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1词义修辞格(Lexical Stylistic Devices)

metaphor(比喻), metonymy(借代), personification(拟人), irony(反语), hyperbole(夸张), understatement(低调), euphemism(委婉语), contrast(对照), oxymoron(矛盾修辞法), transferred epithet(移就), pun(双关), syllepsis(异叙), zeugma(粘连), parody(仿拟), paradox(隽语)

2结构修辞格(Syntactical Stylistic Devices)

repetition(反复), catchword repetition(联珠), chiasmus(回文), parallelism(平行结构), antithesis(反对), rhetoric question(设问), anticlimax(突降)

3音韵修辞格(Phonetic Stylistic Devices)

alliteration(头韵), onomatopoeia(拟声

1.Parody(仿拟)如果译者功底不凡,能知作者之所“仿”,那么,理解与翻译也就“水到渠成”。如:Clearly, when it comes to marriage, practicing beforehand doesn’t make perfect. 可以译成:显然,在婚姻问题上,婚前同居并不能令婚姻生活趋于完美。再如:When flu hits below the belt, it can be a challenge to keep down anything more nourishing than tea and water.

词典对成语hits below the belt的通常解释是:用不正当手段打人(原指拳击中打对方的下身)。若是照搬,译文就会闹笑话。对待“仿拟”修辞格的方法之一是还原。所谓还原,即故意撇开成语的引申义,而“硬”用其字面义。如:若流感影响到了肠胃,那就只能饮用点茶水,要吃下其他东西就非常困难了。再如:Little John was born with a silver spoon in a mouth, which was rather curly and large. 英语成语to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth的含义是“出生在富贵之家”。这里,作者不用此引申义,而用字面意思。试译:小约翰嘴形弯曲,且大得出奇,好像生下来的时候嘴中含了一把银勺子似的。

2.Syllepsis(异叙)此修辞格的特点是用一个词(动词、形容词或介词)同时与两个词或者更多相搭配,巧用一词多义的特点。如:He first put a club in my hand when I was about ten.

I threw a lot of tantrums in the upland hills of North Carolina, and clubs too. I was in such a rush to be good that he would urge me to “relax and enjoy the round. The game ends far too soon.”I didn’t have a clue what he meant. 试译:他第一次把高尔夫球棒放在我手里的时候,我大概十岁。在北卡罗来纳州的山中,我一次次发脾气,一次次把球棒扔掉。我急于求成,老爸总是劝我“放松点,慢慢打,比赛结束得太快了。”我一点儿也不明白他的意思。再如:By day’s end, I had drilled 4216 holes to a depth of 18 inches, and I had lost mine pounds, my hearing, feeling in both hands and the ability to lift anything heavier than the evening paper. 试译:一天快结束的时候,我已经钻了4216个深达18英寸的洞,为此,我失去了9磅体重,失去了听力,失去了双手的感觉,还失去了举起比一张晚报更重的东西的臂力。

3metonymy(借代)借代一般可以保留原文的修辞方式,不会引起误会,同时让译文多了一份词趣。如:So, during any five-week shape-up, focus more on the tape measure than on the bathroom scale. 译文A:因此,在此五周的减肥期内,要更多地注重自己的腰围,而不是自己的体重。译文B:因此,在此五周的减肥期内,把注意力放在量腰围的卷尺上,而不是放在浴室的磅秤上。

4pun(双关)有许多看似无法在译文中挽留的原文形式的神韵和风采在译文中却得以挽留。如:First gentleman: Thou art always figuring disease in me, but thou art full of error, I am sound. Lucio: Nay, not as one would say, healthy; but so sound as things that are hollow; impiety has made a feast of thee. (整个对话之谐趣尽系双关词汇sound。)试译:绅士甲:你总以为我有那种病,其实你大错特错,我的身体响当当的。路奇奥:响当当的,可并不结实,就像空心的东西那样响当当的,你的骨头都空了,好色的毛病把你掏空了。


并不意味译者就无所作为。如下的两段译文就做了成功的尝试。如:Change is part of life and the making of character, hon. When the things happen that you do not like, you have two choices: You get bitter or better. 试译:变化是生活的一部分,而且也塑造了人的意志品德,亲爱的。当你不喜欢的事情发生了,你有两种选择:要么痛苦不堪;要么痛快达观。再如:Predictably, the winter will be snowy, sleety, and slushy. 试译:可以预言,今年冬天将多雪,多冻雨,多泥泞。(原句当中的snowy, sleety, slushy也是非常漂亮的押头韵,译者殚精竭虑,用心可嘉。)6metaphor(比喻)这个metaphor并非狭隘意义上的把A比作B的不使用比喻词(如as, like, as if等)的暗喻,而是广义上的英语词汇的比喻义。换言之,也就是英语词汇denotation(本义)之外的connotation(转义)。Peter Newmark在A Textbook of Translation中把英语中的比喻分成四类,令人耳目一新have suggested elsewhere that there are four types of metaphor: fossilized, stock, recently created and original. 第一类:有学生在作文中写出如下句子:In the middle of the picnic, it started to rain cats and dogs, and everybody got soaked. 该句子被改为:While we were busy eating a picnic, a storm cloud suddenly appeared and everybody got soaked. 在A Dictionary of American Idioms中,写道:rain cats and dogs: To rain very hard; come down in torrents------A cliché. 美国朋友说: If you use this metaphor, I will doubt if you are my grandfather’s uncle! 第二类:stock(常用的)这是指已被收入词典,但并不属于cliché范畴的比喻。如:flood一词的用法。She was in a flood of tears. (她泪流如注。) The corridors were flooded with girls. (走廊里挤满了女孩子。) Strawberries flooded the market and prices dropped down. (草莓充斥市场,价格下跌。) 第三类的标准应该是:至少目前商未被收入词典,同时又让人接受,并感到新意扑面。如在一篇名为Rescue of A Newborn 中有三个句子:A. I focused on a small blob in the mud amid the columns of legs and trunks. B. I suddenly came upon a wall of feeding elephants. C. …grabbed their lost baby and tugged her gently into a stockade of legs. 第四类:original这种比喻并非随处可见,唾手可得。它是灵感思维的产物。这种比喻在词典上无踪影可觅,而且连参照物可能也没有。如:Jeff Rennicke在A Promise of Spring 中开卷段是:Nothing. No tracks but my own are stitched into the dusting of fresh snow, white as birch bark, that fell during the night. No flittering shadows in the trees, not a sliver of bird song in the air. 试译:白茫茫的一片。没有别的什么踪迹,只有我的脚印如细密的针脚印在积雪上。积雪白如桦树皮,是昨夜落下的。在树上没有鸟儿轻捷的身影,在空中也听不到鸟儿一丝的啁啾。


