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Unit 1 p23-25 第2,3题

1.Rules and regulations should be strictly followed;no one is supposed to compromise on safety standards.

2.She can’t blame others.She must pay for her self-induced blindness.

3.He steered the boat carefully between the rocks.

4.An examiner must have some knowledge in testing;otherwise he cannot frame his questions clearly.

5.His last remark demonstrated his lack of knowledge on this subject.

6.Finally the police had to employ force to break up the crowd.

7.He claims that the new teaching approach helps to promote students’ creative ability.

8.The teachers were most impressed by your performance in the exam.Your scored 98 marks whereas most of your classmates failed.

9.Among all the workers interviewed every one agreed that Martin had made an important contribution to the company’s success.

10.I know you did it deliberately ,just to annoy me.

11.We should try our best to help those who are in financial

difficulty and cannot pay their tuition fees on time. 12.The fast economic growth of our country has attracted the attention of many economists,who all think that is a miracle.

1. Being a mother of two young kids,Sarah always makes a point of spending as much times as she can with them.

2. I looked up the word in the dictionary to refresh my memory of its exact meaning.

3. The chairman warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to job cuts.

4. Realizing that his retirement(退休)was near at hand,he looked for some additional income.

5. The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning.

6. She is constantly under pressure and it is affecting her health.

7. Last but not least,I would like to thank all the people who have given us unselfish assistance throughout these years.

8. We’ve been trying to get back to you,Tom,but we think we took your number down incorrectly.

9. In addition to giving a general introduction to computer science,the course also provides practical experience.

10. All the students were involved in making costumes and scenery for the show.

11. It was a perfectly ordinary day;in other words,I went to work and came home as usual.

12. Critics pointed out that the prince,on his income,should be paying tax.

13. Don’t say it is profitless to do this.The effort will pay off in the long run.

P31 翻译


The judge asked the reporters not to disclose t he name of the victim.

2) The teacher took pains to make sure that we

all understood what he said.

3) Recently the school conducted a survey among

those students who have attained academic excel lence.

4) He said he would accept the job, so we hav

e asked him to confirm his acceptance by writin g us a letter.

5) George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn. 6) We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’re busy.

7) It’s about time that someone spoke up for these b asic truths / facts.

8) You should be working instead of lying there

in bed at this time of the day. 9) I’ll jot down some notes while he’s speaking. 10) I can’t carry the suitcase on my own; it’s too heavy.

Unit 2 p54-56

1)I like that singer a lot, but I haven’t been able to obtain his latest CD anywhere.

2) Jim said he was very confident that the pro ject(项目)would be successful.

3) Nowadays people prefer to communicate with on

e another by e-mail.

4) Being tall gave him a(n) advantage over the

other players.

5) He based his article on the relevant informa

tion he had gathered.

6) Role-play(角色扮演)is helpful in developing communication skills.

7) Sometimes she eats a lot and sometimes nothi ng at all; she just goes from one extreme to the other.

8) My trip to Australia proved to be a most e njoyable experience.

9) It is assumed that the Internet is an effic ient means of communication.

10) I’m afraid that getting things changed is a slow process.

11) Traffic is terribly bad nowadays, particularl y in the city center.

12) There are too many characters in this novel ; could you spare a few minutes and help me c lear up my confusion?

13) Her behaviour of smoking in public really a stonished us.

14) All the students are interested in his lect

ures; apparently he is a qualified teacher.

1) It is not that I don’t like this singer. The fact is that I’m not very fond of country music.

2) The cost is directly related to the amount of time spent on the project.

3) The story is so interesting that I cannot h elp reading the next chapter to find out what’s going to happen.

4) To a certain extent, it was my fault that we lost the match.

5) Girls may bring their boy friends to the pa rty and vice versa.

6) He is always ready to help others; no doubt

he’ll be willing to help you, too.

7) The new vaccine(疫苗)may rid the world of one of its most terrif ying diseases.

8) I assume that the misunderstanding between th

e two sides will be cleared up soon.

9) You must pay $2,000; or else, you will have

to go to prison.

10) We must fight pollution and protect our env ironment(环境) at all costs.

11) I said he would forget, and sure enough he


12) He cannot ride a bicycle, let alone a moto rbike.

13) In his hurry to leave the room he left hi s gold watch on the desk.

14) It’s no use worrying about Jim; he is now with h is aunt who loves him and will no doubt take good care of him.

15) He wants to improve his English by reading

dictionaries, but in my view it is not an ef fective method of learning.

16) I called Linda last night and asked her if

the exhibition of Chinese paintings in her uni versity was worth seeing.

P59 翻译

1) 这个婴儿还不会爬(crawl),更不要说走了。(let alone) The baby can’

t even crawl yet, let alone walk!

2) 威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正和一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。(claim, in one’s opinion)

Will claimed he was dining with a group of fri ends at the time of the murder, but in my opi nion he told a lie.

3) 一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。(to a certain extent, relate …to …, cope wi th)

To a certain extent the speed of reading is cl osely related to reading skills; and with readin g skills you can cope with outside class readin

g better.

