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Unit 1 (1) I'm really sorry: Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there? Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago when I was in high school. Ted: And where did you learn to rollarblade? Ana: Here in the park. This is only my second time. Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure. Just follow me. Ted : By the way, my name is Ted. Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you. Hey, hey! that was fun Ted: Hey, hey! that was fun. Thank you for the lesson! Ana: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Ted: I work in a travel agency. Ana: Really! What do you do there? Ted: I'm in charge of their computers. Ana: Oh, so you're a computer specialist. Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so. Ana: That's great. Then maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I'm taking. Ted: Oh, sure...But only if you promise to give me some more rollarblading lessons. Ana: It's a deal! (2) Where are you from originally, Yu Hong Interviewer: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong? Yu Hong: I'm from China...from near Shanghai. Interviewer: And when did you move here? Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992. Interviewer: And what do you do now? Yu Hong: I'm a transportation engineer. Interviewer: I see. So you 're an immigrant to the United States. Yu Hong: Yes, that's right. Interviewer: What are some of difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.? Yu Hong: Oh, that's not an easy question to answer. There are so many things,


我在英语听力与阅读训练方面的成功经验(长篇实践文章) 第一,选择听力材料要符合个人实际水平。太难或太容易都不好。(你可以听懂百分之六十以上的材料,我选择的是西安外语学院的英语新闻听力,上海海文出版社的标准美语听力,北京外语学院的中级听力和高级听力。另外还从网上下载了BBC/VOA等时事新闻节目。) 第二,反复听十遍还听不清楚,就要查对原文,以便搞清问题出在那里。有针对性地学习。(材料最好要有标准文字说明,以便对照,免得胡乱猜测,起步阶段一定要结合教材和文字说明学习。不要机械地模仿钟教授,如果你感觉仍然太难,就需要重新选择听力材料,减少难度,增加自信心。这个阶段会遇到许多困难,随时可能失去信心。) 第三,练习完整地听懂一句话之后再默写。 第四,大声跟读。可以边看着记录稿,边跟播音员朗读。并把自己的声音录下来,纠正语音。(很多人在这点上犯错误,太懒。或者羞于开口) 第五,练习精听的同时,加大泛听练习。选择完全新的材料,只听一到三遍,掌握大意即可。同时养成每天坚持听英语广播的习惯。(泛听材料是海文出版社的标准美语入门,VOA的慢速英语;北京人民大学的英语绿地,美国ABC电视新闻,以及各种有兴趣的听力材料。我对于泛听比较重视。先选一些比较容易的材料,练习一遍全部听懂的能力;再坚持听比较难的广播电视新闻。) 第六,逐渐培养一遍听懂的能力。只在特别难的地方才用听写法。(这是逐渐培养出来的,没有说是一开始就用这个办法) 第七,加强阅读练习。选择有一定难度的阅读材料,练习快速阅读。遇到生词查英英词典。特别注意阅读网上最新的英语背景新闻,以便听的时候减少难度。 第八,练习写作。可以把听过的内容用自己的话写出梗概。另外多练习用英语生词造句。(可用口头复述练习) 第九,练习汉翻英。最好找一些有标准译文的材料,先自己翻译,再对照范文学习。特别注意把握英语与中文之间的微妙关系。(新概念就是很好的练习资料) 第十,每天保持相当量的练习。只有练到一定的数量,才能在大脑中构造一个英语区。以后再说英语时就不会出现英汉互相干扰的问题了。

英语听力教程Unit 10

英语听力教程Unit 10 TEXT Are we too quick to blame and slow to praise? It seems we are. Profits of Praise It was the end of my exhausting first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone awry, my apron was stained, my feet ached. The loaded trays I carried felt heavier and heavier. Weary and discouraged, I didn’t seem able to do anything right. As I made out a complicated check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream order a dozen times, I was ready to quit. Then the father smiled at me as he handed me my tip. “Well done,” he said. “You’ve looked after us really well.” Suddenly my tiredness vanished. I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I’d liked my first day, I said, “Fine!” Th ose few words of praise