一是保留原文的形象,即: to find an equivalent image. 如:Ani began pounding and yelling to be let out as the car screeched from the parking lot. But rock music blaring from the radio speakers drowned him out. 试译:当汽车从停车场急速驶过时,Ani开始猛烈敲打和大声呼喊,但是从车内喇叭发出的摇滚音乐淹没了他发出的声音。再如:The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano. 那年夏天,在城市大贫民区巡逻的警察如同坐在火山口上。

二是实行翻译的“补偿原则”(compensation)。所谓以补偿方法译比喻,就是在寻找对等形象无门的情况下,使用变通的方法,尽可能地对译文中比喻形象的流失作某些补偿,以求得译文与原文大致相等的可读性。如:Cavorting and diving at breathtaking speeds, the beautiful birds (指鹰) mirrored each other in flight. A. 在空中翻飞嬉戏,时作闪电式俯冲,矫健的鹰双双携游于碧空。B. 在空中翻飞嬉戏,时作闪电式俯冲,矫健的鹰比翼齐飞,形影相随。再如:But after six years of a stormy marriage, Cewe decided to end it. She didn’t want her son to grow up thinking that kind of relationship was normal. 试译:六载婚姻生活,风雨交加,Cewe 决定结束这种婚姻。她不愿让她儿子在这样的环境里长大成人,并误以为这样的关系是正常

的。又如:Rudy knew they had severed the wrong rope and that it was the thick tow line that trapped him. “Try cutting the other rope!”said Rudy, his hopes, and his grip, eroding. 试译:Rudy发现他们割错了绳子,是那根粗的牵引绳缠住了他。“把另一根绳子割断!”Rudy说。此刻,他的希望,他的握力,似油将尽、灯将灭。再如:The following week was family conference, something I dreaded. This was the day the dirty laundry got hung out to air in a private session between parent, child and counselor. 试译:下周将开家长会,这正是我害怕的。在这一天,家长、孩子和辅导员将开私下的碰头会,列数孩子做的坏事。再如:The operation may not succeed; it’s a gamble whether he lives or dies. 手术不一定成功,能否保住他的生命没有把握。


我们先来看一下双关的定义。Pun:humorous use of a word that has two meanings or different words that sound the same.双关指的是利用词的一词多义现象或同音异义现象产生出的词的

诙谐用法。课文的标题Hiroshi-ma-the"Liveliest"City in Japan中liveliest一词用引号是有意识表明,人们竟然把一个遭受原子弹轰炸的城市说成是"最快活的",真是莫大的讥讽(sarcasm),同时也在进行今昔对比,可谓一语双关。

2 修辞疑问句(rhetorical question)


文中"Was I not at the scene of the crime?"就是这类起修辞作用的一般疑问句。这种疑问句通常不需要对方给予回答,而只是为了强调,加深印象或达到某种其他的修辞效果。这一句实际上等同于"Really I was at the scene of the crime."。

3.隐喻(metaphor)隐喻使用的字词表述了不同于字词表面意义的事物,即:一件事是用表示另一件事的词语来描述的,以使人们想到两者之间相似或达到类似的目的。例如:德莱顿讲到莎士比亚时说"莎士比亚不用透过书本这面镜子观察社会和自然。"德莱顿使用了隐喻,把冗长的明喻表述凝结化简了。在课文"The usher bowed deeply and heaved a long,almost musical sign when I showed him the invitation which the mayor had sent me in response to my request foran interview."一句中,"musical"一词在这里用作隐喻。此语相当于heaved a long sign almost like playing music,把本来很尴尬的场面变得很轻松。课文里"Those are mylucky birds.Each day I escape death,each day of suffering that helps to free me from earthly cares,I make a new little paper bird,and add it to the others."其中"care"的本义是"关心、爱护",此处用其引申义,即cause of sorrow,abyss of misery(忧伤之事,苦海)。这也是一种隐喻修辞方法。

课文中还有一处"Serious looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them,and bobbed up down repeatedly in little bows,as they exchanged the ritual formula of gratitude and respect:"Tomo aligato gozayimas."此句中bob up and down本义为move up and down(上下运动,上下移动),也用了隐喻,用来比喻人们鞠躬的样子或姿势,即bow repeated-ly,使滑稽之态跃然纸上。

4 象征性修辞手法(symbolism)



本文中"The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and miniskirt."用"kimono(和服)"和"miniskirt(超短裙)"分别象征旧与新或东方与西方。

5 渐降(anti-climax)


文中"Seldom has city gained such world renown,and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima,a town known through about world for its-oysters."本来市长大谈牡蛎而只字不提原子弹带来的灾难,是因为他不想使在场的美国人陷入难堪的境地,同时也是希望人们忘掉过去的悲剧。而且广岛的牡蛎也的确驰名于世。

6 层递(climax)


"No one talks about it any more,and no one wants to,especially the people who were born here or who lived through it."这里作者采用了层递修辞法,从"没有人提它了"到"不想提它了"再进为"更不想提它了",使程度渐次加深,语义逐渐强化,深刻地阐明了作者的观点,同时也打动了读者的心弦。

7 头韵(alliteration)


"I felt sick and ever since then they have been testing and treating me.""testing"和"treating"用在




1) Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country./ This elephant is like

a snake as anybody can see.