4) 你检查一下引擎(engine)看看出了什么问题好吗?(take a look)

Can you take a look at the engine to see what ’s wrong?

5) 有些人想当然地认为日语(Japanese)中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词语。(assume, equivalent)

Some people assume that there is a Chinese equi valent for every Japanese word.

6) 我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。(relevant)

We have passed all relevant information on to t he police.

7) 关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。(it’s no use)

There is no use asking me any more questions a bout that matter because I won’t answer.

8) 事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。(on one’s part)

It was a mistake on Jim’s part to sign the contract without reading it carefully.

9) 他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。(provide …with)

They refused to provide us with all the informa tion we need.

10) 这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。(similar to)

This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.

11) 这部影片是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。(base on) The film is based on a play by Shakespeare.

12) 如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握得好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优势。(have an advantage over)

If you have a good command of English and comp uter skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job.

Unit 3 p83-84

1) There was a(n) awkward moment when she didn’t know whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek.

2) She breathed a sigh of relief when she foun

d out sh

e had passed her exam.

3) Parents should really take extra care of the ir babies as many accidents actually occur at h ome.

4) The government has two options; to reduce sp ending or to increase tax.

5) The following program contains scenes that ma y be disturbing to some viewers.

6) When the doctor told her that it was only

a minor case, she released her husband’s arm.

7) The woman felt panicky and she spoke almost

without pausing for breath.

8) The policeman blew his whistle and the prote sters scattered in all directions.

9) He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed

it whole.

10) Don’t wipe your nose on your sleeve, kid —that’s what your handkerchief’s for!

11) I took my son to the zoo as a birthday t reat.

12) As I recall, it was you who suggested this

idea in the first place.

1) In just a few days he became well acquainte

d with all his new classmates.

2) Jane has locked herself up in her room fo r the whole day. She took us by surprise when she came out with her hair dyed red.

3) Let’s sit down quietly and gather our thoughts firs t before the discussion.

4) To my surprise, the stranger turned out to

be an old friend of my mother’s.

5) Seeing Jim wearing a funny hat, Maggie tried

hard to fight back a desire to laugh.

6) Don’t hang up on me --I need to talk to you.

7) After quarrelling with his step-father, Colin ran away and hasn’t been heard of ever since.

8) They’ve hired someone to take care of the children for a week.

9) When I asked him how he was doing, he hemm ed and hawed before telling me that he had jus t lost his job.

10) Once a very shy boy from a small mountaino us village, he turned into a competent engineer in a matter of six years.

11) The newspaper refused to keep the facts fro m the public.

12) As we sat on the beach soaking up the sun shine, she started to tell me her childhood sto ries.

P89 翻译

1) 我们是好朋友,可他居然将这么大的一件事瞒着我,实在令我吃惊。(keepsth. from, take sb. by surprise)

We are good friends; however, he kept such an important matter from me, whichtook me by surpri se.

2) 在毕业典礼(commencement)上,她感到喉头哽咽,但她仍然忍住了泪水。(a lump in one’s throat, fight back) At the commencement, she felt a lump in her th roat but fought back her tears.

3) 汤姆昨晚和我聊天,他告诉我他的病已经得到控制,不需做外科手术。(chatwith, under control)

Tom chatted with me last night. He told me tha t his disease had been broughtunder control, and there was no need for surgery.

4) 听说她的车驶离了公路,她的父母担心得要命。(run off, be worried sick)

Her parents were worried sick when they knew th at she had run off the highway.

5) 她满面愁容,不知有何心事。(on one’s mind)

She looks very worried; I wonder what’s on her mind.

6) 他是个害羞和安静的男孩,在走上讲台叙述自己的经历之前,他悄悄地坐在礼堂(auditorium)的一角整理着思绪。(gather one’s thoughts)

He is a shy and silent boy. Before he went on to the stage to share his experiences,he sat qu ietly in a corner of the auditorium, gathering his thoughts.

7) 在乐队干了几年后,他又做回了独立音乐人(solo musician),于是他的事业又回到了原点。(come full circle, career)

After several years of working in a band, he h as now gone back to being a solomusician, so h is career has come full circle.

8) 自己的儿子长成了一个能干的生意人,他总算放心了。(turn into, to one’s relief)

To his relief his son has turned into a capabl e businessman.

Unit 4 p114-116

1) She finds herself in conflict with her paren ts over her future career.

2) The two parties finally overcame their differ ences on the matter of interest rate (利率).

3) Some strange customs have survived from earli er times.

4) Please let us know if you can attend the m eeting scheduled (事先安排) for the coming Thursday.

5) She frowned with displeasure as she was read ing her son’s school report.

6) Students are likely to let their minds wande r if the teacher’s lectures are dull and boring.

7) I always feel so guilty about not visiting my parents more often, but I do have lots of things to cope with every day.

8) The local farmers sustained heavy losses duri ng the flood season.

9) The next morning we all went out to survey

the damage caused by the fire.

10) The sudden appearance of a tiger from the woods terrified us all.

11) International students are required to carry

medical insurance as a condition of enrollment (注册).

