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l 拉里·多希博士有两个古董钟。“一个走得快,一个走得慢,”多希博士说。“它们提醒我,生活不是由时钟控制的,而且我能自己选择按什么样的时间生活。”

2 多希博士研究时间生物学,是这门新兴学科的开拓者。该学科研究的是时间与生活是



3 多希发现,采用一些简单的方法去改变人们对时间的看法,上述疾病和其他一些因紧


4 多希博士注意到,有相当多的病人虽然在住院期间并没有任何日程安排,但仍坚持要



5 几乎所有生活在我们这个世界上的生物,都拥有与大自然节奏同步的生物钟。蟹能感


6 对大多数生物来说,光是最强有力的同步指示仪。但人类还有另一个强有力的同步指



7 人的头脑能以各种各样的方式改变时间的节奏。那些从死亡的边缘抢救过来的人常常


8 由于我们一生下来就被灌输了社会所遵循的时间,于是我们就以为这是任何人在任何


9 每一种时间观都各有优缺点。但其代价可能会很高。当我们体内的自然节奏与时钟时




10 1)摆脱时钟对你生活的控制。


11 2)确立你自己的内部时间感。




12 3)发挥你自身的能力去改变时间。


13 4)使自己与大自然同步。









l “如果一个人跟不上他同伴的步伐,很可能是因为他听从了不同鼓手的节拍。”梭罗的





2 几年前我就对此有所领教,而且由此产生的文化冲击迫使我去寻求答案。时间看似会“说话”。但它在对我们说些什么呢?

3 我应邀担任巴西尼泰罗伊联邦大学心理学的客座教授,不久便启程前往这座与里约热

内卢市仅隔着一个海湾的小城。第一天动身去上课时,我问了一个人当时的时间,是上午9:05,这使我有时间在10点钟上课前轻松一下,在校园里走一走。在估计走了大约半个小时后,我路过一个钟,瞥了一眼,上面显示10:20 1我惊慌地向教室跑去,一路上听到学生们柔和的招呼声——“教授好!”和“您好吗,教授?”。他们不慌不忙。后来我认出他


4 我紧张极了,忙向一位过路人问时间,答复是“9:4.5”。不对,那不可能。我又问了其他人。一个说是“9:55'’,另一个说是“正好9:43”。附近一个办公室的钟则显示3:15。我算是领教了巴西人给我的第一个教训:他们的计时器一贯不准,而且谁也不在乎。

5 我的课安排在上午10点到中午。许多学生迟到了,有些来得非常晚。有几个10:30以后才到。有几个快到1l点时才来。还有两个人来得更晚。所有迟到者脸上都带着轻松的微


6 巴西人爱迟到这件事还不值得让人震惊。我以前就知道西班牙语中有一个词叫“manana”,在葡萄牙语里,它的对应词是“m萏nha”。这个词的意思是“明天”或“早上”。这个词使巴西人成为把今天的事拖到明天去做的典型。而真正让我吃惊的是第一天


7 在家乡加利福尼亚,我从来无须看表便可以知道什么时候该下课了。翻书声伴随着焦

虑不安的表情,好像在说“我饿了……我得去洗手问……如果你再耽搁1秒钟,我就要窒息了。” (在本科班到了下课前的2分钟,在研究生班到了下课前的5分钟,这种痛苦就会显得难以忍受了。)

8 我在巴西上课的第一天中午到来时,仅有几个学生很快离开了。其他的人在课后15分钟里慢吞吞地走出教室。还有一些人在那以后过了很长时间还继续向我提问题。还有几个留下来的学生到了12:30才开始真正舒舒服服地在教室里坐下来,我自己却进入了“饥饿/卫生间/窒息”的程序。