2) Metaphor:(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, the world is a stage./ The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.

3) Analogy: (类比)It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.

4) Personification: (拟人)It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes(赋予) to inanimate(无生命的) objects, or to ideas and abstractions(抽象). For example, the wind whistled through the trees.

5) Hyperbole: (夸张)It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. For instance, he almost died laughing.

6) Understatement: (含蓄陈述)It is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement. It achieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately(故意地) understating it, impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement. For instance, It is no laughing matter.

7) Euphemism: (委婉)It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive(无冒犯) expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. For instance, we refer to "die" as”pass away".

8) Metonymy (转喻)It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the mane of one thing for that of another. For instance, the pen (words) is mightier than the sword (forces). 借代(metonymy)是指两种不同事物并不相似,但又密不可分,因而常用其中一种事物名称代替另一种。

1、Several years later, word came that Napoleonyh himself was coming to inspect them...


“word”在这里代替了“news, information”(消息、信息)

2、Al spoke with his eyes,“yes”.



9) Synecdoche (提喻)It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part. For instance, they say there's bread and work for all. She was dressed in silks.

10) Antonomasia (换喻)It has also to do with substitution. It is not often mentioned now, though it is still in frequent use. For example, Solomon for a wise man. Daniel for a wise and fair judge. Judas for a traitor.

11) Pun: (双关语)It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words. For instance, a cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms. (Here "arms" has two meanings: a person's body; weapons carried by a soldier.)/ Napoleon was astonished.”Either you are mad, or I am,”he declared. “Both,sir!”cried the Swede proudly. “Both”一词一语双关,既指拿破仑和这位士兵都是疯子,又指这位战士参加过拿破仑指挥的两次战役

12) Syllepsis: (一语双叙)It has two connotations.

In the first case, it is a figure by which a word, or a particular form or inflection of a word, refers to two or more words in the same sentence, while properly applying to or agreeing with only on of them in grammar or syntax(句法). For example, He addressed you and me, and desired us to follow him. (Here us is used to refer to you and me.)

In the second case, it a word may refer to two or more words in the same sentence. For example, while he was fighting , and losing limb and mind, and dying, others stayed behind to pursue education and career. (Here to losing one's limbs in literal; to lose one's mind is figurative, and means to go mad.)

13) Zeugma: (轭式搭配)It is a single word which is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, wither properly applying in sense to only one of them, or applying to them in different senses. For example, The sun shall not burn you by day, nor the moon by night. (Here noon is not strong enough to burn)

14) Irony: (反语)It is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. For instance, we are lucky, what you said makes me feel real good.

15) Innuendo: (暗讽)It is a mild form of irony, hinting in a rather roundabout (曲折)way at

something disparaging(不一致) or uncomplimentary(不赞美) to the person or subject mentioned. For example, the weatherman said it would be worm. He must take his readings in a bathroom. 16) Sarcasm: (讽刺)It Sarcasm is a strong form of irony. It attacks in a taunting and bitter manner, and its aim is to disparage, ridicule and wound the feelings of the subject attacked. For example, laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps break through.

17) Paradox: (似非而是的隽语)It is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or proposition which on the face of it seems self-contradictory, absurd or contrary to established fact or practice, but which on further thinking and study may prove to be true, well-founded, and even to contain a succinct point. For example more haste, less speed.

18) Oxymoron: (矛盾修饰)It is a compressed paradox, formed by the conjoining(结合) of two contrasting, contradictory or incongruous(不协调) terms as in bitter-sweet memories, orderly chaos(混乱) and proud humility(侮辱).

19) Antithesis: (对照)It is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve emphasis. For example, speech is silver; silence is golden.

20) Epigram: (警句)It states a simple truth pithily(有利地) and pungently(强烈地). It is usually terse and arouses interest and surprise by its deep insight into certain aspects of human behavior or feeling. For instance, Few, save the poor, feel for the poor.

21) Climax: (渐进)It is derived from the Greek word for "ladder" and implies the progression of thought at a uniform or almost uniform rate of significance or intensity, like the steps of a ladder ascending evenly. For example, I came, I saw, I conquered.

22) Anti-climax or bathos: (突降)It is the opposite of Climax. It involves stating one's thoughts in

a descending order of significance or intensity, from strong to weak, from weighty to light or frivolous. For instance, But thousands die, without or this or that, die, and endow(赋予) a college, or a cat.

23) Apostrophe:(顿呼)In this figure of speech, a thing, place, idea or person (dead or absent) is addressed as if present, listening and understanding what is being said. For instance, England! awake! awake! awake!

24) Transferred Epithet: (转类形容词)It is a figure of speech where an epithet (an adjective or descriptive phrase) is transferred from the noun it should rightly modify(修饰) to another to which it does not really apply or belong. For instance, I spent sleepless nights on my project.

25) Alliteration: (头韵)It has to do with the sound rather than the sense of words for effect. It is a device that repeats the same sound at frequent intervals(间隔) and since the sound repeated is usually the initial consonant sound, it is also called "front rhyme". For instance, the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free. 头韵法(alliteration)在文句中有两个以上连结在一起的词或词组,其开头的音节有同样的字母或声音,以增强语言的节奏感。How and why he had come to Princeton, New Jersey is a story of struggle, success, and sadness.