12) Adapting to a new culture is no easy task

because there are lots of cultural differences to overcome.

1) The old man was sick of having arguments all the time with his wife.

2) “You really can’t imagine what I have gone through,”Mary said,choking back her tears.

3) Compared with growing up in primitive societies, growing up in today’s world is in some ways harder.

4) When I first settled into teaching in this small town,

I felt very awkward, for my neighbors wanted to know everything about me.

5) The boys would give anything / the world to meet that football star.

6) Tom rushed into the room when Jane and I were in the midst of a conversation.

7) It’s true that his father is a world-famous movie star, but Jack became famous in his own right.

8) We didn’t plan it like that but it worked out very we ll.

9) At first he found it extremely hard to fit

in with his colleagues at the new company. 10) When I was in my teens, I gradually grew apart from my parents, only to realize how wron

g I was in my later years.

11) I’m sorry to hear that you’re suffering from a severe cold. No wonder you did not turn up at the party yesterday.

12) It is not a healthy habit staying up too late.

13) I was annoyed with my mother’s tight control over me and ended up shouting at her one day.

14) The boy was scared of his mother because s he would always scold(责怪) him if he did anything wrong.

15) Because of my carelessness, I soon found my self in trouble again and then I realized that what my mother had said was right.

16) He is not a very responsible person. For

instance, he promised to come to our meeting , but never even responded when we invited him.

P121 翻译

1) 很多老师不赞同这种做法。(frown on)

Many teachers frowned on this practice.

2) 当我想从草地上穿过去的时候,有位老人在旁边怒视着我。(glare at)

An old man glared at me when I was trying to cut across the lawn.

3) 当我提到我的父亲时,她的脸上露出了认出我的笑容。(recognition)

When I mentioned my father, she showed a smile of recognition on her face.

4) 我的大孩子比较听话, 而小的那个非常倔。我现在还常回想起小的孩子在中学毕业后是如何执意要出国读书的。(whereas, stubborn, recall)

My firstborn was quite obedient, whereas my youn ger child was very stubborn. I can still recall now how the younger child insisted on going a broad to study after he finished his secondary school.

5) 当海啸(tsunami)袭来时,许多东南亚国家遭受了巨大的损失。(sustain)

Countries in South East Asia sustained great los

ses when the tsunami struck the area.

6) 每当做母亲的拿弟弟跟哥哥作比较,弟弟就要抗议。(compare with, protest)

Every time the mother tries to compare the youn ger brother with his elder brother, the younger one will protest.

7) 当他初到这个新学校的时候,发现自己与其他同学格格不入。(fit in with)

He found himself unable to fit in with his cla ssmates when he first came to this school.

8) 她脸上气急败坏的表情实在把我吓坏了。我再也不敢说个不字。(terrify)

The fury on her face terrified me. I dared not say no to her again.

9) 怪不得你最后闯出祸来,原来你从来不听你父母的管教。(no wonder, end up in trouble)

No wonder you ended up in trouble. You never f ollowed your parents’advice.

10) 他花了整整两年的时间才慢慢适应了这个新环境。(adapt to)

It took him two years to adapt to the new env ironment.