Unit1 That's what friends are for. you have a date for the party yet Do you have a date for the party yet Actually,I don't. Do you know anyone I could go with em..what kind of guys do you like oh,I like guys who aren't too serious,and who have a good sense of humor. You know,someone like you. okay,erm,what else Well I prefer someone I have something in common with,who i can talk to easily. I think i know just the guy for you,Bob.. Do you know him

No,i don't think so. okay,I'll ask him to meet us for coffee,and you can tell me what you think. ,what's the verdict So,what's the verdict What did you think of Bob Well,I was worried at first,especially when I saw that he rode a huge motorcycle. I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who is into heavy metal music and stuff like that. You know what I mean But he is just a regular kind of guy right Yeah,we got along really well. I knew you'd like him!


[导读]考拉小巫,伊甸园论坛字幕组组长,大家经常看的美剧或欧美电影都是她带领的团队第一时间听译出来的,****上有人称之为“大陆听力第一人”。牛人是怎么训练出来的?且看考拉同学的心路历程…… 今天写点儿正事。说说该如何修炼咱们的耳朵。此文只针对能力的提高,不针对应试!往往能力提高了,应试就不会有问题! 先说一个基础问题:有一个真理是不变的,那就是,语言,是一种能力。听、说、读、写,四种能力任何一个,没有连续的三个月以上的辛苦付出,是不会有显著提高的。不管怎样的方法,怎样的秘诀,如果你不坚持,是不可能有任何提高的,所以这个得先明确了。 其次再来说技术性问题:该如何练听力。不同人适合不同的办法,没有一套方案是可以做到放诸四海皆准的。所以我只能分享我自己的练习耳朵的过程,然后提些建议。 1. “到底应该怎么练听力啊?” 我正式开始重视起听力,是从大一开始的。郑老师给我们推荐Step by Step四册书听,于是我就和张希开始每天听这套书。一共四册,我每个学期听一册,用两年听完了这四册书,上面的题都认真做了。最一开始一定是什么都听不懂的,因为高中之前,我基本没怎么练习过听力,(原来牛人也不是天生的!)准确地说,那时候不知道原来耳朵是需要练习的。。我没有别的办法,听不懂就重新听,用复读机一遍一遍地听,四册书我觉得我听了不下二十遍,听坏了两台复读机,N个耳机,耳朵插耳机插的出水疱,(“大陆听力第一人”称号来之不易啊)后来换成戴在头上的大耳机就稍微好了些。这套教材很好,因为难度是一点点提升的,所以比较推荐。 除了Step by Step以外,同时进行的听力练习就是听广播。专四有新闻听力,所以我和张希就去店里买收音机,因为是痛下决心要练好听力的,所以我们都狠下心买最好的收音机,接收效果强的那种。于是,我们就买了全店里最大的收音机,


Unit 3 Talking about People Section 1 Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics A. Listen and repeat 1. A: Where were you at one o’clock? B: At one o’clock? At my mother’s. 2. A: Let’s ask him to let us go. B: He won’t let us go. 3. A: I saw them together. B: Where did you see them? B. Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Friend: Hi, Linda. I hear you and John got married (l)last month. Linda: Yeah, we did, (smiling) Three weeks (2) ago. Friend: Well, congratulations! Linda: Thank you. Friend: Did you (3) have a big wedding? Linda: No, we got (4) married at City Hall. We didn’t want to spend very much because (5) we’re saving to buy a house. Friend: Where did you (6) have the reception? Linda: Oh- we (7) didn’t have a reception. We just (8) invited a few friends over for drinks afterwards. Friend: What (9) did you wear? Linda: Just a skirt and blouse. Friend: Oh! Linda: And John wore a (10) jacket and jeans. Friend: Where did you (11) go for your honeymoon? Linda: We (12) didn’t have a honeymoon. We went back to work the next day. Ah, here comes (13) my bus. Friend: Listen. (14) I’d love to help celebrate. Why don’t you two (15) come over for a drink next week? Linda: Sure. We’d love to. (16) I’ll talk to John and (17) call you Monday. Friend: Great. See you (18) next week. Linda: Bye. Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Bob: Look at that, Angela. True-Value is going to sell hi-fi’s for 72.64 pounds. I’m going to buy one. We can save at least 20 pounds.


