income gaps so that everyone can share in more of the fruits of development fairly, and move steadily toward common prosperity.



Both the public and non-public sectors of the economy as components of the socialist market economy

Since China introduced the reform and opening up policy more than 30 years ago, it has gradually adjusted its ownership structure, changing the proportions of the public and non-public sectors in pushing up economic growth and employment.

This has made economic and social development more dynamic. Adhering to and improving the basic economic system whereby public ownership is dominant and other forms of ownership develop side by side is vital for consolidating and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.

On one hand, China must remain firmly committed to strengthening and developing the public sector, maintaining its position as the major player, allowing the state-owned sector play a leading role, increasing its dynamism, control, and influence.

On the other hand, it must stay focused on encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the non-public sector, and stimulating its dynamism and creativity.

With regard to the functions of the public and non-public sectors, both are important foundations of China’s economic and social development.

With regard to property rights protection, the property rights of the non-public sector are inviolable just as those of the public sector.

With regard to policy treatment, China should ensure equal rights, opportunities, and rules for businesses in both sectors, and implement a unified market access system.

China should encourage non-public enterprises to contribute to SOE reform, encourage the development of mixed-ownership enterprises in which private capital holds a majority stake, and encourage qualified private companies to establish modern corporate structures.






Giving reforms careful thought and implementing them in concert with one another

As a large country, China absolutely cannot make catastrophic mistakes on fundamental issues. If it does, they may be irreversible and irreparable.

Comprehensively driving the reform to a deeper level involves a wide range of areas, and is a systemic project.

China must persevere with making its reforms comprehensive and proceed with extreme caution.

As reform and opening up deepens, the interconnectedness of and interplay between reform and opening up initiatives increase significantly, naturally China is encountering more and more resistance.

This requires it to pay more attention to the mutual reinforcement and positive interplay of all reforms and carry them out in a coordinated manner.

Giving reforms careful thought means formulating a top-level design and an integrated plan for comprehensively deepening them; working out its strategic objectives, strategic focus, priorities, main directions to push ahead, work mechanisms, and ways to propel it forward; and laying out an integrated program, roadmap, and timetable for reform on the basis of thorough research and investigation.

It also means drawing up an overall plan for economic, political, cultural, social and ecological systems; better examining how different reforms are interrelated; and striving to ensure that the whole and the individual parts are coordinated, both symptoms and root causes are addressed, and steady progress and breakthroughs promote each other.

Implementing reforms in concert with one another means better coordinating reform measures.

China's reform has always been comprehensive. It is wrong to say that it lags behind in political systems and other areas.

It is true that reforms have proceeded more quickly or slowly in certain respects or at particular times, but on the whole, there is no such thing that reform is occurring in some areas but not in others.

The question is what to change and what not to change. Certain things that aren't being changed and can't be changed will never be changed, but this does not mean we are not reforming.

It needs both to be bold in reform and take sure steps.

Before being introduced, policies and measures must be subjected to repeated debate and careful evaluation to ensure that they are practical and effective and can stand the test of time.

At the same time, once China is sure what reforms are required, it should proceed with firmness of purpose and strive for results as soon as possible.

For reforms that have broad ramifications, China should carry out related reforms alongside them in concert.





Relying on China's own efforts to develop key technologies

Self-reliance has been a foundation for the Chinese nation to stand tall in the family of nations, and innovation by relying on its own initiative is a must for China to scale the heights of science and technology in the world.

A country with a large economy is not necessarily a strong country.

China is a large country, so it must have its own scientific and technological innovations and should not become a technological vassal of other countries.

The orientation for scientific and technological development in China is innovation, innovation and yet more innovation.

China needs to work hard to make basic theoretical breakthroughs in traditional fields; improve science infrastructure; ensure sustained progress in research on fundamental, systemic and frontier technologies and in technological R&D; and increase supply to projects of technological advances based on independent innovation.

It needs to actively integrate and make good use of global resources for innovation.To meet its present and development demand China should participate in the development and use of selected, major international scientific facilities and scientific research bases or centers.

China needs to seize strategic opportunities for developing science and technology in key areas, focus on priority areas of strategic importance that are vital to its overall and long-term development.

The country also needs to efficiently and rationally allocate resources, deepen collaborative and open innovation, build an effective and strong supply system for key standard technologies, strive to make major breakthroughs in key technologies and keep them firmly in its hands.



Letting economic structural reform play the role in leading other reforms

The decision of the Third Plenary Session the 18th CPC Central Committee drew a roadmap for comprehensively deepening reform.

The roadmap stresses the need to stay focused on economic structural reform and make full use of its leading role.

This is because China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come.

This basic condition has not changed; nor has the major problem of how we can meet the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people given the underdeveloped productive capacity of society; and nor has China's international status as the world's largest developing country.

This is why China has to keep economic development as its central task. To make sure that China does not waver in doing so, it must stay focused on economic structural reform. At present, many of the institutions and mechanisms constraining China's development in a balanced manner are found in the economic sphere.