英语泛读教程3 课文翻译

UNIT 2 英国人的谨慎和礼貌 在许多人看来,英国人极为礼貌,同他们交朋友很难。但愿下列文字能够帮助你更好地了解英国人的性格特点。 对于其他欧洲人来说,英国人最著名的特点是“谨慎”。一个谨慎的人不太会和陌生人聊天,不会流露出太多的情感,并且很少会兴奋。要了解一个谨慎的人并非易事;他从不告诉你有关他自己的任何事,也许你和他工作了几年,却连他住在哪儿,有几个孩子,兴趣是什么,都不知道。英国人就有类似的倾向。如果乘公共汽车去旅行,他们会尽量找一个没人坐的位子;如果是乘火车,他们会找一个没人的单间。如果他们不得不与陌生人共用一个单间时,那么即使火车驶出了很多英里,他们也不会开口交谈。一旦谈起来的话,他们不会轻易问及像“你几岁?”或者甚至“你叫什么名字?”等私人问题。像“你的手表是在哪儿买的?”或者“你的收入是多少?”这样的问题几乎不可想象。同样,在英国,人们交谈时一般声音都很轻、很有节制,大声谈话会被视为没有教养。 在某种程度上,不愿意与他人交流是一种不幸的品质,因为它可能会给人造成态度冷淡的印象。而事实上,英国人(也许除了北方人)并不以慷慨和好客而著称。而另一方面,虽然谨慎使他们不易与人沟通,但他们内心还是很有人情味的。如果一个陌生人或外国人友善地将这种隔阂打破那么一会儿,他们可能会满心欢喜。 与英国人的谨慎紧密相连的品质是英国式的谦逊。在内心深处,英国人可能比任何人都高傲,但是当他们与别人相处时,他们十分看重谦逊的品质,至少要表现出谦虚的样子。自我标榜会被认为没有教养。让我们假设,有一个人非常擅长打网球,但如果有人问他是否是个优秀选手时,他很少会说“是”,不然,人们会认为他很高傲。他可能会作出类似这样的回答,“不算太差,”或者“嗯,我非常喜欢网球。”这样的自我贬低是典型的英国式的。而且当这一品质与他们的谨慎混合在一起时,常常形成一种漠然的气氛,这在外国人看来难于理解,甚至令人恼火。 著名的英国人的幽默感也是大同小异。它的出发点是自我贬低,它的最大对手是高傲,它的理想境界是自嘲的能力——嘲笑自己的错误、自己的失败和窘境,甚至自己的理想。在英国,人们非常看重幽默感,常常能听到“他一点幽默感都没有”这样的批评。幽默感是一种对生活的态度而并非仅仅是开玩笑的能力。这种态度决非残酷、不敬或是怀有恶意的。英国人不会嘲笑一个跛子或者疯子,也不会嘲笑一个悲剧或者一次可敬的失败。同情心或者对艺术技巧的崇敬比嘲笑的份量重得多。 同幽默感一样,运动员精神是英国式的理想,这一点并非所有的英国人都做得到。必须认识到,现代形式的运动几乎都是英国人发明的。拳击、英式足球、网球以及板球都是在英国首次组织并且制定出规则的。规则是运动的精髓,运动员精神是指按照规则从事体育运动的能力,同时也表现在对对手的慷慨大度,以及失败后的良好心态。此外,运动员精神作为一种理想模式也普遍适用于日常生活。其中最基本的生活规则之一就是“不打跌倒的人”。换言之,就是不要利用别人的不幸。英国的男孩子常常在相互交往中把这种运动员精神表现得淋漓尽致。 英国人的另一特点就是礼貌。总的来说,英国式的礼貌习惯都不很正式。所有的礼貌都是建立在这样的基本原则之上:为别人着想,同时也认可别人对你的关心。在麻烦别人时,如:从某人前面经过,或者打断某人的谈话,或者向陌生人请教问题时,要先说“对不起”,为给对方带来的不便预先道歉。“抱歉”一词表示对意外打扰或者违反礼仪的歉意。如果有人提出或者暗示某个要求,如:“我可以借你的钢笔吗嘛?”或者“现在几点了?”或者“还有七码的鞋吗?”,而你无法满足这种要求时,也要说“抱歉”而不是“不”。“请原谅?”是用来要求别人重复所说内容时的礼貌说法。在英国,除了在学校,人们在请求发言时,不再用“请”这个词。在国外非常普遍的词组“不,请”,在英国本土听起来却会很别扭。“好


新世纪综合教程课文翻译 优等生的秘诀 一位研究教育的老师针对成绩优异的学生做过重点研究,发现最聪明的学生不见得总能得高分。根据这位教授、其他教育专家以及优等生们自己的观点,懂得如何充分发挥自己的潜能对于学生来说更为重要。 在班上名列前茅的学生之所以学习优秀,是因为他们掌握了几个人人都可以轻易学到的基本原则。首先,优等生知道如何决定轻重缓急。他们从来不会为了打电话、看电视或者吃零食而牺牲学习时间。换言之,学习总是摆在娱乐之前。另外,优等生们总是注意随时随地学习。有位成绩优异的学生同时也是优秀的运动员,每天利用户外训练时间背生物学术语。而另一位学生则利用每天早上刷牙时间记一个新单词。所有受访的学生无一例外都认为,在什么时间学习完全是个人偏好问题。有些人在夜深人静时学习效果最好,有些人则喜欢趁着自己还能清晰地记得上课所讲的内容,一放学回家就开始学习。尽管如此,所有优等生都一致认为,如果想任何时候都表现优秀,一个主要的因素就是要持之以恒。 学生还必须学会有条理。举个例子,有一位优等生在学校乐队、田径队、橄榄球协会和辩论小组里都很活跃。他透露,他之所以把东西放得井井有条是因为他浪费不起到处找东西的时间。还有一位学生喜欢把当天的笔记马上整理出来并放进用不同颜色标记的文件夹里,以便临近考试时能随时用来复习。优等生们提倡的另一个技巧是有效的阅读,其中包括快速阅读,提高记忆能力以及主动提出问题以便充分理解作者的意思。 对于学生们来说,合理安排时间也同样重要。他们必须懂得如何根据每天的时间表和学习能力来安排做作业和项目的速度,不至于让手头的工作压得喘不过气。能制定时间表不仅让学生能够腾出更多时间来复习和完善功课,而且还能防止他们拖拖拉拉。成绩优异的学生认为,他们成功的一大秘诀就是上课时做好笔记,供复习时使用。有个学生透露,她把从课文上摘抄的内容记在笔记本的一边,把课堂笔记写在另一边。这样,就可同时复习到两方面的内容。她还透露,她不会浪费下课铃响前的几分钟跟朋友交头接耳,准备随时冲出教室。相反,她会利用这几分钟用两三句话概括那节课的要点,然后在下次上课前浏览这些笔记,借以加深印象。 老师们提倡的致胜秘诀是尽力让自己的作业整洁。有位老师说,学生交上整洁作业就已向高分迈进了一步。在课堂上大胆发言和提问也同样重要,这或许是学生澄清疑问的最好办法。课堂参与还能反映一个学生的求知欲。有个学生概括得好,“好成绩来自透彻的理解”。 在一所世界顶级大学进行的一项实验证明了小组学习的价值所在。研究表明,学生们如果一起讨论家庭作业和问题,尝试不同的解决办法,并且互相解释各自的答案,分数就会比那些单独用功的学生要高。实验也证明了学生间互相进行模拟测试或自我测试的好处。这就是说,学生们根据笔记设计可能的试题,在考试前一天相互之间进行书面测试或自测。专家们证实,那些能设计模拟试题的学生,往往会在正式考题中发现很多相同的试题,自然能得高分了。 优等生使用的另一个技巧是超额完成规定的家庭作业。一位学生透露,老师若是布置五道题,她会做上十道。用她的话说,“练习是学习的一部分。练得越多,学到的也越多。”最后一点同样不容忽视:所有的专家和优秀学生都认为,优等生们之所以成功,父母的功劳至关重要。从孩提时起,父母就给他们灌输学习的重要性,为他们制定高标准,并且引导他们达到这些标准。在学习方面他们给孩子以鼓励,而不是代劳。这些父母从不给孩子施加压力,永远都温柔慈爱,不厌其烦地解释和激励。他们使孩子们铭记肩负的责任,而孩子们则将其付诸实践