26) Onomatopoeia: (拟声)It is a device that uses words which imitate the sounds made by an object (animate or inanimate), or which are associated with or suggestive(提示的) of some action or movement. Eg: On the root of the school house some pigeons were softly cooing./ She brought me into touch with everything that could be reached or felt——sunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one.


修辞格的翻译方法 修辞格一般都具有形式独特新颖、内容丰富、功能生动鲜明等特点。翻译英语修辞格力求译文能有效地再现原文的精神和风格。 英译汉中常见的修辞格,包括音韵修辞格、词义修辞格、句法修辞格等,本文着重介绍了修辞格的翻译方法,包括直译、加注、意译法、替换法、归化、切分等,并通过一些实例来阐述。 一般说来,修辞格的翻译原则是形似不如神似重要,因为英汉两种语言在修辞手法修辞格的翻译上存在许多差异,为了使译文符合译入语的语言规范和表达习惯。总的来说,英语修辞格的译法主要有直译、加注、意译、归化、切分、数种译法并用等。 (一)直译法在英汉两种语言的修辞手法和比喻形象无甚差异的情况下,就可采用直译。直译既可传达原文的意义,又可保持原文的修辞风格,丰富译文的语言表达能力。 His present hunger awoke and gnawed at him.这会儿,他肚子里的饥饿又苏醒过来撕咬着他。 (二)加注法加注也是丰富译文语言表达的一种有效方法。它既能传达原文的意思和神韵,又能扩展读者的知识面,尤其原文所用的典故在上下文中起比较重要的作用时,使用加注能收到比较好的效果。 Christ,to hear some of th ose sailor’s myths,you’dthink bloody Fort know was on every ship that sailed.天哪,要是听信有些水手的胡说八道,你会以为每条出海的船上都有该死的诺克斯堡哩。(注:诺克斯

堡是美国一个军事保留地,是美国黄金仓库的所在地。) (三)意译法由于许多英语修辞手法或比喻形象本身是特有的,如保留其形象就会危害其义。 如英语的头韵法,其搭配可以千变万化,很难碰巧找到这样的汉语搭配,即使勉强凑韵,也不一定能表达原文的意思。 在这种情况下,必须首先保证译文能正确传达原文的思想内容,然后尽一切可能去表现原文的节奏和旋律。 safe and sound安然无恙 now and never机不可失 (1)He is the mouth of the House in its relations with the crown.他是议会对王室的发言人。 (2)He took his time and the floor.他不慌不忙,翩然起舞。 (四)替换法 替换法有两种情况, 一是用其他修辞格翻译某种达到原文具有的效果, 二是保留修辞格,但是在内容上做少许变动,而不会影响效果。 第一种情况的例子: (1)Anna was thin and black,a very umbrella of awomen.安娜是个又瘦又黑的女人,简直像一把雨伞。 (2)(2)They went to the funeral with weeping eyes andhearts.他们向墓地走去,眼里流泪,心里滴血。 第二种情况可以拿比喻的翻译作例,比喻在英汉两种语言中都是应用


Simile 1.They are like the musketeers of Dumas … their thoughts and feelings. 2.The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion…ends of the earth. 3.…like clouds of flies. 4.Everything is done… like inverted capital Ls… 5.And really it was like watching a …armed men,flowing peacefully up the r oad,while the great white birds drifted over them in the opposite directi on,glittering like scraps of paper. 6.My brain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemist’s scales, as penetrating as a scalpel. 7.Same age,… but dumb as an ox. 8.Peter lay … coat huddled like a great hairy… 9.It was like digging a tunnel. 10.I leaped to my feet, bellowing like a bull. 11.Grandmother Macleod, her delicately featured face as rigid as a cameo… 12.… the fragrant globes hanging like miniature scarlet lanterns on the thin hairy stems. 13.At night the lake was like black glass… 14.The jukebox was booming like tuneful thunder… metaphor 1.The fact that their marriages may be on the rocks,or that their love affairs have been broken or even that they got out of bed on the wrong side is simpl y not a concern. 2.…did not delve intoeach other’s lives or the recesses of their thoughts and f eeling. 3.It was on such … suddenly the alchemy of conversation … was a focus. 4.The glow of the conversation burst into flames. 5.We had traveled in five minutes to Australia. 6.The conversation was on wings. 7.As we listen… to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant. 8.I have an unending love affair with dictionaries…of common sense. 9.Even with the most educated and the most literate,the King’s English slips and slides in conversation. 10.When E.M.Forster writes of -the sinister corridor of our age,we sit up at t he vividness of the phrase,the force and even terror in the image. 11.They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years,…are gone. 12.Down the centre…a little river of urine. 13.…in the past,… by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside. 14.But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. 15.And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. 16.… we renew our pledge of support: to prevent it from becoming merely a