The task of economic structural reform is far from complete, and the potential of this reform has not been fully unleashed.

The economic basis determines the superstructure and economic structural reform has an important influence and ripple effect on reforms in other fields.

The progress of major economic structural reforms determines the progress of many other structural reforms, and indeed affects all our reform efforts.

As China comprehensively deepens reform, it needs to keep economic structural reform as the principal axis, strive to make new breakthroughs in the reforms of important areas, and use them to drive other reforms, so that all reforms move forward together and form a synergy, rather than being uncoordinated so that their effects are dissipated.



The unity of CPC leadership, the position of the people as masters of the country and the rule of law

Upholding the unity of CPC leadership, the position of the people as masters of the country and the rule of law is a basic principle China must follow as it promotes political progress. It is also an inherent feature of socialist political progress in China. CPC leadership is a fundamental guarantee for the position of the people as masters of the country and the rule of law. The position of the people as masters of the country is an intrinsic requirement of socialist democracy. The rule of law is a basic strategy for the CPC leading the people in governing the country. It is essential to ensure that the CPC plays its role as the core leadership in the course of exercising overall leadership and coordinating efforts from all concerned, to guarantee that all power of the state belongs to the people and to remain committed to the rule of law and law-based governance.



Deng Xiaoping Theory

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC (held in Beijing, December 18-22, 1978), Chinese Communists, with Deng Xiaoping as their chief representative,

reviewed their positive and negative experiences in building socialism since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, opened up their minds, sought truth from facts, shifted the focus of the whole Party's work onto economic development and adopted the policy of reform and opening up, thereby ushering in a new era in socialist development. Over time, they established the line, principles and policies for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, which clarified basic issues concerning the building, consolidation and development of socialism in China.

At the 15th National Congress of the CPC held in 1997, the theory initiated by Deng Xiaoping on building socialism with Chinese characteristics was named Deng Xiaoping Theory, and designated, together with Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, as the guiding thought of the CPC.



The system of "larger government departments"

Under the system of creating "larger government departments", departments with similar functions and business areas are merged so that they no longer have overlapping functions, formulate their own policies or manage the same areas. This will improve the efficiency of administrative services and reduce administrative costs. This system was first introduced in 2008 when central and local governments carried out reforms to form "larger departments". The political report delivered at the 18th National Congress of the CPC in November 2012 called for efforts to "steadily advance reform to merge government departments and improve division of functions among them." On March 14, 2013, the First Session of the 12th NPC voted to approve the decision on the institutional reform and functional transformation of the State Council, which cut the number of departments of the State Council to 25.




Developing relations with Africa with sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith

In March 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in which he summarized the history of Sino-African friendship and the experience of developing such a friendship, and elaborated on his proposals for concerted efforts to promote peace and development in the new era.

First, he said, China will always treat its African friends sincerely. Unity and cooperation with African countries have always been an important foundation of China's foreign policy. Second, in conducting cooperation with Africa, China values real results. China will faithfully honor every commitment it makes to Africa. Third, in strengthening friendship with Africa, China seeks to cultivate a relationship of affinity. The Chinese and African people have a natural affinity, and greater value should be placed on people-to-people exchanges between China and Africa, especially exchanges between their youths, so that their friendship can be passed on to the younger generations. Fourth, in addressing problems in cooperation with Africa, China has always acted in good faith. China will face squarely and sincerely the new developments and new problems confronting relations with Africa, and the two sides should properly handle any problems that may arise in a spirit of mutual respect and win-win cooperation.




Confining power to an institutional cage

All power in China is bestowed by the people and should be exercised only for the benefit of the people.

To Confine power to an institutional cage means to strengthen constraints on and oversight of the

exercise of power by establishing a disciplinary mechanism that makes officials afraid to become corrupt, a preventive mechanism that stops them from being corrupt and a safeguard mechanism that makes it difficult to become corrupt. These three mechanisms are the institutional standards of the system for fighting corruption and upholding integrity, a system that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of corruption and combines punishment and prevention. On the basis of these mechanisms, China has established strict institutions and put them to best use. All this is designed to ensure that no official enjoys absolute power above the law and that all officials exercise power to serve the people, are accountable to them and willingly accept their oversight.



Peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit are trends of the times.

The world today is undergoing profound and complicated changes. Peace and development remain the main themes, and peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit have become irresistible trends of the times. With the collapse of old colonial systems and the end of the bloc confrontation of the Cold War era, no individual state or group of states can dominate world affairs alone. A large number of emerging-markets and developing countries are on the fast track of development, with billions of people speeding toward modernization. As multiple development centers spring up across the world, the balance of international forces is tipping in favor of world peace and development.

At the same time, the world is far from being peaceful, and human society still faces various problems and challenges. With growing trends toward multi-polarity, deepening economic globalization, increasing cultural diversity and an emerging information society, the world today enjoys better conditions than ever before to realize peace and development and develop a new model of international relations characterized by win-win cooperation.