新世纪综合教程1(第二版)课文翻译 Unit 1 优等生的秘诀 1 一位研究教育的老师针对成绩优异的学生做过重点研究,发现最聪明的学生不见得总能得高分。根据这位教授、其他教育专家以及优等生们自己的观点,懂得如何充分发挥自己的潜能对于学生来说更为重要。 2 在班上名列前茅的学生之所以学习优秀,是因为他们掌握了几个人人都可以轻易学到的基本原则。首先,优等生知道如何决定轻重缓急。他们从来不会为了打电话、看电视或者吃零食而牺牲学习时间。换言之,学习总是摆在娱乐之前。另外,优等生们总是注意随时随地学习。有位成绩优异的学生同时也是优秀的运动员,每天利用户外训练时间背生物学术语。而另一位学生则利用每天早上刷牙时间记一个新单词。所有受访的学生无一例外都认为,在什么时间学习完全是个人偏好问题。有些人在夜深人静时学习效果最好,有些人则喜欢趁着自己还能清晰地记得上课所讲的内容,一放学回家就开始学习。尽管如此,所有优等生都一致认为,如果想任何时候都表现优秀,一个主要的因素就是要持之以恒。 3 学生还必须学会有条理。举个例子,有一位优等生在学校乐队、田径队、橄榄球协会和辩论小组里都很活跃。他透露,他之所以把东西放得井井有条是因为他浪费不起到处找东西的时间。还有一位学生喜欢把当天的笔记马上整理出来并放进用不同颜色标记的文件夹里,以便临近考试时能随时用来复习。优等生们提倡的另一个技巧是有效的阅读,其中包括快速阅读,提高记忆能力以及主动提出问题以便充分理解作者的意思。 4 对于学生们来说,合理安排时间也同样重要。他们必须懂得如何根据每天的时间表和学习能力来安排做作业和项目的速度,不至于让手头的工作压得喘不过气。能制定时间表不仅让学生能够腾出更多时间来复习和完善功课,而且还能防止他们拖拖拉拉。成绩优异的学生认为,他们成功的一大秘诀就是上课时做好笔记,供复习时使用。有个学生透露,她把从课文上摘抄的内容记在笔记本的一边,把课堂笔记写在另一边。这样,就可同时复习到两方面的内容。她还透露,她不会浪费下课铃响前的几分钟跟朋友交头接耳,准备随时冲出教室。相反,她会利用这几分钟用两三句话概括那节课的要点,然后在下次上课前浏览这些笔记,借以加深印象。 5 老师们提倡的致胜秘诀是尽力让自己的作业整洁。有位老师说,学生交上整洁作业就已向高分迈进了一步。在课堂上大胆发言和提问也同样重要,这或许是学生澄清疑问的最好办法。课堂参与还能反映一个学生的求知欲。有个学生概括得好,“好成绩来自透彻的理解”。 6 在一所世界顶级大学进行的一项实验证明了小组学习的价值所在。研究表明,学生们如果一起讨论家庭作业和问题,尝试不同的解决办法,并且互相解释各自的答案,分数就会比那些单独用功的学生要高。实验也证明了学生间互相进行模拟测试或自我测试的好处。这就是说,学生们根据笔记设计可能的试题,在考试前一天相互之间进行书面测试或自测。专家们证实,那些能设计模拟试题的学生,往往会在正式考题中发现很多相同的试题,自然能得高分了。