9 坦诚地说,我不能把他们在教室里的逗留归因于我出色的教学风格。我是用结结巴巴



Unit 3 Section A 3a 1.Why was Nancy’s mom angry with Nancy?为什么楠西的妈妈生她的气? 2.Did they solve the problem? How?他们把问题解决了吗?怎么解决的? https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9e8945390.html,st month, our dog welcomed me when I came home from school.上个月当我从 学校回家的时候收到了我家狗狗的欢迎。 2.He wanted a walk, but I was too tired.他想要去散步但我太累了。 3.I threw down my bag and went to the living room.我扔下书包去了卧室。 4.The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over.我刚在电视前面坐 下来我妈妈就走了过来. 5.“Could you please take the dog for a walk?” she asked.她问:“你能带狗去散步 吗?” 6.“Could I watch one show first?”I asked.我问:“我能先看一个电视节目吗? 7.“No!” She replied angrily. “You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house! “不能”,她生气地回答到,“你总是看电视并且从来不帮助做家务” 8.I can’t work all day and do housework all evening.”我不能够白天整天工作晚上 还要做家务。 9.“Well, I work all day at school, too! I’m just as tired as you are!” I shouted back. “我在学校也是整天学习,我和你一样的累”我大喊道。 10.My mom did not say anything and walked away.我妈妈什么都没说走开了。 11.For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I.整整一个星期她没 做任何的家务,我也什么都没做。 12.Finally, I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt.最后我不能找到一个干净的 盘子和一条干净的衬衣。 13.The next day, my mom came home from work to find the house clean and tidy.第 二天妈妈下班回家发现房子很干净整洁。 14.“What happened?” she asked in surprise.“发生了什么?”她惊奇地问。 15.“I’m so sorry, Mom. I finally understand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home,” I replied.“我很抱歉,妈妈,我终于理解我们需要分享家务来拥有一个干净舒适的家”,我说。 Section B 2b Dear sir,亲爱的先生 1.I don’t understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home.我不理解为什么一些父母让他们的孩子在家帮助做家务和零工。 2.Kids these days already have enough stress from school.现在的孩子们已经有来 自学校的足够大的压力了。 3.They don’t have time to study and do housework, too. 他们也没有时间去学习 和做家务。 4.Housework is a waste of their time. 家务是浪费他们的时间。 5.Could we just let them do their job as students? 我们可以让他们只做他们作为 学生的工作吗?


一、 1、当我知道详细情况时,我意识到我不该在办公室发脾气。 When I knew the details ,I realized that I shouldn’t have lost the temper at the office. 2、我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔出去喝一杯。 I don’t know Bob very well ,but we go out for a drink occasionally. 3、会议应该在周二召开,但我们不得不推迟。 The meeting is supposed to be held on Tuesday, but we have to put it off. 4、我国政府采取行动使那个国家的所以中国人回到了祖国。 Our government took action to get all the Chinese back to homeland in that country. 5、包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物。 Including the weekend ,there is only 12days to buy Charismas presents. 6、如不立即采取行动,许多野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。 Without taking action immediately ,many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. 三、 1、除非你有经验,否则你得不到这份工作。 You won’t got this job unless you have got the experience. 2、我把大部分时间都花在研究中美文化差异上了。 Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American culture. 3、这句话意思很清楚,绝不会引起误会。 This sentence is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstanding. 4、他希望能给予她比现在更多的帮助。 He hopes he could give her more help than he does. 5、要记得邀请她来参加生日晚会,不然她会抱怨的。 Remember to invite her to the birthday party ,or she would complain. 6、主任说,你必须把购置设备的2500美元加到成本中去。 The Director said ,you have to add 2500 dollars for equipment purchase to the cost. 7、了解自己的长处、弱点以及所处的环境很重要。 It’s important to be aware of your strengths, weaknesses and the environment you are in. 8、如果你继续对大家这么粗鲁,不久你就会发现自己什么朋友都没有了。 You will find yourself without any friends at all if you keep on being so rude to everyone. 四、 1、做出贡献的人太多了,无法一一提及。 The individuals who have contributed are far too many to mention. 2、半夜里,嘈杂声把我们吵醒了。 The noise woke us up in the middle of the night. 3、他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。 He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said, it was nothing more than a joke. 4、我们邀请了所以的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中5位。 We invited all our friends to the picnic ,but it rained and only 5 of them showed up. 5、婚姻被视为一件严肃的事。 Marriage is viewed as a serious matter. 6、令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期待得那么好。 To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expectations. 七、