论朱自清《春》修辞格的运用特点 【摘要】朱自清是我国著名的散文家更是运用修辞艺术的高手。他的写景抒情散文之所以漂亮动人其中很大的成分是善于运用各种修辞格。在他的写景抒情散文《春》一文中运用的修辞手法多达惊人的程度。本文旨在通过对《春》一文中比喻、比拟、排比、对偶、引用等修辞格的运用分析探寻朱自清散文《春》的情感基调。 【关键词】朱自清修辞格春修辞效果 《春》一文是朱自清先生大致写于1928——1937年间描写自然风光的散文精品。在写此文时朱自清已经没有了初期创作诗文时的那种淡淡的哀怨情调而在此之前朱自清的多数诗文都表现出一种哀怨的情绪即使有高兴的成分也表现得很淡。但在《春》一文中作者却鲜明地表现出新鲜的格调和欢乐喜悦的情绪。在大自然中他发现了美和希望于是欣喜万状饱含乐观地写下了著名散文——《春》。春本来是自然界的一个季节概念但是本文却赋予了它以轻松愉悦的感情和充沛的生命力喜悦、兴奋之情溢于言表这从它所运用的大量修辞格可以很鲜明地看出来。《春》这篇文章不记标点正文共634个字10个自然段30句话可是运用修辞格的句子多得达到了惊人的程度。本文旨在通过对《春》一文中所运用到的比喻、比拟、排比、对偶、引用等各种修辞格部分句子的分析探寻《春》一文所表现出的感情基调。 一、比喻的运用 比喻是文学创作中一种常用的手法。比喻是根据人们的联想抓住本质不同的两种或两种以上事物之间的相似点用一事物来描写另一事物的修辞方式。比喻由四个要素组成即本体、喻体、比喻词和相似点。本体即是被描写的事物比喻词是连接本体和喻体的。这类比喻词一般是“像”、“仿佛”、“好象”相似点即是本体和喻体所相似的地方。比喻常用的有三种形式即明喻、暗喻、借喻。运用比喻是为了使文章更生动形象。由于它具有生动、形象具体的特性因而使文章更具有吸引力它能更好地打动和抒发人们的感情。例如①野花遍地是杂样儿有名字的没名字的散在草丛里象眼睛象星星 2 还眨呀眨的。②雨是最寻常的一下就是三两天。可别恼。看象牛毛象花针象细丝。例①的描写给予鲜花以生动形象的精巧比喻。“象眼睛”、“象星星”两个比喻在这句话中是比较有条理讲究顺序不能颠倒的。首先把散在草丛里的遍地鲜花比作“眼睛”接着才是“星星”。因为眼睛是人们心灵的一个窗口是获取外界信息的一个渠道而星星有一种可爱的情态包含其中虽然两者都有“眨呀眨的”共性但眼睛没有星罗棋布的特点而星星又无眉目传情的妙处。所以这种可爱的情态只有通过眼睛才能传达出来因此这里作者独具匠心巧妙地用了“眼睛”和“星星”作比达到一种以目传情的修辞效果不仅传达出遍地野花的一种娇柔可爱并且运用这种修辞使作者融情于景表达出作者对春的一种喜爱之情。例②写春雨“象牛毛、象花针、象细丝”三个明喻构成连用组成了一个排比句。用牛毛、花针、细丝作比写出了春雨细、密、柔的特点这种连喻抹浓了细雨蒙蒙的意境把春天所特有的景象——春雨写得栩栩如生含不尽喜爱、愉悦之情。这种对春雨细腻、温柔的描写甚至含着作者无比的怜爱之情生怕一不小心被风一吹就断了或是消失了似的。以上两个例子本体分别是“散在草丛里的野花”和“春雨”而比喻词都是“象”用明喻的手法把“散在草丛里的野花”比作“眼睛”、“星星”使其更形象生动更显其可爱的情态同样用明喻的手法把“春雨”比作“牛毛”、“花针”、“细丝”形象地表现出“春雨”的特点使《春》一文更具吸引力从中可以看出作者把自己细腻的感情融入其中表达出自己对春的喜爱和怜爱之情 二、比拟的运用


1. 明喻simile Simile refers to a direct comparison between two or more things, normally introduced by like or as. He has been as drunk as a fiddler’s bitch. 1. 他醉得像小提琴手的母狗。 2. 他曾喝得酊名大醉/烂醉如泥。 If We haven’t got any money, we can’t buy a television.It’s as plain as the nose on your face. 1. 如果我们没有钱,就不能买电视机。这就像脸上的鼻子一样清楚明了。 2. 没有钱我们就不能买电视机。这就像秃子头上的虱子——明摆着的事。 Mr. Smith may serve as a good secretary, for he is as close as an oyster. 史密斯先生可以当个好秘书,因为他嘴巴紧得像牦蛎. 史密斯先生可以当个好秘书,因为他守口如瓶。 I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. 2. 隐喻metaphor Metaphor is an implied comparison between two or more things achieved by identifying one with the other. That lady tries to make sheep’s eyes at her new boss. 1. 那位女士想向新老板投去绵羊之眼。 2. 那位女士想向新老板献媚。 Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. It grows louder and more distinct, until you round a corner and see a fairyland of dancing flashes, as the burnished copper catches the light of innumerable lamps and braziers. The dye-market, the pottery-market, and the carpenters’ market lie elsewhere in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar. It is a vast ,somber cavern of a room ,some thirty feet high and sixty feet square , and so thick with the dust of centuries that the mudbrick roof are only dimly visible. Churchill, he reverted to this theme, and I asked whether for him, the arch anti-communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon. I see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land ,guarding the fields which their fathers have tilled from time immemorial. I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky ,street smarting from many a British whipping