新一代大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译 UNIT 1 2、Indeed, we might feel as if we are suddenly awash in friends. Yet right before our eyes, we're also changing the way we conduct relationships. Face-to-face chatting is giving way to texting and messaging; people even prefer these electronic exchanges to, for instance, simply talking on a phone.Smaller circles of friends are being partially eclipsed by Facebook acquaintances routinely numbered in the hundreds. Amid these smaller trends, growing research suggests we could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship. Where is all this leading modern-day society? Perhaps to a dark place, one where electronic stimuli slowly replace the joys of human contact.确实如此,我们似乎感到突然之间好友数量井喷。不过,我们眼前也正在改变为人处世的方式。面对面的聊天正在被短信取代;相比打个电话,人们甚至更愿意使用这些电子交流方式。脸谱网上的熟人圈儿动辄数百人,相比之下,现实生活中规模较小的朋友圈则显得黯淡少光。在这些较细微的趋势中,越来越多的研究表明友谊的整个概念正在遭受危机,而我们也许正在一步步地迈向这个危机时代。所有这一切要把现代社会引向何方?也许现代社会就此陷入黑暗深渊,在这个深渊里,人与人之间交往的乐趣慢慢地被电子诱惑所取代。 8、No single person is at fault, of course. The pressures on friendship today are broad. They arise from the demands of work, say, or a general busyness that means we have less quality time for others. How many individuals would say that friendship is the most important thing in their lives, only to move thousands of miles across the continent to take up a better-paid job?当然,这并不是某个人的错。如今,交友压力来自方方面面。比如来自工作压力,或是整天瞎忙,无法和他人享有高质量的沟通时间。有人嘴上说友谊是生命中最重要的东西,却为了一份收入颇丰的工作远赴千里之外。这样的人还少吗? 9、Of course, we learn how to make friends — or not — in our most formative years, as children. Recent studies on childhood, and how the contemporary life of the child affects friendships, are illuminating. Again, the general mood is one of concern, and a central conclusion often reached relates to a lack of what is called "unstructured time."当然,我们是在性格成型的最重要的孩提时期学会如何结交朋友或是如何断交。最近,关于儿童期和儿时生活对交友的影响的研究很有启发性。这些研究再一次关注了风气这个问题,其主要结论都与孩子缺少“计划外时间”有关。 10、Structured time results from the way an average day is parceled up for our kids —time for school, time for homework, time for music practice,


U n i t 1 Something for stevie I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally handicapped employee and wasn’t sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my customers would react. Stevie was short, a little dumpy, with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down’s syndrome. I wasn’t worried about most of my trucker customers. Truckers don’t generally care who buses tables as long as the food is good and the pies are homemade. The ones who concerned me were the mouthy college kids traveling to school; the yuppie snobs who secretly polish their silverware with their napkins for fear of catching some dreaded “truck-stop germ;”and the pairs of white-shirted businessmen on expense accounts who think every truck-stop waitress wants to be flirted with. I knew those people would be uncomfortable around Stevie, so I closely watched him for the first few weeks. I shouldn’t have worried. After the first week, Stevie had my staff wrapped around his little finger. Within a month my trucker regulars had adopted him as their official truck-stop mascot. After that I really didn’t care what the rest of the customers thought. He was a 21-year-old in blue jeans and Nikes, eager to laugh and eager

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress The remaining divisions in American society should not blind us to a half-century of dramatic change By Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom In the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court. Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners? association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association? s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court. But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?” The homeowners didn?t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don?t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.” It?s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well. That?s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another. To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends: A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But it wasn?t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve of


硕士英语综合教程1 (参考答案)硕士英语综合教程1 (参考答案) Unit 1 单选 (1) receiver (2) unfamiliar (3) extreme (4) worsen (5) unsteady (6) destruction (7) relieve (8) with the help of (9) death (10) in the future 完型 (1) embraced(2) sped up(3) running out(4) urgency(5) initiative (6) specific(7) designated(8) contribute(9) incorporate(10) hampering (11) reward(12) involved(13) adverse(14) adaptive(15) vulnerability (16) alternative(17) context(18) due to(19) compensation(20) scheduled 翻译 (1) Bending under the weight of the packs, sweating, they climbed steadily in the pine forest that covered the mountainside. (2) Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly. (4) As social practice continues to develop, we should keep renewing our ideas and make innovations courageously in light of practical needs. (5) Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 3 times in the past few years. (6) The U.S. government has called on people to save water because the scarcity of water has become a source of global tension ecologically, economically and politically. (7) In order to be a recognized leader in the industry, it’s essential for a company to improve production quality and tap the overseas market through the help of state of the art technologies and equipment. Unit 2 单选 (1)reduce (2)noticeable (3)compensation (4)perfect (5)carry out (6)useless (7)strengthen (8)simplity (9)wealthy (10)cultivate 翻译 (1) Aliens in China shall abide by Chinese law and no behaviors will endanger the national security of China , harm its public interests or disturb its public order. (3) When learning any foreign language, one has to learn, first and foremost, its new phonological and grammar systems, which means acquiring a totally unfamiliar set of language learning habits. (4) Financial experts suggest that to the women under 30, the income of this phase in general is the lowest. (5) China will increase dialogue and co operation with the United States and the international community to crack down on all forms of terrorist activities. (6) Now it is time to make a well organized schedule from the list, so you need to put first and urgent things first and set the high priorities. (8) In addition, advertisers appeal to the desire for health and prestige, to the desire to be in style, to pride, and to envy and jealousy. 目前,在我国人均国内生产总值突破1000美元。一些国家和地区的发展历程表明,当一个国家的国内生产总值达到1000美元到3000美元时,这个国家的经济发展就进入了一个关键阶段。在这个阶段,都市化程度加快,收入差距继续加大,社会矛盾变得更加复杂。在国际范围内,不断增长的劳动力成本降低了劳动市场的竞争性。在这个阶段,如果应对合理,经济会平稳发展;否则,极有可能引发社会动荡,造成社会资源浪费,破坏生态环境,导致经济衰退。建设和谐社会的目的就是协调不同部门之间的关系,确保经济快速、可持