成熙英语中级班听力脚本(剑桥二) 1.Break the Ice (1) Oh,I’m really sorry: Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there? Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago when I was in high school. Ted: And where did you learn to rollarblade? Ana: Here in the park. This is only my s econd time. Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure. Just follow me. Ted : By the way, my name is Ted. Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you. (2) Hey, hey! that was fun Ted: Hey, hey! that was fun. Thank you for the lesson! Ana: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Ted: I work in a travel agency. Ana: Really! What do you do there? Ted: I'm in charge of their computers. Ana: Oh, so you're a computer specialist. Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so. Ana: That's great. Then maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I'm taking. Ted: Oh, sure...But only if you promise to give me some more rollarblading lessons. Ana: It's a deal! (3) Yuhong the Immigrant. Interviewer: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong? Yu Hong: I'm from China...from near Shanghai. Interviewer: And when did you move here? Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992. Interviewer: And what do you do now? Yu Hong: I'm a transportation engineer. Interviewer: I see. So you 're an immigrant to the United States. Yu Hong: Yes, that's right. Interviewer: What are some of difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.? Yu Hong: Oh, that's not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really. I

走向成功英语听力教程听力原文Scripts for U18

Scripts Unit 1 Campus Life Part A Short Conversations 1. W: Hi, Jack! Haven’t seen you for ages! How is your family? Do you still have a boy and a girl? M: No, I had twin girls last year! And the doctor says my wife is expecting another boy within a couple of months. Q: How many children does Jack have now? 2. W: I love these coats and I’d like to buy one for my husband as a present. How much are they? M: Thirty dollars. But they are on sale and I can offer you a 20% discount. Q: How much is the coat? 3. W: Tickets are four dollars for each adult. Children’s tickets are half price. M: OK. I’d like two adults’ and two children’s tickets. Q: How much does the man have to pay for the tickets? 4. W: I’d like to make a phone call to London, please. How much do I have to pay? M: Five dollars for the first three minutes and 2 for each additional minute. Q: How much does the woman have to pay if she makes a ten-minute call to London? 5. W: It was reported that a serious traffic accident happened this morning on the highway near our office building. M: I knew that. Three people died immediately and four were injured. One more people died in the hospital. Q: How many people were killed in the traffic accident? 6. W: Great. That means 50 people will come so far. But how many of them are kids? M: About 15 kids are coming and 6 of them are about your son’s age. Q: How many adults will come? 7. W: This T-shirt is really my style. How much is it? M: Nine dollars each. But you can save four dollars if you buy two. Q: How much should the woman pay if she buys four T-shirts? 8. W: Have you got Henry’s telephone number? I dialed but it turned out to be an old lady. M: Yes. That used to be his number. But last week he moved to a neighboring apartment and so the last four numbers should be 2036. Q: What is Henry’s telephone number now? 9. W: There is really a big generation gap between you two. He is 28. And how old are you? M: Well. I used to be twice his age five years ago. Q: How old is the man now? 10. W: The bottom of the lake can almost be seen now. Was it the same this summer? M: No. The water was only forty centimeters below the ten-meter line at that time. Q: How deep was the lake this summer? Part B Long Conversation College Majors Man: I wonder if this is going to be an interesting class.


Chris: Do you have a date for the party yet? Kim: Actually, I don’t ……Do you think you could help me find one? Chris: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like? Kim: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know ... like you. Chris: OK. What else? Kim: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with – who I can talk to easily. Chris: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him? Kim: No, I don’t think so. Chris: Let me arrange for you to meet him, and you can tell me what you think. B Listen to Chris and Kim discussing Bob after Kim met him. How did Kim like him? Chris: So, what’s the Verdict? What did you think of Bob? Kim: Well, I was worried at first especially when I saw that he wears not one but two earrings, I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock music and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Chris: But he’s just a regular kind of guy, right?