弥补法——对不能译的辞格,尽可能补救 这类修辞格一般都在字形、宇音、词性、词的结构、词的缩减、词义更换、字的排列等方面做文章,而这些原文的特点是无法传达到译文中去的。对这些不能译的修辞格,我们可采取不同的方法。对那些非译不可、不译就会严重影响原作思想力度或情节发展的修辞格,我们应尽可能地加以补救,如换格、加重语气、加上脚注。对那些与原作思想力度和情节发展无重大关系的修辞格,我们可以干脆不译。对诗词对联中不能译的修辞格,我们最好能作一个简短的说明,让不懂原文的人领悟到原文修辞格的妙处,笔译、口译皆如此。 (一) 联边;头韵;转品;歇后 . 联边 联边是汉语里特有的修辞格。在特定的语义环境中,让个以上在一起的汉字使用同一偏旁部首,让读者看了这反复使用的偏旁,就能联想起与这偏旁有关的形象,这种修辞手法叫做联边。由于汉语是象形文字,英语是拼音文字,英语无法把汉语偏旁反复使用的形式以及由此产生的联想也翻译出来。如: ) 浩海汪洋波涛涌溪河注满 雷霆霹雳霭雪雾霖雨秀霏(旧时“海神庙”对联) (下联里的“云”字一定要用繁体字,否则就无法达到联边的目的。) ) 梧桐枝横杨柳树 汾河浪激泗洲滩(《古今巧联妙对趣话》) (上海市青浦县有条汾河,汾河的急流之处叫泗洲滩。) ) 宠宰宿寒家,穷窗寂寞 客官寓宦宫,富室宽容 (明朝宰相叶向高一次夜宿新科状元家,状元出了这里的上联,叶向高对出了这儿的下联。) ) 清朝,侍郎毕某宴请尚书王某,约蒲松龄作陪,三人饮酒属对。毕侍郎彬彬有礼,出了第一联: 三字同头左右友, 三字同旁沽清酒, 今日幸会左右友, 聊表寸心沽清酒。 王尚书盛气凌人,出了第二联: 三字同头官宦家, 三字同旁绸缎纱, 若非当朝官宦家, 谁人配穿绸缎纱。 蒲松龄不畏权贵,出了第三联 三字同头哭骂咒, 三字同旁狼狐狗, 山野声声哭骂咒, 只道道多狼狐狗。 ) 烟锁池塘柳, 炮镇海城楼。 (上下联各在其偏旁包含“金木水火土”五行。) ) 逍遥近道边,憩息慰务懑,


Unit 1 Middle Eastern Bazaar 1. Onomatopoeia: is the formation of words in imitation o the sounds associated with the thing concerned. e.g. 1) tinkling bells (Para. 1) 2) the squeaking and rumbling (Para. 9) 2. Metaphor: is the use of a word or phrase which describes one thing by stating another comparable thing without using “as” or “like”. e.g. 1) the heat and glare of a big open square (Para. 1) 2) …in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar (Para. 7) 3. alliteration: is the use of several words in close proximity beginning with the same letter or letters. e.g. 1) …thread their way among the throngs of people (Para. 1) 2)…make a point of protesting 4. Hyperbole: is the use of a form of words to make sth sound big, small, loud and so on by saying that it is like something even bigger, smaller, louder, etc. e.g. a tiny restaurant (Para. 7) a flood of glistening linseed oil (Para. 9) 5.Antithesis: is the setting, often in parallel structure, of contrasting words or phrases opposite each other for emphasis. e.g. 1) …a tiny apprentice blows a big charcoal fire with a huge leather bellows…(Para. 5) 2) …which towers to the vaulted ceiling and dwarfs the camels and their stone wheels. (Para. 5) 6. Personification: a figure of speech in which inanimate objects are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form. e.g. …as the burnished copper catches the light of …(Para.5) Unit 2 V: Figures of speech Metaphor: 暗喻 A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison. 暗喻是一种修辞,通常用指某物的词或词组来指代他物,从而暗示二者之间的相似之处。 1). And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything in Nippon railways official might say. 2). …I was again crushed by the thought…(Page 13, Para. 4, Line 1)


比喻: 根据两种事物之间相似的特点,把一种事物比作另一种事物的辞格,叫比喻。 比喻的特征: 1、比喻句的基本结构分为三部分:本体(被比喻的事物)、喻词(表示比喻关系的词语)和喻体(打比方的事物)。 2、本体与喻体之间必须有相似之处。 如:①平静的湖面,犹如一面硕大的银镜。这里将平静的湖面比作一面硕大的银镜。 相似点:形态 ②有的槐花抱在一起,远看像玉雕的圆球。这里将抱在一起的槐花比作玉雕的圆球。相似点:形成、颜色。 ③我得到了诸葛先生,就像鱼儿得到水一样啊!这里将刘备得到诸葛先生,比作鱼儿得到水。相似点:重新焕发生命活力。 ④青的草、绿的芽、各色鲜艳的花,都像赶集似的聚拢来,形成了烂漫无比的春天。这里将春天的花草竞相开放比作众人约好了去赶集。相似点:热热闹闹。 ⑤生活就像一面镜子,你对它笑它也会对你笑。相似点:你的态度决定一切的道理。 3、本体与喻体不能是同一种事物 比如:你长得真像你爸爸! 4、比喻可分为“明喻(直喻)”、“暗喻(隐喻)”、“借喻”、‘博喻”等。 5、比喻的判定: 有“好像”“像”“是”一类词的句子,不一定都是比喻句。判断一个句子是不是比喻句,关键要是否存在比喻关系。 拟人: 就是根据想象把物当做人来叙述或描写,使“物”具有人一样的言行、神态、思想和感情。一句话,拟人就是用写人的词句去写物。这种手法又叫做“人格化”。 拟人的特征: 1、拟人是比拟手法的一种。“比拟”包括两种类型,一是“拟人”,一是“拟物”。“拟人”是把事物当作人来写,使事物人格化。 2、拟人可以是拟人的动作、声音、神态、思想、感情等。 ①拟动作:微风柔和地吹, 柔和地爱抚我的面孔。 ②拟神态:秋天到了,树上金红的果子露出了笑脸,她在向着我们点头微笑。 ③拟思想:月亮一露面,满天的星星被吓跑了。 夸张: 夸张指为追求某种表达效果,对原有事物进行合乎情理的着意扩大或缩小。要求使用时不能失去生活的基础和根据,不能浮夸。其作用在于烘托气氛,增强联想,给人启示。 夸张的特征: ①扩大夸张。例如:飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。 ②缩小夸张。例如:五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。