Finding fossil man 发现化?石?人 Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful? We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas -- legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from. Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. 读到flint 打?火?石anthropomorphic ?人格 化拟1anthropo ?人类 的让步?一?一trace back date back read of read about a trace of ?一些


Unit3 SectionA 1部分课文翻译 1a部分翻译Do you do these chores at home? Discuss them with your partner. 你在家里做这些家务吗?和你的同伴讨论它们。 1.do the disces洗餐具 2.take out the rubbish倒垃圾 3.fold your clothes叠你的衣服 4.sweep the floor打扫 5.make your bed整理你的床稍 6.clean rhe living room打扫起居室 1b部分翻译 Listen.Who will do these chores? Check (√)Peter's mother or Peter. 听录音。谁将要做这些家务?在Peter's mother或Peter下方打勾“√”。 Chores家务 do the disces洗餐具 sweep the floor打扫 take out the rubbish倒垃圾 make your bed整理你的床铺 fold your clothes叠你的衣服 clean rhe living room打扫起居室 peaer's mother彼得妈妈 peaer彼得 1c部分翻译 Make conversations about the chores in la 根据la里(列出)的家务编对话。 A: Could you please sweep the floor?请你扫一下地好吗? B: Y es, sure. Can you do the dishes?好的,当然可以。你能洗餐具吗? A: Well, could you please do them? I'm going tc clean the living room.噢,请你洗它们行吗?我要打扫起居室。 B: No problem.没问题。 2a部分翻译 Listen.Peter asks his father if he can do four things What does his father say? Chedk(x) yesor no. 听录音。彼得问他爸爸他能否做四件事。他爸爸说什么了?在yes或no前打勾“√”。


人们经常记得他们在做什么,当人们听见历史上重要新闻的时候。在美国,例如,许多人记得在1968年4月4日他们在做什么,这是在美国现代历史上的重要事件。在这天,马丁路德金在美国孟菲斯被杀害了。虽然一些人可能不记得是谁谋杀了他,他们记得当他们听到这个事件时他们在做什么。 甚至最日常的活动似乎是重要,罗伯特艾伦现在超过40岁了,在那时他还是个学生,但是他记得当他听到这个事件时他在做什么。“那是明亮的,晴朗的一天。”罗伯特记得。“我们在操场上玩的很开心当铃响了的时候。我们的老师让我们停下正在做的事来听”他告诉我们这个消息:“马丁路德金在十分钟前死了!我们不能相信它!”学校关了一天,并且罗伯特和他的朋友一起沉默地走回了家。 马丁路德金博士的谋杀发生在大约30年前,在许多美国人出生前。然而,在更近代时期,大多数美国人记得他们在做什么当在纽约的世贸贸易中心被恐怖分子毁坏时。甚至日期——2001年9月11日——对大多数美国人有一定的意义。 当然,不是所有历史上的事件都与这一样糟糕。许多美国人也说他们记得他们在做什么当在1969年6月12日第一个人在月球上走时。在更近的历史上,许多中国人记得他们做了什么当杨利伟成为第一个中国宇航员在太空中时。杨利伟走进了太空在2003年10月15日时,他的环球旅行持续了22个小时,当他回来时,他成为了一个中国的民族英雄,并且在全世界成名了。 人们经常记得他们在做什么,当人们听见历史上重要新闻的时候。在美国,例如,许多人记得在1968年4月4日他们在做什么,这是在美国现代历史上的重要事件。在这天,马丁路德金在美国孟菲斯被杀害了。虽然一些人可能不记得是谁谋杀了他,他们记得当他们听到这个事件时他们在做什么。 甚至最日常的活动似乎是重要,罗伯特艾伦现在超过40岁了,在那时他还是个学生,但是他记得当他听到这个事件时他在做什么。“那是明亮的,晴朗的一天。”罗伯特记得。“我们在操场上玩的很开心当铃响了的时候。我们的老师让我们停下正在做的事来听”他告诉我们这个消息:“马丁路德金在十分钟前死了!我们不能相信它!”学校关了一天,并且罗伯特和他的朋友一起沉默地走回了家。 马丁路德金博士的谋杀发生在大约30年前,在许多美国人出生前。然而,在更近代时期,大多数美国人记得他们在做什么当在纽约的世贸贸易中心被恐怖分子毁坏时。甚至日期——2001年9月11日——对大多数美国人有一定的意义。 当然,不是所有历史上的事件都与这一样糟糕。许多美国人也说他们记得他们在做什么当在1969年6月12日第一个人在月球上走时。在更近的历史上,许多中国人记得他们做了什么当杨利伟成为第一个中国宇航员在太空中时。杨利伟走进了太空在2003年10月15日时,他的环球旅行持续了22个小时,当他回来时,他成为了一个中国的民族英雄,并且在全世界成名了。