Book Three UNIT 1 Section One Part 1 Spot Dictation Houses in the Future Well, I think houses in the future will probably be (1) quite small but I should think they'll be (2) well-insulated so that you don't need so much (3) heating and (4) cooling as you do now, so perhaps very economical (5) to run. Perhaps they will use (6) solar heating, although I don't know, in this country, perhaps we (7) won't be able to do that so much. Yes, I think they'll be full of (8) electronic gadgets: things like very advanced televisions, videos, perhaps videos which take up ... the screen (9) takes up the whole wall. I should think. Yes, you'll have things like (10) garage doors which open automatically when you (11) drive up, perhaps electronic (12) sensors which will (13) recognize you when you, when you come to the front door even. Perhaps (14) architects and designers will be a bit more (15) imaginative about how houses are designed and perhaps with the (16) shortage of space people will think of putting gardens (17) on the roof and, and maybe rooms can be (18) expanded and, and (19) contracted* depending on what you use them for, so perhaps there'll be a bit more (20) flexibility about that.

英语听力教程Unit 4 听力原文

Part I B Tom: What kind of school did you go to, Ann Ann: Well, I went to a public primary school and then to a private high school. Tom: So which do you think is better Ann: Actually, I prefer private schools because of the smaller classes and ... usually you have a wider choice of subjects. Tom: Yeah, I suppose that’s true. Ann: And then there are usually better sports facilities. For example, the school I went to had a swimming pool and a huge gym. Tom: Yeah ... well, the public high school I went to had great sports facilities. Besides, private schools are really expensive. Ann: Yeah, but I think they’re worth it. Tom: I don’t know. I think you have to judge every school individually, whether it’s public or private. Ann: That may be true ... but children generally get a better, more ... well-rounded education in a private school. Tom: Maybe, but I’m not totally convinced. By the way, Ann, were you on the debating team in high school, by any chance Ann: I sure was! I was the captain! C Steve’s first morning Steve was rather nervous about his first day of the polytechnic. He didn’t know any other students and he didn’t know his way around the building. At 9 o’clock, he was at the main entrance with a crowd of hundreds of other students. All of them seem to know what to do except Steve. Then he found a notice. There was a meeting for all the first-year students. He found them all waiting in the large hall. First, the director of the Polytechnic welcomed them. Then the head of students’services, and finally the head of physical education. Head of physical education: I’m here to tell you about the sport you can do at the Poly. Here in Edington, we have a fitness room where you can do exercises to keep fit, and weekly you can do all sorts of sports, such as tennis, football, hockey and badminton. But there are also many other activities. You can go sailing. You can go down-caves. You can go climbing and many more. We hope all of you will take part in at least one of these. If you want to join, come on weekly on Wednesday afternoon. Any questions A student: What about swimming Head of physical education: We don’t have our own pool. But you can swim in the public pools in Hanksy or Muston Ferry. After the meeting was over, Steve looked at this timetable. His first class was business studies, and was in room 316. But where was Room 316 Steve: Excuse me. Do you know where Room 316 is Male student 1: Oh, I haven’t a clue, mate. Steve: Do you know where Room 316 is


第二单元听力原文 Warm up 1. [ J] I need a big desk for all my books. 2. [C] This couch is great. It's so comfortable. 3. [G] I love my bed. It's really soft. 4. [B] I love to soak in the bathtub after a long day. 5. [E] I need a new lamp in this room. It's very dark in here. 6. [F] Sit in this chair and relax. 7. [A] Here's my new stove. I love it. 8. [H] This table is too small for our family. There are six of us. 9. [D] Look at my new poster. Do you like it? 10. [I] Look out this window. It's a great view. Listening task 1. Sunol: Hey, Joe. How do you like your new apartment? Joe: Oh, it's great. It's really close to work. Kind of small, though. Sunol: Oh? Joe: Yeah, it's a really small studio apartment. There isn't enough room for a couch and a bed. Sunol: No? Joe: No, so I have to sleep on a futon . 2. Jose: Hey, Jason. Have you moved yet? Jason: Yeah, Marci and I bought a new house. Jose: Oh, great. Congratulations. What's it like? Jason: Wow, for us, it's really big. It's huge. Jose: Mm, nice. Jason: But it's kind of old, so it needs a lot of fixing up. Jose: Well, if you need any help, let me know. Jason: Thanks! 3. Gwen: Hi, Lisa. Do you like your new apartment? Lisa: Uh, yeah. Gwen: Where is it? On Spring Street? Lisa: No, on Main Street. It's on the second floor, big windows, lots of light. Gwen: Sounds nice. Lisa: It's not great. It's on a busy street, so it's kind of noisy. Gwen: Ah, well, you can't have it all! 4. Monica: Hey, Steven. You moved to a new place, right? Steven: Yes. Last weekend. Monica: So, how is it? Steven: Great place. Best place ever. On Mountain Drive. There's a great view of the ocean. Monica: Nice. Steven: Yeah, come over and see it sometime.