修辞格的翻译word 版

第8课修辞格的翻译 Contents: 相同点:分类和使用 不同点:语言环境、美学观念不同,用不同修辞格表达同一概念,to eat like a horse, to work like a horse 辞格分类:音韵修辞格结构修辞格语义修辞格 辞格翻译分为三类: 可译:同一辞格 不可译:(涉及到不同文字字形结构或音韵)另辟奇径 难译:转换辞格,意译 原则:使原文音形义的修辞效果尽可能完美地传达出来 翻译方法: 直译意译(转换修辞格转换喻体引申词义增加用词) 弥补 classification: 音韵修辞格:(Phonetic Stylistic Devices) alliteration头韵, onomatopoeia拟声,assonance, rhyme脚韵 结构/句法修辞格:(Syntactical Stylistic Devices) repetition反复, chiasmus回文, parallelism排比, antithesis对偶, question and answer 设问,rhetoric question 反问, anastrophe倒装 语义修辞格:(Lexical Stylistic Devices) metaphor暗喻, simile明喻, metonymy转喻, personification拟人, irony反语, hyperbole夸张, understatement缩小, allusion典故, euphemism讳饰, contrast, paradox/oxymoron精警, transferred epithet移就, pun双关, zeugma拈连, parody仿拟 1.音韵修辞格:(Phonetic Rhetorical Devices) alliteration头韵, onomatopoeia拟声 rhyme脚韵 1. 1 Alliteration (头韵) It refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words, such as “proud as a peacock” and “blind as a bat”. Alliteration is often used in poetry to give emphasis to words that are related in meaning: Wherefore feed, and clothe, and save, From the cradle to the grave, Those ungrateful drones who would Drain your sweat—nay, drink your blood? —Percy Bysshe Shelly Alliteration is sometimes used in prose for the same effect—to join two or more related words: I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. The Russian danger is therefore our danger, …just as the cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe. ------from Winston Churchill’s speech on Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. 翻译:增加用词 Then Lieutenant Grub launched the old recruiting routine.See,save and serve! 于是.格拉布上尉开始说起招兵的老一套了:见见世面,攒点钱,为国家出点力! 此例主要修辞手法是Alliteration(头韵)。 See, save and serve在用作不及物动词时。宾语实际上隐含在动词后面.译成汉语时需要把它表达出来。因此译


一、词语修辞格 (1)simile 明喻 ①...a memory that seemed phonographic ②“Mama,” Wangero said sweet as a bird .“can I have these old quilts?” ③Most American remember M. T. as the father of... ④Hair is all over his head a foot long and hanging from his chin like a kinky mule tail. ⑤Impressed with her they worshiped the well-turned phrase, the cute shape, the scalding humor that erupted like bubbles in lye. ⑥My skin is like an uncooked barley pancake. ⑦She gasped like a bee had stung her. (2)metaphor 暗喻 ①It is a vast, sombre cavern of a room,… ②Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. ③The dye-market, the pottery market and the carpenters’ market lie elsewhere in the maze of vaulted streets which honeycomb the bazaar. A ④the last this intermezzo came to an end… ⑤…showing just enough of her thin body enveloped in pink skirt and red blouse… ⑥After I tripped over it two or three times he told me … ⑦Mark Twain --- Mirror of America ⑧saw clearly ahead a black wall of night... ⑨main artery of transportation in the young nation's heart ⑩All would resurface in his books...that he soaked up... ?When railroads began drying up the demand... ?...the epidemic of gold and silver fever... ?Twain began digging his way to regional fame... ?Mark Twain honed and experimented with his new writing muscles...


第四章修辞格的运用(上) 【教学目的】 了解什么是修辞格;认识修辞格的构成特点;理解修辞格在表达中的不同作用,修辞格的运用要求;正确运用修辞格表情达意,进一步提高言语水平。【教学要求】 本章的理论性比较强,要注意加深理解;注意运用修辞格理论评析现实生活中的言语作品,深入体会修辞格在言语交际中的特殊作用,提高修辞格的运用水平。 一、什么是修辞格 修辞格也称辞格,是修辞学的一个重要内容。在中国,最早提出这一概念的是唐钺。1923年他在《修辞格》一书中说:“凡语文中因为要增大或者确定词句所要的效力,不用通常语气而用变格的语法,这种地方叫做修辞格(又称语格)。”陈望道在《修辞学发凡》中说:“所谓积极手法,约略含有两种要素:(1)内容是富有体验性,具体性的;(2)形式是在利用字义之外,还利用字音、字形的。……这种形式方面的字义、字音、字形的利用,同那内容方面的体验性具体性相结合,把语辞运用的可能性发扬张大了,往往可以造成超脱寻常文字、寻常文法以至寻常逻辑的新形式,而使语辞呈现出一种动人的魅力。在修辞上有这种魅力的有两种:一种是比较同内容贴切的,其魅力比较地深厚的,叫做辞格,也称辞藻;一种是比较同内容疏远的,其魅力也比较地淡浅的,叫做辞趣。两种之中,辞藻尤为讲究修辞手法的所注重。”张弓在《现代汉语修辞学》中指出:“修辞方式(又叫修辞格)是适应社会交际的需要,根据民族语言的内部发展规律创造的具体的、一定的手法(语言艺术化的手段如对偶、对照、回环、反复、比喻、拟人、夸张、同语、幽默、讽刺、双关等式。)” 关于修辞格的定义,除以上三位先生的见解外,其他还有不少专家学者提出自己的看法。 教材是这样定义的:修辞格,一般也称之为辞格、修辞方式,它是在语音、语汇、语法基础上形成的具有规律性的特殊表达格式。 现代汉语中究竟有多少修辞格?这一点尚无定论,我们只需了解一下各家的分类。如唐钺先生1923年出版的《修辞格》一书把汉语修辞格分为5类27格,陈望道先生在1932年出版的《修辞学发凡》一书中,把修辞格分为4类38格;张弓先生1963年出版的《现代汉语修辞学》一书中,将修辞格分为3类24式;黄民裕1984年出版的《辞格汇编》一书,分为4大类78格;1989年出版的唐松波等主编的《汉语修辞格大辞典》共收辞格156个,是目前修辞格分类最多的著作。 二、修辞格的特点 (一)特定的结构形式 每种修辞格都有自身特定的结构方式,如比喻,是用一事物给另一事物打比方的修辞格,恰当地运用比喻能使抽象的事物或道理具体形象、通俗易懂。(比喻有明喻、暗喻和借喻三种)。明喻常见比喻词有“象”、“如”、“似”、“犹”、“若”