Unit 6 A World of Mystery The Bermuda Triangle [1] On 5th December 1945, Flight 19, which consisted of five US Navy planes, took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida in fine weather. There was a total of fourteen men on board the planes. The planes were in good condition; they had the best equipment on board including compasses and radios, and they also carried life rafts. The planes could float on water for ninety seconds. One and a half hours after the take-off, a radio message from one of the planes was heard at the control tower at Fort Lauderdale. [2] "I don't know where we are." [3] After that the planes could no longer speak to the control tower, but they could speak to and hear each other, and the control tower could hear them. [4] "The magnetic compass is going crazy." [5] "We're completely lost." [6] No other messages were heard after that. Nobody else heard from the planes or saw them again. Three hundred planes and many boats searched the area, but not one trace of Flight 19 was found. Then one of the planes that was sent to look for them also disappeared completely. [7] These planes had disappeared in a very mysterious part of the world in the western Atlantic Ocean where lots of strange events have taken place. The mystery started long before 1945, and since that year many other ships and planes have also disappeared in this area. It is called the Bermuda Triangle. It is a large, triangular area of the ocean with the island of Bermuda at its northern tip. [8] Planes and ships disappear in other parts of the world, but there are more disappearances in the Triangle than in other areas. For years now scientists and others have been puzzled by this mystery. There have been many attempts to explain why people, planes and ships disappear in such high numbers here . [9] One writer, John Spencer, believes that the ships and planes have been carried off from the sea and sky by flying saucers or UFOs from another planet. Since there are millions of other planets in the universe, Spencer believes there must be other intelligent creatures somewhere in the universe. These creatures are interested in collecting humans and their equipment so that they can examine them carefully. [10] Another theory is that the geography of the area is responsible for the disappearances of the ships and planes. Bermuda lies on an earthquake belt. Underwater earthquakes result in large waves appearing suddenly. These waves are so big that they can break a ship into pieces. In the air, a similar thing can happen to airplanes because of


新概念第四册课文翻译及学习笔记:Lesson10 【课文】 First listen and then answer the following question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What does the computer industry thrive on apart from anarchy? Technology trends may push Silicon Valley back to the future. Carver Mead, a pioneer in integrated circuits and a professor of computer science at the California Institute of Technology, notes there are now work-stations that enable engineers to design, test and produce chips right on their desks, much the way an editor creates a newsletter on a Macintosh. As the time and cost of making a chip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failures. Mead predicts that inventors will be able to perfect powerful customized chips over a weekend at the office -- spawning a new generation of garage start-ups and giving the U.S. a jump on its foreign rivals in getting new products to market fast. 'We've got more garages with smart people,' Mead observes. 'We really thrive on anarchy.' And on Asians. Already, orientals and Asian Americans constitute the majority of the engineering staffs at many Valley firms. And Chinese, Korean, Filipino and Indian engineers are graduating in droves from California's colleges. As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge tighter


Unit One How tall are you? I’m 21 metres tall.I’m the tallest! 我有21米高。我是最高的。 I’m 1.6 metres tall.I’m taller than this dinosaur. 我有1.6米高。我比这只恐龙要高。 It’s so tall! 他真高! Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. Some are smaller than our schoolbags. 一些恐龙比房子还要大,一些比我们的书包还要小。 How heavy is it? 它有多重? It’s five tons. 它有五吨重。 What size are your shoes? 你的鞋是多大号? My shoes are size 35. 我的鞋是35号。 Let’s talkA Zhang Peng:Loook!That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 张朋:看!那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。 Mike:Yes,it is. How tall is it?