广东省高等教育自学考试英语本科 口译与听力自学考试大纲 (修订稿) (课程代码:) 一.考核目标: 口译与听力是高等教育自学考试英语专业本科阶段的一门必修课程,学分为。课堂教学总课时节。本课程属实践考核,主要考查学生是否达到以下目标: 1.熟练运用口译技巧,对初级或中级难度的材料进行较为准确、流畅的口译。 2.有良好的中英语言基础,对世界各国,尤其是我国的基本国情与国策有基本的了解。 3.能听懂交际场合中各种英语会话和讲话。 4.能听懂或节目中有关政治、经济、文化教育、科技等方面的记者现场报导。 5.能听懂有关政治、经济、历史、文化教育、语言文学、科普方面的一般讲座及讲座后的问答。 6.能听懂同样题材的电视时事短片及电视短剧。 二.考试依据教材: 指定教材:. 口译部分:《高级汉英英汉口译教程》(上、下册)王桂珍主编 华南理工大学出版社( 年月第一版) . 听力部分:《高级英语听力教程》何勇斌主编广州外语音像出版社(年月第一版) 参考教材:, 等英语电台正常语速节目 三.命题原则: 每份试卷包括两大部分:第一部分考核听力,占总分的;第二部分考核口译,占总分的。就试题难度而言,困难题目约占,较难题目约占,较易题目约占,容易题目约占;就试题内容而言,指定教材中的内容不少于。

五.口译评分标准: .英译汉和汉译英各占分。 .以语段(两个符号之间的一个句子或数个句子为单位)中的信息单位的准确完整记分。 .语法和语音语调方面基本不扣分,但是如果差到令人不知所云则扣分,以语段中的信息点为单位扣分。 六.考试说明: 本课程为实践考核,考试时间约为个小时。 听力部分,第一、第二部分只读一遍,第三、四部分读两遍,每个问题之间的时间间隔大约为秒。口译部分,单句只读一遍,段落先整个通读一遍,然后再根据意群分小段读一段,翻译一段。两部分的英语语速皆控制在每分钟词左右。 本课程满分为分,分为及格。考试一般在语音室内进行,考试时每个学生发一盒空白磁带供录音用。 本资料由广东自考网收集整理,更多自考资料请登录下载 广东外语外贸大学自学考试办公室 年元月日


Unit 8 Money matters Listening to the world Sharing Scripts F = Finn; W1 = Woman 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc. Part 1 F: I spend a lot of time shopping. I like buying shoes and books. I buy things online, but I also like visiting street markets. How about you? How do you feel about shopping? W1: Er, I don’t really like it very much on the whole. Er, I find it can get very stressful – big crowds, especially in London. M1: It depends on my mood, but generally yes, I enjoy it. W2: I might think it’s one of the bes t things to do, ever! W3: I like shopping – when I can afford it. But I can’t afford it most of the time. W4: I love shopping. It’s, it’s a good way to spend a day. You can have fun, go out with your friends or family and come home with some new things. W5: Love it. I enjoy it very much. It’s great … gives you a buzz. M2: I have mixed feelings about shopping. Sometimes I’m in the mood and other times, I can’t bear the idea of shopping. W6: I love shopping, because it’s like you find new things and you spend time with your friends or family. Yeah, it’s good fun. M3: I hate shopping. I prefer shopping on the Internet, where I can look