The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

In 1954, China, India and Myanmar jointly proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, namely, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. This was a major initiative in the history of international relations and a historic contribution to the building of a new type of just and equitable international relations.

The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence give concrete expression to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and facilitate their implementation. Having been tested by the evolution of international relations in the past six decades, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, as open and inclusive principles of international law, embody the values of sovereignty, justice, democracy and rule of law.

In the new era today, China will continue to be a pacesetter in observing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and work with the rest of the international community to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.







Path of peaceful development

In essence, the path of peaceful development refers to the following: developing oneself while maintaining world peace, and maintaining world peace through one's own development; opening wider to the rest of the world and learning from the experiences of other countries while pursuing development through one's own efforts, reform and innovation; following the trend of economic globalization and seeking mutual benefit and common development with other countries; and working with the international community to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity.

China will adhere to the path of peaceful development and encourage all countries to pursue peaceful development. It will take on more international responsibilities, work with other countries to safeguard the human conscience and international justice, and stand for justice in regional and international affairs.

China advocates peaceful solutions to international disputes and opposes hegemonism and power politics in all forms. It never seeks hegemony or expansion, but advocates the spirit of mutually beneficial progress and accommodating other countries' interests while pursuing one's own so as to bring benefits to one's own people and the rest of the world as a whole and promote a path of win-win cooperation and positive interaction among different countries.

China's experience of reform and opening up over the past 30 years and more has proved that peaceful development is a strategic choice that suits China's national conditions, social system and cultural traditions. It conforms to the trend of the times and serves the fundamental interests of China. It also meets the interests of China's neighboring countries and those of all countries in the world.




Fairness and justice

Fairness and justice are inherent requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Based on the concerted efforts of its entire people and its economic and social development, China must step up efforts to develop institutions that are vital to ensuring social fairness and justice. It must also establish in due course a system guaranteeing social fairness that features, among other things, equal rights, equal opportunities and fair rules for all, and foster a fair social environment and ensure people's equal right to participation in governance and development.




Streamlining administration and delegating more power to lower-level governments

Streamlining administration means solving the problems of government having g overlapping functions, being overstaffed and impeding each other, and the problems of an inadequate supply of social public goods and services and low government efficiency.

Delegating more power to lower-level governments means solving the problems of subjecting too many economic activities to government approval, having complicated approval procedures and taking too long to approve them, and solving the problems of the government managing things it should not manage and poorly managing things it should manage.

The current Chinese government has made it a top priority to accelerate the functional transformation of government and the streamlining of administration and delegation of more power to lower-level governments.

By the end of 2013, the government had abolished or delegated to lower levels several times a total of 416 items previously subject to State Council review and approval. In 2014, the government will abolish or delegate to lower levels more than 200 items currently subject to State Council review and approval.

The key for transforming government functions is to strive for a proper balance between delegation and control. "To delegate" is to activate the market, not to let things run loose while "to control" means to exercise appropriate management, not to bring things to stagnation,

Streamlining administration and delegating more power means better defining the relationship between the government and the market, allowing the market to play a better role in allocating resources, and ultimately promoting reform, adjusting the structure and improving people's lives.

The focus of administrative management procedures will shift from prior approval to mid-event control and subsequent supervision.

This does not mean a reduction in the workload of the government.

On the contrary, it means that the government must work more carefully and exercise more effective oversight and supervision.

This change in work method imposes higher requirements on government departments: they should not only change their attitude but also become more competent, take the initiative to study how the market works, have foresight, encourage whatever helps the market develop, and change whatever undermines its development.




Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations

Civilizations are diverse, and such diversity makes exchanges and mutual learning among them

relevant and valuable. Civilizations are equal, and such equality provides the prerequisite for exchanges and mutual learning. Civilizations are inclusive, and such inclusiveness gives the motivation for exchanges and mutual learning among them.

We live in a world with different cultures, ethnic groups, skin colors, religions and social systems, and the people of all countries have become members of an intimate community with a shared destiny. We should encourage different civilizations to respect each other and live in harmony, so that exchanges and mutual learning between them becomes a bridge for promoting friendship between people around the world, an engine driving progress of human society and a bond cementing world peace. We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek spiritual support and psychological consolation from different civilizations and work together to tackle the challenges facing mankind.



The system of community-level self-government

As China develops and progresses, both urban and rural areas throughout the country are enjoying more and more community-level democracy, the number of channels through which Chinese citizens participate in politics is increasing and there is ever-greater democracy. China has established a system of community-level democratic self-government, which is mainly comprised of rural villagers' committees, urban residents' committees and enterprise workers' congresses. Members of urban and rural self-government organizations at the community level directly exercise their right to democratic elections, policy-making, management and oversight. They exercise democratic self-government with regard to public affairs and non-profit undertakings of their organizations. This has become the most direct and extensive form of democracy in China today. In November 2012, more than 98 percent of China's villagers' committees were elected directly, 85 percent of the villages had villagers' committees or congresses, and 89 percent of the urban communities had residents' congresses.