危险!书可能会改变你的人生 1 刘易斯?卡罗尔书中的爱丽丝不小心掉进了兔子洞里,但她在那里发现了一个神奇的仙境。当我们打开一本书时,我们也会像爱丽丝那样走进一个全新的世界。我们能从一个年长者的角度,或通过一个孩子的眼睛来观察生活;我们可以周游世界,遍访现实生活中从没想过要访问的国家和文化;我们可以体验未曾经历过的事情,这些事情也许令人困惑,也许引人入胜;可能是不愉快的,也可能是令人痛苦的,但无论如何都至少能把我们从现实世界中解放出来。 2 英国诗人威廉?柯珀(1731—1800)说:“变化是生活的调味品,它让生活变得有滋有味。”虽然他没有说在什么地方以及怎样才能找到变化,但我们知道他说得对。我们知道我们生活在一个充满变化与差异的世界里,我们知道人们的生活各不相同,过日子的方式也不尽相同,人们做不同的工作,有不同的信仰,持不同的观点,有不同的风俗习惯,操不同的语言。通常,我们不知道这些差异的大小,但一旦发生了不平常的事情并引起了我们的注意,这种变化或差异与其说是机会,毋宁说是威胁。 3 读书让我们能够安全地享受和庆贺这种变化与差异,并为我们提供成长的机会。在家里安详平和的环境中与他人的生活互动,这是阅读小说才享有的特权。我们甚至感觉到——哪怕只是在一瞬间——我们和其他文化读者的共同点或许要多于我们和家门口 随便碰到的一个人的共同点。我们学会把目光移出我们周围的环境,投向天边,去领略一下异域风光。 4 如果我们怀疑读书是否能给我们力量的话,我们就应该自己去一趟当地的图书馆或书店,或者,如果我们足够幸运的话,可以读一读家里书架上的书。我们会惊奇于古今小说的标题所创造出来的壮观景象:约翰?斯坦贝克的《愤怒的葡萄》、约翰?欧文的《第四只手》、亚历山大?索尔仁尼琴的《癌病房》、欧内斯特?海明威的《丧钟为谁而鸣》、格雷厄姆?格林的《哈瓦那特派员》、奥黛丽?尼芬格的《时间旅行者的妻子》、保罗? 托迪的《到也门钓鲑鱼》。一旦开始阅读,我们就应该思考一下我们在书中读到的别样人生。 5 每一本书都有自己的语言、方言、词汇和语法。我们不见得总能理解其中的每一个字、每一句话,但不管我们是痴迷其中,还是觉得被排斥在外,我们的情感被调动起来了。尽管在地理上有一定的距离,但其他民族、其他文化未必就离我们那么遥远。在书里我们可能遇见生活在不同气候、有不同信仰、属于不同种族的人。即便是住在同一条街上的邻居,我们也可能对其一无所知,而只能通过阅读结识。


Unit 1 p23-25 第2,3 题 I. Rules and regulations should be strictly followed;no one is supposed to compromise on safety standards. 2.She can' tblame others.She must pay for her self-induced bli ndn ess. 3. He steered the boat carefully between the rocks. 4. An exam iner must have some kno wledge in testi ng;otherwise he cannot frame his questions clearly. 5. His last remark demonstrated his lack of knowledge on this subject. 6. Finally the police had to employ force to break up the crowd. 7. He claims that the new teaching approach helps to promote students ' creative ability. 8. The teachers were most impressed by your performanee in the exam .Your scored 98 marks whereas most of your classmates failed. 9. Among all the workers in terviewed every one agreed that Martin had made an important contribution to the company ' s success. 10.1 know you did it deliberately ,just to annoy me. II. We should try our best to help those who are in financial difficulty and cannot pay their tuition fees on time. 12. The fast economic growth of our country has attracted the atte ntio n of many econo mists,who all thi nk that is a miracle.