英语修辞手法 1.Simile 明喻 明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性. 标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. 例如: 1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud. 3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale. 2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻 隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 例如: 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻 借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称. I.以容器代替内容,例如: 1>.The kettle boils. 水开了. 2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着. II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如: Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说. III.以作者代替作品,例如: a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如: I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱. 4.Synecdoche 提喻 提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般. 例如: 1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体) 他的厂里约有100名工人. 2>.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般) 他是本世纪的牛顿. 3>.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分) 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配. 5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉 这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉”。 通感技巧的运用,能突破语言的局限,丰富表情达意的审美情趣,起到增强文采的艺术效果。比如:欣赏建筑的重复与变化的样式会联想到音乐的重复与变化的节奏;闻到酸的东西会联想到尖锐的物体;听到飘渺轻柔的音乐会联想到薄薄的半透明的纱子;又比如朱自清《荷塘月色》里的“ 微风过处送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的”。


常用修辞手法的特点及其作用 1、比喻:比喻就是“打比方”。即抓住两种不同性质的事物的相似点,用一事物来喻另一事物。比喻的结构一般由本体(被比喻的事物、喻体(作比方的事物和比喻词(比喻关系的标志构成。构成比喻的关键:甲和乙必须是本质不同的事物,甲乙之间必须有相似点,否则比喻不能成立。 作用:比喻的作用主要是:化平淡为生动;化深奥为浅显;化抽象为具体;化冗长为简洁。用在记叙、说明、描写中,能使事物生动、形象、具体,给人以鲜明的印象;用在议论文中,能使抽象道理变得具体,使深奥的道理变得浅显易懂。最常用的还是生动形象。 如:窄窄的木板,是一支飞鸣的利箭。 小小的三角帆,是一支彩色的大翅膀 2、借代:借代不直接说出所要表述的人或事物,而用与其相关的事物来代替。它强调两事物间的相关点 作用:能起到突出形象,使之具体、生动的效果。 如:你们是初升的太阳,希望寄托在你们身上。 3、夸张:夸张指为追求某种表达效果,对原有事物进行合乎情理的着意扩大或缩小。要求使用时不能失去生活的基础和根据,不能浮夸。 作用:烘托气氛,增强联想,给人启示。可以引起丰富的想象,更好地突出事物的特征,引起读者的强烈共鸣。如:白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。 4、对偶:对偶就是“对对子”,也称“对仗”。它必须是一对字数相等,词性相对,结构相同,意义相关的短语或句子。两句间的关系有承接、递进、因果、假设和条件等。

作用:形式上音节整齐匀称、节奏感强,具有音律美;内容上凝练集中,概括力强。如:四十年别井离乡,雁沓鱼沉;五百个月缺月圆,梦萦魂牵。 5、排比:排比由三个或三个以上结构相同或相似,内容相关、语气一致的短语或句子组合而成。常用强调的同一词语重复出现在各个短语或句子的同一位置上。 作用:可增强语言的气势,强调内容,加重感情。用来说理,可把道理阐述得更严密、更透彻;用来抒情,可把感情抒发得淋漓尽致。(增强气势,说服力强,感染力强。 如:人生旅途中有多少携手相伴的朋友,多少次肝胆相照,多少次投桃报李,又有多少美丽温暖的回忆漫漫长路,总有朝夕相处的亲人,多少叮咛,多少呵护,多少孝心,多少无私。 6、设问:无疑而问”。往往明知故问,自问自答或提出问题不需要确定答案。 作用:引起读者思考。用在标题上,能吸引读者,启发读者思考,更好地体现文章的中心;用在一段的开头或结尾处,除引起思考外,还有承上启下的过渡作用;用在议论文中,能使论证深入,脉络清晰。(设问能强调问题,引起人们注意,启发人们思考。 如:白色的花含有什么色素呢?白色的花什么色素也没有。 7、反问:反问的特点也是“无疑而问”,用疑问句的形式表示确定的意思,句末一般打问号,有的也打感叹号。 作用:以加强语气,增强表达效果,起强调作用。(反问能强调语气,发人深思,激发读者感情,增强肯定(否定语气。 如:历史上没有一个反人民的势力不被人民毁灭的!希特勒、墨索里尼,不都在人民面前倒下去了吗? 8、拟人:使事物人格化,使语言富有神采比拟:把物当作人来写(拟人,把人当作物来写(拟物。作用:印象鲜明,便于表达作者感情。


Rhetorical Devices simile 明喻metaphor 暗喻hyperbole 夸张metonymy 转喻synecdoche 借喻euphemism 委婉语repetition 反复rhetorical question 反问句personification 拟人antithesis 对仗parallelism 排比transferred epithet 转移修饰alliteration 押头韵 anti-climax 反高潮 1. We can batten down and ride it out. (metaphor) 2. Wind and rain now whipped the house. (metaphor) 3. The group heard gun-like reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated.(simile) 4. The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. (simile) 5. The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. (simile) 6. It seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 31 2 miles away.(personification) 7. Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them. (simile) 8. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist. (simile)