麦克:是的,它是。它有多高? Zhang Peng:Maybe 4 metres. 张朋:可能有4米高。 Mike:Wow!It’s taller than both of us together. 麦克:哇!它比我们俩加起来都高。 Zhang Peng:Look!There are more dinosaurs over there! 张朋:看!这里有更多的恐龙! Mike:They’re all so big and tall. 麦克:它们全都又高又大。 Zhang Peng:Hey,this dinosaur isn’t tall!I’m taller than this one. 张朋:嘿,这只恐龙并不高!我都比这只高。 Mike:Oh,yes.How tall are you? 麦克:哦,是的。你有多高? Zhang Peng:I’m 1.65 metres. 张朋:我有1.65米高。 Let’s talkB Mike:Those shoes in the window are nice!Let’s have a look. 麦克:在橱窗里的这些鞋看起来很好看!让我们去看一看。 Wu yifan:What size are your shoes,Mike? 吴一凡:你的鞋是多大号,麦克? Mike:Size 7.


三单元 Section A 图片原文彼得,请你去倒一下垃圾好吗当然可以,妈妈。 1a洗餐具倒垃圾叠衣服扫地整理床铺打扫起居室 1c请你扫一下地好吗好的,当然可以。你能洗餐具吗噢,你洗他们行吗我要打扫起居室。没问题。 2a 彼得想要……出去吃晚饭。去看电影。待在外面晚点儿。搭车。他爸爸的理由:我必须处理一些工作。你必须打扫干净房间。我需要吃早饭。你有一场篮球赛。 2c我能用一下你的电脑吗对不起。我现在要用它工作。噢,我可以看电视吗是的,你可以。但你首先必须打扫干净你的房间。 2d托尼,你可以帮着做几件事吗我至少看完这个节目行吗不行。我认为两个小时的电视对你来说足够了!好的,你要我做什么你倒垃圾、叠衣服和洗餐具好吗那么多是的,因为妈妈随时都会买完东西回来。如果她看到这样不整洁她会不高兴的。但房子已经相当干净和整洁了!是的,嗯,它是干净的,但它不是“妈妈(要求的)干净”! 3a 1.南希的妈妈为什么生南希的气2.他们解决问题了吗怎么解决的 上个月,当我放学回到家时,我们的狗迎接我。他想要散步,但是我太累了。我扔下我的书包就去起居室了。我刚在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。“你把狗带出去溜溜好吗”她问。 “我能先看个节目吗”我问。 “不行!”她生气地答道。“你总是看电视,在家里从不帮忙!我不能整天工作,整晚还做家务。” “噢,我在学校也整天学习!我和你一样累!”我大喊回应道。 我妈妈没说什么就走了。一个星期,她没做家务活,我也没有做。最后,我找不到一个干净的盘子,也找不到一件干净的衬衫。 接下来的第二天,我妈妈下班回家发现房子既干净又整洁。“发生了什么事”她惊讶地问。“对不起,妈妈。我终于懂得,我们需要分担家务活来拥有一个干净而舒适的家,”我答道。 3b 1.一个星期我们两人都没有做家务。2.我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。3.你累,但我也累。3c 1.你带狗去溜溜好吗我从学校走回家。 2.我能先看一下节目吗 3.我不能整天工作。 4.我不能找到一个干净的盘子。 5.“发生了什么事”她惊讶地问。 Grammar Focus 我可以和朋友一起出去吃晚饭吗当然,那应该可以。看完电影后,我们能喝点东西吗不,你们不能。你们明天有一场篮球赛。你带狗出去溜溜好吗好的,但我想先看个节目。请你先倒一下垃圾好吗好的,当然可以。 4a 1.看完电影后我和朋友们一起去闲逛可以吗d.可以,但不要回来太晚。 2.你把盐递给我好吗a.可以。给你。 3.我能借那本书吗c.当然可以,没问题。我昨晚看完了它。 4.你帮我洗餐具好吗e.不行,我不能。我割破了手指,我尽量不要弄湿它。 5.你能借给我一些钱吗b.嗯,你需要多少 4b我讨厌做家务。噢,我也讨厌一些杂务,但我喜欢其他的杂务。真的吗好极了!那么我能请你帮我做一些杂务吗你需要帮忙做什么你能为我叠或洗衣服吗我不想做那种事!它很乏味!行。那么请你为我洗餐具好吗当然,没问题。但洗好之后我们能去看电影吗当然可以。在你帮我洗餐具的时候我会完成家庭作业。然后我们能去看电影。 4c 刘畅,你带个帐篷可以吗当然可以。你能……吗对不起,我不能。我必须…… Section B