第一单元绝不屈服,绝不,绝不,绝不 丘吉尔 1距离上次你们校长盛情邀请我来这里已经快一年了,上次来是为了通过演唱我们自己的校歌来鼓舞我自己以及其他一些朋友的心灵的。在过去的十个月里,世界上发生了许多极为悲惨的事情——起起伏伏,多灾多难——但今天下午,这个十月的下午,在座的有谁能对过去这段时间所发生的事情以及我们国家和家园所发生的巨大改进不充满感激之情?是啊,当上次我来这里的时候,我们都非常的孤独,充满了绝望的孤独,这种状况持续了大约五六个月。我们当时的装备很差,而如今我们的装备已不再这么差了;但当时我们的装备的确非常差。我们受到了敌人的巨大威胁,他们的空袭至今仍在我们头顶上轰鸣,你们大家一定经历过这种空袭;我想你们大家一定开始对目前的这种局面感到烦躁,因为这种局面已经持续了很久而毫无转机。 2但我们必须学会正确对待这两种情况:不管是短暂激烈的,还是长期艰难地。人们通常都认为英国人总是在最后表现得最好。他们不想从一种危机转入另一种危机;他们不会总是期待战争每一天都会出现好的转机;但当他们慢慢下定决心要结束这一切的时候,那么,即使是要花费几个月,甚至数年的时间,他们也会做的。 3让我们把思绪拉到十个月之前我们在此相遇的情景,然后再转到现在。另外一个我想我们可以吸取的教训是,表面的东西往往具有欺骗性。正如吉普林所说的,我们必须“去面对胜利和灾难,并对这两种具有欺骗性的东西保持同样的态度。” 4你很难从事情的表面判断它的走势。尽管离开了想象力就做不了多少事情,但想象有时候会让事情看起来比实际情况更糟。那些富有想象力的人会发现很多也许根本就不存在的危险;也许会有更多的危险发生,但这些人同时也要祈求能被赐予额外的勇气来承受这种深远的想象力。但对所有人来说,毫无疑问,我们在这段时期所经历的——我要告诉你们——从这10个月的经历中所得到的经验就是:绝不屈服,绝不屈服,绝不,绝不,绝不,绝不——屈服于任何东西,不管它是伟大还是渺小,庞大还是细微——除了对荣誉和机智外,都绝不屈服。不屈从于暴力,不屈从于表面上气势汹汹的敌人。一年前我们孤军奋战,对许多国家来说,我们的命运似乎终止了,我们似乎完蛋了。我们所有的传统,我们的歌曲,我们学校的历史,这个国家的这一段历史,似乎都要随风而去了。 5如今大家的心情已完全不同。其他国家都认为英国已经翻开了新的一页,但其实我们的国家是站在一个缺口上。没有退缩,没有屈服的念头;这些对于英伦三岛以外的人来说都是奇迹般的事情,我们自己从来没有怀疑过,我们发现自己现在正处在这种局势中,就是我所说的,坚持就是胜利。 6你们今天唱了一段校歌:你们唱了特别为我所做的那段,你们今天一起重复了那段,我深感荣幸。但其中有一个词我想改一下——去年我就想改了,但当时没敢改。就是那句:“即使对最黑暗的日子,我们也要赞颂它。” 7我已经征得了校长的同意,将“更黑暗”改为“更严峻”。“即使是对更严峻的日子,我们也要称颂它。” 8让我们不要再谈及那些更黑暗的日子,而谈及那些更严峻的日子吧。这段时光并不是黑暗的日子;这些是伟大的日子——我们国家所经历的最伟大的一段日子;我们每个人都该感谢上帝能够允许我们参与其中,我们都各负其责,使这段日子在我们人类历史上留下永恒的印迹。


several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible could never recall his whole dream, only remembered that someone was running after was trying to get away,but in his dream he could not move。he continued having this nightmare for months。he was so tired in the morning that it was hard for him to go to work。Joseph,you see,is not a frightened child,but a grown man。 Milton Kramer is a psychiatrist and dream researcher Cincinnati, believes that it is very important that people don't ignore their dreams,because they are messages from our sleeping Kramer studied dreams and dreamers,he found that people wake up feeling very discouraged after they have a bad also found that after having a good dream,people feel more ,dreams can have harmful or beneficial a result,Kramer believes that we need to learn how to change our bad we understand what happened in our dreams,we can change negative,hurtful dreams to positive,helpful ones。 Before we can begin to change a nightmare,however,we first have to remember what happened in our say there are many ways to do can keep a journal or diary of what we do when we are awake. Then,before going to sleep,we can review our practice helps us to stay in we wake up,we should lie still while we try to remember our researchers say that by staying in the same sleeping positive,we are more likely to recall the should also try to remember an important word or picture from the image makes the rest of the dream easier to longer we sleep,the longer and more complex our dreams will be. Cartwright is a dream researcher, has developed another dream therapy for changing to ,dream therapy involves four simple steps you can learn on your first step is to recognize when you are having a bad dream that will make you feel helpless or upset the next second step is to identify what it is about the dream that makes you feel bad-for example,weak instead of strong,or out of control instead of in control. Next,stop any bad do not have to continue your bad dream,because you are in last step is to change the negative part of the you may have to wake yourself up and change the dream before you return to times it is possible to change the dream while you are still asleep. By using dream therapy,Joseph was able to change his ,his bad dreams stopped