Book 1 Translation Exercises Unit 1 Translation 1) 我累了。昨晚我不该那么晚睡觉。(should not + 动词完成式) 2) 我和鲍勃不是很熟,不过我们偶尔一起出去喝一杯。(occasional) 3) 我们应该到火车站接她。(be supposed to) 4) 你可以清楚地看到有人快要淹死, 而你却没有采取行动救他们。(drown, take action) 5) 包括周末在内,仅仅还有12天时间可以用来买圣诞礼物。(including) 6) 如果不立即采取行动,许多种野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡。(without, hunger) I’m tired. I shouldn’t have gone to bed so late last night. I don’t/didn’t know Bob very well, but we go/went out for an occasional drink together. We’re supposed to meet her at the train station. You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you took no action to save them. Including weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents. Without immediate action, many kinds of wild animals would die from hunger. Unit 2 Translation 1) 那首歌总是使她回想起在芝加哥度过的那个夜晚。(remind…of…) 2) 街角处刚巧有一位警察,我便向他问路。(happen to, corner) 3) 由于天气恶劣,今天所有去纽约的航班都延误了。(delay) 4) 谁有责任谁就必须赔偿损失。(whoever, responsible) 5) 我找不到我的支票簿。我准是把它留在家里了。(checkbook, must have) 6) 到足球比赛快开始时,暴风雨已经停了。(by the time) That song always reminded her of the night spent in Chicago. There happened to be a policeman on the corner, so I asked him the way. All flights to New York today are/were delayed because of the bad weather. Whoever is responsible will have to pay for the damage. I can’t find my checkbook. I must have left it at home. By the time the football match was going to start, the storm had already stopped. Unit 3 Translation 1) 除非你有经验,否则你得不到这份工作。(unless) 2) 我把大部分时间花在研究中美文化的差异上了。(spend) 3) 这句话意思极清楚,决不会引起误解。(so…that) 4) 他希望能够给予她比现在更多的帮助。(more than) 5) 穿上外套,否则你会感冒的。(or) 6) 她的收藏品中增加了一张毕加索(Picasso)的画。(add…to…) 7) 我没意识到以前曾来过这儿。(be aware of) 8) 如果你继续对每个人这么粗鲁,你很快就会发现自己什么朋友都没有了。(find oneself without) 1)You won’t get the job unless you’ve got the experience. 2) Most of my time is spent studying the differences between Chinese and American culture. The statement/sentence is so clear that it can’t cause any misunderstanding. He wishes that he could give her more help than he does. She has added a Picasso to his collection.


新概念第四册课文翻译及学习笔记:Lesson41 【课文】First listen and then answer the following question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。At what point does the training of a captive wild elephant begin? Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. The former method simply consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him. Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training, for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer. The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service. The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection. There are even stories of half-trained elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been deprived of their own trainer. Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training. The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. But animals of this age do not easily become subservient to man, and a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages. The captive elephant, still roped to a tree, plunges and screams every time a man approaches, and for several days will probably refuse all food through anger and fear. Sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence, and in most cases the captive gradually quietens down and begins to accept its food. The next stage is to get the elephant to the training establishment, a ticklish business which is achieved with the aid of two tame elephants roped to the captive on either side. When several elephants are being trained at one time, it is customary for the new arrival to be placed between the stalls of two captives whose training is already well advanced. It is then left completely undisturbed with plenty of food and water so that it can absorb the atmosphere of its new home and see that nothing particularly alarming is happening to its companions. When it is eating normally, its own training begins. The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point. Two
